greek colouring book 4


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Page 2: Greek colouring book 4

Greek clothing

These are some of the styles that you would your hair

These are some women making clothles.

The clothes are mainly made out of wool or linen.

This is a himalys. It is a coat worn by women

these are some different clothing worn by women


Page 3: Greek colouring book 4

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Hera is the sister and wife of Zeus. She Is the

protector of children,women and marrages.

Hera and Zeus have three children

He is the brother of Hades and Zeus and is the god of the Sea. He lives in an

underwater palace

This is athena. she is the child of metis and Zeus. She is the goddess of battle

statagy and wisdom. Her father calls her grey eyes.

Zeus is the god of the upper world and is

married to Hera. He is the father of many

gods and demi gods

Hades is the God of the Underworld. He

is married to Persephone. His brothers

are Poseidon and Zeus.

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Aphrodite was born out of the foam of the sea. She is the goddess of love and

beauty. She is married to Hephaestus the god of black smiths . She has cheated

on her huband many times, she has children by Hermes and Ares

Apollo is the child of leto and zeus .He is also

the god of prophecy, the sun and sports .

Apollo is artmeis’s twin

This is Artmeis she is the child of leto and Zeus.She is the goddess of the moon,

hunting and childbirth. Artmeis is Apollo’s twin.


This is Ares he is the child of Hera and Zeus. Ares is the

god of war. Ares is also known for when he had an affair with

Aphrodite, he was caught in an embarrassing position that

everyone could see. He was once on trial for murder in Athens.

Greek Name Román

Name Responsibilities

Aphrodite Venus goddess of beauty and love

Ares Mars god of war

Artemis Diana goddess of hunting and childbirth

Athena Minerva goddess of war, wisdom, and crafts

Demeter Ceres Goddess of the harvest

Hera Juno protector of women; wife of


Hermes Mercury messenger of the gods

Hades Pluto god of the Underworld

Poseidon Neptune god of the sea

Zeus Jupiter king of the gods

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Greek Architecture:

The Greeks had three architectural systems:

The Doric:

The Doric design is rather firm and its top or capital, is plain.

This design was used in Greece and in southern Italy and Sicily.

An example of a temple with this type of design is the Parthenon.

The Ionic

The Ionic design is thinner and more elegant. Its capital

is decorated with scroll-liked designs (a volute); this design

was found in Eastern Greece and the island. Examples of temples

with this design are the Erechtheum, the temple of Apollo at

Didyma and the temple of Athena Nike.

The Corinthian

The Corinthian design is seldom used in the Greek world.

It is normally used in Roman temples. Its capital is very

, decorated with acanthus leaves. Examples of temples with

this type of design are the temple of Apollo in Bassae,

the temple of Zeus in Athens and the Choragic monument of


Greek homes were built with tiled roofs and mud bricks, the temples

and monuments are made of marble.

Temple is where the Greeks would pray

and make sacrifices to the god

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Famous Philosophers:

Greek thinkers called themselves philosophers; they tried to find out how the universe worked. Some of them

were Hippocrates, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and Archimedes.

o Hippocrates founded a medical


where he practiced scientific medicine.

Aristotle examined living creatures in nature, Plato was

Aristotle’s teacher. He was also the one who invented

the method of thinking called logic.

Socrates is one of the top philosophers and he is also the founder of the western

philosophy. One of his most important contributions is the “Socratic Method”, which taught the

value of questioning beliefs in order to find new ideas and truths.

Plato as I mentioned before was Aristotle’s teacher, he founded the school called

“The Academy” in Athens, which was a school for philosophers. He was a student of

Socrates and played a major part in the western culture. “The Republic”, and “Dialogues”

were one of his books.

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Slavery played a significant role in Greek civilizations .

There were more slaves than free people In Greece.

slaves worked as domestic servants , farm

workers, mine keepers and shop keepers’.

There may have been up to 10-20 slaves in one rich Greek household .

There are multiple ways a person could become a slave.

They could be the child of a slave or been born into slavery.

Slave women were included in some religious affairs and could

be initiated as a part of the family Eleusian Mysteries .

Traditionally syudy’s of ancient Greece focus on political , military and

cultural achievements of men.

Unfortunately most information on women was biased.

In Greek cities there were groups of people with different rights appose

to other people.

Government TRADITION’S

You’re probably asking yourselves …… if democracy was born in Greece why then do people have different rights.

Well , in Greece people were initiated with achievements they made, but as I mentioned before women were not

associated with that. Athens is a democracy everyone is allowed to vote accept women, slaves etc . They were also not

included in voting, banquets and other ceremonial occasions. Men were the law makers and held public assemblies to

discuss voting and law

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Food Traditions

Much of what the Greeks ate and drank was decided by their religious beliefs . some were often eaten because it was

the favorite of a god they worshiped.

Meat was never eaten unless it was sacrificed or hunted down.

The Greeks did not believe in raising animals.

Fish and sea food were very popular in Greece and still


Figs, grapes and olives were also very popular in Greece.

The Greek diet consisted of foods that were easily raised in the rocky terrain of Greece’s landscapes.

Fish was the main source of protein In the Greek’s diets. Beef was very expensive, therefore it was rarely eaten.

Wine was the main drink in Greece. It was watered down, because otherwise it was considered barbaric.

Water was another possible choice if drink

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The Olympic Games, or Olympics, is an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and

comprising summer and winter games. Originally held in ancient Greece,

they were revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Fredy, Baron de

Coubertin in the late 19th century. The Games of the Olympiad,

better known as the Summer Olympics, have been held every fourth

year since 1896, with the exception of the years during the World Wars. A

special edition for winter sports, the Olympic Winter Games, was

established in 1924. Originally these were held in the same year as the

Summer Olympics, but starting with 1994 the Winter Games are in

between, two years after the Games of the Olympiad.

Ancient Olympics

The Ancient Olympic Games were an athletic and religious celebration held in the Greek town of Olympia from

(historically) as early as 776 BC to 393 AD.

The historical origins of the Ancient Olympic Games are lost in the fog of time, but several legends and myths


One of these tells of the hero Heracles, who won a race at Olympia and then decreed that the race should be re-

enacted every four years, while another claims that deity Zeus had instated the festival after his defeat of the

Titan Cronus.

Another myth tells of King Iphitos of Elis, who consulted the Pythia - the oracle of Delphi - to try and save his

people from war in the 9th century BC. The prophetess advised him to organise games in honour of the gods.

The Spartan adversary of Iphitos then decided to stop the war during these games, which were called Olympic,

after Mount Olympus, the mountain on which the Greek gods were said to live.

Other Greeks claimed the games were held in honour of Pelops, king of Olympia

and eponymous hero of the Peloponnesus. King Oenomaus had challenged his daughter

Hippodamia's suitors to a race, under pain of killing the loser. The Fourteenth suitor,

Pelops, invoked the help of Poseidon, his old lover, who provided him with divine

horses and chariot. Pelops then bribed Oenomaus' charioteer Myrtilus, who switched

the lynchpins from Oenomaus' chariot with pins made of beeswax: predictably the

lynchpins melted during the race and Oenomaus was killed. Pelops married the princess but not before

murdering Myrtilus, whose curse later resulted in the fall of the house of Atreus and the suffering of Oedipus.

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Greek Art

Although we know from written sources that the Greeks painted pictures

from the Bronze Age through to the Roman conquest and beyond, most of

them have been destroyed. It may seem strange that more of the older

paintings survived than the more recent ones. This is because some of the

Bronze Age paintings were buried by volcanoes (as at Pompeii) and others

were buried by earthquakes, and so they were not destroyed and

archaeologists were able to dig them up. The few later paintings that

survive were mostly painted on the walls of tombs, underground, and that

is how they survived safely.

The earliest paintings we have from the Greek world are from the

Minoan culture on the island of Crete. They were painted on the walls

of palaces where the rulers of Crete lived, around 1700-1400 BC, and

when the Myceneans destroyed the palaces around 1400 BC, some of

the pictures survived buried under the ruins of the palaces.

(These pictures were not hung on the walls but painted

directly on the walls: they were fresco paintings).

Another set of pictures, about the same time, comes from the island of Thera (also called

Santorini), in the middle of the Aegean between Crete and Greece. The main city on Thera,

Akrotiri, was buried by a volcanic eruption around 1600 BC (; archaeologists disagree). This is

from a house in Akrotiri.

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Sparta was a main city-states. It was/is located on the bank of the longest river touching the sea of the south

coast of Greece.

Sparta was known for its land-based military dominance.

Sparta was made later of Greek forces during the Greco-Persian war.

A lot of the time, the Greek city-states fought against each other. When there if a large threat from another

country (such as Persia), Greece will come together and fight as one army

Sparta’s inhabitance were classified as spartiates (had all rights), Mothakes (non Spartan, free, and raised as a

Spartains), Perioikoi (freed men), and Helots (enslaved nonSpartains).

Spartiates has top level battle training called agoge training. Best in battle were the

Spartian Phalanxes.

Spartan women had much more rights and equality to men than anywhere else in the

classical world.

Every man must join the army. They live their whole life fighting and training.

The Spartans life starts out as even babies where they are examined for their strength. If they do not meet the

requirement, they are left out to die.

At seven, boys were sent to school in barracks. For thirteen years they train with weapons. Eventually they

grow up and join the military.

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Greek war fair

One of the most important parts of the army was its calvary. Being it that they

have to provide their own weapons; most of the calvary units were rich. The ancients

greeks warfare technology and tactics were very advance for their time. For example,

they invented the first grenade. Made out of dry reed bundles and cloth and many

other flamable items, they light it with fire and send it rolling down a hill.

They have made a variety of weapons of war such as crossbows, war

ships, catapulls,

flame throwers, siege towers, spears, chariots, knives, war elefants

and etc.

What made the greek army unique was their armor. All of their

helmets (if not most of them) were decorated with a colorful mohawk of

horse hairs or metal. A hoplites shield (being a militayry unit) was most of

the time different from the other hoplites.