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Annual Report Grace Episcopal Church Providence, Rhode Island 2009 Annual Report

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Annual Grace Church report presented to the church.


G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 1

Annual Report

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c hP r o v i d e n c e , R h o d e I s l a n d

20 09 Annual Repor t

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 2

A Prayer for the Search for the Rector of Grace Church

O God of patient and gentle strength

who knows our needs even before we ask,

may your loving presence guide us as we seek

the next Rector for the people of Grace Church.

Give us an open spirit, discerning hearts and clear minds

that we may trust your will for us and become

ever more united in your son our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Inspire our conversation, deepen our prayer, and

make us a community of humility and grace.

Raise up for us, we pray, a priest and pastor who will

boldly proclaim your Gospel,

faithfully administer your sacraments, and

serve your people with love and compassion.

All this we ask through Jesus our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

now and forever. Amen.

M i s s i o n o f G r a c e C h u r c h

The Mission of Grace Church is to build, by the grace of God, a loving and joyful community which lives the gospel through worship, proclamation, and service to each other, to downtownProvidence and beyond.

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 3

Grace Church 2009 Annual Report

Section Page

Prayer for the Process ..............................................................................2

Mission of Grace Church .........................................................................2

Content .....................................................................................................3

Agenda ......................................................................................................4

Minutes of the Meeting......................................................................... 5,6

Interim Rector’s Report ............................................................................7

Senior Warden’s Report ............................................................................8

Transition Committees .............................................................................9

Search Committees ...................................................................................9

Treasurer’s Report ............................................................................ 10, 11

Stewardship ............................................................................................ 12

Investment Report .................................................................................. 13

Parish Register ................................................................................. 14, 15

Music ...................................................................................................... 16

Communications Team ........................................................................... 17

Outreach ................................................................................................. 18

Health Ministry...................................................................................... 19

New Member Ministry & Leadership Development .............................. 20

Congregational Development Team .................................................. 21, 22

Silent Auction Committee ...................................................................... 23

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 4

181st Annual MeetingFebruary 28, 2009


Call to Order (Senior Warden)

Verification of a Quorum (Senior Warden)

Approval of minutes of 180th Annual Meeting, February 28, 2009

VOTE: To approve the minutes as recorded without being read at this time.

Interim Rector’s Report

Senior Warden’s Report (Senior Warden)

VOTE: That all acts of the Vestry since the last Annual Meeting, be approved, ratified, and confirmed.

VOTE: That the Vestry will be authorized to make contracts for two years or less.

Nominating committee Report

Nominated to serve a three year term: Lillian Bailey (second term), Laurie DiBattista, Liz Wheeler, Dave Seifert (second term)

Delegates to Diocesan Convention: Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Cathy Iacobucci, Mary Kesson, Alternate: Sarah O’Gara

VOTE: That the Secretary be directed to cast one ballot for the election of this slate for Vestry, Diocesan Convention Delegates.

Treasurer’s Report

VOTE: To receive, approve, and place the report on file and to record abstracts with the minutes of this meeting.

VOTE: That the Treasurer, on behalf of the corporation, be authorized to sign such notes as the Vestry may approve or may direct to be issued.

Questions, Comments, and Concerns

Closing Prayer


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Minutes of the Annual Meeting180th Annual Meeting Minutes

22nd February, 2009

Call to order by the Rector, Rev. Robert T. Brooks

The Senior Warden, Lucia Bomster, verified that a quorum was present.

Approval of minutes of the 179th Annual Meeting, February 24, 2008. VOTE: To approve the minutes as recorded without being read at this time.

Rector’s Report - Rev. Robert Brooks

Grace Church has continued to grow, in terms of new ministries, vitality of worship, and outreach to its community. In the year ahead, we face a financial/economic crisis, with cutbacks in local and federal government budgets and increase in the homeless/jobless populations. The Grace Church endowment has lost value, we face an increase in our budget deficit, and will need to look for ways to decrease expenses while continuing to grow. Fortunately, we possess a strong parish community. Rev. Brooks has recently decided that, effective June 30, he will retire and recommends that the parish downsize its clergy leadership to a single full-time position, decreasing costs by roughly $100,000. This was announced to the Vestry last week and will be discussed further at this week’s meeting. He believes the parish has sufficient lay leadership to carry forward and recognizes the Vestry as the strongest in his experience.

In 2008, membership grew by 40 members, representing 5.5% growth, which is unmatched by any other parish in the dio-cese. Pledge income also increased by 20% for the coming year, which is “miraculous” in the current economy. Both are indicators of the health of the parish. Challenges include lower than expected average Sunday attendance – a parish of 740 mem-bers should expect attendance of approximately 300 but ours is just short of 200. Grace has room to grow in terms of partici-pation and lay leadership. To that end, we have applied for a Diocesan grant for 2 part-time lay positions to address leadership development and Christian formation, with the goal to help further parish growth.

Senior Warden’s Report - Lucia Bomster

This year’s Senior Warden’s report represents input from multiple Vestry members. The common thread is our continued growth and dedicated leadership.

VOTE: • That all acts of the Vestry since the last Annual Meeting be approved – passed unanimously after further clarification of two items:

• Fr. Bardusch’s years of service to Church of the Messiah were taken into consideration when his request for a three-month sabbatical was approved. A plan for clergy coverage for his absence from June through August will be discussed by the Vestry. • Appointment of the Senior Warden to arbitrate any conflicts between clergy and employees who are also parishioners.

• That the Vestry be authorized to make contracts for 2 year or less – passed unanimously.

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 6

Nominating Committee Report

Melody Ennis, John Higginbotham, and Dwayne Keys are nominated to 3-year terms; Paul Greene is nominated to a second 3-year term. The Senior Warden (to be elected at the next meeting of the Vestry), Marty Ames, and Chip Smith are nominated as delegates to the Diocesan convention.

VOTE: That the Secretary be directed to cast one ballot for the election of this slate for the Vestry and Diocesan Convention Delegates – passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report - Mary Kesson

In 2008, Grace Church took a different approach to budgeting, making committees responsible for monitoring spending and keeping to budget, which has been very successful. However, the budget bottom line is still negative given decreased value of investments and inability to offset operating deficit from the endowment. We will need to postpone spending on all but essential capital projects to give the endowment a chance to recover from the current economic downturn.

Kenneth Gould, chair of the investment committee, was asked to comment briefly. Although the endowment lost 25% of its value in 2008, our average annual market return has been 10%. There is no plan to change our asset management strategy, but instead to stay with goals of long-term capital accumulation and growth.


• To receive, approve, and place the report on file and to record abstracts with minutes of this meeting.

• That the Treasurer, on behalf of the corporation, be authorized to sign such notes as the Vestry may approve or may direct to be issued.

Questions, Comments, and Concerns

Those present expressed their thanks to the Brooks for their contributions to Grace Church for the past 9 years.

Fr. Bardusch offered the closing prayer.

Rev. Brooks adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Hohenhaus

Clerk of the Vestry

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 7

Interim Rector’s Report

To the People of Grace Church:

I recently told a friend that I am a little bit jealous (in advance) of the priest who gets the call to become the new rector of

Grace Church. I feel this way because I believe that this parish offers an exciting and challenging ministry on the

cutting edge of where God is calling his people in mission. Since coming here late in August, I am excited every day by what I

experience. This congregation has the privilege of living out the Gospel here in the center of the city. I see such a diverse and

inclusive parish ready to reach out with the love of Jesus.

Transition and change present demanding tasks. Over just the last six months, Grace has had to bid farewell to a beloved

rector, organize a self study, gather and analyze information and data, solicit the view of parishioners about past and future,

welcome interim clergy, begin searching for prospective clergy, say goodbye to a loved associate rector, prepare itself for new

clergy leadership --- all the while continuing the vital and vibrant ongoing ministries of the parish. It would not be surprising if

all this taxed the energy and commitment of leaders and parishioners alike. We can be thankful that so many have met these

challenges with energy, poise and charity.

One surprise for me has been what a complex institution Grace Church parish is. It requires much oversight and calls for

the best from clergy and laity alike. For the near term, the financial burden of the institution, its facilities and its ministry

outweigh the resources, so strengthened stewardship, the participation of all parishioners, and membership growth will need

to remain a focus. But the potential is dramatic. I hope you are all excited about what lies ahead.

I see a growing sense of mutual ministry with clergy and lay leaders joining together to move onward to the vision that the

Holy Spirit is giving you for the development of this wonderful parish. I love the hope and commitment Paul displayed, writing to

the church in Philippi. I encourage you to keep these words in mind: Straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward

the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3: 13-14)

Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Dr. J. Gregory Prior

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 8

Senior Warden’s Report

Your Vestry had a busy year in 2009. First, it should be noted that we met every month this year (even during the summer!), a departure from recent times.

Our most important focus was, of course, managing the clergy transition. This included:

• Appointing a Self-Study Committee, co-chaired by Joan and Gordon Martin, to develop a profile outlining our recent progress as a parish community and identifying skills and experiences we would seek in our next rector.

• Appointing the Rev. Dr. Gregory Prior as interim rector (and later in the year voting unanimously to accept his offer to serve on a full-time basis following the departure of our associate rector, the Rev. Rich Bardusch).

• Appointing a Search Committee (Jim Mahoney, chair, and Pat Trosclair, vice-chair) to identify and interview potential rector candidates.

• Authorizing two new part-time staff positions. One — Leadership Development Coordinator — has now been ably filled by Cathy Iacobucci. We suspended a search for a Christian Formation Director when initial efforts were unsuccessful in identifying candidates; we hope to resume this search later this year.

We also carefully managed parish finances, given the impact of the 2008 market decline on our endowment.

During the year, two Vestry members resigned: Paul Greene, due to his move to the Middle East, and John Higginbotham, because of his pursuit of ordination. The Vestry voted to appoint Liz Richards and Jonathan Rhee to fill these unexpired terms.

As we look to 2010, the Vestry has made two important changes in its operating model that I believe will further strengthen its capabilities in representing your interests:

1. Added a spiritual component to our monthly meetings, at the suggestion of the interim rector. This better enables us to conduct our business in a thoughtful, scriptural context.

2. Increased our engagement with parish ministries, through a series of reports from committee chairs and ministry leaders. This change is helping the Vestry develop closer working relationships with parish leaders and should better enable us to focus on the right needs and opportunities.

Our biggest parish challenge continues to be generating growth that leads to the income that’s necessary to manage this large physical plant on an ongoing basis.

Thank you for your support this year, especially as it relates to the clergy transition.

Dave Seifert

Senior Warden

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 9

Transition CommitteesTwo committees have been guiding the parish’s work during the clergy transition that began in June 2009.

Self-Study Committee

The Self-Study Committee spent an intense summer gathering information in order to prepare the profile that can be viewed on our website:

Working with Diocesan Consultant Betsy Fornal, the committee devised several ways to gather information:

• Survey: A survey asking three questions (What about Grace Church is most important to you? How did you come to Grace Church and why did you stay? What would you like to see happen in the future at Grace Church that is not happening now?) was available to all parishioners

• Parish Meetings: Two parish meetings were held that discussed six areas (Christian Formation, Music, Outreach, Growth, Worship, Property)

• Reports: Reports were requested from all committees, staff members, and entities invested in Grace Church.

Committee members came from all constituencies at Grace. Joan and Gordon Martin served as co-chairs, who along with members Marty Ames, Melody Ennis, Elaine Gabellieri, Dwayne Keys, Joshua Klemp, Lois Lewis, Jonathan Rhee, Debbie Robinson, and Virginia Stuart-Howard made a great team using all their individual gifts to fashion a beautiful Parish Profile.

Search CommitteesThe activities of the Search Committee began at the end of September with a joint meeting of the Vestry, Self Study Committee and our consultant from the Diocese, Betsy Fornal. The purpose of the meeting was to formulate the Grace Church CDO profile that is now on file with the Church Deployment Office in New York. This is the description prospective candidates look at when considering whether or not to apply for our rector position.

After this summary “went live” online at the very end of October, the committee began meeting on a regular basis. We met six times between November 4 and December 30. We discussed applications that started arriving right away. As a result of our discussions, we decided to conduct three Skype online video interviews in late November and December. From those interviews we scheduled two in-person interviews in January. We continue to review applications as received.

Jim Mahoney is chairing the committee. Other members are: Jerry Clifford, Elaine Gabellieri, Jola Ilori, Jonathan Rhee, Luci Scanlan, Dave Seifert, Andy Shapiro-Zysk, Pat Trosclair (vice chair) and Liz Wheeler.

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 10

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Discussion and Analysis

The church operating deficit increased in 2009, reflecting decreased earnings from our endowment, offset by reduced spending in several areas. The actual results are favorable to budget due to those savings. The downturn in the financial markets in 2008 caused us to slash our budgeted withdrawals from $300,000 in 2008 to $216,000 in 2009. While the markets have rebounded in the past year, our portfolio gains are offset by our deficit spending and our budgeted withdrawals will not increase significantly in 2010.

Once again in 2009, we built the budget “from the ground up” by asking each committee to forecast its own spending and monitor actual results during the year. This approach continues to be effective, and our committees remain focused on making appropriate spending decisions.

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We will save money in 2010 as we downsize from two to one full-time clergy, but this step cannot be viewed as the solution to our financial difficulties. We are increasingly reliant on pledges for our financial support, and only through further growth in pledges can we close the deficit while still maintaining the vitality of the parish as we know it today.

Other items of note from the financials:


• Pledge income and other offerings grew in 2009, a positive and prayerful increase given the difficult economic times. Initial stewardship commitments for 2010, however, are below 2009 levels. The management fee from Grace Church Apartments has also increased.


• Administration expenses decreased thanks to cost-savings on bank and payroll fees, as well as the decision to eliminate weekly advertising in the Providence Journal.

• The apportionment (paid to the diocese) is based on the size of our operations. The 2009 payment was calculated based on our 2007 results.

• Program spending includes costs associated with regular services, Christian Formation, the music program, and parish events.

• Fuel prices were lower in 2009. The average cost per gallon for heating oil decreased 41% compared to the prior year, although more gallons were purchased, primarily due to the timing of deliveries.

• Clergy did not receive a pay increase in 2009, and the staff only received a minor adjustment to offset the increased level of co-pay required under the diocesan health insurance plan. Staff costs decreased due to the former Rector’s retirement in mid-year, as the Interim Rector worked part-time from August through year-end.

I’m pleased to report that Laurie DiBattista has agreed to be nominated for the vestry and, pending election at the Annual Meeting, serve as the new Treasurer. I will be supporting Laurie to ensure that there is a smooth transition and continuing on as a member of the Finance Committee. I would like to thank the Finance Committee (Jerry Clifford, Jim Mahoney and Laurie DiBattista) for its participation in the oversight of the parish’s operations.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary F. Kesson


G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 12


This was the final year of our three-year theme of ‘Every Member Counts’. Early in the campaign, we chose Romans 12:4-8 as our scripture verse.

4Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his[a]faith. 7If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.

We were fortunate to have a wonderful team, which included Fr. Rich, Lillian Bailey, John Higginbotham, Nancy Kendrick and Dwayne Keys. Each member brought a high level of commitment to the committee and was a pleasure to work with. Our focus this year, as it has been in the past, was on the spiritual aspect of giving as a way of deepening one’s relationship with God. As a team, we began and ended each meeting with prayer. We earnestly sought to help people experience generosity as a spiritual practice. Our process was simple. We sent several letters to the congregation and had four wonderful testimonies by members of the church: Pat Trosclair, Cathy Iacobucci, Virginia Stewart Howard and Christopher Utter. In addition, we had several stewardship themed sermons by both Fr. Rich and Greg Prior. The sermons reinforced the spiritual nature of giving.

The campaign this year was faced with the double challenges of a poor economy, combined with the clergy transition. As of the end of the year, our giving was down significantly over last year. We are currently down by 28 pledges, for a total of over $50,000. However, we did have 22 new pledges and 29 people increased their pledges. It is my hope and prayer that those who have not yet pledged for 2010 will feel moved to do so in the coming weeks.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rachel Nguyen


G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 13

Investment Report


Grace Church’s endowment is managed by Manning & Napier Advisors out of Dublin, OH. The market value of our assets, at the end of 2009, was $4.6 MM.

The Investment Committee meets twice a year to review investment performance with our advisor. Results are later reviewed with the Vestry and recommendations are made on management of the portfolio as needed.

The Investment Climate in 2009 & Beyond

Last year, equity markets staged a strong recovery: The S&P 500 was up 23.5%. That contrasts sharply with a 40% drop in the same index in 2008 (the worst year since 1931). Experts disagree on where things are headed in 2010 (they always do); most forecast slight to modest gains. But, our investment manager has a strong track record for outperforming markets under varying conditions.

Investment Objective & Approach

Our principal investment objective is long-term growth; our secondary objective is preservation of capital. The portfolio’s current asset mix reflects those goals. Given our long-term focus, we continue to be invested toward the high end of the allowable equity range, although we’ve scaled that back a bit in recent months as it has become somewhat more difficult to find value in markets with higher asset prices. Generally speaking, a strong equities position fits Manning & Napier’s investment model for uncovering under-valued domestic stocks with growth prospects not tied to economic cycles.

Manning & Napier’s general approach to asset management is “Bottom-up, All-Cap Core”, meaning that they have an active, analyst-driven approach to security selection and look for value across the entire market.

Investment Performance

Last year’s return on assets was 27%. Our key performance benchmark was at 21%. The benchmark is a weighted average of the broad domestic stock market, international equities and investment-grade fixed income that reflects our longer-term investment strategy.

Kenneth Gould, Investment Committee

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 14

Parish Register


Dellinger, Ryan Dean

DiMuro, Conner Jonathan Coe, Mary Stevenson

Donahue, Gavin Sullivan Daly, Ann Marsh

Hofstetter, Aurora Jane Daly, Mary Wall Coe

Herriott, Eloise Daly, Robert William

Herriott, Phoebe Daly, Robert William, Jr.

Jackson, Hunter Olivia Davis, Euphemia

Richard, Campbell John Dolat, Audrey Lorraine

Rocchio, Rachel Naomi Eastman, Leona

Jones-Herriott, Abigail A. Euling, Jennifer

Farmer, Malcolm III

BURIALS Finelli, Anne

* Booth, Edith Sophia Fucci, Christina

Chafee, Clio Halley, Mardea

* Gossage, Francis Joseph Harrington, Dorothy

* Messier, Gary R. Herriott, Matthew Leslie

Norris, Dorothy Ellen Jackson, Rebecca

Seton, Etta Jackson, Robert

Sims, William M. Jarry, Pearl

Jones-Herriott, Abigail A.

COMMUNICANTS ADDED Loxley, Jason Russell

Agabey, Dennis Marczyk, Paul

Blanch, David Allen Mendmina, Catalena E. Buclieqa

Blanch, Hope Rose Murphy, Thomas E.

Blanch, Patricia Hope Murphy, William T.

Branchaud, Stefanie Lisa Noble, Carey Taylor

Burney, Carmen R. Obermaier, Beatrice Valerie

Bushnell, David Obermaier, Eric James

Chase, Gabrielle Ariles Obermaier, James Thomas

Chase, Josephine Orangelee-Fudong Obermaier, Stephen John

Chase, William A. Pressman, Stephanie Donaldson

Chase, William Xavier Sandin, Achilles Jacob

Clarke, James Sandin, Carl L.

Clarke, Louise Shaw, Reena L.

Coe, Livy Marion IV Soper, Audrey S.

Totter, John A


G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 15

Parish Register continued


Brooks, Rhea

Evans, R. Tripp

Kean, John

Unruh, Deborah

Unruh, Richard


Cianci, Olivia

Saleh, Michael

Tompkins, Georgina

Wagner, Richard


Robert John Beretto, Jr. & Jennifer Lynn Bailey

David Bushnell & Christina Fucci

Alexander Marcus Colon & Sara Beth Cullion

Meredith Champ Cooley & Gail Healey

Kevin Fusi & Christie Holmes

William Galligan & Leigh Hubbard

Cheung Kwan & Zari Ramazani

Jason Russell Loxley & Stefanie Lisa Branchaud

James Saccoccio & Brenda Lee Kearns

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 16


The success of our music program in 2009 was made possible by the devotion, perseverance, patience and flexibility of all those who participated in our choral ensembles throughout the year.

As has been our practice, the Choir:

• Sang weekly from September through June

• Sang a complete set of Triduum services

• Sang Choral Evensong on certain Sundays at 5pm

• Continued for a third season our series of “Services of Readings and Music” for Epiphany, Candlemas, Passiontide, Eastertide, and All Saints/Al Souls in addition to singing our twentieth annual Advent Carol Service.

• Continued (actually, increased) a high level of participation in our “summer choir” namely the singing of at least two anthems on all 52 Sundays in 2009. This is the fourth year in a row this has been accomplished

Additionally, the Choir:

• Increased its participation as lectors and intercessors for morning services and assumed almost total responsibility for officiating, ushering and greeting and welcoming for 5pm Sunday services

• Assisted hospitality team in providing refreshments for evening services when normal methods of provision were unavailable

• Added several new members

The Grace Church Singers, founded in 2006, completed their third full year. We continue to grow in dedication, skill, and in numbers (average attendance fall 2009 was 21). In January 2010 we sang our second annual Christmastide Lessons and Carols service, providing readers and liturgical leadership in addition to music.

The Summer Choir led the music at the 10am Eucharist each week from the end of June through Labor Day Weekend with an average weekly attendance of about twenty-five singers. We enjoyed a very successful, though very warm, season singing a wide variety of music including two anthems per service.

The Sunday 8:45am music portion of the Christian Formation program changed location in September, moving from Gammell Hall to the Chancel. The change yielded increased attendance by and greater integration between music program and Christian Formation program participants.

Drums were used as part of the worship on Palm Sunday and Pentecost.

Looking ahead to 2010:

• We hope to explore an ever-greater range of music in order to offer opportunities for members of the congregation to offer their gifts.

• We anticipate the imminent arrival of a new organ console.

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 17

Communications Team

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to create greater awareness of Grace Church in downcity Providence as a welcoming, energetic downtown parish that offers creative and spiritual events to a new emerging residential community and downcity business community.

In addition to publishing the monthly newsletter, writing press releases, and working with Ninedot and the church office staff updating the Grace Church website, the Communications Committee focused their efforts on the following in 2009:

Submission Guidelines for the Grace Newsletter

In the course of our ongoing efforts to improve and streamline the production of the Grace News every month, we refined the process of compiling articles and information for the news. The guidelines are available by calling Carolina in the church office.

Building Maps

Libby Rock designed maps depicting the church building, the office area, and the parish hall. These highly detailed and informative maps offer way-finding directions to facilitate navigating our building.

Comment Cards

The Welcoming Team requested comment cards to be designed for their use in gathering feedback from newcomers after they attend a Welcoming Brunch or take a tour.


Additional signs were added to the exterior and interior of the building including guest parking signs, as an indication of the Grace Church warm welcome to visitors.

Facebook Fan Page

Grace Church is now on facebook ( – the very popular social networking internet site. The name of our “fan page” is “Grace Episcopal Church in Providence,” and facebook users can find our site by typing this name in the search field.

In 2010 we anticipate enhancing our electronic methods of communications by adding more information to our website, developing the fan page on facebook, and improving the scheduling and content of our e-newsletter.

Submitted by Cathy G. Iacobucci, Communications Committee Member

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The Outreach Committee was busy throughout the year, serving those in need both close at hand and far away. In February, we sent 300 sandwiches and packs of cookies each week to Crossroads, RI, for distribution on Sunday, when few meal sites are open. Under James Poder’s leadership, we achieved a new record for assembling all this one Saturday: 36 minutes! We all enjoy this ministry and the good company it provides us.

During Lent we offered a giving cross with suggestions for gifts for Dexter Manor residents, the PICA food pantry, the HELP Center, and our new community partner, Tanner House. A sheltered housing program, Tanner House helps people on their way to stable, independent housing. We will continue to include them in our giving opportunities and activities.

In the summer we held an Outreach Retreat, with the assistance of a grant from the Jubilee Mission of the National Church. We discussed our mission, the principles guiding our work, and ways to increase our effectiveness. We expect to have a follow-up retreat this coming Spring.

Later in the summer we held “Donation Day,” collecting clothing and household goods for HELP Center members and distribution through the International Institute. We are glad to be the vehicle for people to share these essentials with those who need them.

Over the summer we collected funds for the Heifer Program, which provides farm animals and supplies for third world communities. We donated $750 to a special matching program for Honduras, yielding a $1500 gift.

We continued with several activities in the Fall. For Columbus Day, we cooperated with other churches in sponsoring a “Great Day of Service,” encouraging everyone to volunteer in their communities. Also in October we held “Outreach Sunday,” with participation by community partners, including the directors of RI Habitat for Humanity and PICA. Displays showed our partnerships and activities, and parishioners were able to get additional information as well as sign up for different events. Abundant Thanksgiving basket donations stocked the PICA food pantry.

Advent brought back our “Giving Tree,” sponsoring gifts for local children given through various community agencies and coordinated through Brown University’s Third World Center. Over 75 children received gifts of toys, clothing, and books thanks to our efforts.

Throughout the year, Grace Church hosted the Wednesday soup lunch, with thanks to Chelo’s in Warwick for the soup. We also served several rotations at the Epiphany Soup Kitchen, which relocated to St. Stephen’s.

The members of the Outreach Co. take on various leadership roles in our different activities and community partnerships. In addition to those mentioned already, these include the Liberian community ministry; attending meetings with the Diocesan Environmental Stewardship Committee; representation on the Diocesan Companion Diocese Committee and meeting the Bishop of our companion Diocese in Ezo, Southern Sudan, to learn about the situation there; and keeping minutes of our meetings and sending notices to the church newsletter and Sunday bulletin. We welcome new members and new ideas. With many hands, we seek to serve our Lord by sharing His love with those in our community and the world.

Respectfully submitted, Ann DiPippo, Chair

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 19

Health Ministry

Health Ministry has been stronger in developing its Parish Nurse aspect through in-reach and outreach in the faith community and outside of it. The Health and Wellness team connection developed slowly over time but gained impetus in October. With Dwayne Keyes as leader, the vision and mission of the team can be realized. At the heart of every Parish Nurse encounter is a “focus on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting holistic health and preventing or minimizing illness.”

Like some other churches with a H.M. program, older parishioners are quicker to ask for guidance and assistance on health related matters.

• For the sake of brevity, the following list will tell of the P.N. activities this past year:

• Being a member of the H&W team and a liaison to staff

• Providing assistance on community resources and referral to appropriate agencies, professionals

• Continuing to visit the sick and homebound in whatever setting as an extension of Pastoral Care

• Developing a simple tracking system, of the sick, for office use (clergy and P.N.).

• Honoring confidentiality in encounters

• Attending workshops on Elder Care, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Healing Prayer

• Planning Blood drives; collaborating with Beneficent Church on Annual Health Fair

• Gathering health information (reliable source Bases) for health info rack

• Providing “Care Notes “- inspirational booklets- for the health info rack

• Monitoring the H1N1 virus since April; gathering info and disseminating same (including Eucharistic and Peace practices)

• Speaking annually to Cancer support group at East Bay “Y”-thanks to Hope Brothers

• Initiating partnership with ShapeUpRI to introduce their program to all faith communities in RI

• Collaborating with my teacher at St. Anne’s Hospital Congregational Health Ministry program in providing support to our colleagues in ministry.

This year, the P.N. will work closely with the H& W team at Grace and will resume activity as a liaison to this Diocese from National Episcopal Health Ministries. In that commitment, I will strive to help parishioners and non-parishioners to claim/reclaim the blessing of whole health and healing.

Anne McCarthy

Parish Nurse

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 20

New Member Ministry & Leadership Development

In 2009 the Welcoming Team hosted four Welcoming Brunches which were attended by 36 newcomers to our church community. We broke two Welcoming Brunch records at our September brunch – one for the greatest number of total attendees - 37, and one for the greatest number of newcomers - 15.

The first Sunday of the month continues to be Tour Sunday. In odd-numbered months, we offer a building & ministry tour led by a team of two guides. In even-numbered months, the clergy offer a look at Episcopal Basics with the prayer book and liturgy tour.

To receive feedback on the guest experience at Grace Church a comment card was created. These cards ask for opinions and suggestions from people who attend a brunch or go on one of the tours. The cards are shared with Welcoming Team members who decide on and implement a course of action if required.

One suggestion we received in 2009 was about having children from the Sunday School and Youth Groups attend brunches when we know we will have children as guests. This prompted the idea of having a young person/people serve alongside us on this team. We look forward to inviting young people into a leadership role by asking them to join us on this team in 2010.

A schedule was set for a series of articles written by members of the Welcoming Team on their personal experience of being a newcomer at Grace. The objective of these articles was to demonstrate to newcomers the open and warm hospitality of Grace Church parishioners, to help newcomers (and all members) make connections, and to encourage participation in this ministry. The articles were published in the monthly newsletter.

In 2010 this group anticipates strengthening relationships with all committees and leaders at Grace. We hope to have welcoming liaisons that will focus on introducing and mentoring new members into all our various ministries.

Building on their leadership skills, Welcoming Team members are taking an active and intentional role in following-up with newcomers. This is done by way of a phone call, an e-mail, requesting a facebook friend, or simply by chatting with newcomers at the fellowship time on Sunday mornings.

Welcoming Team members are identified by the “ASK ME” ribbons on their nametags.

We invite you to ask us about serving in this ministry.

The purpose of the Newcomer Ministry at Grace Church is to welcome visitors and new members into the parish community, demonstrate that we love and accept them wherever they are on their spiritual journey and involve them in the community.

Welcome ... Embrace ... Involve

Submitted by Cathy G. Iacobucci, Leadership Ministry Coordinator

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 21

Congregational Development Team

The task of reviewing the Grace Church Providence: Responding to God’s Call plan continued through

2009. A group of dedicated visionaries met several times this year to record progress on the plan. It has

served as a guide in the areas of Leadership Development, Church Growth, New Member Incorporation

and Christian Formation. The plan began its third and final year in the month of October. Below is a

sampling of the directives and progress of the plan.

For the ministry of Leadership Development, the document states:

Growing churches always have more followers than leaders.

The plan proposed that we would be intentional about developing new leaders.

* From the Vestry to the Welcoming Team, from the Health & Wellness Ministry to the Silent

Auction Team, as well as numerous other committees, Grace now has many new and emerging leaders.

In the area of Growth, the document states:

On a deeper level, however, there is a desire for growth because the members of Grace Church see

themselves as partnered with God in the redemption of the world…we are aware of Christ’s command

to go out and make disciples of every nation. For these reasons we seek to grow in numbers and depth.

* The Welcoming Team is functioning well and accepts their purpose of welcoming, embracing and

involving newcomers in the church community with great enthusiasm.

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 22

From the section of the document on New Member Incorporation:

New Member Incorporation is important to the growth of any church and needs to be a major focus in

Grace Church. This process will continue to be developed and new methods of incorporation created. Some of

these methods will include walking tours, gift discernment, tracking of newcomers, and Newcomer brunches.

* We continue to be intentional about focusing efforts on the newcomer and new member. We have

widened the congregational culture that is welcoming and hospitable to all.

In the Christian Formation area we said:

Christian Formation is the continual lifelong process of deepening ones understanding of their faith.

Our goal is to be transformed into the image of Christ based on the truths that we learn. Grace

Church’s aim is to aid people in this journey by offering a variety of formative opportunities, from

cradle to grave.

* The Christian Formation program has grown during the past two years for both adults (Sunday,

Tuesday and Saturday mornings) and children (Sunday mornings and evenings.)

With many areas of work completed, we will begin the work of “closing” this plan. The team is

committed to continuing long-term planning and will propose a “new” 3-year plan to the Vestry in

the Fall of 2010.

Submitted by Cathy G. Iacobucci, Leadership Ministry Coordinator

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h 23

Silent Auction Committee

The Annual Silent Auction was held on Saturday, December 12th. The auction was a huge success raising approximately

$7,000. The event involved over 25 volunteers from the parish. Parishioners volunteered their time to the planning

process or donated items to be auctioned. The total amount of items was over 65, a first for our silent auction. Newport

Vineyards provided the wine and the Cranston Area Career and Technical Center Culinary Arts program provided the

food and servers. The event successfully brought together over 150 parishioners and guest in fellowship and with a goal

of raising money for the charities listed below. The Silent Auction Team Thanks the Parish for its support. We hope to

see more next year!

The following charities will receive the proceeds from the Silent Auction.

1. The George Hunt HELP Center

The George Hunt HELP Center is a drop in center down the street from Grace Church. The HELP Center builds a

community among the homeless that will strengthen them individually and empower them collectively. The center

provides a safe, cheery place for people to gather for coffee and conversation, clothes and hygiene products and other

support and who serve as referral sources. It’s a place where homeless people can find respect.

2. Rhode Island Free Clinic

The RI Free Clinic will provide 4,000 patient visits in 2009, offering patients primary care services as well as diagnostic

and laboratory services and a free pharmacy. Most of our Broad Street clinic patients are residents of Providence and

surrounding areas. Through our physician network, currently available in 16 communities around the state, patients see

physicians in their offices and receive the same care and services as our Broad Street clinic patients, free of charge. All

RI free Clinic patients are uninsured. Nearly half (45%) of our patients are employed in jobs that do not provide health

insurance, nor can they otherwise afford to purchase it.

The RI Free Clinic not only provides first rate comprehensive health care for its patients, but through its relationships,

with the greater network of Rhode Island’s healthcare community, we have also become an innovative and cost effective

resource for medical education.

3. Grace Church Coffee Ministry

Each weekday (except for public holidays) year-round, Grace Church opens its doors to offer respite and a hot cup of coffee

to anyone who needs it. In colder months they have been known to serve as many as 150 people, offering 500 cups of

coffee during one morning. During the winter coffee is served from 8a.m. to 1 p.m. and at other times of the year from

9 a.m. to 12 p.m

G r a c e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c hP r o v i d e n c e , R h o d e I s l a n d

Annual Repor t October 20 09