green computing & best green office practices

Green: The new Color for Computer Environment IT-Dept, SVPISTM

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Green computing is popular now a day, going green is very much important to make yourself, your surroundings and the planet healthy. We got lot of people around the world using computers, but the cause for green computing is simple. First we have to understand what is Green Computing? Green computing can be defined as environmentally responsible use of your computers and their resources. In this part, we can discuss about the cause for green computing and some of the ways to make it happen.


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Green: The new Color for Computer




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Three Approaches to Green Computing on Campus

• Power management is built into PC operating systems, but users have additional choices, such as whether to Turn off computers when not in use.

• E-mail can take the place of more costly practices, such as when users distribute print documents as e-mail file attachments rather than as paper copies.

• Online learning using learning management systems and web/videoconferencing can reduce the need for traditional classrooms and other infrastructure while decreasing travel costs and CO2 emissions.

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How much electricity does computers use?

Desktop computer uses about Max.300 watts

Per Hour = Rs.1.20/Per Hour àRs.1.20/-Per Day à Rs.28.8/-Printers,Copiers,CRT Monitors are consuming morePower compare then Desktops Computers.Printers : When Printing è 2.4KiloWatts(Kilowattsà1000Watts)When Idle è310Watts

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Factors that affect energy use in Computers

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How to reduce the energy consumption ?

• Turn off the computer when not in use.

• Turn off the monitor when not in use.(as opposed to running a screen saver)

• Use power saver mode.(Standby,Hibernate,Power plan modes)

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How to save power on your Computer (1)

Shut down your computer :

• It is recommended that you shut down your computer when you will not be using it. There are those who believe that leaving their computer on for long periods of time will save energy because of the extra electricity needed to turn their computer off and on again.

• Though it does take extra electricity to turn your computer on, this is not more than is used by leaving your computer on for more than 10 minutes (approximately).

• However, today’s computers are built to handle thousands of shut-off cycles. So, there is no harm in turning your computer off when you’re not going to be around for a while.

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How to save power on your Computer (2)

Turn off your monitor :

Our computer’s monitor uses a large portion of the energy consumed by your computer. A good way to save some energy is to turn off your monitor when you are not using it.

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How to save power on your Computer (3)

Avoid using screen savers :

When trying to reduce the amount of energy used by your monitor, screen savers are not an effective way to go. They do nothing to decrease the amount of energy used by your monitor; they actually use your monitor at full capacity. Remember, they’re screen savers, not energy savers. The best option is to turn off your monitor.

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How to save power on your Computer (4)

Turn down your Monitor brightness :

As mentioned above, your monitor uses a lot of energy. To reduce this slightly, you can turn down your monitor's brightness level. The brighter your screen is, the more energy your monitor uses.

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How to save power on your Computer (5)

Use built-in power saving features :

Your computer comes with many power saving features. For example, Windows systems come with features that allow your computer to shut off automatically when it is not in use for a set amount of time. It also has features that turn off your monitor, hard disks, and put your computer into Hibernation or standby.

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What is stand by mode?

•Used by Windows,Linux,Mac OS, and to refer to a low-power state from which your monitor or your PC can quickly return to full power operation.

•The displays goes dark and the PC cuts power from every component except for system memory.

•By leaving the memory on, your PC can store information about its last usage state and wake up quickly.

•Power loss to the system while in sleep mode, such as during a blackout, will lose any unsaved data, including your last usage state.

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How to use àstand by mode

Standby can be invoked manually from the Turn off computer' dialog box. (or) Use Stand by button in Keyboard

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Whats is Hibernate mode ?A power management mode that conserves power by powering down the system. In hibernate mode the current state of the system is saved to the hard drive, and the system will power down. When a user turns the system power back on, the saved information is read from the hard disk, restoring the last used settings. Hibernate mode is similar to sleep mode, however in sleep mode the power cannot be shut off.Click Start. Click Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance, Power Options. Click the Hibernate tab and check the Enable hibernate box.

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How to use àHibernate mode

Hibernate doesn’t show by default. Your manufacturer has to have included the functionality and it needs to be enabled. Even then, there is a trick to seeing this option. Usually, when you turn off your computer you see the following dialog.

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If you hold down your Shift key, you’ll see the Stand By option changes to Hibernate.

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Creating a Windows XP Power Scheme

Most Windows XP systems allow you to set various power options. This is ideal for notebook users who wish to conserve power after a certain period of inactivity. It’s also useful for desktop owners who wish to conserve power. As example, you might want to create a profile that first puts your computer into Stand By mode and then goes into Hibernate after another time.To create a Power Profile in Windows XP :1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel2. Select Performance and Maintenance3. Select Power Options.Your system should display the Power Options Properties dialog with various tabs. The number of tabs will vary based on your manufacturer and if you have a UPS. Notebook systems have extra settings so you can set a scheme for when you’re using direct power or batteries.

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Example – Create Power Plans

To create a Power Profile in Windows XP :1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel2. Select Performance and Maintenance3. Select Power Options.Your system should display the Power Options Properties dialog with various tabs. The number of tabs will vary based on your manufacturer and if you have a UPS. Notebook systems have extra settings so you can set a scheme for when you’re using direct power or batteries.

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“Don’t Print!” - Green Printing Tips to Reduce Paper Waste

•Back up data, including emails, in a secure digital location,instead of on paper.

•Share documents electronically whenever possible. Use Official Share or another online file sharing service for large documents.

•Distribute your departmental letters, and other office publications electronically, instead of by hard copy. Edit drafts on the computer whenever possible.

•Design your documents to reduce the number of pages,such as by reducing margins, using smaller images, andmultiple slides per page.

•Print double-sided every time.

•Office printers won’t do double-sided? Consider investingin a central, durable, double-sided printer for use by allnetworked office members when the next replacementcycle comes up.

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Part of Email in Green computing

Environment friendly: Postal mails use paper as a medium to send letters. Electronic mail therefore, prevents a large number of trees from getting axed. It also saves the fuel needed for transportation.

Informal and conversational: The language used in e-mails is generally simple and thus, makes the process of communication informal. Sending and receiving e-mails takes less time, so it can be used as a tool for interaction.

Easy to use: E-mail frees us from the tedious task of managing data for daily use. It helps us manage our contacts, send mails quickly, maintain our mail history, store the required information, etc.

Reliable and secure: Constant efforts are being taken to improve the security in electronic mails. It makes e-mail one of the secured ways of communication.

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Green Office Tips and Best Practices

• Don't forget to switch off the Electronics/Electrical Devices and Switch off the Main Board (if its possible)when you leave a Room/Place.

•Turn out or dim the lights in unused rooms, and when you step out for lunch. Work by daylight when possible. A typical building uses more energy for lighting than anything else.

•Turn off any Electronics/Electrical devices when not in use.

•Follows the Power saving Techniques for Computers.

•Print smart or don't print at all. Don't waste papers.

•Use E-Mail services and File sharing technology for Communication.

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“Small changes can add up to big energy savings in time”

“Let's join our hands to get a Green computing and Green environment.”

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Any suggestions Please write to : [email protected],[email protected]

Source : Internet and Green Computing Books.

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