grades 9 to 12 culinary arts

Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes

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Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts

Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework

of Outcomes

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Page 3: Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts

G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y a r t s

Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes

2014Manitoba Educat ion and Advanced Learning

Page 4: Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning Cataloguing in Publication Data

Grades 9 to 12 culinary arts [electronic resource] : Manitoba technical-vocational curriculum framework of outcomes

Includes bibliographical references.ISBN: 978-0-7711-5687-8

1. Culinary arts—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Manitoba. 2. Industrial arts—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Manitoba. 3. Technical education—Manitoba—Curricula. 4. Vocational education—Manitoba—Curricula. I. Manitoba. Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. 694.0712

Copyright © 2014, the Government of Manitoba, represented by the Minister of Education and Advanced Learning.

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning School Programs Division Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Every effort has been made to acknowledge original sources and to comply with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please notify Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. Errors or omissions will be corrected in a future edition.

Any websites referenced in this document are subject to change. Educators are advised to preview and evaluate websites and online resources before recommending them for student use.

This resource is available on the Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning website at < sy_tech_program.html>.

Available in alternate formats upon request.

Page 5: Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts

C o n t e n t s iii

Acknowledgements v

Technical-Vocational Education Overview 1

Culinary Arts Overview 1

Introduction 1

Trade Safety Awareness Manual 2

Level 1 Apprenticeship for Cook from Apprenticeship Manitoba 2

Goals and General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 3

Guide to Reading Culinary Arts Goals and Learning Outcomes 5

Specific Learning Outcomes (SLOs) 6

Course Descriptions 6

8790 Exploration of the Culinary Arts 6

8791 Cooking Principles 6

8792 Garde-Manger 6

8793 Patisserie and Baking 6

8974 Vegetables, Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products 7

8795 Stocks, Soups, and Sauces 7

8796 Breakfast and Dairy 7

8797 Menu Planning and Food Costing 7

8798 Meats, Poultry, Fish, and Seafood 7

Curriculum Implementation Dates 8

Grades 9 to 11 Culinary Arts General and Specific Learning Outcomes by Goal 9

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. 11

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. 24

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. 28

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. 34

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.). 41

Goal 6: Demonstrate awareness of sustainability as it pertains to the culinary arts. 44

Goal 7: Demonstrate awareness of the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts. 45

Goal 8: Demonstrate the employability skills required in the culinary arts. 46

Goal 9: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts. 47

C o n t e n t s

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t siv

Goal 10: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technological progression of, and the emerging trends in the culinary arts. 48

Grade 12 Culinary Arts General and Specific Learning Outcomes by Goal 49

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. 60

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. 61

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. 61

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. 66

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.). 73

Goal 6: Demonstrate awareness of sustainability as it pertains to the culinary arts. 75

Goal 7: Demonstrate awareness of the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts. 76

Goal 8: Demonstrate the employability skills required in the culinary arts. 77

Goal 9: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts. 78

Goal 10: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technological progression of, and the emerging trends in the culinary arts. 79

Bibliography 81

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A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s v

Writer of First Draft Joanne Canada Somers Assiniboine Community College

Development Team Members Chris Coombs Steinbach Regional Secondary SchoolHanover School Division

Raymond Czayka Kildonan East CollegiateRiver East Transcona School Division

Larry deVries Crocus Plains Regional Secondary SchoolBrandon School Division

Joe Lindhorst Sturgeon Heights CollegiateSt. James-Assiniboia School Division

Sunshine Layton Winnipeg Technical College

a C k n o w l e d G e m e n t s

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals in the development of Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts: Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes.

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t svi

School Programs Division, Manitoba Education and Advanced

Learning Staff

Carole BilykProject Manager

Development UnitInstruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Louise Boissonneault Coordinator

Document Production Services UnitEducational Resources Branch

Diane CourcellesPublications Editor

Document Production Services UnitEducational Resources Branch

John FinchActing Coordinator (from September 2013)

Technical Vocational Education UnitInstruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Lynn HarrisonDesktop Publisher

Document Production Services UnitEducational Resources Branch

Gilles LandryProject Leader

Development UnitInstruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Daniel LemieuxConsultant

Technical Vocational Education UnitInstruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Peter NarthCoordinator(until September 2013)

Technical Vocational Education UnitInstruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Ken NimchukConsultant

Technical Vocational Education UnitInstruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch

Page 9: Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts

1O v e r v i e w

t e C h n i C a l- V o C a t i o n a l e d u C a t i o n o V e r V i e w

In 2013, Manitoba Education released the document Technical-Vocational Education Overview to provide the philosophical and pedagogical underpinnings for curriculum development and the teaching of courses in the Senior Years Technology Education Program. This overview presents educators with the vision and goals of technical-vocational education (TVE) in Manitoba.

Topics include the following:QQ curriculum revitalization and renewalQQ curriculum framework and implementationQQ articulation of programmingQQ assessment and reportingQQ safetyQQ employability/essential skills and career developmentQQ sustainable development

The TVE curriculum includes Grades 9 to 12 courses in a variety of areas, including culinary arts.

C u l i n a r y a r t s o V e r V i e w


Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts: Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes identifies the goals, general learning outcomes (GLOs), and specific learning outcomes (SLOs) for nine culinary arts courses. This framework is intended for use in all Manitoba schools teaching culinary arts courses as part of the Senior Years Technology Education Program and it replaces the one titled Food Services.

All courses are intended for students pursuing a career in the culinary industry. They focus on theoretical principles and their practical applications. Most courses include outcomes related toQQ sanitation, health, and safetyQQ the operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen

equipment and cooking utensilsQQ the receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-

preparation, preparation, and presentation of food and beverages

QQ food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition

Cross-curricular learning outcomes including, but not limited to, chemistry, English language arts, French, food science, nutrition, physical education/health education, and mathematics are to be integrated into the authentic activities of the course.

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2 G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s

Outcomes dealing with the following topics are also integrated into most courses:QQ sustainabilityQQ ethical and legal standardsQQ employability skillsQQ working conditions and career opportunitiesQQ evolution, technological progression, and emerging


To receive a Senior Years Technical Education diploma, a student must complete eight departmentally developed courses from an approved technical-vocational cluster, together with 16 compulsory credits and six optional credits. The grade level in which the courses are offered are a local, school-based decision, but it is highly recommended that the sequencing of credits align with the following schedule.

In the TVE curriculum, the emphasis is on hands-on learning activities. For instructional purposes, the sequence of learning outcomes and the learning outcomes included in each unit of study can vary, based on the learning activities within the course.QQ The curriculum is not sequential. In other words,

outcomes might be taught in an order that differs from the one in this document.

QQ In light of rapidly changing trends in culinary arts, teachers are encouraged to update their activities in order to meet the needs of students.

Trade Safety Awareness Manual

Apprenticeship Manitoba has developed a Trade Safety Awareness Unit, whose purpose is to increase student awareness of trade safety in the workplace. All students, including those in high school, studying a designated trade must complete this seven-hour unit. The outcomes from the Trade Safety Awareness Unit have been incorporated into Goal 1 of this curriculum. For more information, and to access the Trade Safety Awareness Unit and its tests and other resources, please go to this web page <>.

The Trade Safety Awareness Unit’s alphanumeric designations are located at the end of the framework outcomes. For example, the following SLO is found in Grade 10 Cooking Principles: Explain the S.A.F.E. acronym. (TSA 6)The (TSA 6) indicates that this outcome is taken from the Trade Safety Awareness Unit from Apprenticeship Manitoba.

Level 1 Apprenticeship for Cook from Apprenticeship Manitoba

The Specific Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in the eight mandatory courses include all of the objectives found in the Apprenticeship Manitoba Training for Cook Level 1 (Revised November 2011). The Apprenticeship objectives’ alphanumeric designations are located at the end of the

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3O v e r v i e w

framework outcomes. For example, the following SLO is found in Grade 9 Exploration of the Culinary Arts:

Define terminology associated with personal hygiene and hygienic practices. (A7.1)

The A7.1 found at the end indicates that this outcome is taken from Trade Level Unit Outlines for Level 1 Cook: Unit: A7 Personal Hygiene and Kitchen Sanitation: Objective 1. You will find it on page 10 of that document.

In some cases, the Apprenticeship objectives have been reworded to make them more consistent with the framework; however, the intention of the outcome is identical to the Apprenticeship objective. The Apprenticeship Manitoba curriculum documents can be found at <>.

The apprenticeship documents provide necessary, detailed information as well as clarification of the high school frameworks’ outcomes. Teachers must teach all of the objectives and content found in the apprenticeship documents that are referenced in the frameworks of outcomes. This will ensure that students will have met all of the requirements for Level 1 certification from Apprenticeship Manitoba.

Those students obtaining an accumulated average of 70% or higher in the 8 mandatory courses in an accredited Culinary Arts program may have met the requirements for their Level 1 Apprenticeship for Cook. Please note that facilities also need to be accredited by the Apprenticeship Manitoba Branch for students to obtain their Level 1 accreditation.

For more information on getting trade programs accredited by Apprenticeship Manitoba, go to <>.

Teachers are encouraged to review the apprenticeship guidelines provided by the Apprenticeship Branch of Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade at <>.

Goals and General Learning Outcomes (GLOs)

The Culinary Arts curriculum includes 10 goals, which are broken down into general learning outcomes, which are further broken down into specific learning outcomes.

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts.

GLO 1.1: Demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene practices.

GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices.GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work

environment.GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety

Awareness Manual (<>).

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils.

GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils.

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4 G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage.

GLO 3.1: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, and storage of different types of food and beverage.

GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage.

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition.

GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus.

GLO 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of recipes, menus, and food costing.

GLO 4.3: Demonstrate an understanding of nutrition.

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.).

GLO 5.1: Read, interpret, and communicate information.

GLO 5.2: Apply mathematics knowledge and skills relevant to the culinary arts.

GLO 5.3: Apply chemistry knowledge and skills relevant to the culinary arts.

Goal 6: Demonstrate awareness of sustainability as it pertains to the culinary arts.

GLO 6.1: Describe the culinary arts industry’s sustainability practices and impact on the environment.

Goal 7: Demonstrate awareness of the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts.

GLO 7.1: Identify and follow the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts.

Goal 8: Demonstrate the employability skills required in the culinary arts.

GLO 8.1: Demonstrate fundamental employability skills.

Goal 9: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts.

GLO 9.1: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts.

Goal 10: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technological progression of, and the emerging trends in the culinary arts.

GLO 10.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in the culinary arts.

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5O v e r v i e w

G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s24

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils.GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking

utensils. Identify and demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of kitchen equipment, containers, and cooking utensils used in the preparation of food and beverage. 11A.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of garde-manger tools and equipment.

11B.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of tools and equipment associated with patisserie and baking.

11C.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of kitchen equipment, containers, and cooking utensils used in the preparation of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. 11A.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of garde-manger products.

11B.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of patisserie and baking.

11C.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Define terminology associated with kitchen tools and equipment. (A6.1) 11A.2.1.3 11B.2.1.3 11C.2.1.3

General learning outcome (GLO):

First digit indicates goal number; second digit

indicates individual GLO

Course name

Specific learning outcome (SLO)

statements define what students are

expected to achieve by the end of the


Indicates SLO from previous

course is repeated in this course


Course code


Indicates Apprenticeship

Manitoba’s alphanumeric designation

Goal statement

Guide to Reading the Culinary Arts Goals and Learning Outcomes

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6 G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s

Specific Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Grades 9 to 12 Culinary Arts: Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes identifies specific learning outcomes (SLOs) for use in all Manitoba schools teaching the Grades 9 to 12 culinary arts courses as part of the Senior Years Technology Education Program. Specific learning outcome statements define what students are expected to achieve by the end of the course.

It is essential for students to learn and to demonstrate safety practices and employability skills; therefore, some SLOs related to safety and to employability skills are repeated in all the courses.

Course Descriptions

Course titles, descriptions, and codes for the nine culinary arts courses follow. For an explanation of the codes, refer to the Subject Table Handbook: Technology Education: Student Records System and Professional School Personnel System (Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning).

8790 Exploration of the Culinary Arts 15S/15E/15M 10S/10E/10M

This is an optional course intended for students wishing to explore the culinary arts. The emphasis is on hands-on activities. Students are introduced to sanitation and safety; tools and equipment; knife handling and safety; and general preparation procedures for different types of food and beverage.

8791 Cooking Principles 20S/20E/20M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on an introduction to the Culinary Arts. The emphasis is on hands-on activities. Students learn the specifics of sanitation and safety in a commercial kitchen. They also learn about tools and equipment, knife handling and safety, and general preparation procedures for different types of food and beverage. The course provides information and practical experience on the effects of heat on food; setting up workstations; cooking terms and methods; principles for seasoning and flavouring; and how to read and follow recipes. Students will practice measurement and scaling techniques.

8792 Garde-Manger 30S/30E/30M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the cold kitchen. Students will learn to prepare salads and dressings, sandwiches, canapés, and hors d’oeuvres. Garnishing techniques will be emphasized with the presentation of completed products on platters and plates.

8793 Patisserie and Baking 30S/30E/30M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the theory behind and preparation of patisserie and baking products such as yeast and non-yeast doughs, pies, cakes, tortes, icings, pastries, shortbreads, cookies, custards, fillings, and so on.

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8794 Vegetables, Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products 30S/30E/30M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the theory behind and preparation of vegetables, fruits, potatoes, pasta, rice, and other grains and farinaceous products.

8795 Stocks, Soups, and Sauces 40S/40E/40M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the theory behind and preparation of stocks, soups, and the five Mother sauces and secondary sauces.

8796 Breakfast and Dairy 40S/40E/40M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the theory behind and preparation of a wide range of breakfast items such as egg-based dishes, pancakes, crepes, waffles, French toast, breakfast pastries, and breakfast meats. Students will also learn about the theory behind and preparation of dairy products and beverages. They will also examine the theory behind and laws pertaining to the use and serving of alcoholic beverages.

8797 Menu Planning and Food Costing 40S/40E/40M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the planning of classical and modern menus; food costing; controlling costs; price changes; receiving, storing, and ordering food; recording inventory; par levels; developing menu prices; determining yield factors; and setting food cost percentages. Students learn the basic principles of nutrition, the Canadian Food Rainbow, and their use in planning healthy menus.

8798 Meats, Poultry, Fish, and Seafood 40S/40E/40M

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue the Culinary Arts. Curriculum content focuses on the theory behind and preparation of a variety of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood. Students will also learn about the composition, structure, quality, grading, and basic cuts of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

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Curriculum Implementation Dates

During voluntary implementation, teachers have the option of teaching the entire new draft curriculum as soon as Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning releases it on the Technology Education website. They also have the option of teaching the courses from the previous curriculum. Teachers who implement courses before system-wide implementation need to ensure that students who are already taking courses from the previous curriculum achieve all SLOs with a minimum of redundancy.

Voluntary implementation of all culinary arts courses began in the fall of 2012 and will continue until their respective system-wide implementation dates.

Date System-Wide Implementation

Fall 2013 Grade 9 (optional)

Fall 2014 Grade 10

Fall 2015 Grade 11

Fall 2016 Grade 12

Under system-wide implementation, all teachers in Manitoba teach the new curriculum and use the new course codes. Teachers will no longer be able to use the previous course codes. Course codes are found in the Subject Table Handbook: Technology Education.

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y a r t s

General and Specific Learning Outcomes by Goal

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 11

G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y a r t s : G e n e r a l a n d s p e C i f i C l e a r n i n G o u t C o m e s b y G o a l

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts.GLO 1.1: Demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene practices. Define terminology associated with personal hygiene and hygienic practices. (A7.1) 11A.1.1.1 11B.1.1.1 11C.1.1.1 Describe the procedures used for handwashing. (A7.10) 11A.1.1.2 11B.1.1.2 11C.1.1.2 Practise personal hygiene and safe health standards. 11A.1.1.3 11B.1.1.3 11C.1.1.3 Adhere to the professional standards of dress, hygiene, and grooming. 11A.1.1.4 11B.1.1.4 11C.1.1.4

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s12

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.1: Demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene practices. (continued) Identify and interpret codes, regulations, and federal, provincial/territorial, municipal requirements pertaining to kitchen sanitation and safe food-handling practices. (A7.2) 11A.1.1.5 11B.1.1.5 11C.1.1.5 Describe the procedures used to ensure personal hygiene and clean apparel. (A7.9) 11A.1.1.6 11B.1.1.6 11C.1.1.6 Identify and interpret food health regulations and guidelines associated with the practice of personal hygiene. (A7.7) 11A.1.1.7 11B.1.1.7 11C.1.1.7 Identify and interpret regulations and guidelines associated with wearing personal items. (A7.8) 11A.1.1.8 11B.1.1.8 11C.1.1.8

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 13

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices. Demonstrate safe food-handling practices. 11A.1.2.1 Demonstrate safe food-handling practices in regard to garde-manger ingredients and products.

11B.1.2.1 Demonstrate safe food-handling practices in regard to patisserie and baking.

11C.1.2.1 Demonstrate safe food-handling practices in regard to vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Identify common food allergies and determine appropriate substitutions. 11A.1.2.2 Identify common food allergies found in garde-manger dishes and determine appropriate substitutions.

11B.1.2.2 Identify common food allergies found in patisserie and baking dishes, and determine appropriate substitutions.

11C.1.2.2 Identify common food allergies found in vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products, and determine appropriate substitutions. Describe the safe storage of stock equipment in service vehicles. (A3.11) 11A.1.2.3 11B.1.2.3 11C.1.2.3 Identify types of food-borne illnesses, their causes, and preventative measures. (A7.11) 11A.1.2.4 11B.1.2.4 11C.1.2.4

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s14

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices. (continued) Identify types of food contamination, their causes, and preventative measures. (A7.12) 11A.1.2.5 11B.1.2.5 11C.1.2.5 Identify proper food-handling and storage techniques. (A7.13) 11A.1.2.6 11B.1.2.6 11C.1.2.6

11A.1.2.7 Discuss common food-borne illnesses, their causes, and preventative measures.

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 15

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. Create and maintain a safe work environment in the kitchen. Create and maintain a safe work environment in the kitchen lab.

11A.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment when working with garde-manger ingredients and products.

11B.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment when working with patisserie and baking ingredients and products.

11C.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment when working with vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Identify regulations pertinent to care and cleanliness in the work area. (A3.3) 11A.1.3.2 11B.1.3.2 11C.1.3.2 Identify regulations relevant to the safe use of chemicals. (A3.4) 11A.1.3.3 11B.1.3.3 11C.1.3.3 Identify ergonomics. (A3.5) 11A.1.3.4 11B.1.3.4 11C.1.3.4 Identify, recognize, and control hazards. (A3.6, A3.10) 11A.1.3.5 11B.1.3.5 11C.1.3.5

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s16

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. (continued) Identify the hazards associated with working in a confined space and the preparation required to work safely in a confined space. (A3.7) (TSA 20) 11A.1.3.6 11B.1.3.6 11C.1.3.6 Describe safety practices and precautions related to the use of kitchen tools and equipment. (A6.2) 11A.1.3.7 11B.1.3.7 11C.1.3.7 Describe the importance of emergency planning procedures. 11A.1.3.8 11B.1.3.8 11C.1.3.8 Describe and follow substance abuse regulations. 11A.1.3.9 11B.1.3.9 11C.1.3.9 Identify and outline workplace fire safety principles. (A3.8) (TSA 19) 11A.1.3.10 11B.1.3.10 11C.1.3.10

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 17

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. (continued) Discuss the role of Workplace Safety and Health, and the procedures to follow in case of an incident (e.g., slips and falls, improper lifting, etc.). 11A.1.3.11 11B.1.3.11 11C.1.3.11 Describe the principles of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and identify the safety requirements as they apply to the culinary arts. (A3.9) (TSA 13) 11A.1.3.12 11B.1.3.12 11C.1.3.12 Describe how the Workers Compensation Act relates to the profession of chef. 11A.1.3.13 11B.1.3.13 11C.1.3.13 Describe procedures for dealing with burns and cuts. 11A.1.3.14 11B.1.3.14 11C.1.3.14

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s18

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. (continued) Identify the safety principles for working on and around electrical equipment. (A3.6) (TSA 18) 11A.1.3.15 11B.1.3.15 11C.1.3.15 Describe the three government levels of food/health inspection and the area each level controls. 11A.1.3.16 11B.1.3.16 11C.1.3.16 Describe the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) System and its use in food-service operations. (A7.14) 11A.1.3.17 11B.1.3.17 11C.1.3.17 Demonstrate proper kitchen sanitation, personal hygiene, and food-handling and storage practices. (A7.15) 11A.1.3.18 11B.1.3.18 11C.1.3.18 Identify safety and health requirements. (A3.1) 11A.1.3.19 11B.1.3.19 11C.1.3.19

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 19

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. (continued) Describe and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., gloves, safety glasses or goggles, hearing protection, respirator mask) and identify PPE and procedures related to PPE. (A3.2) (TSA 16) 11A.1.3.20 11B.1.3.20 11C.1.3.20 Demonstrate knowledge of safety equipment such as fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and eyewash station. (A3.8) 11A.1.3.21 11B.1.3.21 11C.1.3.21 Identify sanitizing products and describe their applications and procedures for use. (A7.3) 11A.1.3.22 11B.1.3.22 11C.1.3.22 Describe the three-sink method of sanitization. (A7.4) 11A.1.3.23 11B.1.3.23 11C.1.3.23

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s20

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. (continued) Describe the procedures used to disassemble and assemble kitchen tools and equipment and their accessories for sanitizing purposes. (A7.5) 11A.1.3.24 11B.1.3.24 11C.1.3.24 Describe the procedures used to maintain a sanitary food-service operation. (A7.6) 11A.1.3.25 11B.1.3.25 11C.1.3.25

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual

(<>). Explain the importance of trade safety and health in reducing injuries and fatalities to young employees in Manitoba. (TSA 1)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 21

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual

(<>). (continued) Describe the rights and responsibilities of employees, employers, and supervisors under the Workplace Safety and Health Act. (TSA 2) Describe the steps to use in the Right to Refuse process. (TSA 3) Explain how and where to find information on workplace safety and health. (TSA 4) Demonstrate how to handle a potentially dangerous work situation. (TSA 5)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s22

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual

(<>). (continued) Explain the S.A.F.E. acronym. (TSA 6) Define workplace safety and health hazards. (TSA 7) Give examples of trade-specific workplace safety and health hazards. (TSA 8) Give examples of five types of safety and health hazards. (TSA 9) Define workplace safety and health risks. (TSA 10) Give examples of trade-specific workplace safety and health risks. (TSA 11)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 23

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual

(<>). (continued) Explain the principles of hazard recognition and control as they apply to the specific trade. (TSA 12) Match the WHMIS hazardous materials symbols and their meanings. (TSA 14) Describe the importance of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). (TSA 15) Demonstrate proper selection and use of a variety of personal protective equipment and fall-protection systems. (TSA 17)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s24

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils.GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking

utensils. Identify and demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of kitchen equipment, containers, and cooking utensils used in the preparation of food and beverage. 11A.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of garde-manger tools and equipment.

11B.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of tools and equipment associated with patisserie and baking.

11C.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation and/or use of kitchen equipment, containers, and cooking utensils used in the preparation of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. 11A.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of garde-manger products.

11B.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of patisserie and baking.

11C.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Define terminology associated with kitchen tools and equipment. (A6.1) 11A.2.1.3 11B.2.1.3 11C.2.1.3

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 25

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. (continued)GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking

utensils. (continued) Identify types of knives and describe their characteristics, applications, and procedures for use. (A6.3) 11A.2.1.4 11B.2.1.4 11C.2.1.4 Identify the tools used to sharpen and hone knives, and describe their applications and procedures for use. (A6.4) 11A.2.1.5 11B.2.1.5 11C.2.1.5 Describe the procedures used to inspect and store knives. (A6.5) 11A.2.1.6 11B.2.1.6 11C.2.1.6 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate use of knives. 11A.2.1.7 11B.2.1.7 11C.2.1.7

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s26

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. (continued)GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking

utensils. (continued) Identify types of pots and pans, and describe their characteristics, applications, and procedures for use. (A6.6) 11A.2.1.8 11B.2.1.8 11C.2.1.8 Describe the procedures used to inspect and store pots and pans. (A6.7) 11A.2.1.9 11B.2.1.9 11C.2.1.9 Identify types of utensils and describe their characteristics, applications, and procedures for use. (A6.8) 11A.2.1.10 11B.2.1.10 11C.2.1.10 Describe the procedures used to inspect and store utensils. (A6.9) 11A.2.1.11 11B.2.1.11 11C.2.1.11

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 27

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils. (continued)GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking

utensils. (continued) Identify types of equipment and appliances, and describe their accessories, applications, and procedures for use. (A6.10) 11A.2.1.12 11B.2.1.12 11C.2.1.12 Describe the procedures used to inspect, maintain, and store equipment and appliances. (A6.11) 11A.2.1.13 11B.2.1.13 11C.2.1.13 Demonstrate proper use of kitchen tools and equipment, and their maintenance and procedures for use. (A6.12) 11A.2.1.14 11B.2.1.14 11C.2.1.14

11B.2.1.15 Identify bakeshop tools and equipment, and describe their applications. (I1.6)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s28

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage.GLO 3.1: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, and storage of different types of food and

beverage. Demonstrate the procedures used to receive, inspect, handle, and store different types of food and beverage. (A11.7) Demonstrate the procedures used to receive, inspect, handle, and store different types of food and beverage. (A11.3, A11.7)

11A.3.1.1 Demonstrate the procedures used to receive, inspect, handle, and store garde-manger products. (A11.7, G1.9)

11B.3.1.1 Demonstrate the procedures used to receive, inspect, handle, and store patisserie and baking ingredients and products. (A11.7, I1.7)

11C.3.1.1 Demonstrate the procedures used to receive, inspect, handle, and store vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. (A11.7, C1.11) Define terminology associated with receipt, inspection, and storage of goods. (A11.1)

11A.3.1.2 Describe the procedures used to handle and store sandwiches and fillings. (G2.9)

11B.3.1.2 Describe the procedures used to handle and store bread products. (I3.9)

11C.3.1.2 Describe the procedures used to handle and store potatoes. (C2.7) Identify types of food storage and describe their applications. (A11.4)

11A.3.1.3 Describe the procedures used to confirm information contained on invoices. (A11.2)

11B.3.1.3 Describe the procedures used to handle and store pies, tarts, flans, and fillings. (I5.10)

11C.3.1.3 Describe the procedures used to handle and store fresh and cooked pasta and dumplings. (D2.11) Describe the procedures used to label, date, initial, and rotate stock. (A11.5)

11A.3.1.4 11B.3.1.4 11C.3.1.4

11A.3.1.5 Describe the procedures used to handle and store fruit. (G3.6)

11B.3.1.5 Describe the procedures used to handle and store cookies. (I4.7)

11C.3.1.5 Describe the procedures for handling and storing pulses, grains, and nuts. (D1.8)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 29

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. Maintain a log of culinary terms. Prepare dishes using a variety of herbs, spices, nuts, oils, vinegars, and condiments.

11A.3.2.1 Create and apply a variety of basic garnishes.

11B.3.2.1 Discuss the baking process.

11C.3.2.1 Prepare vegetables using moist heat, dry heat, and combination cooking methods. Demonstrate general preparation procedures for different types of food and beverage. Describe and perform mise en place.

11A.3.2.2 Describe platter presentation techniques.

11B.3.2.2 Describe cakes and decorating procedures.

11C.3.2.2 Prepare, cook, and store/serve vegetables to retain colour, texture, and nutritional value. Describe and perform mise en place. Describe presentation procedures for different types of food and beverage.

11A.3.2.3 Prepare a variety of garde-manger platters.

11B.3.2.3 Describe icings and frostings.

11C.3.2.3 Demonstrate the reconstitution of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Identify and perform the standard breading procedure. Prepare a variety of dishes.

11A.3.2.4 Demonstrate the appropriate portioning and presentation of garde-manger products.

11B.3.2.4 Prepare cakes.

11C.3.2.4 Describe and demonstrate various vegetable cuts and their uses.

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s30

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. (continued) Identify, select, and prepare convenience products. Identify methods used to check for doneness of foods and describe their associated procedures. (A9.5)

11A.3.2.5 Describe the procedures used to prepare and select dressings. (G1.6)

11B.3.2.5 Describe the purpose of convenience foods (e.g., frozen, unbaked pies).

11C.3.2.5 Identify classical cuts and describe their characteristics, applications, and associated procedures. (C1.4) Determine doneness of prepared foods. Identify methods used to take temperatures of food products and describe their associated procedures. (A9.7)

11A.3.2.6 Describe the procedures used to assemble salads. (G1.7)

11B.3.2.6 Prepare a variety of convenience foods as per package instructions.

11C.3.2.6 Describe the procedures used to prepare vegetables and fungi. (C1.8) Identify food quality indicators and testing techniques, and describe their associated procedures. (A9.8)

11A.3.2.7 Describe plating/buffet and finishing techniques. (G1.8)

11B.3.2.7 Describe custards, creams, and puddings.

11C.3.2.7 Describe plating and finishing techniques. (C1.9) Identify basic kitchen practices and describe their applications. (A9.9)

11A.3.2.8 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare salads and salad dressings. (G1.10)

11B.3.2.8 Prepare, bake, and serve or store a variety of custards, creams, and puddings.

11C.3.2.8 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare vegetables and fungi. (C1.11)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 31

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. (continued) Describe the procedures used to plan workspace and mise en place. (A9.11)

11A.3.2.9 Describe the procedures used to prepare sandwich ingredients. (G2.5)

11B.3.2.9 Describe fruit and berry desserts.

11C.3.2.9 Describe and demonstrate the procedures used to prepare potatoes. (C2.5, C2.8) Determine the doneness of prepared foods.

11A.3.2.10 Describe the procedures used to assemble sandwiches. (G2.6)

11B.3.2.10 Prepare, cook, and serve or store a variety of fruit and berry desserts.

11C.3.2.10 Describe plating and finishing techniques for potatoes. (C2.6)

11A.3.2.11 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare sandwiches. (G2.10)

11B.3.2.11 Demonstrate the artful portioning, presenting, and plating of patisserie and baking.

11C.3.2.11 Describe and demonstrate the procedures used to prepare pulses, grains, and nuts. (D1.5, D1.9)

11A.3.2.12 Identify styles of service associated with sandwiches. (G2.7)

11B.3.2.12 Identify mixing methods used for bread products and describe their associated procedures. (I3.6)

11C.3.2.12 Describe plating and finishing techniques for pulses, grains, and nuts. (D1.7)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s32

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. (continued)

11A.3.2.13 Describe the plating/platter and finishing techniques. (G2.8)

11B.3.2.13 Describe and demonstrate the procedures used to prepare and finish bread products. (I3.7, I3.8, I3.10)

11C.3.2.13 Describe procedures used to process fresh pasta. (D2.4)

11A.3.2.14 Prepare, cook, and store/serve fruits to retain colour, texture, and nutritional value.

11B.3.2.14 Identify methods of mixing and make-up used to prepare cookies and describe their associated procedures. (I4.4)

11C.3.2.14 Describe and demonstrate procedures used to prepare pasta and dumplings. (D2.5, D2.6, D2.12)

11A.3.2.15 Describe the procedures used to prepare fruit. (G3.4)

11B.3.2.15 Describe plating/buffet and finishing techniques for cookies, pies, tarts, and flans. (I4.6, I5.9)

11C.3.2.15 Describe the procedures used to assemble pasta dishes. (D2.9)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 1 C u l i n a r y A r t s 33

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. (continued)

11A.3.2.16 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare fruit. (G3.7)

11B.3.2.16 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare cookies. (I4.8)

11C.3.2.16 Determine doneness of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. (D2.7)

11A.3.2.17 Describe the procedures used to prepare salad ingredients. (G1.4)

11B.3.2.17 Describe and demonstrate the procedures used to prepare pies, tarts, flans, and fillings. (I5.8, I5.11)

11C.3.2.17 Describe plating and finishing techniques for vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. (D2.10, G3.5)

11A.3.2.18 Determine doneness of garde-manger products.

11B.3.2.18 Determine doneness of baked products.

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s34

8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition.GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. Define terminology associated with basic cooking principles. (A9.1) Explain three ways of heat transfer. (A9.3)

11A.4.1.1 Describe the function of garnishes

11B.4.1.1 List and describe types of fats.

11C.4.1.1 Define terminology associated with vegetables and fungi. (C1.1) Examine the different types of convenience products available. Define terminology associated with basic cooking principles. (A9.1)

11A.4.1.2 Define terminology associated with garde-manger products. (G1.1, G2.1)

11B.4.1.2 Describe sugar commodities.

11C.4.1.2 Identify types of vegetables, and describe their characteristics and applications. (C1.2) Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of different foods and ingredients. Identify and select the ingredients used in the preparation of various dishes.

11A.4.1.3 Identify types of hot and cold salads and describe their characteristics. (G1.2)

11B.4.1.3 Describe the purpose of convenience foods (e.g., frozen, unbaked pies).

11C.4.1.3 Identify types of fungi, and describe their characteristics and applications. (C1.3) Differentiate between seasoning and flavouring, and their application.

11A.4.1.4 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for salads. (G1.3)

11B.4.1.4 Determine the factors to consider when identifying and selecting ingredients for patisserie and baking.

11C.4.1.4 Identify factors that affect flavour, colour, texture, and nutrients of vegetables. (C1.5) Describe taste. 11A.4.1.5 Identify types of salad dressings and ingredients, and describe their characteristics and applications. (G1.5)

11B.4.1.5 Define terminology associated with baking ingredients. (I1.1)

11C.4.1.5 Identify the factors to consider when selecting vegetables and fungi. (C1.6)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued) Identify types of seasonings and flavourings used to enhance foods, and describe their characteristics, applications, and procedures for use. (A9.6)

11A.4.1.6 Define terminology associated with sandwiches. (G2.1)

11B.4.1.6 Identify bakeshop ingredients, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I1.2)

11C.4.1.6 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of vegetables and fungi, and describe their characteristics and applications. (C1.7) Describe how to use herbs and spices in cooking.

11A.4.1.7 Identify types of sandwiches and describe their characteristics. (G2.2)

11B.4.1.7 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for bakeshop items. (I1.3)

11C.4.1.7 Define the terminology associated with potatoes. (C2.1) Determine the factors to consider when identifying and selecting ingredients for various dishes.

11A.4.1.8 Identify the factors to consider when selecting sandwich ingredients. (G2.3)

11B.4.1.8 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of baking products, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I1.4)

11C.4.1.8 Identify classifications and types of potatoes, and describe their characteristics and applications. (C2.2)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

11A.4.1.9 Identify and describe components of sandwiches. (G2.4)

11B.4.1.9 Define terminology associated with bread products. (I3.1)

11C.4.1.9 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of potatoes. (C2.3)

11A.4.1.10 Define terminology associated with fruit. (G3.1)

11B.4.1.10 Identify types of bread products, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I3.2)

11C.4.1.10 Identify the factors to consider when selecting potatoes. (C2.4)

11A.4.1.11 Identify classifications of fruit, and describe their characteristics and applications. (G3.2)

11B.4.1.11 Identify ingredients used in breads, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I3.3)

11C.4.1.11 Define terminology associated with pulses, grains, and nuts. (D1.1)

11A.4.1.12 Identify the factors to consider when selecting fruit. (G3.3)

11B.4.1.12 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for bread products. (I3.5)

11C.4.1.12 Identify types of pulses, and describe their characteristics and applications. (D1.2)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

11B.4.1.13 Define terminology associated with cookies. (I4.1)

11C.4.1.13 Identify types of rice and grains, and describe their characteristics and applications. (D1.3)

11B.4.1.14 Identify types of cookies, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I4.2)

11C.4.1.14 Identify types of nuts, and describe their characteristics and applications. (D1.4)

11B.4.1.15 Identify characteristics of cookies and the causes of these characteristics. (I4.3)

11C.4.1.15 Define terminology associated with pasta and dumplings. (D2.2)

11B.4.1.16 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of cookies and describe their applications. (I4.5)

11C.4.1.16 Identify classifications and types of pasta, and describe their characteristics and applications. (D2.3)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

11B.4.1.17 Define terminology associated with pies, tarts, flans, and fillings. (I5.1)

11C.4.1.17 Identify types of dumplings, and describe their characteristics and applications. (D2.4)

11B.4.1.18 Identify types of dough used for pies, tarts, and flans, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I5.2)

11C.4.1.18 Describe the characteristics indicating proper doneness of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products.

11B.4.1.19 Identify types of fillings, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I5.3)

11B.4.1.20 Identify ingredients used in pies, tarts, flans, and fillings. (I5.4)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

11B.4.1.21 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for pies, tarts, flans, and fillings, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I5.6)

11B.4.1.22 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of pies, tarts, flans, and fillings, and describe their characteristics and applications. (I5.7)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of recipes, menus, and food costing. Demonstrate the procedure used to read and follow recipes. (A8.3) 11A.4.2.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for creating garde-manger dishes.

11B.4.2.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for creating patisserie and baking dishes.

11C.4.2.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for creating dishes with vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products.

11B.4.2.2 Explain why weighing is a more effective way to measure baking ingredients than standard volume measures.

GLO 4.3: Demonstrate an understanding of nutrition.

11A.4.3.1 Identify the nutritional components of garde-manger products, and their place in a healthy lifestyle.

11B.4.3.1 Identify the nutritional components of patisserie and baking products, and their place in a healthy lifestyle.

11C.4.3.1 Describe the nutritional components of vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products, and their place in a healthy lifestyle.

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.).GLO 5.1: Read, interpret, and communicate information. Read, interpret, and communicate recipes, menus, and labels. Read, interpret, and communicate manufacturers’ directions, recipes, menus, labels, invoices, orders from customers, and so forth.

11A.5.1.1 Read and follow manufacturers’ directions and recipes related to the preparation of garde-manger dishes.

11B.5.1.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for creating patisserie and baking dishes.

11C.5.1.1 Read and follow manufacturers’ directions and recipes related to the preparation of patisserie and baking. Identify effective communication practices. (A4.1) 11A.5.1.2 11B.5.1.2 11C.5.1.2 Identify the types of communication methods and equipment, and describe their applications. (A4.2) 11A.5.1.3 11B.5.1.3 11C.5.1.3 Describe the importance of effective verbal, non-verbal, and written communication with customers, suppliers, and employees. (A4.3) 11A.5.1.4 11B.5.1.4 11C.5.1.4

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.). (continued)GLO 5.1: Read, interpret, and communicate information. (continued) Communicate effectively using verbal and non-verbal techniques. (A4.4) 11A.5.1.5 11B.5.1.5 11C.5.1.5 Demonstrate effective communication principles. (A4.5) 11A.5.1.6 11B.5.1.6 11C.5.1.6

GLO 5.2: Apply mathematics knowledge and skills relevant to the culinary arts. Perform basic math functions. Perform basic math functions.

11A.5.2.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of a garde-manger recipe.

11B.5.2.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of patisserie and baking recipes.

11C.5.2.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of recipes for vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Demonstrate the proficient use of fractions, ratios, decimals, and percentages. 11A.5.2.2 11B.5.2.2 11C.5.2.2

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.). (continued)GLO 5.2: Apply mathematics knowledge and skills relevant to the culinary arts. (continued) Demonstrate the proficient conversion between the metric and standard (or imperial) systems of measurement. 11A.5.2.3 11B.5.2.3 11C.5.2.3 Define terminology associated with systems of measurement. (A8.1)

11A.5.2.4 Describe the procedures used to adjust recipe yields and perform conversions. (A8.4)

11B.5.2.4 Convert weights and measures between metric and standard systems of measurement for recipes.

11C.5.2.4 Demonstrate the established formula to increase and decrease ingredients in a recipe to ensure the product’s success. Identify measuring systems and their abbreviations. (A8.2)

11A.5.2.5 Demonstrate proper scaling and measurement techniques.

11B.5.2.5 Describe measurement procedures for ingredients.

11C.5.2.5 Describe the methods used to determine yields of pulses, grains, and nuts. (D1.6) Demonstrate proper scaling and measurement techniques.

11B.5.2.6 Calculate formulas and bakers’ percentages for all baked products. (I1.5, I3.4, I5.5)

11C.5.2.6 Describe the methods used to determine yields of pasta and dumplings. (D2.7, D2.8)

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.). (continued)GLO 5.3: Apply chemistry knowledge and skills relevant to the culinary arts. Describe the chemical process of cooking. (A9.2)

11A.5.3.1 Demonstrate the use of acids and bases to manipulate the texture, colour, and nutritional levels of fruits or vegetables.

11B.5.3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how baking powder, baking soda, and yeast are used to leaven baked products.

11C.5.3.1 Demonstrate the use of acids and bases to manipulate the texture, colour, and nutritional levels of fruits or vegetables.

Goal 6: Demonstrate awareness of sustainability as it pertains to the culinary arts.GLO 6.1: Describe the culinary arts industry’s sustainability practices and impact on the environment. Identify the waste produced in a culinary arts facility. 11A.6.1.1 11B.6.1.1 11C.6.1.1 Demonstrate the disposal and recycling of waste. 11A.6.1.2 11B.6.1.2 11C.6.1.2 Rotate stock in a way to minimize waste (e.g., FIFO—the first one in is the first one out). 11A.6.1.3 11B.6.1.3 11C.6.1.3 Identify and locate facilities for recycling and waste disposal. 11A.6.1.4 11B.6.1.4 11C.6.1.4

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 6: Demonstrate awareness of sustainability as it pertains to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 6.1: Describe the culinary arts industry’s sustainability practices and impact on the environment. (continued) Describe the steps to set up a composting program. Describe how to reduce the usage of energy, waste, and water. Discuss the use of sustainable food containers.

Goal 7: Demonstrate awareness of the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts. GLO 7.1: Identify and follow the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts. Discuss ethical and legal standards in the culinary arts. Discuss ethical and legal standards in the culinary arts.

11A.7.1.1 Follow all legal requirements regarding health and safety standards.

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 8: Demonstrate the employability skills required in the culinary arts. GLO 8.1: Demonstrate fundamental employability skills. Demonstrate employability skills (e.g., being prepared for work on time, setting up workstations, staying on task, accepting responsibility for one’s actions, and so on). 11A.8.1.1 11B.8.1.1 11C.8.1.1 Demonstrate professional dress code. 11A.8.1.2 11B.8.1.2 11C.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills required to work as a member of a team. 11A.8.1.3 11B.8.1.3 11C.8.1.3 Demonstrate initiative in performing tasks. 11A.8.1.4 11B.8.1.4 11C.8.1.4

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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 9: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts. GLO 9.1: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts. Describe the structure and scope of the culinary arts. (A1.1) 11A.9.1.1 11B.9.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the career opportunities in baking and patisserie. Describe the Manitoba Cook Apprenticeship Program. (A1.2) 11A.9.1.2 Describe special opportunities and challenges (e.g., Skilled Labour Training). (A1.3)

11A.9.1.3 Identify professional development opportunities in the culinary arts industry.

11A.9.1.4 Identify and locate different facilities, departments, and services.

11A.9.1.5 Discuss working conditions and employment standards in the culinary arts.


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8790Exploration of the Culinary Arts (9) 15S / 15E / 15M10S / 10E / 10M


Principles (10) 20S / 20E / 20M


(11A) 30S / 30E / 30M

8793Patisserie and Baking (11B)

30S / 30E / 30M


Fungi, Starches, and Farinaceous Products (11C) 30S / 30E / 30M

Goal 10: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technological progression of, and the emerging trends in the culinary arts. GLO 10.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in

the culinary arts. Describe the history and evolution of professional cooking.

11A.10.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in garde-manger.

11B.10.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in patisserie and baking.

11C.10.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in vegetables, fungi, starches, and farinaceous products. Demonstrate an appreciation for traditional culinary arts processes and equipment.

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y a r t s

General and Specific Learning Outcomes by Goal

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y a r t s : G e n e r a l a n d s p e C i f i C l e a r n i n G O u t C O m e s b y G O a l

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts.GLO 1.1: Demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene practices.

12A.1.1.1 Demonstrate appropriate sanitation and personal hygiene practices as they apply to stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.1.1.1 Demonstrate appropriate sanitation and personal hygiene practices as they apply to breakfast and dairy products.

12C.1.1.1 Demonstrate appropriate sanitation and personal hygiene practices.

12D.1.1.1 Demonstrate appropriate sanitation and personal hygiene practices as they apply to meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.1.1.2 Define terminology associated with personal hygiene and hygienic practices. (A7.1)

12B.1.1.2 12C.1.1.2 12D.1.1.2

12A.1.1.3 Describe the procedures used for handwashing. (A7.10)

12B.1.1.3 12C.1.1.3 12D.1.1.3

12A.1.1.4 Practise personal hygiene and safe health standards.

12B.1.1.4 12C.1.1.4 12D.1.1.4

12A.1.1.5 Adhere to the professional standards of dress, hygiene, and grooming.

12B.1.1.5 12C.1.1.5 12D.1.1.5

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.1: Demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene practices. (continued)

12A.1.1.6 Identify and interpret codes, regulations, and federal, provincial/ territorial, municipal requirements pertaining to kitchen sanitation and safe food-handling practices. (A7.2)

12B.1.1.6 12C.1.1.6 12D.1.1.6

12A.1.1.7 Define terminology associated with personal hygiene and hygienic practices. (A7.1)

12B.1.1.7 12C.1.1.7 12D.1.1.7

GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices.

12A.1.2.1 Describe safe handling procedures for stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.1.2.1 Describe safe handling procedures for breakfast and dairy.

12D.1.2.1 Describe safe handling procedures for meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.1.2.2 Identify common food allergies and determine appropriate substitutions.

12B.1.2.2 Identify common food allergies found in breakfast and dairy dishes, and determine appropriate substitutions.

12D.1.2.2 Identify common food allergies found in meats, poultry, fish, and seafood, and determine appropriate substitutions.

12A.1.2.3 Identify types of food-borne illnesses, their causes, and preventative measures. (A7.11)

12B.1.2.3 12D.1.2.3

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices. (continued)

12A.1.2.4 Identify types of food contamination, their causes, and preventative measures. (A7.12)

12B.1.2.4 12D.1.2.4

12A.1.2.5 Identify proper food-handling and storage techniques. (A7.13)

12B.1.2.5 12D.1.2.5

12A.1.2.6 Describe the procedures used to ensure personal hygiene and clean apparel. (A7.9)

12B.1.2.6 12D.1.2.6

12A.1.2.7 Identify and interpret food health regulations and guidelines associated with the practice of personal hygiene. (A7.7)

12B.1.2.7 12D.1.2.7

12A.1.2.8 Identify and interpret regulations and guidelines associated with wearing personal items. (A7.8)

12B.1.2.8 12D.1.2.8

12D.1.2.9 Describe safety practices and precautions related to serving and handling raw meat. (E1.2)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s54

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices. (continued)

12D.1.2.10 Identify Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations pertaining to the inspection of meats. (E1.3)

12D.1.2.11 Describe safety practices and precautions related to handling raw poultry. (E3.2)

12D.1.2.12 Identify Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations pertaining to the inspection of poultry. (E3.3)

12D.1.2.13 Describe safety practices and precautions related to serving and handling raw fish. (F1.2)

12D.1.2.14 Identify Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations pertaining to the inspection of fish. (F1.3)

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 55

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.2: Demonstrate safe food-handling practices. (continued)

12D.1.2.15 Describe safety practices and precautions related to serving and handling raw seafood. (F2.2)

12D.1.2.16 Identify Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations pertaining to the inspection of seafood. (F2.3)

GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment.

12A.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment when working with stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment when working with breakfast and dairy products.

12C.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment.

12D.1.3.1 Create and maintain a safe work environment when working with meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.1.3.2 Identify the hazards associated with working in a confined space and the preparation required to work safely in a confined space. (A3.7) (TSA 20)

12B.1.3.2 12C.1.3.2 12C.1.3.2

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s56

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.3: Create and maintain a safe and sanitary work environment. (continued)

12A.1.3.3 Identify and outline workplace fire safety principles. (A3.8) (TSA 19)

12B.1.3.3 12C.1.3.3 12D.1.3.3

12A.1.3.4 Describe the principles of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and identify the safety requirements as they apply to the culinary arts. (A3.9) (TSA 13)

12B.1.3.4 12C.1.3.4 12D.1.3.4

12A.1.3.5 Identify the safety principles for working on and around electrical equipment. (A3.6) (TSA 18)

12B.1.3.5 12C.1.3.5 12D.1.3.5

12A.1.3.6 Describe and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., gloves, safety glasses or goggles, hearing protection, respirator mask) and identify PPE and procedures related to PPE. (A3.2) (TSA 16)

12B.1.3.6 12C.1.3.6 12D.1.3.6

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 57

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual


12A.1.4.1 Explain the importance of trade safety and health in reducing injuries and fatalities to young employees in Manitoba. (TSA 1)

12A.1.4.2 Describe the rights and responsibilities of employees, employers, and supervisors under the Workplace Safety and Health Act. (TSA 2)

12A.1.4.3 Describe the steps to use in the Right to Refuse process. (TSA 3)

12A.1.4.4 Explain how and where to find information on workplace safety and health. (TSA 4)

12A.1.4.5 Demonstrate how to handle a potentially dangerous work situation. (TSA 5)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s58

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual

(<>). (continued)

12A.1.4.6 Explain the S.A.F.E. acronym. (TSA 6)

12A.1.4.7 Define workplace safety and health hazards. (TSA 7)

12A.1.4.8 Give examples of trade-specific workplace safety and health hazards. (TSA 8)

12A.1.4.9 Give examples of five types of safety and health hazards. (TSA 9)

12A.1.4.10 Define workplace safety and health risks. (TSA 10)

12A.1.4.11 Give examples of trade-specific workplace safety and health risks. (TSA 11)

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 59

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 1: Describe and apply appropriate sanitation, health, and safety practices as they relate to the culinary arts. (continued)GLO 1.4: Demonstrate knowledge of the Trade Safety Awareness Manual

(<>). (continued)

12A.1.4.12 Explain the principles of hazard recognition and control as they apply to the specific trade. (TSA 12)

12A.1.4.13 Match the WHMIS hazardous materials symbols and their meanings. (TSA 14)

12A.1.4.14 Describe the importance of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). (TSA 15)

12A.1.4.15 Demonstrate proper selection and use of a variety of personal protective equipment and fall-protection systems. (TSA 17)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s60

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 2: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking utensils.GLO 2.1: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate operation, cleaning, and maintenance of kitchen equipment and cooking


12A.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and proper use and/or operation of the kitchen equipment and cooking utensils used in the preparation of stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and proper use and/or operation of the kitchen equipment and cooking utensils used in the preparation of breakfast and dairy products.

12C.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and proper use and/or operation of the kitchen equipment and cooking utensils.

12D.2.1.1 Demonstrate the safe and proper use and/or operation of the kitchen equipment and cooking utensils used in the preparation of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of breakfast and dairy products.

12C.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used.

12D.2.1.2 Demonstrate the safe and appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of meat, poultry, fish, and seafood.

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 61

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage.GLO 3.1: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, and storage of different types of food and


12A.3.1.1 Describe receiving, storing, and handling procedures for stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.3.1.1 Describe receiving, storing, and handling procedures for breakfast and dairy products.

12C.3.1.1 Describe elements of purchasing.

12D.3.1.1 Describe receiving, storing, and handling procedures for meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.3.1.2 Demonstrate appropriate quality assurance of stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.3.1.2 Demonstrate appropriate quality assurance of breakfast and dairy products.

12C.3.1.2 Identify purchasing criteria for food products.

12D.3.1.2 Identify the factors to consider when defrosting meats and poultry. (E1.5, E3.6)

12A.3.1.3 Identify purchasing criteria for the ingredients for preparing stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.3.1.3 Discuss safe food preparation and handling procedures for breakfast and dairy products.

12C.3.1.3 Identify purchasing criteria for non-food and beverage items.

12D.3.1.3 Describe the procedures used to handle and store meats and poultry. (E1.11, E3.11)

12A.3.1.4 Discuss safe food preparation and handling procedures for the ingredients used in preparing stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.3.1.4 Describe the procedures used to handle and store breakfast items, dairy products, and eggs. (H1.12, H2.13)

12C.3.1.4 Demonstrate appropriate inventory procedures.

12D.3.1.4 Describe the procedures used to verify the quality of fish and meat cuts. (F1.6)

12A.3.1.5 Describe the procedures used to cool and store sauces, stocks, and soups. (B1.12, B3.9)

12C.3.1.5 Evaluate information from inventory counts to prove accurate checks for cost control.

12D.3.1.5 Describe the procedures used to handle and store fish and seafood. (F1.11, F2.12)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s62

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.1: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, and storage of different types of food and

beverage. (continued)

12C.3.1.6 Identify forms and reports relating to receiving, inspecting, and storing goods, and describe the procedures used to interpret and complete them. (A11.6)

12D.3.1.6 Describe the procedures used to verify the quality of seafood. (F2.7)

12C.3.1.7 Demonstrate an understanding of par stock (par level).

12D.3.1.7 Describe the procedures used to hold live seafood. (F2.8)

12D.3.1.8 Demonstrate the appropriate quality assurance of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 63

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage.

12A.3.2.1 Describe the procedures used to prepare stocks. (B1.8)

12B.3.2.1 Select and mix ingredients to prepare and cook cheese dishes.

12C.3.2.1 Prepare a three-course meal for two people. (A9.12)

12D.3.2.1 Identify the factors to consider when cooking meats. (E1.6)

12A.3.2.2 Describe the procedures used to prepare soups. (B1.9)

12B.3.2.2 Demonstrate the procedures used in the preparation of eggs, dairy products, and their substitutes. (H1.13)

12D.3.2.2 Identify methods used to cook meats and describe their associated procedures. (E1.7)

12A.3.2.3 Describe the procedures used to reconstitute soups. (B1.10)

12B.3.2.3 Identify the mixing methods used to prepare quick breads. (H2.5)

12D.3.2.3 Describe the procedures used to carve meats. (E1.8)

12A.3.2.4 Describe plating and finishing techniques. (B1.11)

12B.3.2.4 Describe the procedures used to prepare breakfast dishes. (H2.10)

12D.3.2.4 Demonstrate the procedures used to handle, prepare, and store meats. (E1.12)

12A.3.2.5 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare stocks and soups. (B.13)

12B.3.2.5 Describe plating and finishing techniques. (H2.11)

12D.3.2.5 Identify the factors to consider when cooking poultry. (E3.7)

12A.3.2.6 Describe the procedures used to prepare thickening and binding agents. (B2.5)

12B.3.2.6 Describe buffet and serving techniques. (H2.12)

12D.3.2.6 Identify methods used to cook poultry and describe their associated procedures. (E3.8)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s64

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. (continued)

12A.3.2.7 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare thickening and binding agents. (B2.6)

12B.3.2.7 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare breakfast dishes. (H2.14)

12D.3.2.7 Describe the procedures used to carve poultry. (E3.9)

12A.3.2.8 Describe the procedures used to prepare hot and cold sauces, including mother sauces. (B3.7)

12B.3.2.8 Describe characteristics of quick breads.

12D.3.2.8 Demonstrate the procedures used to handle, prepare, and store poultry. (E3.12)

12A.3.2.9 Describe finishing techniques for sauces and their associated procedures. (B3.8)

12B.3.2.9 Prepare, bake, and serve/store quick breads.

12D.3.2.9 Define terminology associated with fish. (F1.1)

12A.3.2.10 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare sauces. (B3.10)

12B.3.2.10 Determine doneness of breakfast and dairy products.

12D.3.2.10 Describe the procedures used to process fish. (F1.7)

12D.3.2.11 Identify the factors to consider when cooking fish. (F1.8)

12D.3.2.12 Describe methods used to cook fish and their associated procedures. (F1.9)

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 65

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 3: Demonstrate the appropriate receiving, handling, quality assurance, storage, pre-preparation, preparation, and presentation of different types of food and beverage. (continued)GLO 3.2: Demonstrate the appropriate pre-preparation (mise en place), preparation, and presentation of different

types of food and beverage. (continued)

12D.3.2.13 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare and present fish using a variety of cooking methods, and to handle and store fish. (F1.12)

12D.3.2.14 Describe the procedures used to process and cook seafood and their associated procedures. (F2.9, F2.10)

12D.3.2.15 Describe plating and finishing techniques for meats, poultry, fish, and seafood. (E1.10, E3.10, F1.10, F2.11)

12D.3.2.16 Demonstrate the procedures used to prepare and present seafood using a variety of cooking methods, and to handle and store seafood. (F2.13)

12D.3.2.17 Determine doneness of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s66

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition.GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus.

12A.4.1.1 Define terminology associated with stocks and soups. (B1.1)

12B.4.1.1 Define terminology associated with eggs and dairy products. (H1.1)

12D.4.1.1 Describe the different aging processes for meats.

12A.4.1.2 Identify types of soups and describe their characteristics and serving temperatures. (B1.3)

12B.4.1.2 Describe the composition of eggs. (H1.2)

12D.4.1.2 Define terminology associated with meats and poultry. (E1.1, E3.1)

12A.4.1.3 Describe types of convenience products and their applications. (B1.4)

12B.4.1.3 Describe the grades and sizes of eggs, and their characteristics and applications. (H1.3)

12D.4.1.3 Identify types of domestic meats and describe their characteristics and applications. (E1.4)

12A.4.1.4 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for stocks. (B1.5)

12B.4.1.4 Identify types of egg substitutes and describe their characteristics and applications. (H1.4)

12D.4.1.4 Describe classifications, grades, and market forms of meats, as well as their characteristics and applications. (E1.9)

12A.4.1.5 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for soups. (B1.6)

12B.4.1.5 Identify classifications and types of cheese and cheese products, and describe their characteristics and applications. (H1.5)

12D.4.1.5 Identify types of poultry and describe their characteristics and applications. (E3.4)

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 67

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

12A.4.1.6 Identify types of stocks and describe their characteristics, applications, and procedures for use. (B1.2)

12B.4.1.6 Identify classifications and types of milk and milk products, and describe their characteristics and applications. (H1.6)

12D.4.1.6 Identify classifications, grades, and market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of poultry, and describe their characteristics and applications. (E3.5)

12A.4.1.7 Define terminology associated with thickening and binding agents. (B2.1)

12B.4.1.7 Describe classifications, types, characteristics, and applications of creams and cream products. (H1.7)

12D.4.1.7 Describe classifications and types of fish, and their characteristics and applications. (F1.4)

12A.4.1.8 Identify types of thickening and binding agents, and describe their applications and procedures for use. (B2.2)

12B.4.1.8 Describe classifications and types of butters and butter products, and their characteristics and applications. (H1.8)

12D.4.1.8 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of fish, and describe their characteristics and applications. (F1.5)

12A.4.1.9 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for thickening and binding agents. (B2.3)

12B.4.1.9 Identify types of dairy substitutes, and describe their characteristics and applications. (H1.9)

12D.4.1.9 Define terminology associated with seafood. (F2.1)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s68

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

12A.4.1.10 Identify ingredients used to process thickening and binding agents. (B2.4)

12B.4.1.10 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of eggs, cheese, milk, creams, and butters, and describe their characteristics and applications. (H1.10)

12D.4.1.10 Identify classifications and types of seafood and describe their characteristics and applications. (F2.4)

12A.4.1.11 Define terminology associated with sauces. (B3.1)

12B.4.1.11 Identify the factors to consider when selecting eggs and dairy products. (H1.11)

12D.4.1.11 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of seafood, and describe their characteristics and applications. (F2.5)

12A.4.1.12 Identify the mother sauces and their derivatives, and describe their characteristics and applications. (B3.2)

12B.4.1.12 Define terminology associated with breakfast cookery. (H2.1)

12D.4.1.12 Identify regional species, and describe their characteristics and applications. (F2.6)

12A.4.1.13 Identify types of non-traditional sauces, and describe their characteristics and applications. (B3.3)

12B.4.1.13 Identify types of egg-related dishes used in breakfast cookery and describe their characteristics. (H2.2)

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 69

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

12A.4.1.14 Identify types of hot and cold butter sauces, and describe their characteristics and applications. (B3.4)

12B.4.1.14 Identify types of proteins used in breakfast cookery, and describe their characteristics. (H2.3)

12A.4.1.15 Identify types of pan gravies, jus lie, and fond, and describe their characteristics and applications. (B3.5)

12B.4.1.15 Identify types of breads, quick breads, and batters used in breakfast cookery, and describe their characteristics. (H2.4)

12A.4.1.16 Identify the factors to consider when selecting ingredients for sauces. (B3.6)

12B.4.1.16 Identify types of hot and cold cereals used in breakfast cookery, and describe their characteristics. (H2.6)

12B.4.1.17 Identify types of fruit and vegetables used in breakfast cookery, and describe their applications. (H2.7)

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G r a d e s 9 t o 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s70

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of foods and ingredients, and how these characteristics

are used to prepare food, and design recipes and menus. (continued)

12B.4.1.18 Identify types of hot and cold beverages, and describe their applications. (H2.8)

12B.4.1.19 Identify market forms (pre-prepared and packaged) of breakfast products, and describe their applications. (H2.9)

12B.4.1.20 Identify purchasing criteria for the ingredients for breakfast and dairy items.

12B.4.1.21 List and identify the major international breakfast items.

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of recipes, menus, and food costing.

12A.4.2.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.4.2.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for preparing breakfast dishes.

12C.4.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relative costs of purchasing the ingredients used in the preparation of food and beverages, as well as the related supplies.

12D.4.2.1 Demonstrate how to follow a recipe for preparing meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12C.4.2.2 Plan a menu (within a budget) for a three-course meal.

12D.4.2.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the relative costs of the ingredients used in the preparation of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12C.4.2.3 Calculate the cost of recipes and the selling price of menu items.

12C.4.2.4 List factors that affect food prices.

12C.4.2.5 Demonstrate an understanding of classical and modern menu designs.

12C.4.2.6 Identify the styles of menus and describe their characteristics and applications. (A9.10)

12C.4.2.7 Describe the process of recipe costing.

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 4: Demonstrate an understanding of food, ingredients, recipes, menus, food costing, and nutrition. (continued)GLO 4.3: Demonstrate an understanding of nutrition.

12A.4.3.1 Describe the nutrient components of stocks, soups, and bases.

12B.4.3.1 Describe the nutrient components of breakfast and dairy dishes.

12C.4.3.1 Discuss nutrition considerations in menu planning.

12D.4.3.1 Describe the nutrient components of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12C.4.3.2 Describe the basic principles of nutrition.

12C.4.3.3 Discuss carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and their importance in supplying the body with energy.

12C.4.3.4 Identify the importance of the Canadian Food Rainbow, and its role in planning nutritional menus.

12C.4.3.5 Explain the importance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.).GLO 5.1: Read, interpret, and communicate information.

12A.5.1.1 Read and follow manufacturers’ directions and recipes related to the preparation of soups, stocks, and sauces.

12B.5.1.1 Read and follow manufacturers’ directions and recipes related to the preparation of breakfast and dairy dishes.

12C.5.1.1 Read and follow industry documents related to menu planning and food costing.

12D.5.1.1 Read and follow manufacturers’ directions and recipes related to the preparation of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12C.5.1.2 Identify types of trade-related documents, and describe their applications. (A5.3)

12C.5.1.3 Identify types of documentation, and describe the procedures used to prepare them. (A5.4)

12C.5.1.4 Prepare and complete trade-related forms and documents. (A5.5)

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 5: Apply the transferable, cross-curricular knowledge and skills, as they relate to the culinary arts (chemistry, English language arts, food science, French, nutrition, mathematics, etc.). (continued)GLO 5.2: Apply mathematics knowledge and skills relevant to the culinary arts.

12A.5.2.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of recipes for stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.5.2.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of breakfast and dairy recipes.

12C.5.2.1 Demonstrate the process of recipe costing and the selling price of menu items.

12D.5.2.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of meat, poultry, fish, and seafood recipes.

12A.5.2.2 Demonstrate the proficient use of fractions, ratios, decimals, and percentages.

12B.5.2.2 12C.5.2.2 12D.5.2.2

12A.5.2.3 Demonstrate the proficient conversion between the metric and standard (or imperial) systems of measurement.

12B.5.2.3 12C.5.2.3 12D.5.2.3

12A.5.2.4 Identify ingredients and calculate ratios used in stocks. (B1.7)

12B.5.2.4 Identify ingredients and calculate ratios used in breakfast and dairy recipes. (B1.7)

12C.5.2.4 Perform basic math functions.

12A.5.2.5 Calculate ratios used to process thickening and binding agents. (B2.4)

12C.5.2.5 Describe the process of recipe yield adjustment.

12C.5.2.6 Demonstrate knowledge of systems of measurement and their conversions, and of cost controls. (A8.5)

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 6: Demonstrate awareness of sustainability as it pertains to the culinary arts.GLO 6.1: Describe the culinary arts industry’s sustainability practices and impact on the environment.

12A.6.1.1 Convert total yield/ratio and portion sizes of recipes for stocks, soups, and sauces.

12C.6.1.1 Demonstrate the process of recipe costing and the selling price of menu items.

12A.6.1.2 Demonstrate the reduction of the usage of energy, waste, and water.

12C.6.1.2 Discuss sustainable portion sizes.

12A.6.1.3 Rotate stock in a way to minimize waste (e.g., FIFO—the first one in is the first one out).

12A.6.1.4 Discuss the use of sustainable food containers.

12A.6.1.5 Identify and locate facilities for recycling and waste disposal.

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 7: Demonstrate awareness of the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts.GLO 7.1: Identify and follow the ethical and legal standards that pertain to the culinary arts.

12C.7.1.1 Discuss the importance of accuracy and integrity in menus and food preparation.

12C.7.1.2 Discuss the deceitful substitution of different or inferior products (lower grade, smaller, or less expensive) for a superior one.

12C.7.1.3 Discuss the legal and ethical implications of unsanitary and unhealthy practices in the culinary industry.

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 8: Demonstrate the employability skills required in the culinary arts.GLO 8.1: Demonstrate fundamental employability skills.

12A.8.1.1 Demonstrate employability skills (e.g., being prepared for work on time, setting up workstations, staying on task, accepting responsibility for one’s actions, etc.).

12B.8.1.1 12C.8.1.1 12D.8.1.1

12A.8.1.2 Demonstrate professional dress code.

12B.8.1.2 12C.8.1.2 12D.8.1.2

12A.8.1.3 Demonstrate the skills required to work as a member of a team.

12B.8.1.3 12C.8.1.3 12D.8.1.3

12A.8.1.4 Demonstrate initiative in performing tasks.

12B.8.1.4 12C.8.1.4 12D.8.1.4

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8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 9: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts.GLO 9.1: Demonstrate an understanding of working conditions and career opportunities in the culinary arts.

12A.9.1.1 Identify the apprenticeship, post-secondary, and employment opportunities in the culinary arts industry.

12B.9.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the career opportunities in breakfast and dairy.

12C.9.1.1 Create a resume related to one’s expertise in the culinary arts.

12D.9.1.1 Identify career and post-secondary opportunities in the area of meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.9.1.2 Identify professional development opportunities in the culinary arts industry.

12A.9.1.3 Examine the roles and responsibilities of chefs.

12A.9.1.4 Discuss working conditions and employment standards in the culinary arts.

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G r a d e 1 2 C u l i n a r y A r t s 79

8795Stocks, Soups, and

Sauces (12A) 40S / 40E / 40M

8796Breakfast and Dairy

(12B) 40S / 40E / 40M

8797Menu Planning and Food

Costing (12C) 40S / 40E / 40M

8798Meats, Poultry, Fish, and

Seafood (12D) 40S / 40E / 40M

Goal 10: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technological progression of, and the emerging trends in the culinary arts.GLO 10.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in

the culinary arts.

12A.10.1.1 Discuss the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in stocks, soups, and sauces.

12B.10.1.1 Discuss the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in breakfast and dairy.

12C.10.1.1 Discuss the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in menu planning.

12D.10.1.1 Discuss the evolution and technical progression of, and the emerging trends in meats, poultry, fish, and seafood.

12A.10.1.2 Identify the technological progression of and the emerging trends in the culinary arts.

12A.10.1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of local food, slow food, genetically modified food, organic food, and other agricultural practices.

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Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). < about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-safety-system/ haccp/eng/1346306502207/1346306685922> (8 Apr. 2014).

Draz, John, and Christopher Koetke. The Culinary Professional (Student Text). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2011.

. The Culinary Professional: Instructor’s Resource CD. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Gisslen, Wayne. Professional Cooking for Canadian Chefs. Seventh Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011.

Health Canada. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System—Official National Site. < ewh-semt/occup-travail/whmis-simdut/ index-eng.php> (15 Mar. 2014).

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. “National Occupational Analysis (NOA)—Cook”. Gatineau, Quebec. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Trades and Apprenticeship Division. 2011. <[email protected]?tid=54>.

Labensky, S. R. and A. M. Hause. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals. 4th ed. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education, 2013.

Labensky, Sarah R., Priscilla A. Martel, Alan M. Hause. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals. 5th Canadian Edition. (Plus My Culinary Lab with Pearson eText—Access Card Package). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Company, 2011.

Manitoba Education. “Technical Vocational Education Overview” unedited draft. Winnipeg, MB. Manitoba Education. Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch. 2012. <>.

Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. “Senior Years Technology Education Program.” Technology Education. <> (25 Mar. 2014).

. Subject Table Handbook: Technology Education: Student Records System and Professional School Personnel System. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning, 2013. <>.

Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade. “Cook Level 1”. Winnipeg, MB. Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade. Apprenticeship Manitoba. 2011. <>.

Manitoba Labour and Immigration. Workplace Safety and Health. <> (8 Apr. 2014).

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Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba. The Workers Compensation Act and Regulations. < the-workers-compensation-act-and-regulations> (8 Apr. 2014).

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