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Page 1: GREENWATER LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK MARINA FACILITY … · Saskatchewan’s heritage. Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is located 13




January 2014

RFP Reference Number: GLPP-01-2014

Page 2: GREENWATER LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK MARINA FACILITY … · Saskatchewan’s heritage. Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is located 13

Request for Proposals

Greenwater Lake Provincial Park Marina



1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Project Summary 1

3.0 Background Information 2

4.0 Operating and Development Details/Requirements 3

5.0 Bidders Conference 9

6.0 Proposal Preparation Instructions 10

7.0 Additional Information 11

8.0 Proposal Submission Content 12

9.0 Selection Criteria 14

10.0 Proposal Call Schedule 15

11.0 Terms and Conditions of the Proposal Call 16


Proposal Application Form Appendix A

Proposed Purchase Price for Marina Infrastructure Appendix B

Sample – Development Agreement Appendix C

Sample – Commercial Lease Agreement Appendix D

Park Image – Marina Location/Potential Expansion Area Appendix E

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The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport (PCS) is responsible for managing

Saskatchewan’s provincial park system. While PCS provides basic services in

Saskatchewan’s park system, the private sector is relied upon to deliver a variety of

visitor services within the provincial park system. Maintaining and expanding

collaboration between public and private sector interests is fundamental to the future

of visitor services in the parks system.

The Greenwater Lake Provincial Park marina is the largest provincial park marina

still being operated by PCS. Marinas are considered the type of visitor service that

the private sector can better provide to park visitors.

The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport is inviting proposals for the operation,

renewal and purchase of the marina facilities at Greenwater Lake Provincial Park.

Proposals for expansion of marina facilities and services in the park are encouraged.

Proponents are invited to submit proposals for this opportunity in accordance with the

terms, conditions and proposal response format as specified in this Request for

Proposals (RFP).


The Greenwater Lake Provincial Park marina was established in the 1960’s and has

been operated and maintained by the park since its construction.

On the west shore, the marina includes 42 individual berths alongside 21 sections of

3’ x 12’ wooden docks. On the east shore, 20 boats can be moored via rope to posts.

Proposals must address the purchase of existing marina infrastructure (see Appendix

B), any proposals for expansion of marina facilities and/or services in the park, and a

plan for renewal of infrastructure.

Proposals must also include a proposed fee schedule, a plan of how existing

permittees will be handled and a plan for operation/allocation of seasonal and day use


Dependant on the scope of infrastructure renewal and/or expansion proposed, the

successful proponent(s) may be required to enter into a Commercial Development

Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for constructing facilities on park


The proponent(s) will also be required to enter into a Commercial Lease Agreement

for lease of the park land and general operating conditions of the facility. Sample

Agreements are attached as Appendix C and Appendix D.

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In accordance with the framework of the PCS Commercial Lease Program, the initial

term of the Commercial Lease Agreement will be determined by the total capital

investment, including the purchase price of the marina assets and any proposed new

capital investment (see Section 4.6 – Commercial Lease Agreement).

A bidders conference (information session for proponents) will be held at the

recreation hall at Greenwater Lake Provincial Park at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, on

Tuesday, January 28, 2014.

This proposal will close at 2:00 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, February 26, 2014.

On site viewing of the marina may be arranged through Jason Tokarchuk, Park

Supervisor at Greenwater Lake Provincial Park at 306-278-3520.


Provincial parks are managed for the enjoyment of all park visitors. Park lands

designated for this development opportunity will remain publicly owned. Facilities

developed for this commercial development opportunity will be owned by the


Saskatchewan’s provincial park system began with six parks in 1931 and has grown

to be one of the best park systems in Canada. Large natural areas, unique landscapes,

scenic features, historic sites and access points to outdoor recreation are protected.

Each park or site provides an opportunity to experience a different part of

Saskatchewan’s heritage.

Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is located 13 km southwest of Porcupine Plain and

40 km north of Kelvington in Saskatchewan.

Two major lakes, Greenwater and Marean, are located within the park boundaries.

The park is classified as a Natural Environment Park and is intended to provide high

quality outdoor recreational and educational opportunities complimentary to the

natural setting of the park. As part of the Saskatchewan Provincial Park system, it

serves as a destination, extended-stay type park for the northeast part of the province.

The park offers numerous recreational services and facilities such as, year-round and

seasonal rental accommodation, a store/laundry service, campgrounds with 186

regular campsites (144 electric) and 75 overflow sites and approximately 200 private

cottages. The park also offers an 18-hole golf course, beachside café, mini golf and a

storage compound.

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There is a privately operated business adjacent to the marina that offers watercraft

rentals as well as sale of marine gas and supplies.

A campground expansion is planned for the park and when completed (tentative

May 2015) will provide approximately 68 new full service sites.

Immediately adjacent to Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is a private enterprise that

offers year-round services such as a store, licensed dining and rental accommodation.

There is also a privately operated campground adjacent to the provincial park.

The popularity of Greenwater Lake Provincial Park, similar to Saskatchewan

provincial parks in general, has been steadily growing over the past decade.

Existing Facility

The Greenwater Lake Provincial Park marina was established in the 1960’s and has

been operated and maintained by the park since its construction.

On the west shore, the marina includes 42 individual berths alongside 21 sections of

3’ x 12’ wooden docks. On the east shore, 20 boats can be moored via rope to posts.

The existing docks were built in 2006.

The boat launch will continue to be owned and operated by the park. There is no

charge to use the boat launch; however, an entry permit is required to access the park.


4.1 General

The project will include:

the operation of the marina;

the purchase of the existing marina assets, acquired on an as is basis;

the upgrading and renewal of the existing marina along with any supporting

parking, walkways, lighting, utility and landscaping requirements;

any expansion of marina facilities/services as approved by PCS;

the specific leased area(s) will be mapped or described in the Commercial Lease

Agreement – areas in which facility development can occur should be the

minimum size required for successful operation of the proposed facilities;

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The following terms and conditions will apply:

If applicable, the terms and conditions for constructing facilities on park land

will be outlined in a Development Agreement between the ministry and the

successful proponent. Further information on the Development Agreement is

outlined on page 7 of this document;

The proponent will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all

facilities following purchase and renewal – outlined in a Commercial Lease

Agreement. Further information on the lease agreement is outlined on page 8 of

this document.

A Purchase Agreement will outline the terms and conditions of the sale of assets.

4.2 Location

The location of the marina is shown on the attached Appendix E.

Proposals for marina expansion will be considered at a location shown on attached

Appendix E. If a proponent feels an alternate location would be better suited please

identify this in your proposal.

4.3 Development Requirements

The following is a list of some of the approvals and/or permits that may be required

for a development of this nature:

Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit – issued under The Environmental

Management and Protection Act and The Water Regulations and

administered by the Water Security Agency;

Shoreline Alteration Permit – issued under The Environmental

Management and Protection Act and administered by Ministry of


You may require approval under The Fisheries Act and the Species at Risk

Act – these are administered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Further permits and approvals may be required that are not listed here and are outside

the authority of PCS. All permitting and approval requirements may be understood

by consulting applicable provincial and federal Acts and Regulations. All provincial

Acts and Regulations may be viewed by contacting the Queens Printer or by visiting

their website, All federal Acts and Regulations may be

viewed by contacting the Department of Justice, Canada or by visiting their website,

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Dependent on scope of renewal/expansion the successful proponent may be required

to apply to the Ministry of Environment’s Environmental Assessment Branch

regarding the potential environmental impact of the proposed development. The

successful proponent may also need to complete a heritage resources impact

assessment prior to any development work taking place. This type of assessment

must be carried out by qualified personnel under an approved investigation permit

issued through the Heritage Resources Branch of PCS.

Designs should reflect the natural environment, terrain, vegetation and any special

features in the area.

Please note that any costs associated with the review processes such as assessments,

licensing, etc. are the responsibility of the proponent.

4.4 Important PCS Policies

The following are some important policies that are relevant to the development and

operation of commercial facilities within Saskatchewan’s provincial parks:

Public access to the facilities may only be provided inside the park boundary and

users will be required to pay applicable park entry fees.

The proponent will be responsible for all repairs and maintenance within the

lease boundary. Any facilities developed and adjacent grounds shall be

maintained at an acceptable level with regard to garbage disposal, cleanliness and

maintenance, as set out in the Commercial Lease Agreement. PCS will not have

any repair and maintenance responsibilities;

Exterior storage space requirements (for example – garbage, empty bottles, etc.)

must include provision for visual screening;

Security within facilities and leased land will be the responsibility of the

successful proponent;

The successful proponent will be expected to meet consumer expectations for a

quality level of service including the basics of cleanliness, comfort and safety;

Utility rates will be charged by PCS for any services provided by the Ministry, as

outlined in the Commercial Lease Agreement.

All costs of development will be the responsibility of the developer, including

infrastructure related costs. The Ministry’s general policy with respect to new

development in provincial parks is that the private sector is responsible for the

cost of infrastructure related to their projects. Where surplus capacity exists and

is not required for current or planned basic public facilities, new commercial

public developments in parks may negotiate an agreement to use existing

infrastructure. Where surplus capacity is not available, the private sector

developers will be responsible for the total cost of their required infrastructure

development. The Ministry may also cost share in infrastructure development if

general public use or need is determined appropriate at the location.

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Please visit our website at to view the specific

policies related to business development and leasing in Saskatchewan Provincial


4.5 Site Services within Greenwater Lake Provincial Park

Dependent on the scope of development proposed, facilities and visitor needs may

warrant appropriate services and utilities such as water, waste water treatment and

disposal, power, heating/cooling and solid waste management. PCS recognizes that

services can be provided with minimal impact on the environment and that new

systems and technologies allow for wise management, improved economies and

efficiencies and less invasion on the environment and natural values. Sustainable

ecological practices are encouraged to minimize impact on the area.

The following describes existing infrastructure at the proposed development


Potable Water Supply – is located adjacent to the marina area parking lot. Any

potable water tie-in will require water meter installation.

Sewage Disposal – The park has an integrated sewage disposal system through most

of the core area. The existing sewer line is connected to the mainline disposal system

that flows to a central lagoon.

If a sewage/holding tank is utilized, the proponent is responsible for regular pumping

of tanks as well as year-end full clean-out. All tanks must be Canadian Standards

Association (CSA) approved types.

Electrical Service

There are existing SaskPower services located throughout the park. Contact

SaskPower to confirm the size/capacity/location of the existing services and to ensure

there is an adequate supply of power to meet development needs.

The proponent must ensure that the electrical service and distribution system meets

the requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code. The system shall provide adequate

site lighting for walkways, parking, etc.

Natural Gas – service is available in the park. Contact SaskEnergy to confirm the

size/capacity/location of the existing services.

Solid Waste Disposal

Proponent will be responsible for solid waste disposal.


The road from the park entry gate to the marina area is paved and is maintained by

the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure.

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Proponents are responsible to assess whether park utilities are sufficient to supply any

development that is proposed.

The proponent will be responsible for the development costs of these installations.

All design plans for utilities are subject to review and approval by Parks, Culture and


4.6 Lease and Development Agreements

A Commercial Lease Agreement will be entered into and will be in effect for

operation of the facilities.

Dependent on the scope of the proposal, the details of the project may also require a

Development Agreement which binds both parties during the period following

signing of the agreement up to construction completion.

A general description of the major terms and conditions of these agreements is

provided below.

Development Agreement

The Development Agreement outlines the terms and conditions to be followed when

constructing buildings, facilities and/or utilities on park land. The terms and

conditions of the Development Agreement generally include, but are not limited to,

the following:

A general description of the project, what is to be constructed and detail on the

relationship between the proponent and the Province;

Preliminary design drawings and construction drawings are required prior to the

start of construction. Dependent on the scope of the proposed development,

detailed plans designed by a professional engineer may be required as part of the

development process. Development projects may require an Environmental

Impact Assessment (EIA) and a Heritage Resources Impact Assessment (HRIA);

Prior to construction commencing, the proponent must post construction security

in the amount of 20 percent of the proponent’s estimated construction cost. The

security will be comprised of a cash deposit or a letter of credit from a financial

institution that authorizes the Ministry immediate access to deposit reserves in

the event of default of the Development Agreement. The security deposit will be

released when the developer meets the conditions outlined in the Development

Agreement. The security deposit will increase interim financing requirements 20

percent above construction costs;

An All-risk Builders insurance policy insuring replacement costs of development

is also required. There is also a requirement for a minimum $2 million liability

insurance policy over and above the all-risk builders insurance policy;

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The listing of general timelines for construction of the project and inspection of

the construction to be used to execute the development agreement. This includes

the requirement for building permits prior to construction;

Development fees equal to $6 per $1,000 of investment are required prior to

construction to cover plan/project inspection services and for the required

building permits; and

Final construction drawings (i.e. “as-built” drawings) that are reflective of what

is actually built.

The Development Agreement will be similar to the sample Development Agreement

in Appendix C.

Commercial Lease Agreement

The general conditions of the Commercial Lease Agreement will include but are not

limited to the following:

The term of the lease will be determined by the purchase price of the existing

facility and any proposed capital investment. Guidelines for establishing lease

terms are as follows:

Level of Investment Lease Term Renewal

$0 - $50,000 1 to 5 years 0-5 years

$50,001 - $100,000 5 to 10 years 5-10 years

$100,001 - $500,000 10 to 20 years 10 years

$500,001+ 20 to 25 years 10 years

Annual land lease fees will be charged dependent upon facilities developed.

Check the web page for policy information related to fees -

Development costs of this project may qualify for a capital investment credit

under the Capital and Lease Incentive Program (CLIP) which could reduce the

actual lease fees paid by 50% (a 40% capital investment credit can be applied


Credits may be available for a maximum reduction of 50% of lease fees for

each year for lessees who remain in good standing under the terms of their


The land and facilities will be maintained in good condition/repair.

During the term of the lease, the successful proponent will, at his own

expense, be required to take out a policy of public liability for a minimum of 2

million dollars ($2,000,000.00) and fire and property loss insurance equal to

full replacement value.

The successful proponent agrees to pay service and utility charges as

determined by PCS and other responsible agencies.

The lease agreement will be subject to the terms and conditions of The Parks

Act and Regulations.

The Commercial Lease Agreement will be similar to the sample Commercial Lease

Agreement in Appendix D.

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A bidders conference (information session for proponents) will be held at the

recreation hall at Greenwater Lake Provincial Park at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, on

Tuesday, January 28, 2014.

PCS staff will be in attendance to provide an overview of the proposal call as well as

to participate in a site visit to the marina location and the proposed expansion area as

identified in this RFP. Questions may be posed throughout the bidder’s conference.

However, PCS requests that questions be provided in advance in order to prepare the

answers and to be able to share questions and answers with all attendees at the

bidders conference.

In order to fully understand the scope of the proposal call, it is suggested that

proponents considering the submission of a proposal attend the conference.

Please contact us by Tuesday, January 21, 2014 if you will be attending and provide

the following information:

Name of representative(s) who will be attending; and

General questions or items to be tabled at the conference, if any.

Contact Parks, Culture and Sport by FAX (306) 787-0069 or by e-mail to

[email protected]

Any amendments to the proposal package will be prepared following the bidders

conference and forwarded to each prospective bidder.

Proponents are advised that the Province of Saskatchewan will not be responsible for

reimbursement of any expenses associated with attending this conference.

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The proposal form and application format are found in Appendix A. Any additional

material that the proponent wishes to submit must be clearly labeled and attached to

the proposal application.

Three copies of the proponent’s proposal are to be submitted in a sealed envelope to:

Parks, Culture and Sport, Business Development & Leasing

Attention: Susan Graham


Floor, 3211 Albert Street


The outside of the envelope(s) submitted shall be clearly marked “Greenwater Lake

Provincial Park – RFP Reference #GLPP-01-2014”. Please ensure that envelopes are

also marked “PROPOSAL BID – DO NOT OPEN”.

The proposal package must be received no later than 2:00 p.m., Central Time, on

February 26, 2014 at the specified location. Parks, Culture and Sport will not

consider proposals that arrive at the specified location after this deadline. Facsimile

proposals will not be accepted.

6.1 Proposal Fee

All proponents are required to submit with their proposal, a fee of five thousand

dollars ($5,000.00). The proposal fee shall be submitted by Certified Cheque or

Money Order made payable to the Minister of Finance. PCS will not accept proposal

fees in any form other than those listed. No interest will be paid on proposal fees

during the period the fees are held by the Province.

Please note the following about the proposal fees:

Failure to provide a proposal fee, in the amount and form specified above, will

result in the automatic rejection of a proposal;

The proposal fee will be forfeited if a proponent withdraws their application after

the close of the proposal and/or after the notification date;

All unsuccessful proponents will have the proposal fees returned following

selection of the successful proponent;

The successful proponent will have his proposal fee returned after posting the

construction security as required in the Development Agreement;

Where no Development Agreement is required, the proposal fee is returned after

the Commercial Lease Agreement is signed.

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6.2 Withdrawal of Proposals

Proponents may, by written request, (FAX 306-787-0069 or e-mail

[email protected] ) withdraw proposals anytime prior to the closing date of

this proposal, 2:00 p.m., Central Time, February 26, 2014. This written request must

be signed by the proponent or his agent. In such cases, the proposal fee will be

returned to the proponent.

The proponents can expect to receive written notification of the decision of Parks,

Culture and Sport within 30 days of selection of the successful proponent.

6.4 Proposal Amendments

During the period of the proposal call, amendments may be issued by PCS that

change the conditions of the proposal call. These amendments will be sent by e-mail

and/or registered mail to the holders of proposal packages. The Ministry reserves the

right to change any or all the terms described in this document during the period of

the proposal call. Proponents for this project must specify the amendments they have

received on the Proposal Application Form (Appendix A).


Requests by proponents for additional information must be forwarded in writing

(FAX 306-787-0069 or e-mail [email protected]) on or before February 12,

2014. To ensure the equality of information among proponents, answers to inquiries

that are relevant to the quality of responses will be provided to the holders of proposal

packages without revealing the source of the inquiry.

Please note that PCS assumes no responsibility or liability arising from information

obtained in a means other than those prescribed in this RFP.

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8.1 Purchase Price for Existing Facilities

Proposed purchase price for the existing marina facilities must be provided as well as

an explanation of methodology used to determine the price (Appendix B).

8.2 Description of Proposed Facilities

A full and complete description of the renewal/upgrading and any proposed

expansion of marina facilities and services is required. The development concept and

projected phasing of the development is required. Project timing, or phasing, should

include estimated schedules for completion of the following phases of development:

Development plan;

Working drawings;

Construction start; and

Construction completion.

(NOTE: If different portions of the project are to be developed at different times, this

should be identified and the target dates of specific phases estimated).

The following information is also required in order to select the successful proponent:

A concept plan showing the location of the proposed improvements including

several reference points to existing park developments (detailed design plans

will only be required after signing of the Development Agreement);

A description of projected phasing of the project;

A description of the proposed utility systems;

Aggregate costs and total costs; and

If applicable,

Building floor plans;

Elevation views (all sides); and

Preliminary specifications that identify exterior and interior building finishes.

PCS encourages proponents to engage professional architects, engineers, accountants,

etc. for the preparation of the above information although it is not mandatory.

However, all information must be accurate, complete and drawn to scale when

submitted. Plans may be submitted in Imperial measures.

8.3 Operational Capabilities

The proponent must demonstrate the ability to provide successful management and

operation of the total project. This ability can be shown by including general

background material and a business proposal that addresses the following topics:

Season of operation, including hours and days;

Staffing requirements including number of employees, recruiting plans, etc;

The market for the proposal (e.g. geographic area, types of customers,

demographics, etc.);

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A description of services/facilities being proposed and how they will

complement the project and the park;

Promotional or marketing plans for the proposal; and

Plans for initial and ongoing quality assurance standards and requirements to

be implemented by the proponent.

8.4 Financial Projections

The proponent will provide financial projections that describe the anticipated

expenses and revenues of the project, up to and including, the fifth year of operation.

The following categories must be included:

Projected annual revenues (by type and total);

Total financing costs;

Construction costs (by type and total);

Operation and maintenance costs; and

Marketing costs.

8.5 Proponent’s Experience and Financial Stability

Describe the experience and qualifications of you, your company, your

designer/builder that are relevant to the business activities you are proposing. The

experience of the principals or hired managerial staff in relation to the operation and

management of any facilities proposed within your submissions should be detailed in

the proposal.

The proponent will provide financial statements for the past 3 years (2011 to 2013)

that will be used to evaluate the proponent’s financial capabilities. In addition to the

financial statement, if financing is required, the proponent will submit a letter from a

lender who has reviewed the project formula and approves, in principle, a

commitment for permanent financing. This letter should include the lender’s analysis

of the proponent’s equity position. The proponent will also provide a letter of intent

from an appropriate agency ensuring the proponent’s ability to obtain a construction

security deposit.

If financing is not required, please provide confirmation from a financial institution of

your equity position.

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Each proposal will be evaluated solely on its own content and based on the five

general criteria below. Each criterion has a list of questions that are intended to help

proponents understand how the proposals will be evaluated. The questions are not

intended to be comprehensive. Specifically, proponents are advised to address each

of the criteria and questions listed. However, proponents should provide additional

information that will help distinguish their proposals.

Criteria Weighting

1. Scale and Scope

What is the scale and scope of value-added services? How does the proposal

benefit the park, park visitors, other park businesses, taxpayers and the public? Is

there an innovative business approach in the proposal? What is the quality of the

proposed facility? Does the development and architecture respect the natural area

of the park and maintain the natural landscape and environment of the park?


2. Proposed Purchase Price/Capital Investment

Is the rationale for the proposed purchase price of the marina assets reasonable?

What is the size of the proposed capital investment for upgrades and/or expansion?

Is the project feasible (i.e. is there a sufficient budget for the proposed

upgrades/expansion, contingency included) given the projected revenues? Is the

timing of the development and time to complete construction reasonable?


3. Operational Plan Does the business plan adequately address the following components: reasonable

and detailed forecasts of revenues, expenses and profitability, staffing plans,

marketing initiatives, quality assurance plans, environmentally-friendly business

models, etc. to credibly believe this will be a sustainable, successful business?


4. Financial Stability

Is documentation provided as requested? Credit history? What financing is

required? Has confirmation of financing and/or owner equity been provided?


5. Relevant Experience

What is the proponent’s experience in managing the business activities proposed,

including its management team? What is the proponent’s business reputation

and/or ministry’s experience with the proponent? Did the proponent have any

business references?


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The following is a schedule of events that is subject to change. Dates for milestones

after the closing date are provided as target dates only. Best efforts will be applied to

meet these dates, however, they may change.

Date Activity

January 28, 2014; 10:00 a.m., Central Time Bidders Conference

(information session for

interested proponents)

February 26, 2014, 2:00 p.m., Central Time

Close Proposal Call

Within 30 days of selection Notification of Successful


As soon as possible following notification

Negotiate Commercial

Lease Agreement and

Development Agreement

Once Development and Commercial Lease

Agreements have been negotiated

Dependent on investment

value and length of lease,


ratification may be


Submit designs to PCS and

other agencies for


Construction Start (as


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The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport will not be responsible for any costs

incurred by a proponent in preparing and submitting proposals and/or attending

interviews or presentations. PCS accepts no liability of any kind to a proponent

unless, and until, a proposal is accepted and there is a formal contractual


Submission of a proposal shall not obligate, nor should it be construed as

obligating PCS to accept any such proposal or to proceed further with the project.

Parks, Culture and Sport may, in its sole discretion, elect not to proceed with the

project, and may elect not to accept any proposal for any reason.

The working language of the Province of Saskatchewan is English and all

responses to this Request for Proposal (RFP) must be in English.

While the Government of Saskatchewan has used its best effort to ensure an

accurate representation of information in this package, the Province does not

accept the legal responsibility for the contents of this document. It is the

proponent’s responsibility to analyze the economic feasibility and market

considerations that have an impact on the proposal.

There will not be a public opening of the proposals submitted by proponents.

All proposals and accompanying documentation received under this competition

will become the property of PCS and will not be returned. They will be received

and held in confidence by the Province, subject to the provisions of The Freedom

of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Saskatchewan. Information

pertaining to PCS obtained by the proponent participating in this project is

confidential and must not be disclosed without written authorization from PCS.

PCS may, at its discretion, make certain changes and exceptions to the terms and

conditions outlined in this document.

PCS reserves the right to verify and seek clarification of any and all information

provided by the proponent to assist in the analysis of the proposal. Parks, Culture

and Sport may also request interviews with principals in the development entity.

Governing Law - Any contractual agreements resulting from this Request for

Proposal are subject to the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan.

The successful proponent must apply for and obtain all potential licenses, permits

or registration requirements that may be required to establish and operate a

business in Saskatchewan.

All buildings and/or facilities that are to be built or repaired must meet all codes

that are applicable and must be approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies.

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Upon being notified that the proponent has been successful, and where the

proponent is a corporation, the proponent must ensure that the corporation is

registered with the Corporations Branch of Saskatchewan Justice and must

comply with all the corporate requirements, pursuant to The Business

Corporations Act.

It may take PCS up to 180 days from the submission deadline to conduct its due

diligence and select a successful proponent. By submitting a proposal, any and all

proponents agree their proposals are valid for a period of 180 days from the

submission date. PCS will obtain a proponent’s permission to proceed if the

evaluation process takes longer than the 180 day period.

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A. Lending Institution

B. Accountant or Auditor

C. Legal Advisor

D. Insurance Company

E. Bonding Company





Page 21: GREENWATER LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK MARINA FACILITY … · Saskatchewan’s heritage. Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is located 13



(attached to proposal form)


Amendment # Date

Amendment # Date

Amendment # Date

Amendment # Date


As described in Section 8 of the RFP, please ensure the following content is included in the

proposal submission (i.e. attached):

1. Proposed purchase price for existing marina facilities (Appendix B);

2. Description of proposed renewal/upgrading and any proposed expansion of marina

facilities and services, development schedule, site plan, concept plan, etc (attachments);

3. Description of operational capabilities (attachments);

4. Financial projections (attachments);

5. Description of experience and financial stability (attachments).

The statements made on this Proposal Application Form are correct and a truthful representation.

If selected, I will negotiate in good faith the Development Agreement and Commercial Lease

Agreement with Parks, Culture and Sport.

SIGNED FOR THE PROPONENT: _____________________________________

Page 22: GREENWATER LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK MARINA FACILITY … · Saskatchewan’s heritage. Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is located 13


Proposed Purchase Price for Marina Facilities:

Facility/Fixture Proposed Purchase Price

Wooden Docks (West Shore)

21 sections - 3’ x 12'

Mooring Posts (East Shore)

Total Purchase Price


Please explain method used to determine proposed purchase price:

