grants 0327/0328 - afg: transport network development … · 2020-05-07 · mr. salah ud din kabeer...

Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number: 44482-023 Bi-annual May 2020 Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 (Construction of Sapary - Surkhrod Road) Prepared by Ministry of Transport (MOT, previously Ministry of Public Works) for the Asian Development Bank This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Page 1: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 44482-023


May 2020

Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network

Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 (Construction of Sapary - Surkhrod Road)

Prepared by

Ministry of Transport (MOT, previously Ministry of Public Works) for the Asian Development Bank

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein

do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may

be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or

by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this

document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal

or other status of any territory or area.

Page 2: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO
Page 3: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: (MPW/1591/ADB/ICB)

Reporting Period: July – Dec, 2019

AFGHANISTAN: Transport Network Development Investment Program, Tranche 2 (Sapary-Surkhrod 33 km)

Road Project

Financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Prepared by: Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd,


Submitted to: Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Endorsed By: Salah Ud Din Kabeer (Safeguards Coordinator),

Programme Management Office (PMO/MoT)

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Environmental Report 5

1.2 Project Description 5

1.3 Project Contracts and Management 6

1.4 Project Activities during Current Reporting Period 9

1.5 Description of Any Changes to Project Design 10

1.6 Description of Any Changes to Agreed Construction Methods 10

2. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD ACTIVITIES ............................................................. 11

2.1 General Description of Environmental Safeguard Activities 11

2.2 Site inspections during the reporting period 12

Site Audits 14

2.2.1 Water quality 14

2.2.2 Natural Disaster 15

2.2.3 Air Quality and Dust Generation 16

2.2.4 Noise and Vibration 18

2.2.5 Soil erosion and siltation 23

2.2.6 Disposal of Excavated Materials 24

2.2.7 Waste Management: 24

2.2.8 Cumulative Waste 25

2.2.9 Impacts to Flora and Fauna 26

2.2.10 Health and Safety 26

2.2.11 Training 27

3. Materials Resources Utilization ...................................................................................... 27

4. Public Awareness Programs and GRM ........................................................................ 29

4.1 Issues Tracking (Based on Non-Conformance Notices) 31

4.2 Trends 32

4.3 Unanticipated Environmental Impacts or Risks 32

4.4 Social Safeguard 33

4.5 SSEMP Review 33

4.6 Good Practice 33

4.7 Opportunities for Improvement 34

5. Conclusion and Recommendations .............................................................................. 34

Annex- II ..................................................................................................................................... 49

Annex- III.................................................................................................................................... 57

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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List of Tables:

Table 1: Organizations involve in the project relating to environmental safeguard ......................... 7 Table 2: Main organizations environmental safeguard staff involved in the project ........................ 8 Table 3: Summary of the Semi – Annual Environmental Monitoring Report ................................... 9 Table 4: Work progress by month .................................................................................................. 10 Table 5: Environmental inspection taken during report period ...................................................... 12 Table 6: Detail of the site inspection undertaken during the reporting period ............................... 13 Table 7: Results of environmental parameters measurements during the Reporting Period ....... 21 Table 8: Detail of solid waste collection at project site during report period .................................. 25 Table 9: DETAIL OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DURING REPORT PERIOD .................... 25 Table 10: Detail of construction materials at project site during report period .............................. 27 Table 11: DETAIL OF MATERIAL RESOURCE UTILIZATION ..................................................... 27 Table 12: Detail of estimated water consumption at project site during report period .................. 28 Table 13: Detail Source of electricity at the project facilities during report period ......................... 28 Table 14: List of Public Consultation/Meetings Conducted during report period .......................... 29 Table 15: Summary of Grievance’s and Complaints during report period ..................................... 31 Table 16: Detail of Issues Tracked at the project facilities during report period ............................ 32 Table 17: COMPARISON OF OPEN AND CLOSED ISSUES BY QUARTERS ............................ 32 Table 18: Environmental Impact Monitoring Summary .................................................................. 49 Table 19: Completed Environmental Impact Monitoring Check-list ............................................... 55

List of Figures:

Figure 1: PROJECT LOCATION MAP ............................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Organizational structure for the Environmental Management ......................................... 7 Figure 3: Asphalt View of the Project ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 4: Summary of issues tracked during the reporting period . Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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ADB - Asian Development Bank

CEMP - Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan

CS - Construction Supervision

CSC - Construction Supervision Consultant

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

EMMP - Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

EMP - Environmental Management Plan

EPA - Environment Protection Agency

ESO - Environment and Safety Officer

ESS - Environment and Safety Sector

FD - Forest Department

IEE - Initial Environmental Examination

LARP - Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Plan

MOT - Ministry of Transport

MSL - Mean Sea Level

NEQS - National Environmental Quality Standards

NEPA - National Environmental Protection Agency

PIA - Project Influence Area

SIA - Social Impact Assessment

PPEs - Personal Protective Equipment’s

PD - Program Director

PM - Project Manager

PMO - Program Management Office

ROW - Right of Way

SOP - Standard Operational Procedures

TNDIP - Transport Network Development Investment Program

WHO - World Health Organization

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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1.1 Environmental Report

This Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring report is a required submission stipulated in the

Initial Environmental Examination and Contract documents as part of the contract between

the Ministry of Transport and Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd (Sapary-

Surkhroad Road Construction Project), (SAI) which is the of environmental Specialist on the

above-mentioned project. This report is produced under the supervision of environmental

specialist Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd Sapary- Surkhroad Road

Construction Project.

The objective is to specify environmental impacts and to assess the correct adequacy of

undertaken mitigation measures during the reporting period and provide recommendations

for improving environmental performance on and surrounding the project. The basis for this

report is the monthly Environmental Impact Monitoring reports.

This report covers the Environmental Impact Monitoring activities from (1st Jul to 31 Dec,

2019). Findings and recommendations are based on field inspections undertaken by

Tariqullah Tasal environment specialist.

1.2 Project Description

The reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Kabul-Jalalabad Highway project comprises of

the upgrade of a 100 Km Sapary-Surkhroad highway to a standard two-lane 7-meter wide

concrete and asphalt highway with 2 meters worth of shoulders on each side. Road

reconstruction includes the construction of bridges and hydrological structures such as

bridges, culverts, and roadside drains.


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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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The road is designed after AASHTO standards. This project is Package 2 and 3 of the

reconstruction and rehabilitation of 100km Sapary-Surkhroad (Figure 1). Asian Development

Bank (ADB) funds the project under Transport Network Development Investment Program.

The objective of the project is to provide upgrade the transport accessibilities to eastern

hinterlands of Kabul and Nangarhar provinces and to have alternate route to minimize

current traffic volume of the existing National A1 Road (also known as the Kabul-Nangarhar

Road) in order to improve the regional economy and welfare of the people.

The Executing Agency for implementation of this project is the Project Management Office

under the Ministry of Transport (MOT) of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IRoA). The

Ministry established the Project Management Office (PMO) and assigned Project Director

(PD) and Project Manager (PM) to directly supervise and manage all aspects of project


There are two types of pavement design, e.g. rigid Portland cement concrete pavement

(PCC) and flexible pavement (Bituminous surfacing), double lane with 7.00m carriage way,

2.5% camber with 1.0m paved shoulder and 1.0 M granular shoulders each way having 4%

camber on both sides with flat and rolling area. The project is located at the Eastern Corridor

of Afghanistan

With the aim of providing an alternative, viable and safe means of transport from Kabul to

Jalalabad (Nangarhar), it will also cater to improve the regional economy, security, and

welfare, especially of adjoining and facilitating communities. The contractor assigned for

Construction of this Project is Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd. The

contractor received the Notice to Proceed (NTP) on April 25, 2014 and started mobilization

on May 9, 2014. The completion of the project is planned for 31 Dec, 2019.

1.3 Project Contracts and Management

Ministry of Transport (MoT), Program Management Office (PMO) is the executing agency;

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is the financing agency of the project, while Xinjiang Beixin

Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd is the Contractor for Construction. The consultant

(Engineering supervisor of the project) is not hired for this project.

Environmental Management system is carried out by Contractor (Xinjiang Beixin Road and

Bridge Group Co. Ltd) in closed consultation with the Environmental and social safeguard

unit Project Management Office (PMO), Ministry of Transport (MoT).

Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of

Transport MoT/PMO and Mr. Tariqullah Tasal is Environmental Officer with project

contractor. Organizations involve in the project relating to environmental safeguard is

presented in table 1 and main environmental staff of organizations involved in the project is

provided in table 2.

The contractor Environmental Officer is responsible to maintain all the environmental

measures at the site. He performed daily site visits to the project sites during the reporting

period. He regularly visited the project sites on daily basis as well as at the minimum of once

a week for environmental measures. The organizational structure for the Environmental

Management / Monitoring is shown in the following organization chart figure 2.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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Contract No. MPW/1591/ADB/ICB

Employer’s name Ministry of Transport, Afghanistan

Engineer’s name No consultant

Financer / Donor Agency Asian Development Bank (ADB)

External monitoring/audit NEPA

Contractor: Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd

Contractor’s Project Manager Mr. Kamran

Employer’s Representative/Program Director Mr. Abdul Majeed Qarizada, PD/PMO

Mr. Abdul Wahid Qani, Project Manager-PMO

Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator

MOT/PMO Mr. Salah-u-ddin Kabeer. PMO/MoT

Environmental Specialist Consulting Firm No consultant

Environmental Specialist Contractor Tariqullah Tasal

Contract Value USD $ 35,558,662.07

Defect Liability Period ( 365 Days

Length 33 km

Location East of Afghanistan

National Environment

Protection Agency (NEPA)

Project Proponent /

Executing Agency

(Project Management Office of MOT)

Asian Development Bank


Relevant Local Authorities

/ Agencies

Environmental Management

Office (EMO)

Project Implementing Unit


Contractor’s Project


Consultant’s Environmental

Engineer / Officer


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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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Table 2: Main organizations environmental safeguard staff involved in the project

No Name Position Organization Phone E-mail Remarks

1 Noor Kamal



Specialist ADB 0780000674


.org On board

2 Syed Asim Ali



Specialist ADB

(+632) 632-

6757 [email protected] On board

3 Mr. Salah



& Social



PMO- MOT 0748001040 [email protected] On board

4 Mr. Naqibullah





PMO- MOT 0773204790 naqibullah.nayil@yahoo.

com On board

5 Mr. Wahidullah





NEPA 0700166223 [email protected]

om On board

6 Tariqullah Tasal




Contractor 0779890028 [email protected]

om On board

7 Construction supervision consultant is not hired for this project

During the reporting period several environmental activities have been conduct in the project

site. The following issues reflected in table 3 have been recorded and are attached in the

environmental monitoring/inspection report.

Date of Contract Signature Dec 4,2019

Commencement Date 24/04/2014

Original Contract Price (with Provisional sum) 109,998,379

The Asian Development Bank’s Contribution 100 %

Sections of the Works One section 33 km

Governing Law The law of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Language for Communication English

Engineers Duties & Authority 3.1 ( B) & (C)

Normal Working Hours 08:00 to 17:00

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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Table 3: Summary of the Semi – Annual Environmental Monitoring Report

1.4 Project Activities during Current Reporting Period

This section covers the Project Activities conducted during the reporting period August – December 2019. Contractor mobilized the National staff to the site, which amounted to 50 people towards the end of reporting period (including 3 of managers & specialists with 69 of laborers). During the reporting period, Contractor concentrated the construction activities on the Part II of the Project between Km 150+300 and Km 129+417 (actual). Only limited construction activities were undertaken within the Part I, including the completion of construction of road shoulders, culverts and side drains laying of asphalt from 140+000 to 129+400, marking of the road and installation of signboards. The construction works were also conducted in the Bridge 7, 8 & 9 and 10 side slopes culverts located at Km 147+300-1145+417. The construction activities that have been carried out during the reporting period have included:

(i) Preparation of sub-grade. (ii) Sub-base and base layers. (iii) Laying of asphalt binder and wearing course. (iv) Marking of road and installation of signboards fellers. (v) Construction of slope protection/ retaining walls and side drains. And (vi) Concreting and installation of bridges including scour protection and culverts

components. Figure 3 as mentioned below shows the asphalt working at the Km 138+200.

# Of Environmental monitoring conducted 8

# Of Community consultation meeting. 3

# Of coordination meeting 2

# Of Grievance Redress Committee Meetings 2

# Of Issues Tracked 16

# Of Issues Solved. 6

# Of Issues Solved through GRC 2

# Of Issues Remain unsolved 10 Issues (land Acquisition)

# Of Trees planted Nil

# Of training.

# Of People trained, public awareness More than 100

# Of Accident or Incident Occurred Nil

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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The Taking Over procedure of the Project road activates restarted on the 09 August 2019. By this date the overall accomplishment of work made up.80.404%. Contractor still continues minor work on the site. It is assumed that the Contractor will complete his work according to contract criteria till December 202. Monthly physical work progress is reflected in table 4 as below.


No Month, 2019 Construction Works Progress (%)

Monthly Cumulative

1 August 2.258 82.265

2 September 1.029 85.294

3 October 5.110 80.404

4 November 4.104 75.344

5 December 3.456 88.339

Total Progress of Work 6,898 80.4041

1.5 Description of Any Changes to Project Design

No significant change to design was introduced during reporting period because the project is near to completion stage.

1.6 Description of Any Changes to Agreed Construction Methods

No changes to any agreed construction methods were introduced during the reporting period.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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2.1 General Description of Environmental Safeguard Activities:

This section presents the environmental Safeguard activities carried out during the

monitoring period for the physical and natural environment by the environmental staff

involved in the implementation of the project.

The environmental monitoring specialist prepared environmental monitoring check-lists after

the end of each month. These environmental monitoring check-lists have been prepared on

a weekly basis with responsible staff of Contractor. They include environmental information

on different aspects of the project implementation.

The base-line environmental conditions were examined at the stages of feasibility study and

detailed design stages and have been summarized in Initial Environmental Examination

(IEE). IEE report prepared by Mott MacDonald for the UK Department for International

Development (DFID) and approved by PMO, MOT and ADB. IEE identifies and analyzes all

significant impacts; (ii) describes their extent, duration and severity; (iii) formulates the

required mitigation and monitoring measures and presents it all in the form of an

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Monitoring Program.

As per conditions of project Supervision Contract the Environmental Specialist properly

conducted the environmental monitoring of project activities to ensure that mitigation

measures identified during the detailed design as well as listed in IEE are implemented and

environmental impacts are controlled within minimal tolerable levels set by GoA and ADB.

In accordance with Environmental Monitoring Program envisaged by IEE Site Specialists

including project implementation staff were supervising environmental status of project

activities during daily routine inspections of road construction activities. Site Engineers were

also inspecting the sanitary state and environmental compliance of asphalt plant, concrete

plant, laborers accommodations and other ancillary facilities. Environmental aspects of the

construction work were noted and the Contractor was notified about environmental impacts.

As a rule, the environmental monitoring inspections were also undertaken by site engineers

of running project. During this reporting monitoring period, a number of insignificant

environmental and safety issues were observed by the monitoring team and brought to the

attention of the Contractor for corrective measures.

During the reporting period Environmental Specialists and Environmental Safeguard Officer

of contractor were mobilized and undertaken the following monitoring activities.

The visits to the site for inspection of quarries, disposal sites, concrete and asphalt plans

and facilities; (i) Assessment of the sewage system at the Contractor’s camp and waste

water disposal; (iii) meetings with the Contractor and other stakeholders focused on

preparation and implementation of EMP including the performance of Environmental

Management System, (iv) waste management system (including hazardous waste); (v)

review and revision of EMP and discussion of EMP issues with the Contractor.

The Environmental Specialists also reviewed the Contractor documents and permits for

quarries visited the locations of the most of proposed sites and the locations during the

monitoring period. PMO NRA-MOT has been overseeing the Environmental Monitoring by

reviewing the submitted environmental documentation for compliance of the Contractor'

performance with the approved EMPs, IEE, National Environmental Standards and other

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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environmental commitments of Contractor and reporting to ADB. PMO Project Director (PD)

and Project Manager (PM) were actively involved in addressing of environmental issues

through the continuous supervision, communication and site visits.

2.2 Site inspections during the reporting period

During the reporting period the project site inspected for environmental improvement and

safeguard work in order to determines that the works running with project criteria or not. The

following table 5 presents the inspection made by the environmental safeguard staff during

the current reporting period.


No Staff Present Date Name of inspectors

1 Contractor Environmental Specialist

and site Engineers Daily during –July to end

of December

Mr Tariqullah, Tasal

Environmental Specialist

Eng Ayoub, (Site Eng)

2 Representatives of PMO and local

authorities Periodically during July-


Mr. Abdul Wahid Qani, Project


PIE, Eng Khushal, Sheeda


Employer’s Representative/Program

Director 12-13November-17-18


Mr. Abdul Majeed Qarizada,


The main subjects during the site inspection were as follows:

• Environmental management organization of the project.

• Waste management

• Dumping of spoil.

• Monitoring of the environmental indicators

• Water, air and noise pollution

• Public Complaints.

➢ Site inspections were undertaken frequently as regular and special inspections, mainly combining examination of environmental, health and safety issues. In addition to the scheduled inspections, the environmental specialist and officer of contractor ensured permanent presence at the site during any activities undertaken by the Contractor.

➢ MOT staff including Employer’s Representative/Program Director with project manager and representative of Contractor visited the project site on Nov 13. During the inspection all sections of the project road, including completed and temporarily abandoned were attended and assessed. Most of time Project Manager has worked in the project office in Jalalabad to verify the compliance and provide guidance on the environmental management of the project.

➢ There was minor temporary environmental impacts during this reporting period due to negligence of the contractor, which the environmental specialist notified the Contractor of their Contractual obligations involving Environmental Protection.

➢ During the last six months of the reporting period, environmental compliance remained satisfactory as major issues were properly considered and managed. In handling health and safety issues some violation was observed which should be timely and properly communicated by the Environmental Specialist and construction Staff

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including project manager and sub-contractor to strictly follow all health and safety regulations and requirements, recommendations and relevant clauses of the Contract Agreement. The construction team of Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd and its subcontractor shall be provided proper and complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all workers during the work. The details of site inspection are provided in table 6 as below:


Date Name of


Purpose of


Place of

Inspection Significant Findings









Inspection of


issues in




site from Km

117+462 up to

Km 126+500;

Water Sprinkling and Dust Control:-

Found satisfactory

Dumping of unsuitable construction

material:- Found not satisfactory

Personnel Safety:- Found not


Solid waste control:- Found satisfactory

Fueling System and Vehicle Service


Vehicles Workshop:- Found satisfactory







ah Tasal

Inspection of


issues in




site from Km

117+462 up to

Km 133+500;

Water Sprinkling and Dust Control:-

Found not satisfactory

Dumping of unsuitable construction

material:- Found satisfactory

Personnel Safety:- Found not


Solid waste control:- Found satisfactory

Vehicles Workshop:- Found Satisfactory






ah Tasal

Inspection of


issues in




site from Km

117+462 up to

Km 141+100;

Bowli Site


Water Sprinkling and Dust Control:-

Found satisfactory

Dumping of unsuitable construction

material:- Found satisfactory

Personnel Safety:- Found not


Solid waste control:- Found satisfactory

Kitchen Condition:- Found satisfactory






ah Tasal

Inspection of


issues in




site from Km

117+462 up to

Km 150+500

Water Sprinkling and Dust Control:-

Found satisfactory

Dumping of unsuitable construction

material:- Found not satisfactory

Personnel Safety:- Found not


Solid waste control:- Found satisfactory

Kitchen Condition:- Found satisfactory

Waste Water Control:- Found


The summary findings of inspection undertaken during current reporting period are found

similar with previous reporting period and it has been noticed that contractor is mostly

following ADB safeguard policies similarly consultant instructions during physical

construction of project. The inspection report in table expressed that most of the

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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environmental issues are continuously remains as same reported in the previous reporting

period and no serious action is being taken by the contractor to make the project

environment friendly.

Site Audits

No external site audit has been conducted during the reporting period.

2.2.1 Water quality

The contractor shall remain the Canals and underground water quality safer and no

considerable water harmful activity should be taken place during construction period, and the

contractor should take utmost care to prevent polluting the canal water from wastes and

deterioration causing by traffic movement, earthwork and etc. It is the responsibility of

contractor to manage potential environmental impacts on surface and groundwater during

construction work and timely efforts should be taken place to monitor the impacts and

provide mitigation measures for the issues.

Similarly the contractor shall prevent any interference with, or pollution of the supply or

abstraction of water, arising from the construction works. The contractor shall protect all

watercourses and waterways adjacent to the work from pollution, silting, flooding or erosion.

The contractor shall not discharge or deposit any matter arising from the work into any

watercourse. Water Quality has been tested by Tester TDS-EZ HM Digital (TSD). Water

quality analysis results and instrumental data are provided in Table 7.

The following observations were made and mitigation measures were provided during the

last six months working period:

Observation: During the site visits and environmental compliance inspections it has been

observed that contractor disposed the excess soil material from road excavation directly into

the streams, on hillsides and some agriculture lands. Due to improper diversion road and

traffic mismanagement, some irrigation water has deteriorated in quality. During field visits,

complaints were received from the local residents about the problems they faced due to this

issue. The Contractor has been alerted and mitigation measures were instituted during the

monthly meeting with the contractor.

Mitigation measures: The project implementation team instructed the contractor to keep

construction activities under surveillance, and avoid pollution of surface and ground waters

and sewer systems. The Contractor had also been instructed and trained with the proper

implementation of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), specifically prepared for this

project, to control water pollution.

Prior to begin earth work in this area, the canal should be protected from erosion and

blockage and shall be temporarily controlled by constructing drain diversions. The earth work

shall be performed apart at a distance from the stream but permanent solution should be a

must by construction of culverts quickly. The environmental specialist also instructs the

contractor to keep construction activities under surveillance, management, and control to

avoid pollution of surface and ground waters and sewer systems. These substances contain

scores of toxic materials that destroy the quality of natural water systems. Instead, use the

recommended disposal methods. Implement management techniques to control water

pollution by the listed construction activities that are included in this contract. The contractor

get awareness to prevent the discharge of construction waste materials, machineries

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wastes, synthetic materials, and wrappers. The destructive elements of these materials may

finally end up in the oceans, lakes or rivers. Stockpiles of materials should be located in

sheltered areas or protected zones. The excavated material should not be dumped in hilly

area or river bed. A suitable location was approved environmental specialist and Project

manager for disposal of excavated material and construction wastes.

To minimize the construction work impact on water resources the contractor should follow

following measures.

➢ Provide disposal facilities for wastes at the campsite and properly allocate the dumping


➢ No vehicle cleaning activity will be allowed within 300 m from water stream.

➢ Construction camps will be equipped with sanitary latrines that do not pollute

surface waters.

➢ In case of oil pollution, sedimentation and siltation, the contractor should halt

construction activities immediately and recover the pollutant before it reaches to water


➢ Separate independent arrangement for drinking and construction water requirements

should be made.

2.2.2 Natural Disaster

These are many existing environmental problems which are directly associated with

construction activities. Poor land use pattern in several areas has contributed to temporary

flood, road congestions and impacts to other environmental sensitive locations. The

Contractors have been informed to be alert about the natural disaster at any time. Because

the flood is caused due to inadequate capacity within the banks of rivers to contain high flow

brought down from upper catchments due to heavy rain fall. Besides there are also other

causes of flood due to deposition and filling up of river bed by heavy siltation of river bed.

Observation: During the site visits and environmental compliance inspections it has been

observed that contractor made some of the riverbank barriers that was made from local

rocks to provide the plantation aria for plants in order to prevent flood disturbance as well as

soil erosion to keep safe the river bed, hills side and some agriculture lands. The mitigation

measures were send to contractor as well as these issues were addressed during the

monthly meeting with the contractor.

Mitigation measure: The main points are to find and identify the vulnerable points to be

addressed and areas to be affected during a disaster like cyclones and floods. Though

cyclone is not a predominant hazard factor for road construction unless it is a super cyclone

which ultimately converts to a flood and the flood is a very risky hazard factor for proper

safeguard at road and bridge structures. To prevent the hazards of flood normal forestation

of plants and shrubs as necessary in the slopes sides of the roads and along the road to

prevent soil cutting and erosion during rainfall. Due to flood the water level of river bed is

rising resulting in spreading over the banks and adjacent to road causing submergence of

road work and bridges.

Construction of disaster resistant structures for proper and safe habitation is suggested.

Weather forecasting system backed by meteorological authority with information technology

(IT) support to aware the communities and construction staff during emergency before a pre

disaster situation. Productive partnership with the media in order to create awareness and

contributing towards capacity development between public and administration. It has been

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suggested to organize awareness program with the help of local Governmental Units in

particular zones to educate people regarding disasters problems. Local community should

assume responsibility for prevention of such problems with the assistance of relevant

governmental authorities.

2.2.3 Air Quality and Dust Generation

During road construction dust emission (CDE) originates from many types of onsite activities

such as excavation, drilling, bulk material transportation, loading and unloading, open-air

material storage, concrete and mortar making, cutting and filling, and the movement of

equipment and machineries. The existence and creation of construction dust in are very

hazardous that causes adverse health effects such as silicosis, bronchitis, the obstruction of

trachea, and occupational asthma. The main objective of the air quality management during

construction work is to minimize the air borne particulate matter released to the atmosphere.

Dust in the work area shall be controlled using water trucks sprinkling water to avoid air

pollution and dust emission. All motorized equipment shall be regularly maintained to

minimize the air contamination. A dust-free work area will be maintained, so that visibility

and air quality are not affected and hazardous conditions are not created. Air quality

instrumental data is provided in Table 7 which has been tested by Air Quality Meter



During the reporting period, there were no major problems of dirt and dust creation. During inspection no actual measurements of the levels of emissions of dust and dirt from the running working machinery were undertaken. However, extreme dust emission is apparent with visual inspection especially in diversion roads. The protection of atmosphere air is one of the main tasks of nature protection. The Law on Environmental Protection sets the framework of the management of air quality and control of air pollution, prevention of the anthropogenic air pollution and sets the priorities for the protection of atmospheric air. The Law on air protection establishes the basic principles of the protection and rational use of the atmosphere in the country, economic mechanisms and responsibility, as well as the directions of activity of state bodies. No base-line measurements were undertaken at the site during the pre-construction phase. However, taken in account the rural conditions and lack of industries the base-line quality of air is assumed to be acceptable and impeded only by natural reasons (i.e. regular dusty storms). Also dumping of the excavated material along the river bed in Km 121+800 and dumping in hilly area in Km 125+00 to Km 126+00. No open burning or similar activities during the reporting period. Mitigation measure: using a well-developed technological system, the contractors requires

to build a water sprinkling systems to overcome dust concentration in the construction

atmosphere, as well as its velocity, wind direction, temperature, and humidity. Advance

control techniques such as fencing, suppression by water infusion or wet cutting, dilution by

the ventilation system, and mitigation by water sprays and scrubbers are specifically used to

minimize high level of dust emission near at construction site and populated urban areas.

During site visit and meetings the warning was issued about dust control during construction

and now the contractor should implement the following general dust and dirt control


➢ Asphalt and crusher plants that may produce high levels of air pollutants shall be

installed and used under the regulation of the National Environmental Protection Agency

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(NEPA). Construction vehicles and machinery shall be kept in good working order and

engines turned off when not in use.

➢ Measures shall be taken to limit particulate exhaust emissions to air from construction

vehicles and equipment.

➢ The location of generators and other permanent equipment shall be governed by

considerations of exhaust emission taking into account predominant wind direction.

➢ During the windy and dry weather conditions the sprinkling on water on the construction

sites and roads should be undertaken on the regular basis. Special attention should be

taken to minimize dust near the public sensitive locations.

➢ Health status of all workers is monitored regularly at the Health Center established at the

project site.

➢ Vehicle speeds are controlled on construction sites. Proper maintenance of vehicles and

diesel equipment, and avoidance of unnecessary running of vehicle and equipment

engines are adopted to reduce emissions.

➢ Construction vehicles and machinery shall be kept in regular maintenance to minimize

the air impact.

➢ All unpaved diversion roads will be continuously watered by water tankers on

construction site and road to be undertaken regularly every few hours interval.

➢ A speed limit of maximum 40km/h for light vehicles and 30km/h for heavy vehicles will be

maintained on routes used to access the construction sites.

➢ Stockpiles of construction materials will be monitored daily during the construction phase

and located away from public and residential areas.

Fill again all borrow pit from cut material to minimize the hazards.

Workplace Dust Monitoring through modern Techniques

In order to properly determine and investigate the correct and accurate amount of dust

emitted during working at construction site we used hand-held particulate samplers in

selected and representative locations to assess the concentrations of total inhalable (TSP),

thoracic (PM10), respirable (PM4) or high-risk respirable (PM2.5) dust within working areas

and at varying heights. High levels of dust and fine particulates in a work environment can

have a serious effect on the health of staff and the efficiency of plant and equipment. Fine

dust particles may remain suspended for many hours and at times accumulate in areas

away from obvious point sources. Samples are carefully collected from different heights and

positions to find points where dust concentrations are highest.

Recommended Methods to Contractor for Dust Analysis

According to digital and computer-based scanning and analysis system, based on the use of

sticky pads, is specifically recommended for dust annoyance assessment and is far more

sensitive than many other digital methods.

Each sample received and sealed (to encapsulate the dust and protect the sample from

contamination) labelled and given a unique identifier in a secure database. The sample is

then scanned and the image processed using in-house software to generate the Absolute

Area Coverage (AAC) and Effective Area Coverage (EAC) for the sample. Both AAC and

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EAC are expressed as percentages. A newer, digital approach can also be used for covering

the entire spectrum (from white to black) in contrast to the earlier ‘analogue’ methods of

measuring greyscale such as with a smoke-stain reflectometer.

➢ %AAC is the coverage of dust, irrespective of color. So long as it can be seen it in the

scanned image, any dust, pale or dark can be recorded as AAC. As a result AAC is a

very sensitive measure and is especially effective in detecting low levels of dust which

might not show up by other sampling techniques.

➢ %EAC is the darkness or greyscale discoloration of dust and is used as a measure of

dust soiling. Unlike AAC, EAC is a measure of the darkness, or soiling caused by dust so

for the same color dust (be it chalk or coal), %EAC generally increases with dust


2.2.4 Noise and Vibration

During construction work of the reporting period July - December 2019, the contractor has to

take necessary actions to control noise and vibration accrue during physical construction of

the project. Similarly the contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure that

operation of all mechanical equipment and construction processes on and off the site shall

not cause unnecessary or excessive noise. Generators and other standing equipment near

residential areas (including site offices and camps) shall have exhaust pipe silencer. When

operating close to residential areas, medical facilities, or other similar location the contractor

hours should be limited. Noise level measurements at project site have been conducted by

Digital sound level meter MS6700 Mastech, details of measurement is provided in Table 7.

During the inspection period the noise level during implementation of construction activities

was not in compliance with norms. According to previous experience, the monitored noise

level from above activities was exceed the Environmental Standard. The environmental

specialist recommended and advised the contractor about a Sound Level Meter called Noise

Measurement Meter which is a simple hand-held instrument used for measurement of sound

pressure. The level of sound is measured in decibel dB. The normal recommended sound

level should be < 80.

A recent publication by the World Health Organization points out that noise pollution, ranked

second among a series of environmental stressors for their public health impact and,

contrary to the trend for other environmental stressors which are declining, is actually

increasing in Afghanistan.

Noise is known to have auditory and non-auditory health impacts. Environmental noise

causes both psychological and physiological non-auditory health effects and the evidence for

the non-auditory effects is growing. Specifically, road traffic is considered to be the main

source of community noise pollution. The most important non-auditory effects of traffic noise

are annoyance and sleep disturbance. Annoyance is a feeling of displeasure that can result

in adverse emotions including irritability, stress, fear, and even depression it is associated

with health-related quality of life.

Night time noise exposure directly influences sleep disturbance causing body motility, sleep

stage changes, delayed sleep onset latency, and nocturnal awakenings. Sleep disturbances

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can lead to serious long term health effects and there is increasing evidence from

epidemiological studies that indicate long-term noise exposure leads to cardiovascular

diseases, obesity or diabetes.

Now a days many advanced methods are commonly used in noise level detections and are

based on systematic and scientific principles which are most frequently and commonly use

at construction sites of developed countries

The Information of base-line level of noise near the project is not available, however

according to residents it was not disturbing and significant. The usage of heavy machinery is

a principle source of noise and vibration during construction activities. However, within

reporting period, the Contractor mainly used modern well-maintained equipment with the

level of generated noise within the tolerance limits set by International standards.

Noise creates by operation of mechanical equipment, such as electric generators, vibrating

rollers, graders and other road construction equipment, crusher plant, etc. All types of trucks,

road rollers create vibration and noise.

The following activities were monitored for Noise and vibration Control.

1. Generators at Camp Site 2. Crusher and Concrete Plants and Generators at Plants 3. Mechanical Hammer and other machineries.

Types of digital sound level used during reporting period by XBRB Group Co. Ltd

Observation 01: During the site inspection it has been observed that no personal protective

devices were distributed to workers and work crews who are involved in handling

machineries, vibrating rollers and mixer machine.

Mitigation measure: The contractor environmental specialist repeatedly notified the

Contractor to provide exhaust silencers. Instruct all work crews to minimize unnecessary or

excessive noise while working especially at urban centers. Contractor needs to observe

normal working hours, provide sound-deadening devices on equipment and take noise

abatement measures in compliance with the environmental requirements. Each labor must

have personal protective device especially those who are involved in operating machineries.

Observation 02: It was observed that the location of generators was selected very safe and

away from people residential habitat. Generators were placed at east corner of the camp site

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whereas the offices and residential accommodation are located at west, south and north

sides of the camp. It is observed that the people are not feel themselves safe of the

generators sound, so proper mitigation measures should be adopted to prevent noise


Mitigation Measures:

During working at construction site and during crusher plant operations the excessive

amount of noise were produced. In order to solve and mitigate the existing problems of nice

it’s become to evaluate the noise level and its range for proper controlling of noise solution.

That’s we recommended the digital sound meters to install and use these at daily basis

during working and we also instruct the contractor that the noise limit should not increase

from acceptable sound level that’s not pose any adverse health effects to adjacent


A sound level meter is a measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound levels by

measuring sound pressure. Often referred to as a sound pressure level (SPL) meter, decibel

(dB) meter, noise meter or noise dosimeter, a sound level meter uses a microphone to

capture sound. The sound is then evaluated within the sound level meter and acoustic

measurement values are shown on the display of the sound level meter. The most common

unit of acoustic measurement for sound is the decibel (dB); however, some sound level

meter devices also determine the equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) and other

acoustic parameters. Some sound level meter devices can be permanently installed for

continuous monitoring of sound levels at a working or construction sites.

➢ Noise Level Meter: Use Noise Level Meter instrument. When the noise level is above 80 dB the generators should be shut off and corrected.

➢ Hearing Protection: Wear appropriate Safety glasses with side shields and hearing protection when working near the generator and the sound level exceeds during generator operation.

➢ Fencing: The proper metal fencing should be done around the generator and fuel tank area work.

➢ Generator Safety: The following safety precautions measure shall be advised to the

technicians and operators:

➢ Keep the generator and hands dry.

➢ Operate on a dry surface under an open, canopy- like structure.

➢ Plug appliances directly into the generator.

➢ NEVER plug the generator into a wall outlet. This practice, known as back feeding, can

cause a fatal electrocution risk to utility workers and others.

➢ If necessary to connect a generator to house wiring to power appliances, have a

qualified electrician install appropriate equipment.

➢ Before refueling the generator, turn it off and let it cool. Fuel spilled on hot engine parts

could ignite.

➢ Always store fuel outside of living areas in properly labeled, non-glass containers.

➢ Store fuel away from any fuel-burning appliance.

➢ If you must connect a generator to house wiring, have an electrician add the appropriate


➢ Use appropriate PPE equipment and take care of the following precautions while

operating plants.

➢ The Environmental specialist have notified the Contractors to minimize unnecessary,

excessive noise while working, and by maintaining normal working hours and provide

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sound-deadening devices on equipment and take noise abatement measures that are

necessary to comply with the environmental requirements and standards and also

distributing protective device for those worker which are involved in operating

machineries. Advanced and quiet plants and machines are available which are

specifically designed to produce less noise e.g. hydraulically powered equipment

produce less noise than pneumatic power. Proper review of construction methodology is

necessary to consider quieter methods for road construction an order to produce less

noise. The following general recommendation should be used by the contractor.

➢ The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure that operation of all

mechanical equipment and construction processes on and off the site shall not cause

any unnecessary or excessive noise.

➢ Construction equipment and machinery will be fitted with mufflers, silencers and

maintained properly.

➢ Vehicles and equipment used should confirm to the approved noise pollution norms.

➢ The use of horns should be kept for safety considerations.

➢ Noise events will be scheduled for appropriate times of the day to avoid disturbance of

any programmed community gatherings.

➢ Community awareness of the project activities and schedules will be created to enable

community members plan accordingly.

➢ At construction sites within 500 m of settlements, high noise level operation will be

stopped between 2200h to 0600h. Regular maintenance of the construction vehicle and

machinery will be performed to reduce the noise level.

Table 7: Results of environmental parameters measurements during the Reporting Period








(40- 90


Dust level µg/m3


OC mg/m3



Water Parameter






(0-999) BOD

COD DO Nitrate pH



s (TDS)




Kitchen 68(dB) 742µg/m3 456µg/m



µg/m3 0.7 mg/m3

2 ppm 6.8mg/l 10 mg/l 6.5 260mg/l

Office 45(dB) 297µg/m3 357 µg/m3 462

µg/m3 0.75 mg/m3

0.8ppm 6.8mg/l 10 mg/l 6.5 260mg/l

Room 55(dB) 455

µg/m3 543 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.7 mg/m3

2 ppm 6.8mg/l 10 mg/l 6.5 260mg/l

Open Yard 56(dB) 256

µg/m3 985 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.6 mg/m3 2 ppm 7.8mg/l 10 mg/l 6.5 260mg/l


Site 85(dB)


µg/m3 237 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.9 mg/m3

2 ppm 3.6mg/l 23 mg/l 7.3 4 50mg/l


Office Kitchen 66(dB) 789





µg/m3 0.8 mg/m3 2 ppm

6.8mg/l 9 mg/l

6.5 400mg/l

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Office 65(dB) 345

µg/m3 482 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.8 mg/m3 2 ppm 6.8mg/l

8 mg/l 6.5 280mg/l

Room 45(dB) 235

µg/m3 264 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.87 mg/m3 2 ppm 6.8mg/l 8 mg/l 6.5 320mg/l

Open Yard 65(dB) 569

µg/m3 348 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.84 mg/m3 2 ppm 6.8mg/l 8 mg/l 6.5 600mg/l

Garage 37(dB) 456

µg/m3 876 µg/m3


µg/m3 0.9 mg/m3 2 ppm 6.8mg/l 8 mg/l 7.0 560mg/l


Site 78(dB)






µg/m3 0.73 mg/m3 6 ppm

2.4mg/l 18 mg/l 7.7 780mg/l



y/ Site


Utility Area 67(dB) 345





µg/m3 0.87mg/m3 3 ppm 6.8mg/l 8 mg/l 6.5 345mg/l

Office 55(dB) 345





µg/m3 0.72mg/m3 3 ppm 5.9mg/l 8 mg/l 6.5 540mg/l

Quarters 66(dB) 986






0.75mg/m3 3 ppm 4.8mg/l 8 mg/l 6.5 457mg/l

Stock Yard 54(dB) 349






0.86mg/m3 3 ppm 2.8mg/l 8 mg/l 6.5 749mg/l

Garage 59(dB) 786






0.64mg/m3 3 ppm 5.8mg/l 8 mg/l 7.5 470mg/l


Site 92(dB) 967





µg/m3 0.76mg/m3 5.8ppm 5.8mg/l 14 mg/l 8.2 800mg/l


r Plant

Utility Area 97(dB)





µg/m3 0.84 mg/m3 8ppm

7.8mg/l 34mg/l 6.5 900mg/l

Office 78(dB)





µg/m3 0.73 mg/m3 2 ppm

7.8mg/l 11mg/l

6.5 340mg/l

Quarters 60(dB)





µg/m3 0.85 mg/m3

2 ppm 7.8mg/l 11mg/l 6.5 545mg/l

Stock Yard 68(dB)





µg/m3 0.69 mg/m3

2 ppm 7.8mg/l 11mg/l 6.5 545mg/l

Garage 78(dB)





µg/m3 0.85 mg/m3 8 ppm

7.8mg/l 11mg/l 7.9 470mg/l


Site 88(dB)





µg/m3 0.82 mg/m3 11ppm

3.8mg/l 24 mg/l 8.4 780mg/l



Utility Area 56(dB) 234 µg/m3 1167



µg/m3 0.96 mg/m3 4 ppm

8.8mg/l 13 mg/l 7.7 500mg/l

Office 89(dB) 794





µg/m3 0.83 mg/m3

2 ppm 6.8mg/l 9 mg/l

6.5 450mg/l

Quarters 56(dB) 953





µg/m3 0.93 mg/m3

2 ppm 4.4mg/l 19 mg/l 6.5 6 50mgg/l

Stock Yard 87(dB) 847





µg/m3 0.73 mg/m3 9 ppm

3.9mg/l 23mg/l 6.5 650mg/l


area 45(dB) 235





µg/m3 0.84 mg/m3 34ppm Nill Nill Nill Nill

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Working Area, Road Project













µg/m3 0.89 mg/m3 23ppm

Nill Nill Nill Nill







69(dB) 2 567





µg/m3 0.69 mg/m3 12ppm Nill Nill Nill Nill







77(dB) 1 973





µg/m3 0.74 mg/m3 23ppm Nill Nill Nill Nill

2.2.5 Soil erosion and siltation

The disturbance of upper layer soil during excavation makes it susceptible to increased risk

of increased run-off and erosion. The rain water may cause an erosion of embankment

during rainy season. Inadequate drainage may block a rainstorm flow and eventually cause

the flooding and siltation of site and surrounding areas. Soil erosion is a natural process in

which particles of soil are moved by wind and water and displaced to another location.

Erosion is one of the biggest concerns of earth's land surface. It has many impacts on

engineering construction works and also effects agricultural production. The objective of this

report is to highlight the various methods that can be employed to control soil erosion and

cutting. To control the soil erosion soil conservation practices are needed to overcome the

problem of Soil erosion at embankment slopes. Mostly the soil erosion caused by rain fall

during rainy seasons.

Observation: Insignificant erosion and sedimentation observed at road side earthen drains

and road side slopes, however in Km 120+800 and Km 121+400 the water leakage problem

was observed as a result of cutting and destruction of small irrigation drains.

Mitigation measures: The consultant instructs the contractor to control temporary erosion

and apply the sediment control measures for dikes, drains, sedimentation of basins,

grassing, and mulching areas, until permanent and proper drainage and erosion control

facilities are completed and operative. Planting of trees effectively reduce the speed of

surface water runoff and as such, lessens erosion and prevents toxic substances and

chemicals from washing into water systems. Plantation of trees and vegetation such as

flowers, grass, and shrubs covers the outer surface of the land and prevent both soil and

water erosion. There are two basic measures for controlling the soil erosion which composed

of by reducing runoff amount and reducing the runoff velocity. The contractor should comply

with following standards.

➢ Avoiding earthworks during the rainy season.

➢ In borrow pit; the depth of the pits is being maintained so that the sides of the excavation

site has a slope not steeper than 1:4.

➢ Soil erosion along the borrow pit is being monitored to mitigate impacts on nearby lands.

➢ Protective measures are being taken to control the creation of mosquito-breeding sites in

case the borrow pits were filled with water.

➢ Borrow pits are being used for construction, but during the excavation, top 20 cm soil

cover was being preserved for vegetation after the excavation of the pits.

➢ The contractor maintained the slope of cut and fills, clean and operationalize drainage

system, inlet and outlet of structures, which may cause of soil erosion in future.

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2.2.6 Disposal of Excavated Materials

The disposal of unsuitable spoil material is a serious environmental issue. The improper

disposal may cause the water pollution and dusting. But in section: 02 disposal of excavated

material is not a big issue because more than 90% of the project road lengths pass through

barren land. It does not have major adverse impact. Only 2% of the road passes through

residential areas and in those areas, there is sufficient place for disposal of excavated

unsuitable material. However the place of disposal of excavated material is monitored any

approved by environmental specialist of contractor, PIE and project manager (MOT).

Guidelines for identification of debris and disposal

➢ Dumping sites are located at least 100 m away from road alignment.

➢ Dumping sites do not contaminate any water sources, rivers etc.

➢ Residential areas are not located at downwind side of these locations.

➢ Dumping sites have adequate capacity equal to the amount of debris generated.

➢ Public perception about the location of debris disposal site has to be obtained before

finalizing the location.

➢ Permission from the head of the local communities or village societies to be obtained for

the selected dumping site.

2.2.7 Waste Management:

During the report period it was observed that the solid waste generated in the camp was

poorly managed. Environmental specialist has informed the contractor has to ensure proper

management for the solid waste generated in the camp and should be collected on a regular

basis. Moreover, the waste should be disposed in already identified disposal sites.

During site observation it was also observed that the contractor has no plan for reuse and

recycling of the waste generated inside the camp as well as in construction site.

Environmental engineer instructed the contractor to adopt a suitable plan to insure minimum

waste generation and to increase in reuse and recycling of possible.

As it is known that Sapary- Surkhroad Road project is passing throw Memla park, and it is

named as a visitor site for tourists at Nangarhar Km 117+000 up to 117+500, so damping of

unsuitable material is prohibited in this area, and if the contractor is doing so, then a proper

plan is required for damping of loss materials.. The environmental specialist has timely

informed the contractor that all the activities should be taken in accordance environmental

and social impact assessment (approved from NEPA Afghanistan). During the report period

it was observed the contractor is damping the unsuitable construction material in very

improper ways which affect the beautification of Memla Park.

Observation 01: During the site visits and environmental compliance inspections it has

been observed that contractor is damping loss construction materials with proper way and

was not affecting the beauty of Memla park and surrounding areas.

Observation 02: During the site visits and environmental compliance inspections it has

been observed that contractor is damping loss construction materials in proper way which

not affecting the beauty of constructed road and surrounding areas.

Mitigation measures: The environmental specialist instructed the contractor to keep

construction activities under surveillance, and avoid dumping of these materials in improper

way. The Contractor had also been instructed to submit a proper plan for identification of

damping locations and similarly advised for the proper implementation of the Environmental

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Management Plan (EMP), specifically prepared for this project. The following are the general

information about waste management during the reporting period.

2.2.8 Cumulative Waste

Mainly municipal and project activities cumulative waste was produced during the monitoring

period. Cumulative waste was produced in main Office of contractor, police Guard Camp

Bawli, concrete Plant/ Site Camp, Asphalt Plant and at warehouse during the monitoring

period. According to the contractor the average solid waste averaged calculated is 0.8

Kg/capita/day. So, the overall solid waste production in the site camp is averaged as 14 Kg

per day as there 250 employees reside in the project. The solid waste collected from door to

door at the site camps with the help of waste tray and is then stored in the main collection

point. The trucks then take the collected solid waste to the municipality landfill for further

disposal. Details of waste record are provided in Table 8 and 9 as below:


Collection Point

Type of Solid Waste Total Weight


Grand Total






Any other


19.8 Kg

Main Office of contractor 3 kg 0.3 kg Nil 3.3 kg

police Guard Camp (Bawli) 8Kg 1Kg 1.5 Kg 10.5 Kg

Concrete Plant/ Site Camp Nil Nil Nil 0 kg

Asphalt Plant 1 Kg 5Kg Nil 1 kg

Warehouse Nil Nil Nil 0 Kg




Type of




Quantity of Waste

Generated Daily


disposal route

Final Disposal

sites for waste

1 Non-

Hazardous Kitchen waste 1.5 Kg Dump in the Fit

Disposed at


disposal site

2 Non-

Hazardous Sewage Water 250L

Goes to city



Goes to city

Drainage and

Sewer Systems

3 Hazardous Machinery

Maintenance Nill

Grease engine

oil etc. collected

in barrels

Grease engine oil

etc. collected in


4 Hazardous Construction

equipment’s Nil Nil Nil

5 Non-




Wastes of foods and

waters as well as

construction scrapes

Collected in

Dust beans and

then disposed

through city


Collected in Dust

beans and then

disposed through

city municipality

6 Hazardous Discarded

material Nil Nil Nil

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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2.2.9 Impacts to Flora and Fauna

During the reporting period in the project the construction activities have no adverse effect or

impact to flora & fauna has been observed. During the reporting period, no tree has cut at

site and no impact of wild life. In order to protect flora and fauna the overall environmental

pollutants should be at the range of acceptable level that not pause any harm to living

organism and environments. Construction wastes cleaning material, road supplies, paints,

crushing and coal wastes, workers wastes, packages from construction materials and

chemical wastes are always hazardous to the environment and all living organisms. It’s very

important that constructor must always use the recyclable and bio degradable materials

which decompose easily. Advance sewage treatment and firm’s now clean the wastewater

without the use of chemicals. Plastic leftovers such as used plastic water bottles, disposable

plastic plates, road supplies, paints, crushing and coal wastes, workers wastes frequently

end up in the oceans, lakes, streams and rivers, contaminating natural habitats and

destroying aquatic life.

2.2.10 Health and Safety

Personal safety equipment’s especially footwear, safety jackets, helmets etc. to be supplied

to workers depending on their activities. No community health and safety issues relating to

the Project were reported during the Project Implementation period.

Observation: During the site inspection the environmental specialist observed that no PPE

provided to labor therefor a letter has been send to contractor to comply with environment

and safety provision, now the contractor has provided the safety equipment but workers are

not regularly using safety equipment – as observed during inspection the contractor has not

properly construct detour roads and excavation for the culverts and road widening create

safety risks.

Mitigation measure: Beside the personal safety equipment the Contractor has been

instructed also to provide warning signs, speed limits and signals, provision of safety gears

to workers depending on their activity, checking of safety arrangements by the safety

officers, safety training for new employees before start work. To minimize the hazards and

risks at the workplace the following will be carried out:

➢ Installation of signboards and symbols in risky and hazardous areas, to inform workers to

be careful.

➢ Removing all scrap and waste material from the work area.

➢ Install fire extinguishers and/or other fire-fighting equipment at every work site to prepare

for any accidental fire hazards.

➢ Use only trained staff to assemble, install and repair all electrical equipment to prevent

risks of electrical shocks.

➢ Where scaffolds are required (may be required at the road bridges, culverts and

retaining walls), ensuring that each scaffold or its components shall be capable of

supporting its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied or

transmitted to it. The rope should be capable of supporting at least 6 times the maximum

intended load applied or transmitted to that rope.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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2.2.11 Training

No formal environmental training conducted at the site due to security issues, but local

environmental specialist trained people individually talking to them at the accommodations

and at the working site. Any large meeting could attract insurgents. Some of the non -Formal

and social awareness programs was conducted in different places of project site, these all

were carried out to carry out all environmental activities towards a positive plate form. The

details and result of social awareness programs and informal trainings are available in Table


3. Materials Resources Utilization

The current reporting period from 1st July to 31 December 2019 the project utilized many

material resources an order to accomplish and complete the current road project. As these

material is very risky for labor and worker if they don’t use proper personal protective

equipment’s. During work in road construction projects and as the site inspections shows

that no proper safety measure were taken during the handlings these materials, so it was

strictly recommended to contractor to pay full attention on environmental impacts and

mitigation measures similarly the working on site should adopt their personal safety.

During current reporting period the contractor has utilized Cement (construction materials) in

huge amount for concrete section of road, bridges, culverts, drains, and road site walls from

km 117+000 up to 138+000. The filling of useable construction material caused cleaning

some of disposed material from top similarly has positive impact on environment by cleaning

those locations where the materials were dumped in unsuitable way. The following tables 10,

11, 12 & 13 present the general detail of all material utilized during reporting period.



S.N Type of Material Unit Current Stocks Used Remarks

1 Cement Bags 1200 19160 Quality product

2 Sand m3 100 5200 Quality product

3 Stone / Boulders m3 200 2150 Tested Stone

4 Base Course material

/Aggregates/Dust m3 0

7480 Quality product

5 Sub base material m3 0 6940 Quality product

6 100mm PVC pipe Rm 0 500 Quality product

7 Geotextile sq.m. 0 0

8 Reinforcement MT 0 0.5 Quality product

9 Ply for formworks sq.m. 0 500 Quality product

10 Diesel liter 3000 200000 Quality product

11 Kerosene liter 0 3500 Quality product

12 Bitumen 60/70 ton 590 900 Quality product

13 Bitumen 80/100 ton 0 0

No Item Name Utilization Source Quantity Daily Quantity (6

months) Remarks

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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Purpose Water source Consumption (tones)

Daily Monthly Reporting period (M)MMMmonths) Dust suppression and compaction of

road layers

Canal and underground


5 150 900

Producing of Concrete and precast components

Canal and underground


3.2 94 565

Sanitary and hygiene needs Underground

water 1.5 45 1350

Drinking water R/O filter water (Asma, Crystal )

0.5 3 90

Planation and crush plant water Canal water 1.8 54 324

Total for reporting period 3229


Project facility Solar

panels Generator City electricity

Main Office Nill Yes Yes

Office of Contractor Nill Yes Yes

Asphalt plant Nill Yes Yes

Concrete plant Nill Yes Yes

Others Nill Nill Nill

1 Drinking


Purified water

(Cristal Company)

15L Main office 2700L Everyone can utilize

sufficient and safe

water 15L Site Office 2700L

50L Security camp 9000L

2 Usable

Water Open fit (Spring)

120L For kitchen,

Washrooms, and

other Cleanings

23000 L Every place have

sufficient Sanitary and

safe water

3 Electricity Generator 50-80 Units 14400 Units

Sufficient and Regular

availability of full power


4 Fuel Fuel pump installed

in camp

Nill Nill No Fuel pump is

installed in camp

5 Transport




Daily Three Office

Cars are uses for


Sufficient for proper

and on time


6 Fire




Nill Nill Nill


Kitchen and




Full availability of

every necessary


Availability of


till 6 months

Sufficient amount of

dining and kitchen

utensils are available

at offices

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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4. Public Awareness Programs and GRM

The grievance redress mechanism GRM is establishes and there is database and

complaints registration forms both in English and local language to allow any AP to

appeal or disagree whatever decision that may have impact to anyone, any

practices, or activities arising from project activities, environmental impacts

associated to project activities, land or other assets compensation. APs will be fully

informed of their rights and of the procedures for addressing complaints during

consultation, surveys, and time of compensation. It is also worth to be mentioned

that the GRM committees stablished in Surkhroad and Khogyani districts. List of

Public Consultation/Meetings Conducted during report period is provided in table 14.

In order to ensure environmental compliance of the remaining part of the project the

following measures are recommended:

➢ The Contractor shall immediately obtain the National Environmental Protection

Agency (NEPA) permit for the installation of the asphalt plant, concrete batching

plant, and borrow areas the quarry operation which are currently not in

accordance to the environmental guidelines set out by the NEPA and Ministry of


➢ The contractor should prepare and approve a spoil disposal plan as soon as

possible and clean up improper spoiling sites. All dumping sites are subject to

prior approval by the Consultant.

➢ This plan should specify location for temporary and permanent spoil sites and

approximate haulage distances. No permanent material disposal is allowed near

trees and closer than 10 meters to water bodies.

➢ The contractor should prepare and submit a tree planting plan in accordance with

presented above recommendations. The cutting of trees and damage to

vegetation along the alignment should be minimized.

➢ The Contractor should employ an environment, health and safety manager and

he/she should prepare and submit weekly environmental reports.

➢ The Contractor should considerably improve the housekeeping practices at the

work places and accommodation. The Contractor should submit the construction

camp, batch concrete plant and crushing plant plans for approval. The lavatories

and trash bins should be set up in sufficient numbers to accommodate the needs

at the work sites and areas.

➢ The contractor shall work and construct the detour roads prior to scarifying the

existence road pavement and demolition of existence structures.


Dates Venues Participants type

/number* Agenda Issues discussed





Khogyani &

Surkhroad District

elders and Shura

Principles of


entitlement and

Project description, land and

assets verification and

compensation methodology,

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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d Bazar

compensation. grievance and redress

mechanism and establishment

of community for lands and

assets verification and GRM.





Principles of flood

protection and



Flood information, controlling

soil erosion and types of floods

and disasters at Khogyani and

Surkhroad district. Protection

procedure have been discussed.





Representative of



PM and ES


Response During

disasters and


Methods of protection,

information receiving about

floods, first Aid measures,

information sharing with

responding organizations




d Bazar

Program Director,

PM and



Social awareness

programs about

the benefits of

plantation at their


Benefits of plantation, planation

procedures, information about

plants selection according to soil

and temperature, plant

protection measures, types and

methods of irrigations.

Information about cuttings,

thinning, grafting buddings

propagation. Information about

soil managements.











Program Director,

PIE, and PM and


Land related

Grievances and


awareness to

villagers about

flora and funa


Information about composting.

Wild life protection. Methods of

reporting about hunters.

Information about fisheries. Land

scraping informations,

information about global

warming, and proper information

about ozone (o3).




PIE, and PM and


Social awareness

about waste


Social awareness

about villages



Information about waste, their

bad impact on environments,

awareness program about

plastic bags along with

disadvantages, disposal

methods, management

information about their waste

waters, information about

recycling of waste products and

recommendation about dustbins.

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elders at




employs, labors

and community

elders of


Khogyai and


Workers Safety



Along with




Information about dust

controlling, noise controlling ,

information about digital sound

meters their usage, information

about sanitation and hygiene

measures, information and

benefits about personal

protective equipment’s,

information about labor rules

and regulations.





Community elders

of Memla village of


Principles of


entitlement and


Project progress; public

awareness; security conditions

and the importance of local

people endorsement from the


4.1 Issues Tracking (Based on Non-Conformance Notices)

A grievance redress mechanism shall be available to allow any APs to appeal or disagree on whatever decision that may have impact on anyone, any practices, or activities arising from land or other assets compensation. APs will be fully informed of their rights and of the procedures for addressing complaints during consultation, surveys, and time of compensation. The Complaints registration forms both in English and Local language was developed by

PMO/MOT environmental specialist. The Grievance Committee and project staff will help the

APs in filling-out the forms and pass them to the appropriate authority and will assist them at

every stage of the complaint process. The following tables 15 & 16 and figure 4 represents

the summary of grievances/complaints raised during the reporting period.



Number of Grievances

Type of Grievances Tracked Closed open


Surkhurud Land/asset related

disputes 10 0 10

Sherzad Security threats 1 1 0

Khogiany Air pollution 3 3 0

Chamtalah Contractor work Labor

Dues 1 1 0

Memla Bagh Health and Safety 1 1 0

Total 16 6 10

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No Issue Number of

Issues Percentage % Statues

1 Open Issues 10 62.5 Open

2 Closed Issues 6 37.5 Closed

Total issue tracked 16

4.2 Trends

The statistical estimate of the issues started from the previous monitoring period and the local Environmental Specialist was mobilized only in October 2019. For this reason the significant increase of identified issues observed compared to 1st Quarter. Due to regular monitoring in the 2nd Quarter more issues were identified. The maximal numbers of identified issues (50 %) were solved immediately. Within the Final 3rd Quarter the frequency and number of inspections increased and identification of issues stabilized as mentioned in table 17 as below.


Reporting Period Total No of Issues % issues Closed % issues closed late

Aug-Sep 2019 4 38 64

Oct-Nov 2019 9 57 30

December 2019 2 80 0

4.3 Unanticipated Environmental Impacts or Risks

There haven’t been any unidentified Environmental impacts in the project so far.

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4.4 Social Safeguard

The project requires acquisition of private land/asset, so the resettlement team has

conducted a series of consultations with project affected persons (APs), governmental

authorities and community elders. An Establishment of Land and Assets Determination

Committee had been completed in Surkhroad and Khogyani Districts. The land asset

documents verification committee and grievance redress mechanism (GRM) committees

have been established in Surkhroad, Khogyani and Sherzad districts.

4.5 SSEMP Review

During current report period some issues has been raised and instructed the contractor to

take necessary action to insure that the project is not creating any environmental hazard,

some of the major issue where the contractor has been found not able to implement

mitigation or monitoring measures, as following

• Water Quality

• Waste water management

• Solid Waste Management

• Damping of Unsuitable Construction Material

• Air Quality and Dust Generation

• Noise and Vibration Control

• Soil Erosion

• Public and Workers’ Safety

4.5.1 SEMP Effectiveness

The prepared and revised SSEMP in general proved the efficiency during the Project

Implementation. Most of measures included to SSEMP were effective and allowed avoiding

of major environmental issues arising and minimizing of the issues of medium and low


The measures included to SSEMP were efficient and ensured the identification and in most

of cases a timely and efficient mitigation of observed environmental impacts. However, it is

recommended to provide more detailed schedule and protocols for mitigation measures, as

well as detailed provisions for Environmental Monitoring.

4.5.2 Unanticipated Impacts

No unanticipated environmental impacts were recorded during the Project Implementation.

All of recorded impacts or issues were covered by IEE/ SSEMP.

4.6 Good Practice

➢ The project is in the completion stage so a range of best practices by the contractor were identified during the monitoring period.

➢ The first issue which is worth noting is that the contractor has organized its work camps in a good manner, and the locations for different activities have been chosen well so that they are in line with the given recommendation.

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➢ The contractor has started tree plantation process in consultation with local communities and governmental authorities. Details of tree plantation will be provided in next reporting period.

➢ The Contractor managed to minimize the losses of vegetation. As well as the contractor makes efforts to maximise the use green sources of energy (mainly solar) wherever it is possible.

4.7 Opportunities for Improvement

The road project is passing throw mountainous land, and there is very minor impact that has environmental hazard, keeping these point in to account there are many Opportunities for improvement. The significant opportunities for better project implementation and management of environmental effect for the future projects in the project area directly connect with the improvement of security situation.

1. Dumping of Loss Material in Proper Place: The project is passing throw desert like

land so there enough space to dump the unsuitable construction material. So keeping

the condition of site in to account the contractor has an opportunity to minimize the

negative environmental impact on the site.

2. Protection of Agricultural Area: As we don’t have enough agricultural land along the

road alignment, so there is an opportunity for the contractor to establish a proper method

as per the approved tree plantation plan for the beautification of the project area, and to

protect the agricultural area of the project.

3. Protection of Natural Habitat: The Road project is located in mountainous and hilly

area, and the contractor has an opportunity protect these natural habitats found along

the road alignment.

4. Water Quality: The inspection of the project site has shown that there are minimum

water sources in the area, so there is an opportunity for contractor to take necessary

actions to save the available water sources along our road alignment.

5. Solid Waste Management: The solid waste generated in the site in collected to an open

pit very close to engineer’s residential accommodation which cause environmental

hazard. The contractor can easily manage and cover the pit so that it will not cause any

environmental impact to the project.

6. Air Quality and Dust Generation: During physical construction of the project many

places has been found that in many locations the dust was generated due to vehicles

movement as well as working machinery in the site which cause to effect the air quality

of the project site. To maintain the air quality there is many opportunities for contractor to

control, so that the air quality will remain natural.

7. Public and Workers’ Safety: Public and workers' safety is the important element of the

project, the contractor has to keep it their top priorities and to provide all necessary

equipment’s for the workers during their work in the site. This can be easily improved by

providing all PPE to project staff.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

The project construction activity was implemented according to ADB guideline for category B

project. The project impacts were not significant, and most of them were construction related

such as dust pollution, noise levels, loss of roadside vegetation, and traffic flow disruption.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 35 of 60

These impacts were considered temporary and were addressed through environmental

mitigation. The project road has not any cultural or historical sensitive areas and no effects

on flora and fauna.

During the period of this report work construction have been ongoing with all construction


The environmental monitoring covers air, water and noise. While dust pollution in the Project

area exceeds the applicable limits by a slight margin. Project-related construction activities

are contributing these issues. However, the impact will be temporary and localized and will

disappear once the construction is completed. There have been no significant public

complaints about the environmental impacts of the project. Main Contractor camps and labor

camps, storage areas and vehicle/machinery places are being maintained according to

existing Environment, health and safety standards. In the construction phase, contractor

promise was satisfied to protect the environment, Health and Safety. Adequate attention has

been paid to the implementation of mitigation measures and environmental monitoring.

Through the implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental impacts have

been prevented or reduced to the minimum level possible. Environmental provisions have

been incorporated into the civil works contracts.

No significant environmental impacts resulted from the project implementation activities is

possible. In summary, the project will have an overall beneficial impact after completion. The

project has been supervised by the Xinjiang Beixin Road and Bridge Group Co. Ltd Sapary-

Surkhroad Road Construction Project.

The following suggestions to be strictly followed:

➢ Selection of the borrow pit area and disposal site away from the current road alignment and agriculture lands in a suitable location to prevent land slide, erosion and waterways blockage. Also after disposing the loose excavated material it should be compacted to avid air pollution and dust emission.

➢ Keep work areas organized; ensure that there is adequate provision of correctly marked waste containers made be available at construction camp for the disposal of wastes, the contractor should considerably improve the housekeeping practices at the works places and accommodation.

➢ For new borrow areas, all measures will be taken to avoid loss of productive soil. ➢ Contractors should take permission for NEPA and M/O, Mines and local authority of

stone from the riverbed or hill area if applicable. ➢ Any waste petroleum products will be collected, stored, & disposed of at approved sites

as per Hazardous Waste Management Act. ➢ Contractor must appoint Environment and Safety officer. ➢ Provision of adequate healthcare facilities (first aid) accessible within the

project site.

Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going construction activities during the reporting period is provided under Annex I, Environmental Impact Monitoring Summary is reflected under Annex II and photo gallery is presented in Annex III.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

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Annex- I

Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going construction activities from 1st July 2019 to 31 July 2019.

Responsible Person: Tariqullah Tasal Environmental Specialist.

Abbreviations: HS-Highly satisfaction, S- Satisfaction, NS- Not Satisfaction, NA- Not applicable

Road section 1 2 3

4 Km Chainage 120.0-130.0 130.0-140.0 140.0-150.0

Level of satisfaction HS S NS NA HS S NS NA HS S NS NA

1. Earthworks and soil conservations

1.1Disposal of debris and spoil

1.2 Protection of agricultural areas √ √ √

1.3 Protection of ground cover


√ √ √

1.4 Burrowing of earth √ √ √

1.5 Erosion control √ √ √

1.6 Quarry operations √ √ √

2. Water pollution

2.1 Protection of water sources √ √ √

2.2 Prevention of water quality


√ √ √

2.3 No Siltation of water bodies √ √ √

2.4 No alteration of drainage paths √ √ √

2.5 Precautions for contamination of water from construction materials

√ √ √

2.6 Locating, sanitation & waste disposal in construction camps

√ √ √

2.7 Adequate facilities for disposal of sewerage & solid waste

√ √ √

2.8 No impact to the public or community water supply

√ √ √

3. Air pollution

3.1 Effective management of dust √ √ √

3.2 Delivering material effectively covered while transporting

√ √ √

3.3 Vehicle speed limit, which control the dust emissions.

√ √ √

3.4 Watering of Construction & transportation sites

√ √ √

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3.5 Immediate cleaning of debris, dust & other material from the road

√ √ √

3.6 Level of emissions from construction vehicles, equipment &


√ √ √

3.7 Regularly serviced machinery equipment & vehicle √ √ √

3.8 Level of air emission from material extraction sites √ √ √

4. Noise pollution and vibration

4.1 Level of noise from vehicles,

plants& equipment

√ ✓ ✓ √


4.2 Level of vibration from

machineries& equipment

5. Impact on flora and fauna

5.1 Minimize loss or damage of trees √

5.2 No destruction of other flora √

5.3 No removal of trees in protected area √

5.4 No impact to wild fauna and their habitats

6. Accidents and risks

6.1 Public &worker safety √

6.2 Provide proper safety appliances to workers (helmets, goggles, masks, foot wears.

6.3 adequate warning signals √

7. Health & safety

7.1 Prevention and control of vector based diseases

7.2 No vector breeding sites in the vicinity of labor camps

7.3 Adequate actions for worker’s health and safety

7.4 First aid facility

7.5 Adequate bathing, latrine facilities for labor camps

Labor camp is under construction. Latrines are available

7.6 No affect to adjacent watercourses by sewerage system

Sewerage system is not completed

7.7 Garbage disposed n/a √ n/a

8. Environmental enhancement

8.1 Road-side landscape √ √ √

8.2 Re-planting of trees, -re-vegetation of other plants No trees plantation was


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8.3 Reconstruction of removed utilities such as water, electricity, telephone

No utilities were removed during the reporting period

Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going

construction activities from 1st August 2019 to 31 August 2019. Responsible Person: Tariqullah Tasal Environmental Specialist.

Abbreviations: HS-Highly satisfaction, S- Satisfaction, NS- Not Satisfaction, NA-

Not applicable

Road section 1 2 3

4 Km Chainage 120.0-130.0 130.0-140.0 140.0-150.0

Level of satisfaction H/S S N/S N/A H/S S N/S N/A H/S S N/S N/A

1. Earth works and soil conservations

1.1 Disposal of debris and spoil √ √ √

1.2 Protection of agricultural areas √ √ √

1.3 Protection of ground cover vegetation

√ √ √

1.4 Borrowing of earth √ √ √

1.5 Erosion control √ √ √

1.6 Quarry operations √ √ √

2. Water pollution

2.1 Protection of water sources √ √ √

2.2 Prevention of water quality worsening √ √ √

2.3 No Siltation of water bodies √ √ √

2.4 No alteration of drainage paths √ √ √

2.5 Precautions for contamination of Water from construction materials

√ √ √

2.6 Locating, sanitation & waste Disposal in construction camps

√ √ √

2.7 Adequate facilities for disposal of Sewerage & solid waste

√ √ √

2.8 No impact to the public or community water supply

√ √ √

3. Air pollution

3.1 Effective management of dust √ √ √

3.2 Delivering material effectively covered while transporting √ √ √

3.3 Vehicle speed limit which control the dust emissions. √ √ √

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3.4 Watering of Construction & transportation sites √ √ √

3.5 Immediate cleaning of debris, dust & other material from the road √ √ √

3.6 Level of emissions from construction vehicles, equipment & machinery √ √ √

3.7 Regularly serviced machinery equipment’s & vehicles √ √ √

3.8 Level of air emission from material Extraction sites √ √ √

4. Noise pollution and vibration 4.1 Level of noise from vehicles, Plants & equipment √ √ √

4.2 Level of vibration from Machineries & equipment √ √ √

5. Impact on flora and fauna

5.1 Minimize loss or damage of trees √ √ √

5.2 No destruction of other floras √ √ √

5.3 No removal of trees in protected area √ √ √

5.4 No impact to wild fauna and their habitats

√ √ √

6. Accident sand risks

6.1 Public & worker safety √ √ √

6.2 Provide proper safety appliances to workers (helmets, goggles, masks, foot wears)

√ √ √

6.3 adequate warning signals √ √ √

7. Health & safety 7.1 Prevention and control of vector based diseases √ √ √

7.2 No vector breeding sites in the vicinity of labor camps √ √ √

7.3 Adequate actions for worker’s health and safety √ √ √

7.4 First aid facility √ √ √ 7.5 Adequate bathing, latrine facilities for labor camps

Labor camp is under construction. Latrines are

available 7.6 No affect to adjacent water courses by sewerage system Sewerage system is not completed

7.7 Garbage disposed N/A √ N/A

Page 42: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 40 of 60

8. Environmental enhancement

8.1 Road-side landscape √ √ √

8.2 Re-planting of trees, re-vegetation of other plants No trees plantation was under


8.3 Reconstruction of removed utilities such as water electricity, telephone

No utilities were removed during the reporting


Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going

construction activities for 1st Sep 2019 to 30 Sep 2019. Responsible Person: Tariqullah Tasal Environmental Specialist.

Abbreviations: HS-Highly satisfaction, S- Satisfaction, NS- Not Satisfaction, NA-

Not applicable

Road section 1 2 3

4 Km Chainage 120.0-130.0 130.0-140.0 140.0-150.0

Level of satisfaction HS S NS N/A HS S NS NA HS S NS


1. Earth works and soil conservations

1.1 Disposal of debris and spoil

√ √ √

1.2 Protection of agricultural areas √ √ √

1.3 Protection of ground cover vegetation √ √ √

1.4 Borrowing of earth √ √ √ 1.5 Erosion control

√ √ √ 1.6 Quarry operations

√ √ √ 2. Water pollution

2.1 Protection of water sources √ √ √

2.2 Prevention of water quality worsening √ √ √

2.3 No Siltation of water bodies √ √ √

2.4 No alteration of drainage paths √ √ √

2.5 Precautions for contamination of Water from construction materials √ √ √

2.6 Locating, sanitation & waste Disposal in construction camps √ √ √

2.7 Adequate facilities for disposal of Sewerage & solid waste √ √ √

2.8 No impact to the public or community water supply √ √ √

3. Air pollution

3.1 Effective management of dust √ √ √

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 41 of 60

3.2 Delivering material effectively covered while transporting √ √ √

3.3 Vehicle speed limit which control the dust emissions. √ √ √

3.4 Watering of Construction & transportation sites √ √ √

3.5 Immediate cleaning of debris, dust & other material from the road √ √ √

3.6 Level of emissions from construction vehicles, equipment & machinery √ √ √

3.7 Regularly serviced machinery equipment’s & vehicle √ √ √

3.8 Level of air emission from material Extraction sites √ √ √

4. Noise pollution and vibration

4.1 Level of noise from vehicles, Plants & equipment

√ √ √

4.2 Level of vibration from Machineries & equipment

√ √ √

5. Impact on flora and fauna

5.1 Minimize loss or damage of trees √ √ √

5.2 No destruction of other flora √ √ √

5.3 No removal of trees in protected area √ √ √

5.4 No impact to wild fauna and their habitats

√ √ √

6. Accident sand risks

6.1 Public & worker safety √ √ √ 6.2 Provide proper safety appliances to workers (helmets, goggles, masks, foot wears)

√ √ √

6.3 adequate warning signals √ √ √ 7. Health & safety

7.1 Prevention and control of vector based diseases

√ √ √

7.2 No vector breeding sites in the vicinity of labor camps

√ √ √

7.3 Adequate actions for worker’s health and safety

√ √ √

7.4 First aid facility √ √ √

7.5 Adequate bathing, latrine facilities for labor camps

Labor camp is under construction. Latrines are available

7.6 No affect to adjacent water courses by sewerage system

Sewerage system is not completed

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 42 of 60

7.7 Garbage disposed n/a √ n/a

8. Environmental enhancement

8.1 Road-side landscape √ √ √

8.2 Re-planting of trees, re-vegetation of other plants No trees plantation was


8.3 Reconstruction of removed utilities such as water electricity, telephone

No utilities were removed during the reporting period

Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going construction activities 1st Oct to 30 Oct 2019.

Responsible Person: Tariqullah Tasal Environmental Specialist.

Abbreviations: HS-Highly satisfaction, S- Satisfaction, NS- Not Satisfaction, NA-

Not applicable

Road section 1 2 3

4 Km Chainage 120.0-130.0 130.0-140.0 140.0-150.0

Level of satisfaction HS S NS NA HS S NS NA HS S NS NA 1. Earthworks and soil conservations

1.1Disposal of debris and spoil √ √ √

1.2 Protection of agricultural areas √ √ √

1.3 Protection of ground cover


√ √ √

1.4 Borrowing of earth √ √ √ 1.5 Erosion control

√ √ √ 1.6 Quarry operations

√ √ √ 2. Water pollution

2.1 Protection of water sources √ √ √

2.2 Prevention of water quality


√ √ √

2.3 No Siltation of water bodies √ √ √

2.4 No alteration of drainage paths √ √ √

2.5 Precautions for contamination of water from construction materials √ √ √

2.6 Locating, sanitation & waste disposal in construction camps √ √ √

2.7 Adequate facilities for disposal of sewerage & solid waste √ √ √

2.8 No impact to the public or community water supply √ √ √

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 43 of 60

3. Air pollution

3.1 Effective management of dust √ √ √

3.2 Delivering material effectively covered while transporting √ √ √

3.3 Vehicle speed limit which control the dust emissions. √ √ √

3.4 Watering of Construction &transportation sites √ √ √

3.5 Immediate cleaning of debris, dust &other material from the road √ √ √

3.6 Level of emissions from construction vehicles, equipment &


√ √ √

3.7 Regularly serviced machinery

equipment’s & vehicle

√ √ √

3.8 Level of air emission from material extraction sites

√ √ √

4. Noise pollution and vibration

4.1 Level of noise from vehicles,

plants& equipment

√ √ √

4.2 Level of vibration from

machineries& equipment

√ √ √

5. Impact on flora and fauna

5.1 Minimize loss or damage of trees √ √ √

5.2 No destruction of other flora √ √ √

5.3 No removal of trees in protected area √ √ √

5.4 No impact to wild fauna and their habitats

√ √ √

6. Accidents and risks

6.1 Public &worker safety √ √ √ 6.2 Provide proper safety appliances to

workers (helmets, goggles, masks, foot wears.

√ √ √

6.3 adequate warning signals √ √ √

7. Health & safety

7.1 Prevention and control of vector based diseases √ √ √

7.2 No vector breeding sites in the vicinity of labor camps √ √ √

7.3 Adequate actions for worker’s health and safety √ √ √

7.4 First aid facility √ √ √

7.5 Adequate bathing, latrine facilities

for labor camps

Labor camp is under construction, the bathing and latrine facilities are not adequate.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 44 of 60

7.6 No affect to adjacent watercourses

by sewerage system

Sewerage system is not completed

7.7 Garbage disposed √ √


8. Environmental enhancement

8.1 Road-side landscape √ √ NA

8.2 Re-planting of trees, -re-vegetation of

other plants

The tree plantation plan has not been

submitted yet.

8.3 Reconstruction of removed utilities such

as water, electricity, telephone It is under the process to relocate the

electrical poles.

Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going construction activities from 1st Nov to 30 Nov 2019.

Responsible Person: Tariqullah Tasal Environmental Specialist.

Abbreviations: HS-Highly satisfaction, S- Satisfaction, NS- Not Satisfaction, NA-

Not applicable

Road section 1 2 3

4 Km Chainage 120.0-130.0 130.0-140.0 140.0-150.0

Level of satisfaction HS S NS N/A HS S NS NA HS


1. Earthworks and soil conservations

1.1Disposal of debris and spoil √ √ √

1.2 Protection of agricultural areas √ √ √

1.3 Protection of ground cover


√ √ √

1.4 Borrowing of earth √ √ √

1.5 Erosion control √ √ √

1.6 Quarry operations √ √ √

2. Water pollution

2.1 Protection of water sources √ √ √

2.2 Prevention of water quality


√ √ √

2.3 No Siltation of water bodies √ √ √

2.4 No alteration of drainage paths √ √ √

2.5 Precautions for contamination of water from construction materials √ √ √

2.6 Locating, sanitation & waste disposal in construction camps √ √ √

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 45 of 60

2.7 Adequate facilities for disposal of sewerage and solid waste √ √ √

2.8 No impact to the public or community water supply √ √ √

3. Air pollution

3.1 Effective management of dust √ √ √

3.2 Delivering material effectively covered while transporting √ √ √

3.3 Vehicle speed limit, which control the dust emissions. √ √ √

3.4 Watering of Construction and transportation sites √ √ √

3.5 Immediate cleaning of debris, dust and other material from the road √ √ √

3.6 Level of emissions from construction vehicles, equipment and machinery √ √ √

3.7 Regularly serviced machinery equipment’s & vehicle √ √ √

3.8 Level of air emission from material extraction sites √ √ √

4. Noise pollution and vibration 4.1 Level of noise from vehicles, plants and equipment

√ √ √

4.2 Level of vibration from machineries and equipment

√ √ √

5. Impact on flora and fauna

5.1 Minimize loss or damage of trees √ √ √

5.2 No destruction of other flora √ √ √

5.3 No removal of trees in protected area √ √ √

5.4 No impact to wild fauna and their habitats

√ √ √ 6. Accidents and risks

6.1 Public &worker safety √ √ √

6.2 Provide proper safety appliances to workers (helmets, goggles, masks, foot wears.

√ √ √

6.3 adequate warning signals √ √ √ 7. Health & safety

7.1 Prevention and control of vector based diseases √ √ √

7.2 No vector breeding sites in the vicinity of labor camps √ √ √

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 46 of 60

7.3 Adequate actions for worker’s health and safety √ √ √

7.4 First aid facility √ √ √

7.5 Adequate bathing, latrine facilities for labor camps

Labor camp is under construction. Latrines are available

7.6 No affect to adjacent watercourses by sewerage system

Sewerage system is not completed

7.7 Garbage disposed √ √ NA

8. Environmental enhancement

8.1 Road-side landscape √ √ NA

8.2 Re-planting of trees, -re-vegetation of other plants

No trees plantation was


8.3 Reconstruction of removed utilities such as water, electricity, telephone

It is under the process to relocate the electrical poles.

Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures of on-going construction activities from 1st Dec to 31 Dec 2019.

Responsible Person: Tariqullah Tasal Environmental Specialist.

Abbreviations: HS-Highly satisfaction, S- Satisfaction, NS- Not Satisfaction, NA-

Not applicable

Road section 1 2 3

4 Km Chainage 120.0-130.0 130.0-140.0 140.0-150.0

Level of satisfaction HS S NS N/A HS S NS NA HS


1. Earthworks and soil conservations

1.1Disposal of debris and spoil √ √ √

1.2 Protection of agricultural areas √ √ √

1.3 Protection of ground cover vegetation √ √ √

1.4 Borrowing of earth √ √ √

1.5 Erosion control √ √ √ 1.6 Quarry operations

√ √ √ 2. Water pollution

2.1 Protection of water sources √ √ √

2.2 Prevention of water quality


√ √ √

2.3 No Siltation of water bodies √ √ √

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 47 of 60

2.4 No alteration of drainage paths √ √ √

2.5 Precautions for contamination of water from construction materials √ √ √

2.6 Locating, sanitation & waste disposal in construction camps

√ √ √

2.7 Adequate facilities for disposal of sewerage and solid waste

√ √ √

2.8 No impact to the public or community water supply

√ √ √

3. Air pollution

3.1 Effective management of dust √ √ √

3.2 Delivering material effectively covered while transporting

√ √ √

3.3 Vehicle speed limit which control the dust emissions.

√ √ √

3.4 Watering of Construction and transportation sites

√ √ √

3.5 Immediate cleaning of debris, dust and other material from the road

√ √

3.6 Level of emissions from construction vehicles, equipment and machinery √ √ √

3.7 Regularly serviced machinery equipment’s and vehicle √ √ √

3.8 Level of air emission from material extraction sites √ √ √

4. Noise pollution and vibration

4.1 Level of noise from vehicles, plants and equipment

√ √ √

4.2 Level of vibration from machineries and equipment

√ √ √

5. Impact on flora and fauna

5.1 Minimize loss or damage of trees

√ √ √

5.2 No destruction of other flora √ √ √

5.3 No removal of trees in protected area √ √ √

5.4 No impact to wild fauna and their habitats

√ √ √ 6. Accidents and risks

6.1 Public &worker safety √ √ √

6.2 Provide proper safety appliances to workers (helmets, goggles, masks, foot wears.

√ √ √

6.3 adequate warning signals √ √ √

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 48 of 60

7. Health & safety

7.1 Prevention and control of vector based diseases

√ √ √

7.2 No vector breeding sites in the vicinity of labor camps

√ √ √

7.3 Adequate actions for worker’s health and safety

√ √ √

7.4 First aid facility √ √ √

7.5 Adequate bathing, latrine facilities for labor camps

Labor camp is under construction. Latrines are available

7.6 No affect to adjacent watercourses by sewerage system

Sewerage system is not completed

7.7 Garbage disposed √ √ NA

8. Environmental enhancement

8.1 Road-side landscape √ √ NA

8.2 Re-planting of trees, -re-vegetation of other plants No trees plantation was


8.3 Reconstruction of removed utilities such as water, electricity, telephone

It is under the process to relocate the electrical poles.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 49 of 60


S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











1. Environm



Presence of


Management Officer

that contractor’s

activities are going

environment friendly.

The Contractor

has hired




placement of


specialist full time





specialist through

the request of



2. Training

to the


of the



Training of all

construction workers

of basic sanitation

and healthcare

issues, general

health and safety

matters on the

specific hazards of

their work.

Social awareness

for the


workers has been

carried out by the


Enhancement of

capacity on


issues through

effective training.




schedule training

for the field

engineers, but it

was not recorded,

in next reporting

period it will be



3. Road


ion site

A) Availability of safety tools at site and camp.

No safety tools are visible at site.

Availability of safety tools at the camp and construction site.

Some Safety tools

are available.



is required

b) Adequate protection to the general public, including, marking of hazardous areas, safe access across the construction site should be available for safety.

Few signs are visible at site.

Important signals like Line marker post, KM post, Aerial markers, Intermediate aerial markers and Identification signs etc. and safe access should be made available along the road.







within R.O. W

In general

encroachment of

R.O.W is not

visible at site.


realignment area

has LARP


Persecution of

Material from

encroaching R.O.





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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 50 of 60

S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











d) Quarry/Borrow

areas: Material


Compliance with

Environmental law

Quarry operation

is in progress.

There is a lot of


materials were


obtained from the

borrow pits

beside the road

alignment which

is environmental

not suitable

location for

borrow pit.

Preparation of a

plan for quarry is

required and

available quantity

supported by

survey data and

profiling of the

Quarry at the

material collection

point. Collect

permission from

NEPA, M/O Mines

and local authority

(if any) for

extraction of stone

from Quarry.

All Quarry /Borrow

Material approved

by Engineering

section, however


the borrow pits are

not located in

suitable locations.



e) Unplanned hill

cutting and disposal

of spoil earth and

derbies materials will

lead to erosion of the

hill and will deposit

eroded soil on the

road site.

Hill is cut by the

Contractor as per

approved cross


However, the


consider the

required 4:1slope

and required step

if the cutting is

more than 7

meter in KM


The contractor

adjusted the steep

slope as per the

contract design

drawing to avoid

erosion and land


Complied Complied

Water leakage & siltation in KM 119+500

f) Crusher plant:

Dust pollution at the

site results different

diseases of the

residence of the


Crusher plant is

running adjacent

to the quarry and

far from road

behind the Bowli


camp at KM


Regular spray

water at the dust

area and the entire

internal road,

inside the camps.

Arrangement for

water sprinkler

throughout the

crushing time,

wearing of masks,

goggles, etc., and

regular health

checking of the

crusher equipment


at the site.

No air pollution Completed

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 51 of 60

S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











g) Tree plantation:

For the better

environment it is

required to plant trees

along the road, camp

& office compound


No tree plantation

carried out during

the reporting


Tree plantation

along the road, at

the camp and at

the offices.


Number of trees

plantation= 3 x

Number of tress


Care of tree plants

is required.

New plantation will

be carried out at

Jan 2020



h) Vibration:

Vibration of roller etc.



Due to vibration

of roller etc. no

damage of public

or private



Care to be taken

not to damage

public or private


No such vibration

to be applied to




Care to be

taken not to

damage public

or Private


i)Child labor:

Ensure that no child

labor will be


No child labor is

visible at site.

As per ADB

Guideline Child

Labor should not

be appointed by

the contractor.

No, Child Labor



J) Dust generation:

By transport and



The watering of

alignment by

contractor’s water

tank was

sufficient during

the reporting

period. The


generation of

dust from the


activities was not

noticed at the

several sections.

Contractor was

requested to

undertake proper

watering of


especially in the

dusty and windy


No dust in site Complied.

K) noise protection

Produce due

machineries during

construction work.

No excessive

noise issues or

complaints were



schedules noise


activities nearby

the sensitive

areas at day

time. Machinery

The contractor is

encouraged to

continue the

proper scheduling

of works.


operators should

be provided with

noise protection


Complied. Complied.

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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 52 of 60

S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











operators at the

site mainly don’t

use the noise





No endangered

species or other

wildlife encounter

as no forest

nearby project


No action is

required contractor

is notified about

prohibition of


Complied Compliance


m) Historical and



No historical

findings were

reported during

this report

coverage period.

The subcontractor

is notified to inform

about any

historical findings

Complied Compliance





a) Adequate Water


(Construction of

contractor’s base

camp was

completed in

April 2015 and

operational). In

the construction

camp river water

is supplied by

water tanker to

the overhead

tank. In facility



supplying river

water and ground

water through

tube well.

Arrangement for

elevated service

reservoir / tank.

Availability of taps

in bathroom, toilet,

kitchen and dining

space. Ensure

drinking water

quality through

tests as per WHO


Springs water for

drinking tests to

be conducted as

per WHO


Fully through

fixing of water


Properly tested




Should be

Tested as per



b) Kitchen and

dining environment


camp Maintaining

In facility building,

support staff

building, Kitchen,

Dining is not




building, Kitchen,

dining not yet

In facility building:

support staff

building, Kitchen,

Dining is provided.

Provision of


ventilation, fixing of

hand basins and




need fully




need fully


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Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 53 of 60

S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











provided. Office

building, kitchen,

dining not yet


C) Workshop Not operational Structure

modification with

raised impervious

platform and shed

/roof. Collection of

drips on tray and

storing in drum for

re-use or safe

disposal. Soaking

arrangement of dry

sands in case of

accidental spillage

and disposal in deep

pit away from water




need fully


Needs keen




need fully


Stock pile Maintenance of

stockpile height at

a maximum of 4


At crusher plant

yard and Less

than 4 m height



D) Sanitation:

Ensure Sanitation that adequate toilet and ablution facilities are provided for the duration of the contract. Domestic sewage and slugs from these facilities shall be subject to suitable treatment prior to discharge in to environment, Under no circumstances untreated wastes shall be discharged into the environment

In contractor’s

camp Facility

Building, support

staff building,

Engineer’s Office

building provided

but need repair..

Provision of water closet and flushing system in toilet and bathroom, Effluent transportation arrangement into septic tank for treatment and disposal through soak pits. In facility building deficiency should recover soon. Treatment of waste water is needed before discharge in environment



need fully


Needs full

attention and


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Page 54 of 60

S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











E) Provision

Drainage; At the construction camp and office: Storm water drainage to nearby drain/ stream outside the camp area.

Dry weather and no drainage problem visible.

Avoid stagnation of water inside the camp

drainage system is

existing inside the



F) Solid Waste

Management: Dispose of waste to nominated project disposal sites. Ensure that the waste management measures are implemented on the project site. Ensure that there is provision of marked waste containers available at convenient locations for disposal of wastes.

Solid waste management requires improvement dust been, waste container observed at the construction camp and the project site.

Placement of waste collection bins and Immediate modernization of waste disposal dig with cover and proper handling at the camp and also at the offices.

Complied Complied

G) Availability of

Firefighting Equipment’s; For offices and accommodation.

Fire Extinguisher is not available in the facility building

Placement of firefighting equipment so that it can be visible and can be utilized in emergencies

Fire extinguisher

not provided in

facility buildings



I) Storage of


Soil pollution for

spilled out from

the vehicles,

bituminous drum

etc. at the camp

and at the offices.

Strictly chemical

and solid waste

handling and

storage practices

should be followed.



need fully




need fully


J) Construction

workers; Related

Impact at the camp

and at the

construction sites

To ensure that

disease vectors

such as stagnant

water bodies and

puddles do not

form; and septic

tank and garbage

box will be set up

in construction

site, which will be


cleared by the

The local workers

should be oriented

to hygienic

disposal of solid

waste, hazardous

materials, and

proper handling

methods. And also

should be provided

regular health

inspections and

vaccination among

Workers are

concerned about

personal health


Advice of doctor

to be taken in

case of


Page 57: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 55 of 60

S.N Place Concern issue

monitored activity.











contractors to

prevent outbreak

of diseases,

the workers.

L) Accommodation

of workers

According to size

of the room


of the workers

should be


Accommodation of

the workers should

have enough

space and should

be cleaned every






M) Waste


Dispose of waste

to nominated

project dump site.


nominated waste

dumping place at

one corner of

camp outside the




need fully




is required


Type of impact Yes No Station Proposed mitigation Mitigated

From To Yes No

1. Soil and water pollution (visual oil spills,

chemicals, silt water etc). small oil

stains observed on the road alignment

√ 128=550 130+450 √

2. Damage to property and agricultural

lands caused by earthworks during


√ 121+550 122+800

In this section we have road re-alignment and Resettlement team has already started LA process and survey.

3. Improper waste management (open

rubbish heaps, garbage scattered on

the ground and in the water, no proper

containers, improper location or lack of



or camp

Partly Implementation

need fully implementation

4. Disposal of cut material to river bed √ KM 121+700

KM 122+00

To dispose the cut material in a suitable location was approved by Environmental Specialist and Local community √

5. Open burning at the construction site or


√ √

6. Excessive emissions from machinery

(visual). Visual dense black smoke from

the working bulldozer

Every where in working


At working


Page 58: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 56 of 60

7. Floods, erosion, sedimentation and

disturbance to irrigation as result of

construction activities. Diversion of river

for construction of retaining wall caused

the erosion of opposite bank and fall of

several poplar trees.

√ 122+150 122+175

Stabilize the slope, construction of retaining wall and provision of line ditch using stone masonry.

8. Cutting of trees and high shrubs √ 119+500 119+850 3 trees will be planted

Instead of one felled


9. Endangered species reported in

vicinity to the project.

√ √

10. Archeological or historical findings. √

11. Disturbance to cultural places and


12. Usage of pesticides for suppression of

mosquitoes /flies.

13. Damage outside of ROW as result


14. Any complaints from the local

communities about:

15. Water quality

16. Land acquisition

Land Acquisition team

has completed survey

and data are collected

and conducts several

meetings on grievances

from local communities.

17. Air Pollution

√ 122+500 124+00


123+900 125+750 145+00

The contractor

upgrades diversion

road and has partially

controlled by watering.

18. Noise

√ √

19. Odor √ √

20. Demolition of property √

The resettlement team has completed the survey and identified the affected properties and to implementation.

21. Other impact noticed

Page 59: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 57 of 60

Construction of culvert at km 137+000 no traffic signal and construction site is not fenced /


Annex- III Photo Gallery

Labor without safety gear and PPE working at construction site with no traffic signal and construction site is not

fenced / protected from the public.

KM 127+800

No water tanker spraying at the construction and working site km 148+900

Narrow crossing along the road from Km 135 +000 to Km 140+000 very dangerous for the local community especially during the night

Page 60: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 58 of 60

Discussing environmental issues and mitigation measures along with other project issues with project manager, PIE, contractors, and sub-contractor during monthly meeting at Jalalabad

Excavation along the road and narrow detour road from Km130+000 to Km 140+000

Page 61: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 59 of 60

Construction of road shoulders at Km 134 +300 no traffic signal and construction site is not fenced /

protected from the public

Labor with safety visible working jackets at construction site advised and recommended to contractor in

weekly meetings.

Labor and technical staff working at construction site with no traffic signal and testing and sampling

site is not fenced /protected from the public

Page 62: Grants 0327/0328 - AFG: Transport Network Development … · 2020-05-07 · Mr. Salah Ud din Kabeer (Environmental and Social Safeguard Coordinator) at Ministry of Transport MoT/PMO

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report (Jul - Dec, 2019) Sapary-Surkhroad Road project

Page 60 of 60

Spraying and watering of road sides where community vehicle’s and transport not producing dust at

construction site advised to contractor in monthly meetings

Discussing local, public issues, Grievance’s and Complaints at Jalalabad along with other project

issues with Nangarhar governor, project manager, PIE, contractors, and sub-contractor at governor

house and district khogiani