greek historical art presentation

In this sculpture the conception meant to portray is this as follows. Pan has tried to pull Aphrodite’s hand away from he covered genital area, at which point she then raises her sandal up as to strike him for doing so. Meanwhile Eros then sees what is happening and comes in between them as to fix the situation. This sculpture was dated all the way back to 100 B.C. and otherwise known as the “Hellenistic Period” as well. Strangely enough, a crazy factor that some may not know is that although it is considered a Greek artifact; it was really found in a building owned by the Syrians or otherwise known as Poseidoniasts they were very known to be slave traders too. This sculpture is the one that many actually consider to be a foundation piece to Roman Art in general through expression. Aphrodite Eros Pan Picture Source

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Greek Historical Art Presentation

In this sculpture the conception meant to portray is this as follows. Pan has tried to pull Aphrodite’s hand away from he covered genital area, at which point she then raises her sandal up as to strike him for doing so. Meanwhile Eros then

sees what is happening and comes in between them as to fix the situation. This sculpture was dated all the way back to 100 B.C. and otherwise known as the “Hellenistic Period” as well. Strangely enough, a crazy factor that some may not know is that although it is considered a Greek artifact; it was really found in a building owned by the Syrians or otherwise known as Poseidoniasts they were very known to be slave traders too. This sculpture is the one that many actually consider to be a foundation piece to Roman Art in general through expression.

Aphrodite Eros Pan Picture Source

Page 2: Greek Historical Art Presentation

Ludovisi Throne Picture Source

This sculpture was found to made by the “Polis of Locri Epizephyrii” and eventually stolen as war booty for years to later

be found at the “Villa Ludovisi” in Rome. This fabulous work of sculpture art is a bit different than usual 3D formation

sculptures; however the detail of the portrayed “wet garment” look which was very popular in this era is marvelous.

The attempted portrayal here is the “Birth of Aphrodite” from with in the sea. It is depicted as 2 other woman figures

helping Aphrodite be born into this new world from the sea. Aphrodite is known to be the “goddess of love & beauty”

as well for those of you that don’t already know this factor. As a pagan and also being a Pisces I tend to lean on this

goddess for help when needed and fit still today. I figured this would help explain how she is still recognized and known

in today’s spirituality, belief system, or religion yet is why I share this.

Page 3: Greek Historical Art Presentation

This sculpture dated back to the Orientalizing Period of 535-530 B.C. was originally found in 1861. It’s size was about 10

whole meters high in size as well. It was then found in 3 separate pieces from the base of this sculpture only about 64

meters away from the base of the monument below the temple wall frame. Then again it was all lost due to some major

earthquakes and again rediscovered in 1893 not long after the head was found. This sculpture is made of Marble once

again as many Greek era artifacts were as well. This sculpture is supposed to represent the form of a “woman, lion &

bird” all as one. The purpose of this was to guard them and protect their sanctuary and also as a reminder of their

power and influence capabilities.;jsessionid=5CA911AC7BA872F9FC47FDCF3789349D?name=Delphi%2C+


Seated Sphinx Picture Source

Page 4: Greek Historical Art Presentation

Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia Picture Source

The main temple of this Greek architecture once stood with 36 columns total. Although from time, weather

conditions, and earthquakes has been decaying and falling to rumble with little evidence left today already. It’s crazy to

imagine how it may not exist at all in another 100+ years due to the natural destruction and decay. Now (different than

the picture shows) only 2 original columns remain standing. Hers a tip you might not have known that may or may not

be useful for your brain though. Did you know that the word “Pronaia” means- “the one before the temple”? Or that it

was made of either limestone or ProphitisIlias stone? Well both of those are real and true from my research conducted.

Enclosed below is another added picture of the altar that once was housed with in this architecture as well. I thought it

had significant beauty so decided to add this “Athenas Altar” picture example below; in with my current information

for your viewing pleasure as well.

Page 6: Greek Historical Art Presentation

Erechtheum of the Acropolis Picture Source

Acropolis is another word that meant “High Rock” in Athens. It was built probably designed and began build by Pericles

and then completed and completed finished by the Philokles and Archilochos. It’s creation was a complicated temple

design in which many different cults lived and served in for many years it turned out. This was originally supposed to be

built for the mythical king Erechtheus l. The Erechtheum was built with 6 columns in the front porch (most widely

known part of this site) which represented 6 different girls. Problem to us now is that no one really knows what or who

the 6 girls are or the representation of them either. We do know that 6 girls were referred to as “caryatids” however.

Due to one the smog and such of the area these originally were laid they have fallen apart and one column of it is in

Britain today thanks to a Lord Elgin of Britain in 1811. It currently resides in the British Museum today in time for your

viewing pleasure.

Page 7: Greek Historical Art Presentation

Parthenon Picture Source

This beautiful work of architecture was built in mind of being the housing unit for the gigantic statue of “Athena” the city

goddess constructed by the Athenians. It is made with both limestone rock and marble as well. Which were very

popular, local, and useful stone materials found of that period. In fact both can be found easily up to today even too. “Pure

in body, mind and heart, Athena is the symbol of the universal human aspiration for wisdom.” I provided this link here as I

just had to show you these words of wisdom. Sometimes things just can’t be repeated with out the order they were

originally found; so with that said I included the Paraphrase source link to show my respect and not copyright by linking the

phrase “liked” as my direct link to the page I found it. The columns used through out the building process were 3 styles as

follows: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian capital styles.