graphs and final data

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  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table I Descriptive statistics of the normative population

    on ETCH- C & KT of SCSIT

    N Mean SD Min Max

    Age 154 7.132 0.3885 6.67 7.92

    ETCH-W 154 90.23 13.81 60 100

    ETCH-L 154 89.192 13.91 60.2 100

    Speed C 154 40.04 4.819 37.70 42.18

    Kin-R 154 43.746 4.167 34.5 48.9

    Kin-L 154 43.839 4.03 34.5 48.8

    Using the formulae the mean, Standard deviation of the scores of age,

    ETCH-W, and ETCH-L, Speed C, Kin-R and Kin- L of the normative

    population were calculated.

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table II Group Compatibility at Pre Test

    Using the formulae the mean, standard deviation of the scores of

    handwriting legibility, speed and kinesthesia test of the study group

    were calculated. Thet value was calculated for the above variable by

    applying unpairedt test as shown in Table II. This was done to know

    if both the groups differed significantly pre intervention in terms of

    the ETCH-W, ETCH-L, Speed C, Kin-R and Kin- L.

    Table II shows that p value is more than 0.05 for all the variables;

    therefore it proves that there is no significant difference between two

    groups pre intervention and both the groups were well matched for

    their scores on all the outcome variables.

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df



    ETCH-W A 23 69.68 4.685 -0.33 44 0.742

    B 23 70.14 4.608

    ETCH-L A 23 71.36 6.397 1.227 44 0.226

    B 23 69.22 5.383

    Speed A 23 37.70 4.322 -0.416 44 0.648

    B 23 37.87 4.071

    Kin-R A 23 38 2.327 -0.04 44 0.965

    B 23 38.03 2.33Kin-L A 23 38.17 2.338 -0.46 44 0.648

    B 23 38.48 2.283

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table III A Group compatibility at pre test of sub tests of ETCH

    Using the above formulae the mean, standard deviation of the scores

    of individual handwriting component of the study group was

    calculated. The t value was calculated for the above variables by

    applying unpaired t test as shown in table 3.This was done to know

    if both the groups differed significantly pre intervention in terms of

    their individual outcome measures on ETCH C test. Table 3 shows

    that p value is more than 0.05 for all the variables; therefore it

    proves that there is no significant difference between two groups pre

    intervention and both the groups were well matched for their

    scores on all the outcome variables of ETCH - test.

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-tailed)

    I a A 23 59.48 9.034 -1.03 44 0.31B 23 63 13.71

    I b A 23 58 9.678 0.22 44 0.827

    B 23 57.38 9.508

    III W A 23 62.61 16.3 0.177 44 0.86

    B 23 61.74 16.96

    III L A 23 62.37 8.863 0 44 1

    B 23 62.37 9.279

    IV W A 23 61.99 11.24 0.508 44 0.614

    B 23 60.24 12.12IV L A 23 60.49 7.549 -0.86 44 0.394

    B 23 62.39 7.421

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    Table III B Group compatibility at pre test of sub tests of ETCH

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-tailed)

    V W A 23 55.81 12.94 0.191 44 0.849

    B 23 55.08 12.77

    V L A 23 68.1 5.163 0.211 44 0.834

    B 23 67.78 5.183

    VI W A 23 53.26 20.37 0.177 44 0.86 B 23 52.17 21.2

    VI L A 23 56.09 11.07 0.132 44 0.896

    B 23 55.65 11.31

    VII W A 23 72.17 8.38 0.129 44 0.202

    B 23 68.8 9.188

    VII L A 23 73.38 8.652 2.36 44 0.023

    B 23 67.57 8.045

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    Using the above formulae the mean, standard deviation of the scores of

    individual handwriting component of the study group was calculated.

    Thet value was calculated for the above variables by applying

    unpaired t test as shown in table III B. This was done to know if both

    the groups differed significantly pre intervention in terms of their

    individual outcome measures on ETCH C test. Table III B shows that

    p value is more than 0.05 for all the variables; therefore it proves that

    there is no significant difference between two groups pre intervention

    and both the groups were well matched for their scores on all the

    outcome variables of ETCH - test.

    Table IV Comparison of outcome variables at pre test and post

    test between both groups

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2tailed

    Pre test Post test

    ETCH-W A 23 69.685 73.0387 3.76 0.96 44 0.344

    B 23 70.138 72.4204 3.83

    ETCH-L A 23 71.361 74.8639 3.19 1.51 44 0.129B 23 69.223 71.0887 4.12

    Speed A 23 37.7 39.3 3.32 0.43 44 0.67

    B 23 37.87 38.91 3.84

    Kin-R A 23 38 39.23 0.4 0.08 44 0.409

    B 23 38.03 39.13 0.63

    Kin-L A 23 38.165 39.326 0.85 0.79 44 0.329

    B 23 38.478 38.887 0.2

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    Table IV analyses the increase in handwriting and kinesthesia scores

    pre and post intervention for both groups .The mean, SD were

    calculated using the formulae.

    ETCH C scores for total word and letter legibility were analyzed

    separately. These scores were not combined because they overlap.

    That is the total letter score is a smaller unit score that contributes to

    the level of total word scores. Therefore the scores are highly

    correlated and not considered appropriate to combine to obtain a total


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    Using a Unpaired samplet test (2- tailed significance) for calculating

    thet values for N=46, to compare the pre and post scores of

    handwriting legibility and speed table 5 shows that the difference is

    significant for letter legibility at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table VA Comparison of outcome variables of sub tests of ETCH

    at pre test and post test between group A and B

    Table V analyses the increase in scores of individual component

    variables of handwriting pre and post intervention for both groups

    .The mean, SD were calculated using the formulae mentioned before.

    Using an Unpaired samplet test (2- tailed significance) for

    calculating thet values for N=46, Table V shows that the difference

    is significant for

    1. Uppercase alphabet legibility p=0.000 (t=7.247,df=44)

    2. Near point letter legibility p=0.001 (t=3.399,df=44)

    3. Far point letter legibility p=0.003 (t3.199,df=44)

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-tailed)

    I a A 23 13.59 4.033 1.51 44 0.145B 23 8.517 15.65

    I b A 23 15.56.9 3.45 7.25 44 0

    B 23 6.744 4.705

    III W A 23 8.696 10.14 0.27 44 0.788

    B 23 7.826 11.66

    III L A 23 12.19 4.308 3.4 44 0.001

    B 23 8.157 3.721

    IV W A 23 16.25 7.82 -1.2 44 0.231B 23 18.84 6.606

    IV L A 23 13.39 5.834 3.2 44 0.003

    B 23 8.235 5.071

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    Table VB Comparison of outcome variables of sub tests of ETCH

    at pre test and post test between group A and B

    4. Manuscriptcursive translation letter legibility p=0.011


    5. Dictation letter legibility p=0.129 (t=1.546, df=44)

    6. Sentence composition letter legibility p=0.003 (t=-3.128,


    The difference is not significant for the remaining components. It

    means that the performance of kinesthetic training groups on certain

    components after intervention was better than handwriting practicegroup. This proves that the study was significant as kinesthetic

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-tailed)

    V W A 23 22.45 9.546 2 44 0.051

    B 23 16.66 10.05

    V L A 23 7.944 2.74 2.66 44 0.011

    B 23 5.517 3.41

    VI W A 23 17.39 13.97 0.24 44 0.808

    B 23 16.3 16.18

    VI L A 23 18.91 9.648 1.55 44 0.129B 23 14.35 10.37

    VII W A 23 1.078 3.512 0.13 44 0.089

    B 23 0.909 5.148

    VII L A 23 6.005 4.72 -3.1 44 0.003

    B 23 5.335 6.679

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table VI Comparison of outcome variable at per and post test in

    group A

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-tailed)

    ETCH-W Pre 23 69.68 4.685 -4.3 22 0Post 23 73.04 5.088

    ETCH-L Pre 23 71.36 6.397 -5.3 22 0

    Post 23 74.86 7.186

    Speed Pre 23 89.79 4.602 -4 22 0.001

    Post 23 93.51 3.611

    Kin-R Pre 23 38 2.327 -15 22 0

    Post 23 39.23 2.323

    Kin-L Pre 23 38.17 2.338 -6.6 22 0

    Post 23 39.33 2.084

    Table 8 analyses the increase in handwriting and kinesthesia scores

    pre and post intervention for group A .The mean, SD were calculated

    using the formulae Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet

    values for N=23, to compare the pre and post scores of handwriting

    legibility and speed table 8 shows that the difference is highly

    significant for word legibility at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    hands. Therefore kinesthetic training resulted in significant

    improvement in kinesthesis in group A

    Table VII Comparison of outcome variable at per and post test in

    group B

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-tailed)

    ETCH-W Pre 23 70.14 4.608 -2.9 22 0.009

    Post 23 72.42 4.479

    ETCH-L Pre 23 69.22 5.383 -2.2 22 0.041

    Post 23 71.09 6.591

    Speed Pre 23 90.37 4.364 -4.4 22 0

    Post 23 93.6 3.508

    Kin-R Pre 23 38.03 2.33 -8.4 22 0Post 23 39.13 2.325

    Kin-L Pre 23 38.48 2.283 -2.1 22 0.044

    Post 23 38.89 2.308

    Table 9 analyses the increase in handwriting and kinesthesia scores

    pre and post intervention for group B .The mean, SD were calculated

    using the formulae mentioned before.

    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23, tocompare the pre and post scores of handwriting legibility and speed

    table 9 shows that the difference is highly significant for word

    legibility at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    subjects on kinesthesis scores. Using a paired sample t test for N=23,

    to compare the pre and post treatment scores on Kinesthesis, Table 9

    shows that the difference is highly significant at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table VIII A Comparison of outcome variables of sub tests of ETCH

    at pre test and post test of group A

    Table VIII A analyses the increase in scores of individual component

    variables of handwriting pre and post intervention for group A. The

    mean, SD were calculated using the formulae mentioned before.

    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23,table 6 shows that the difference is highly significant for all

    components at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table VIII B Comparison of outcome variables of sub tests of ETCH

    at pre test and post test of group A

    Table VIII A analyses the increase in scores of individual component

    variables of handwriting pre and post intervention for group A. The

    mean, SD were calculated using the formulae mentioned before.

    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23,

    table 6 shows that the difference is highly significant for all

    components at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table IX A Comparison of outcome variables of sub tests of ETCH at

    pre test and post test of group B

    Table IXA analyses the increase in scores of individual component

    variables of handwriting pre and post intervention for group B. The

    mean, SD were calculated using the formulae mentioned before.

    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23,

    table 7 shows that the difference is highly significant for all

    components at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Thus there was a significant improvement in all the individual

    components of handwriting post intervention due to handwriting

    practice in group B

    Table IX B Comparison of outcome variables of sub tests of ETCH at

    pre test and post test of group B

    Table IXB analyses the increase in scores of individual component

    variables of handwriting pre and post intervention for group B. The

    mean, SD were calculated using the formulae mentioned before.

    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23,

    table 7 shows that the difference is highly significant for all

    components at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Thus there was a significant improvement in all the individual

    components of handwriting post intervention due to handwriting

    practice in group B

    Kin R Kin L

    ETCH-W Pearson correlation 0.097 0.115

    Sig.(1 -tailed) 0.261 0.224

    N 154 154

    ETCH -L Pearson correlation 0.074 0.055

    Sig.(1 -tailed) 0.312 0.359

    N 154 154

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    Table 7 Comparison of individual outcome variables of

    handwriting of group B at pre test and post test

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df



    I a Pre 23 63 13.71 -2.16 22 0.016

    Post 23 71.51 10.88I b Pre 23 57.38 9.508 -6.87 22 0

    Post 23 64.13 9.035

    III W Pre 23 61.74 16.96 -3.22 22 0.04

    Post 23 69.57 22.46

    III L Pre 23 62.37 9.279 -10.5 22 0

    Post 23 70.52 9.009

    IV W Pre 23 60.24 12.12 -13.7 22 0

    Post 23 79.08 11.96

    IV L Pre 23 62.39 7.421 -7.79 22 0

    Post 23 70.62 9.291

    V W Pre 23 55.08 12.77 -7.95 22 0

    Post 23 71.74 16.22

    V L Pre 23 67.78 5.183 -7.76 22 0

    Post 23 73.3 7.427

    VI W Pre 23 52.17 21.2 -4.83 22 0

    Post 23 68.48 27.4

    VI L Pre 23 55.65 11.31 -6.64 22 0

    Post 23 70 18.53

    VII W Pre 23 68.8 9.188 -0.85 22 0.406

    Post 23 69.71 9.299

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    VII L Pre 23 67.57 8.045 -3.83 22 0.001

    Post 23 72.9 8.508

    Table 8 Comparison of outcome variables at pre test and post test

    in group A

    Table 9 Comparison of outcome variables at pre test and post test

    in group B

    Measure Grou N Mean SD t df Sig.(2-

    Measures Group N Mean SD t df



    ETCH-W Pre 23 69.68 4.685 -4.28 22 0Post 23 73.04 5.088

    ETCH-L Pre 23 71.36 6.397 -5.26 22 0

    Post 23 74.86 7.186

    Speed Pre 23 89.79 4.602 -3.99 22 0.001

    Post 23 93.51 3.611

    Kin-R Pre 23 38 2.327 -14.6 22 0

    Post 23 39.23 2.323

    Kin-L Pre 23 38.17 2.338 -6.58 22 0 Post 23 39.33 2.084

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    s p tailed)

    ETCH-W Pre 23 70.14 4.608 -2.86 22 0.009

    Post 23 72.42 4.479

    ETCH-L Pre 23 69.22 5.383 -2.17 22 0.041

    Post 23 71.09 6.591

    Speed Pre 23 90.37 4.364 -4.42 22 0

    Post 23 93.6 3.508

    Kin-R Pre 23 38.03 2.33 -8.35 22 0

    Post 23 39.13 2.325

    Kin-L Pre 23 38.48 2.283 -2.13 22 0.044

    Post 23 38.89 2.308

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table 8 analyses the increase in handwriting and kinesthesia scores

    pre and post intervention for group A .The mean, SD were calculated

    using the formulae mentioned before.

    ETCH C scores for total word and letter legibility were analyzed

    separately. These scores were not combined because they overlap.

    That is the total letter score is a smaller unit score that contributes to

    the level of total word scores. Therefore the scores are highly

    correlated and not considered appropriate to combine to obtain a total


    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23, to

    compare the pre and post scores of handwriting legibility and speed

    table 8 shows that the difference is highly significant for word

    legibility at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Table 9 analyses the increase in handwriting and kinesthesia scores

    pre and post intervention for group B .The mean, SD were calculated

    using the formulae mentioned before.

    ETCH C scores for total word and letter legibility were analyzed

    separately. These scores were not combined because they overlap.

    That is the total letter score is a smaller unit score that contributes to

    the level of total word scores. Therefore the scores are highly

    correlated and not considered appropriate to combine to obtain a total


    Using a paired samplet test for calculating thet values for N=23, to

    compare the pre and post scores of handwriting legibility and speed

    table 9 shows that the difference is highly significant for word

    legibility at p

  • 7/29/2019 Graphs and Final Data


    Relationship between Handwriting scores and kinesthesis

    Pearsons correlation analysis was computed to examine the

    relationship between ETCH-C scores and Kinesthesis Scores.

    Table 10 Correlation of handwriting scores and kinesthesis in

    normative sample

    Kin R Kin L

    ETCH-W Pearson correlation 0.097 0.115

    Sig.(1 -tailed) 0.261 0.224

    N 154 154

    ETCH -L Pearson correlation 0.074 0.055

    Sig.(1 -tailed) 0.312 0.359

    N 154 154

    Using a Pearsons product moment correlation test on the data, there

    is no significant correlation found between any of the handwriting

    scores and kinesthesia as r=0.097 p=.0261 for word legibility and

    kinesthesia correlation and r=0.074 ,p=0.312 for letter legibility and

    kinesthesia correlation.

    Table 11 Correlation of handwriting scores and kinesthesis in

    Study sample

    Kin R Kin L

    ETCH-W Pearson correlation 0.084 0.073 Sig.(1 -tailed) 0.311 0.426

    N 46 46

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    ETCH -L Pearson correlation 0.053 0.068

    Sig.(1 -tailed) 0.352 0.441

    N 46 46

    Using a Pearsons product moment correlation test on the study data,

    there is no significant correlation found between any of thehandwriting scores and kinesthesia as r=0.084 p=.0311 for word

    legibility and kinesthesia correlation and r=0.053 ,p=0.352 for letter

    legibility and kinesthesia correlation.