great depression mini projects

Great Depression Mini Projects – Chapter 26 Students must choose 2 of the projects 4 projects below to complete. Projects will be graded using the rubric that follows. Please adhere to the project directions and the grading criteria on the rubric to receive good scores. Project #1 Write a speech for President Hoover to address the nation during the era of the chapter. The speech must contain facts from the chapter by addressing the following points: Identify the different groups of Americans that he is addressing because they are experiencing hardship Identify Hoover’s plan to help the nation Identify groups that oppose Hoover and what Hoover might tell these groups to win them over Your speech must be 1‐2 pages long, typed and double‐spaced with 12 pt font and 1” margins. _______________________________________________________________________ ______________ Project #2 Draw a political cartoon that blames something or someone for the Great Depression. ‐or‐ Draw a political cartoon that is critical of the government’s inability to help the nation. ‐or‐ Draw a political cartoon that shows the struggles of a particular group of Americans during the Great Depression. _______________________________________________________________________ ______________ Project #3 Choose a type of American that is facing difficulties at this time, (i.e. a wife and mother from the Midwest that has just lost her farm) and write a diary entry or personal letter that describes in details the hardship that they are facing and their concerns and opinions. Again, you will be graded on the amount of factual information from the chapter and relevant outside sources (no Wikipedia) that is contained in the fictional writing. * A Works Cited page must be included.

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Great Depression Mini Projects

Great Depression Mini Projects – Chapter 26

Students must choose 2 of the projects 4 projects below to complete. Projects will be graded using the rubric that follows. Please adhere to the project directions and the grading criteria on the rubric to receive good scores.

Project #1Write a speech for President Hoover to address the nation during the era of the chapter. The speech must contain facts from the chapter by addressing the following points:

Identify the different groups of Americans that he is addressing because they are experiencing hardship

Identify Hoover’s plan to help the nation Identify groups that oppose Hoover and what Hoover might tell these groups to win them over

Your speech must be 1 2 pages long, typed and double spaced with 12 pt font and 1” margins.‐ ‐_____________________________________________________________________________________

Project #2Draw a political cartoon that blames something or someone for the Great Depression.or‐ ‐

Draw a political cartoon that is critical of the government’s inability to help the nation.or‐ ‐

Draw a political cartoon that shows the struggles of a particular group of Americans during the Great Depression._____________________________________________________________________________________

Project #3Choose a type of American that is facing difficulties at this time, (i.e. a wife and mother from the Midwest that has just lost her farm) and write a diary entry or personal letter that describes in details the hardship that they are facing and their concerns and opinions. Again, you will be graded on the amount of factual information from the chapter and relevant outside sources (no Wikipedia) that is contained in the fictional writing.* A Works Cited page must be included.

Project #4Using a Venn Diagram, or any other visual (be creative), compare and contrast The Great Depression with our current economic situation. You need to have at least 5 direct comparisons or contrasting points._____________________________________________________________________________________

All students must be ready to orally present 1 of the 2 projects to the class. Please see the rubric for details.

Both projects are due on Tuesday, 04/20. You must be ready to present on that day.

Page 2: Great Depression Mini Projects

Rubric for Great Depression Mini Projects – Chapter 26

Criteria: Maximum Points:

Meeting deadlines and following directions: 10• Both assignments were completed on time and turned in on due date.• All directions were followed and projects were labeled at the top of each page• Name, date and period were on the top right hand corner and projects were stapled in their correct ‐order

Quality: 10• Creativity shown in all or in the majority of the projects• Presentation and neatness of text and visuals (includes handwriting)

Content: 30• An abundance of historical facts are evident in all or in the majority of the projects • Direct cause and effect and/or comparisons are made in each project

Presentation: 10• Read clearly• Explained purpose and information in their own words• Made eye contact with the entire class• Body position did not interfere with the visual

Q&A: 10• Able to answer questions based on project from teacher or other students • Able to respond to student comments

Work Ethic and Leadership: 5• Independently worked on project in and out of class without getting off task • Played an active role during the presentation of others by asking relevant questions