grammar skills month 01.pdf

To$k M C"n&ffitt Month 1 ..... .................... 3 o recalling alphabeticalorder (capital and lowercaseletters) r associatingsound and symbols for I/, Ss, Tt, Mm, Hh, Nn, Rr Bb,Vv,Yy, Ff, Pp, Cc, Dd o printing lowercaseand capital letters l/, Ss,Tt, Mm, Hh, Nn, Rr Bb,Vv,Yy, Ff, Pp, Cc, Dd . recognizing antonyms o visual discrimination work . recognizing rhymes o evaluating Month 2 ........... ....... 35 o discriminating between reality and fantasy . rhyming words r associating sound and symbols for Jj, Kh Gg, Ww, Qq, Zz" Xx o printing lowercaseand capital letters ,/7, Kk, Gg, Ww, Qq, Zz Xx . consonants review o understanding sequence . words to know (colors,peoplenames, animals, schooltools, directions words) . antonyms . choosing and writing short answersto questions Month 3 .......... ........ 67 o discriminating short vowel sounds r printing lowercase and capital vowel letters o word families and rhymes (short vowel sounds) . reading a story and supplying missing words o making a booklet about oneself Month 4 ......... , . .............. 97 o soft and hard soundsof c and g . words with consonants in final position o completing and writing rhymes . sequence . consonant blendswith l. r. and s . long vowel soundsof a and e o different spellings of the long a and e sounds . reading and completing sentences . making a fold-up rhymes booklet Month 5 ........... .......... 129 o long vowel sounds of i,o,andu o different spellings ofthe long i,o,and a sounds . reading and completing sentences . two vowel soundsof y: long e and long I . rhyming long vowel words . recognizing homonyms o parts of a sentence: subject and predicate . nouns . writing in response to a picture prompt . visual discrimination practice Month 6 ........... .......... 16f r blends in final position (ld, nd, nk, sk,lp, mp, fi, lt, nt, st) . blendsreview . digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh, ph, sh, ns) r understanding a story . proper nouns o plurals ofregular nouns o verbs and verb-subject agreement . using am,are,is r identifying the main idea of a paragraph . recalling story details o story sequence/order of events o using a graphic organizerfor an original story; writing an original story

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Post on 15-Nov-2015




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  • To$k M C"n&ffittMonth 1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

    o recalling alphabetical order (capital and lowercase letters)r associating sound and symbols for I/, Ss, Tt, Mm, Hh, Nn,

    Rr Bb,Vv,Yy, Ff, Pp, Cc, Ddo printing lowercase and capital letters l/, Ss, Tt, Mm, Hh,

    Nn, Rr Bb,Vv,Yy, Ff, Pp, Cc, Dd. recognizing antonymso visual discrimination work. recognizing rhymeso evaluating

    Month 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35o discriminating between reality and fantasy. rhyming wordsr associating sound and symbols for Jj, Kh Gg, Ww, Qq, Zz" Xxo printing lowercase and capital letters ,/7, Kk, Gg, Ww, Qq,

    Zz Xx. consonants reviewo understanding sequence. words to know (colors, people names, animals, school tools,

    directions words). antonyms. choosing and writing short answers to questions

    Month 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67o discriminating short vowel soundsr printing lowercase and capital vowel letterso word families and rhymes (short vowel sounds). reading a story and supplying missing wordso making a booklet about oneself

    Month 4 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97o soft and hard sounds of c and g. words with consonants in final positiono completing and writing rhymes. sequence. consonant blends with l. r. and s. long vowel sounds of a and eo different spellings of the long a and e sounds. reading and completing sentences. making a fold-up rhymes booklet

    Month 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129o long vowel sounds of i,o,anduo different spellings ofthe long i,o,and a sounds. reading and completing sentences. two vowel sounds of y: long e and long I. rhyming long vowel words. recognizing homonymso parts of a sentence: subject and predicate. nouns. writing in response to a picture prompt. visual discrimination practice

    M o n t h 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 fr blends in final position (ld, nd, nk, sk, lp, mp, fi, lt, nt, st). blends review. digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh, ph, sh, ns)r understanding a story. proper nounso plurals ofregular nounso verbs and verb-subject agreement. us ing am,are, isr identifying the main idea of a paragraph. recalling story detailso story sequence/order of eventso using a graphic organizer for an original story; writing an

    original story

  • Month 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193o r-controlled vowels. the sound of al andaw. reading and completing sentences. reading for detailo the importance of word order in sentenceso completing sentences with nouns and verbso plural nouns: adding es; changing y to i before adding es. irregular plurals. recalling picture detailsr discriminating between fact and opinion. statements and questions. visual discrimination practice

    Month 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225o exclamations and commandso subject-verb agreement. using have, has, and do, does. past tense of regular verbso parts of a friendly lettero writing a friendly lettero various vowel sounds represented by oo, eu) , ue, ou, and uo irregular spellings oflong vowel sounds a and e, as in

    weigh and piecer homonymsr making a fold-up riddle bookletr understanding sequence in directionsr using a graphic organizer for planning a set of directions. writing directions for completing a simple task

    Month 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257o the vowel sounds ofthe diphthongs oi and oy,ow andouo multiple sounds of ozo homonyms. pronouns. past tense verbs. irregular past tense verbs (to be; to hnve; to do). recognizing synonymso writing a thank-you noter identifying the main idea and details. recognizing compound wordso making compound wordsr making a fold-up bookletr introduction to cursive letters

    Month 10.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289. recognizing silent letters (b in mb; h; k and g in lcn and' gn;

    and w in wr)o past tense verbs. past tense of irregular verbs. recognizing and using adjectiveso recognizing adverbs. synonymso matching cause and effecto predicting outcomes. making a fold-up bookleto planning and writing a description

    Month 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319. contractionsr possessive nouns. the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. cause and effectr making inferences. compound words. adding details to sentenceso drawing conclusionso prefixes: un- andre-o suffixes: -fu|, -less, and -lyr identifying the main idea. writing book titles. reading and writing book reports

    Month 12.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351. writing an invitation and an envelope. predicting outcomeso making inferences. reading for inferencesr using andto combne sentences. using or and but to combine sentences. synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and compound wordso making a fold-up storybook and using it as a model for

    developing, writing, and sharing an original storyr elements of a story (who? chancter; when? and where?

    setting; what happens? plot). using graphic organizers to develop elements for an

    original storyo picture prompts/story starters and work sheets

    Index.... ,....383

  • krthl(ffiktThe Alphobet: poges 5-6, 30For success in reoding, your child should be fomilior with both copitol (uppercose) ondlowercose forms of eoch letter ond the order of letters in the olphobet. Two of this month'sworksheets lobeled Reading will help your child recoll olphobeticol order. You con olso helpyour child recoll olphobeticol order with these octivities:D Complete the Sing olphobet songs with your Using index cords or construction poper, moke two sets of olphobet cords, one with uppercoseL- letters ond one with lowercose. Chollenge your child to orronge eoch set in olphobeticol

    order. For on extro chollenge, give your child four or five letters, not beginning ot A(for exomple, L, M, N, O, ond P) ond hove him or her orronge these letters in

    olphobeticol order.

    ,". "*..-*-FR"*'-q&,..*.***.**"k*sii,.**-s.#**.***,o,,--,:*n

    -q6f,t ' ;d_t#_Fri*"h*-****.-*,.

    Consonqnfs: poges 7, 10, 13, 16, 21, 24, 27Rhymess poges 31-32Of the 26 letfers of the olphobet, 21 ore consononts. Good reoders ossociote letters ond theirsounds without hesitotion. The phonics worksheets for this month give your child proctice inrecognizing the sounds of l4 Complete the worksheets.D With your child, look through mogozines, cotologs, etc., for pictures of obiects whose nomes

    begin with the sound ossocioted with o porticulor consonont. Cut out the pictures ond postethem on o lorge sheet of construction poper. Print the uppercose ond lowercose forms of theconsonont ot the top of the poper. Disploy the colloge on the refrigerotor door.

    D When running erronds or toking o wolk with your child, look for obiects whose nomes beginwith o porticulor consonont. Chollenge your child to memorize ot leost five of the obiects notedond recoll them when you get home.

    Honds-on qcfivitiesto help your

    child in school!

    - f r . 6_=- lrHOtUrcS f


    I ,D;

  • Lelters: poges 8-9, I 1 -12, 1 4 -1 5, 1 7 -1 8, 22-23, 25-26, 28-29Knowing how to print individuol letters is o prerequisite to expressing oneself in writing. Thehondwriting poges for this month show your child how to form the I4 consononts whose soundshove been introduced. Give your child proctice in writing these letters with these octivities:D Complete the worksheets.D Hove your child write letters in flour thot hos been sprinkled on o toble or countertop. Then\ smooth the surfoce ond reuse the flour for onother proctice round. Working outdoors, your

    child could use sond.D Moke o flosh cord for eoch consonont presented in the worksheets. Print the uppercose

    ond lowercose forms of the letter on opposite sides. Show one side of o cord to yourchild ond hove him or her print the other form of the some letter. Flip the cord to let

    o your child check the onswer.

    Two of the gools of vocobulory development ore improving understonding of whot is reod ondenhoncing the obility to express oneself cleorly. Leorning obout ontonyms, or opposites, is notonly helpful in developing vocobulory but is olso fun for your child.D Complete the At odd moments, such os woiting in checkout lines, ploy this word gome with your child.

    Soy o word ond osk your child to soy its opposite. (More thon one opposite moy be correct.)Toke turns. :4.

    tr Ask your child to listen corelully os you soy o sentence thot is mode folse byone word, ond identify the word thot must be chonged. Hove your child repeotthe sentence, replocing thot word with its opposite. For exomple, you mightsoy, "l feel cold in the sun" ond hove your child reploce the word coldwith


    its opposite.

    Prewriting: poges 33-34Plonning whot to write obout is port of the writing process. Even though your child moy not bereody to write whole sentences ond porogrophs, he or she con choose topics ond identifypersonol opinions to be expressed. The composition worksheets lor this month encouroge yourchild to identify some personol Complete the worksheets.D Ask your child to tolk obout the pictures he or she drows on the Moke sure your child hos opportunities to creote originol pictures in oddition to using coloring

    books. Toke time to tolk obout the situotions ond ideos shown in the originol ort.

    Antonylns3 poges l9-20

  • A to Z at the ZooRfi kt Connect the dots from A to Z.t -.-l t -)tlLS tt-il Color the picture.- -



    . - / y ) t L'


    - I f7 t , t lJ fz ; l {^ o 2 ( U- /1.7 \ \7 l Y x

    a I I z lt I t I -

    T T

    ' / \ /

    a t ,F \ ' . -


    Go F), 9 . M




    \ \ \ \ r \ :\ ' d \ 5 :

    Recolling alphabeticol order (copitol

  • a to z at, the Zoo


    :: TlrrlAD . a , l r l : {--=.J.

    -flfr-\ ^* P'\ oi ZK--:q =-g o t h

    n . \ o P e

    e I l t o s Ie Js'

    Rfi kl connect the dots from o to z.l \ t I _ -a tl.-< Lt t Color rhe piclure.



    e e

    .A,\/ .

    - V

    Recolling olphobeticol order (lowercose lettersl

  • Lambs in the SunSqy eqch picture nqme. lf the nqme hqs the sqmebeginning sound qs lcmb, drqw q line from the picturefo the lomb. If rhe nqme hos the sqme beginning soundqs sun, drqw o line from the picture to the sun.



    Color the pictures whose nqmes hqve the sqmebeginning sound qs leirnb.



    Recognizing the initiol consonont sounds of Ss ond LI

  • t ll lt l

    _ _ _ t - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tI tt lt tI I

    i$HI,T,H:Hword.writing L and Ia ^

    FF"JT! .rr= rrqce ond writeWl the lelters.


    - - - t - - - - - - -I:I

    I Il :a t

    - - - t - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - _ _t rt lt lI It l


    - - - t - - - - - - -tItIa

    Printing Ll

  • Writing S and s-,


    W{fl Trqce qnd writeFl rhe lelfers.ltE

    $o++ +r+&& s * s! s

    - - - -a-qs&.-- - - - - - -9 p.+* - -l F 6s *

    * . P & **a * f Soo f

    *"**f {?

    _-_ ! .v* *__fi

    f t s*rn*f

    s- -+.* t rF-



    s*;a -:X:b** i ?**q

    - - -;lrtrdlF4rL&


    Printing Ss

    $t ,I{{

    complete eqch word.W r i t e S o r s t o

  • .. ' . l ,

    1 P ': 'll, . o-'il: , t l .: : C' : .Q,,f

    ' ; : . , . '

    i :

    . : T: , P , .,:'.!.

    f .:': f: ' ' .1 ' G

    Tigers and MonkegsSqy eoch picture nqme. lf rhe nqme hqs the sqmebeginning sound qs tiger, drqw o line fiom fhe picture iothe figers. lf rhe nqme hqs the sqme beginning sound qsmonkey, drcw o line fiom the picture no fhe monkeys.

    Color the pictures whose nqmes hqve the sqmebeginning sound qs rnonkey.





    Recognizing the initial consonont sounds of Mm ond Tt

  • Writing T and t^-

    flly)tFi -KU Trqce ond writeF(. rhe letters.IE.




    W r i t e l o r t t oi complete eoch word.

    t l t t l t aIIt

    - - - - - - t - - - -ITil



    - - - - - - t - - - -tt:


    - - r T : t - - - - -Itta


    - - l i l r - - - - -tIIII I

    2 +


  • Writing M and mTrqce qnd write

    ' the leilers.

    J {r l l r


    * r lr l l - i lr l a r r l a ,

    i.-..;:r! i*r;ii

    ti't*ti it'-tsi



    Printing Mm



    ! complete eqch word.Write ftl or m lo

  • Hammer and OailsSqy eqch picfurc nqme. lf rhe nqme hos fhe sqmebeginning sound qs heimmer, drqw q line fiom rhe picfulero the hqmmer. lf fhe nqme hqs the sqme beginning soundqs nnil, drcw q line fiom rhe picfure to the noils.

    Color the pictures whose nqmes hqve the sqmebeginning sound qs hcrmmer.

    o Hh

    Recognizing the initiol consonont sounds of Hh ond Nn

  • Writing H and hns'.-ft.$t Trqce ond writeF- fhe letters.IE


    W r i t e H o r h r ocomplete eoch word.


    - - - ttII




    --- rI II It t

    - - - lr*{r.r'IT Tl ll l

    a tI II TI I

    I Tt :I tt ' l

    T Tl r



    - - - l r r { - - - - - ! tTI r l tt t r tl : l l


    ---Iftcl ll l


    II:I. [ - - - - - - - - - -TII



    --- l rrr

    Il tt la l



    Printing Hh

  • hlriting N and nTrqce qnd write

    I rhe lellers.

    i r i i r ll + { i i . * !l r . : : Ti'. Ii Ti** Ii l i i: ""I

    --- l i*? --- l i \l r l lr t t tl r t r

    iiTt l

    ---!i 'tt l: lf r

    Printing Nn



    W r i t e N o r n l o! complete eqch word.

  • A Rose for Bear




    Color the pictures whose nqmes hqve the sqmebeginning sound qs rose.

    Recognizing the initiol consonont sounds of Rr ond Bb

  • Writing R and rAEtr Trqce qnd writeEU rhe lelters.

    & ." { r

    f f t i la - 4 F e { l

    - - - i*r**t - - - - - {-r *rrf,-i l * : * .; + * ; +r - E : * * -

    s ' *[ 8* , &* - q

    - - - l * ; c { ! 1r t

    E t nf r * * * *+*t *r - t

    - - - r r -n*+

    ! i *4 " *

    - - ln"* f;flTtrf,l

    W r i t e R o r r t oi complete eqch word.


    ol i "T

    $t ,I{{



    - - -: itrrTI

    Printing Rr

  • hfriting B and b^-.ttD\-^

    BUi Troce qnd writeF=. rhe lelters.

    i -*- '*. !----*t

    i & Hffi,3,i1Lil"*",r.

    : - - - - t






    ; - * - - t

    ! . . .*J


    --- !r*;l lt . tI t l r f


    --- !rr{ III o i"'i'Jl ll . rr t r t

    Writing Bb

  • ln the GardenAnlonyms qre words thqt hqve opposite meqnings.Up ond down qre anlonylns.


    n ^W, ilK5-l Trqce the words below.H.' 1.3 Drqw lines betrrreen the anlonyrns.


    i i l !

    + , *4 ! , sa1 a

    ; , ] : t - : i * *q ' .11 C ' - r L " j r "

    r .A . : t 4 , - r { - :

    ft :1rd #g' gl

    . r " r . - . :

    . . r ; "


    o l{ , - ' " , ' ^ - " ' * -

    '&i il:1.


    ' - f ^ a {

    . : ' ' 1 , q i t

    I 1 xi tt " f,'S :i-# S'

    Recognizing ontonyms

  • What's the Opposite?Antonyms qre words rhqr hqve opposile meqnings.On qnd off qre onlonyrns.

    A ^a.

    ffiffiY{-] Trqce rhe words below.nryt t>[ i[gli t- Drqw lines between fhe anlonyrns.

    & t f fH t r &- t r - g + - - - j s 6 . - - e S - " - - - - - - - - - - ; c : ; - - - - S e ; - S r - ; e ' q - * " - - - - -f i ' b ' c q p - : s : @* i i F e b 4 q S 4 * *e ; i - q s j l S I p f iG & $ * * * H ! * p * { r s d G * s e *


    1* e; -

    ;,fi 'dB- -q?'is{ -q-d d; -o- - - -e-

    ? S * g 6 * e 6 - a $ 4

    X s % $ t E ; i % ' *t S k " p * f + e + t e o s k -f t & #i F t r S# & ss s #

    s SH t r

    off -_

    /-/ It l

    Recognizing onlonyms

    so,o$ 4*e* s "4**E w

  • Violins and Yo-YosScr)r eoch picturc nqme. lf fhe nqme hos the sqmebeginning sound qs violin, drcw q line fiom the picturc fothe violin. lf the nqme hqs fhe sqme beginning sound qsyo-yo, drcw q line from the picture fo fhe yoyo.

    Color rhe pictures whose nqmes hqve the sqmebeginning sound qs violin.

    Recognizing the initial consonant sounds of Vv ond Yy

  • Writing V and v^-,-m-:KEi Trqce ond writeruFl ^ i_- ilq the lellers.rE!

    l c t f* f i lf a l l f* a * f* a t l

    - - - - - f - - t - - - - - - - - l - - - f - - - - -t t t at a t al a t at l

    ? l* f* f* ff f' - - - t - - u - - - - -t tt a$ a

    - - a - - - l - - - - l - - - a - ' - -* f * tt t * a* a t * ft t

    Printing Vv


    W r i t e V o r v t oI complete eqch word.


  • Writing Y and g#aUf Troce qnd wrire'9.'

    rhe lerters.

    * *- -.*'

    '* s" 4.s t ++ * $ . -

    " - - - - + d - - - s { , '


    W r i t e Y o r y t oi complete eqch word.


    II' {* #% o s'+ +'


    ovvH'-}# 4

    a ,s'# #{ E &

    - - - s - - - - s ' -d . 4s . &* l f r



    " - ] i - - -

    + .


    Printing Yy

  • Pandas around a FireSqy eqch picture nqme. lf rhe nqme hos the sqmebeginning sound qs pondo, drow o line from thepicture fo fhe pondos. lf the nqme hos the sqmebeginning sound os lite, drow q line from rhe pictureto the fire.


    Color rhe pictures whose nqmes hqve the sqmebeginning sound qs fire.

    Recognizing the initiol consonont sounds of Pp ond Ff

  • Writing F and f$l;:'m:lwrite


    lli-{* *4ttt tI Tl l

    - - x r t - - - - - T r l t - - - - - - -I t


    - - T t t - - - - -tfI


    - - l r f - - - - -Ttf



    - - - l r * - rIII


    - - - l r i i l - * - - -I:I

    Printing Ff

    $:t ,


    ' Write F or f rol complete eqch word.

    r * ar l a: r-.f




  • Writing P and pA

    ,JDrff -r,,i{6l lrqce qnd writeb5,mt -F-, lhe lelters.l||Gr

    f i ' * " *% ! ' - ' "1|l

    - - - *.** *.*{*- - - - - - l*. ***!l lS I

    n ^ s- - - & * i l n - & t -


    g !H * E

    - --*. i - I |s. t i?-***

    G t r I tfi*** [**r# *

    - - ' * * r y +






    * *& t?a* lfi5s*


    Printing Pp

    i& HIriT,l,$L["*"'..


    o coi'=i'T


    . l,da'!-'1 n I:-Iv ! : v , l i


  • Cat and DogSqy eqch picturebeginning soundto the cqt. If theos dog, drow o line from the picture to the dog.

    nqme. lf fhe nqme hqs the sqmeqs ceil, drow q line from the picture

    nqme hqs the sqme beginning sound


    fu Color the picfures whose nqmes hqve the sqmeLg-..$ beginning sound qs ceil.

    Recognizing the initiol consonont sounds of Cc ond Dd

  • Writing C and ca**qn Trqce qnd writeE} rhe lefters.

    t f , r t f l a$ t - i ", oa a

    - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - -t *

    f t - - * t A * o * * t

    ^ f t - l .,


    a- - T - - - - - - -

    tt t -

    - l t

    l t F - t rIa

    - - Ta+i

    * i


    Printing Cc


    W r i t e C o r c t oI complete eqch word.

    n'i iTdav r ! v

  • Writing D and dAKF Trqce qnd writeFt-' the lelters.lE

    E H F e & - * d E F r i b -* o q s 5e s S *

    _ - _&_ _ - _ _ _ _*___ _E _ _ _ __ _ _tn & # f f it r t r

    * r $

    q * . .s,&

    _ _ - g _ - _ - _ _ _ f i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _# &s - #E - gfrx*oq*#

    - - - ;?E$----- ;e{ f f& # k ts s * ft e # g * r # t r


    -- - - - -q rc r- -& - R* G* . f f i{try#ff


    ---;E\-fi8 f ;* *t r # *

    ry. ##



    - _ _ $*#R

    * o * @ & .s&

    _ _ _ _ _ _ - E#I





    Printing Dd


    W r i t e D o r d t ocomplete eqch word.



    OII: i l fa


  • frZx(l fuil Find rhe I O hidden leffers in the picture belowLdlt$ ond color rhem a. Use other colors to colorv the rest of the picture.



    b*f$ l










    5 ' \ ,N j



    .on**,ror-"rnrr !d{

    ^nartffrntu*\ P

    ' . , 'rt9\r7,4,

    - Developing visuol discriminotion '

  • Rhgme TimeWords rhqt rhyme end wirh rhe sqme sounds.Hug ond bug rhyme.


    A , A

    tr?ffi| Km Trqce rhe words below. Reqd eqch word qloud.H,' 1.3 Drqw lines to mqtch the rhyming words.

    ,t ,.i, ' r,L':,


    ;j.-, . , :,i. ',r




    i , , ff t .



    :i ,'

    r i

    ' ' t

    'rIf. i{ltl:ilil

    tui+4 t o + , * ' j . r ; . l

    r 1." . .d i :





    i{} d,


    ! ; -




    , l !: ' : ,

    Recognizing words ending with -an, -ci, -ed, -og, -ng, ond -un

  • Sing for the King!Sing ond king hqve the sqme ending sounds.Sing ond king rhyme. n ^

    I D I

    *.*- . >*-;aa'.. '-L-,. 'v1 +t!aJ.) *.: .-o^r. ..4 '-* ia-al!-- 'G'c' ' D'tr.w

    .1* . . . * , .a ! t [ \_+ | r

  • Mg Favorite ThingsColor rhe pet you like besl.

    L>AJtu.4 ' ,.....-t --'t+tl-.'ffa,a' T^ - '--ffr'--r.r-tlrJf ,-?rU:2r'' --- 5Q'D't7..ry,.

    W Color rhe toy you like best.

    W cobr rhe food you like best.

    Developi ng selfqworeness ; evaluoti ng

  • More of Mg Favorite ThingsH Drqw o picture of your fqvorite ploce.

    Drqw o picture of your fqvorite seqson of rhe yeqr.

    Developing self-oworeness ; evaluoti ng