greek roots list 1 (prefixes and suffixes) aero- through cardio-

Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

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Page 1: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Greek Roots List 1(Prefixes and Suffixes)Aero- through Cardio-

Page 2: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•The tower offered an aerial view of the city.

Page 3: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Aero-, aer-, aeri-

•Air, mist, wind

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Words that use Aero-, aer-, aeri-•aeronautics•aerosol•aerial

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Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees.

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Aesth-, Esth-, -aesthesia, -esthesia•Feeling, sensation, perception

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Words that use Aesth-, Esth-, -aesthesia, -esthesia

•aesthetics •anesthesia •anesthesiologist•synesthesia

Page 8: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•Rather than perform on a stage placed directly in front of the audience, the ancient Greeks preferred amphitheaters that enabled audience members to feel closer to the action.

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Ampho-, amphi-

•Around, on both sides of, both kinds

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Words that use Ampho-, amphi-


•amphicrania : AMPHI crania (am fi kray’ ni a) n.

Pain on both sides of the head

Page 11: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•Removing the recycling bins from the cafeteria would be antithetical to the school’s environmental policy.

Page 12: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Anti-, Ant-

•Against, opposed to

Page 13: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Words that use Anti-, Ant-


Page 14: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•The pilot could view the stars through the plane’s astrodome.

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Astro-, Astra-

•Star, star-shaped (also, pertaining to outer space)

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Words that use Astro-, Astra-


Page 17: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•Parents who smother their children fail to teach them to be autonomous.

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Auto-, aut-

•Self; directed from within

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Words that use Auto-, aut-


Page 20: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•Educational reform should be a bipartisan effort rather than just the work of one political party.

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Bi-, bin-, bis-

•Two, twice, double

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Words that use Bi-, bin-, bis-


Page 23: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•Grayson is a true bibliophile: he’d rather read than do just about anything else!

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Page 25: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Words that use Biblio-


Page 26: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the underlined word by using context clues.

•An oncologist performs a biopsy to determine whether or not a mass of cells is cancerous.

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Bio-, -bia, -biotic, -bial


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Words that use Bio-, -bia, -biotic, -bial


Page 29: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Define the term by filling in the blank:

•Pericarditis is inflammation of the sac around the ______ and causes severe chest pain.

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Page 31: Greek Roots List 1 (Prefixes and Suffixes) Aero- through Cardio-

Words that use Cardio-
