greenfleet news - 2010 winter

Your sustainable transport guide 5 minutes with Dr Ruth Beilin Forests and farms in harmony in Wagga Wagga 54 opportunities to build a low-carbon economy Supporter news Tips to avoid and reduce emissions In this issue: News #13

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Greenfleet newsletter, Winter 2010 includes 5 minutes with Dr Ruth Beilin, forests and farms in harmony at Wagga Wagga, green awards, planting trees but managing carbon


Page 1: Greenfleet News - 2010 Winter

Your sustainable transport guide 5 minutes with Dr Ruth Beilin Forests and farms in harmony in Wagga Wagga 54 opportunities to build a low-carbon economy Supporter news Tips to avoid and reduce emissions

In this issue:

News #13

Page 2: Greenfleet News - 2010 Winter

Supporters always ask us for practical tips to help avoid and reduce

their transport emissions, so we decided to write a practical “how to”

guide showcasing the simple things you can do to reduce your transport


Eighteen months, and a lot of hard work later, Greenfleet and the Net

Balance Foundation launched a guide to help reduce businesses’

emissions associated with commuting to and from work, business

meetings, freight and other transport.

The guide offers practical insights from many of our business supporters

who shared their experiences of implementing sustainable transport

solutions in their own workplace.

Feedback from people who have used it already is that the guide has some

straightforward and great solutions that any workplace, big or small, could

implement to reduce their transport footprint.

Transport is often one of the biggest offenders a business has to face

in evaluating their carbon emissions, with emissions from transport

accounting for approximately 15% of Australia’s greenhouse gas

emissions. This guide outlines carbon reducing transport options and

shows, from the experience of others, that it is achievable – so now every

business can make conscious decisions to reduce their carbon footprint.

Here are some simple examples that could be implemented in your workplace:

Install video, web or tele-conferencing

Allow staff to work from home or offer flexible working hours

Install shower and change room facilities

Move the business to a location with good public transport access

Start a car pooling program

Alter freight delivery times and adjust freight loads

Undertake a vehicle needs analysis and make sure vehicle maintenance

is up-to-date

‘Green’ the fleet and teach staff about eco driving

By taking up more sustainable transport options in your business you can

help reduce Australia’s overall transport footprint, benefit your bottom line

and make the workforce healthier.

To help your organisation reduce its transport footprint, download the guide

from and start a conversation about what you can do.

Your sustainable transport guide Driving better transport decisions for your business

Just remember - while you may not be able to do everything, you have to start somewhere. You can download the guide from the Researchers section of our website.


Sara Gipton

CEO Greenfleet

Page 3: Greenfleet News - 2010 Winter

Dr Ruth Beilin is an Associate Professor in the

Melbourne School of Land and Environment at

the University of Melbourne. Dr Beilin is also

Deputy Director of the Office for Environmental

Programs at the University.

She has more than 20 years experience within

the amalgamated institution, with a teaching

and research position within the Department

of Resource Management and Geography as a

Landscape Sociologist. The focus of her work

to date is on everyday landscapes and ‘ordinary’

people - policy frameworks, planning institutions,

resource use - in a landscape context centred on

human interaction with ‘space’ and ‘place’.

Dr Beilin has been a member of Greenfleet’s

National Advisory Council for one year and prior

to that she was a member of the Greenfleet

Board for 4 years.

1. What attracted you to offer your support to Greenfleet?

Initially I just wanted to offset my car use. Then

I joined the Board of Directors because I wanted

to be part of the discussion to talk about tree

planting as part of a bigger landscape change.

2. Are more people studying the environment at the University of Melbourne?

Undergraduate numbers have dramatically

increased to just over 800 students a year,

because we now have a new Bachelor of

Environments undergraduate degree. Students

choose from 11 different majors all incorporating

ideas about environmental change and shifting

our way of engaging with the environment to

interact in more sustainable ways.

At a postgraduate level the Masters of

Environments, which engages all the University’s

faculties in its programs, has more than 270

mainly part-time students enrolled. The level

of engagement and activity is intense, creating

momentum both in their daytime work places

and across the University.

I think these programs indicate a recognition

within the University, and from students and

society in general, that the way forward needs to

be significantly different than what we have been

doing. These are exciting times academically

and bode well, I think, for the future.

3. Can education significantly reduce climate change?

I absolutely think that environmental education

assists with understanding what is meant by

climate change. More importantly it helps us

to be climate adaptive in the way we conceive

of and build our houses, in the role we play as

consumers of `products’ and in the changing of

social norms, so that we live in more sustainable

ways and consider our role in managing

resources for future generations.

4. What actions do you take at home to reduce emissions?

We are very lucky we live on a 2 hectare block

in the Dandenongs, giving us a lot more options

about how to live. Our water is supplied from

rain tanks, we have no mains water. We have

composting toilets upstairs and down and the

compost that eventuates every couple of years

goes into my terraced vegetable garden - which

has amazingly productive outcomes. We also

carpool to the train station to commute to and

from work.

5. In the workplace?

We recycle our paper in all the offices. I turn

out lights or don’t put them on if it is a sunny

day. I never buy a plastic water bottle. I use a

jug and glasses in my office to provide water to

visitors and students. We have a new system

in the Student Union where you can opt for real

china plates to avoid plastic and then help with

the cleanup.

6. What are your hopes for the future?

My hope is that we can rethink how we do

things here - let’s start by conserving agricultural

land races and understanding ourselves as part

of nature and not separate to it. Greenfleet

supporters are taking the first steps towards

a self-conscious reappraisal of how they live

and the resources they expend. We need to

support that kind of thinking so that real change

is understood to require individual commitment,

as well as being linked to governmental

determination to lead in this area.

For the full interview visit:

5 minutes with Dr Ruth Beilin


Page 4: Greenfleet News - 2010 Winter

The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW)

Research Centre, just outside the regional NSW town of Wagga

Wagga, offers a hands-on approach to studying land-based industries

and issues. The 200 ha research site hosts many forestry research

projects - from biodiverse native forests for carbon capture and

habitat creation, to native and pine plantations where growth rates

are monitored for timber production.

In August 2001, Greenfleet planted 14,320 native trees across 20 ha

of the property. At the time, this region was experiencing extremely

dry weather conditions and intensive site preparation was carried

out to maximise survival of the trees. Rip lines were oriented to

maximise soil moisture availability and minimise soil erosion on steep

areas, and weed control was carried out pre and post-planting. Like

all Greenfleet plantings, locally indigenous species were selected and

planted at the optimum time. Plants included various native shrubs,

Acacias, and Eucalypts.

When we visited in May 2010, the forest was looking very healthy,

with the trees now approximately 8-10m tall. Overall the planting

is in excellent condition, even though the site has been exposed to

many years of drought.

In addition to monitoring the condition of the trees, Greenfleet forestry

contractor, Greg Abel was lucky enough to observe one of the other

benefits of this particular forest. Greg arrived just 20 minutes before

this lamb (right) was born. This reinforces that native forests do more

than just take carbon from the atmosphere to tackle climate change.

They also protect livestock and native animals from the threat of cold

and wind, providing windbreaks and shelter. This forest will help to

secure a healthy and happy future for this new arrival.

“We’ve been exceptionally happy with the survival and growth rate of

the trees, because they were planted in one of the harshest droughts

and cold weather periods this region has seen. Their survival is

due to the excellent land preparation undertaken in partnership with

Greenfleet and the grazing management in partnership with TAFE

NSW to maintain groundcover but minimise competition from the

understorey grasses,” said DECCW Senior Natural Resource Officer,

Dr Greg Summerell.

“The Greenfleet trees have created a corridor to connect existing

isolated patches of native bush. We are seeing Superb Parrots (listed

as a “vulnerable” species in NSW), using the trees as a resting place

on their long flights inland for food. The Superb Parrot is confined

to a relatively small area from the NSW/Victorian border through to

the NSW/Queensland border. Previously their main travelling corridor

around the research centre was limited to a set of forested hills over

1km away. We believe the corridor we have created has improved

the local habitat for the Superb Parrot, hopefully supporting the

population,” said Dr Summerell.

“With the dry and cold climate, the trees have also become invaluable

for windbreaks and frost protection for our livestock.

“In addition, the trees were planted to address salinity recharge;

our salt scald has completely dried up now, beyond levels which we

would have expected from drought conditions alone.”

Forests and farms in harmony in Wagga Wagga

The trees have also become invaluable for windbreaks and frost protection for our livestock.


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Dec 2007 Jun 2009

May 2010 May 2010

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Earlier this year, ClimateWorks launched

a Low Carbon Growth Plan for Australia.

The plan is an economy-wide blueprint

for Australia to achieve ambitious (25%)

reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by

2020 - at low cost, while building a growing

low-carbon economy.

The Plan was developed by ClimateWorks

Australia - a non-profit partnership between

the Monash Sustainability Institute and the

Myer Foundation - in conjunction with global

business consultants McKinsey & Company.

ClimateWorks have identified 54 separate

opportunities - across all sectors - that

together can achieve a reduction in

emissions of 249 Mt CO2-e (million tonnes

of carbon dioxide equivalent), or 25% below

2000 levels.

While there are many challenges and

barriers to reach a low-carbon economy,

many of the opportunities can be made at

low cost or with a net economic benefit

to society. This includes energy efficiency

improvements in buildings, industry and


The plan urges that we act promptly against

climate change, as delaying action will

mean some low cost opportunities are

lost, meaning greater cost to society and

business in the long run.

To help bring about change, ClimateWorks

are working with policymakers, business

leaders and the community to support this

program of practical action.

To read the Low Carbon Growth Plan for

Australia go to ClimateWorks Australia

website at

Key findings:

The 249 Mt target is achievable using

technologies available today, at a cost of

just $185 per household in 2020. That’s

around $4 per week, or the cost of just

one take-away coffee!

22% of the reduction opportunities are

already profitable from an investor’s

perspective - before a price on carbon.

Once there is a price on carbon, more

opportunities will become profitable.

54 opportunities to build a low-carbon economy

Page 7: Greenfleet News - 2010 Winter

Greenfleet lends a hand to support green awards At Greenfleet we think it’s important for people to be recognised for their “green” achievements. This year we have sponsored the ECO-Buy Awards for

Excellence in Green Purchasing and the top 2009 student in the subject, Corporate Environmental Responsibility in the Department of Business Law & Taxation

at Monash University.

ECO-Buy Awards for Excellence in Green PurchasingIt’s not uncommon for business purchases to be based on price alone. However, many businesses and the government have

begun to make green purchasing a priority in their pursuit to be better corporate citizens and make every dollar count on the

triple-bottom line level.

As a big supporter of green purchasing, Greenfleet was thrilled to be a sponsor of this year’s ECO-Buy Awards for Excellence in

Green Purchasing. Greenfleet would like to congratulate all of the winners and especially the Darebin City Council who won the

Local Government Energy Saving Award presented by Greenfleet.

By recognising the achievements of leaders in this area it helps to reinforce their purchasing practices as good business practice

and leads to adoption of these principles across the wider community reducing the creation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Monash student wins Corporate Environmental Responsibility awardEducation in environmental responsibility and sustainable business practices is integral to Greenfleet’s Avoid, Reduce and Offset program. Monash University’s

Corporate Environmental Responsibility unit equips students with the knowledge and skills to be the ‘Green Lights’ in their future or current career paths.

‘Green Lights’ is a term our Business Offsets team has coined to name the environmental champions in companies. We see these people as the environmental

movers and shakers. They help their organisation reduce GHG emissions, often saving money in the long term.

Suraj Rajapakse was delighted to collect the prize for the top 2009 student in the Corporate Environmental

Responsibility subject, at the Annual Student Awards Evening.

During the semester, students have been inspired by presentations about the Greenfleet business strategy by our

CEO Sara Gipton, giving them a real perspective about our program, carbon offsetting and some of the challenges

and benefits.

Biodiversity and climate changeWe’ve also recently been congratulated for some of our work. Greenfleet, along with project partner Biolinking Australia,

was recently recognised as a finalist for the DSE Biodiversity Award in the 2010 UNAA World Environment Awards.

While we didn’t win the award, it was an honour to be named as a finalist - particularly during the

UN International Year of Biodiversity - demonstrating that action on climate change can also bring

about significant benefits for the Australian landscape.


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Enviroweek is on again in 2010 from 12-18 September, following a

successful launch in 2009, raising more than $58,000 for Australian

environmental organisations.

This year Cool Australia has set a target of $200,000 and Greenfleet is

pleased to be participating for the first time.

While we know everyone is busy, Enviroweek is a week to really take stock

and think about the simple things we can do as individuals to reduce our

CO2-e footprint.

So challenge yourself, change behaviours and help raise funds for


Here are some ideas of things you could pledge to do for Enviroweek:

Give up the car for a week - walk, cycle or use public transport instead

Pull your bike out of the shed, get it serviced and get cycling - everywhere

Plant a vegetable garden

Start a worm farm or compost bin

Only use natural temperature controls - use clothing and windows to regulate temperature, no air-conditioning or heaters

Change all the lightbulbs over to energy efficient ones


It’s easy being green

Sept 12-18, 2010Register now It’s easy being green

Sept 12-18, 2010Register now

Looking for a good read this winter? The CSIRO Home Energy Saving Handbook aims to answer the question posed by an eight year old boy to a

panel of Australian energy experts: “What can I do?”

This is a book for ordinary people who want to tackle climate change in their everyday lives, rather than

leaving it up to politicians, scientists and policy makers.

It contains a guide for assessing your CO2-e, as well as information for garden designs, shopping choices,

renewable power, transport options, carbon offsetting and much, much more.

This book is a great practical guide for anyone who wants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and

their impact on climate change. It’s even printed on carbon neutral paper* - saving 1.2kg (or 12 garbage

bags) of CO2-e per copy.

Pick up a copy for just $29.99 (RRP) from Big W, Dymocks, Borders, Angus and Robertson and all good


Make sure you turn to page 194 to see one of Greenfleet’s planting sites.

The CSIRO Home Energy Saving Handbook. Written by John Wright, Peter Osman and Peta AshworthPan Macmillan Australia

* Printed on ENVI Carbon Neutral Paper, an Australian Government certified Greenhouse FriendlyTM product.

For more information and to register for Enviroweek go to:

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Planting trees – managing carbonYou’ve probably noticed that Greenfleet talks more about carbon and less

about trees these days, we thought we should tell you why.

Greenfleet plants native trees to establish self-sustaining carbon forests.

While we often refer to numbers of trees to describe what we do, ultimately

it is the carbon that is important.

Our commitment to offset greenhouse gas emissions is met by planting

sufficient trees to establish a self-sustaining forest. As the forest grows it

stores carbon from the atmosphere. The forest naturally ‘thins’ as it grows

to maturity, meaning that not all trees survive, but we make allowances for

the natural ‘thinning’ process at the time of initial planting. Further, as the

trees mature they drop seed and some natural regeneration also occurs.

We manage our carbon commitment to supporters across all of the native

forests we create. Some sites and species grow faster and capture carbon

faster, others slower - but the entire forest pool is forecast to meet the

carbon commitments to our supporters.

The graph below shows projected carbon yields for Greenfleet forests. The

red line shows our carbon commitment to supporters (20 years after the

trees are pledged) - while the coloured areas show the projected carbon

store at any given time.

Based on Australian Government’s National Carbon Accounting Toolbox

default values for carbon capture by native forests, this model shows that

our forests are expected to exceed our carbon commitments to supporters.

Look at all that lush green carbon!

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We’d like to thank Europcar Australia for their intensive 8 week Green

Campaign, which raised enough funds to plant 8,044 trees - successfully

meeting the campaign’s target of 8,000 trees.

The Green Campaign aimed to boost donations to the Greenfleet program,

which Europcar Australia has proudly supported since 2006. As part of the

program, customers could choose to donate $3 to Greenfleet when booking

their rental.

Customer donations were combined with partner donations from Škoda,

White Pages, emitch, Victoria Electricity, Kia Motors, Direct Connect,

Hyundai, Subaru, PMA Solutions and 3AW.

‘Thanks to generous contributions from Europcar, its customers and partners, we will plant native forests in order to absorb 2,156 tonnes of CO2 - that’s like

taking 539 vehicles off the road for a year’

Greenfleet CEO, Ms Sara Gipton

Europcar Australia Managing Director Mr Ron Santiago said, ‘The Green

Campaign has re-established Europcar’s commitment to environmentally

conscious processes and procedures within Australian operations. Our

customers have yet another reason to choose Europcar and take the road

to a more sustainable future.’

Read more about the Europcar Green Campaign at:


Europcar’s Green Campaign raises funds to plant 8,044 trees in 8 weeks

Health insurance company nib also offer travel insurance to cover you while

you’re away. And with every travel insurance policy sold, they’ll plant a tree

through Greenfleet.

nib chose Greenfleet due to their commitment to take local level action on

climate change, the added benefits from planting biodiverse native forests

and confidence in our methodology (as a former government accredited

offset provider).

The idea for the campaign stemmed from the common link and strong

contributing factor of travel to carbon emissions. When you book an air

fare these days you have the option of offsetting. So why not take this

further and build it into a travel insurance product. This provides nib with

a point of differentiation and helps to demonstrate nib’s commitment to the


Call 13 14 63 or visit: for more information.

Be a little bit green next time you travel

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We'd like to thank the following organisations for supporting Greenfleet

Visit for more supporters.

Foundation sponsor:

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With Enviroweek coming up in September, we thought we’d give you some more tips to help you Avoid and Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take action on climate change.

DietAll food contains embedded energy, which is the energy that has been consumed to grow, process, package, transport and store your food before it reaches you.

Eat more fruit and vegetables. Reducing your consumption of highly processed foods reduces the demand for all the energy consumed along the food production chain, not to mention the health benefits. Think about buying a good vegetarian cookbook for recipe ideas.

Cut down on meat. Livestock accounted for 69.3% of all agriculture emissions in 2007, or more than 10% of Australia’s total emissions.

Don’t cook or buy more than you need. Throwing out excess food wastes money and creates greenhouse emissions.

WaterWhile we try to use less water because of drought, have you ever thought about how using water from the kitchen tap or your long hot shower creates greenhouse gas emissions?

Insulate the pipes between your water heater and the outlets (taps and showers), so you don’t lose energy (heat) from the water as it is moved around your house.

Install water efficient products - taps, showerheads, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. Look out for the star rating systems for water and energy efficiency. This shows you at a glance how efficient each product is.

Wash clothes in full loads. While washing machines may have adjustable water levels, they use almost as much electricity when washing a small load as a large one.

While not strictly related to water use, only fill your kettle with enough water to make your current cuppa. Boiling a full kettle takes more energy than boiling just the water you need now – then the extra energy is lost as the excess water cools.

Tips to avoid and reduce emissions

Contact GreenfleetEmail: [email protected] Web: Individual supporters and enquiries: 1800 032 999 Business supporters and enquiries: 03 9642 0570

Postal address: GreenfleetPO Box 16011Collins Street West VIC 8007

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Thank you to Fishprint for donating the printing of this newsletter, using waterless offset technology, non-genetically modified soy ink and 100% recycled paper donated by Focus Paper. Graphic design by Subgreen Design.