guide child sleep

A GREATVINE PARENTING GUIDE Greatvine  Advice for life Chi ld Sl e e p

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Greatvine  Advice for life

Child Sleep

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WelcomeHere at Greatvine we’re dedicated

to helping you nd the best advice,

quickly and easily. From parentingand health to writing and business,

great advice rom the UK’s top

experts is just a phone call away.

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I you struggle with your child’s night

time routine, it can leave you eeling

desperate, exhausted and rustrated.

Not getting enough shut-eye doesn’t just aect how

your child eels and behaves, but also how the rest o 

the amily copes. I everyone’s tired day ater day it

can put a real strain on almost every aspect o lie.

That’s why this Greatvine booklet is jam-packed

with invaluable advice and expert tips on how to

encourage your child to sleep, rom setting a calming

bedtime routine; to how to get active toddlers to

take aternoon naps; and how to get your child to all

asleep in their cot or bed rather than in your arms.

The specialists eatured have many years o experience helping parents through the challenges

o getting their children to sleep. Ranging rom

experienced and respected child sleep experts to child

 psychologists, best-selling child sleep authors, parent

coaches, nannies and health visitors, their gentle andsupportive methods can really make the dierence to

you and your child.

I this booklet helps you, remember that the child

sleep specialists over the next ew pages are just

a small part o Greatvine .To speak to an expert,

go to and see how we can make a

dierence to your lie. The experts are ready to talk

whenever you need.

child to sleep?‘ There must be someone who

 can help...’





In this edition

How can I get my

Meet the child sleep experts

Expert Q&A with Jo Tantum

 Top tips for a better bedtime

Next steps for more advice

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 Jo Tantum

Author o ‘BabySecrets’ and the

sleep expert

or Prima Baby

magazine, Jo knows that every

 parent can help their baby have

a peaceul, happy night-time

without resorting to an ultra-

strict routine. She understands

that when a baby can’t sleep it

can bring chaos and despair toamily lie, and have negative

eects on the whole household.

Her research means she’s

developed her own technique,

known as ‘Spaced Soothing’.

Not only does this teach babies

to enjoy their sleep but it also

helps parents understand their

children better, and puts them

back in control o their lives.

Jo’s presented an expert slot onGMTV and has also appeared

at the UK Baby Shows. Having

studied hundreds o sleeping

 patterns over the years, she’s

seen rst hand that every baby

has their own, sometimes

mysterious, way o letting their

 parents know what they really

want and need. Talk with Jo on

0906 400 6222 - £1.50/min*.

Linda Russell

A sleep specialist and parent coach,

Linda believes that sleep is the

oundation to successul parenting.

Without it, condence disappears

and relationships oten become

strained. She takes parents back to

when sleep rst became an issue,

then ocuses on moving orwards.Linda is the ounder and director

o her own sleep clinic based in

Edinburgh and writes regularly

or newspapers and magazines.

Having trained as a nanny at the

 prestigious Norland College, Linda’s

background is in nursery nursing

and so her expertise comes rom

years o hands-on experience. Some

o her areas o expertise include:baby refux; silent refux; toddler

night-time battles; bed hopping;

new baby routines and constant

night eeding. Talk with Linda on

0906 400 6216 - £1.50/min*.

Meet the

child sleepexperts

Greatvine  Advice for life

Talk with a top child

sleep specialist, whenever

you need

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Brenda Hart

With over 30 years

o experience

as a day nanny,

night nanny and

a sleep specialist, Brenda prides

hersel on being as enthusiasticabout her work now as she was

when she qualied in 1979. She

knows rom her experience with

her own son’s sleep diculties

the dierence that the right

approach can make. That’s why

she’s passionate about helping

other amilies, and guarantees

that i a child has sleep issues

she’ll be able to get themsleeping through the night. Her

guidance is straightorward, non-

ussy, clear and concise. Talk

with Brenda on 0905 675 4620 

- £1.20 per/min*.

Andrea Grace

Health visitor and

author o ‘Teach

Yoursel Baby

Sleep’, Andrea has

a 97% success rate in helping

 parents get their children to

sleep. She’s appeared as an

expert on ITV’s ‘This Morning’,

and in Mother & Baby magazine.

She specialises in gentle, child-

centred techniques, which

respect the values and parenting

styles o each amily. Having

a medical background and

training, she treats babies and

children’s sleep problems in a

sae and holistic way and takes

into account a child’s nutritional,

health and developmental status

 plus any amily actors.

Since leaving the NHS to set up a

 private practice in 1999, Andrea

has established hersel as one

o the country’s leading baby

and children’s sleep experts,

and her work is recognised

by paediatricians, child health

 practitioners and healthjournalists. Arrange to talk

with Andrea at: 


Tizzie Hall

Tizzie was given

the nickname ‘The

Baby Whisperer’

when local parents

were amazed at her abilityto get their children to sleep.

Soon, all the mothers in her

neighbourhood sought her out

when they couldn’t calm or

comort their crying babies. Very

quickly she learned to read little

ones’ body language and cries.

A successul baby coach, Tizzie’s

book ‘Save Our Sleep’ has been

translated into our languages.She’s also led sold-out parenting

workshops, and makes expert

appearances on TV.

Tizzie oers a collection o 

tried-and-tested solutions and

tips based on many years o 

experience with babies and

young children. She preers not

to use the ‘controlled crying’

approach, but instead has

devised set eeding, play and

sleep routines to help settle

babies into sleep. Arrange to

talk with Tizzie at:

Chireal Shallow

Chireal is a psychologist and

sleep expert. She’s

also a mum o 

our, and decided to study sleep

techniques ater the challenges

she aced with her own children.

Founder o the Naturally

Nurturing Children’s Sleep Clinic,

Chireal doesn’t believe children

should be let to cry themselvesto sleep. She now trains other

experts in her gentle methods.

Underpinning her work is the

belie that every child has a right

to receive comort, every parent

has a right to demonstrate love,

and everyone has a right to a

night o uninterrupted sleep!

Chireal has appeared as an expert

in Mother & Baby magazine. Arrange to talk with Chireal


* from a BT landline. Calls from other

networks and mobiles may vary. 18+.


Choose from hundreds of great

experts in over 80 topics, only at

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Expert Q & Awith Jo Tantum

Author o the best-selling book 

‘Baby Secrets’, sleep specialist Jo Tantum answers your questions

My one-year-old only sleeps i I rock 

her or lie on the bed with her. She also

wakes several times during the night. It’s

exhausting – what can I do?

Your daughter thinks that the only way she

can all asleep is with your help, so you’re actually

reinorcing this belie. You need to help her have the

condence to get to sleep alone.

The easiest way to do this is to start with herdaytime nap, as it’ll give her several chances to learn

to all asleep on her own beore bedtime. Wait until

she’s tired, but not overtired. Then take her upstairs

where there’s soothing music playing and place her

in her cot. Say, ‘Have a good nap!’ then leave the


I she gets upset, wait or ve minutes beore

you go in, listening or quiet gaps. When you go in,

gently say ‘Ssshh’, stroke her head, and put your

hand on her chest. Do this or one to two minutes

and then leave the room. Continue this every ve


Don’t leave your baby or longer than 10

minutes beore going in to soothe her. I she doesn’t

settle ater 30 minutes, get her up and try again


My two-year-old son sleeps well at

night, but reuses to sleep during theday and is oten tired and cranky by late

aternoon. How can I persuade him to have

an aternoon nap?

It can be hard to get an active toddler to have an

aternoon nap, so set up a reward system. Each day

he has a nap he gets a sticker on his chart, and i he

does it our days out o ve, he gets a small git.

When it’s nap-time, read a story then snuggle

him down and remind him about the sticker or

Greatvine  Advice for life

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git. Tell him you’re just going to do something and

you’ll be back in ve minutes to see i he’s doing

well. Return ve minutes later or a look. Continue

this reward system or at least two weeks and you’ll

soon be reaping the benets.

Ater my 14-month-old son’s bath, he

comes downstairs to have milk in ronto the TV. But then he runs around and

doesn’t seem tired at all. When he wears

himsel out he has a cuddle with us on the

soa and alls asleep. Later on we put him

in his cot, but he wakes up at 2am and

doesn’t go back to sleep. Can you help?

Your little boy is overtired and overstimulated

by the TV. That’s why he runs around the room

 – he’s tired but doesn’t know how to switch o.A bedtime routine will help him wind down and

understand it’s time to go to sleep.

Start at the same time every night. Ater his

bath, get him ready or bed in his room, with low

lights and soothing music. Give him his milk while

reading a story, then settle him in his cot.

I he wakes up during the night, go in and

reassure him all is OK, then give him time to resettle


When she was born three weeks ago,

my baby slept anywhere. Now she doesn’t

seem to sleep at all and when I try and

settle her at night she screams or hours.

I’m so tired. What can I do?

When your baby was rst born she was happy

to sleep all the time. But now she’s started to take

an interest in the world.

You need to put her down or naps somewhere

quiet she can switch o. Use her nursery or

daytime naps to get her used to the room. Close the

curtains, swaddle her to stop the ‘startle’ refex and

leave her to sleep.

She’ll only be able to stay awake or about an

hour beore she starts getting tired, so make sure

you put her down as soon as you see any signs

o tiredness like a short cry, staring into space or


My son is 11 weeks old. He goes to

sleep fne at 7.30pm but wakes or good at

2.30am. I’ve now resorted to going to bed

at 8.30pm, but I don’t see my partner at all.

Can we do anything to help the situation?

Put your baby to bed as usual, but then at 11pm

get your partner to change his nappy, which will

wake the baby rom sleep. He can then eed him

a bottle, also known as a ‘dream eed’. This is also

a perect time or dad to have some bonding time

with his son.

As you’ll be able to time your long sleep with

your baby’s long sleep, this means you can stay up a

little later to spend time with your partner.


Talk with Jo

0906 400 6222£1.50/min from a BT landline. Calls from other networks and mobilesmay vary. 18+.

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1Your child only has

sleep issues i they’re

not getting enough

sleep. Don’t compare

their sleep patterns or

habits to your riends’ children.

-Linda Russell

2 Be reasonable with

your expectations. You

won’t be able to turn

your child’s sleeping

habits around in a

night! It takes longer than that,

so have patience. -Linda Russell

3 When planningto put a sleep routine

in place, aim or

consistency. Start and

end your child’s day at

the same time. -Linda Russell

Top tips

for a better bedtime

Greatvine  Advice for life

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4Don’t let your child

all asleep on the soa

or on your bed, only to

transer them to their

bed later on. I you do

this they might wake up and panic.

You may think they’re having a

nightmare, but they’re not – they’re

alarmed because they’ve woken in

a strange place. -Andrea Grace


You want your

child to be tired, 

but not overtired. I 

they’re beginning to

drop their nap but not

able to make it to bedtime, don’t

be tempted to give them a late

aternoon catnap. Instead, bring

bedtime orward or allow a short

teatime nap but put them to bed

later. -Andrea Grace

6Try not to rock  

or eed your child to

sleep. Instead, it’s best

to give them a cuddle

until they’re calm then

 put them in their cot awake but

drowsy. -Jo Tantum


Start a simple

bedtime routine as

soon as possible. A

bath, a massage and a

eed in the bedroom

will help relax them. -Jo Tantum

8 I you’re starting a

new sleep routine,

write a sleep diary

or your child a week

beorehand. Keep

the diary going while you try

to improve your nights. This

will help you see where the

 problem times are, and how to

set sensible benchmarks. -Linda



Catnapping can be

caused by hunger,

coldness or too little

awake time. I you put

your baby to bed at the

rst sign o tiredness they might

be tired enough to nap, but not

tired enough to sleep. -Tizzie Hall


Once you go

through or

bath time, don’t

come back into

the living area.

Your routine should be bath,

 pyjamas, stories, eed, then into

bed. -Linda Russell

11Always eed

your baby until

they’re ull. 

Never restrict the

amount o breast

or ormula milk you give them.

-Tizzie Hall

12Don’t change

your baby’s

nappy in the

night ater 11pm

unless it’s dirty.

It will wake them up too much,

and make it harder or them to

resettle. -Jo Tantum

13Make sure your

baby’s warm 

enough to sleep

saely and well.

Too little bedding

can cause an older child to roll to

the unsae sleeping position o 

their tummy. -Tizzie Hall


Find more great


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more advice

 Visit us online Email [email protected]

When your child won’t sleep, it can

aect every member o the amily.

That’s why it’s good to know where

you can get one-to-one help and

support you can trust.

Greatvine lets you talk on the phone with thecountry’s best experts, whenever you need. Choose

rom leading specialists in over 80 topics covering

all aspects o pregnancy, childbirth and parenting

 – rom breasteeding and baby sleep to postnatal

depression and child nutrition.

The team includes midwives, breasteeding

specialists, paediatricians, practice nurses, parenting

coaches, child nutritionists, child psychologists,

counsellors and more.

With an average o ve qualications each the

experts oer advice you can trust. Friendly and

understanding, they’re here to help. Many also

contribute to TV, radio and to leading magazines &newspapers.

Simply browse the experts’ proles, choose a

specialist and talk whenever you need.

Next steps for

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