great depression wwii wars and terrorism american history iii vy_32_inovace_15-19

Great Depression WWII Wars and terrorism AMERICAN HISTORY III VY_32_INOVACE_15-19

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Page 1: Great Depression WWII Wars and terrorism AMERICAN HISTORY III VY_32_INOVACE_15-19

Great DepressionWWII

Wars and terrorism



Page 2: Great Depression WWII Wars and terrorism AMERICAN HISTORY III VY_32_INOVACE_15-19

Beginning of the 20th century Industrial growth: 1908 Henry Ford

automobileRockefeller`s Oil Comp. 20th cent. Word`s leading country ( WWI

-1917, post war prosperity)1929 – Great Depression – stock market

crash, unemployment, poverty F.D. Roosevelt ‘New Deal’ 1932 – measures to help from crisis

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F. D. Rooseveltpresident: 1933 – 1945

- culture/music, dance, film – Chaplin, silent, colour, westerns, film musicals

- architecture – skyscrapers/functionalism, constructivism

- science – mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine – nuclear reactor, plastics, , insulin, penicillin, polarograph….

Diplomacy with the Soviet Union (Roosev., Churchill, Stalin – OSN)

1941 Roosevelt`s plan to help Eur. countries with material to fight against fascists

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Gross Domestic Product 1929 - 1941

Autor: U.S. Department of Commerce, Název: Gdp29-41.svg


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WWII 7th December 1941 – Pearl Harbor – destruction of

Amer. aircrafts and fleet 8th Dec. – war on Japan Africa: gen. Montgomery – tank battles at El –Alamein

Egypt gen. Eisenhower – Morocco, Algeria, second front

opened 1944 D –Day 6/6/1944 in Normandy Operation Overlord /2mil. soldiers, 6 000 warships,

10 000 planes/ war in Asia ag. Japan – 1942-43 Guadalcanal in Pacific,

Jap. lost  1945 - Yalta Conference, afterwar zones in Germany president TRUMAN 6/8/1945 Hiroshima , Nagasaki 2/9/1945……end of WWII----USA first in the world,

technical and financial development

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Operation OverlordAutor: neznámý, Název: Approaching Omaha.jpg


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50`s  Marshal Plan 1947 - recovering, reconstruction /

18 Eur. countries/  Truman Doctrine - help to anti- socialist

countries, proclamation of cold war with Sov. Union 1947-1953 

1950 – 53 Korean War - communistic north/ SSSR, China/ versus democratic south /USA/, OSN, China interference1952 pres. Eisenhower – against Korean War,

corruption, high taxes, communism but Mc Carthism (Mc Carthy anticommunist, senator) 

from 1953 until 1989 worries about nuclear war USA vs. S. Union 

1956- 1959 Caribean Crisis – Cuba (F. Castro – communism, place for Soviet nuclear forces, Kennedy and Chrustchov`s treaty)

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Civil Rights`Movements, Vietnam  1959 Alaska, Hawai 1960 J.F. Kennedy ( dem., reduce the

unemployment, support production, equal rights to everyone, cooperation with Europe and S. Union 22/11/1963 assassinated in Dallas

1960`s American fight against racism1963 Civil rights for all Americans, banning

racial segregation, black clergyman M.L. King / assasinated in 1968, Hippies

1961 – 1973/75 Vietnam War – end p. Nixon, 1969- landing on Moon

1972 Watergate Affair, pres. Nixon

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Woodstock Festival

and HippiesAutor: captain aquariuzzz, Název: Woodstock69.jpg


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Americans on the MoonAutor: NASA, Název: Aldrin Apollo 11.jpg


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American policy after 1970 1972 Watergate Affair, pres. Nixon -

resigned1983 Pershing rockets in Europe ---Russia

attacked AfganistanRonald Reagan 1981 – 1988 economical

recovery George Bush senior …war in Iraq 1988 -93 Bill Clinton G. Bush juniorBarack Obama

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Ronald ReaganAutor: neznámý, Název: Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981.jpg


Barack Obama

Autor: Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley, USN, Název: Barack Obama Inauguration Oath.jpg



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Autor DUM: Mgr. Darina Sikorová

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