grace place - amazon s3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...grace place st. croix county salvation army...

GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter. This year we have seen an increase in population unlike other years. At one point this summer we had 57 people in shelter, 24 of which were children. Currently, as this sto- ry is being written we have 46 people living at Grace Place, 20 children, with two babies on the way! We are busy serving people to say the least. Summer at Grace Place poses an interesting issue as children are not in school during the summer months which means coming up with creative ways to keep 20 children busy can be a challenge. One of the ways we break up the summer is by taking the kids on field trips. This summer we will be fishing, bowling, going to a Twins game, Co- mo zoo and of course other fun around the shelter including our backyard activities. We are thankful to the organiza- tions who allow our kids to come for free and for the many volunteers who make these activities happen. You are a blessing to many children who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to go to these things. As fall approaches, Grace Place will be looking at getting a number of children ready for school. We are always looking for help. Especially volunteers who can help at the shelter. Many hands make light work and you will be blessed by the experience of serving at Grace Place. If you are interested in spending some time at Grace Place by volunteering, please give Laurel or Lori a call at 715-246-1222. Shop with a Cop We live in a community full of generous people. One such people group is our Law Enforcement Community. For several years, Grace Place has sponsored, “Shop with a Cop” for back to school clothes and shoes. Law Enforcement vol- unteers their time to come and shop with children who are in need for things that they might not otherwise have for school including new shoes, socks, underwear and more. This experience is awesome for the children who need items for school and who would also benefit from the positive experience of shopping with one of our awesome local law enforcement officers. It benefits the kids and the officers are truly blessed by the experience too! Right now we are seeking donations to help with this event. It costs $75 to sponsor a kindergartner through 2nd grade, $100 for 3rd through 5th and $125 for our teen group. If you would like to support this effort, please send donations marked: “Shop with a Cop” to Grace Place 505 W. 8th Street New Richmond 54017. Checks payable to: Grace Place. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to help with this special day. Thank you in advance for supporting and thank you to our law enforcement who make this day happen!

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Page 1: GRACE PLACE - Amazon S3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter

GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016

Summer at Grace Place

This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter. This year we have seen an increase in population unlike other years. At one point this summer we had 57 people in shelter, 24 of which were children. Currently, as this sto-ry is being written we have 46 people living at Grace Place, 20 children, with two babies on the way! We are busy serving people to say the least.

Summer at Grace Place poses an interesting issue as children are not in school during the summer months which means coming up with creative ways to keep 20 children busy can be a challenge. One of the ways we break up

the summer is by taking the kids on field trips. This summer we will be fishing, bowling, going to a Twins game, Co-mo zoo and of course other fun around the shelter including our backyard activities. We are thankful to the organiza-tions who allow our kids to come for free and for the many volunteers who make these activities happen. You are a blessing to many children who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to go to these things.

As fall approaches, Grace Place will be looking at getting a number of children ready for school. We are always looking for help. Especially volunteers who can help at the shelter. Many hands make light work and you will be

blessed by the experience of serving at Grace Place. If you are interested in spending some time at Grace Place by volunteering, please give Laurel or Lori a call at 715-246-1222.

Shop with a Cop

We live in a community full of generous people. One such people group is our Law Enforcement Community. For several years, Grace Place has sponsored, “Shop with a Cop” for back to school clothes and shoes. Law Enforcement vol-unteers their time to come and shop with children who are in need for things that they might not otherwise have for school including new shoes, socks, underwear and more. This experience is awesome for the children who need items for

school and who would also benefit from the positive experience of shopping with one of our awesome local law enforcement officers. It benefits the kids and the officers are truly blessed by the experience too!

Right now we are seeking donations to help with this event. It costs $75 to sponsor a kindergartner through 2nd grade, $100 for 3rd through 5th and $125 for our teen group. If you would like to support this effort, please send donations marked: “Shop with a Cop” to Grace Place 505 W. 8th Street New Richmond 54017. Checks payable to: Grace Place. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to help with this special day. Thank you in advance for supporting and thank you to our law enforcement who make this day happen!

Page 2: GRACE PLACE - Amazon S3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter

Mark your calendars and plan to at-

tend the 3rd Annual Grace Place 5K.

You can run it, you can walk it you can

just come and visit. We would love to

have you at Grace Place.

This year, we will be holding our annu-

al spaghetti at Grace Place Shelter.

Ready Randy’s and RD Catering will

still prepare the meal, we are just hop-

ing you will come and see our shelter,

and see what we are doing in St. Croix

County to help the homeless.

We are excited to show you what we

do and the service we provide to those

who are in the most need and the most

vulnerable. Your donations help us

provide shelter, services and a caring

environment for families that need a

fresh start.

Please come and see how your sup-

port helps so many. We will have spa-

ghetti on September 9th from 4-7pm.

Take a tour while your here! See what

we do. We would love to show you!

Then, the next morning, we will walk or

run . We do this event to help raise

awareness of our homeless population

in rural Wisconsin and of course to

raise money for our shelter. The Cen-

tre in New Richmond will be helping

again this year along with volunteers

from the New Richmond Running Club.

We simply could not do it without the

help of these great groups. We appre-

ciate them and you! Plan to share

some of your weekend with us. Come and eat, take a tour, and if you would like, walk and run to raise aware-

ness! We look forward to seeing you! Bring your friends! Registrations for the 5K are available online at

Register today to participate in the 5K

Page 3: GRACE PLACE - Amazon S3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter
Page 4: GRACE PLACE - Amazon S3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter

We are Going GREEN! We at Grace Place and The Salvation Army like to keep in contact with you our donors and volunteers. We enjoy being able to tell you about all the things you help with throughout the year. A way we do that is by sending a quarterly news-letter to you. We are hoping to change the way we send it to you. If you are able to provide your email address as a means of receiving this newsletter, it would help. If you would prefer to keep receiving the newsletter in the mail, that’s ok too. We are asking that you fill out this form and send it back to us with your updated information so we know how you would like us to proceed. Thank you for supporting us at Grace Place and for helping us “Go Green in 2016”





Mail back to: Grace Place, Attn: Angela Moulton 505 W. 8th Street New Richmond, WI 54017

EVEN BETTER: Email this information

directly to Angela Moulton at:

[email protected]

If we don’t hear back we will as-

sume you would still like to receive

paper newsletters. Thank you!

Did you Know? The St. Croix County Salvation Army has a Face-

book Page? Like us on Facebook at Grace Place Salvation Army to learn all

about the fun events we participate in, volunteer opportunities, and how our

organization is working to Do the Most Good!

Meet our awesome volunteer, Betty! She is

active with Five Loaves food pantry and with

Westfields hospital as well as Grace Place.

Betty loves to learn and as a retired social

worker her skills and expertise are helpful at

Grace Place. She says she loves to volunteer

because it is something "you can never learn

out of a text book." She also says she "likes the

staff and residents" at Grace Place. Betty, we

like having you around too! Thank you for vol-

unteering! We LOVE our volunteers!

Grace Place 50/50 Fund Drive off to a good start

This Spring, the New Richmond Area Community Foundation began ac-cepting donations to help with two important financial needs at Grace Place Shelter. The first is our current financial situation. We have been so busy serving the many in need, we always have a current financial need. But, the second portion is our long term financial security at Grace Place Shelter. Last year, a Legacy fund was established with the hope to build its value so that in years to come, we can trust that Grace Place will be financially sound. Thus, the launch of the 50/50 campaign.

A person can donate to help today and tomorrow. The goal of this cam-paign is to raise $100,000 by the end of 2016, that would give us an addi-tional $50,000 for operations and another $50,000 to go toward our legacy fund. So far, the campaign has raised about $15,000. 15% of our goal since the launch in May. We need help to meet the goal. If you are inter-ested in helping in this way, please send donations to: New Richmond Ar-ea Community Foundation PO BOX 96 New Richmond, WI 54017 and

mark your donation’s memo with “Grace Place 50/50” or if you prefer you can donate online at: We thank you in advance for your long term com-mitment to the work we are doing at Grace Place in serving those in the most need in our community. We know the goal is high but we also know our community is generous. We ap-preciate you and your dedication to helping those less fortunate.

Page 5: GRACE PLACE - Amazon S3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter

NEW Pillows 55 Gallon Garbage Bags

Copy Paper Post It Notes

Two-Pocket Folders Office Supplies

(8 tab dividers, black large clips etc.)

Paper Towels Toilet Paper

Clothing Hangers

Shampoo & Conditioner Razors

Deodorant Diapers (All Sizes)

Baby Wipes NEW Socks and Underwear

(All ages, all sizes)

Towels (Kitchen and Bath) Sponges

Over the Counter Meds (Adult and Children, Tylenol, Advil, etc.)

Grace Place Needs Volunteers

We are currently looking for individuals who can serve as receptionists at our Front Desk. Many of

our volunteers serve just one day a week for a cou-ple hours. If you can fit it in your schedule and would like to help at Grace Place by answering

phones, assisting the public and helping our resi-dents, please inquire with Laurel at 715-246-1222. Many other Volunteer Opportunities ALSO availa-

ble, inquire with Laurel.

If you would like to mail in a financial


Grace Place

505 W. 8th Street

New Richmond WI 54017

Page 6: GRACE PLACE - Amazon S3 › usc-cache.salvationarmy...GRACE PLACE St. Croix County Salvation Army Summer 2016 Summer at Grace Place This summer has been very busy at Grace Place Shelter

Contact Us

Give us a call for more

information about how

you can volunteer or

donate to help in your


Salvation Army -

St. Croix County

505 W 8th Street

New Richmond, WI

54017(715) 246-1222

The Mission Statement of the

Salvation Army USA

The Salvation Army, an internation-

al movement, is an evangelical part

of the Universal Christian Church.

Its message is based on the Bible.

Its ministry is motivated by the love

of God. Its mission is to preach the

gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet

human needs in His name without


Salvation Army– St. Croix County

505 W. 8th Street

New Richmond, WI 54017

Return Service Requested




ZIP CODE 54810



We are updating our data-

bases. If you have recently

moved or changed your phone

number please give us a call

and let us know so we can

keep you up to date on every-

thing we are doing!

St. Croix County

Board of Directors

Randy Calleja - Chair

Jennifer Suit - Treasurer

Jackie Rivard

Mike Darrow

Pastor Keven Morris

If you are interested in learning

more about our organization or

becoming a board member,

contact Duana Bremer at


Laurel’s Year of Service Comes to a close 2016 was the first year ever that we were lucky enough to have an Ameri-corps Volunteer with us. Laurel Ber-gland (pictured with City Administrator Mike Darrow) served Grace Place as the Volunteer Coordinator and essen-tially established the department. She will finish her term August 26th and we will miss her. We wish her the best of luck as she moves for-

ward. Laurel says, her favorite part about service at Grace Place has been getting to know the staff and volunteers. “From volunteer handymen who beautify the shelter to receptionists who answer phones and greet guests, each person contributes to the success of Grace Place and its residents. I have especially enjoyed wit-nessing the generosity evident in the New Richmond community. When we needed a vacuum and it was posted to Facebook, we received a vacuum donation within a few hours.”

“Every day, we receive countless donations of clothing, food, toilet-ries, and many other important items that help our residents better themselves and their families. The constant outpouring of gener-osity inspires me in my service with Grace Place and as I move forward with my education.” Laurel will be attending the University of Saint Thomas/St Catherine University Graduate school for So-cial Work. “I plan to take the lessons of generosity, hard work, and compassion learned at Grace Place and apply them towards my future social work career. Thanks for a wonderful year of service!”