gre kaplan + barron_s word lffis

7/30/2019 GRE Kaplan + Barron_s Word Lffis 1/24 37. Aegis protection, patronage 38. Aerie nook or nest built high in the air 39. Aesthetic concerned with or appreciative of beauty 40. Affected pretentious; phony 41. Affinity fondness; liking; similarity 42. Afflatus a creative impulse, divine inspiration 43. Agathism the belief that things ultimately lead to good 44. Agenda program, things to be done 45. Aggrandize to make larger or greater 46. Aggregate adj. amounting to a whole; total; v. to collect into a mass; n. collective mass or sum 47. Aggrieve to distress, to mistreat 48. Agnate from the father's side of the family 49. Akimbo having one's hands in a bent position on the hips, 50. Alacrity cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed 51. Alchemy medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation 52. Aleatory  based on chance 53. Allay to lessen; ease; soothe 54. Alleviate to relieve; improve partially 55. Alloy a combination; a mixture of two or more metals 56. Allure the power to entice by charm 57. Allusion an indirect reference 58. Altruism unselfish concern for others' welfare 59. Altruistic unselfish concern with the welfare of others 60. Amalgamate to combine into a unified whole 61. Ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning 62. Ambivalence the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes 63. Ambrosia something delicious; the food of the gods 64. Ambulatory able to walk or move about 65. Ameliorate to improve 66. Amenable agreeable; cooperative; suited 67. Amenity something that increases comfort 68. Amnesty an official pardon for a group of people who  violate a law 69. Amortize to diminish by installment payments 1. Abate to decrease; reduce 2. Abdicate to step down from a position of power 3. Aberrant deviating from what is normal 4. Abeyance temporary suppression or suspension 5. Abject miserable; pitiful 6. Abjure to reject; abandon formally 7. Ablution the act of washing one's body 8. Abnegate to deny to oneself, renounce, surrender 9. Abridge to shorten, condense or lessen in length 10. Abrogate to repeal, to set aside, to nullify 11. Abscission n. the act of cutting; the natural separation of a leaf or other part of a plant; v. to cut off or away (abscise) 12. Abscond to depart secretly 13. Absolve to forgive or free from blame 14. Abstemious moderate in appetite 15. Abstinence the giving up of certain pleasures 16. Abstruse hard to understand or grasp 17. Abut to touch, to be in contact with 18. Abysmal  very bad 19. Accolade award or honor, high praise 20. Accouterment personal clothing, accessories, or equipment 21. Accretion growth in size or increase in amount 22. Accrue to accumulate; grow by additions 23. Acerbic  bitter, sharp in taste or temper 24. Acidulous sour, ill tempered 25. Acme highest point, summit 26. Acquiesce to comply passively, to give in 27. Acquit to find not guilty, to conduct oneself 28. Adamant uncompromising; unyielding 29. Adjunct something added; attached; or joined 30. Adjure to command or urge solemnly and earnestly 31. Admonish to caution or reprimand 32. Adroit skillful, accomplished, highly competent 33. Adulterate to corrupt or make impure 34. Adumbrate to suggest partly, to give a hint of things to come 35. Adventitious accidental 36. Advocate to support, or be in favor of GRE Kaplan + Barron's Word list Study online at

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37. Aegis protection, patronage

38. Aerie nook or nest built high in the air

39. Aesthetic concerned with or appreciative of beauty 

40. Affected pretentious; phony 

41. Affinity  fondness; liking; similarity 

42. Afflatus a creative impulse, divine inspiration

43. Agathism the belief that things ultimately lead to good

44. Agenda program, things to be done

45. Aggrandize to make larger or greater

46. Aggregate adj. amounting to a whole; total; v. to collect

into a mass; n. collective mass or sum

47. Aggrieve to distress, to mistreat

48. Agnate from the father's side of the family 

49. Akimbo having one's hands in a bent position on the


50. Alacrity  cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed

51. Alchemy  medieval chemical philosophy based on

changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical

power or process of transmutation

52. Aleatory   based on chance

53. Allay  to lessen; ease; soothe

54. Alleviate to relieve; improve partially 

55. Alloy  a combination; a mixture of two or moremetals

56. Allure the power to entice by charm

57. Allusion an indirect reference

58. Altruism unselfish concern for others' welfare

59. Altruistic unselfish concern with the welfare of others

60. Amalgamate to combine into a unified whole

61. Ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning

62. Ambivalence the state of having conflicting emotional


63. Ambrosia something delicious; the food of the gods

64. Ambulatory  able to walk or move about

65. Ameliorate to improve

66. Amenable agreeable; cooperative; suited

67. Amenity  something that increases comfort

68. Amnesty  an official pardon for a group of people who

 violate a law 

69. Amortize to diminish by installment payments

1. Abate to decrease; reduce

2. Abdicate to step down from a position of power

3. Aberrant deviating from what is normal

4. Abeyance temporary suppression or suspension

5. Abject miserable; pitiful

6. Abjure to reject; abandon formally 

7. Ablution the act of washing one's body 

8. Abnegate to deny to oneself, renounce, surrender

9. Abridge to shorten, condense or lessen in length

10. Abrogate to repeal, to set aside, to nullify 

11. Abscission n. the act of cutting; the natural separation of 

a leaf or other part of a plant; v. to cut off or

away (abscise)

12. Abscond to depart secretly 

13. Absolve to forgive or free from blame

14. Abstemious moderate in appetite

15. Abstinence the giving up of certain pleasures

16. Abstruse hard to understand or grasp

17. Abut to touch, to be in contact with

18. Abysmal  very bad

19. Accolade award or honor, high praise

20. Accouterment personal clothing, accessories, or equipment

21. Accretion growth in size or increase in amount

22. Accrue to accumulate; grow by additions

23. Acerbic  bitter, sharp in taste or temper

24. Acidulous sour, ill tempered

25. Acme highest point, summit

26. Acquiesce to comply passively, to give in

27. Acquit to find not guilty, to conduct oneself 

28. Adamant uncompromising; unyielding

29. Adjunct something added; attached; or joined

30. Adjure to command or urge solemnly and earnestly 

31. Admonish to caution or reprimand

32. Adroit skillful, accomplished, highly competent

33. Adulterate to corrupt or make impure

34. Adumbrate to suggest partly, to give a hint of things to


35. Adventitious accidental


Advocate to support, or be in favor of 

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70. Amulet ornament worn as a charm against evil


71. Ana a collection of materials that reflect a

person or place

72. Anachronism something out of the proper time

73. Analgesic medication that reduces or elimates


74. Analogous adj. comparable; n. a similarity in some

 ways between things that are otherwise

dissimilar (analogy)

75. Anarchy  n. absence of government; state of 

disorder; adj. lacking order or control


76. Anathema something or someone loathed or

intensely dislike

77. Ancillary  subsidiary, subordinate

78. Animosity  ill will , active dislike

79. Animus hostile feeling

80. Anodyne n. something that calms or soothes

pain; adj. relaxing; or capable of 

soothing pain

81. Anomalous irregular, abnormal, unusual

82. Anomie a social condition marked by a

 breakdown of social norms

83. Antecedent something that comes before

84. Antediluvian prehistoric

85. Anthropomorphic attributing human qualities tononhumans; having human qualities

86. Antinomy  a contradiction between two seemingly 

true statements

87. Antipathy  dislike; hostility 

88. Antipodal situated on opposite side of the earth or

 being exactly opposite

89. Apathy  indifference

90. Apex the highest point

91. Aphasia loss of speech

92. Aphorism a wise saying

93. Aplomb poise, confidence

94. Apocryphal false, spurious, of doubtful origin

95. Apogee the point in an orbit most distant from

the body being orbited; the highest point

96. Apoplexy  a stroke resulting from loss of blood of 

the brain,

97. Apostasy  a judge, one who decides

98. Apostate one who renounces a religious faith

99. Apothegm a terse; witty saying

100. Apotheosis deification; glorified ideal

101. Appease to calm; pacify; placate

102. Appellation name

103. Apposite strinkingly appropriate and relevant

104. Apprise to inform

105. Approbation praise; approval

106. Appropriate to take possession for one's own use;


107. Apropos relevant

108. Arabesque ornate design featuring intertwined curves; a

 ballet position in which one leg is extended in

 back while the other supports the weight of 

the body 

109. Arable suitable for the growing of crops

110. Arboreal relating to trees; living in trees

111. Archeology  the study of material evidence of past human


112. Ardor great emotion or passion

113. Arduous extremely difficult; laborious

114. Argot a specialized vocabulary used by a group

115. Arrant notoriously without moderation, downright

116. Arrest to stop; to seize

117. Arriviste a social climber, an upstart

118. Artifact item made by human craft

119. Artless guileless; natural

120. Ascetic n. one who practices self-denial; adj. self-

denying or austere

121. Aseptic surgically clean, free of germs

122. Asperity  severity; harshness; irritability 

123. Aspersion slander; false rumor

124. Assiduous diligent; hard-working

125. Assignation a secret meeting, a tryst, or something


126. Assuage to make less severe

127. Astringent harsh; severe

128. Asylum place of refuge or shelter

129. Atavism in biology; the reappearance of a

characteristic in an organism after several

generations of absence; individual or a part

that exhibits atavism; return of a trait after a

period of absence

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130. Atrabilious inclined to melancholy 

131. Attenuate to weaken

132. Audacious  bold; daring

133. Augment to increase or enlarge

134. Austere stern; unadorned

135. Autonomous self-governing; independent

136. Avarice greed

137. Aver to affirm; declare to be true

138. Aversion strong or fixed dislike, a feeling of 


139. Avocation secondary occupation

140. Avuncular like an uncle; benevolent and tolerant

141. Axiomatic taken for granted

142. Bacchanal a drunken reveler or orgy 

143. Bacchanalian pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity;pertaining to revelry 

144. Bailiwick  a particular area of expertise

145. Balk  to refuse, shirk; prevent

146. Banal commonplace; trite

147. Banausic routine, mechanical, boring

148. Bandy  to toss and forth, to exchange, to use in a

glib way 

149. Banter playful conversation

150. Bard poet

151. Baroque extravagantly ornate, flamboyant,

characterized by bold ornamentation

152. Bathos a transition from the illustrious to the

commonplace, overdone pathos,

153. Bawdy  obscene

154. Beatific saintly, angelic

155. Beatify  to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to

156. Bedizen to dress in a vulgar; showy manner

157. Begrudge to envy another's possessions, to concedereluctantly 

158. Behemoth huge creature; anything very large and


159. Belie to contradict; misrepresent; give a false


160. Bellwether a person who assumes a leadership role or

takes initiative

161. Benediction a blessing, a good wish

162. Beneficent kindly; doing good

163. Benign gentle, not harmful, kind

164. Benison  blessing, benediction

165. Besmirch to stain or soil ( commonly as to reputation )

166. Bibulous highly absorbent, given to or fond of 

alcoholic beverages

167. Bifurcate to divide into two parts

168. Bifurcated forked, divided into two branches

169. Bilious ill tempered, cranky, angry 

170. Bionics the application of biological principles to

the the design of electrical or engineering


171. Bivouac a temporary encampment

172. Blanch to turn pale

173. Blandishment n. flattery; v. to coax with flattery (blandish)

174. Blase  bored because of frequent indulgence;


175. Blithe happily, lighthearted, joyful

176. Bolster to give a boost to; prop up; support

177. Bombastic pompous; using inflated language

178. Bon vivant someone who enjoys luxurious living

179. Bonhomie good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good


180. Boondoggle a useless or valueless project or activity 

181. Boorish rude; insensitive

182. Bosky   wooded, covered with trees and shrubs

183. Botch to bungle, to foul up

184. Bovine cowlike

185. Bowdlerize to censor prudishly 

186. Bracing invigorating, to prepare

187. Braggadocio arrogant pretension, empty conceit

188. Brazen  bold; shameless

189. Broach to mention for the first time

190. Brook  to tolerate, to put up with something

191. Brummagem  bogus, fraudulent, cheap, showy 

192. Bucolic characteristic of the countryside; rustic;


193. Buffoon clown or fool

194. Bulwark  something used as a defense, a strong


195. Bumptious pushy, conceited, noisily self assertive

196. Burgeon to flourish

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197. Burnish to polish

198. Buttress to reinforce; support

199. Byzantine extremely intricate or complicated in


200. Cabal a secret group of conspirators, a clique

201. Cache a hiding place, something hidden in a secret


202. Cachet a mark of distinction, a quality that "says"


203. Cacophonous unpleasant or harsh-sounding

204. Cadge to beg; sponge

205. Caducity  the frailty of old age, the quality of being

perishable transitoriness

206. Cajole to flatter, coax, persuade

207. Calamitous disastrous, catastrophic

208. Callous thick-skinned; insensitive

209. Calumny  false and malicious accusation; slander

210. Canard false; deliberately misleading story 

211. Candor truthfulness, great honesty, frankness

212. Canon an established principle; a basis or standard

for judgment; a group of literary works

213. Cant insincere talk; language of a particular


214. Cantankerous irritable; ill-humored

215. Capitulate to surrender, to stop resisting216. Capricious adj. fickle; n. inclination to change one's

mind compulsively 

217. Captious faultfinding; intended to entrap; as in an


218. Cardinal of foremost importance

219. Carnal of the flesh or body; related to physical


220. Carom to strike and rebound

221. Carping to find fault; complain

222. Cartography  science of making maps

223. Caste any of the hereditary social classes of hindu

society; social stratification

224. Castigate to punish, chastise, criticize severely 

225. Castigation punishment; chastisement; criticism

226. Cataclysm a violent upheaval that causes great

destruction and change

227. Catalyst something causing change

228. Categorical absolute; without exception

229. Catharsis an emotional purification, an emotional


230. Caucus smaller group within an organization

231. Causal involving a cause

232. Caustic sarcastically biting; burning

233. Cavalcade a procession

234. Cavil to quibble, to raise trivial objections

235. Celerity  haste, swiftness of movement

236. Celestial concerning the sky or heavens; sublime

237. Censure the act of blaming or condemning

238. Centrifugal moving away from a center

239. Centripetal moving or directed toward a center

240. Chagrin shame, embarrassment, humiliation

241. Champion to defend or support

242. Charlatan quack, fake

243. Chary  careful, cautious, wary 

244. Chasten to correct by punishment or reproof; to

restrain or subdue

245. Chastise to criticize severely 

246. Chattel piece of personal property 

247. Chicanery  trickery; fraud

248. Chimerical  wildly fanciful, absurd

249. Chivalry  the qualities idealized by knighthood such

as bravery and gallantry toward women

250. Choleric easily angered, short-tempered

251. Chronic constant, lasting a long time

252. Churlish rude; boorish

253. Circuitous roundabout

254. Circumlocution  wordy language, an indirect, roundabout


255. Circumspect careful, thought through

256. Cistern tank for rainwater

257. Clairvoyant one who can predict the future; psychic

258. Clamor noisy outcry 

259. Claque an audience paid to clap, an obsequious


260. Clemency  disposition towards mercy, mildness

261. Clerisy  the intellectual elite

262. Clique a small; exclusive group

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263. Cloister  v. to confine; seclude; n. monastery or

convent; adj. shut away from the world


264. Clout influence, a forceful blow 

265. Coagulate thicken; congeal

266. Coalesce to cause to beome one

267. Coda concluding part of a l iterary or musicalcomposition; something that summarizes

or concludes

268. Codify  systematize

269. Coffer strongbox, large chest for money 

270. Cogent convincing

271. Cogitate to ponder over, to mediate, to think 

272. Cognizant informed; conscious; aware

273. Cognomen family name; any name, especially a


274. Coherent making sense, organize and logical

275. Collage artistic composition of materials pasted

over a surface; an assemblage of diverse


276. Colloquial conversational, used in informal speech

277. Comeliness physical grace and beauty 

278. Commensurate proportional

279. Commodious roomy, spacious

280. Compatible able to get along well

281. Compendium  brief; comprehensive summary 

282. Complacent self-satisfied

283. Complaisant overly polite; willing to please; obliging

284. Complement something that completes or makes up a


285. Compliant  yielding

286. Comport to behave

287. Compunction uneasiness caused by guilt

288. Compunctious feeling guilty or having misgivings

289. Concave curving inward

290. Conciliatory  overcoming distrust or hostility 

291. Concoct invent

292. Concomitant existing concurrently 

293. Condone to overlook volutarily; forgive

294. Conflagration a large, disastrous fire

295. Confound to baffle; perplex; mix up

296. Congenial similar in tastes and habits; friendly;

suited to

297. Conjugal pertaining to marriage agreement

298. Connoisseur a person possessing expert knowledge or

training; a person of informed and

discriminating taste

299. Consanguineous of the same origin; related by blood

300. Conscript n. person compulsorily enrolled for

military service; v. to enroll a person for

military service

301. Consecrate to declare sacred

302. Contend  v. to assert; n. an assertion (contention)

303. Contention claim; thesis

304. Contentious quarrelsome; causing quarrels

305. Contiguous touching; neighboring; connecting

 without a break 

306. Continence self-control; abstention from sexual


307. Contrite  very sorrowful for a wrong

308. Contumacious disobedient; rebellious

309. Conundrum riddle; puzzle with no solution

310. Convention n. practice widely observed in a group;

custom; accepted technique or device;

adj. customary or commonplace


311. Converge to approach; come together; tend to meet

312. Convex curved outward

313. Convey  to transport, to conduct, to communicate

314. Conviction determination, a state of being convinced

315. Convivial sociable

316. Convoluted twisted; complicated

317. Copious abundant; plentiful

318. Coquette  woman who flirts

319. Cornucopia horn overflowing with fruit and grain;

state of abundance320. Corpulence obesity, fatness, bulkiness

321. Corroborate to support with evidence

322. Corrugate to mold in a shape with parallel grooves

and ridges

323. Cortege a procession, a group of attendants

324. Cosmology  study of the universe as a totality; theory 

of the origin and structure of the universe

325. Cosset to pamper, treat with great care

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326. Coterie an intimate group of people with a common


327. Coven group of witches

328. Covert hidden; secret

329. Covet to wish for with envy 

330. Covetous desiring something owned by another

331. Cozen to mislead by trick or fraud; deceive

332. Craven cowardly 

333. Credence acceptance of something as true

334. Credo statement of belief or principle; creed

335. Criterion standard for judging

336. Culvert a sewer or drain

337. Curmudgeon cranky person

338. Cursory   brief, without much attention to detail

339. Daedal ingenious or complex in design

340. Daunt to discourage; intimidate; dishearten

341. De facto in fact; whether by right or not; exercising

power without being legally established

342. Dearth scarcity 

343. Debacle a disaster or violent breakdown

344. Debauchery  corruption

345. Deciduous shedding or losing leaves on a particular

season, not evergreen

346. Decimate to kill or destroy a large part of 

347. Declivity  downward slope

348. Decorum proper behavior

349. Defalcate to embezzle

350. Defame to malign; harm someone's reputation

351. Default to fail to act

352. Defenestration the act of throwing someone or something

out a window 

353. Defer to submit to the wishes of another due to

respect or recognition of the person'sauthority or knowledge

354. Deference respect; regard for another's wish

355. Deft skillful

356. Defunct no longer existing

357. Deism the belief that god created the world and

then left it to its own devices

358. Deleterious harmful

359. Delineate to represent or depict

360. Delude to deceive, to have false il lusion

361. Deluge flood

362. Demagogue leader or rabble-rouser who usually uses

appeals to emotion or prejudice

363. Demimonde a class of kept women or women of lower

social standing,

364. Demographic related to population balance

365. Demotic pertaining to people

366. Demur to express doubt

367. Denigrate to slur someone's reputation

368. Denizen an inhabitant; a regular visitor

369. Denouement outcome; unraveling of the plot of a play or

 work of literature

370. Denunciation open condemnation

371. Depravity  moral corruption

372. Depreciate to lessen in value, to belittle

373. Depredate to prey upon, to plunder with violence if 


374. Deride to mock 

375. Derivative something derived; unoriginal

376. Descry  to discern, to see something, to teach sight


377. Desecrate to treat with disrespect

378. Desiccate to dry completely 

379. Destitute  very poor, totally lacking

380. Desuetude state of disuse

381. Desultory  random; disconnected; rambling

382. Deterrent something that discourages or hinders

383. Detraction the act of taking away; derogatory comment

on a person's character

384. Deviant a person whose behavior differs from the

accepted standards of society 

385. Diadem a crown that indicates royalty 

386. Diaphanous transparent; fine-textured; insubstantial; vague

387. Diatribe  bitter verbal attack 

388. Dichotomy  division into two usually contradictory parts

389. Dictum authoritative statement; popular saying

390. Didactic instructive, intended to educate

391. Diffidence shyness; lack of confidence

392. Diffuse  v. to spread out; adj. wordy; rambling;

spread out

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393. Digress to stray from the main subject

394. Digression act of straying from the main point

395. Dilettante a dabbler, someone with a superficial

knowledge (usually of the arts)

396. Diluvial relating to a flood

397. Diminutive small

398. Dirge funeral hymn

399. Disabuse to free from misconception

400. Discern to perceive something obscure

401. Discerning perceptive; exhibiting keen insight and good


402. Discomfit to make uneasy; disconcert

403. Discordant not in tune

404. Discount to deduct, to disregard

405. Discredit to dishonor; disgrace; cause to be doubted

406. Discrepancy  difference between

407. Discrete constituting a separate thing; distinct

408. Discretion quality of showing self-restraint in speech or

actions; circumspection; freedom to act on

one's own

409. Disingenuous not candid; crafty 

410. Disinterested unprejudiced; objection

411. Disjointed lacking order or coherence; dislocated

412. Dismiss put away from consideration; reject

413. Disparage to belittle

414. Disparate dissimilar

415. Disquiet to make uneasy 

416. Dissemble to pretend; disguise one's motinves

417. Disseminate to spread; scatter; disperse

418. Dissident person who disagrees about belief; etc.

419. Dissipate to break up, to squander, to indulge

excessively in sensual pleasure

420. Dissolution disintegration; debauchery 

421. Dissonance discord; lack of harmony 

422. Distaff  the female branch of a family 

423. Distend to expand; swell out

424. Distill extract the essential elements

425. Distrait inattentive; preoccupied

426. Dither to move or act confusedly or without clear


427. Diurnal occurring during the day, happens everyday 

428. Diva an opera singer, prima donna, a

tempermental, conceited person

429. Diverge to vary; go in different directions from the

same point

430. Divest to strip; deprive; rid

431. Divulge to make known something that is secret

432. Docile easily tought, submissive

433. Doctrinaire relating to a person who cannot compromise

about points of a theory or doctrine;

dogmatic; unyielding

434. Document to provide with written evidence to support

435. Doff  to take off (usually clothing) as a sign of 


436. Doggerel poor verse

437. Dogmatic stating opinions without proof 

438. Dolor sadness

439. Dolorous sorrowful

440. Dormant inactive

441. Dossier a file of documents, letters and records

442. Doughty  courageous

443. Draconian severe, exceedingly harsh

444. Droll amusing in a wry, subtle way 

445. Dross  waste; worthless matter; trivial matter

446. Dulcet having a nice, agreeable, melodious sound

447. Dupe to deceive; trick 

448. Dyspeptic suffering from indigestion; gloomy and


449. Ebb to decline, to recede

450. Ebullient exhilarated; enthusiastic

451. Eccentric non conventional, a little kooky 

452. Éclat a dazzling success, acclaim

453. Eclectic selecting from various sources

454. Edacious having an instable appetite, great voracity 

455. Efface to erase, to rub away the features, to obscure

456. Effervescence state of high spirits or liveliness; the process

of bubbling as gas escapes

457. Effete depleted of vitality; overrefined; decadent

458. Efficacy  efficiency; effectiveness

459. Effluvia outpouring of gases or vapors

460. Effrontery  shameless boldness; presumptuousness

461. Effulgent  brilliantly shining

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462. Egocentric self involved, selfish

463. Egoism the tendency to see thing in relation to oneself;


464. Egotistical excessively self-centered; conceited

465. Egregious extremely bad, flagrant

466. Élan  vigor, distinctive, elegant style

467. Elegy  poem or song expressing lamentation

468. Elicit to provoke; draw out

469. Elixir a substance believed to have the power to cure


470. Elliptical oval, obscure in expression

471. Elucidate to make clear

472. Elysian  blissful; delightful

473. Emaciated thin and wasted

474. Embellish to adorn; decorate; enhance; make more

attractive by adding details

475. Emend to correct a text

476. Emigrate to move to a new country, to move to a new 


477. Emissary  a messenger or representative, an agent

478. Emollient adj. soothing; mollifying; n. an agent that

soothes or makes more acceptable

479. Empirical derived observation and experiment

480. Emulate to imitate; copy 

481. Encomium a formal expression of praise

482. Endemic inherent; belonging to an area

483. Enervate to weaken

484. Engaging charming, interesting

485. Engender to cause; produce

486. Enhance to increase; improve

487. Enigma a puzzle, a baffling situation, something


488. Ennui  boredom, listlessness, lack of interest

489. Ensconce to settle in snugly, to hide in a secure place

490. Enshroud to cover, to enclose with a dark cover

491. Entomology  the scientific study of insects

492. Enuciate to pronounce clearly 

493. Ephemeral short-lived; fleeting

494. Epicene having characteristics of both male and female


495. Epicure person with refined taste in food and wine

496. Epistemology   branch of philosophy that examines the

nature of knowledge

497. Epitome representative of an entire group; summary 

498. Equable steady; unvarying; serene

499. Equanimity  composure; calmness

500. Equitable fair; just; impartial

501. Equivocate lie, mislead; attempt to conceal the truth

502. Equivocation to intentionally use vague language

503. Errant mistaken; straying from the proper course

504. Ersatz an inferior substitute

505. Erudite learned; scholarly 

506. Escarpment cliff, a steep slope resulting from erosion

507. Eschew  to abstain from, avoid

508. Esculent edible, suitable for eating

509. Esoteric hard to understand; known only to a few 

510. Espy  to glimpse, to descry, to catch sight of 

511. Essay  to make an attempt; subject to a test

512. Estimable admirable; possible to estimate

513. Ethnocentric  based on the attitude that one's group is


514. Etiolate pale and drawn, to make weak by stunting


515. Etiology  causes or origins

516. Etymology  origin and history of a word

517. Eugenics study of factors that influence the hereditary 

qualities of the human race and ways to

improve these qualities

518. Eulogize to speak in praise of someone, to pay written

or spoken tribute

519. Eulogy  high praise; especially of a person who has

recently died

520. Euphemism use of agreeable or inoffensive language in

place of unpleasant or offensive language

521. Euphoria a feeling of extreme happiness522. Euthanasia mercy killing

523. Euthenics the science of improving the condition of 

humans by improving their environment

524. Evanescent fleeting, vanishing, transient

525. Evince to show plainly; be an indication of 

526. Evocative tending to call to mind or produce a reaction

527. Exacerbate to aggravate; make worse

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528. Exact  v. to force the payment of; demand and

obtain by authority; adj. extremely 

demanding (exacting)

529. Exacting greatly demanding, requiring close


530. Exalt to raise high, to glorify 

531. Exculpate to clear of blame; vindicate

532. Execrable detestable; abhorrent

533. Exemplar an excellent model, a typical example

534. Exhort to urge by strong appeals

535. Exigency  crisis; urgent requirements

536. Exigent urgent, demands prompt action

537. Existential having to do with existence; based on

experience; having to do with the

philosophy of existentialism

538. Exorbitant extravagant, exceeding what is usual

539. Exorcise to expel evil spirits; free from bad


540. Expatiate to speak or write at length

541. Expatriate to send into exile

542. Expedite to make faster or easier, to carry out


543. Expiate to atone for

544. Explicate to explain; interpret; clarify 

545. Explicit clearly stated, precisely shown

546. Expository  explanatory 

547. Expunge to erase, to strike out

548. Expurgate to censor

549. Extant in existence; not lost

550. Extemporaneous unrehearsed

551. Extirpate to root up; to destroy 

552. Extol to praise highly 

553. Extraneous not essential

554. Extrapolate to estimate

555. Extrapolation the act of estimation by projecting

known information

556. Extrinsic not inherent or essential

557. Facade the principal front of a building, a false


558. Facetious humorous

559. Facilitate to make less difficult

560. Faction a group, or part of large group, united on an


561. Factotum a person who does all sorts of work; a


562. Fallacious  based on a false idea or fact; misleading

563. Fallacy  false idea, mistaken belief, an implausible


564. Fallow  plowed but not sowed; uncultivated

565. Fatuous foolishly self-satisfied

566. Fauna animals of a period or region

567. Fawning seeking favor by flattery 

568. Fealty  intense loyalty 

569. Feckless lacking responsibility, ineffective

570. Fecund fertile, productive, fruitful

571. Feign to pretend, give a false impression, to invent


572. Felicitous suitably expressed; appropriate; well-chosen

573. Feral existing in a wild or untamed state

574. Fervor n. warmth and intensity of emotion; adj. full of 

strong emotion or impassioned (fervent)

575. Fetid having a bad smell

576. Fetter  v. to bind; confine; n. something that restricts or


577. Fey  otherworldly, magical, "touched"

578. Fiat arbitrary order; authorization579. Fidelity  loyalty; exact correspondence

580. Filch to steal

581. Filial relating to a son

582. Filibuster use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block 

passage of a law 

583. Finesse to handle with a deceptive or evasive strategy; to

use finesse; that is; refinement in performance

584. Fissure crevice

585. Flaccid limp, flabby, weak 

586. Flag to droop; grow weak 

587. Flagellate to whip, or to punish as if by whipping

588. Fledgling  beginner; novice

589. Flora plants of a region or era

590. Florid ruddy; reddish; flowery 

591. Flourish n. an embellishment or ornamentation; v.

meaning to grow vigorously; or to thrive

592. Flout to treat scornfully 

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593. Fluke a chance event, a coincidence, a stroke of luck 

594. Flux flowing; a continuous moving

595. Fodder raw material for a given end

596. Foliate to grow, sprout leaves

597. Foment to incite; arouse

598. Foray  an initial venture, to raid in search of plunder

599. Forbearance patience

600. Forestall to prevent; delay 

601. Forfeit to give up something as a penalty for some

error or crime

602. Formidable menacing; threatening

603. Forswear renounce; repudiate

604. Fortuitous happening by chance, lucky fortunate

605. Forward contrary, consistently disobedient

606. Founder to sink; fail; collapse

607. Fracas a loud quarrel; brawl

608. Fractious quarrelsome; unruly; rebellious

609. Frenetic  wildly frantic, frenzied, hectic

610. Fresco a painting done on plaster

611. Frieze ornamental band on a wall

612. Froward stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient

613. Frugality  thrift

614. Fulminate to attack loudly; denounce

615. Fulsome so excessive as to be disgusting

616. Furtive secret, done by stealth, s ly 

617. Fusillade a rapid outburst, spray of gunfire

618. Fusion union; synthesis

619. Fustian ridiculously pompous, bombastic, grandiose

in delivery 

620. Futile ineffective; useless; fruitless

621. Gainsay  to deny; dispute; oppose

622. Galoot a loutish oaf, a clumsy but somewhat likable


623. Galvanize to arouse suddenly, to stimulate, spur to


624. Gambol to frolic; leap playfully 

625. Gamin a street urchin, a slim girl with an impish


626. Gamut the full range of something

627. Garner to gather and store away, to acquire by effort

628. Garrulous  very talkative; wordy 

629. Gauche coarse and uncouth; clumsy 

630. Gemeinschaft a group with similar tastes, a group bound

 by similar interests and kinship

631. Geniality  cheerfulness; kindliness; sociability 

632. Genteel refined, polite, aristocratic

633. Germinate to begin to grow (as in a seed or idea)

634. Gerrymander to divide an area into voting districts in a

 way that favors a political party 

635. Gestalt a structure, whose parts cannot stand


636. Gesticulate to gesture, especially when speaking

637. Gibe to make heckling, taunting remarks

638. Gird to invest with authority, to brace

639. Glib fluent in an insincere way; offhand

640. Gnostic having to do with knowledge

641. Goad to prod; urge on

642. Gossamer sheer; light and delicate; like cobwebs

643. Gouge to tear out; scoop out; overcharge

644. Grandiloquence pompous talk, fancy but meaningless


645. Grandiloquent pompous; bombastic

646. Gratuitous freely given, unnecessary, uncalled for,


647. Gravity  seriousness

648. Gregarious sociable

649. Grig a l ively person

650. Grimace to make an ugly disapproving facial


651. Grouse to complain

652. Grovel to beg persistently, to degrade oneself 

653. Guile deception or trickery 

654. Guileless free of cunning or deceit; artless

655. Guise outward appearance; false appearance;


656. Gullible easily deceived

657. Gustatory  affecting the sense of taste

658. Hackneyed  worn out by over-use

659. Halcyon calm and peaceful; happy; golden;


660. Halitosis  bad breath

661. Hallowed holy; sacred

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662. Harangue long; pompous speech; tirade

663. Harbinger a precursor, an indication, one that

foreshadows what is coming

664. Harrowing extremely distressing; terrifying

665. Hegemony  leadership, domination, usually by a


666. Hegira an escape to avoid danger or to get away from an unpleasant location

667. Herald to give notice of, to hail or greet

668. Herbivorous relating to a herbivore; an animal that feeds

mainly on plants

669. Heresy  any belief that is strongly opposed to

established beliefs, or practice

670. Heretical opposed to an established religious


671. Hermetic tightly sealed; magical

672. Heterodox unorthodox; not widely accepted

673. Heuristic relating to a speculative formulation guiding

the investigation or solution of a problem;

educational method in which students learn

from their own investigations

674. Hiatus a break or interruption from work or any 

other established routine

675. Hidebound excessively rigid, dry and stiff, inflexible

676. Hieroglyphics a system of writing in which pictorial

symbols represent meaning or sounds;

 writing or symbols that are difficult to

decipher; the symbols used in advanced


677. Hirsute covered with hair

678. Histrionic relating to exaggerated emotional behavior

calculated for effect; theatrical arts or


679. Hoary  gray or white with age, ancient, stale

680. Homage reverence, respect, an expression of high


681. Homeopathy  a system of natural healing

682. Homeostasis automatic maintenance by an organism of 

normal temperature; chemical balance; etc.

 within itself 

683. Homily  sermon; tedious moralizing lecture;


684. Homogeneous composed of identical parts; uniform in


685. Homogenous of the same kind

686. Homologate to confirm officially 

687. Hortative giving advice or exhortation

688. Hubris excessive pride, arrogance, exaggerated self 


689. Hugger mugger a confusion, jumble, muddle

690. Husband to farm; manage carefully and thriftily 

691. Husbandry  the judicious used of resources, l ivestock 


692. Hyperbole purposeful exaggeration for effect

693. Iconoclast attacking cherished traditions

694. Iconoclastic attacking cherished tradition

695. Idiosyncrasy  peculiarity of temperament, eccentricity 

696. Idolatry  idol worship; blind or excessive devotion

697. Igneous produced by fire; volcanic

698. Ignominious disgraceful and dishonorable

699. Ilk  type or kind

700. Illusory  unreal, deceptive

701. Imago an adult stage of an insect,

702. Imbroglio complicated situation; an entanglement

703. Imbue to infuse; dye; wet, moisten

704. Immaterial insignificant, unimportant

705. Imminent about to occur, hanging threatening over

one's head

706. Immutable unchangeable

707. Impair to damage; injure

708. Impassive showing no emotion

709. Impecunious poor; having no money 

710. Impede to hinder; block 

711. Imperious commanding, lordly, arrogant

712. Impermeable impossible to penetrate

713. Imperturbable not easily disturbed

714. Impervious impossible to penetrate; incapable of being


715. Impinge to strike; encroach

716. Implacable inflexible; incapable of being pleased

717. Implausible unlikely; unbelievable

718. Implicit implied; understood but not stated

719. Implode collapse inward violently 

720. Impolitic unwise

721. Impotent lacking power, helpless, unable to perform

sexual intercourse

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722. Imprecation curse

723. Impromptu spontaneous, without rehearsal

724. Impugn to attack the integrity of something

725. Impute to relate to a particular cause or source;

attribute the fault to; assign as a


726. Inadvertently  carelessly; unintentionally 

727. Incarnate having bodily form

728. Incendiary  combustible, flammable, burning easily 

729. Incessant unceasing, never ending, flowing without


730. Inchoate imperfectly formed or formulated

731. Incipient  beginning to be, in an early stage

732. Incongruity  state of not fitting

733. Inconsequential insignificant; unimportant

734. Incontrovertible not disputable, not open to question

735. Incorporate introduce something into another thing

already in existence; combine

736. Inculcate to teach; impress in the mind

737. Inculpate to blame; charge with a crime

738. Incursion sudden invasion

739. Indefatigable never tired

740. Indeterminate uncertain; indefinite

741. Indigence poverty 

742. Indigenous native, produced or living in a particular


743. Indigent poverty stricken, needy 

744. Indolent habitually lazy; idle

745. Indubitable unquestionable

746. Ineffable unutterable, unspeakable

747. Ineluctable not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable

748. Inept clumsy, awkward, incompetent

749. Inert unable to move; sluggish

750. Inertia disinclination to action or change

751. Infallible incapable of making a mistake

752. Infamy  an evil reputation borne of a criminal act,

a reputation for evildeeds

753. Ingenious original, clever, inventive

754. Ingenuous naive and trusting; lacking sophistication

755. Ingratiate to bring oneself purposely into another's

good graces

756. Ingress entrance

757. Inherent firmly established by nature or habit

758. Inhibit to keep from free activity or expression, to

restrain or even forbid

759. Iniquitous evil, unjust

760. Innocuous harmless

761. Innuendo indirect and subtle criticism, insinuation

762. Inquietude uneasiness, restlessness

763. Insensible unconscious; unresponsive

764. Insidious sly, treacherous, having a gradual effect

765. Insinuate to suggest; say indirectly; imply 

766. Insipid lacking in flavor; dull

767. Insouciant indifferent; lacking concern or care

768. Insularity  narrow-mindedness; isolation

769. Insuperable insurmountable; unconquerable

770. Intangible not material

771. Interdict to forbid; prohibit; to confront and ha lt the

activities; advance; or entry of 

772. Interlocutor someone taking part in a dialogue

773. Interloper trespasser; meddler in others' affairs

774. Internecine deadly to both sides

775. Interpolate to insert; change by adding new words or


776. Interregnum interval between reigns; gap in continuity 

777. Interstice a space between things

778. Intimate marked by close acquaintance

779. Intimation clue, suggestion

780. Intractable not easily managed

781. Intransigence stubbornness; refusal to compromise

782. Intransigent uncompromising, stubborn

783. Intrepid fearless, having fortitude and endurance


Intrinsic inherent, internal785. Introspective contemplating one's own thoughts and


786. Inundate to cover with water; overwhelm

787. Inure to harden; accustom; become used to

788. Inured hardened; accustomed; used to

789. Invective  verbal abuse

790. Inveigh to disapprove; protest vehemently 

791. Inveigle to win over by flattery or coaxing

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792. Inveterate confirmed; long-standing; deeply rooted

793. Invidious likely to provoke ill will; offensive

794. Irascible easily angered

795. Irresolute unsure of how to act; weak 

796. Irreverent disrespectful, gently or humorously 


797. Itinerant  wandering from place to place; unsettled

798. Itinerary  route of a traveler's journey 

799. Jargon a specialized vocabulary of a group, an

obscure language

800. Jaundiced having a yellowish discoloration of the

skin; affected by envy; resentment; or


801. Jaunt a short pleasure trip

802. Jejune dull, lacking interest, empty of food

803. Jeopardy  exposure to danger, peril

804. Jibe to be in agreement

805. Jingoism  belligerent support of one's country 

806. Jocose fond of joking; jocular; playful

807. Jocular  jovial, playful, humorous

808. Judicious  wise, showing judgment, cautious

809. Juggernaut huge force destroying everything in its path

810. Junction a place of meeting or joining, a linkup

811. Junta group of people united in politic intrigue

812. Jurisprudence philosophy of law 

813. Juxtapose place side by side

814. Karma a good or bad emanation of force from

someone or something

815. Kismet fate

816. Knell sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or


817. Kudos fame; glory; gonor

818. Labile likely to change

819. Lachrymose tearful, mournful

820. Laconic using few words

821. Lambaste to thrash verbally or physically 

822. Lambent radiant, flickering, marked by lightness

823. Lament to mourn, to express regret

824. Lapidary  relating to precious stones

825. Largess a generous giving of gifts, philanthropy 

826. Lascivious lustful

827. Lassitude lethargy; sluggishness

828. Latent present but hidden; potential

829. Laud to praise

830. Lax careless, too relaxed

831. Legacy  something handed down from the past , a


832. Legerdemain trickery 

833. Leitmotif  a dominant or recurring theme or emotion

834. Lethargic inactive

835. Levee an embankment that prevents a river from


836. Levity  light manner or attitude

837. Lexicon dictionary, list of words

838. Liaison connection between different groups, a close


839. Libation a pouring of a liquid for a religious ceremony,

a drink 

840. Liberal tolerant; broad-minded; generous; lavish

841. Libertine one without moral restraint

842. Libidinous lustful, lascivious

843. Libido sexual desire

844. Licentious immoral; unrestrained by society 

845. Lilliputian extremely small

846. Limn to draw; describe

847. Limpid clear; transparent

848. Linguistic pertaining to language

849. Liniment medicinal liquid used externally to ease pain

850. Lionize to treat as a celebrity 

851. Lissome Moving and bending with ease

852. Listless a lack of energy, spiritless

853. Litany  lengthy recitation; repetitive chant

854. Literati scholarly or learned persons

855. Litigation legal proceedings

856. Log record of a voyage; record of daily activities

857. Lope to run at steady, easy pace

858. Loquacious talkative

859. Lucid  bright; clear; intelligible

860. Lucre money or profits

861. Lugubrious sorrowful, mournful

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862. Luminary  a person of great intellectual, creative or

spiritual stature

863. Luminous  bright; brilliant; glowing

864. Lupine having the characteristics of a wolf 

865. Lustrous shining

866. Macabre gruesome, producing horror

867. Macerate to soften by soaking, to cause to waste away 

868. Machiavellian crafty; double-dealing

869. Machination scheming activity foe an evil purpose

870. Machinations plots or schemes

871. Maelstrom  whirlpool; turmoil

872. Magnanimity  generosity; nobility 

873. Magnanimous noble in spirit, generous, giving

874. Malaise a feeling of depression, uneasiness, of being


875. Malapropism the humorous misuse of a word that sound

 very much like the word intended

876. Malevolent ill-willed; causing evil or harm to others

877. Malfeasance an illegal act especially by a public official

878. Malign to speak evil of 

879. Malinger to feign illness to escape duty 

880. Malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty 

881. Malleable capable of being shaped by pounding;


882. Manifest to make evident by showing

883. Manifold diverse, varied; comprised of many parts

884. Manqué a failure to realize one's aspirations

885. Manumit to release from slavery 

886. Marshal to gather together something for a purpose,

to arrange in order

887. Martinet one who adheres strictly to rules

888. Martyr one who suffers for a cause, a person who

sacrifices for a principle

889. Matriculate to enroll, most particularly in college

890. Matrix something from which something else

originates or takes from

891. Maudlin overly sentimental

892. Maverick  dissenter

893. Mawkish sickeningly sentimental

894. Meander to wander aimlessly 

895. Megalomania delusions of power or importance

896. Mélange a mixture of incongruous elements

897. Mellifluous sweetly flowing

898. Menagerie a variety of animals kept together

899. Mendacious dishonest

900. Mendicant  beggar

901. Mercenary  a person who serves only for money,

motivated by greed

902. Mercurial emotionally unpredictable, give to rapid

changes in mood

903. Meretricious gaudy; plausible but false; specious

904. Meritorious deserving reward or praise

905. Mesmerize to hypnotize

906. Metamorphosis change; transformation

907. Metaphysics a branch of philosophy that investigates

the ultimate nature of reality 

908. Meteorological concerned with the weather

909. Meticulous  very careful; fastidious

910. Mettle courage; endurance

911. Mettlesome full of courage and fortitude; spirited

912. Miasma a poisonous swamp vapor, a harmful

influence or atmosphere

913. Microcosm a small system having analogies to a

larger system; small world

914. Mien demeanor, the air bearing of a person

915. Milieu environment, surroundings

916. Militate to work against

917. Minatory  threatening; menacing

918. Minion a hanger on, a follower, an underling

919. Minuscule  very small

920. Minutia petty details

921. Mirthful merry, gleeful

922. Misanthrope one who hates humanity 

923. Miscellany  mixture of writings on various subjects

924. Miscreant  villain; criminal

925. Misogynist one who hates women

926. Mitigate to cause to become less harsh; severe; or

painful; alleviate

927. Mnemonic adj. related to memory; assisting memory;

n. a system that develops and improves

the memory 

928. Modicum limited quantity 

929. Mollify  soothe

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930. Molt to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer


931. Monolithic solid and uniform; constituting a single;

unified whole

932. Moot of no matter or consequence, not important

933. Mordacious caustic, biting

934. Mordant  bitingly sarcastic, incisive, caustic in manner

935. Moribund  being in a dying or decaying condition

936. Morose ill-humored; sullen

937. Mote small particle, speck 

938. Motley  many colored; made up of many parts

939. Moue a pout, usually playful, a l ittle grimace

940. Muckrake to expose political misconduct

941. Mugwump a person or politician who can't make up his

mind, an independent

942. Multifarious diverse

943. Mundane  worldly as opposed to spiritual; concerned

 with the ordinary 

944. Munificent generous

945. Myopia nearsightedness, lacking foresight

946. Myriad an immense indefinite number, multitude

947. Nabob a wealthy, influential person

948. Nadir lowest point

949. Nascent coming into existence, being born

950. Nebulous  vague, cloudy 

951. Necromancy   black magic

952. Nefandous unspeakable, unutterable

953. Nefarious  vicious, evil

954. Negate to cancel out; nullify 

955. Negligent careless, remiss

956. Nemesis a powerful river, a usually unconquerable


957. Neologism new word or expression

958. Neophyte novice; beginner

959. Nepotism showing favoritism to friends or family, as in

granting positions in jobs or politics

960. Nexus a means of connection; a connected group or

series; a center

961. Niggardly  stingy, small in a mean way 

962. Nihilism the belief that there are no values or morals in

the universe,

963. Nimbus an atmosphere that surrounds a person or

thing, a rain cloud,

964. Nirvana a blissful, painless state,

965. Noisome harmful, unwholesome, stinking, putrid

966. Nomadic  without a permanent home, constantly 


967. Nominal insignificant, trifling

968. Nonplus to bewilder, to puzzle

969. Nonplussed  bewildered

970. Nostalgia sentimental longing for a past time

971. Nostrum medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness;

supposed cure

972. Novel new, original

973. Noxious harmful, unwholesome

974. Nuance a subtle distinction, a slight difference in


975. Nugatory  trifling; invalid

976. Nullify  to repeal, cancel, render void

977. Numismatics coin collecting

978. Obdurate stubborn

979. Obfuscate to confuse, obscure

980. Obliterate to blot out leaving no traces, to destroy 

981. Obloquy  strong language of condemnation

982. Obscure unclear, vague partially hidden, hard to


983. Obsequious overly submissive

984. Obsequy  funeral ceremony (often used in the plural;


985. Obstreperous stubbornly defiant, angry and clamorous

986. Obviate to make unnecessary; to anticipate and


987. Occlude to shut; block 

988. Occult relating to practices connected with

supernatural phenomena989. Odious hateful, evil, vile

990. Odyssey  a long adventurous voyage; a quest

991. Oeuvre a work of art, the sum of an artist's work 

992. Offal the waste parts of a product (often as in a

 butchered animal), refuse, rubbish

993. Officious too helpful; meddlesome

994. Ogle to stare at in a disrespectful way 

995. Olfactory  concerning the sense of smell

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996. Oligarchy  form of government in which power

 belongs to only a few leaders

997. Omnipotent having unlimited power

998. Omniscient all knowing, infinite awareness

999. Omnivorous eating or absorbing everything, feeding on

 both animal and vegetable substances

1000. Onerous  burdensome

1001. Onomatopoeia formation or use of words that imitate

sounds of the actions they refer to

1002. Onus  burden, blame, obligation

1003. Opaque difficult to see through, unclear, dark 

1004. Opine to express an opinion

1005. Opportunist a person who takes advantage of 

opportunity with no regard for principle

1006. Opprobrious damning, extremely critical, disgraceful

1007. Opprobrium disgrace; contempt

1008. Opus a creative work, musical composition

1009. Ornithologist scientist who studies birds

1010. Oscillate to move back and forth

1011. Osmosis gradual or subtle absorption, an

unconscious process of absorption

1012. Ossify  to become rigid, to be come set in one's


1013. Ostentatious showy; trying to attract attention;


1014. Oust to eject, to banish, to expel

1015. Ouster expulsion, ejection

1016. Overture an opening move, a preliminary offer

1017. Overweening presumptuous; arrogant; overbearing

1018. Pace  with deference to

1019. Pachyderm a thick skinned animal

1020. Paean song of joy or triumph; a fervent

expression of joy 

1021. Palatable pleasant to the taste, agreeable in feeling

1022. Paleontology  study of past geological eras through fossil


1023. Palliate to hide the seriousness of something with

excuses or apologies,

1024. Pallid lacking color or liveliness

1025. Paltry  a tiny or insignificant amount, meager,


1026. Panacea a remedy that cures everything

1027. Panegyric elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise

1028. Panoply  impressive array 

1029. Paradigm a model or example

1030. Paragon model of excellence or perfection

1031. Paralogism illogical reasoning of which the reason is

not aware

1032. Pariah an outcast

1033. Parley  discussion, usually between enemies

1034. Parochial of limited scope or outlook, provincial

1035. Paroxysm a fit

1036. Parsimonious stingy 

1037. Parsimony  stinginess

1038. Partisan one-sided; committed to a party; group. or

cause; prejudiced

1039. Partition a dividing wall, a division

1040. Parvenu an upstart who has acquired wealth and

class but hasn'

1041. Pastiche a piece that imitates or is made up from

pieces of other works,

1042. Pathological departing from normal condition

1043. Pathos a quality that causes a feeling of pity or


1044. Patina surface discoloration caused by age and


1045. Patois a regional dialect; nonstandard speech;


1046. Paucity  scarcity 

1047. Peccadillo minor sin or offense

1048. Peculation theft of money or goods

1049. Pedant uninspired; boring academic

1050. Pedantic showing off learning

1051. Pellucid transparent; translucent; easily understood

1052. Penchant inclination

1053. Penultimate next to last

1054. Penumbra partial shadow 

1055. Penurty  extreme poverty 

1056. Penury  extreme poverty 

1057. Perambulate  walk about

1058. Percipience keen perception

1059. Perdition eternal damnation

1060. Peregrination a wandering from place to place

1061. Peremptory  imperative; leaving no choice

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1062. Perennial present throughout the years; persistent

1063. Perfidious faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy 

1064. Perfunctory  superficial; not thorough; performed really 

as a duty 

1065. Perigee point in an orbit that is closest to the earth

1066. Periphrastic using circumlocution

1067. Permeable penetrable

1068. Permeate to spread or seep through, to penetrate, to


1069. Pernicious  very harmful

1070. Perorate to make a long, formal speech, to sum up a


1071. Perquisite a privilege or perk that goes along with a


1072. Perspicacious shrewd, astute, showing strong powers of 


1073. Pertinacious persistent, stubborn

1074. Perturb to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious;

cause a body to deviate from its regular


1075. Peruse to study, to read over leisurely 

1076. Pervasive spread throughout every part

1077. Petulant rude; peevish

1078. Phalanx massed group of soldiers, people, or things

1079. Phantasm an apparition, phantom

1080. Philanthropy  good will towards all people, love of 

mankind, and act of generosity 

1081. Philistine narrow-minded person, someone lacking

appreciation for art or culture

1082. Phlegmatic calm in temperament; sluggish

1083. Phoenix mythical; immortal bird that lives for 500

 years; burns itself to death; and rises from

the ashes; anything that is restored after

suffering great destruction

1084. Physiognomy  facial features

1085. Piety  devoutness

1086. Pious reverent, devout, dutiful, may at times be

marked by hypocrisy 

1087. Piquant appealingly stimulating; pleasantly 

pungent; attrative

1088. Pique n. fleeting feeling of hurt pride; v. to

provoke or arouse

1089. Pivotal crucial, something around which things


1090. Placate to lessen another's anger; to pacify 

1091. Placebo a fake medication

1092. Placid calm

1093. Plaintive melancholy; mournful

1094. Plait to braid

1095. Plangent resounding; plaintive

1096. Plasticity  condition of being able to be shaped or formed;


1097. Platitude stale; overused expression

1098. Platonic spiritual; without sensual desire; or theoretical

1099. Plaudit applause

1100. Plausible  believable

1101. Plebeian common, vulgar, low class

1102. Plenary  complete, fully attended, not deficient in any 


1103. Plethora excess; overabundance

1104. Plumb to determine the depth; to examine deeply 

1105. Plume to congratulate oneself in a self-satisfied way 

1106. Plummet to fall; plunge

1107. Pluralism a society in which distinct group function

together, but retain their identities

1108. Plutocracy  society ruled by the wealthy 

1109. Pluvial rainy 

1110. Pneumatic relating to air; worked by compressed air

1111. Poignant emotionally moving

1112. Polemic a powerful argument to defend a thesis

1113. Poltroon a coward

1114. Polyglot speaker of many languages

1115. Porous full of holes; permeable to liquids

1116. Portent an omen, a sign of something coming, a


1117. Poseur person who affects an attitude or identity to

impress others

1118. Posit to put in position; to suggest an idea

1119. Pragmatic practical

1120. Prate to talk idly; chatter

1121. Prattle meaningless; foolish talk 

1122. Preamble preliminary statement

1123. Precarious uncertain

1124. Precept principle; law 

1125. Precipitate  v. to cause to happen; throw down from a

height; adj. rash; hasty sudden

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1126. Preclude to make impossible, to shut out, to bar

1127. Precursor forerunner; predecessor

1128. Predilection preference, liking

1129. Preempt to supersede; appropriate for oneself 

1130. Pregnant highly significant, overflowing, rich in


1131. Prehensile capable of grasping

1132. Premonition forewarning; presentiment

1133. Prepossess to cause to be preoccupied, to influence,

positively, in advance

1134. Presage to foretell; indicate in advance

1135. Prescient having foresight

1136. Presumptuous rude; improperly bold

1137. Pretentious showy, self important, make unjustifiable

claims to excellence

1138. Preternatural  beyond the normal course of nature;


1139. Prevaricate to quibble; evade the truth

1140. Primordial original; existing from the beginning

1141. Pristine untouched; uncorrupted

1142. Privation lack of comforts, poverty, a state of being


1143. Probity  honesty; high-mindedness

1144. Problematic posing a problem; doubtful; unsettled

1145. Prodigal  wasteful; extravagant; lavish

1146. Profligate corrupt, degenerate, wildly extravagant

1147. Profound deep; not superficial

1148. Progenitor originator, forefather, ancestor in a direct


1149. Prognosticate to predict

1150. Prohibitive so high as to prevent the purchase or use

of; preventing; forbidding

1151. Proliferate to increase rapidly 

1152. Prolific marked by abundant production oroffspring

1153. Prolix tedious; wordy 

1154. Promulgate to make known publicly 

1155. Propensity  inclination; tendency 

1156. Propinquity  nearness in place or time, kinship

1157. Propitiate to win over; appease

1158. Propitious favorable, advantageous

1159. Propriety  correct conduct; fitness

1160. Prosaic dull, unimaginative, lacking excitement

1161. Proscenium the part of the stage in front of the curtain,

the wall frame for the stage

1162. Proscribe  v. to condemn; forbid outlaw; adj. relating

to prohibition

1163. Proselytize to seek to convert someone to a religion,

cause or political position

1164. Prostrate lying face downward, lying flat on the


1165. Protagonist main character in a play or story, hero

1166. Protean readily assuming different shapes or


1167. Provenance origin, source, proof of posting ownership

1168. Provident providing for future needs; frugal

1169. Provincial limited in outlook, narrow in ideas

1170. Prowess exceptional skill or strength, military valor

1171. Prudent careful, cautious

1172. Prurient lascivious, have lustful thoughts or desires

1173. Puerile childish, immature, silly 

1174. Puissance power, strength

1175. Puissant powerful

1176. Pulchritude physical beauty 

1177. Punctilious careful in observing rules of behavior or


1178. Pundit an authority or critic1179. Pungent strong or sharp in smell or taste;

penetrating; caustic; to the point

1180. Purport  v. to profess; suppose; claim; n. meaning

intended or implied

1181. Pusillanimous cowardly 

1182. Putrefy  to rot

1183. Qua in the capacity of 

1184. Quagmire marsh; difficult situation

1185. Quail to cower; lose heart

1186. Quaint pleasantly old fashioned, picturesque

1187. Qualified limited; restricted

1188. Qualm sudden feeling of faintness or nausea;

uneasy feeling about the rightness of 


1189. Quell to put an end to, to squelch, to calm

1190. Querulous inclined to complain, irritable

1191. Query  to question

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1192. Quibble to argue over insignificant and irrelevant


1193. Quiddity  the real nature of a thing, the essence , a

hairsplitting distinction

1194. Quiescence state of rest or inactivity 

1195. Quiescent inactive; still

1196. Quintessential the most perfect example of 

1197. Quisling a traitor who helps an enemy who

occupies his country 

1198. Quixotic foolishly impractical and idealistic

1199. Quorum number of members necessary to conduct

a meeting

1200. Quotidian occurring every day, commonplace

1201. Raconteur  witty; skillful storyteller

1202. Raffish  jaunty, sporty, disreputable, vulgar,

characterized by a careless


1203. Rail to scold with bitter or abusive language

1204. Raillery  lighthearted jesting

1205. Raiment clothing

1206. Ramification implication; outgrowth; consequence

1207. Rancor  bitter hatred

1208. Rapacious greedy; predatory 

1209. Rapprochement a re establishment of good relations

1210. Rarefied refined

1211. Rationale fundamental reason

1212. Raucous  boisterous, harsh sounding, noisy and


1213. Raze to tear down, demolish

1214. Rebuff  to snub, to refuse in a blunt or rude way 

1215. Rebuke to criticize or reprimand sharply 

1216. Rebus puzzle in which pictures or symbols

represent words

1217. Recalcitrant resisting authority or control1218. Recant to retract a statement or opinion

1219. Recidivism the act of repeating an offense

1220. Reciprocal mutual, shared, interchangeable

1221. Recluse person who lives in seclusion and often

in solitude

1222. Recondite abstruse; profound

1223. Recreant disloyal; cowardly 

1224. Redoubtable formidable; arousing fear; worthy of 


1225. Redress relief from wrong or injury 

1226. Reductionistic attempting to explain complex phenomena

 by simple principles

1227. Refract deflect light or sound

1228. Refractory  stubborn; unmanageable; resistingordinary methods of treatment

1229. Refulgent  brightly shining; resplendent

1230. Refute to contradict; disapprove

1231. Regale entertain

1232. Rejoinder response

1233. Relegate to consign to an inferior position

1234. Relic an object associated with a saint,

something that remains from the past

1235. Remonstrate to object or protest

1236. Remuneration payment, recompense

1237. Renege to go back on one's word

1238. Renitent resisting pressure, obstinate

1239. Reparation amends; compensation

1240. Repartee a quick, witty reply, spirited conversation

1241. Repast meal

1242. Repine fret; complain

1243. Replenish to refill, to supply once more

1244. Reprehensible deserving of blame

1245. Reprise repetition; especially of a piece of music

1246. Reproach to find fault with; blame

1247. Reprobate morally unprincipled person

1248. Reprove to gently criticize

1249. Repudiate to reject as having no authority 

1250. Requite to return or repay 

1251. Rescind to cancel

1252. Resilient an ability to recover from, or adjust easily 

1253. Resolution determination; resolve

1254. Resolve determination; firmness of purpose

1255. Respite an interval of rest, a temporary delay 

1256. Resplendent  brilliant, gloriously bright

1257. Restive impatient, uneasy, restless

1258. Reticent not speaking freely; reserved; reluctant

1259. Retinue a group of attendants to an elevated person

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1260. Revelry   boisterous festivity 

1261. Reverent expressing deep respect; worshipful

1262. Ribald  vulgar or indecent language

1263. Rife  widespread, abounding, occurring frequently 

1264. Riposte retaliatory action or retort

1265. Robust strong and healthy, vigorous

1266. Rococo excessively ornate; highly decorated; style of 

architecture in eighteenth century europe

1267. Rotund round in shape; fat

1268. Roué a lecherous man, a rake, a person devoted to

sensual pleasures

1269. Rout to put to flight, to scatter, to cause a huge


1270. Rubric title or heading; category; established mode of 

procedure or conduct; protocol

1271. Rue to regret

1272. Ruminate to muse upon

1273. Ruse trick; crafty stratagem; subterfuge

1274. Rustic primitive, rural, lacking city comforts

1275. Saccharine excessively sweet

1276. Sacrosanct extremely sacred; beyond criticism

1277. Sagacious  wise shrewd

1278. Sage  wise

1279. Salacious lascivious; lustful

1280. Sallow  a sickly, greenish yellow tone

1281. Sally  a rushing attack, witty repartee, a brief 


1282. Salubrious healthful

1283. Salutary  expecting an improvement; favorable to health

1284. Sanction  v. to approve; ratify; permit; n. approval;

ratification; permission; penalize

1285. Sangfroid extraordinary composure in the face of danger

1286. Sanguine ruddy; cheerfully optimistic

1287. Sapient  wise

1288. Saporous tasty, flavorsome

1289. Sardonic cynical; scornfully mocking

1290. Sartorial pertaining to tailors

1291. Satiate to satisfy 

1292. Satrap a subordinate ruler

1293. Saturate to soak thoroughly; imbue throughout

1294. Saturnine gloomy 

1295. Satyr a creature that is half-man; half-beast with

the horns and legs of a goat; it is a follower of 

dionysos; a lecher

1296. Savant a scholar, a very knowledgeable person

1297. Savor to enjoy; have a distinctive flavor or smell

1298. Scabbard sheath for sword or dagger

1299. Scanty  minimal, hardly sufficient

1300. Schematic relating to or in the form of an outline or


1301. Scintilla  very small amount

1302. Scintillate to sparkle, to gleam, to be animated or


1303. Sciolism superficial knowledge

1304. Scofflaw  one who is continually breaking the law 

1305. Scotch to put an end to

1306. Scurrilous  vulgar, low, indecent

1307. Secrete produce and release substance into an


1308. Sedition  behavior prompting rebellion

1309. Sedulous diligent

1310. Seismic relating to earthquakes; earthshaking

1311. Senescence  beginning of old age

1312. Senescent aging, growing old

1313. Sensual relating to the senses; gratifying the physical

senses; especially sexual appetites

1314. Sensuous relating to the senses; operating through the


1315. Sententious preachy, pompous, using wise sayings


1316. Sentient aware; conscious; able to perceive

1317. Sepulchral typical of a place of burial

1318. Sequacious slavish, obsequious, following in logical


1319. Seraphic angelic, pure, sublime

1320. Serried crowded together

1321. Serviette a table napkin

1322. Servile submissive; obedient

1323. Sextant navigation tool that determines latitude and


1324. Shantung a heavy nubby fabric, made of wild silk 

1325. Shard a piece of broken glass or pottery 

1326. Shibboleth a distinctive word or behavior that typifies a

group, a slogan

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1327. Shirk  to avoid a task due to laziness or fear

1328. Sidereal relating to the stars

1329. Simian apelike; relating to apes

1330. Simile comparison of one thing with another

using "like" or "as"

1331. Simper to smile foolishly 

1332. Sine qua non something that is an essential condition of 

1333. Sinecure  well-paying job or office that requires little

or no work 

1334. Singular unique; extraordinary; odd

1335. Sinuous  winding; intricate; complex

1336. Skeptic one who doubts

1337. Slake to quench or moderate

1338. Slatternly  squalid, a slovenly woman

1339. Sloth sluggish, laziness, indolence

1340. Slovenly  untidy, messy 

1341. Sobriety  seriousness

1342. Sodden thoroughly soaked; saturated

1343. Sojourn  visit, stay 

1344. Solecism grammatical mistake

1345. Solicious  worried, concerned

1346. Solicitous concerned; attentive; eager

1347. Soliloquy  literary or dramatic speech by one

character; not addressed to others

1348. Solipsism  belief that the self is the only reality 

1349. Solvent able to meet financial obligation

1350. Somatic relating to or affecting the body; corporeal

1351. Somnambulist sleepwalker

1352. Somnolent drowsy, sleepy 

1353. Sonorous producing a full, rich sound

1354. Sophist person good at arguing deviously 


Soporific sleep producing1356. Sordid filthy; contemptible and corrupt

1357. Spate a sudden outburst

1358. Specious seeming to be logical and sound; but not

really so

1359. Spectrum  band of colors produced when sunlight

passes through a prism; a broad range of 

related ideas or objects

1360. Spelunker a cave explorer

1361. Spendthrift n. person who spends money recklessly; adj.

 wasteful and extravagant

1362. Sporadic irregular

1363. Sportive frolicsome, playful

1364. Spurious false, fake, not genuine

1365. Squalid filthy; morally repulsive

1366. Squalor filthy; wretched condition

1367. Staccato marked by abrupt; clear-cut sounds

1368. Stagnate to lie inactive, to stay in one place

1369. Staid self-restrained, strait-laced

1370. Stalwart unwavering, robust, sturdily built

1371. Stanch to stop or check the flow of 

1372. Static stationary, not changing or moving

1373. Steadfast loyal, faithful

1374. Stentorian extremely loud

1375. Stigma mark of disgrace or inferiority 

1376. Stint  v. to be sparing; n. a period of time spent

doing something

1377. Stipulate to specify as an essential condition

1378. Stoic showing indifference to pain, apathetic

1379. Stolid having or showing little emotion

1380. Stratagem a trick or deceptive scheme

1381. Stratified arranged in layers

1382. Striate striped, grooved

1383. Striated marked with thin; narrow grooves or


1384. Stricture something that restrains; negative criticism

1385. Strident loud; harsh; unpleasantly noisy 

1386. Stringent imposing severe, rigorous standards

1387. Strut to swagger; display to impress others

1388. Stultify  to impair or reduce to uselessness


Stupefy  to dull the senses of; stun; astonish1390. Sturm and


1391. Stygian dark and gloomy; hellish

1392. Stymie to get in the way of, to hinder, to block 

1393. Subpoena notice ordering someone to appear in court

1394. Subside to settle down; grow quiet

1395. Substantiate to support with proof or evidence

1396. Substantive essential; pertaining to the substance

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1397. Subsume to include; incorporate

1398. Subterfuge trick or tactic used to avoid something

1399. Subversive intended to undermine or overthrow;

especially an established government

1400. Succinct concise, clearly expressed with a few words

1401. Succor relief; help in time of distress or want

1402. Suffrage the right to vote

1403. Sui generis unique, of its own kind, in a class by itself 

1404. Sully  to soil, stain, tarnish; taint

1405. Sundry   various

1406. Supercilious arrogant, overbearing, condescending

1407. Supersede to replace; especially to displace as inferior

or antiquated

1408. Supervene to follow immediately after, to ensue

1409. Supine lying on the back; marked by lethargy 

1410. Supplant to replace; substitute

1411. Suppliant  beseeching

1412. Supplicant one who asks humbly and earnestly 

1413. Supposition the act of assuming to be true or real

1414. Surcease cessation

1415. Surfeit abundance, excessive amount

1416. Surly  rude and bad-tempered

1417. Surmise abundance, excessive amount

1418. Surreptitious sneaky, secret

1419. Sybarite person devoted to pleasure and luxury 

1420. Sycophant a flatterer, a self serving yes man

1421. Syllogism a form of deductive reasoning that has a

major premise; a minor premise; and a


1422. Sylvan related to the woods or forest

1423. Syncopation temporary irregularity in musical rhythm

1424. Synergy  the combined force of two distinct elements

that is more powerful then each alone

1425. Table to remove from consideration

1426. Tableau  vivid description, striking incident or scene

1427. Tacit silently understood; implied

1428. Talisman charm to bring good luck and avert


1429. Tangential peripheral; digressing

1430. Tantamount equivalent in value or significance;

amounting to

1431. Tatterdemalion a ragged person, always in tatters

1432. Tautology  unnecessary repetition

1433. Taxonomy  science of classification; in biology; the

process of classifying organsims in


1434. Tedious  boring, tiresome

1435. Teem to swarm, to be inundated, to become fullto overflowing

1436. Teleology  the study of design or purpose in natural


1437. Temerarious recklessly daring, rash

1438. Temerity   boldness, rashness, audacity 

1439. Temperance habitual moderation, the avoidance of 


1440. Temporal relating to time; chronological

1441. Temporize to compromise, to draw something out in

order to ga in time

1442. Tenable defensible, reasonable

1443. Tendentious advancing a point of view, biased

1444. Tenebrous dark and gloomy 

1445. Tenet  belief; doctrine

1446. Tentative uncertain, temporary not fully worked out

1447. Tenuous  weak; insubstantial

1448. Tepid lukewarm, unenthusiastic, half hearted

1449. Termagant a quarrelsome woman, a shrew 

1450. Terrestrial earthly; commonplace

1451. Terse concise, brief, free of extra word

1452. Theocracy  government by priests representing a god

1453. Theology  the study of god or religion

1454. Thespian an actor or actress

1455. Threnody  a sad poem or song

1456. Thwart to prevent from being accomplished, to

frustrate, to hinder

1457. Timbre the characteristic quality of sound

produced by a particular instrument or

 voice; tone color

1458. Timorous fearful, easily frightened

1459. Tirade long; violent speech; verbal assault

1460. Titular in title only 

1461. Toady  flatterer; hanger-on; yes-man

1462. Tome  book; usually large and academic

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1528. Verbose  wordy 

1529. Verdant covered with green plants, leafy 

1530. Vernal occurring in spring, springlike youthful

1531. Vertigo dizziness

1532. Vestige the remains of something that no longer


1533. Vexation irritation; annoyance; confusion; puzzlement

1534. Viable practicable; capable of developing

1535. Vicarious acting for another, sharing in an experience

of another through the imagination

1536. Vie to complete, to contest

1537. Vilify  to defame, to slander, to blacken the

character of 

1538. Vindictive spiteful; vengeful; unforgiving

1539. Virile manly, having qualities of an adult male

1540. Virtuoso someone with masterly skills; expert


1541. Virulent extremely poisonous, malignant, full of hate

1542. Visage countenance; appearance; aspect

1543. Viscosity  a thick or sticky consistency of a liquid

1544. Viscous thick; syrupy; and sticky 

1545. Vitiate to impair the quality of; corrupt morally;

make inoperative

1546. Vitriolic corrosive, biting, bitterly scathing

1547. Vituperate to abuse verbally 

1548. Vituperative using or containing harsh; abusive censure

1549. Vivacious lively, spirited

1550. Vivisection dissection; surgery; or painful experiments

performed on a living animal for the purpose

of scientific research

1551. Vociferous loud, vocal, and noisy 

1552. Vogue prevailing fashion or practice

1553. Volatile tending to vary frequently; fickle

1554. Voluble speaking much and easily, talkative; glib

1555. Vortex  whirlpool; whirlwind; center of turbulence

1556. Votary  a person bound by vows to live a life of 

religious service

1557. Wanton immoral, lewd, deliberate maliciousness,

having no regards for others

1558. Warranted adj. justified; v. to attest to the accuracy or

quality; justify; grant authorization

1560. Waspish easily irritated

1561. Wastrel someone who wastes, a spendthrift

1562. Waver to be indecisive or inconstant, to fluctuate in


1563. Welter to wallow or roll; toss about; be in turmoil

1564. Whimsical fanciful; unpredictable

1565. Whimsy  playful or fanciful idea

1566. Winnow  to blow of, or away, to separate the good from

the bad

1567. Winsome charming, sweetly engaging

1568. Wistful  vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful

1569. Wizened shriveled, withered

1570. Wont custom, habit

1571. Wraith a specter, ghost of a dead person

1572. Xenophobia fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers

1573. Zaftig full figured, plump

1574. Zealot one who is fanatically devoted to a cause

1575. Zealotry  fanaticism

1576. Zeitgeist the mood or spirit of the times

1577. Zenith the highest point

1578. Zephyr a gentle breeze

1579. Ziggurat a terrace