grammar and vocabulary + keys

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  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    Gramatic (Grammar)

    I Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii engleze; clasificarea verbului, diateze, aspect, moduri, timpuriverbale;

    II Prezentul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii

    III !recutul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii

    I" Prezentul Perfect simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii

    " #ai mult ca perfectul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii

    "I "iitorul form i utilizare; Exerciii

    "II #odul $ondiional iIf clause form i utilizare; Exerciii

    "III $oncordana timpurilor form i utilizare; Exerciii

    I% #odul Sub&onctiv form i utilizare; Exerciii

    % #odul Imperativ form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %I 'iateza pasiv form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %II "erbe modale I form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %III "erbe modale II form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %I" Infinitivul form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %" (ormele in Ing utilizare; Exerciii

    %"I "erbe care primesc infinitive sau forma in Ing; Exerciii

    %"II "erbe complexe form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %"III "orbirea indirect form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %I% Prepoziii, $on&uncii form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %% Substantivul form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %%I )rticolul form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %%II )d&ectivul form i utilizare; Exerciii

    %%III Pronumele form i utilizare; Exerciii


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    %%I" )dverbul form i utilizare; Exerciii

    Vocabular (Vocabulary)

    %%" !+e car and n t+e road

    %%"I !ravelling

    %%"II -olida.s/ in a +otel %%"III (ood/ )t t+e restaurant

    %%I% S+opping

    %%% -ealt+ service

    %%%I Postal and telep+one service


    #oravec0campo; )/, (arrugia, )/ 1imba Englez gramaticade baz, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 3444

    Paidos, $onstantin 5ramatica limbii engleze "erbul, Institutul

    European, Iai, 3446

    5leanu0(arnoag, 5eorgiana; Sac+elarie01ecca, 'oina 0 1imba

    Englez in conversaie, Editura tiinific i enciclopedic,

    2ucureti, 3476

    5leanu, 5eorgiana Exerciii de gramatic englez, !impurile

    verbale, Editura )lbatros, 2ucureti, 3484

    9ranu, #ariana 1imba englez, Exerciii pentru nivelul

    superior, Editura $orint, 2ucureti, 344:

    #inisterul Educaiei i Invmantului, niversitatea 2ucureti

    1imba Englez, Exerciii pentru admiterea in invmantul

    superior, Editura 'idactic i Pedagogic, 2ucureti, 3487

    #isztal, #ariusz !est .our vocabular., Editura !eora,

    2ucureti, 344 International ?ebster @s PocAet 2usiness 'ictionar. of

    t+e Englis+ 1anguage !rident Press International, 3448

    lo>sAa, 2arbara; BempinsAi, Cbignie> !este de limbaenglez, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 3444

    !imar, Eszter 1imba englez in teste i exerciii, Editura !eora,

    2ucureti, 3444

    $+iriacescu, )driana; #urean, 1aura; 2arg+iel, "irginia;

    -ollinger, )lexander $oresponden de afaceri in limbile

    roman i englez, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 344D 5eog+egan, $/5/; 5eog+egan, /F/ Engleza pentru negocieri,

    Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 6GGG

    Holand, #arie0$laude; #ast05rand, #art+a $" in limba

    englez, un pas spre anga&are, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 6GGG

    ', )/; 1indsa., ?/-/; anaAie>icz, )/; #arc+eteau, #/

    Engleza pentru marAeting i publicitate, Editura !eora, 2ucureti,


    2anta, )ndrei; Poreanu, Hodica 1imba englez pentru tiin i

    te+nic, Editura =iculescu, 2ucureti, 344D

    1aun, (lavia E/ 2irotics and !elecommunication Explanator.

    'ictionar., Editura 'acia, $lu&0=apoca, 344:

    #nil, '/; Popa, $/; Popa, '/; Popescu, I/#/; "lad, "/I/ #ic

    dicionar poliglot de fizic, te+nic i matematic, Editura )cora

    Press, 2ucureti, 344D

    $otton, 'avid Be.s to management, 1ongman, 344:

    $otton, 'avid; Hobbins, Sue 2usiness $lass, =elson Englis+


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    1anguage !eac+ing, 1ondon, 344*

    1e 'ivenac+, Eloi Engleza in pres, Editura !eora, 2ucureti,


    #arc+eteau, #ic+el 2erman, ean0Pierre Savio, #ic+el,

    Engleza comercial in

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    3D/ ai nine JnainK

    3:/ au no> JnauK

    38/ oi bo. JboiK

    37/ iN +ere J+iNK

    34/ eN t+ere JdeNK6G/ oN door JdoNK


    63/ uN poor JpuNK


    66/ aiN fire JfaiNK

    6*/ auN flo>er JflauNKSemi"ocale

    6 >ell J>elK



    6:/ b big JbigK

    68/ d da. JdeiK

    67/ v ver. JveriK

    64/ g garden JgadnK

    *G/ z zero JziNrouK

    *3/ O pleasure JpleONK

    *6/ dO &am JdOamK

    **/ d t+is JdisK


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    *8/ n not JnotK

    *7/ t+ing JQiK



    *4/ p pen JpenK

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    romanesc prelungit i din fundul gurii vom obine un JaK

    englezesc corect/

    Vocala JoK este o vocal scurt/ Ea nu poate fi comparat cu nici

    un sunet existent in limba roman/ Pentru cine cunoate ins limba

    mag+iar, sunetul englez este uor de pronunat, el fiind foarteapropiat de vocala o din aceast limb/ JoK este un sunet

    intermediar intre sunetele a i o i se pronun mult mai din fundul

    gurii decat o romanesc i cu gura mult mai desc+is/


    Vocala Jo:K este o vocal lung/ Ea se deosebete de vocala JoK

    care este mult mai desc+is spre a. Pronunand un o romanesclung i din fundul gurii vom obine un sunet foarte apropiat de JoK


    Vocala JuK este o vocal scurt, foarte apropiat de u romanesc/

    Se pronun cu buzele mai puin rotun&ite decat in cazul lui u din

    limba roman/

    Vocala Ju:K este o vocal lung i seamn foarte mult cu un u

    romanesc prelungit/

    Vocala JMK e o vocal scurt i seamn foarte mult cu un a

    romanesc scurt/ Pentru pronunarea lui JMK este necesar s

    intindem puin buzele lateral i s ponunm un a retrgand limba

    puin inapoi/

    Vocala JN:K este o vocal lung, asemntoare lui romanesc

    prelungit/ Pentru a o rosti corect trebuie s inem maxilarele

    apropiate i buzele intinse lateral/ Este absolut necesar ca in

    timpul pronunrii lui JNK buzele s fie numai uor intredesc+ise/

    Vocala JNK este o vocal scurt, niciodat accentuat i


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    'riftongul JaiNK Pronunai intr0o singur silab acest triftong,

    inand seama de caracterul vocalei englezeti JiKfire JfaiNK, tired J


    'riftongul JauNK este format din sunete cunoscute/ 1a

    pronunarea lui trebuie s inem seama de caracterul vocaleienglezeti JuK/

    =u0l pronunai pe JuK din triftongul JauNK cu emitere puternic de

    aer, pentru a nu0l transforma in semivocala J>K/ binei o

    pronunie corect a acestui triftong dac rostii intr0o singur

    silab grupul de sunete romaneti a/

    Semi"ocala J*K se pronun ca un u foarte scurt, cu puternicemitere de aer printre buze, semnand cu sunetul upe care il

    adugm in pronunare la inceputul unor cuvinte ca oal, oaie etc/

    Semi"ocala J+K, cea de0a doua semivocal din limba englez, se

    poate compara cu un i foarte scurt, cu rezonan consonantic/ Ea

    se intalnete i in limba roman in cuvinte ca este, ei, iarn,

    iertare etc/

    on!oana J#K prezint o particularitate fa de limba roman, in

    sensul c la articularea ei varful limbii se spri&in pe alveole Rpe

    rdcina dinilor/

    on!oanele JbK, J"K, JgK, JzK, JmK, JnK pot fi considerate ca fiind

    identice cu consoanele corespunztoare din limba roman/


    on!oana JOK este aceeai ca i consoana romaneasc dinjar,

    ajun etc/ Heinei semnul JOK pentru sunetulj romanesc; reamintiiv

    c semnul J&K reprezint o semivocal asemntoare sunetului i

    din cuvintele romaneti iarn, chiar, iat etc/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    on!oana J#OK este corespondenta sonor a consoanei surde JtLK/

    intalnim in romanete in cuvinte cagimnastic,geam, legi etc/

    bservai c in limba roman aceast consoan poate fi urmat

    numai de vocale e sau i/ !recerea la oricare din celelalte vocale Ro,

    a, u se face cu a&utorul unui i sau e de legtur/ 'e exemplugeam, George,giulgiu/ In limba englez, trecerea de la JdOK la

    oricare dintre vocale se face direct/ 'e exempluJohn JdOonK,

    George JdOodOK/ =u pronunai deci cuvantulJohn ca gion/ In

    limba englez, sunetul JdOK termin cuvantul/ 'e exemplu

    Geroge JdOodOK,judge JdOMdOK/ =u pronunaigiorgi igiagi/

    on!oana J#K este o consoan sonor Rca b,g, m,z etc pe care oputem rosti corect pronunand un d Rsauz romanesc cu varful

    limbii intre dini/ Exerciiul trebuie repetat de foarte multe ori in

    faa oglinzii pentru a controla poziia limbii/

    on!oana JrK se deosebete fundamental de consoana

    romaneasc r, fiind de fapt cu totul alt consoan, dei e

    reprezentat de aceeai liter a alfabetului/ )stfel, in timp ce r

    romanesc este o consoan vibrant, JrK englezesc se rostete fr

    vibraie Rca i consoaneles ij, de pild/ Pentru a obine JrK

    englezesc, pronunaij cu gura mult desc+is/ Pan cand v

    deprindei cu pronunarea fireasc a lui JrK, cutai s rostii un r

    romanesc cat mai ters i fr ca varful limbii s ating cerul gurii/

    on!oana JlK 0 in limba englez exist dou variante ale

    consoanei JlK/ Inainte de vocal, JlK este identic cu l romanesc; de

    exemplu in cuvintele live, lily/ In poziie final sau inainte de

    consoan, JlK este un sunet voalat/ 1a rostirea lui, partea

    posterioar a limbii se ridic spre cerul gurii/ Intr0un cuvant ca


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    apple, JlK este precedat de un foarte scurt/ Pronunai deci JapilK

    i nu JapliK/


    on!oana JK este asemntoare cu consoana romaneasc n din

    cuvintele in care n este urmat de c sau deg nc,nghel,singular, unde n devine in parte gutural/

    on!oanele J$K, JtK, J-K sunt consoane surde/ Spre deosebire de

    consoanele corespunztoare din limba roman, ele sunt urmate

    cand nu sunt precedate de alt consoan i sunt in silab

    accentuat de un uor sunet h/ $onsoana JtK se pronun cu

    varful limbii spri&init pe alveole Rpe rdcina dinilor/ on!oanele JfK i J!K pot fi considerate ca fiind identice cu

    consoanele corespunztoare din limba roman/

    on!oana JLK este aceeai ca i consoana romaneasc/

    on!oana JtLK este aproape identic cu consoana romaneasc din

    cuvinte ca cine, ceas, cel etc/, i se pronun cu o uoar aspiraie,

    ca i JAK, JpK, JtK/

    $onsoana englezeasc rmane ins perfect surd i poate fi urmat

    direct de orice vocal, fr a necesita un e sau i de legtur, ca in

    limba roman child JtLaildK/

    'e semenea, consoana JtLK final, spre deosebire de consoana

    corespunztoare din limba roman, nu este urmat de un i asilabic

    Rcare nu formeaz silab ca in cinci,pleci etc/ 'e exemplu much

    JmMtLK/ Este necesar s dm o deosebit atenie pronunrii

    acestei consoane cand este urmat de alte vocale decat i i e, sau

    cand este in poziie final/ 'eci pronunai JtLaildK i nu ciaild, Jm

    MtLK i nu maci/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    on!oana JK este perec+ea surd a consoanei JdK, care se

    deosebete prin aceea c la pronunarea ei coardele vocale nu

    vibreaz/ Pentru a pronuna sunetul JQK, vom ine varful limbii

    intre dini i vom articula un t Rsaus romanesc, fr efort/ $a i in

    cazul lui JdK, exerciiile trebuie fcute in faa oglinzii/ $onsoaneleJdK i JQK sunt reperezentate in scriere prin grupul th/

    on!oana J/K se pronun cu aspiraie Remitere de aer mai

    puternic decat in limba roman/


    0. '/e Al$/abet

    a JeiK n JenKb Jbi:K o JouK

    c J!i:K $ J$i:K

    # J#i:K 1 J-+u:K

    e Ji:K r Ja:K

    f JefK ! Je!K

    g J#2i:K t Jti:K

    / JeitLK u J+u:K

    i JaiK " J"i:K

    + J#2eiK * J#Mbl+u:K

    - J-eiK 3 Je-!K

    l JelK y J*aiK

    m JemK z Jze#K

    4. la!ificarea Verbelor

    T $on&ugarea verbelor engleze se bazeaz pe trei forme principale/

    )cestea sunt formele #e #ic5ionar ale verbelor engleze

    I form a II6a form a III6a form


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    Rto >orA >orAed >orAed

    Rto give gave given


    T "erbele engleze se clasific in verbe obinuite i !$eciale/ $ele

    obinuite pot fi regulate sau neregulate, iar cele speciale suntimprite in "erbe au3iliare i "erbe mo#ale/

    Verbele obinuite au un sens propriu i pot avea funcia de predicat in


    Verbele !$eciale nu au un sens propriu i a&ut la formarea timpurilor

    verbale compuse/

    a. Verbe regulate"erbele regulate formeazpast tense ipast participleprin adugarea

    terminaiei"#$/ Ex %or&ed; cleaned; closed

    b. Verbe neregulate

    "erbele neregulate formeazpast tense ipast participle neregulat i

    aceste forme trebuie invate/

    "erbele neregulate se impart in * categorii

    0 grupa verbelor care nu suport nici o modificare

    cut cut cut

    put put put

    0 grupa verbelor care suport o modificare

    bring broug+t broug+t

    meet met met

    0 grupa verbelor care suport dou modificri

    do did done

    ring rang rung

    c. Verbe au3iliare


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    Sunt formatori temporali, a&ut la formarea timpurilor verbale


    0 &7 se folosete la present tense simple i past tense simple 0

    forma interogativ i negativ; Rdo, does, did

    0 B8 se folosete la formarea diatezei pasive i a timpurilorverbale continue; Ram, are, is, >as, >ere

    0 9AV8 se folosete la formarea timpurilor verbale perfecte;

    R+ave, +as, +ad

    0 S9A, ;I se folosesc la formarea timpurilor verbale de


    3e W .ou W t+e. >orA

    -e W s+e W it >orA!


    I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. #o not >orA

    -e W s+e W it #oe! not >orA


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    &o 6 I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. 0 >orAV

    &oe! +e W s+e W it >orAV


    &o I not >orAV &o .ou not >orAV &oe! +e not >orAV Etc/=orma contra!:

    'o not X don@t

    'oes not X doesn@t


    Prezentul simplu se folosete

    %. $entru acti"it5i re$etate, obinuite, $ermanente.?ego to sc+ool ever. morning/ Rrepetat

    (at+ersmo&es too muc+/ Robinuit

    ane )or&s in a big factor./ Rpermanent

    0. $entru ac5iuni care !unt a#e"ruri general "alabile.

    Ice melts in t+e sun/

    !+e sun rises in t+e East andsets in t+e ?est/

    4. can# !e "orbete #e!$re orare i $rograme fi3e, cu !en! #e


    !+e filmstarts at 3G/*G/ R>ill start

    !+e c+ampions+ipstarts next Saturda./

    !+e train leaves at 7/GG/ R>ill leave

    . $entru a intro#uce un citat in comentariile !$orti"e in

    $ro"erbe, zictori in $ro!$ecte #e me#icamente, re5ete i

    in!truc5iuni #e folo!ire a #i"er!elor a$arate.

    S+aAespearesays Y=ot marble, nor t+e gilded monumentsW of

    princes s+all outlive t+is po>erful RSonnet DD Rcitat


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    !+e goal0Aeeperpasses to #aradona, but -agi intercepts; -agi to

    1ctu and +eshoots and it@s a goalU Rcomentarii sportive

    'espairgives courage to a co>ard/ Rproverb

    (irst, I ta&e t+e potatoes andslice t+em/ !+en, Islice t+e tomatoes,fry t+e onion[/ Rreete


    )dverbele de frecven sunt deseori folosite pentru a sublinia

    repetarea/ $ele mai comune adverbe de frecven sunt u!ually,

    al*ay!, ne"er, e"er, often, !el#om, rarely, !ometime!, generally,

    occa!ionally/Pentru a sublinia repetarea unei aciuni se mai poate folosi adverbul

    e"ery in combinaie cu anumite cuvinte ce definesc momente in timp

    e"ery #ayW*ee-Wmont/Wyear etc/

    '98 >R8S8?' '8?S8 7?'I?U7US


    (ormai prezentul continuu cu to be Cing


    I am >orAing

    Fou are >orAing

    -e W s+e W it i! >orAing

    ?e W .ou W t+e. are >orAing


    I am not >orAing

    Fou are not >orAing

    -e W s+e W it i! not >orAing

    ?e W .ou W t+e. are not >orAing


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    Am I >orAingV

    Are .ou >orAingV

    I! +e W s+e W it >orAingV

    Are >e W .ou W t+e. >orAingVInterogati"6?egati"


    Am I not RarenDt I >orAingV Are .ou not Raren@t .ou >orAingV I!

    +e not Risn@t +e >orAingV

    =orma contra! este uzual in engleza vorbit/

    I am X I@mFou are X .ou@re

    It isW +e isW s+e is X it@sW +e@sW s+e@s

    It is not X it isn@t sau it@s not

    ?e are not X >e@re not sau >e aren@t

    !+e. are not X t+e.@re not sau t+e. aren@t


    Prezentul continuu se folosete

    %. $entru ac5iuni care !e $etrec in momentul "orbirii.

    Bate is at sc+ool/ S+e is reading a booA/

    Pete is at +ome >it+ mum/ -e is playing/

    6/ $entru ac5iuni care !e $etrec in $rea+ma momentului "orbirii,

    #ar nu nea$rat in momentul "orbirii cu today, these days,

    this term, at the moment etc.

    2eatrice isn*t studying Englis+ t+is .ear/ S+e >ants to concentrate

    on anot+er foreign language/

    4. $entru a e3$rima un aran+ament anume intr6un "iitor


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    ?+at are .ou doing tomorro>V

    /-e is going to 1ondon on (rida.

    D/ cu al)ays (in!emnan# E$rea multF) $entru a e3$rima iritarea.

    Four c+ildren are al*ay! running on m. la>n/

    I can@t stand +im; +e@s al*ay! interupting me/

    . $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune tem$orar.

    ?e usuall.go to >orA b. bus, but toda. >e are goingb. cab/H. $entru ac5iuni in #e!furare intr6o $erioa# limitat in

    $rea+ma momentului "orbirii.

    o+n is loo&ing for a &ob/


    . $entru ac5iuni care in#ic o !c/imbare !au trecerea #e la o

    !tare la alta.

    ,s .our Englis+ improvingV

    !+e traffic is getting >orse and >orse in !oA.o/

    !+e c+ildren are gro)ing up ver. fast/


    $u prezentul continuu se folosesc adverbele no* i+u!t, dar ele nu

    sunt menionate cand sensul lor este subineles/

    1ooA, t+e c+ildren are sleepingU

    Verbe care nu !e folo!e!c la tim$ul continuu:

    3/ verbe de percep'ie to feel, /ear, notice, !ee, !mell, ta!te/

    $and verbele de percepie ii sc+imb sensul, ele pot fi folosite la


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    timpul continuu/

    'o !ee

    ) avea o intalnire fixat, un interviu/

    I am seeing m. dentist on (rida./

    ane is seeing t+e manager no>/) face o vizit/

    #ar. is seeing t+e sig+ts so s+e >ill be a little late/

    !o see about Ra face aran&amente/

    ur form master is seeing about t+e trip to t+e mountains/

    !o see to Ra aran&a ceva, a verifica/

    !+e mec+anic is &ust seeing to t+e engine of our car/!o see somebod. offWupWdo>nWoutW Ra conduce pe cineva/

    !om is seeing +is grandfat+er off at t+e rail>a. station no>/

    ) avea +alucinaii /

    I@m seeing t+ings/

    'o /ear

    ) primi tiri despre ceva sau cineva/

    I@m +earing interesting t+ings about our ne> neig+bour/

    ) audia Rin cadrul &udectoriei/

    !+e &udge is +earing t+e >itness/

    'o feel

    ) avea o anumit senzaie/

    !+e doctor is feeling t+e patient@s arm/

    'o !mell @ to ta!te


    )ciune voluntar

    !+e girl is smelling t+e flo>ers in t+e garden no>/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    .ouV */ Fou Ral>a.s, beat me at c+eesU it+ m. dentist at D o@clocA/ 7/

    ane RmaAe all +er clot+es +erself/ 4/ )ll t+e students in t+is class

    63Rread Englis+ >ell/ 3G/ I RAno> >+at .ou Rmean/ 33/ !+e parA

    RlooA beautiful in spring/ 36/ -e.U Fou RdrinA from m. glassU 3*/ I

    must go, mot+er R>ait for me/ 3eeA >e generall. Rget up earl./ 37/ I R+ope our sc+oolteam >ill >in t+e football matc+/ 34/ ur aunt Rcome to see us t+is

    afternoon/ 6G/ I Rnot approve of .our be+aviour/ 63/ ?e Rget a lot of

    sno> in t+e mountains in >inter/ 66/ -e Rfl. from 2uc+arest to Sibiu

    tomorro>/ 6*/ o+n Rforever, boast of >+at +e +as done/ 6ant to see .ou for a minute/ 6D/ -e R>alA to +ospital ever. da./

    6:/ S+e Rmove +er booAs into +er ne> booAcase/ 68/ -e usuall.

    RspeaA +is mot+er tongue, but toda. +e RspeaA Englis+/ 67/ Fou

    RdrinA coffe or teaV 64/ Fou Runderstand t+e Present !enses in

    Englis+V *G/ -e Rpla. t+e piano liAe a professional musician/ *3/ Fou

    can@t speaA to #ar. no>; s+e Rsleep/ *6/ I Rnot +ear >+at .ou Rsa./

    **/ It@s autumn/ !+e leaves Rturn .ello> and Rfall do>n/ *ear

    a raincoat because it Rrain/ *D/ Somet+ing Rburn in t+e oven, I Rsee

    t+at smoAe Rcome out of it/ *:/ ?e Rnot drinA tea >it+ milA in our

    countr./ *8/ ?e Rspend next >eeA >it+ our parents; >e Rgo on a trip

    >it+ t+em/ *7/ Fou Rgo to to>n t+is afternoonV *4/ #. friend Rcome

    to see us next mont+/ aited for teac+erU


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    /eia e3erci5iului:

    3/ am going 6/ does t+is booA belong */ are al>a.s beating mean 33/ looAs 36/ are drinAing 3*/ is >aiting 3alAs

    6:/ is moving 68/ speaAs; is speaAing 67/ are .ou drinAing 64/ do .ou

    understand *G/ pla.s *3/ is sleeping *6/ don@t +ear; are **/ are

    turning; are falling *earing; is raining *D/ is burning Rcan see;

    is coming *:/ do not drinA *8/ are spending; are going *7/ are .ou

    goingV *4/ is coming AS' '8?S8



    '98 >AS' '8?S8 SIM>8

    In funcie de modalitatea de formare a trecutului i a participiului

    trecut, verbele engleze se impart in regulate i neregulate Rvezi pagina


    Reguli #e ortografie

    3/ cand infinitivul scurt se termin ine mut, se adaug numaid Rto

    dance " danced; to recite " recited/

    6/ cand verbele dintr0o silab se termin in con!oan Rcu excepia

    lui c, w sau x $rece#at #e o "ocal, consoana final este

    dublat i se adauged Rto drop " dropped; to pat " patted/

    */ verbele care se termin inc, primesc un k inainte de sufixuled

    Rto panic " panic&ed; to picnic " picnic&ed/

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    singur consoan precedat de o vocal, consoana final se

    dubleaz dac silaba final este accentuat Rto omit " omitted; to

    occur " occurred/ Excepii to &idnap " &idnapped; to handicap "


    D/ cand infinitivul scurt se termin inyprecedat de o vocal, -y nuse schimb/$acy este precedat de o consoan, se schimb n

    i i se adaug ed Rto play " played; to try " tried/


    (ormai afirmativul trecutului simplu al verbelor regulate adugand

    terminaia@e# infiniti"ului fr to/

    Infiniti": 'recutul !im$lu regulat:!o >orA >orAed R>orA \ ed

    =egativul se formeaz cu #i# not infiniti"

    Interogativul se formeaz cu #i# !ubiect infiniti"



    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. )or&ed


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. did not >orA


    !id I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. >orA V

    Se folosete aceeai form pentru toate persoanele/

    (orma contras a lui did not este didn"t/

    Interogati" negati" did t+e. not Rdidn"t t+e. >orAV

    (ormarea afirmativului verbelor neregulate nu urmeaz nici o regul/

    "erbele neregulate trebuie memorate/

    Infiniti" 'recutul !im$lu neregulat


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    !o go >ent

    !o speaA spoAe

    !o bring broug+t


    !recutul simplu se folosete%. $entru o ac5iune finalizat in trecut can# e!te men5ionat

    momentul ac5iunii:

    !om arrived .esterda./

    $olombus discovered )merica in 3a.s )o&e up earl. on sc+ool da.s/

    Sara+ never ate liver as a c+ild/

    . $entru o nara5iune in trecut:

    Istopped to bu. a ne>spaper and t+ensat do>n on a benc+ to

    read it/ !+e ne>s )as ]uite depressing/ So Igot up and too& a

    >alA and tried to t+inA +app. t+oug+ts/


    !recutul simplu folosit pentru aciuni obinuite din trecut este adesea

    insoit de adverbe de frecven !ometime!, al*ay!, often, u!ually,

    rarely, !el#om etc/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    !raducerea lui Past !ense Simple in limba roman

    #$ perfectul simplu% perfectul compus&

    ?+en +e opened t+e door, +e sa> t+e dog/

    $and a desc+is ua, vzu cainele/'$ imperfect&

    !+e little bo. >as ver. tired/

    2ieelul era foarte obosit/

    ($ con)unctiv pre*ent&

    -elen said s+e felt lonel. before s+e met +im/

    Elena a spus c se simea singur inainte s0l fi intalnit/+$ condiional pre*ent&

    I >ould read t+at booA if +e gave it to me/

    ) citi cartea aceea dac el mi0ar da0o/

    $ pre*ent&

    I didn@t Ano> s+e loved music/

    =u tiam c0i place muzica/

    $ viitor&

    !+e girl said t+at s+e >ould come +ere >+en s+e >as free/

    (ata a spus c va veni aici cand va fi liber/


    '98 >AS' '8?S8 7?'I?U7US


    (ormai trecutul continuu cu forma de trecut a lui to be 6ing


    I W +e W s+e W it was >orAing

    Fou W >e W .ou W t+e. were >orAing


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    . $entru a in#ica o ac5iune care !e #e!foar ca fun#al

    (bac-gorun#) in momentul in care o alt ac5iune, !curt, mai

    im$ortant (foregroun#), are loc:

    ?+ile #ar. )as crossing RbacAgorund t+e road .esterda., s+e

    sa) Rforeground a saucer in t+e sA./K. $entru a in#ica #ou !au mai multe ac5iuni care !e #e!foar

    !imultan, in trecut:

    ?+ile mot+er )as coo&ing, fat+er )as reading a ne>spaper and

    t+e c+ildren )ere playing in t+e garden/

    :/ $entru a in#ica o ac5iune re$etat, care il irit $e "orbitor, !e

    folo!ete im$reun cu a#"erbul al)ays:!+e t>o pupils )ere al)ays laughing during m. classes/


    bservai diferena

    T ?+en t+e bell rang, Sam was havingbreaAfast/ RSam >as in t+e

    middle of breaAfast >+en t+e bell started to ring/

    T ?+en t+e door bell rang, Sam ran to open t+e door/ RSam ran to t+e

    door as soon as t+e door bell rang/


    >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu !au continuu:

    3/ -e Rgo to sc+ool b. bic.cle last .ear/ 6/ #. friends R>atc+

    television >+en I p+oned t+em/ */ !+e. Rinvite me to see t+e film

    >+en I p+oned t+em/ rite t+e letter in ten minutes/ D/ (at+er

    Rread t+e ne>spaper >+en I came +ome/ :/ ?+ile +e R>rite t+e letter,

    +is sister laid t+e table/ 8/ S+e RasA me about m. +olida.s >+en >e

    met/ 7/ I Rread a travel broc+ure >+en >e met/ 4/ ?e Rsee a ver.

    good film .esterda./ 3G/ !+e sun Rs+ine >+en >e arrived/ 33/ -e


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    Rdrive all t+e >a. to 1ondon/ 36/ I sa> #ar. &ust as s+e Rget into t+e

    classroom/ 3*/ !+e. Rspend a beautiful +olida. at t+e seaside last

    .ear/ 3+en +e arrived at t+e airport/ 37/ !+e +ouse Rburn >+en >e

    came out/ 34/ #ar. RtalA al>a.s about fas+ion and t+is anno.ed +er

    friends/ 6G/ !+e 5rants Rlive in 2raov >+en I met t+em/

    63/ (ire at 5rand -otel last nig+t/ ?illiam 2arnes Rsee it as +e R>alA

    past/ 66/ -e R>aAe t+e porter and t+en Rp+one t+e fire brigade/ 6*/)fter t+at t+e. R>aAe t+e +otel guests >+o Rsleep in t+eir rooms/ 6

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    road to c+ase t+e dog a>a., -arr. and #argaret Rdrive a>a. in t+e


    *4/ ?+at [ .ou Rdo .esterda. afternoon >+en I Rp+one .ouV ent 6/ >ere >atc+ing */ invited rote D/ >as reading :/ >as

    >riting 8/ asAed 7/ >as reading 4/ sa> 3G/ >as s+ining 33/ drove 36/

    >as getting 3*/ spent 3as still ringing 3:/ fle> 38/ ?as

    taAing off 37/ >as burning 34/ >as al>a.s talAing 6G/ >ere living 63/

    sa>, >as >alAing 66/ >oAe, p+oned 6*/ >oAe, >ere sleeping 6as, got, &umped 6D/ got, >as running, >as 6:/ arrived 68/ broAe,>as 67/ put 64/ >ere *G/ decided *3/ sa> *6/ >as


    looAing **/ got *ere still talAing *D/ >as >riting, +eard *:/ sa>,

    >as crossing *8/ >as barAing *7/ >as crossing, drove *4/ >ere .ou

    doing, p+oned 8R=8' '8?S8 SIM>8 @ '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8' '8?S8 7?'I?U7US

    '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8' '8?S8 SIM>8


    (ormai perfectul prezent cu prezentul lui /a"e $artici$iu trecut

    Participiul trecut al verbelor regulate are aceeai form ca trecutul

    simplu infiniti" 6e#/

    Participiul trecut al verbelor neregulate variaz i trebuie memorat/


    I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have >orAed

    -e W s+e W it has >orAed



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    a$ro$iat #e $rezent. Se folo!ete cu:just, lately, recently+ of late,

    latterly, till no), up to no),so far, up to the present, during the

    last )ee&, the last fe) days, these t)enty minutes+ etc/

    !+e train has just left/

    ?e have not seen acA lately/eeA >e >rote t+ree letters, but t+is >eeA >e have )ritten

    onl. one/

    'ac this morning, all night, all evening exprim o perioad detimp complet, atunci folosim Past !ense

    I have seen a good film t+is morning/ R>e are before 36 o@clocA at


    Isa) a good film t+is morning/ R>e are in t+e afternoon or in t+e


    D/ cu ho) long $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune care !e e3tin#e $an in


    -o) long have .ou been illV R.ou are still ill

    'ar cand este vorba doar de o aciune in trecut, avem


    -o) long did .ou sta. in 1ondon last .earV

    -o) long +ad .ou Ano>n +im >+en +e diedV

    :/ cu a#e"erbe #e frec"en5: ever, never, often,seldom, al)ays,

    several times:

    ?e have never visited=e> FprA/

    -ave .ou ever been to t+e =ort+ PoleV


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    8/ cu a#"erbele already iyet

    a interogati" $ot a$rea aman#ou,lready e3$rim

    !ur$riza c ac5iunea !6a #e!furat #e+a:

    -ave .ougot up alreadyV

    uyet "rem ! aflm #ac ac5iunea !6a terminat !au nu:-ave .ougot up yetV

    lready $oate ! a$ar in $ro$ozi5ii afirmati"e:

    !+e student has already translated t+e lesson/

    In $ro$ozi5ii negati"e,yet are sensul de nu nc:

    )lbert has not learnt t+e poemyet/

    7/ cusince ifor.Since arat momentul, $unctul, can# ince$e ac5iunea care !e

    e3tin#e $an in $rezent. Se tra#uce in limba roman $rin din+

    de la+ de cnd:

    !+e. have not seen )licesince 3474 W $+ristmas W s+e >ent to


    or e3$rim $erioa#a #e tim$ care continu $an in $rezent.

    In limba roman !e tra#uce $rin de atta/timp:

    !+ese bo.s have been +erefor +alf an +our/

    L. $entru ac5iuni trecute, fr men5ionarea tim$ului:

    -as Peter had lunc+V

    %. in ziare, tiri #e tele"iziune, $entru a intro#uce o ac5iune care

    "a fi #e!cri! $rin >a!t 'en!e:

    ) terrible accident has happened; a car ran into a group of

    c+ildren and &illed t+ree of t+em/


    Go i be sunt diferite ca sens


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    !on. /a! gone to ForA/ Ra plecat i e inc plecat

    !on. /a! been to ForA/ Ra fost in vizit in ForA i acum s0a intors


    '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8' '8?S8 7?'I?U7US

    =orm(ormai timpul perfect prezent continuu cu $erfectul $rezent al lui to

    be 6ing


    I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have been >orAing

    -e W s+e W it has been >orAing

    ?egati"I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have not been >orAing

    -e W s+e W it has not been >orAing


    /ave I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. been >orAing

    /as -e W s+e W it been >orAing

    Interogati" negati":/ave I not Rhaven"t I been >orAingV/as s+e

    not Rhasn"t s+e been >orAingV

    =orme contra!e: I +ave I@ve; +e +as +e@s; I +ave not +aven@t; +e

    +as not +asn@t

    &e re5inutJ

    nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue/

    I have &no)n im for five .ears/

    S+e has loved .ou since t+at da./


    Prezentul perfect continuu se folosete

    3/ $entru ac5iuni care au ince$ut in trecut i continu $an in


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    t+e telep+one bill at t+e beginning of t+e mont+/ 64/ 5randfat+er

    Rnever, fl. in a plane before/ !+is mont+ +e Rfl. t>ice/ *G/ #r/

    #artin is m. Englis+ teac+er/ -e Rteac+ in our sc+ool for five .ears/

    -e Rgraduate from t+e niversit. in 348G/

    >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu, $rezentul $erfect!im$lu !au continuu:

    3/ Since #ic+ael last Rvisit me, +e Rbe to man. places/ 6/ 'an R>ait

    for -enr. since eig+t o@clocA/ It@s no> +alf past eig+t, but -enr. Rnot

    arrive .et/ */ ?+ere R.ou, be all t+is morningV It@s nearl. noon no>/

    n Rtell?illiam to go to t+e grocer@s since breaAfast, but +e Rnot go .et/ 8/

    R.ou, ever, see an. bearsV 7/ )s soon as I Rdo m. +ome>orA I@ll

    >atc+ television and t+en I^ll go to bed/ 4/ I RAno> Peter for .ears; as

    a matter of fact I RAno> +im since I Rbe a little c+ild/ 3G/ Please

    excuse t+e disorder in t+e +ouse/ I Rmove furniture/ 33/ -o> long

    R.ou >atc+ televisionV ?e R>atc+ television since eig+t o@clocA, but

    >e RtalA most of t+e time/ 36/ I still Rnot mend t+e dress I Rtear last

    >eeA/ 3*/ I Rp+one .ou for at least t>o +ours/ ?+ere R.ou, beV 3atc+ t+e !" programme several times t+is >eeA/ 3D/ R.ou,

    meet 'oris at five o@clocA on #onda.V Fes, I Rdo, but I Rnot meet

    +er since/ 3:/ !+e bab. Rcr. for at least t>ent. minutes/ -e Rcr. a lot

    recentl./ 38/ ?e Rnot receive an. letter from +im .et but >e Ralread.,

    get a p+one call/ 37/ ?+at R.ou, do >it+ m. +andbagV It Rbe +ere a

    *all/ 6G/ #r/ 2ro>n

    R>orA on +is report since +e Rcome in/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    /eia e3erci5iilor:

    3/ +ave lived, came 6/ rained, +asn@t rained */ +ave seen, sa> ent, +elped 3G/ +ave read

    33/ +as +ad, +as never driven 36/ +as made 3*/ pla.ed 3ritten, >rote 37/

    +ave +ad, arrived 34/ started, +aven@t finis+ed it .et 6G/ +ave taAen,

    tooA 63/ +as boug+t, boug+t 66/ +as broAen, broAe 6*/ +ave forgotten

    6n, +as flo>n *G/ +as taug+t, graduated3/ visited, +as been 6/ +as been >aiting, +as not arrived */ +ave .ou

    been as D/ +ave never read :/ +as been telling, +asn@t gone 8/ +ave

    .ou ever seen 7/ +ave done 4/ +ave Ano>n, +ave Ano>n, >as 3G/ +ave

    been moving 33/ +ave .ou been >atc+ing, +ave been >atc+ing, +ave

    been talAing 36/ +aven@t mended, tore 3*/ +ave been p+oning, +ave

    .ou been 3atc+ed 3D/ did .ou meet, did, +aven@t met 3:/ +as

    been, +as cried 38/ +aven@t received, +ave alread. got 37/ +ave

    .ou done, >as 34/ +as often tried 6G/ +as been >orAing, came

    V. '98 >AS' >8R=8' '8?S8 SIM>8 @ '98 >AS' >8R=8' '8?S8 7?'I?U7US

    '98 >AS' >8R=8' '8?S8 SIM>8

    (ormai mai mult ca perfectul cu /a# $artici$iul trecut



    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had >orAed/




  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had not >orAed/


    /ad I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. >orAedV

    Interogati" negati":/ad I not Rhadn"t I >orAedV

    =orme contra!e: I +ad, .ou +ad I@d, .ou@d; +adn not +adn@t Utilizare

    #ai mult ca perfectul simplu se folosete

    %. ca ec/i"alentul trecut al >rezentului $erfect @ e3$rim o

    ac5iune care are loc inaintea unei alte ac5iuni #in trecut:

    !+e bo. explained t+at +e had seen somebod. in t+e garden/

    ?+en fat+er came +ome, 'icA had done +is +ome>orA/bservai folosirea adverbelor */en, before, no* t/at, a! !oon

    a! i after in unele propoziii care conin mai mult ca perfectul/

    'icA had done +is +ome>orA before fat+er came +ome/

    0. $entru a e3$rima #urata $an la un anumit moment in trecut:

    0y the time t+e rain started, >e had dug t+e >+ole garden/

    */ cujust, already, hardly, barely,scarcely i no sooner $entru a

    arta c o ac5iune !6a terminat c/iar inaintea unei alte ac5iuni

    #in trecut:

    #ar. told us t+at +er brot+er had just left/

    I had hardly1scarcely entered t+e room >+en somebod. AnocAed

    at t+e door/

    s+e had not seen +imsince 2hristmas/

    K. $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune "iitoare care are loc inaintea unei

    alte ac5iuni e3$rimate #e =uture6in6t/e $a!t:


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    I told m. friend t+at I >ould lend +im t+e booA after I had read it/


    :/ cu "erbe ca to e(pect, to hope, to intend, to mean, to thin& $entru

    a e3$rima o !$eran5, inten5ie, #in trecut care nu !6a

    in#e$linit:I had hoped1 intended1 meant to find ticAets for t+at performance

    but I >asn@t able to/

    '98 >AS' >8R=8' '8?S8 7?'I?U7US

    (ormai mai mult ca perfectul continuu cu /a# been 6ing


    Afirmati"I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had been >orAing/


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had not been >orAing/


    /ad I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. been >orAingV

    Interogati" negati":/ad I not Rhadn"t I been >orAingV

    =orme contra!e

    I +ad, .ou +ad I@d +ad, .ou@d +ad; +ad not +adn@t

    &e re5inutJ

    nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpul continuu/ Rvezi pagina 37034


    #ai mult ca perfectul continuu se folosete


    3/ $entru a !ublinia continuitatea unei ac5iuni #in trecut $an la

    un alt moment #in trecut !au #oar $an foarte a$roa$e #e el:

    !+e pupils had been reading t+e lesson for five minutes >+en t+e


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    sc+ool master entered t+e classroom/

    83$rimarea unor ac5iuni obinuite !au re$etate in trecut

    )ciunile obinuite sau repetate legate de o perioad de timp din trecut

    se pot exprima folosind

    %. trecutul !im$lu:#. fat+er al>a.sgot up at da.breaA/

    6/ u!e# to infiniti":

    #. fat+er used to get up at da.breaA/

    4. *oul# infiniti":

    #. fat+er )ould get up at da.breaA/

    . mai mult ca $erfectul $oate e3$rima o ac5iune #in trecutre$etat, care a #urat $an la un moment #at:

    #. fat+er had been getting up at da.breaA until +is accident/

    Aten5ieJ @ ?u confun#a5i used to 0 infinitiv cu to be used to 0 -ingJ

    'r/ =elson used to )or& late/ Robicei in trecut

    'r/ =elson is used to )or&ing late/ Robicei in prezent


    >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu, mai mult ca

    $erfectul !im$lu !au continuu:

    3/ 2. t+e time -elen Rreac+ t+e store, s+e Rforget >+at s+e >anted to

    bu./ 6/ !+e ground Rbe >et because it Rrain for five da.s/ */ (irst t+e

    >eat+er Rbe fine/ 1ater it Rstart to rain/ !+en >e Rdecide to go bacA

    +ome/ ell for a fe> da.s so +e Rgo to see

    +is doctor/ D/ 2. t+e end of last .ear t+e. Rstud. Englis+ for six .ears/

    :/ Festerda. #ar. Rtell +er mot+er about a beautiful dress s+e Rsee a

    fe> +ours earlier/ 8/ ?+en Step+en t+e 5reat Rdie in 3DG

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    for as a great success/ !om Rfeel +appier t+an

    +e Rever, feel before/ 4/ 2ill Rgo to t+e police station >it+ a purse +e

    Rfind on t+e pavement/ 3G/ ?e R>ait for more t+an +alf an +our but

    t+ere >as still no sign of #ar./ 33/ ?+en I Rp+one 5erald, +e Rnot

    finis+ +is +ome>orA .et/ 36/ -e R>rite to sa. t+at +e R&ust, bu. acar/ 3*/ )fter t+e. Rpla. records for an +our t+e. Rgo out for a >alA/

    3as still singing at noon .esterda./ S+e Rsing all morning/

    3D/ Patricia Rdesign +erself a summer dress .esterda./ S+e Rnever,

    design clot+es for +erself before/ 3:/ I Rsee )lice .esterda.

    afternoon/ S+e Rtell me s+e R&ust, come bacA from +er +olida./ 38/

    !+e telep+one Rring again a fe> minutes ago/ It Rring several timesduring t+e da./ 37/ !+e brass bands Rpla. ever since t+e first people

    Rget into t+e parA/ 34/ 2. t+e time >e Rget to t+e cinema, t+e film

    Ralread., begin/ 6G/ #r/ ?ood Rdrive a fe> Ailometers before +e

    Rrealize t+at one of +is t.res >as flat/ 63/ )lice >as reading >+en +er

    parents Rcome +ome from >orA/ S+e Rread for t>o +ours/ S+e Rread

    fift. pages/

    /eia e3erci5iilor:

    3/ reac+ed, +ad forgotten 6/ >as, +ad been raining */ >as, started,

    decided ent D/ +ad been :/ told, +ad

    seen 8/ died, +ad reigned 7/ felt, +ad ever felt 4/ >ent, +ad found 3G/

    +ad been >aiting 33/ p+oned, +adn@t finis+ed 36/ >rote, +ad &ust

    boug+t 3*/ pla.ed, >ent out 3, told, +ad &ust come 38/ rang, +ad rung 37/ +ad

    been, got 34/ got, +ad alread. begun 6G/ +ad driven, realized

    63/ came, +ad been reading, +ad read

    VI. '98 =U'URI'N


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    Exist mai multe modaliti de exprimare a aciunilor viitoare/

    )legerea unei anumite modaliti depinde de felul aciunii viitoare

    planificat, intenionat, ateptat, iminent sau dac face parte dintrun


    *4%. '98 SIM>8 =U'UR8


    (ormai viitorul cu !/all W*ill infiniti" fr to


    I W >e shall >orA

    .ou W +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will >orA?egati"

    I W >e shall not >orA

    .ou W +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not >orA


    1hall I W >e >orAV

    .ill .ou W +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. >orAV

    Interogati" negati":1hall I not Rshan"t I >orAV .ill .ou not Rwon"t

    .ou >orAV .ill +e not Rwon"t +e >orAV

    =orme contra!e

    I s+all I@ll; .ou >ill .ou@ll; +e >ill +e@ll; >e s+all >e@ll


    'eoarece in limba vorbit will il inlocuiete pe shall, tendina actual

    este de inlocuire a lui shall cu will c+iar i in scris/


    "iitorul simplu se folosete

    %. $entru a e3$rima o reac5ie !au #ecizie !$ontan !au


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    ne$lanificat, fcut la momentul "orbirii:

    #ar., t+e p+one is ringing/ +/ Is itV,*ll ans)er it/

    I@m too tired to go out tonig+t/ I t+inA,*ll stay +ome/


    e )ill all be driving electric cars/

    . $entru a te oferi ! faci ce"a:

    I can@t do m. +ome>orA/ 'on@t >orr./,*ll help you/

    $entru a acce$ta !au refuza ! faci ce"a:

    $an .ou give me a lift to t+e station tomorro> morningV f

    course,,*ll pic& you up at 7/*G/

    $entru a $romite c faciO nu faci ce"a:

    ,*ll say hello to Bat+. for .ou/

    , )on*t tell an.bod. about >+at +appened last nig+t/

    $entru a cera cui"a ! fac ce"a:

    I@m to do some >orA/ %ill .ou be 3uiet, pleaseV



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    .ill not Rsau won"t se folosete adesea pentru a exprima o

    intenie negativ foarte clar

    -e )on*t move +is car X -e refuses to move +is car/


    .ill se folosete cu adverbe de probabilitate, cum suntprobably,perhaps, certainly

    !+e factor. >orAers )ill probably get a pa. increase t+is .ear/


    1hall se poate folosi pentru sugestii sau oferte la persoana I

    singular i plural shall I 23 1hall we 23

    ?+ereshall , put t+ese boxesV RX >+ere do .ou suggest I putt+emV

    Shall )e go no>V

    e shall be >orAing

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will be >orAing


    I W >e shall not be >orAing


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not be >orAing


    1hall I W >e be >orAingV

    .ill .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. be >orAingV

    Interogati" negati":1hall I not Rshan"t I be >orAingV .ill .ou notRwon"t .ou be >orAingV .ill +e not Rwon"t +e be >orAingV


    "iitorul continuu se folosete

    %. $entru a e3$rima ac5iuni in #e!furare in "iitor, can# tim$ul

    e!te men5ionat !au #e#u!:

    #argaret )ill be )earing +er usual red dress at t+e part. onSaturda. nig+t/

    eeA,*ll be lying on a +ot sunn. beac+/ ?+at )ill

    you be doingV

    0. $entru a e3$rima ce"a care a fo!t #e+a $lnuit !au #eci!, fr

    inten5ia "orbitorului i fr a !e men5iona un tim$ anume:

    ,*ll be going to t+e ne>sagent@s soon/ $an I get .ou a ne>spaperV

    4. $entru a intreba $olitico! #e!$re $lanurile altora. Acea!t

    form !ugereaz c #orim ! ne $otri"im cu $lanurile

    celeilalte $er!oane, nu ! le !c/imbm:

    %ill you be using .our car t+is eveningV =o, >+.V $ould I borro>


    4. '98 =U'UR8 >8R=8' SIM>8


    (ormai viitorul perfect cu !/all O *ill /a"e $artici$iul trecut



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    I W >e shall have >orAed

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will have >orAed


    I W >e shall not have >orAed

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not have >orAedInterogati"

    1hall I W >e have >orAedV

    .ill .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. have >orAedV

    Interogati" negati":1hall I not Rshan"t I have >orAedV .ill .ou not

    Rwon"t .ou have >orAedV .ill +e not Rwon"t +e have >orAedV

    Utilizare"iitorul perfect se folosete

    orA by the time I@m :D/

    acA is running for t+e 7/3G train/ -e looAs at +is >atc+; it@s no>

    7/36/ -e t+inAs to +imself, it@s useless running, t+e train )ill have

    left by now/

    . '98 =U'UR8 >8R=8' 7?'I?U7US


    (ormai viitorul perfect continuu cu !/all O *ill /a"e been Cing


    I W >e shall have been >orAing

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will have been >orAing



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    I W >e shall not have been >orAing

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not have been >orAing


    1hall I W >e have been >orAingV

    .ill .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. have >orAedVInterogati" negati":1hall I not Rshan"t I have been >orAingV .ill

    .ou not Rwon"t .ou have been >orAingV .ill +e not Rwon"t +e have

    been >orAingV


    "iitorul perfect continuu se folosete

    %. $entru a e3$rima fa$tul c o ac5iune !e "a afla inc in#e!furare la un anumit moment in "iitor:

    !+e. )ill have been building t+at +ouse for 6 .ears next



    'iferena dintre timpurile perfect prezent i timpurile viitoare


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    #r/ \ #rs/ (ox have been living toget+er for 8 .ears/

    5iitorul perfect continuu&

    #r/ \ #rs/ (ox )ill have been living toget+er for 7 .ears next )pril/

    K. '98 =U'UR86I?6'986>AS' SIM>8

    =orm(ormai viitorul in trecut simplu cu !/oul# O *oul# infiniti"ul !curt


    I W >e should >orA

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would >orA


    I W >e should not >orAFouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would not >orA


    1hould I W >e >orAV

    .ould .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. >orAV

    Interogati" negati":1hould I not Rshouldn"t I >orAV .ould .ou not

    Rwouldn"t .ou >orAV


    "iitorul in trecut se folosete

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    $artici$iul $rezent


    I W >e should be >orAing

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would be >orAing

    ?egati"I W >e should not be >orAing

    FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would not be >orAing


    1hould I W >e be >orAingV

    .ould .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. be >orAingV

    Interogati" negati":1hould I not Rshouldn"t I be >orAingV .ould

    .ou not Rwouldn"t .ou be >orAingV


    "iitorul in trecut continuu se folosete

    %. $entru a e3$rima un "iitor continuu #intr6un $unct #e "e#ere


    !+e >oman assured us t+at, in less t+an +alf an +our, +er bab.

    )ould be sleeping/

    H. '7 B8 '7 =U'UR8

    +ic+ he )as to

    brea& +is arm/

    0. $entru un $lan !au un aran+ament oficial:

    !+e President )as to arrive at 3G o@clocA/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    4. $entru "oin5a unei $er!oane, alta #ecat "orbitorul:

    !+is bad ne>s is to be given to +im after +is exam/

    . $entru o #atorie:

    ?+at exercises are )e to doV

    K. $entru o $o!ibilitate, $robabilitate:Prices are to be muc+ +ig+er soon/

    . '7 B8 AB7U' '7 =U'UR8


    "iitorul cu to be about to se folosete

    3/ $entru a e3$rima ce"a care e pe punctul #e a !e intam$la:

    ur guests are about to leave/I am about to go to t+e seaside

    L. '7 B8 G7I?G '7 =U'UR8 ('/e ?ear =uture)


    Se formeaz cu to be going to infiniti"


    I am W .ou areO +e, s+e, it isW >e, .ou, t+e. are going to >orA


    I am W .ou areW +e, s+e, it isW >e, .ou, t+e. are not going to >orA


    6m I W are .ou W is +e, s+e, it W are >e, .ou, t+e.going to >orAV

    orAVIs +e not Risn"t +egoing to >orAV


    (orma cugoing to se folosete

    %. $entru a e3$rima inten5ia #e a face in "iitor ce"a ce nu a fo!t


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    aran+at #ar $robabil !e "a intam$la:

    im and Sue are going to move to 1iverpool >+en t+e. finis+ t+eir


    Sara+ and o+n are going to get married next .ear/

    6/ $entru a $rezice o intam$lare in "iitor:)cest timp se folosete pentru a exprima ceea ce credem c se va

    intampla, in special atunci cand ceva din situaia prezent indic

    un rezultat in viitorul imediat/ !impul nu este de obicei menionat/

    1ooA +o> fast t+ose cars are moving/ !+ere is going to be an


    !+at little girl isn@t looAing >+ere s+e@s going/ S+e is going to

    )al& into t+at tree/

    */ forma cu >asW>ere going to e folo!it $entru a e3$rima o

    inten5ie #in trecut care nu !6a realizat:

    I )as going to phone .ou last nig+t but I fell asleep in front of t+e


    #. parents )ere going to go to Scotland for t+eir +olida.s but

    t+e. c+anged t+eir minds and >ent to Ireland instead/


    >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la forma corect folo!in# will !au

    going to:

    3/ !+e fire +as gone out/ +, .esU I Rgo and get some >ood/ 6/ ?+at

    are .ou doing >it+ t+at panV I Rget lunc+ read./ */ #r/ 'o.le +as &ust

    arrived/ +, good, I Rmeet +im at t+e lift/ +at I

    boug+t at t+e auction t+is morningU -o> nice, >+ere R.ouW put itV 8/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    3/ 2. t+e time t+e >riter Rmeet +is readers, +e R>rite 6GG pages of

    +is novel/ 6/ I Rgive $at+. .our message before .ou Rsee +er/ */ #r/

    2ro>n Rteac+ our class until 3G o@clocA/ 2. 3G/GD +e Rleave t+e

    classroom/ e Ralread., leave

    on +olida./ D/ !+e cooA Rprepare t+e dinner before t+e guests Rarrive/:/ !+e next time .ou Rmeet 5eorge, +e Rbe an engineer for t>o

    mont+s/ 8/ ?+en .ou Rgo into t+e office, t+e post Ralread., arrive/ 7/

    !+e. Rclose t+e s+op b. t+e time .ou Rget t+ere/ 4/ !+e compan.

    une5i "erbele #in $arantez la $rezent, $rezentul $erfect, "iitor

    !au "iitorul $erfect (!im$lu !au continuu):

    3/ ?+at R.ou, do >+en .ou RgraduateV 6/ 2. next 'ecember, -enr.

    R>orA in t+is factor. for t>o .ears and +e Rlearn a lot of useful

    t+ings/ */ #r/ 2ro>n Rfl. to )merica tomorro>/ -e Reat +is lunc+

    >+ile +e Rfl. over t+e ocean/ ait in t+e car >+ile

    +er +usband Rget t+e petrol/ D/ =ext >eeA m. friends Rlie on t+e

    beac+ >+ile I R>rite examination papers/ I R>orA +ard for a >eeA;

    >+en I Rfinis+, I Rbe ex+austed/ :/ I Ralread., +ave lunc+ b. t+e time

    .ou Rarrive/ 8/ I Rgo to bed as soon as I Rfinis+ m. >orA/ 7/ I R&ust,

    come bacA from sc+ool b. seven o@clocA tomorro>/ 4/ ?+en I Rlive

    in t+is district for a fe> mont+s, I RAno> t+e names of all t+e streets/

    3G/ !+e doctor Roperate from eig+t to ten in t+e morning; don@t let get into t+e operating t+eatre/

    /eia e3erci5iilor:


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    T3/ I@ll go 6/ I@m going to get */ I@ll meet ill .ou parA 38/ I@ll maAe 37/ are .ou going to decorate 34/ I@ll solve6G/ I@m not going to bu.

    T 3/ >ill probabl. be fine, >e@ll go 6/ >ill be, >ill be s>imming

    */ >ill be +aving ill be >alAing, >e@ll looA D/ ?e@ll be eating,

    >e@ll be listening to :/ ?e@ll go, >e@ll drive 8/ ?e@ll be sitting, >e@ll

    be telling 7/ ?e@ll go, >e@ll +ave

    T 3/ meets, >ill +ave >ritten 6/ I@ll give, see */ >ill teac+, >ill +as leftill alread. +ave left D/ >ill prepare, arrive :/ meet, >ill

    +ave been 8/ go, >ill alread. +ave arrived 7/ >ill +ave closed, get 4/

    >ill deliver, >ill +ave delivered 3G/ See, >ill almost +as finis+ed

    T 3/ are .ou going to do, graduate 6/ >ill +ave been >orAing, >ill +ave

    learnt */ Is, >e@ll be eating, >ill be ill be >aiting,

    gets D/ >ill be, I am >riting, I@ll >orA, I@ll finis+, I@ll be


    ex+austed :/ I@ll alread. +ave +ad lunc+, arrive 8/ I@ll go, finis+ 7/ I@ll

    &ust +ave come bacA 4/ I@ve lived, I@ll Ano> 3G/ >ill be operating

    "II/ '98 7?&I'I7?A M77& A?& '98I7 896:1;

    '98 >R8S8?' 7?&I'I7?A


    (ormai condiionalul prezent cu verbul *oul# O !/oul# infiniti"


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# 0 >orA



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# not 0 >orA


    ;oul# I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. >orAV


    ;oul# I not W *oul#nDt I W >orAV ;oul# .ou not W *oul#nDt .ou W>orAV

    =orma contra!

    I >ould X I@d W .ou >ould X .ou@d

    -e >ould not X +e >ouldn@t W t+e. >ould not X t+e. >ouldn@t

    S/oul#poate fi folosit pentru toate persoanele pentru a exprima

    indatorirea sau sugestiaI s+ould >orA toda. but I@m too tired/ Rdatorie

    )lan s+ould >orA +arder to earn more mone./ Rsugestie


    '98 >8R=8' 7?&I'I7?A


    (ormai condiionalul perfect cu *oul# O !/oul# /a"e

    $artici$iu trecut


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# /a"e 0 >orAe#


    I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# not /a"e 0 >orAe#


    ;oul# I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. /a"e 0 >orAe#


    ;oul# I not /a"e R>ouldn@t I +ave >orAedV



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    !+e vase )ill brea&, if .ou drop it/

    %ill .ouget me some milA, if .ougo to t+e supermarAetV

    0. "erbele mo#ale $recum can, may, mu!t, !/oul# il inlocuie!c $e

    *ill in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al:

    Fou can enter t+e stadium, if .ou +ave a ticAet/If +e isn@t in, .ou may leave a message/

    o+n must >orA ver. +ard, if +e >ants to get elected/

    If .ou >ant to >ear t+at dress t+is summer, .oushould lose some


    4. cu #ou tim$uri $rezente (unul in fiecare $ro$ozi5ie) $entru a

    in#ica rezultate automate !au obinuin5e:If .oupush t+at button, it comes on/

    If .ou mi( red and blue, .ougetpurple/


    1houldpoate fi plasat #u$ sau in loc #e if cand vorbim despre o

    posibilitate mai puin probabil/ =otai c subiectul este aezat dup


    If Ishould visit India, I@ll go and see t+e !a& #a+al/

    Should I visit India, I@ll go and see t+e !a& #a+al/


    Pentru a indica sfatul, comanda sau cererea, in propoziia principal se

    pot folosi coul#, *oul#, /a# better, oug/t to

    2ill had better get +is +air cut, if +e >ants to get t+at &ob/

    I )ouldpa. t+e fine, if .ou don@t >ant to get into trouble >it+ t+e


    Dego in t>o cars, >e@ll be more comfortable/

    If >e )ent in t>o cars, >e@d be more comfortable/


    $ondiionalul de tipul II este considerat mai politicos pentru a face o

    sugestie sau a da un sfat

    ?ill I catc+ t+e s+ops open, if I runV

    Fou )ill catch t+em open, if .ou )al&/ Sau mai politicos

    Fou )ould catch t+em open, if .ou )al&ed/

    . "erbele mo#ale la un tim$ trecut il $ot inlocui $e *oul#.

    Sen!urile !e mo#ific in mo# core!$unztor:

    If #r/ applied for t+e &ob, +e )ould get it/ Rsigur in mod


    If #r/ applied for t+e &ob, +e might get it/ Rposibil

    If #r/ got t+e &ob, +e could start next #onda./ Rabilitate


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    I might have )on t+e s]uas+ game last nig+t, if I hadn*t eaten suc+

    a big meal before

    4. cu forme continue fie in !ubor#onata con#i5ional fie in


    If t+e driver hadn*t been going slo>l., +e )ould have crashed intot+e car in front/

    -e )ould have been driving faster, if +e hadn*t realised t+e




    In engleza vorbit tipurile II i III de condiional apar amestecate1ucAil. it didn@t rain/ If it had rained, I )ould be )et no>/

    I didn@t pass m. driving test/ If I had passed it, I could be driving m.

    car no>/

    I= 7?N

    If only se poate folosi la toate cele trei tipuri de condiional pentru a

    sublinia sperana sau regretul

    ,f only t+e >ind blo)s in t+e rig+t direction, >e@ll get bac& to t+e

    s+ore safe ans sound/ Rpre*ent > speran

    ,f only >e had an engine on t+is boat, >e could get bac& in no time/

    Rtrecut simplu > dorin

    ,f only >e had ta&en a siren >it+ us, >e could have sent an S//S/

    Rmai mult ca perfectul > regret


    ;ill O *oul# O coul# O !/oul# i alte verbe modale nu se folosesc de

    obicei in $ro$ozi5ia con#i5ional/ Exist i excepii

    If .ou would ask +im for me, I would be grateful/ Rsolicitare


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    If m. brot+er would tell me >+. +e@s so upset, per+aps I could help/

    Rpentru a indica voina

    If .ou will eat so muc+ all t+e time, .ou are bound to get fat/ Rpentru a

    indica voina, incpanarea ?ot


    If he had t+e time, +e[

    /ad he had t+e time, +e[


    Alege5i should !au would $entru a com$leta !$a5iile in acea!t$o"e!tire:

    It is onl. fair t+at .ou [/R3 Ano> about -arr.@s past before .ou

    marr. +im/ ?+en +e >as a c+ild +e [/R6 al>a.s get +imself into

    trouble and +is fat+er al>a.s insisted t+at +e [/ R* tell us >+ere +e


    >as going/ nce +e >ent do>n to t+e river to fis+, +e said/ 2ut I could

    see no reason >+. +e [/Rit+ +im/ I >as so

    >orried t+at I begged t+at +is fat+er [/RD follo> +im; +e did &ust

    t+at and to +is surprise +e sa> t+at -arr. >as s+ooting at t+e fis+

    instead of catc+ing t+em >it+ a rod/ -is fat+er >as so furious t+at +e

    ordered t+at -arr. [/R: +and +is rifle over to t+e police/ -e said +e

    [//R8 but >e suspect +e Aept it +idden a>a. some>+ere because >e

    [//R7 +ear s+ooting in t+e fields ever. no> and t+en/ ?ell m. dear, it

    is better t+at .ou [//R4 +ear t+ese t+ings before maAing an important

    decision/ [//R3G .ou per+aps prefer to meet -arr.@d older brot+erV

    =o> +e is a completel. different personU


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: con#i5ionalul I, II

    !au III:

    3/ ?e Rdrive out of to>n after dinner unless .ou are too tired/ 6/ If I

    Rbe able to spell correctl., I@d be so +app.U */ If .ou +ad arrived in

    t+e da.time I Rmeet .ou at t+e station/ +at to do/ D/ If #r/ 2ro>n Rdrive more carefull. +e

    >ouldn@t +ave +ad t+e accident/ :/ S+e >ould get too +ot if .ou

    Rcover +er up/ 8/ -e >ould +ave Ano>n >+at >as >rong if +e RlooA

    at t+e engine/ 7/ If t+e engine +ad been repaired +e Rbe able to use t+e

    car/ 4/ !+e. >ill send .ou t+e spare parts .ou need on condition t+e.

    Rget .our order/ 3G/ )n interpreter R+elp .ou if .ou cannotunderstand t+e $ustoms officer/

    >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: $rezent, "iitor,


    3/ nless 2ett. R+ave enoug+ mone., s+e Rnot be able to bu. t+e

    s>eater/ 6/ !+e bo.s Rnot go up t+e mountain tomorro> if it Rbe

    fogg./ */ If t+e television programme Rbe good on Sunda.s, m.

    parents al>a.s Rsta. at +ome and R>atc+ !"/ in t+e lotter./ D/ If .ou Rput sugar in >arm >ater, it


    >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect:

    3/ If .ou >ould come >it+ me, I Rs+o> .ou t+e to>n/ 6/ If I >ere .ou

    I Rbe more careful/ */ S+e Rget a &ob as an interpreter on condition

    s+e Ane> t>o languages >ell/ ouldn@t start >orA on t+e pro&ect


    unless +is manager Ragree to t+e plan/ D/ If I RAno> t+is language

    >ell, I could translate t+e booA into Homanian/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect:

    3/ "era !+anA goodnessU I t+oug+t .ou@d missed it/ 1aura I ver.

    nearl. did/ ?+at R.ou, do if I Rmiss itV 6/ "era I t+inA I Rget out of

    t+e train/ !+en I R>ait for .ou on t+e platform/ */ 1aura If I Rnot,

    find a taxi I Rnot, get +ere in time/ lucA. t+at .ou found a taxi/ 1aura +, .es/ It Rbe a

    nuisance if >e Rmiss t+e train/

    /eia e3erci5iilor:

    T 3/ S+ould 6/ ?ould */ S+ould atc+ ins D/ Put, dissolves

    T 3/ ?ould s+o> 6/ ?ould be */ ?ould get

    T 3/ >ould .ou +ave done, +ad missed 6/ ?ould +ave got, >ould +ave

    >aited */ -adn@t found, >ouldn@t +ave got aited, >ould

    certainl. +ave missed D/ ?ould +ave been, +ad missed

    VIII. '98 S8PU8?8 7= '8?S8S



    $oncordana timpurilor in limba englez se aplic la trei tipuri de

    propoziii subordonate subordonata completiv direct, subordonata

    condiional i subordonata temporal/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    In continuare ne vom referi doar la dou din cele trei tipuri de

    subordonate, cea condiional fiind tratat in capitolul %II/

    &IR8' 7BQ8' AUS8

    RPropoziia Subordonat $ompletiv 'irect

    MainORegent lau!e Subor#inate lau!eRPropoziia principal RPropoziia subordonat

    3/ >rezent 7rice tim$ "erbal cerut #e

    >rezentul >erfect !en!ul !ubor#onatei


    #ar. e(plainsWhas e(plainedW)ill e(plain t+at s+egoesW)ill goWhas

    goneW)entWhad gone to 1ondon/0. 'im$ul trecut 'recutul $erfect

    pentru o aciune anterioar

    -esaid t+at +e had seen t+e movie/

    'im$ul trecut

    pentru o aciune simultan

    I thought t+at t+e. )ere at +ome/


    pentru o aciune posterioar

    !+e.promised t+e. )ould )rite

    t+at exercise again/


    Exist i cateva excepii

    3/ "erbele to ask, demand, insist, order, recommend, re

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    S+e demands t+at .oushould arrive in time/

    S+e demands t+at .ou arrive in time/

    6/ Pentru adevruri general valabile i ireversibile

    It )as proved t+at >ater boils at 3GG $elsius degrees/

    I &ne) t+at s+e is a )ido)/'IM8 AUS8

    RPropoziia Subordonat !emporal

    Regul #e baz in propoziia temporal nu se poate folosi viitorul/

    MainORegent lau!e Subor#inate lau!e

    RPropoziia principal RPropoziia subordonat

    %. Viitor 'im$ul >rezentpentru aciuni simultane

    #ar. )ill tell us t+e trut+ >+en s+e &no)s it/

    >rezentul >erfect

    pentru aciuni anterioare

    !+e bo. )ill translate t+e lesson after +e has learnt t+e ne> >ords/

    0. 'im$ul 'recut 'im$ul 'recut

    =uture6in6t/e6>a!tpentru aciuni simultane

    #ar. visited us >+enever s+e )as free/

    I promised mot+er I )ould buy t+at booA >+en Isa) it/

    'recutul >erfect

    pentru aciuni anterioare

    !+e c+ildren )ent to bed after t+e. had done t+eir lessons/

    ?e understood t+at t+e. )ould come +ome after t+e. had finished

    t+eir >orA/


    In alte tipuri de subordonate se folosesc acele timpuri verbale care


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    sunt cerute de sensul subordonatei respective, fr nici o constrangere


    Festerda. I bought a booA >+ic+ is very interestingW, )ill read this

    )ee&W, have been loo&ing for since pril/ Rpropo*iie atributiv

    acAplayed tennis t+at da. as he )ill never be able to play again/Rpropo*iie completiv de mod

    1ast .ear #ar.spo&e Englis+ better than her sister does no)/

    Rpropo*iie completiv de comparaie

    #. brot+erfinished +is >orA in t+e morning because he )ill go to a

    party this evening/ Rpropo*iie completiv cau*al

    83erci5ii>une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect (>rezent, tim$ul

    trecut, $rezentul $erfect, trecutul $erfect, "iitor):

    )/ 3/ )rnold Rto be born in a village and +e Rto spend +is c+ild+ood

    t+ere/ -e Rto move to 1eeds >+en +e Rto be fifteen .ears old and +e

    Rto live t+ere since +is sister Rto get married/ 6/ )t present, +e Rto

    >orA in an office but +e Rto use to >orA at a banA before/ * /next

    .ear +e Rto go to 1ondon to stud. at t+e niversit., but onl. after +e

    Rto finis+ >riting t+e novel +e Rto >orA at no>/ rite to +im

    a long letter several da.s ago and Rto asA +im +o> man. c+apters +e

    alread. Rto >rite/ D/ )rnold@s daug+ter +opes t+at +er fat+er Rto finis+

    +is booA b. t+e end of )ugust/ :/ I Rto see +er .esterda. >+ile s+e Rto

    cross t+e street/ 8/ ?+en I Rto talA to +er, s+e Rto tell me t+at s+e Rto

    be ver. tired because s+e Rto all t+e morning/

    2/ 3/ )s soon as s+e Rto see us, s+e Rto stop singing/ 6/ !+e tailor Rto

    promise me t+en t+at m. suit Rto be read. in a >eeA@s time/ */ ?+.

    didn@t .ou explain to t+em >+en .ou Rto be able to give t+em t+e


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    mone. bacAV ondered >+ere +e Rto stud. and +o> man. .ears

    before +e Rto taAe +is degree/ D/ 2efore paper Rto be invented, people

    Rto >rite t+eir t+oug+ts upon various ot+er materials/ :/ -istor. Rto

    be engraved on stone monuments and our Ano>ledge of >+at ancient

    people Rto do, Rto be c+iefl. taAen from t+e stone tables andbuildings >+ic+ t+e. Rto erect/


    /eia e3erci5iilor:

    )/ 3/ ?as, spent, moved, >as, +as been living, got 6/ Is >orAing, used

    to >orA */ ?ill go, +as finis+ed, is >orAing ritten D/ ?ill finis+ :/ Sa>, >as crossing 8/ !alAed, told, >as+ad t.ped

    2/ 3/ See, stops 6/ Promised, >ould be read. */ ?ere able ritten :/ Is, +ave done, is, erected

    I. '98 SUBQU?'IV8 M77&

    $on&unctivul a disprut aproape complet in englez/ Se mai pstreaz

    anumite forme mai ales la trecut pentru a exprima indoiala,

    regretul sau situaiile ireale/


    A. Sub+oncti"ul !intetic $rezent

    Sub&onctivul prezent are aceeai form caInfinitivul fr ?@/ )re

    aceeai form pentru toate persoanele/

    5odsave t+e AingU

    !+e. be damnedU

    1e folosete

    #$ pentru a exprima dorine, urri sau exclamaii devenite expresii

    -eaven help us allU


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    0e t+at as it ma.U

    5odforgiveWbless .ouU

    $amn .ouU

    5od bless .ouU

    '$ n propo*iiile condiionale

    :e must inform t+e aut+orities/

    ($ n propo*iiile subordonate introduse de ?/6? cAnd n

    propo*iia principal se exprim o dorin, o cerere, o obligaie,

    o necesitate

    0 in propoziii completive directe dup urmtoarele verbe to

    suggest, order, demand, urge, recommend, insist, command,

    propose, arrange, decide, agree, arrange, determine

    I insist t+at +ego/ R,nsist s se duc

    S+e urged t+at +esit do>n and listen crefull./

    0 in propoziiile subiective dup urmtoarele construcii

    impersonale it is natural, important, advisable, necessary,

    possible, impossible

    It is important t+at +ego/

    It is necessar. t+at .our friend arrive t+ere first/

    B. Sub+oncti"ul !intetic trecut

    Sub&onctivul trecut are aceeai form ca i trecutul simplu/ "erbul be

    are forma >ere pentru toate persoanele/

    It@s time >e )ent +ome/

    I >is+ +e )ere nicer/

    . Sub+oncti"ul !intetic mai mult ca $erfect

    Sub&onctivul mai mult ca perfect are aceeai form ca mai mult ca


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys



    ?e >is+ed >e had hadbetter >eat+er/

    1e folosete&

    #$ n propo*iiile condiionale pentru a exprima un 8ondiional

    pre*ent sau un 8ondiional trecut

    If I )ere .ou, I >ould tr. to talA to +er/

    !+e c+ildren >ill liAe t+is film if it/

    I >ould +ave boug+t t+at booA if I had found it/

    6/pentru a exprima irealitatea dup wish, as if=though, even

    if=though, would rather=sooner, it"s high time, suppose BthatC


    .ish 0 .ould 0Infinitiv Bnu este un sub)onctivDC exprim o

    dorin n viitor

    I >is+ +e >ould >rite to me/

    .ish 0 4ast ?ense 1imple

    0pentru a indica o situaie nereal n pre*ent Bregret pentru o

    aciune sau situaie care se produce sau nuC

    I )ish t+e. agreed to m. proposal/

    0 wish 0 could

    ?+at a pit.U I )ish .ou could sing/

    0 cu referire la obiceiuri, stri pre*ente i aciuni regulate

    I )ish Igot up earl. in t+e morning/

    0 wish 0 past tense continuous cu referire la aciuni care se

    desfoar la momentul pre*ent sau aciuni care continu pe o

    perioad care include i momentul pre*ent

    I )ish +e )ere playing in t+e parA/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    0 wish 0 was going to pentru referine n viitor

    I )ish I )as going to do t+e +ouse>orA tomorro>/

    wish 0 4ast 4erfect cu referire la situaii dorite dar care nu se

    pot reali*a sau pentru aciuni n trecut

    -e )ishes +e had bought +is ne>spaper/ wished 0 4ast ?ense - cele dou aciuni sunt simultane

    S+e )ished s+e )eren*t ill/

    wished 0 4ast 4erfect cAnd aciunea dorit se produce sau nu

    nainte de momentul trecut exprimat de wished

    #ar. )ished s+e hadn*t been ill during +er +olida./

    Main lau!e Sub+uncti"e =ormI *i!/ X a vrea 3/ Fou came X s vii

    I *i!/e# X a fi vrut would come no> X ce n0a da s vii

    had come .esterda. X s fi venit

    AS I=O'97UG9


    6s if=thorugh 0 4ast ?ense 1imple - pentru a indica nesigurana

    sau dubiul n pre*ent Baciuni contrare faptului pre*entC

    -e be+aves as if +e )ere a teac+er/

    6s if 0 4ast ?ense of Eoing to pentru situaii ipotetice n viitor

    -e talAs as if it )ere going to rain/

    6s if 0 4ast 4erfect pentru a indica ndoiala, incertitudinea n

    legtur cu o aciune trecut Baciune contrar faptului trecutC

    S+e talAsW talAed as if1 as though s+e had bought it/

    Main lau!e Sub+uncti"e =orm

    -e isW>as >alAing a! if +e did not Ano> 0 simultan

    a! t/oug/ +e +ad alread. Ano>n 0anterior


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    ;7U& RA'98R O S77?8R

    .ould rather 0 Infinitiv Bpersoana care exprim preferina este

    aceeai cu subiectul aciunii care urmea*C

    2ill )ould rather play tennis t+an football/

    .ould rather 0 Infinitiv perfect Bacelai subiectCS+e )ould rather have travelledb. plane/

    .ould rather 0 4ast ?ense 1imple Bsubiectul lui would rather

    este diferit de subiectul aciunii care urmea*C

    I )ould rather .ougot up earl./

    .ould rather 0 4ast 4erfect Bsubiecte diferiteC

    I )ould rather t+e. had left on time/ .ould rather 0 would 0 infinitiv Bcu referire la un eveniment

    dorit n viitorC

    I )ould rather .ou )ould come tomorro>/

    I= 7?N

    If only 0 4ast ?ense pentru dorine care se refer fie la pre*ent

    fie la viitor, n special cu verbe care exprim aciuni obinuite,

    obiceiuri sau stri

    ,f only s+e didn*t eat so muc+U


    If only 0 4ast ?ense 8ontinuous pentru a indica o dorin care

    se refer la viitor sau pre*ent

    If onl. I >ere leaving, too/

    If only 0 4ast 4erfect pentru a exprima un regret pentru o

    aciune care nu s-a produs

    ,f only t+e. had come, t+is >ouldn@t +ave +appened/

    If only 0 .ould 0 Infinitiv pentru a exprima o dorin n


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    legtur cu viitorul dar fr speran

    ,f only +e )ould buy me a >atc+U

    If only 0 4resent = 7uture ?ense ca unechivalent

    pentrupropo*iiile care ncep cu /@4;

    I hope s+e )ill come in time/,f only s+e comes in timeU

    I'DS 'IM8

    It"s ?ime 0 4ast ?ense 1imple

    ,t*s time .oufinished reading t+e ne>spaper/

    It"s time 0 4ast ?ense 8ontinuous pentru a accentua natura

    progresiv a aciunii

    ,t*s time .ou )ere decorating .our +ouse/

    It"s time 0 7or 0 Infinitiv a sosit timpul s faci ceva

    ,t*s time for .ou to have lunc+/

    It"s time 0 4ast ?ense este de)a cam tAr*iu s mai faci ceva

    ,t*s time .ou had .our lunc+/

    Main lau!e Sub+uncti"e =orm

    I *oul# rat/erO!ooner X a prefera +e left no> X s plece

    If only X mcar dac

    Su$$o!e X dac cumvaU -e +ad arrived X s fi sosit

    It i! /ig/ time X e vremea s

    &. Sub+oncti"ul analitic

    Sub&onctivul analitic este mai des folosit decat cel sintetic i poate

    aprea atat in subordonat cat i in propoziia principal/

    Este format dintr0un verb modal shall, should, will, would, may,

    might, can, could i Infinitivul 4re*ent sau 4erfect/



  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    1e folosete&

    1hall 0 Infinitiv

    Shall I help .ou >it+ .our +ome>orAV

    !+e. +ave decided t+at .oushall go t+ere/ R.ou must go

    1hould 0 Infinitiv in main clauses?+. s+ould t+e. come so earl.V

    1hould 0 Infinitiv dup urmtoarele construc'ii6 it is=was

    important, necessary, natural, surprising, advisable

    ,t*s necessary t+at .oushould bepresent/

    1hould 0 Infinitiv" dup urmtoarele verbe6 to demand, insist,

    command, propose, re

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    ,t is possible t+at s+e may come toda./

    Fay= Fight 0 Infinitiv" n propozi'ii subordonate de scop

    introduse de that, in order that, so that

    -e tooA a seat in t+e first ro>so that +e might hear t+e actors

    >ell/Fay= Fight 0 Infinitiv" n propozi'ii subordonate concesive

    introduse de though, although, however, whatever, no matter

    -o)everpainful it may be to .ou, .ou must Ano> t+e trut+/


    8o matter +o> expensive t+at car might be s+e still >ants to bu.

    it/ .ould 0 Infinitiv" n propozi'ii completive directe dup wish

    !+e. )ish >e )ould pay t+em a visit/

    .ould 0 Infinitiv" n propozi'ii subordonate de scop

    S+e learnt all t+e ne> >ordsso that s+e )ould be able to translate

    t+e text/

    8ould 0 Infinitiv" pentru a e(prima scopul+ ca o alternativ la

    may1might+ avnd un grad mai mare de certitudine

    S+e studied a lotso that s+e could pass t+e difficult exam/


    >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: $a!t ten!e !im$le,

    $a!t $erfect !au *oul# infiniti":

    3/ ?e +ad lots of fun at t+e part./ I >is+ .ou Rbe t+ere, too/ 6/ !+e

    plants need a lot of >ater at t+is time of t+e .ear and it +asn@t rained

    for a long time/ I >is+ it Rrain no>/ */ I >is+ m. mot+er Rbe +ere

    no> to +elp me/ spaper t+is

    morning/ -e >is+es +e Rbu. it, as +e doesn@t Ano> t+e football


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    as t+oug+ s+e Rbe born an actress/

    'ra#uce5i urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii in limba englez:

    3/ )na ar dori s nu fie atat de ocupat sptmana asta/ 6/ "a trebui s

    ateptm 6G de minute pan la sosirea trenului/ $e pcat c am plecat

    de acas atat de devremeU */ 2ieelul ar dori ca prinii s0l trimit intabra de var de la Sinaia, dar sunt sigur c ei il vor duce la ar la


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    7/ E incantat de ideea de a merge la mare de parc n0ar ti c0i prea

    frig acum acolo/ 4/ S trieti mult i s fii fericitU 3G/ rice ar fi gtit

    cand ai sosit tu, trebuia s0i dea o porie/

    /eia e3erci5iilor:

    T 3/ +ad been 6/ >ere raining */ >ere ould explain:/ +ad boug+t 8/ >ere coming 7/ +adn@t sta.ed 4/ >ould pa. 34/ +ad

    follo>ed 33/ >ould offer 36/ +ad informed

    T 3/ ce n0a da s o asculi mai atent pe profesoar/ 6/ )i dori s0i fi

    trimis o ilustratV */ ) fi dorit s imi fi pus scrisoarea la pot pentru

    mine/ ere ans>ering 6/ +adn@t taAen, +ad come */ >ould give ould

    sta. D/ +adn@t +eard :/ stopped 8/ +ad sta.ed 7/ >as 4/ +ad been

    T 3/ )nn >is+es s+e >eren@t W>asn@t so bus. t+is >eeA/ 6/ ?e@ll +ave

    to >ait for te>nt. minutes until t+e train comes in/ I >is+ I +adn@t left

    +ome so earl.U */ !+e little bo. >is+es +is parents >ould send +im to

    t+e Sinaia summer camp, but I@m sure t+e.@ll taAe +im to +is

    grandparents in t+e countr./ ordsU D/ -e boasted +e +ad solved all t+e mat+s problems b. +imself/

    If onl. .ou +ad +eard +imU :/ I >is+ s+e >ill pass W passes t+is difficult

    examinationU 8/ I@d rat+er go and see a film t+an >aste m. time

    >aiting for .ou/ 7/ Four first exam is next #onda., it@s time .ou got


    do>n to >orA/ 4/ It@s a >eeA since .ou received )ngla@s letter/ It@s

    time .ou ans>ered +er letter/ 3G/ If onl. t+e engine >ouldn@t stop rig+t


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    in t+e middle of t+e bendU 33/ 'iana is talAing as ifW as t+oug+ s+e

    didn@t Ano> an.t+ing about t+e conference/ 36/ I@d rat+er +e +ad told

    t+e trut+/ 3*/ -e be+aved as if W t+oug+ +e +imself +ad made all t+e

    preparations for t+e festival/ 3is+ W if onl. I could pla. +andball/T 3/ It is strange t+at +e s+ould spend so little >+en +e Ano>s t+at

    c+eapest is t+e dearest/ 6/ It is unbelivable t+at +e s+ould +ave been

    reading >+en +e s+ould +ave been >orAing on +is dissertation/ */ It is

    remarAable t+at t+e. s+ould +ave been >orAing for t>o +ours and +ad

    finis+ed t+e &ob >+en .ou arrived/

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    fr ?@pentru a da sugestii i a face oferte/ =egativul se formeaz cu

    !@ G@? 0 Infinitiv fr ?@/

    1et me +elpU

    1et us danceU

    1et@s goU Utilizare

    Imperativul persoanei a II-a se folosete&

    3/pentru a cere ceva

    Give o+n t+is letter >+en .ou see +im/

    $on*t tell #ar. >+at I said last nig+t/

    '$ pentru a face invitaii

    2ome to m. part. on Saturda. nig+t/

    $on*t as& +im to sta. over t+e nig+t/

    ($ pentru a da sfaturi sau a ateniona

    9a&e an umbrella >it+ .ou, it@s raining/

    #at .our vegetables/ !+e.@re good for .ou/

    +$ pentru a da indicaii

    9urn t+e engine off, open t+e bonnet and unscre) t+e cap slo>l./

    D/ cu interogaii dis)unctive& )ill1)on*t1)ould you: i

    can1can*t1could you:

    -ave somet+ing to drinA, )ill youV


    Se poate folosi!@pentru a sublinia sensul imperativ

    $o help .ourself to an.t+ing .ou >ant/


    Imperativele nu au subiect, dei uneori se adaug un substantiv sau

    pronume pentru a identifica persoana creia i se vorbete/


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    -ave anot+er drinA, Bill/

    /il#ren, be 3uiet, pleaseU

    Imperativul cu 9et se folosete&

    #$ cu Fe, pentru a face oferte


    !+e. loo&ed for $/ ever.>+ere/ $/ )as loo&ed for ever.>+ere/

    b. "erb $re$ozi5ie com$lement

    Acti" >a!i"-e +ad to )rite to +is parents dail./ -is parents +ad to be )ritten

    to dail./

    D/ $ro$ozi5iile cu #ou com$lemente (com$lement #irect i

    in#irect) au #ou forme $o!ibile #e $a!i":

    Acti" >a!i"

    -e told her a lie/ She >as told a lie/ lie >as told to +er/

    !+e. sent him a letter/-e >as sent a letter/


    letter >as sent to +im/


    Pasivul se folosete

    3/pentru a sublinia aciunea i nu agentul

    !+e criminal )as arrested/

    '$ cAnd agentul este necunoscut, neimportant sau evident

    $linton )as elected president/

    -e is said to be a bad0tempered man/


    'ra#uce5i in limba englez urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii

    3/ In astfel de cazuri se trimite dup doctor/ 6/ 9i se ofer o ing+eat,

    de ce n0o ieiV */ ) fost ateptat dou ore asear/

  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    aceti scriitori/ :/ =u0mi puteam aduce aminte in ce a fost

    presc+imbat veveria/ 8/ "a fi consultat doctorul in aceast c+estiune

    i sper c va ti ce este/ 7/ "a fi fost aprat de toi dumanii inainte s

    cear a&utor/ 4/ "antorul prezise c se va trage in vulpe i nu va fi

    nimerit/ 3G/ 'ac ai fi impiedicat s0i faci temele, copiii care o fac arfi pedepsii/ 33/ )r fi fost el operat dac nu0l cunotea c+irurgulV

    /eia e3erci5iilor:

    3/ In suc+ cases a doctor is sent for/ 6/ Fou are offered an ice0cream,

    >+. don@t .ou taAe itV */ -e >as >aited for for t>o +ours last nig+t/

    as being s+o>n around t+e +ouse >+en t+e lig+t >ent out/ D/ I

    can@t imagine +o> long .ou +ave been ac]uainted >it+ t+ese >riters/:/ I could not remember >+at t+e s]uirrel +ad been c+anged into/ 8/

    !+e doctor >ill be consulted on t+is matter and I +ope +e >ill Ano>

    >+at it is/ 7/ -e >ill +ave been defended from all +is enemies before

    +e asAs for +elp/ 4/ !+e +unter predicted t+e fox >ould be fired at and

    missed/ 3G/ If .ou >ere +indered from doing .our +ome>orA, t+e

    c+ildren >+o did t+at >ould be punis+ed/ 33/ ?ould +e +ave been

    operated on if t+e surgeon +ad not Ano>n +imV


    II. V8RB8 M7&A8 I

    MAN i A?

    (>ermi!iune, $robabilitate, abilitate)

    #a. i can sunt verbe modale sau a&uttoare ele sunt verbe defective,


    0 au numai * timpuri indicativ prezent, indicativ trecut i

    condiional prezent

    0 nu primesc ! la persoana a III0a singular


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    0 nu primesc #o, #oe!, #i# la interogativ sau negativ

    0 sunt urmate de infiniti"ul fr '7

    !impurile care lipsesc sunt inlocuite cu

    0 to be able to Rabilitatea

    0 to be allo)ed to0 to be permitted to Rpermisiunea

    0 to be li&ely to Rprobabilitatea

    May O Mig/t

    7ay se foloseste la prezent/7ight la condiional prezent/ )mbele

    sunt invariabile i sunt urmate de un infinitiv fr !o/

    =orme contra!e: ma.n@t W mig+tn@tUtilizare:

    3/Fay !e folo!ete cu referire la e"enimente !au ac5iuni $o!ibile

    !au $robabile in $rezent, a#e!ea cu !en! #e "iitor. Fight $oate

    fi folo!it $entru a !ublinia o foarte re#u! $o!ibilitate.

    !+ere@s a blacA cloud above us/ It may rain/

    )lice may get angr. if .ou tell +er/

    If .ou tr. +ard enoug+, .ou might convince +im to come/



    (ormele alternative sunt

    Maybe it >ill rain/

    It i! li-ely to rain/

    0. $entru a cere, a oferi !au a refuza $ermi!iunea $olitico!

    7ay I open t+e >indo>V It@s ver. +ot in t+is office/

    Fou may not smoAe in m. car/

    7ight indic adesea teama vorbitorului de a nu primi un


  • 8/12/2019 Grammar and Vocabulary + Keys


    rspuns negativ, sau faptul c el cere prea mult

    7ight I borro> .our Holls Ho.ce for t+e >eeAendV


    (orme alternative

    Am I allo*e# to open t+e >indo>VNou are not $ermitte# to smoAe in m. car/

    */ cu well $entru a in#ica o foarte mare $robabilitate

    I t+inA it may )ell rain toda., looA at t+ose blacA c