graded-index fiber lens proposed for ultrasmall probes used in biomedical imaging

Graded-index fiber lens proposed for ultrasmall probes used in biomedical imaging Youxin Mao,* Shoude Chang, Sherif Sherif, and Costel Flueraru Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council Canada, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, K1A 0R6, ON, Canada *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received 17 January 2007; revised 5 April 2007; accepted 20 June 2007; posted 20 June 2007 (Doc. ID 79136); published 9 August 2007 The quality and parameters of probing optical beams are extremely important in biomedical imaging systems both for image quality and light coupling efficiency considerations. For example, the shape, size, focal position, and focal range of such beams could have a great impact on the lateral resolution, penetration depth, and signal-to-noise ratio of the image in optical coherence tomography. We present a beam profile characterization of different variations of graded-index (GRIN) fiber lenses, which were recently proposed for biomedical imaging probes. Those GRIN lens modules are made of a single mode fiber and a GRIN fiber lens with or without a fiber spacer between them. We discuss theoretical analysis methods, fabrication techniques, and measured performance compared with theory. © 2007 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 170.4500, 170.3880, 170.3890, 170.3660, 060.2350. 1. Introduction Optical biomedical imaging techniques, such as op- tical coherence tomography (OCT) [1] and Doppler OCT [2,3], are becoming increasingly important tools for both diagnosis and guided surgery because of their high image resolutions. OCT can provide images on the cellular level whereas Doppler OCT can detect blood flow with velocity sensitivities ap- proaching a few micrometers per second [4,5]. How- ever, in most optically nontransparent tissues, OCT has a typical imaging depth limitation of 1–3 mm. Similarly, Doppler OCT systems suffer from limita- tions where blood flow can rarely be detected beyond 1–2 mm from the tissue surface without a priori ve- locity profile information and digital extrapolation algorithms. As a result, the earliest in vivo OCT im- aging of tissue microstructure and microvasculature was restricted to a few transparent or superficial or- gan sites, such as the retina [6,7] and skin [8,9]. To overcome this depth limitation, optical probes, such as endoscopes, catheters, and needles have been in- vestigated for in vivo OCT imaging in mucosal layers of the gastrointestinal tract [10,11], deep organs and tissues [12,13], and interarterial and intravascular [14,15]. However, for the imaging of small lumen, narrow space, and deep tissue and organs of humans and small animals, a key concern is the possible dam- age from the mechanical insertion of the optical probe. Therefore it is critical to develop an ultrasmall optical probe that is compatible with the current op- tical biomedical imaging systems, which results in minimum tissue damage. In vivo optical imaging of internal tissues is gen- erally performed using a fiber-optic probe, since an optical fiber can be easily and cheaply produced with a diameter of less than 150 m. The key com- ponents of such optical fiber probe include a small lens and a beam director, where both provide a focused optical beam directing it to a location of interest through a guide wire. Traditionally, this type of small optical probe has been implemented by attaching a small glass graded-index (GRIN) or SELFOC lens 250–500 m and a glass microprism to a single mode fiber (SMF) with optical adhesive or optical epoxy [12]. However, the gluing of a separate small lens and a tiny prism to a fiber is a complex fabrication process that results in a low quality opti- cal interface. 0003-6935/07/235887-08$15.00/0 © 2007 Optical Society of America 10 August 2007 Vol. 46, No. 23 APPLIED OPTICS 5887

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Page 1: Graded-index fiber lens proposed for ultrasmall probes used in biomedical imaging

Graded-index fiber lens proposed for ultrasmall probesused in biomedical imaging

Youxin Mao,* Shoude Chang, Sherif Sherif, and Costel FlueraruInstitute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council Canada, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, K1A 0R6,

ON, Canada

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received 17 January 2007; revised 5 April 2007; accepted 20 June 2007;posted 20 June 2007 (Doc. ID 79136); published 9 August 2007

The quality and parameters of probing optical beams are extremely important in biomedical imagingsystems both for image quality and light coupling efficiency considerations. For example, the shape, size,focal position, and focal range of such beams could have a great impact on the lateral resolution,penetration depth, and signal-to-noise ratio of the image in optical coherence tomography. We present abeam profile characterization of different variations of graded-index (GRIN) fiber lenses, which wererecently proposed for biomedical imaging probes. Those GRIN lens modules are made of a single modefiber and a GRIN fiber lens with or without a fiber spacer between them. We discuss theoretical analysismethods, fabrication techniques, and measured performance compared with theory. © 2007 OpticalSociety of America

OCIS codes: 170.4500, 170.3880, 170.3890, 170.3660, 060.2350.

1. Introduction

Optical biomedical imaging techniques, such as op-tical coherence tomography (OCT) [1] and DopplerOCT [2,3], are becoming increasingly importanttools for both diagnosis and guided surgery becauseof their high image resolutions. OCT can provideimages on the cellular level whereas Doppler OCTcan detect blood flow with velocity sensitivities ap-proaching a few micrometers per second [4,5]. How-ever, in most optically nontransparent tissues, OCThas a typical imaging depth limitation of 1–3 mm.Similarly, Doppler OCT systems suffer from limita-tions where blood flow can rarely be detected beyond1–2 mm from the tissue surface without a priori ve-locity profile information and digital extrapolationalgorithms. As a result, the earliest in vivo OCT im-aging of tissue microstructure and microvasculaturewas restricted to a few transparent or superficial or-gan sites, such as the retina [6,7] and skin [8,9]. Toovercome this depth limitation, optical probes, suchas endoscopes, catheters, and needles have been in-vestigated for in vivo OCT imaging in mucosal layers

of the gastrointestinal tract [10,11], deep organs andtissues [12,13], and interarterial and intravascular[14,15]. However, for the imaging of small lumen,narrow space, and deep tissue and organs of humansand small animals, a key concern is the possible dam-age from the mechanical insertion of the opticalprobe. Therefore it is critical to develop an ultrasmalloptical probe that is compatible with the current op-tical biomedical imaging systems, which results inminimum tissue damage.

In vivo optical imaging of internal tissues is gen-erally performed using a fiber-optic probe, since anoptical fiber can be easily and cheaply producedwith a diameter of less than 150 �m. The key com-ponents of such optical fiber probe include a smalllens and a beam director, where both provide afocused optical beam directing it to a location ofinterest through a guide wire. Traditionally, thistype of small optical probe has been implementedby attaching a small glass graded-index (GRIN) orSELFOC lens �250–500 �m� and a glass microprismto a single mode fiber (SMF) with optical adhesive oroptical epoxy [12]. However, the gluing of a separatesmall lens and a tiny prism to a fiber is a complexfabrication process that results in a low quality opti-cal interface.

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A new probe design that uses optical fiber lenses,e.g., fiber GRIN lens or fiber ball lens, has recentlybeen proposed [16]. The main advantages of fiberlenses over conventional glass lenses are their smallsize, ability to autoalign to a fiber, thus creating afusion-spliced interface with low loss, low backreflec-tion, and high mechanical integrity. The GRIN fiberlens is preferred over a ball lens because of its com-mon or near common fiber�lens diameter. It also al-lows an index-matching fluid to fill the space betweenthe lens and the probe housing because GRIN mate-rials perform the light bending within the GRIN me-dium itself, thus minimizing any false images fromreflections between the lens surface and the opticalwindow. Furthermore, a beam director can be fusionspliced directly to the GRIN lens fiber. The beamdirector of a GRIN lens can be polished to an anglewith less requirement of the depth polish tolerance,compared to a ball lens [13], to obtain a symmetricbeam profile.

The quality of the beam of a fiber-optic probe iscrucial for the imaging system. Ideal characteristicsof a fiber-optic probe include a high Gaussian beamintensity profile, an appropriate intensity–distanceshape, high flexibility, and low optical aberration andloss. To date, no paper has compared in detail theactual optical performance of a GRIN fiber based op-tic probe with theoretical results. Swanson et al. pro-posed the GRIN fiber based optic probes design, butpresented the variations of probe structure instead ofthe characteristics of their performance [16]. Reedet al. demonstrated the usage of such probes withemphasis on their insertion loss only [17]. Both Jafriet al. [18] and Li et al. [19] reported OCT imageswithout detailed characterization of the used GRINlens based probes.

In this paper, we discuss theoretical analysis meth-ods and fabrication techniques of GRIN fiber basedoptic probes. We compare in detail measured perfor-mance with expected theoretical performance.

2. Theory

For most optical imaging systems, light is guidedthrough a SMF and focused on a sample using a lens.Backreflected light carrying information about thesample is coupled back into the fiber, and then signaldetection and data processing systems will collect theuseful information for imaging. The optical probe isone of the crucial parts of such an optical imagingsystem. The beam shape, i.e., working distance (focaldistance from lens surface), depth of field (two timesthe Raleigh range), and spot size (waist diameter) ofthe optical probe in the sample will directly deter-mine properties of the image such as image location,depth, and resolution. Thus, image quality and lightcoupling efficiency from the sample will be directlyinfluenced by the beam quality of the probe. For thebest optical performance of a probing lens, its beamprofile must be designed to be consistent with thelight penetration depth in the sample. In most bio-medical imaging systems, light from the probe will bedirected into a turbid tissue. Based on interaction

properties of light with turbid tissue [20], the range ofpenetration depth is from 0.5–3 mm at near-infraredwavelengths. For example, the penetration depthsare 0.7 mm and 3.0 mm in human skin and liver,respectively, at 1300 nm, a conventional wavelengthused in OCT systems. Thus, for designing an opticalprobe, working distance should be in the range of0.4–1.2 mm in the air that depends on the tissues tobe tested. There is a tradeoff between the depth offield and beam spot size because the depth of field ofa lens is positively related to the square of the spotsize according to the theory of a Gaussian beam. Alarge depth of field unavoidably results in a large spotsize. Thus, the optimal depth of field is in the range of0.8–1.5 mm in the air; this keeps the spot size in therange of 26–35 �m at the 1300 nm wavelength. Foran ultrasmall optical lens (diameter �150 �m), it isnot possible to achieve a large working distance bydirectly attaching a GRIN fiber lens to a SMF be-cause of the strong focus ability of the lens and thesmall mode field diameter (MFD) of the SMF. A fiberspacer with a homogeneous index of refraction has tobe added between the SMF and the lens for beamexpansion prior to focusing to obtain a longer workingdistance. Therefore, theoretical analysis becomesnecessary to obtain a lens design with optimized op-tical beam performance for imaging different tissues.

Precisely calculating the theoretical beam profile ofa GRIN lens is not an easy task because of its indexprofile aberrations. The lack of accurate and completelens data of GRIN fibers, compared to conventionalglass GRIN lenses, makes the modeling of a GRINfiber lens more difficult. In such a case, the accuracyof a theoretical analysis method should be judgedmore by experimental results rather than by theoryalone. In this study, we first used a complex beamparameter Gaussian matrix transformation method[21], and then, we used the commercially available nu-merical optical modeling software, ZEMAX (ZEMAXDevelopment Corporation, Washington, USA), withthe same lens index profile for comparison.

From the method of ray matrix transformation ofthe complex beam parameter, if R�z� is the radius ofcurvature of a Gaussian beam and � is the beamwaist, the complex beam parameter q�z� is givenby [21]



R�z�� i

n��2, (1)

where � is the free-space wavelength and n is therefractive index of the medium. The transformationof q�z� from an input plane q1 to an output plane q2 isrepresented by

q2 �M0,0q1 � M0,1

M1,0q1 � M1,1, (2)

where q1 is a known factor and can be expressed fromEq. (1) by inputting beam waist conditions, R →

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and � � �0 (i.e., half MFD of SMF),

q1 � i�

n��02. (3)

M � |Mi,j|�i, j � 0, 1� is the ray matrix between theinput plane and the output plane (i.e., matrix of thelens system). The matrix of a GRIN fiber lens can begiven by its refractive index profile, which is verysimilar to that of a conventional GRIN (or SELFOC)lens, i.e., a radial index gradient. The index of refrac-tion is highest in the center of the lens and decreaseswith radial distance from the axis. The following qua-dratic equation closely describes the refractive indexof a GRIN fiber lens [21]:

n�r� � n0�1 �g2

2 r2�, (4)

where r is the radial position from the axis, n0 isrefractive index on the lens axis, and g is the gradientconstant given by the manufacturer. The pitch, p �2��g, is the spatial frequency of the ray trajectory.The ray matrix M of a GRIN fiber lens system shownin Fig. 1(a) can be expressed as

M � � cos�gL�nSMF







0 1�, (5)

where L and L0 indicate, respectively, the lengths ofthe GRIN fiber and the fiber spacer that is betweenthe SMF and the GRIN fiber lens shown in Fig. 1(a).

The working distance, Dist, and Rayleigh range,Z0, can be obtained by respectively equating the real

and image parts of the complex output beam param-eter q2 from Eq. (2), and the true beam waist W can beexpressed from the Rayleigh range, Z0, as shownbelow:

Dist � Re�q2�, Z0 � Im�q2�, W � ��Z0

n�. (6)

The beam parameters, Dist, Z0, and W, can be di-rectly calculated by the matrix equations (6), whichare relatively simple calculation methods in compar-ison to those described in Ref. [22].

3. Methods

Our GRIN fiber lens modules were made from a stan-dard Corning SMF-28 single mode fiber as the prin-cipal light guide with a no-core-fiber (NCF) as thefiber spacer and a GRIN fiber as the focusing lens.The NCF was fusion spliced via arc welds to theCorning SMF-28 and then accurately cleaved to atheoretically determined length. The GRIN fiber wasthen fusion spliced to the cleaved NCF and preciselycleaved at a precalculated length to generate a de-sired beam–distance profile (i.e., working distance,depth of field, and spot size). To ensure minimumbackreflection, the indices of the NCF and the centerof GRIN fiber were matched to the core index of theSMF. For a short working distance probe, the sectionof the NCF was omitted, resulting in a simple fabri-cation process.

In this paper, two types of optical GRIN fiber wereinvestigated as an ultrasmall lens for the ultrasmalloptical probe. One had a 50 �m core size and 125 �mouter diameter with a core refractive index n0 �1.486 and a gradient constant g � 5.50 at 1300 nm(Optical Fiber Solution, New Jersey, USA). The otherfiber had a 100 �m core size and 140 �m outer diam-eter with a core refractive index n0 � 1.487 and agradient constant g � 3.76 at 1300 nm (Prime Opti-cal Fiber Corporation, Taiwan). They are both con-ventional low cost off-the-shelf optical multimodeGRIN fibers. The NCF (Prime Optical Fiber Corpo-ration, Taiwan) is made of pure silica without a corebut with the same cladding diameter of an SMF.Fusion splicing was processed using an EricssonFSU 995 fusion splicer and an EFC11 fiber cleaver(3SAE Technologies, Tennessee, USA). The splicedinterfaces produced minimum backreflections sincethe mechanical strength at the interface was simi-lar to that of the untreated fiber. This design di-minished false images from the reflections of thelens surface and the optical window by allowing theindex-matched fluid to fill the space in between,which is not possible by using a ball lens. The de-sired focused beam profile was obtained by tailoringthe length of the NCF and GRIN fibers based on thetheoretical results. In order to facilitate a compar-ison, samples with 0, 0.36 mm, and 0.48 mm lengthsof NCF were fabricated for the GRIN fibers. Informa-tion concerning the samples used in this study arelisted in Table 1, including the sample number,

Fig. 1. (a) Typical schematics of the single mode graded index(GRIN) fiber lens system. (b) Scanning electron micrograph of aGRIN fiber lens tip attached with an angle-polished fiber prism.

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length of the NCF, and type, length, and pitch of theGRIN fiber.

A beam profile measurement system (BeamViewAnalyzer, Oregon, USA) with an infrared camera(Electrophysics, New Jersey, USA) and a superlumi-nous diode source (Covega, Maryland, USA) with60 nm 3 dB bandwidth at 1310 nm center wave-length was used to characterize the beam parametersof the lens system. A 40 JIS (Japanese industrialstandard) microscopic objective lens and a relatedobjective tube were attached to the input window ofthe camera to increase the image resolution. The hor-izontal and vertical resolutions of the system were1.0 �m and 1.1 �m, respectively. The distribution oflight intensity at various distances along the direc-tion of propagation after the lens was accurately mea-sured by the beam profile system. Working distance,depth of focus, 1�e2 spot size, and Gaussian fittingwere analyzed from the measured intensity distribu-tion. The results demonstrated in this paper are all inthe air medium.

In addition, after characterization of the lens, an-other NCF could be fusion spliced to the lens tip as abeam director by polishing the end of the NCF to a 45degree angle and coating the polished surface with atotal reflection film. This then allowed the beam to bereflected at a 90 degree angle creating a side-viewprobe. Figure 1(b) shows a typical scan electron mi-croscope (SEM) picture of the GRIN fiber lens tipwith a fiber beam director. The fiber lens tip togetherwith a tubing system and a connected linearly scan-ning or 360 degree rotated motor could be built as anendoscope or a needle probe used in the biomedical

optical imaging system for in situ and in vivo mini-mally invasive diagnostic and�or guided surgery andtreatment applications [19].

4. Results and Discussion

For each sample in this study, optical intensity dis-tribution data on the radial (i.e., x and y) planes werecollected along the beam propagation (i.e., optical ax-ial z) direction from the plane of the first half peakintensity (beginning plane), through the maximumintensity plane, i.e., focus plane (center plane), to thesecond half peak intensity plane (end plane). Beamproperties including working distance, spot size, anddepth of field were analyzed by measured intensitydistribution data with distance from the lens surfaceto the focal plane, 1�e2 beam diameter at the focalplane, and the distance between the begin plane andthe end plane, respectively. The measured results ofthe beam properties are listed in Table 1 along withdetailed descriptions of the samples. The theoreticaland experimental results of working distance, depthof focus, and spot size of various cases are shown inFigs. 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c) respectively, where darklines represent the results using ray matrix transfor-mation method, light lines represent results fromZEMAX simulations, and filled and empty points rep-resent experimental results of samples with andwithout NCF.

For the samples without NCF, GRIN fiber lenseswith a pitch range of 0.27 to 0.36 were directly at-tached to the SMF. From Fig. 2, both theoretical andexperimental results demonstrate a low saturatedvalue of working distance. For example, measured

Table 1. Various Sample Structures with Measured Beam Properties


Length ofCoreless


GRIN Fiber Lens Measured Beam Properties

TypeLength(mm) Pitch



Depth ofField(mm)


1 0 50�125 0.41 0.36 0.11 0.17 132 0 50�125 0.33 0.29 0.16 0.45 193 0 50�125 0.31 0.27 0.08 0.63 224 0 100�140 0.60 0.36 0.18 0.16 135 0 100�140 0.55 0.33 0.20 0.30 166 0 100�140 0.52 0.31 0.28 0.50 227 0 100�140 0.50 0.30 0.38 0.60 238 0 100�140 0.48 0.29 0.41 0.85 259 0 100�140 0.46 0.28 0.40 1.30 30

10 0 100�140 0.45 0.27 0.38 1.45 3211 0.36 50�125 0.12 0.11 0.50 0.60 2312 0.36 50�125 0.11 0.10 0.60 0.9 2813 0.36 50�125 0.10 0.09 0.65 1.1 3114 0.36 50�125 0.09 0.08 0.63 1.2 3415 0.36 100�140 0.21 0.13 0.65 0.7 2516 0.36 100�140 0.20 0.12 0.9 1.1 3017 0.36 100�140 0.18 0.11 0.8 1.6 3818 0.48 100�140 0.17 0.102 1.00 0.95 2819 0.48 100�140 0.16 0.096 1.10 1.5 3520 0.48 100�140 0.145 0.087 1.20 1.8 4121 0.48 100�140 0.14 0.084 1.05 2.0 45

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saturated working distance was 0.16 and 0.41 mm at0.29 pitch lens for 50�125 and 100�140 GRIN lenses,respectively. As discussed in the previous section, asmall working distance of less than 0.4 mm is notsuitable for most applications in biomedical imaging.Therefore, the probe built by directly attaching theGRIN lens to the SMF is less optimized for bioimag-ing applications, especially for the 50�125 lens, whichhad a working distance of less than 0.2 mm, althoughfor the 100�140 lens, the depth of field reached1.5 mm and spot size smaller than 35 �m. A possibleexplanation for the small working distance can beattributed to the relatively large gradient constant gof the GRIN fiber lens in comparison to the glassGRIN lens. A smaller g produces a weaker focus abil-ity, resulting in a longer working focus distance.Hence, the 100�140 GRIN fiber lens with g � 3.76 isbetter than the 50�125 lens with g � 5.5, which is ingood agreement with our results shown in Fig. 2(a).Unfortunately, for conventional GRIN fibers, g couldnot be further reduced.

From the theoretical result shown in Fig. 2(a), work-ing distance could be increased by reducing the phys-ical length of the GRIN fiber lens and, at the sametime, by adding a piece of NCF between the SMF andthe GRIN fiber lens to increase the mode field diameterof the input beam, thus, decreasing the focus ability ofthe GRIN fiber lens. The NCF was chosen to have thesame material as the SMF in order to maintain thequality of the interface created by the fusion splicer.The lengths of the NCF used in this study were0.36 mm for the 50�100 lens and 0.36 mm and0.48 mm for 100�140 lenses. From our experimentalresults shown in Fig. 2, by adding a 0.36 mm longNCF fiber for both GRIN fiber lenses and reducingthe GRIN fibers to around 0.1 mm (0.09 pitch) for the50�125 GRIN lens and 0.2 mm (0.12 pitch) for the100�140 GRIN lens, the working distances were no-ticeably increased. For the 50�125 GRIN fiber lens,the working distance was increased from 0.16 mm to0.65 mm. By adding the same length of NCF to 100�140 GRIN fiber, the working distance was increasedfrom 0.41 mm to 0.90 mm. Clearly, it was easier toachieve a longer working distance with the 100�140GRIN fiber than the 50�125 GRIN fiber. By increas-ing the length of NCF to 0.48 mm and adjustinglength of 100�140 GRIN fiber to 0.17 mm and0.16 mm, the working distance reached to 1.0 mmand 1.1 mm, while the depth of field �0.95–1.5 mm�and spot sizes �28–35 �m� were still kept within agood range. The working distance could still be in-creased by further increasing the length of the NCFand decreasing relatively the length of the GRINfiber lens. However, the working distance cannot beincreased very much because as the working dis-tance increases, the depth of field and spot sizewould be correspondingly increased, which wouldmake the spot size large, thus decreasing the imageresolution. By comparing the two theoretical meth-ods, the results from the ZEMAX numerical opticaldesign software were in better agreement with theexperimental results than the analytic complex

Fig. 2. Theoretical and experimental results of (a) working distance,(b) depth of field, and (c) spot size versus length of GRIN fiber, wheredark and light lines represent the calculated results from the ray matrixtransformation method and modeled results from ZEMAX at 1300 nm,solid and dash curves represent the samples of 100�140 and 50�125GRIN fibers without NCF, dot and dash-dot curves represent thesamples of 100�140 GRIN fiber with 0.36 and 0.48 mm NCF, and adash-dot-dot curve represents the samples of 50�125 GRIN fiberwith 0.36 mm NCF, respectively. The experimental results were rep-resented as: hollow up-triangle and square points represent the sam-ples of 100�140 and 50�125 GRIN fibers without NCF, filled up-triangleand down-triangle points represent the samples of 100�140 GRIN fiberwith 0.36 and 0.48 mm NCF, and filled square points represents thesamples of 50�125 GRIN fiber with 0.36 mm NCF, respectively.

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beam parameter Gaussian matrix transformationmethod, although the latter method was in a betteragreement in the case of a 100�140 GRIN fiber lensdirectly attached to SMF. Considering chromaticaberrations, we note the agreement between theexperimental results with the broadband sourceand the ZEMAX simulations using a single wave-length. This demonstrates that the chromatic aber-ration of the lens is small. This is because the rangeof the zero-dispersion wavelengths, �0, of the usedGRIN fibers is 1297–1316 nm. Furthermore, thezero-dispersion slope, S0, for the used GRIN fibersis small in this band: equal to or smaller than0.101 ps�nm2-km. Using the standard formula for dis-persion in fiber, D��� � S0�� � �0

4��3��4 �ps�nm-km�,we calculated the changes in refractive index in the1260–1370 nm wavelength range. By using thesevalues in ZEMAX, we found out that for this range ofwavelengths the relative changes of the working dis-tance, depth of field, and spot size were all smallerthan 3%.

Based on our results, the beam–distance profile forthe application of optical biomedical imaging systems(i.e., 0.4–1.1 mm of focus distance, 0.8–1.5 mm ofdepth of field, and 26–35 �m of spot size) can beobtained by combining a NCF and a GRIN fiber lenswith lengths determined by the theoretical modeling.The technique described here possesses a high degreeof flexibility for designing ultrasmall optical probeswith different beam shapes for the different tissueimaging. The values of the numerical aperture (NA)of our lenses vary from 0.014 to 0.064, so they areconsiderably lower than the NA of any typical ob-jective used in microscopy. Our NA values are lowbecause of our choice to have a relatively long depthof field, thereby reducing variation in the spot size(i.e., lateral resolution) at different depths insidethe sample.

A higher lateral resolution could be obtained byusing larger probes with objectives of higher NA, buta dynamic focusing arrangement is required [23,24].For example, in Ref. [23], a probe with 0.1 NA and adiameter of 5 mm is described. Due to the higher NA,the depth of field is only 0.08 mm and a micromotoris needed for dynamic focusing. The reported trans-verse resolution using this probe is approximately8 �m, but the dynamic focusing speed is limited to100 Hz. In Ref. [24], a 1.4 1.0 mm microelectrome-chanical membrane system (MEMS) is used for high-speed dynamic focusing. Because the MEMS had tobe positioned at 45° angle between a collimator andan objective (f � 3.9 mm, NA � 0.13), the probe di-ameter is larger than 6 mm. The reported transverseresolution is approximately 6.7 �m. The sizes ofthese two higher NA probes are too large for in vivoimaging of small organs deep in the human body. Ourprobes have lower resolution than the previously re-ported higher NA ones, but have much smaller diam-eter ��150 �m�, which make them ideal for in vivoimaging deep in the body.

Figure 3 shows measured and Gaussian-fitted 1�e2

intensity beam diameters along the axial distance z(zero is the position of the lens surface) at x (horizon-tal) and y (vertical) radial coordination in the dis-tance range of depth of field for four typical samples,i.e., samples 1 and 11 were made from the 50�125GRIN fiber lens with and without NCF, and samples6 and 18 were made from 100�140 GRIN fiber lenswith and without NCF, respectively. In Fig. 3, foreach curve, the smallest beam diameter value indi-cates spot size, x-coordinate value at the pole pointindicates the working distance, and the distancerange of the curve indicates the depth of field. FromFig. 3, the x and y symmetry of the beam diameter isvery good for all samples. The measured beam diam-eters are well matched to Gaussian-fitted values inthe center (focused) regions, but have small devia-tions on either side of the center region for somesamples. Figure 3 also shows that working distanceand depth of field are both increased by inserting aNCF; moreover, the spot sizes are also increased inaccordance with the theory of Gaussian optics.

To further examine the beam properties of thelens system, Table 2 shows measured beam profileimages and measured normalized intensity distri-butions with Gaussian-fitted results at the x and ydirections on the three typical planes (i.e., beginplane, center plane, and end plane) of sample 18,the sample which had 0.17 mm length of 100�140GRIN fiber lens with 0.48 mm NCF with workingdistance of 1.0 mm, depth of field of 0.95 mm, andspot size of 28 �m. From the profile images and dis-tributions shown in Table 2, the measured beam pro-files match very well with Gaussian distributions atthe beginning plane and center plane. On the endplanes, the measured and Gaussian-fitted intensitydistributions generally match very well despite slightdeviations on both tail ends of the distributions lead-ing to discrepancies between the measured andGaussian-fitted beam diameters as was shown in Fig.3. In addition, the circular shapes in the profile im-

Fig. 3. Measured and Gaussian-fitted 1�e2 intensity beam diam-eters along the axial distance (zero is the position of the lenssurface) at x (horizontal) and y (vertical) radial coordination in thedistance range of depth of field of the samples of 1, 6, 11, and 18.

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ages as shown in Table 2 indicate high x and y sym-metry of the beam profiles through all the range ofdepth of field.

5. Conclusion

We presented a beam profile characterization of dif-ferent variations of graded-index (GRIN) fiber lenses,which were recently proposed for ultrasmall biomed-ical imaging probes. Those GRIN lens modules weremade of single mode fibers and GRIN fiber lenseswith or without fiber spacers between them. We usedfusion splicing between the fibers, lenses, and spacersto ensure high quality light transmission. We verifiedexperimentally that the insertion of a NCF betweenthe SMF and the GRIN fibers is an efficient way toincrease the working distance of the probe, while pre-serving an appropriate depth of field and spot size.We also found that beam–distance profiles (i.e.,0.4–1.1 mm of focus distance, 0.8–1.5 mm of depth offield, and 26–35 �m of spot size) can be obtained byadjusting the lengths of the NCF and the GRIN fiberlens for the different tissue imaging. By implement-ing modules with two different GRIN fibers, we dem-onstrated that it is easier to achieve a longer workingdistance for a GRIN fiber with lower value of gradientconstant g than with a higher one. Using ZEMAX,

optical design software, we modeled our optic probes,which proved a more precise approach than the re-sults obtained by the analytic Gaussian matrix trans-formation method. We obtained very high qualityfocused Gaussian beam profiles with high x and ysymmetry using the conventional multimode GRINfibers. Their high quality beam and ultrasmall sizemake such GRIN lens based probes very valuable forbiomedical optical imaging systems.

Youxin Mao gratefully thanks Alex Vitkin, VictorYang, and Xijia Gu for their encouragement, ErrollMurdock and Jianzhao Li for their experimental as-sistance, and Man F. Yan, OFS Laboratories, MurrayHill, New Jersey, USA, for supplying the 50�125GRIN fiber.

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