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  • 7/29/2019 GR Vol5iss1 (Web)


    J O S E P H P R I N C E M I N I S T R I E S

    VOL 5 ISSUE 1


    His Word | page 2

    your answer is in arevelation

    of jesus

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    Discover how you can unleash the power of Gods Word into your situation!

    Begin to experience good success and walk in a greater measure of favor,

    peace and health as you learn to meditate on His Word.

    For a gift of

    $30or more

    To order, please use the order form enclosed with this newsletter.

    meditateRelease The Power Of Gods Word

    3-CD Album

  • 7/29/2019 GR Vol5iss1 (Web)



    Please send all correspondence, enquiries,

    requests to: Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc.,

    PO Box 2115, Fort Mill, SC 29716, USA;

    tel: 866 909 9673 (toll-ree); website:


    Gospel Revolution is published by Joseph

    Prince Ministries, I nc., a non-prot

    organization in the USA. Copyright

    Joseph Pr ince Minist ries, Inc., 2012. Al l

    rights reserved. No part o this publication

    may be reproduced in whole or in part without

    prior written permission. Gospel Revolution

    has no subscription or newsstand price, and is

    supported through contributions worldwide.

    All gi ts to Jo seph Prince Minist ries, Inc. a re

    tax-deductible in the USA only.

    Unless stated otherwise, all articles touching

    on the Word are based on Joseph Princes

    messages. Other opinions reected in this

    newsletter do not necessarily represent those

    o the ministry or publications team.

    Unless stated otherwise, all scripture

    quotations are taken rom the New King

    James Vers ion. Copyright 1982 by

    Tomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reser ved.

    Exodus 3:1414And God said to Moses, I am who I am.

    Whatever your challenge is today, whether it is physical, emotional,nancial or marital, the great I Am declares to you: I am to you what

    you need Me to be.

    Do you need healing? He says, I am the Lord who heals you. (Exodus 15:26)And as you believe Me, you will see your healing maniest thirtyold, sixtyold

    and a hundredold.

    Are you groping in the dark, not knowing what to do? He says, I am the lighto the world. (John 8:12) When you walk in Me, you will not walk in darkness,

    but will have the light o lie.

    Are you looking or a way out o a bad situation? He says, I am your deliverer.I will reach down rom on high, take hold o your hand and draw you out o the

    deep waters. (Psalm 18:2, 16)

    Are you wondering i there is more to lie than merely existing rom day to

    day? He says, I am the resurrection and the lie. (John 11:25) I came to giveyou lie. And where there is lie, there cannot be death. You will have lie and

    lie more abundantly. (John 10:10)

    Are you earul o what is ahead o you? He says, I am the good shepherd(John 10:11), who leads you to pastures o tender, green grass and waters o rest.

    You will not suer lack. (Psalm 23:13)

    Are you conused by the opinions and reports o man? He says, I am the

    Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. (Revelation 1:11) I have the nalword in your lie. Te doctors do not have the nal word. Te experts do nothave the nal word. I have the rst word and the last word in your situation.

    My riend, do not be earul o the problems you ace. Te great I Am declares

    to you, Fear not! For I am to you what you need Me to be!

    I Am Who I Am

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    His Word


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    It always warms my heart to see precious lives gloriously saved and transormedby Gods grace. Ever since I started preaching the gospel o grace, I havereceived one amazing testimony ater another rom people all over the world, and

    I really thank God or every one o them. (Keep them coming!) While time and

    space prevent me rom sharing many o them, I would like to share one with you

    right now. It comes rom a man named John, who lives in Caliornia in the United

    States (US).

    In his email to me, John wrote that he had been a Christian or some 20 years.

    He had served as an elder in his church and participated in all kinds o ministry

    activities. You name it and hed probably done it. I you had known him then,

    youd probably have thought that he was one hardworking, enthusiastic and aithul

    servant o God.

    But the truth was that Johns lie was one lled with guilt, shame, rustration and

    anger. No matter how much he served God, it seemed like he could never please

    his Master enough. He always elt that God wasnt satised with him. It got so bad

    that he wanted to end his lie.

    Tings really werent working out or John. Within a year, he lost a million dollars

    in stock options and his ather to cancer. He lost his job, home, car and everything

    he owned.

    Bankrupted and abandoned by legalistic church riends, strangely enough, John

    never gave up on God. Ater he had let the church he was attending, he sought

    answers through the occult and every spiritual exercise he could think o. Deep in

    his heart was a burning desire, more like desperation, to nd a God o love, one

    who loved him unconditionally.

    He wrote:

    I could not nd a loving God in the religious church, so surely He must be

    somewhere elseI didnt care where I would nd Him, but I was desperate

    to nd the true God, not the one the religious church had taught mea

    God o anger, judgment and capriciousness, one who required me to lead a

    lie that I was incapable o leading.

    Johns cries to the true God did not go unanswered. One day, while hiding out in

    a churchs bookstore, not wanting to attend the service, he saw my bookDestined

    o Reign. Tinking that it was a book that could help him to get God to give him a

    quick x to his nancial woes, he pulled it o the shel and bought it. But when he

    read the book, to his amazement, he ound more than a treasure:

    I ound the real Jesus and His beautiul Fathermy Father, a Father who

    loves me even when I mess upa Father who orgives me o every intended

    or unintended sin. I nally understood what Jesus meant when He said,

    Whom the Son sets ree is ree indeed. No more guilt and shame. Jesus

    did it all so that I could walk in rest, not strive to win Gods love.


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    Jesus Himsel is

    your solution in

    whatever troubling

    situation you fnd

    yoursel in!

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    Johns search or the one true God was nally over. He nally

    ound the God o love, or you could say that the God o love

    reached out to him. Guilt, condemnation, anger and ear

    could no longer keep John deeated. He now had a personal

    revelation o Gods unconditional love or him, and o how

    Jesus nished work at the cross had set him ree rom having

    to earn the Fathers love, approval and blessings. In theensuing months, he began to experience an unshakable peace

    and rest he never had beore. o his amazement, he also ound

    that sin no longer held any appeal or himthe more I see

    Jesus, he said, the less I want other things. John was even

    healed o physical conditions he had been suering rom.

    What an incredible turnaround, simply initiated by a personal

    revelation o the amazing grace o God!


    You know, what kept John rustrated, depressed and deeated

    all these years was his erroneous understanding or view o

    God. He saw God as an angry, unloving Godone whom

    he needed to please constantly. It was only when God

    revealed Himsel as a loving Godto John that John was ree

    to experience His unconditional love. It was only when Jesus

    revealed His fnished workto John that John was set ree rom

    believing that he had to earn the Fathers approval. Tese

    revelations caused John to begin to experience wholeness and

    victory in the areas o deeat in his lie.

    My riend, like John, the solution to your problem is not

    ound in other people, institutions or in your eorts to try

    even harder. Your answer is ound in a revelation o Jesus that

    is relevant to your area o need. It is this revelation o Jesus,

    pertinent to your situation, that will set you ree. For example,

    i you are chronically sick, your answer is not ound in surng

    the Internet or more inormation. Your answer is ound in a

    revelation o Jesus as your healer.

    Once, my wie, Wendy, broke out in a serious case o hives.

    She was itching all over and could not sleep at night. She

    went to the doctor more than once, but the medicine and

    injections given did not help. She suered or a ew days.

    Ten, one day, I noticed that her skin was much clearer

    the hives were practically gone. I asked her what she had

    done. She then shared with me that the night beore, she

    had meditated on Jesus being her healer while she was lying

    in bed unable to sleep. She saw Him on the cross, bearing

    all her hives. It was then that she realised how much Jesus

    suered or her to be wellAt least I could scratch mysel

    to get some relie. He couldnt, she told me. She had

    a resh revelation o Jesus as her healer and how much

    He suered or her to be healed, and she received her


    My riend, the Lord knows all about your suerings.

    I you have our kids to eed and youre out o a job,He doesnt reveal Himsel to you as your healer. No,

    He will reveal Himsel to you as yourprovider. And

    that pertinent revelation o Him will cause you to

    have aith to believe that He will supply all your needs

    according to His riches in glory. Your children will not

    starve and you will not be out o a job or long!

    Te Bible says in 2 Peter 1:2, Grace and peace be

    multiplied to you in the knowledge o God and o

    Jesus our Lord. Gods avor and His shalom-peace

    (health, prosperity and total well-being) are multipliedin your lie through the knowledge o Jesus. Te

    more you know Jesus, the more you are able to tap

    into the ever-owing supply o His grace, healing

    and every blessing you need. Beloved, every answer

    you need, whether physical or spiritual, is found

    in a revelation of Jesus. Te way He delivers you

    is through you getting a revelation o Himas the

    answer you need or your present situation. Tats the

    way our loving Savior worked in both the Old and

    New estaments.


    In the Old estament, we read about how the Israelites

    were slaves in Egypt. Bowed down, sunburned backs,

    aching bodies and blistered handsthe Israelites had

    to work hard and long hours, making bricks under

    the hawk-like eyes o their cruel taskmasters and in

    the scorching heat o the desert sun. Whenever they

    stumbled because o thirst and exhaustion, the crack

    o a whip accompanied by stinging pain on their backs

    would orce them up on their bare aching eet again.

    Such was the suering o the Israelitesthey were

    truly in a ery urnace.

    Now, how did God appear to His people, in particular

    to Moses, then? Did He show up under a big, shady

    tree planted by rivers o cool waters drinking iced

    tea? Tat would have been rather insensitive, dont

    you think? Tats why He appeared to Moses in a

    burning bush. He identied with His people who


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    were suering in a ery urnace. He knew exactly what

    they were going through. He had heard their cries or

    deliverance and seen their oppression. He was right there

    in their troubles, eeling what they eltevery sorrow,

    every pain.

    My riend, God knows every grie and pain that you

    have gone through and are going through right now. Hes

    not somewhere ar away observing you rom a distance,

    unsympathetic to your suerings. Te psalmist says,

    Te Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,

    and saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the

    aictions o the righteous, but the Lord delivers him

    out o them all. (Psalm 34:1819) I love what the Book

    o Hebrews says o our Lord Jesus: For we have not an

    High Priest which cannot be touched with the eeling o

    our inrmities; but was in all points tempted like as we

    are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15, KJV) Beloved, Hes

    right there with youin your home, in your car, in your

    ofce cubicle, in your classroomHes in your heart! He

    eels what you eel. He not only has sympathy and empathy

    or you, but He also wants to deliver you out o all your



    With the Israelites, God did not just remain in the burning

    bush and sympathise with His people. No, He also went

    orth and saved them. He brought them out o Egypt with

    great signs and wonders. He became or them the pillar

    o cloud by day, providing them with a canopy to shelter

    them rom the scorching desert sun. By night, He became

    the pillar o re that gave them guidance, light, warmth

    and protection rom their enemies. Likewise, my riend,

    God does not just have compassion on you, but He also has

    the power and willingness to set you ree! I really want you

    to get this: Jesus is not just a shoulder to cry on, someone

    whom you can pour your heart out to and who will listen

    to you with compassion and patience. All that is great, but

    you must know that HE HIMSELF IS HE SOLUION

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    too! HE HIMSELF IS HE ANSWER to your problem!

    You may have good riends or loved ones who can

    sympathise and empathise with you, but they may not be

    able to help you. Jesus, however, is not just a good riend.

    He is your best riend because He not only CAN, but also

    WANS O save you out o all your troubles. He is thevery answer you are looking or. He said, I am the way,

    the truth, and the lie (John 14:6) Jesus Himself is

    the wayyour salvation in whatever troubling situation

    you nd yoursel in!

    Tats why, in the burning bush, He revealed Himsel as

    I AM to Moses. (Exodus 3:14) My riend, He is the

    great I AM in your lie. What does that mean? It simply

    means, I AM whatever you need Me to be! Its like

    Hes given you a blank check with His signature on it. I

    you are earul, He says, I AM your shield. I you are

    troubled, He says, I AM your peace. And i you are sick,

    He says, I AM your healer. Beloved, what do you need

    Jesus to be in your lie today? Your right standing with

    God? Your wisdom? Ask Him to give you a revelation o

    what you need to see Him as. When you see Him as the

    very solution you need, victory is yours!


    Let me show you another example rom the Old

    estament. Ater the death o Moses, Joshua became

    the new leader o the Israelites. He had big shoes to ll.

    He had to lead the people into the land that God had

    promised them 40 years earlier. Tat meant going to

    war with the giant inhabitants o the land. Indeed, ater

    crossing the Jordan River, his rst task was to capture the

    city o Jericho.

    Put yoursel in Joshuas sandals. Youre standing there

    near Jericho, sword in hand. You look up and see the

    citys towering walls that are thick enough to hold chariot

    races on. You know that your task is to conquer the city.

    How would you eel? Im sure that you would eel rather

    nervous and araid, wouldnt you? I know that today,

    many have sons and daughters in the military. Maybe you

    are a soldier and will be deployed to an area o conict

    soon. Or maybe you have a son or daughter who is on

    active duty right now. In any case, you are worried and

    anxious. What do you do?


    My riend, you need a revelation o Jesus as your shield and

    Commander-In-Chie, who will lead you saely to victory!

    When Joshua was by Jericho, the Lord showed up. But

    what did He show up as? What did Joshua see? A shepherd

    with a sta in one hand? A carpenter with a toolbox? No,

    he saw a Manwith His sword drawn in His hand!

    What an awesome sight! Joshua went to the Man andasked, Are You or us or or our adversaries? Te Lord

    said, No, but as Commander o the army o the Lord I

    have now come. (Joshua 5:1314) Te Lord Jesus revealed

    a truth about Himsel that was completely relevant to

    Joshuas situation. He showed up as a mighty warrior who

    would lead Joshua in battle, and that gave Joshua and the

    people boldness, strength and ultimately the victory!

    Perhaps going to war is a little extreme or you. Well, what

    is the battle you are aced with today? An important

    job interview perhaps? Imagine this: You arrive a littlelate because o heavy trafc. You are lling out the orms

    quickly and waiting or your turn nervously. In your mind,

    you see a big, cold boardroom and a panel o stern-looking

    interviewers. You need the job and cant aord to mess up

    the interview by saying something silly or appearing to be


    My riend, what do you need Jesus to be in this situation?

    You would need Him to be your wisdom and avor. You

    would need wisdom to answer all the questions well. You

    would need avor so that the interviewers will like you even

    i youre not the most qualied or experienced candidate.

    So begin to see Jesus as your wisdom and avor. Te Bible

    says that you are in Christ Jesus, who became or us

    wisdom rom God. (1 Corinthians 1:30) And because

    you are righteous in Christ, His avor surrounds you like

    a shield! (Psalm 5:12) So begin to trust Him or the right

    words and the like actor, and see Him in the boardroom

    with you because He has said that He will never leave you

    nor orsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) With such a revelation o

    Jesus, you cannot but remain calm and ace the interview!


    Maybe your battle every day is managing your time

    eectively. Despite your best eorts, you still eel rustrated

    that youre not able to complete what you eel you need to

    do each day. Again, your answer is in receiving a personal

    revelation o Jesus that pertains to this area o struggle. I

    you take a close look at how Jesus moved and ministered

    in the Gospels, you will notice that He was always so

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    cool and had perect timing. He was never in a hurry,

    despite the act that He was oten surrounded by many

    demanding olks, some o whom wanted to kill Him!

    All the time, He had time. He had time or Nicodemus,

    the Pharisee who came to Him under the cover o night

    or answers. He had time or the woman at the well.

    He took a detour just so He could meet this Samaritan

    woman and oer Himsel as living water to her thirsty

    soul. When He was on the way to heal Jairus daughter,

    who was on the brink o death, He had time to stop and

    minister to the poor woman who had been bleeding or

    12 years. Te Lord had time or individuals, multitudes

    and even little children who jumped onto His lap!

    Jesus moved in a rhythm o grace and His timing was

    always spot on. Even when He was too late or Lazarus,

    He turned mourning into rejoicing by raising Lazarus

    rom the dead. He was always at the right place at the right

    time, doing the right thing!

    I pray that the next time you read the Gospels, you will

    see this aspect o Jesus and allow Him to ow through you

    by His Spirit so that your day can be most ruitul. I you

    are a mother with kids to look ater and endless chores to

    do, wouldnt you want the Master o time management

    guiding you? He knows what is o top priority and whatcan wait. He can place you at the right place at the right

    time to do the right thing or maximum gain. I you have

    a revelation o Jesus as someone who is perectly efcient

    and you allow Him to lead you every day, you will nd

    that your chores are done with excellence in the shortest

    time possible, leaving you with time or a coee break

    with Him and even a well-deserved nap! Tings just

    all into place and theres less stress when Jesus has the

    wheel, leaving you with more energy at the end o a most

    ullling day.

    Your answer is not

    a thing, principle

    or ormula. It is aperson and His

    name is JESUS!

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    Copyright Joseph Prince, 2012. All rights reserved.

    Recommended CD messages: #0172Your Answer Is In A Revelation Of Jesus!,

    26 May 2005#0205When You Touch Jesus, You Touch Your Destiny!,

    28 March 2010

    o obtain these messages, visit the online store at


    My riend, let me say this again: A revelation o Jesus

    that pertains to your area o need is what will set you

    ree. You know, my job is actually very simple: I just

    preach Jesus, unveiling the loveliness o His person

    and all His excellencies and beauty, and people are set

    ree. Tere are no 10 steps or ormulae to apply. Teres

    only Jesus and He is the answer! When people have a

    personal encounter with Jesus in my preaching, their

    chainscondemnation, sicknesses, debts, depression

    and earsare broken!

    Such was the case with a precious brother called Sean.

    Sean is rom Florida in the US. He wrote to me and

    told me that his health started to deteriorate soon ater

    he lost the job he loved. Eventually, he was diagnosed

    with an immune-decient skin condition o the mouth(lichen planus). Hard-hit with losing his job and

    hearing the diagnosis rom his doctor, he just elt that

    he had no purpose in lie and that he was a ailure.

    But ater some time o listening to my sermon CDs

    and watching my broadcast on television, he was

    reminded that as Jesus is, so are we in this world. (1

    John 4:17) He started to eel the Lords presence in his

    lie and see the Lords healing, avor and success.

    In his email, he wrote:

    by the grace o God, Ive had the job that

    I lost restored to me (same position). Ive lost

    weight and look better than I have in years

    Best o all, or the last our months, Ive been

    the second top producer in my company. And

    i that isnt enough, on 17 May 2011, my wie

    Michelle and I are expecting our rst child

    Te revelation you give about Jesus is lie

    changing. Tank you!

    Beloved, Gods blessings simply become unleashed in your

    lie when you receive a revelation o Jesus, our beautiul,

    glorious and loving Savior, and His nished work!


    Its really all about Jesus. Your every answer is ound in arevelation o Jesus. Te answer that you need today is not

    somewhere out there waiting to be discovered. Your answer is

    not a thing, principle or ormula. It is a person and His name

    is JESUS!

    In your darkest moment, in all your conusion, Jesus says to

    you, I AM the light o the world.

    When the situation seems dead and hopeless, Jesus says to

    you, I AM the resurrection and the lie.

    When you are grie-stricken, Jesus says to you, I AM your


    Te great I AM is whatever you need Him to be or you.

    He is a very present help in times o troublealways

    compassionate, always able and always willing. I pray that

    you will continue to seek Him and that the Father will give

    you a spirit o wisdom and more intimate knowledge about

    His Son. Its not what you know, but WHO you know that

    mattersand His name is JESUS. As you search or Him in

    the Scriptures today, may you nd your answer when you see

    the great I AM!

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    In every sense o the word, Pastor Joseph Princes

    rst live speaking engagement in the US was ahistoric event marked clearly by Gods avor.

    Over three sessions on October 29 and 30, 2011,Joseph unveiled the loveliness and glory o Jesus

    and His nished work at Lakewood Church inHouston, exas. Pastored by New York imesbest-selling author Pastor Joel Osteen and his wie,

    Victoria, Lakewood Church is the largest church inAmerica.

    Te excitement and anticipation that accompanied

    all three sessions that Joseph preached was bothpalpable and moving. As early as 3.30pm, people

    began to stand in line or the rst service at 7pmon October 29. Once the doors were opened, they

    rushed in to secure their seats in the auditorium,and while waiting or the service to start, began

    sharing with each other their testimonies o howJosephs messages had impacted them.

    In all, over 40, 000 people attended the three

    services, with many having come rom all over theUS, as well as Canada, some having driven over

    18 hours to get to Houston. From Caliornia to

    Minnesota and Florida, rom British Columbia toMontreal, thousands who have come to know andlove Josephs television broadcasts, came eagerly


    to hear him preach the message o Gods grace in

    person at this much-awaited event.

    Israel Houghton, Grammy-award-winning Gospelsinger-songwriter, led the people at each serviceinto exuberant, aith-lled worship beore Joseph

    was introduced by Pastor Joel Osteen and took thepulpit.

    As Joseph preached under a powerul anointing,people who had come eeling condemned and

    earul could be seen being set ree as theysimply listened and received the message o no

    condemnation because o the cross o Christ.Heartelt Amens rom every row and corner o

    the auditorium testied to many being deeply andprooundly impacted by the resh revelation o just

    how much they are loved by the Father.

    Said Melissa orgersen, who had come all the wayrom Florida to attend the services: It was one

    o the best times Ive ever had. You know howsometimes the anticipation o an event is greater

    than the actual event? Not this time! Tank you,Pastor Prince, or being aithul and bold enough

    to teach the gospel o graceyouve helped me

    reach a greater understanding o the Word anddevelop a deeper relationship with Jesus. It wasawesome! Cant wait or you to come back!

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    On October 28, 2011, Joseph and Wendy Princewere eatured in an exclusive interview on the rinityBroadcasting Network (BN) Praise Te Lordprogram.Hosted by Pastor Phil Munsy, they were joined by Pastor

    Joel Osteen o Lakewood Church and his wie, Victoria.

    A lively discussion took place during the interview, with

    topics ranging rom ministry, amily, to the love andgrace o God. During the one-on-one segment withPastor Phil Munsy, Joseph expounded on the nished

    work o Christ and it was received with much applauserom the eager audience gathered in the studio.

    Beore the conclusion o the session, Joseph released aprayer blessing over the American peopleto reign inlie through receiving the abundance o grace and gito righteousness.

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    PraiseLOWER BACK PAIN GONE AFTER PRAYERON BROADCASTI was watching the interview with Pastor Joseph Prince inNew York on rinity Broadcasting Network. At the endo the interview, Pastor Prince said a prayer and lited hishand. As he began to pray, I went orward to my V andplaced my hand on his hand.

    I prayed or healing in my body as I have several healthconditions including pain in my muscles. I dont rememberpraying or my lower back specically. Ater praying, I laiddown on my bed and continued to worship God. Suddenly,I elt warmth in my lower back and it dawned on me thatit was the Lord who was healing me! I knew that warmeeling was the touch o His hand.

    Praise God! My back has not been bothering me since thenand my range o movement has improved. Praise God orHis healing and or using Pastor Prince.

    Maria Ruiz | Florida, US


    Your message o grace was a message that I had neverheard beore although I grew up in the church. (Im thedaughter o two ministers and was born again more than12 years ago.)

    I had been trying to live by works, always with this earulexpectation that i I didnt do everything right, God

    would punish me or it. And when I began struggling withsickness and nancial problems a year ago, I was certainthat it was Gods judgment because I had missed the mark.

    So I started doing everything that I could to make thingsright with God so that He would heal me. But yourmessage that the Father judges me not according to my

    works or my sins, but according to His perect Son, Jesus,has really reed me. Learning that the God we serve is aloving Father who doesnt want me to be sick anymorethan I want to be sick, and that He in act hates disease,is itsel healing.

    I listen to your podcasts and tapes daily and enjoyreading your daily Grace Inspirations each morning.

    Although Im still learning to let go o all the guilt andcondemnation, through your teachings, Im acutelyaware that no matter what, Jesus loves me.

    Ive been sharing your message o grace with amily andriends and was recently inspired to share your teachingsand news o your visit to Lakewood with a riend, who

    joined me here or your rst US speaking engagement.We were both tremendously blessed.

    Tank you or helping to deliver me rom the bondageo trying to live under the law and helping me discovera new ound joy and peace through Jesus grace and loveor me. God bless you, your amily and your church.

    Maryland, US


    I am a member o Lakewood Church in Houston, exas.

    Pastor Prince came and preached in my church and Iattended all three services, even arriving on Sunday at5.45am to attend the 8.30am service.

    I sensed the urgency to attend the services when Iwatched the BN broadcast the night beore the event.

    Ater the services, I elt like a child again. It was the wayI elt when I rst knew God loved me! All the heavinessand guilt were lited and I am truly transormed!

    Kristy Miles | exas, US

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    Praiseprayer lie has denitely changed to be more powerul andwith authority.Well, guess what has recently happened? My daughterhad a 180-degree turnaround. She is now burning hot orthe Lord, connected to a local church, reading the Bible,praying and worshipping God again with her guitar. In

    act, I had the pleasure o worshipping the Lord with herthe other day and the Lords presence was very strong. AllI can say is, Wow!

    I have also been oered an amazing job that is supplyingmore than enough income so we are now in a position obeing a blessing. I am ghting back the tears o gratitudeas I am writing this praise report. What an amazing God

    we serve. Tis is denitely good news!

    om Vint | Canada


    I saw you on television years agoI caught just a clip oyou at Hillsongand it quickened my spirit. I orgot yourlast name until someone loaned my husband your Grace& FavorCD album.

    It was a challenging season or us then but we listened tothat CD over and over again. Tere is a date recorded inmy Bible28 April 2008. Tat was the day you came intoour lives with the Gospel Revolution. I am so thankulbecause I believe that we wouldnt have survived

    physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and especiallyin our marriage.

    Just briey let me explain. My husband and I arebeekeepers and he wanted to mortgage our two homesand take out equity by a commercial operation andpollinate almonds in Caliornia. We did the business planand would have been debt-ree again in three years livingon a six-gure income.

    Ater the rst year, our bees succumbed to ColonyCollapse Disorder, and we went rom about 800 hives to


    I cant do without watching Pastor Prince on BN. Imust coness, I was blown away by his message on hisrecent visit to Lakewood Church. Simply put, I now

    have a strong condence that I am truly born again andthat God loves me the way I am.

    Tere was a statement Pastor Prince made that touchedand changed my perception o God and that is, Godsgrace leads us to repentance. Wow! Tank you andGod bless.

    Abaide Victor | Nigeria


    I am readingDestined o Reign or the third time. Iwould say that I am nally getting deep into my spiritthe truth about the grace o God.

    Te rst time this book was introduced to me, I was$166,000 dollars in debt, my business was ailing andmy daughter was in rebellion and doing drugs. Tings

    were not going well. As I read the book or the rsttime, the Lord showed me about my past regret obad decisions and how the enemy was using that toremind me every time I ailed. Well, that was dealt

    with and amazingly I was set ree. What a liberatingand rereshing eeling not to have that hang over meanymore.

    During the second time readingDestined o Reign,God supernaturally moved through my circumstancesand within seven months, I was completely debt-ree.I cannot even begin to describe the eeling. It is trulyamazing.

    oday, I am walking every day ree rom condemnationand guilt and enjoying my git o righteousness. My

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    80. We lost contracts and began selling everything wecould. I was devastated and thought that it was his aultand the end o the world. Lots o other amily issues weregoing on and I was angry, conused and lonely.

    In the meantime, the housing market asco had alreadybegun. I had never had bad credit or shunned debts and

    we both agreed not to oreclose, short sell or go intobankruptcy. However, we were paying the equivalento our mortgages and at one point, ve or a year. womortgages, two lines o equity and a rent payment. Justthose bills were more than $5,000 a month or us andthat was not including other expenses.

    We moved our remaining hives to Florida (rom our armin Missouri) and slowly built them up. On 28 July 2011,Iwaswatchingyoursermon#0228onMark11:24andmy spirit just leaped as you spoke on the language oaith. I prayed and wrote down my prayer, believing that

    I have it. My prayer on 28 July was that the arm wouldsell by August or a good price. When my prayers cameto pass, I was more excited by the explosion o my aiththan seeing the physical answer because like you said,Pastor Prince, my excitement was at the time o prayer,knowing it was answered!

    By 28 August 2011, we had a contract or $50,000 morethan the buyers previous oer! Tis has lited more than$2,300 a month rom us. Our last home that is next onthe list to sell allowed us to pay interest only till we sell.

    oday, we are in our third year o selling nuc hives(nucleus colonies o bees) to the Midwest and toCaliornia because o the huge losses in bee populationand the huge demand o the almond growers. alk aboutbeing at the right place at the right time!

    And something else, our marriage has become soclose and so strong it brings tears to my eyes. Tankyou, Pastor Prince. I eel like I know you and yourcongregation. I love hearing you tell o your countryand culture and I love your accent! We dont needany subtitles! I could go on and on about the miracles

    my heavenly Father has poured out on us. It is trulyexciting.

    Now, we wake up every morning shouting, God wantsyou to reign! It has become our wake-up call to watchyou on BN or Goodlie 45 here in Florida. Yourteachings have changed our lives and the way we read

    the Bible and know our heavenly Father and His Son.

    Now, we are excited and watching to see what ourFather has chosen or us in a new home in Florida. Andduring this housing situation, we can still aord ourdreams back home. He is truly amazing and Im so inlove with His love or us. May God richly bless you,your church and your country. Bee blessed!

    Delores Sauls | Florida, US

    *Broadcast message mentioned in the above

    praise report: Sermon number #0228 Speak GodsLanguage Of Faith


    oday, I just completed reading your book, 100 DaysO Favor. While reading the book, I asked God tochange me.

    My marriage was in trouble and the only option Ihad at the time was a divorce. I elt like I was going

    mad and I was close to beating my husband. He wasalways competing with me in everything except being apartner in the marriage (I am the sole breadwinner ormy amily).

    As soon as I started reading the book, my husbandstarted to change. I stopped shouting and he stoppedshouting. I have stopped being rustrated over his

    whereabouts and have became calmer. He has stoppedgoing out to drink every day till the early hours o themorning. He still goes out but now comes home beore10pm and is no longer drunk when he returns.

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    Send Us YourPraise ReportsWant to share how God has blessed youthrough this ministry? We would love to

    hear rom you. Know that your praise reportglories His name! You can use our online

    praise report orm

    I you would like to include a photo* o

    yoursel, please write to us at [email protected] at Joseph PrinceMinistries, Inc., PO Box 2115,

    Fort Mill SC 29716, USA.

    *Please note that the photo you send is non-returnable. We may use your photo when wepublish your praise report on our website

    and/or newsletter.

    Te praise reports were shared withJoseph Prince Ministries via email, post orphone. Tey were edited or length and the

    inormation urnished by the testimonygivers has been published in good aith.

    Te best part is that my husband has started to apologizewhenever hes at ault, instead o shouting and blaming meor his mistakes. He has practically stopped drinking andeven has a job.

    We are not there yet, but our marriage is much betternow. Im not scared to go home anymore. Im not evenangry with him anymore. oday, Im more condent in

    who I am in Christ than I have ever been in my lie and Ihave boldness in approaching my Father in heaven. Now,

    whenever I speak into a situation, I see results. Tese 100days have been a blessing to me as I dont react now, but Irespond to situations.

    Tank you so much. I am looking orward to reading yourbook, Healing Promises.

    eddy Magadlela | South Arica

    CROCHETING BLESSED BLANKETSTHROUGH HEALED FINGERSI received revelation about the healing power o the HolyCommunion ater hearing Joseph Princes sermons andreading his book. For over a year, I suered with stinessin the ngers o my right hand. It seemed to just get worse

    with time, and I was without any health insurance. Ocourse, I prayed or healing.

    Although I believed God or healing, the stiness turnedto extreme pain and almost every night the pain would

    wake me rom my sleep. I have partaken o the HolyCommunion all my lie in church but never realized thebenets God had or me.

    I changed my attitude and thinking about theCommunion and began to partake regularly, rememberingthe sacrice Jesus made or me to be whole. I startedproclaiming my healing.

    Within a short period, the stiness and pain disappeared

    completely. I was so excited to have ull use o my handagain that I started to crochet in my spare time. I madeblankets or my amily members and many riends andtold them they were called blessed blankets because they

    were made by healed ngers.

    Tank you or your ministry. It has blessed me in manyways. I eel I now have new tools to navigate through thisworld, knowing how much God loves me and knowing Ihave His righteousness through Jesus.

    Claudia Jones | Georgia, US

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    To order, please use the order form enclosed with this newsletter.

    See how you are loved

    passionately, perectly andunconditionally by our LordJesus through these lie-changing resources.

    Tis bundle comes with the

    Word O Promise New estament Audio Biblein NKJVUnmerited Favorsotback bookPerect Love Casts Out Feartwo-sermon audio series

    For a gift of $550or more

    Tis bundle comes with the Joseph Prince Ministries Custom Edition Word O Promise

    Complete Audio Biblein NKJV with a bonus Hear And Receivesix-CD audio series NKJV Giant Print Reerence Edition leathersot Bible in red

    and black

    Unmerited Favorsotback book Perect Love Casts Out Feartwo-sermon audio series Receiving Revelation As You Study Te Word O Godbooklet

    Trough these amazingresources, discover Godsincredible love or you.Receive His love into yourheart, and see it cast outevery ear in your lie!

    For a gift of $300or more

  • 7/29/2019 GR Vol5iss1 (Web)


    Discover Gods heart or you to walk in divine health and wholeness every day o your lie.

    Te Health & Wholeness Git Bundle includes:

    Health & Wholeness Trough Te Holy Communion 5-DVD box set Health & Wholeness Trough Te Holy Communion book

    Te Waterfall Of Forgiveness4-CD album

    Healing PromisesSpecial Git Edition book

    Custom Git Box

    o order, please log on

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