grampian re-mobilisation plan

Grampian Re-Mobilisation Plan Accompanying Summary August 2020 to March 2022

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Grampian Re-Mobilisation PlanAccompanying Summary

August 2020 to March 2022

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About this document

This is a summary of the full NHS Grampian Re-Mobilisation Plan which was submitted to the Scottish Government at the end of July 2020.

Staff from NHS Grampian, our three local Health and Social Care Partnerships and our local authorities (Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray) prepared the full NHS Grampian Re-Mobilisation Plan to describe how health and care services will be provided into the future.

This publication is also available in other formats and languages on request. Please call Equality and Diversity on 01224 551116

or 01224 552245 or email [email protected]

Ask for publication CGD 200445

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What is the Re-Mobilisation Plan for?

COVID-19 is still in our community. It might surge again and if it does, health and care services need to be ready. Even if there are no more spikes of infection, a plan for restarting services paused during the emergency response to Covid and delivering those services safely and sustainably across the Grampian area is still needed.

NHS Grampian aims to provide the same high standard of care as it did before the pandemic. However, because of Covid, some services will look a little different in future as part of the “new normal”.

The Re-Mobilisation Plan is consistent with NHS Grampian’s published Clinical Strategy (2016 to 2021) which describes how clinical services are delivered and remains relevant despite being written before the pandemic.

Who should read the Re-Mobilisation Plan?

The NHS Grampian Re-Mobilisation Plan was written for staff and partners working in health and social care and shared with the Scottish Government. If you work or have an interest in health and social care in the Grampian region, it is hoped that you will find it an informative read. However, recognising that the full document is very detailed, this summary document is intended to provide a useful digest of its key contents.

Help control the spread of COVID-19:

• Keep up to date with all the latest guidance, including any local restrictions or lockdowns

• Remember FACTS

• Follow infection control instructions when visiting health and care premises

F A C T SFace



Clean hands


Two metre


Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms

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Where does the Re-Mobilisation Plan apply?

The Re-Mobilisation Plan is for the Grampian region (Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray).

It reflects the fact that patients from other health board areas (such as Shetland and Orkney) are treated here and that Aberdeen Royal Infirmary is the Major Trauma Centre for the north of Scotland – as well as the only Scottish ECMO1 centre

NHS Grampian works closely with national services including the Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS24 and NHS inform, so the plan also takes account of these links.

What time period does the Re-Mobilisation Plan cover?

The Re-Mobilisation Plan covers the period up until the end of March 2022 and will be updated regularly.

What are the main messages in the plan?

Working together

In Grampian, there are well established partnerships between secondary (hospital) care, Health & Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), local authorities, universities, students, the third (voluntary) sector and the public.

The Re-Mobilisation Plan recognises the need for all of these partners to work together with regional and national services, like the Scottish Ambulance Service and NHS24.

By sharing expertise across the health and social care system it is possible to build structures that mean services are flexible enough to respond quickly to changing circumstances. With many different organisations involved, we’ve detailed who’s responsible for doing what in the Re-Mobilisation Plan.

1 (ECMO is a type of intensive care for people with lung problems, some of which may be as a result of Covid).

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Preparing for winter

NHS Grampian produces a plan for winter every year. This year COVID-19 has also been added into our winter planning process.

Winter is a busy time for health and care services. Infections like ‘flu are more common and bad weather can cause injuries from slips and falls. This winter could also see a surge in Covid (it’s a new virus that we don’t yet fully understand).

The Re-Mobilisation Plan therefore includes preparations for any increase in Covid, whilst dealing with winter pressures and trying to restart and maintain our usual health and care services.

Flu vaccinations remain an important part of our winter plan and the aim is to vaccinate as many eligible people as possible – if fewer people get ‘flu this will help reduce pressure on health services.

Care homes and the wider community also need support. COVID-19 has shown what a crucial role care homes perform and the Re-Mobilisation Plan incorporates support with training and infection prevention measures for them.

In addition, The Re-Mobilisation Plan includes initiatives such as Operation Home First, which provides support to people in their homes so they only need to be admitted to hospital when absolutely necessary. You can sign-up to receive information about Operation Home First here

Health and social care staff have been on high alert for most of 2020. The Re-Mobilisation Plan recognises that they will need continued support in order to help maintain their resilience, health and wellbeing whilst continuing to deliver care. The plan explains the ways in which support will be provided for them, which includes risks assessments and a Safer Workplaces Framework.

To reduce pressure on health services:

• Get a flu vaccination if eligible

• Use services wisely. Make sure you Know Who To Turn To and how to find the right care at the right time here:

• Take more responsibility for our own health and care. NHS inform has lots of information on healthy living here:

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Restarting and maintaining services

Many services were reduced or stopped as part of NHS Grampian’s emergency response to Covid. This was vital in order to prioritise resources and create capacity for dealing with victims of the virus.

However, these services need to restart as soon as it is safe to do so. Patients whose treatment has been delayed can then be seen based on clinical priority - those most in need of care being seen first.

The Re-Mobilisation Plan explains that the process of restarting services will be gradual with Covid around and progress will be monitored carefully using data from trusted sources to ensure risks are minimised.

New technology will also be used to support new, more efficient ways of working. One impact of the pandemic has been how quickly innovative ways of providing care have been adopted.

For example, many services have greatly increased their use of Information Technology (IT ) in recent months which has been popular with patients and service users.

The Re-Mobilisation Plan also reflects that the public will be involved in future decisions about any service changes. The good practice and lessons learned during the emergency response to Covid, including focus groups and surveys will be applied and built upon. The aim being open, honest, two way communication that will help NHS Grampian to build better health and care services for everyone.

The plan also references NHS Grampian’s Digital Strategy, which is in development and describes how new technology will be applied to support the delivery of effective, efficient services in the future.

Uses of new technology include:

• Virtual visiting where hospital patients can see and talk to friends and family using a tablet computer

• Video consultations using Near Me mean people don’t have to travel to a hospital or clinic to discuss their condition with a health professional

• MS Teams to hold virtual staff meetings whilst working remotely and unable to meet face-to-face

• A continued move away from paper to more efficient digital formats

• Making greater use of social media to communicate messages about Covid and our services to our staff, patients and the wider public

To keep everyone as safe as possible NHS Grampian will use a range of measures including:

• Keeping Covid and non Covid patients apart in hospital

• Applying enhanced infection control measures

• Making sure staff always have enough Personal Protective Equipment

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Here if we are needed

Throughout the pandemic, NHS Grampian kept emergency and urgent care open and paused many non urgent services. However, some care which was considered “non urgent” several months ago, is becoming more urgent as time passes.

The number of people coming to Emergency Departments dropped and screening services (breast, cervical etc) were put on hold.

The Re-Mobilisation Plan reflects NHS Grampian’s commitment to making sure that people know what services are accessible, whilst reassuring them that services are as safe.

It also acknowledges that public may be anxious about using services, either because of the fear of Covid or because they don’t want to put pressure on the NHS.

We know that lockdown has had an impact on the mental health of many people and the Re-Mobilisation Plan ensures NHS Grampian is ready to respond to any increase in demand for mental health services.

For mental health and wellbeing support visit:

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Find out more

Follow NHS Grampian on social media at:


Twitter: (@NHSGrampian)


For further useful information see please visit the websites below:

NHS Grampian Re-Mobilisation Plan. View the full plan that this summary document accompanies here:

Operation Home FirstSign-up to receive information about Operation Home First here:

Near MeThe technology that enables people to have consultations over the internet by video link:

Know Who To Turn ToHow to use health services wisely and contact the right person at the right time:

NHS informFor health information you can trust and more about Test and Protect:

NHS Grampian Clinical Strategy (for 2016 to 2021)A five year plan detailing NHS Grampian’s clinical priorities. Although written before Covid, its key themes/aims remain relevant:

Safer Workplaces FrameworkDescribes the measures helping to keep our staff as safe as possible:

Contact Us

[email protected]

0345 456 6000

Freepost, NHS Grampian