gpsnews edition 21

14 March 2014 Victim centre needs help – 14 Hope for the roads – 4 Edition / Uitgawe 21 Wet wet wet – 14 Jacaranda brings love – 8 101 reasons to support Pro Life Marina Good playing the part of Gruela de Vil at the 101 Dalmatians event presented by Sabie Pro Life Pet Rescue. Fashion event brings in R45 000 for pet rescue – read p. 3

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Page 1: GPSNEWS edition 21

14 March 2014

Victim centreneeds help – 14

Hope forthe roads – 4

Edition / Uitgawe 21

Wet wetwet – 14

Jacaranda bringslove – 8

110011 rreeaassoonnssttoo ssuuppppoorrttPPrroo LLiiffee

Marina Good playing thepart of Gruela de Vil atthe 101 Dalmatians eventpresented by Sabie ProLife Pet Rescue.

Fashion event brings inR45 000 for pet rescue– read p. 3

Page 2: GPSNEWS edition 21

22 GGPPSS NNeewwss

From the editorOne year old already, is that pos-sible? With a shock I realised thatour newspaper will be turning oneyear old on 1 April. It is with agrateful heart towards God, my col-leagues and the advertisers formaking this possible.We plan to give the newspaper a

facelift – I believe that a change isas good as a holiday, but need yourhelp and assistance.From this issue on, we are also

expanding to White River. If youhave any information or story thatyou think should be in the newspa-per, please let us know.Our towns are blessed with so

many interesting and diversepeople, artists, athletes and manymore. Help us to share your goodnews with the community andreaders. Contact us, and help us tomake GPS News an interesting andworthy newspaper, filled with pos-

itive community news.Give us some feedback on the past

year. What did you like or dislike?Do you want the word search ornot? What should we report on

GPS News

22 Main Road, Sabie

Tel: 01 3 764 31 27

Fax: 086 574 3454


Valerie Kemp, tel: 083 565 9458

E-mail: [email protected]


Gerda van den Bos (Graskop):

083 324 7254


Michéle du Plessis (Sabie):

072 797 1 487

Graphic design: Belinda van

der Sandt

Editing and layout: Pedrie


gpsnews @editorKemp


I f you are is interested in playing

chess every Thursday afternoon at

Sabie Country Club, cal l Alfred on

076 901 9858.

1 5 March

Sabie Flea Market. Covered area at

Pets of Eden. Contact: 073 706

1 027.

29 March

Donkey derby. SCCT fund raising

event. Contact: 072 1 28 1 098.

29 March

Sabie street fair. Between Post Of-

fice and Standard Bank Contact

Jackie for a stal l : 072 61 9 3271 .

29 March

Painting demonstration in oils by

Louis Audie. The Loft at Trips ZA

opposite St. Peter’s church. 09:30.

Contact: 01 3 764 11 77.

11 -1 2 April

Sasol International Rally.

23-25 Mei

Vrouekamp te Aan De Vliet. Aan-

voerder van die stryd. Spreker: Dr.

Leonie Jonker. Kontak: 082 525

1 684.

7-8 June

Orienteering. Contact: 082 447


1 4-1 5 June

The Graskop Blue Swallow Festiv-

al. To participate contact 082 465

2827 or [email protected].

Let us know about any

events for placement in the

Social Calendar. It is free!

SSoocciiaall CCaalleennddaarrSSoossiiaallee KKaalleennddeerr

more?In the final analysis, GPS News is

there for you and about you, butwithout your input it is impossible.I pray that our in our second year

we will go from strength tostrength.

GGPPSS NNeewwss PPrriinnttss BBuussiinneessss CCaarrddss

Thank you, Peter and TelkomI had been without my landline for five days, with no signof anything happening. With a sick husband at home andthe need to phone doctors, family, etc., I was becomingsomewhat frustrated.One day, whilst in my car in town, I saw a Telkom van. I

stopped and called out to the driver and told him my prob-lem. I didn’t think much more about it, but the next day Ireceived a phone call from Telkom whilst in oncology atMediclinic. Unfortunately, the caller was not able to hearme and all I could say was: “Phone me at 2 p.m.”At 14:00, a Telkom van arrived at my gate, together with

the gentleman I had seen the previous day. Peter Mako-fane immediately set to work to attend to my problem andassured me that, with a sick husband, he was not going toleave until my landline was working again. He was true tohis word and sorted everything out in short order.Thank you, Peter, for caring and for resolving my prob-

lem so quickly, efficiently and with a minimum of fuss. Youreally went above and beyond the call of duty and I trulyappreciated your efforts on my behalf.I phoned Peter’s supervisor to tell him what an excellent

man he has in Peter, and I’m sure others will at some timeor another benefit from Peter’s expertise and commitmentto his job. It was a great experience for me to receive suchexcellent service.Keep up the good work, Peter – and Telkom!– Jean Roberts

Supa Quick is really quickI would like to thank Wimpie (the new manager at SupaQuick, Sabie) and his staff for their professional service.I had an emergency and had to go to Vanderbijlpark, and

needed new tyres. I called late in the afternoon, and Wim-pie assured me it would be there the next morning.They called me and said I must bring my vehicle in. One

of the staff members noticed that there was brake fluidleaking onto the tyres due to rubbers perished, and notifiedme thereof, but because of the emergency, I decided to haveit investigated at a later stage. Just as I wanted to leave tostart the journey, I realised there the brakes were notworking at all. I returned to Supa Quick and they solvedthe problem for me in a record time.Appointing Wimpie as the new manager was a wise

move, and I will refer all my friends and family to SupaQuick Sabie. I thank you for excellent service.– Anne-Marie de la Rey

Surprised by friendlinessFirstly, greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mywife, Jackey, and I recently moved to Sabie and we werepleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the town folks.Besides the beauty and splendour of the surroundings,

the residents are outgoing, and they welcomed us into theircommunity.I am a professional hair stylist with more than 30 years

experience, including international, competing in the Lon-don Hair Olympics in 1994. My wife is a professional nailtechnician with 18 years experience, and we plan to openup a related business in Sabie.Until we find suitable premises, we will be working from

our salon at our house. We want to bring world class ser-vice to our town at affordable prices.Look out for our advert in the next issue of GPS News.Blessings, and remember Joshua 24:15: “As for me and

my house, we will serve the Lord” (NKJV).– Keith Henriques

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Fashionableto care foranimals

The 101 Dalmatians fashion show and fund-raising event brought in more thanR45 000 for Sabie Pro Life Pet Rescue. The

event was held at Floreat Riverside Lodge in Sa-bie on Saturday 1 March.Locals modelled morning, afternoon and even-

ing wear donated by various boutiques and indi-viduals. Clothes, wine, paintings and other itemswere auctioned.Marina Good played the part of Cruella de Vil,

the evil woman in the 101 Dalmatians movie.Lunch was provided by The Woodsman restaur-ant. The master of ceremonies was Dave Waltersof MPower FM. Debbie Möller was the event co-ordinator.The purpose of the event was to raise funds to

build kennels in Nelspruit for the local organisa-tion to assist distressed animals.Karin Erasmus started Pro Life Pet Rescue in

2011 after she had received a call from the reptilepark in Hazyview informing her that someonesold a dog to them for crocodile food, but they didnot have the heart to use it.For the past three years, they helped on aver-

age 400 abused, homeless and hungry animalsanimals per year. Pro Life will not euthanize an-imals unless a vet suggests it due to health prob-lems.In 2012, Annelize Cloete of Sabie joined forces

with Karin and became Sabie’s representative.Debbie assisted with the search for localpremises, but later they decided to rather buildthe kennels for Sabie animals at Pro LifeNelspruit.Debbie said: “Many people helped to make this

possible. I cannot thank everyone by name, but itis not possible. However, I want to single out JoyComley as the person without whom this wouldnot have been possible.”• For more information on Sabie Pro Life Pet

Rescue contact Debbie on 082 222 2204. Thebanking details are: Pro Life Pet RescueNelspruit, Standard Bank, 030260965. As refer-ence use “Sabie” and your name.

Two of the models... Danuelle Burger andGladys Mashego.

The winning table of Vernon and BarbaraScrooby of Aster Garden @ Sabie.

Barbara and Vernon Scrooby with DebbieMöller at the winning table.

Annelize Cloete, Karin Erasmus and DebbieMöller at the presentation of the money.

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JJaaccaarraannddaa FFMM bbeessooeekk SSaabbiieeMichele du Plessis

Dis nie aldag dat jou gunsteling-stemme op ’n radiostasie jou dorpbesoek en jy die mens agter die

stem kan ontmoet nie.Op Dinsdag 25 en Woensdag 26 Februar-

ie het Sabie-inwoners die kans gekry om dieaanbieders van Jacaranda FM se ontbyt-program te ontmoet waar hulle van dieparkeerterrein by Petena Pancakes uit-gesaai het. Só ’n toer verg baie opofferingsvan baie mense, nie net die aanbieders nie.Khumsa Mlungwana, die radiostasie se

bemarking-en-geleentheidskoördineerder,sê dis soms baie moeilik. “Ons staan elkeoggend vieruur op om te gaan werk. Onshou maar deur BBM tred met ons geliefdes.Die mense in die klein dorpies is so vrien-delik en tegemoetkomend. Hulle laat onswelkom voel.”Sarel van Sabie het ’n dis onder aanskoue

van die omstanders voorberei. Hy is be-oordeel deur Richard van Petena Pancakes,Stefan van Laevelder en MJ Mashego vandie polisie in Sabie.Richard het gedink die kos is baie lekker,

veral die salsa, en het Sarel ’n volle 100%

gegee. Stefan en MJ het hom sewe en agtuit tien gegee.Bronwyn Hardick, wat sosiale media vir

Jacanda FM hanteer, het gesê Sabie is be-slis die mooiste plek wat hulle op die toerbesoek het.“Die uitsig is die mooiste van al die

plekke van waar ons uitgesaai het. Wecame to spread love on the Love Tour, butinstead we received so much love from thepeople we met. I’ll definitely come back tovisit Sabie. The people are just amazing!”Intussen het die leiers van Laerskool Sa-

bie die “haka” in hul Jacanda-T-hemdegedoen. Die aanbieder Maljan het gesê disongelooflik om die mense te ontmoet en dieenergie te ervaar. “Dit is ongelooflikvriendelik in die kleiner gemeenskappe.”Hy sê mens raak gewoond aan die

hotelkamers en dat hy sy “nonnatjie” vandie afgelope sewe jaar baie mis as hy weg-gaan. Die een mens wat hy op die toer ont-moet het wat hom die langste sal bybly, isdie Sabie-inwoner George Georgiades.Al die aanbieders stem saam dat die kos

wat hulle by The Woodsman geëet het, diebeste op die toer was. “Dit was rêrig com-fort food,” het Bronwyn gesê.

Rian van Heerden, hoofomroeper van Jacaranda FM seontbytprogram.

Jacaranda FM se Love Tour-but langs Petena Pancakes in Sabie.

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TToouurr ffaallllss iinn lloovvee wwiitthh PPiillggrriimm’’ssFrieda Paton

The team from the JacarandaLove Tour were given a solidtaste of the experiences Pil-

grim’s Rest has to offer, even though itwas a short lunch-time stopover.These included Royal Hotel, gold pan-ning, and a donkey cart ride.Locals dressed in Victorian attire

were amongst the crowd that met thecolourful bus when it rolled into Up-town. The first stop was Royal Hotel.A drink and a chat in the Church Barwere followed by a choice buffet in therestaurant.After lunch, presenter Maljan had a

chance to try his hand at gold pan-ning. Pilgrim’s resident David Kahtzgave a demonstration in the panningpit in front of Stables Restaurant, andthen it was Maljan’s turn. Even usinga small children’s’ pan seeded withextra large “nuggets” he complainedthat it was not as easy as it looks.That was when Olive, the proprietorof Stables, ran up with a fiery shooterfor courage. Maljan’s first find was agolden ring that which was placed inthe pan. This was, after all, the LoveTour.The next stop was Downtown and

Piet “Langoor” Oosthuizen broughtthe donkey cart, pulled by Vonnie andMeraai, to pick up the passengers. Butthey had to wait, and carrots werebrought for the restless donkeys. Thereason was that presenter DianneBroodryk just had to do some quickshopping at one of the local gift shops. Maljan has his turn trying to find gold in the pan.

Jacaranda FM’s communications manager Ryan van Heerden with Sarel van Sabie and GPS News staffmembers Shilleen van Niekerk and Belinda van der Sandt during the station’s Love Tour visit to Sabie.

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Plans in place to fix Graskop’s roadsGerda van den Bos

Ehlanzeni District Municipal-ity appointed a contractor tofix the potholes and drain-

age problems in Hugenote Street inGraskop. The project was delayeddue to rain.According to Kemmy Mashego,

municipal unit manager forGraskop, the project was due forcompletion middle December thisyear, but the weather conditionsdisrupted the schedule.He asked residents and visitors to

be patient as “all the road closuresin the area will soon be a thing ofthe past”.Mashego said the stretch of road

in front of the municipal resort willnot be tarred again. This time theywill use concrete as this stretch isbuild over a wetland area. He saidthe district engineers will make surethat the project is completed profes-sionally. The contractor also useslocal labour to do some of the work,and thus creates job opportunities.According to Mashego, the rest of

the town’s roads will receive atten-tion in due course. One of those thatwill be fixed first is the dirt roadused by school buses to get to

Graskop Primary and PanoramaSecondary School. After a bus gotstuck in the mud for hours in Janu-ary, the road has been blocked offwith two heaps of stones and gravel.Mashego said he has the support ofthe Department of Roads andTransport and this road will beleveled as soon as the raining seasonis over.Proper water trenches will also be


Chinese project

According to Mashego, theChinese housing development pro-ject is nearing completion, with allthe necessary sewerage pipesalready having been laid. He saidthat the project is handled by theDepartment of Human Settlementand Thaba Chweu municipality. Ex-actly who will be housed and what,if any, costs will be involved is up to

the Department of Human Settle-ment to decide.

Business involvement

Mashego thanked all local busi-nesses that have helped to ensurethat the vehicle testing station isfully operational again. He alsothanked Hein en Otto Moore fortheir help and continuous support tocontrol Graskop’s landfill site.

The current state of theroad that school buses useduntil one of them got stuckin January. Plans are inplace to fix this road.

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Woodlands takes care of toddlersWoodlands School in Sabie isnow offering a pre-school tod-dler class between the ages of18 months and 3 years.Heading up this new toddler

class, called Blou Hasie (BlueRabbit), is Ilsa Lawrie, whowill be instilling love of learn-ing in the children by playingwhilst being educated. It is notonly a playgroup, but a learn-ing group as well.Most of the critical periods of

human brain development oc-cur in the first three years of achild’s life. At no other time isthe brain so receptive and re-sponsive. Many of the neurolo-gical connections that govern alifetime of skill and potentialare beginning to take shape.Children in this stage gain

more control of their bodies,and their motor skills develop.They become more aware ofother people’s feelings and be-gin to learn to share. Languageand vocabulary is stimulatedand learned at this age.By the age of three, much of

a child’s brain growth anddensity is complete. The brain pat-terns that will guide a child’s develop-ment are already well established.If you want to give your child an in-

heritance worth more than all gold,

then provide a good education from avery young age, because it shapestheir whole life.For more information contact

Woodlands School on 013 764 1741.

Ilsa Lawrie, teacher of the new toddlerclass at Woodlands School.

Money returnedPaul Janse van Rensburg, manager at BP Sabie, and CynthiaMoshego, BP employee. Cynthia recently found R3 000 left in themoney slot at the ATM at the garage, and took the money to Paul.She had earlier seen a man at the ATM, and when he came back,she called her manager, who returned the money to the rightfulowner. – Michele du Plessis

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Gerda van den Bos

OomFrikkie Myburg woon albyna 58 jaar lank in Graskop.Hy sê toe hy in 1956 met sy

gesin na die omgewing verhuis het,het die baie reën hom dadelik opgeval.Hy het op plase in die Dordrecht- en

Sterkstroom-distrik in die Oos-Kaapgrootgeword waar daar baie droogtewas. Hy sê tot vandag toe kan hy nieverstaan as mense oor reën kla nie,want hy het gesien wat groot droogtesaan mens en dier kan doen.In 1972 het oom Frikkie ’n spesiale

boek by die destydse Weerburo inPretoria gekoop om reënval op te te-ken, maar hy het eers in 1977 beginom elke dag se weerbesonderhede aante teken nadat hy ’n amptelike weer-buroreënmeter gekry en by die weer-buro geregistreer het. Hy het toe jarelank pligsgetrou die reënvalsyfersaangeteken en maandeliks ’n verslagPretoria toe gestuur.Hy teken steeds elke dag die reën-

val aan, maar sê dis sommer net vir

homself. En as hy so na die statistiekekyk, sien hy Graskop kry nou minderreën as vroeër jare en dat daar ookheelwat minder mis is.Oom Frikkie reken as mens ordent-

lik reën wil meet, moet jy ’n “regte”reënmeter hê, “nie die plastiekgoedwat mense in hul tuin het nie”. En jymoet mooi kyk waar jy die meter aan-bring – dit moet op die regte hoogtewees en verkieslik naby bome vir ’nbietjie windweerstand, “anders waaidie reën mos skoon by die meter ver-by”.Sy liefde vir die natuur strek veel

verder as die reënval. Vlak by diekombuisdeur is ’n bakkie met brokkieskaas. Dis vir die janfrederik en dieglasogies. Die duiwe kry hul brood opdie stoep, saam met ander voëls watdie vrugte kom eet wat hy vir hulleneersit.Op 29 Maart word oom Frikkie 90

jaar oud. Hy bestuur hy nog self symotor Sabie toe vir banksake, en as hydie dag stilsit, is hy ’n bron van storiesoor Graskop se verlede.

Graskop se reënvalkenner

Oom FrikkieMyburg

Greys celebrate 64 yearsGerda van den Bos

Don and Rose Grey celebratedtheir 64th wedding anniversary on4 March with a dinner at God’sWindow’s Rest Restaurant inGraskop.Rose said the secret to their long

marriage was communication. “If

you have a problem, sort it out.Talk to each other,” was her adviceto younger couples. She added thata couple should also appreciateeach other.The Greys have been living in

Graskop since 1977. They hadseven children together and have adozen grandchildren.

Rose andDon Grey

Donkey derby promises lots of funThe Sabie Chamber of Commerce andTourism (SCCT) plans a great eveningof fun and laughter, guaranteed toleave you “horse”. It is called a donkeyderby.It will take place on Saturday 29

March at 18:00 at Floreat RiversideLodge.A donkey derby is a fun-filled even-

ing of “horse racing” with dice. Thereare 6 horses per race and 12 races.Each member of the audience willhave a race card with the names andcolours of the horses.At the start of every race each horse

is auctioned. Auctioning and bettingcan be done in syndicates or by indi-viduals.The tote is then opened and betting

begins. You can buy as many tickets

as you like at R5 each for a horse inthat particular race.The race is played on a grid of 6 by

20 blocks. The first dice rolled estab-lishes what horse will move on thegrid. The second determines the num-ber of paces.After the race, the master of cere-

monies announces the winning horseand the tote pays out the winningticket holder. Only the winning horsereceives a pay-out. The chamber willtake a percentage of the takings andpay the balance to the winners.Tickets are R100 per person, in-

cluding dinner. A cash bar will beavailable.Tickets can be bought from Lesley

Turner (072 128 1098) or Anne Coet-zee (082 562 4609).

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99GGPPSS NNeewwssGGPPSS NNeewwss PPrriinnttss CCeerrttiiffiiccaatteess

Alternatiewe Anna

PPoolliittiieekkee ppoolleemmiieekk oooorr ’’nn kkeeppssiieeDit moet vreeslik moeilik wees om ’n politieke leier tewees. Veral nou met die Oscar-saak, wat al dienuustyd oorvat. Al die politieke leiers wil so graag opdie TV wees en hulle word ge-outshine deur ’n man-netjie wat op lemmetjies rondhardloop. Shame.Miskien is dit hoekom sommige van hulle nou in sulkeoutrages fashions op die kassie rondparadeer.Kyk nou maar net weer vir ou miesies Zee. Eers is

tekkies en African print die inding. Dan T-shirts enwhatever met cheap plastic krale. Nou, heaven forbid,het sy wragtig ’n designer outfit wat spesiaal met dieDA-logo be-print is. Soos daar op hospitaallakensstaan: property of... Moet ook nie die nuwe blou beretvergeet nie. Almal het mos berets: ANC, EFF en dieGreen Berets ook.Daarenteen lyk ou Julius heel colour coordinated.

Met sy black en red en red beret. Miskien is alkinderstorie wat hy ooit gehoor het, die een vanRooikappie en die wolf. Maar hy’t die hele storie ver-keerd. Nou dra die wolf ’n rooi kepsie en hy grinnikook soos een. Maar hy’s ten minste FCC –fashionablycolor coordinated.Oor ou Patsy kan ek nie veel sê nie. Soms vervelig,

maar meestal beskaaf. Geen outfit tricks om die lime-light mee te steel nie. Behalwe miskien die keer metdie kraleding om haar kop. Lindiwe sal ek nie breed-voerig beskryf nie. Dalk moet haar ondersteuning netbietjie meer ondersteun vir die sware politieke las wat

sy saamdra.Mr. Zee lyk, soos gewoonlik, afgerond. Maar met so

baie vrouens om jou te vertel wat jy moet aantrek,kan hy seker nie te veel foute maak nie. Ek wonder ofhulle beurte maak om sy klere te kies? Of het hy ’nprofessionele gay persoon wat dit doen? Net, die wittekkies by sy tradisionele drag op sy troue was nie socool nie. Was dit miskien ’n politieke stelling?Al die polemiek oor die politieke fashion het my

weer laat dink oor hoe ek gaan vote. Maar nou weetek. Die een met die coolest outfit kry my vote. Miskiengee hulle my dan ook ’n kepsie.

Gerda van den Bos

Die Afrikaanse sanger Danie Bo-tha het spesialiste en kunstenaarsin Graskop betrek om die omslagvan sy nuutste CD, Ge-anker, teontwerp.Om die foto’s te neem is Casper

Visser se ateljee, lasers en belig-ting gebruik, terwyl RoeMa Photo-graphy vanRoeloff en Maria vanVuuren van Graskop die foto’s ge-neem het. Maria het ook die finaleomslagontwerp gedoen.Maria sê Danie en sy vrou, Da-

leen, het haar geïnspireer. Hullehet hul 22ste huweliksherdenkingverlede jaar met sy optrede inGraskop gevier, en sy sê sy het be-

leef hoe die Bothas alles saam doenen mekaar ondersteun. Sy sê hulleis vir haar ’n voorbeeld van dieeenheid in die huwelik waarvandie Bybel in Markus 10:6-9 praat.Die CD se kleure is simbolies

van die eenheid tussen man (blou)en vrou (rooi) wat saamsmelt totpers. Dit pas ook aan by die titel-snit, “Ge-anker”, wat Botha vir syvrou geskryf het.Daleen Botha het in ’n telefonie-

se onderhoud aan GPS Nuus gesêal het hulle om praktiese redes ’npaar veranderinge aan die omslagaangebring, was hulle baie tevredemet die diens wat hulle in Graskopgekry het. “Hulle het regtig uitste-kende werk gedoen.”

Plaaslikes help Botha met album

Graskop wins inter-primary athleticsGerda van den Bos

On Saturday 1 March, GraskopPrimary School made history by win-ning the inter-primary athleticschampionships in Ohrigstad.Graskop competed against Laer-

skool Atokia, Calvin College, Laer-skool Clivia, Laerskool Ohrigstad andLaerskool Skukuza, and came homewith13 gold, 20 silver and 18 bronzemedals.From early on it was clear that

Skukuza and Graskop were thestrongest teams. At one stage,Skukuza won so many track itemsthat the announcer declared it “mustbe because they are used to runningaway from lions in the Kruger Na-tional Park”.This didn’t deter the Grassies, who

competed with determination and en-thusiasm. As ten-year-old KabeloMokoena said after finishing second inthe 1 200 m: “We are doing it for ourschool.” He was convinced thatGraskop Primary would win.Tshepang Monareng became a star

when he broke the record in the 60 mrace for eight-year-olds. The recordstood at 9,7 sec and he won in 9,44sec. Tshepang received the trophy forthe best sprinter, as well as the bestachiever award.Another record was smashed in the

100 m for 11-year-old girls. A girl fromClivia won, but Kgahlego Sekgobela,who came second, also broke the re-cord.Dakalo Tshamano broke the high

jump record for 10-year-old girls with1,03 m. Sibusiso Malopane receivedthe trophy for the best middle dis-tance athlete. He won the 1 200 m in

the 10-year-old category in a time of 4min 35,45 sec.There was a festive atmosphere at

Ohrigstad throughout the day, withAfrikaans music playing while theathletes competed, and flavoursspreading from the food stalls next tothe track.

Photo: Mark Matthee

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TToo bbee kkiinndd iissmmoorree iimmppoorrttaanntttthhaann ttoo bbee rriigghhtt..

















Page 11: GPSNEWS edition 21

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Property valuationroll open forinspection

Michele du Plessis

Thaba Chweu municipality’s updated prop-erty valuation roll can be inspected at themunicipal offices in Sabie and Graskop.The valuation roll has not been approved

yet and property owners can still lodge anobjection with the municipal manager be-fore the closing date of 4 April.“The final valuation roll will be published

on 3 July, and the new rates and taxes willalso come into effect on this date,” RodneyMalepe, municipal official in Sabie, said.Property owners can lodge an objection if

they do not agree with the valuation. Ob-jection forms are available at R5 each.Owners are advised to make a copy of thecompleted form for their own records andhand the original in at the municipal office.“They will receive a response after a time

to tell them whether the valutaion wasamended. The final decision is up to theacting municipal manager, Godfrey Nkosi,in Lydenburg,” Malepe said.The valuation roll is also available on the

municipality’s web page at

Janelco still the all-in-one storeOver 22 years of doing business in White River,Janelco has emerged as one of the Lowveld’s best-loved and most fascinating stores. Shoppers will nev-er cease to be amazed by the vast range of interest-ing, unusual and hard-to-find items.Janelco’s reputation for professional and friendly

service and for providing quality recommendations tocustomers has become respected far and wide.Janelco was established in 1992 by two business

partners, Koos Du Venage and George Hockey. Thebusiness started off as a packaging material andplasticware supply shop. After a devastating fire attheir warehouse, losing most of their stock, they de-cided to start a new business venture.In 2000, Hockey relocated to Potgietersrus to start

a new business.In the late 1990s Janelco started with a new

product line of party accessories and arts and crafts.This initiative was the idea of the heartbeat of the

shop, Ansa Du Venage. Ansa loved being creativeand her passion was clear from the way she assistednumerous people with school projects, market daysand functions and brides with their weddings.She was dearly loved by the community. Her bub-

bly personality has made this shop sparkle, but sadlyshe was lost due to illness.Janelco is managed and operated by Koos, his two

sons, Johan and Jaco, and daughter-in-law, Monique.Middle 2012 they decided to add Janelco Printing

to their business. Janelco Printing offers digitalprinting and signage, as well as engraving, sand-blasting and laser cutting at extremely reasonableprices. Due to their phenomenal growth, they are re-locating to White River industrial area close to thelicence department.Janelco offers friendly professional service. If you

can’t find an item; you will most probably find it attheir shop in White River.

Janelco’s friendly management team: Monique, Jaco, Koos and Johan Du Venage.

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CCeennttrree ssttrruugggglleess ttoo ccaarree ffoorr aabbuussee vviiccttiimmssMichele du Plessis

The Sabie Victim Empower-ment Centre helps andcomforts rape and abuse vic-

tims, but is facing a real challenge tokeep its doors open.Ntombifuthi Ngwenya, coordinat-

or at the centre, which is situated atthe police station, says Child Wel-fare supported them in the past, butnow they are on their own. “Thepeople of Sabie don’t know about thechallenges we face. We are now aNGO and we must raise the moneyto keep this centre functioning. Thecentre in Graskop had to close itsdoors because of a lack of funds. Alltheir victims are now sent here toSabie.”The centre operates 24 hours a

day in collaboration with the SAPS,and provides not only counseling,but also acts as short-term overnightshelter for survivors of violence andabuse.“We have four caregivers that

work 12-hour shifts. There must al-ways be someone here, because mostdomestic violence and rape caseshappen at night. We are here toprovide a place of safety for thesewomen, children and sometimes also

men that need our help,” Ntombisaid.“It’s been ten months since we

have had any coffee here. We’ve gotnothing to give the victims. Whenwe need to keep child victims of hu-man trafficking here, we do not havefood to give them. We had caseswhere the children had to stay herefor longer periods.”

Female victims receive a carepacket that includes basic toiletriesand also a teddy bear. “The teddybear is very important. Not onlydoes it relieve the stress of relivingthe traumatic event, it also providescomfort to the victims when theyhold it.”The centre has only five care

packets for traumatised victims left.

A care packet consists of: teddy bearor soft toy, toothbrush, toothpaste,washcloth, soap, lotion, panty linerand panty.• The centre is in need of: rice,

mealie-meal, soya mince, coffee, tea,juice (e.g. Super 7 or Oros), coffeecreamer, sugar, canned food, cookingoil, washing powder, body soap andtoilet paper.

Coordinator Ntombifuthi Ngwenya, with volunteers and caregivers Basolang Mashabane, PatHamanburg, Ian Mdluli and Mavis Mabunda.

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Carolina Botha

Groot opwinding heers by Hoër-skool Rob Ferreira in Witrivier oordie aanstelling van Dawie Oberhol-zer, tot vroeër vanjaar die adjunk-hoof van Hoërskool Sybrand vanNiekerk in Sabie, as nuwe hoof.“My droom vir Rob Ferreira is

om wyer openbare ondersteuningen erkenning te kry vir die uitne-mende opvoeding en onderrig watby hierdie skool plaasvind,” sê hy.“Net so belangrik as wat die

ontwikkeling van die potensiaalvan die leerlinge is, is die bemag-tiging en ondersteuning van mypersoneellede. Ek wil self groeisodat ek die mense om my kaninspireer om hoë aspirasies te hê.”Ondanks baie probleme in die

onderwys is hy positief oor die

toekoms van Rob Ferreira. Hybeskou die skool as ’n baken vanuitnemendheid en beklemtoon syvisie dat groot groei vir Rob voorlê.“Dit is immers ’n plek waar ge-

wone kinders die geleentheid kryom buitengewone dinge te doen.Dis tyd dat meer mense van Robkennis neem. So hou ons dop!”Dawie het in 1981 aan Hoërskool

Lydenburg gematrikuleer, waarnahy onderwys aan die Universiteitvan Pretoria gaan studeer het. Hyhet sy diensplig aan die infanterie-skool in Oudshoorn voltooi waar hytot luitenant bevorder is.In 1988 is hy by Sybrand van

Niekerk aangestel waar hy latertot adjunkhoof bevorder is en ookdie senior koshuisvader was. In diétydperk het hy nog drie onderwys-kwalifikasies verwerf.

‘‘HHoouu oonnss ddoopp!!’’ ssêê RRoobbssee nnuuwwee ggrroooottkkoopp

Dawie Oberholzer, nuwe hoof van Hoërskool Rob Ferreira.

Hoërskool Rob Ferreira in Witrivier het vanjaar tien oud-Robbies in diepersoneel. Al tien hierdie lojale Robbies het self op die skoolbanke gesiten ná hul omswerwinge hul pad terug na die skool gevind. Voor: Pietvan Tonder, Cornelia Roodt, Bianca Nel, Bianca Grobler, Sizwe Mashileen Francois Erasmus. Agter: Chris Joubert, Wikie du Plessis, MartieStoltz en Nico Bekker. – Carolina Botha

’n Nuwe personeelspan

Eenmaal ’n Robbie, altyd ’n Robbie

Voor: Denine Jacobs, So-Mari Basson, Matia van der Westhuizen enBianca Grobler. Agter: Tuli van Heerden, Marinda Loock, Rudolf Con-radie en Nico Bekker. (Afwesig: Arista Bothma.) – Carolina Botha

GPS Nuus word nou ook in Witrivier versprei. Om die

kans te gebruik om te adverteer, of om die koerant te

ontvang, kry die kontakbesonderhede op bl. 2.

HHeett jjyy ggeewweeeett??

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1144 GGPPSS NNeewwss GGPPSS NNeewwss DDooeess LLaammiinnaattiioonn

33 000000 mmoouunnttaaiinnbbiikkeerrss ttooookk

oonn SSaabbiiee CCllaassssiiccMichele du Plessis

About 3 000 mountain bikersdescended on Sabie for theSabie Classic Mountain Bike

race, the second leg of the 2014 MTNNational Marathon series, for the16th time.The heavy rains on Friday 21 Feb-

ruary turned one of the toughestevents, with extremely rough terrainand an elevation gain of 2 920 m, intoa slippery and muddy extreme chal-lenge. The event included a 113 kmultra marathon, a 75 km marathon, a45 km half marathon, a 16 km funrace and a 10 km fun ride.The MTN series organiser, Adven-

durance, ensured that Sabie formedpart of the marathon world series.Mountain bikers in the top 20 will beguaranteed to qualify for the mara-thon world championships later thisyear in Pietermaritzburg.European riders Team Bulls, Urs

Huber and Karl Platt, beat SouthAfrican Kevin Evans into third posi-tion, despite his effort to beat them toKing of the Mountains at 27km.According to route director Dennis

Lawrie, the 75 km marathon was justas tough for most local riders, withsome taking over ten hours to com-plete the distance. Many riders hadproblems due to mechanical problems,cold and exhaustion.

Samantha Sanders and Amy Mc-Dougall represented local teamValencia in the 75 km race. Sanderscrashed down a technical descent onthe slippery rocks that resulted in adeep gash in her left arm and a frac-

tured right thumb. McDougall fin-ished third overall, after she startedin ninth place.“The 45 km half marathon on

Sunday was a lot more enjoyable ingreat weather conditions with over

700 riders completing a challengingroute,” Dennis said.Hanru Lubbe (youth rider) was the

overall winner of the 16 km race,beating sub junior Ryan Terry by 39seconds.

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SSyybbrraanndd ttrriiuummpphhss aatt pprreessttiiggee eevveennttMichele du Plessis

On 22 February, Sybrand van Niekerk HighSchool hosted the prestige athletics event forsmall schools in Sabie that was attended byseven schools.Even though the rainy weather put a

damper on the proceedings, it did nothing todampen the spirit of the athletes. Athletes,teachers and coaches from Balfour, Belfast,Carolina, Groblersdal, Hendrina, HighveldPark and Morgenzon Landbou Akademiecame together to compete and participate inthe event.The “blue machine” of Sybrand van

Niekerk preformed best and won hands down,making sure that the trophy stayed at home.Brian Mdhluli (boys u/19) won gold medals

in the 400 m hurdles, 110 m hurdles, highjump, long jump and in the 100 m. Brian seta new record in the 400 m hurdles with atime of 57,70 sec. He was second in the 200m.Fortunate Maseko (girls u/14) came first in

the 400 m, 200 m and 100 m, setting a newrecord in the 400 m. She took silver in the 90m hurdles.The boys u/15 4x100 m relay set a new re-

cord with a time of 48,95 sec.Democracy Malaka (boys u/19) earned gold

in the 800 m, silver in the 3 000 m and bronzein the 400 m.Christopher Maartens took gold in shot-

put, javelin and discus for boys u/19. MondeSibeko (boys u/15) earned gold in the highjump, 300 m hurdles and 100 m hurdles.

Mongezi Lubisi... first in high jump and 400 mfor boys u/16.

Alexander Maartens... second in 100 mhurdles, third in 100 m and 200 m for boysu/19.

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Golf fight against cancer launchedThis year’s Sanlam Cancer Golf Challenge was

launched at White River Country Club on 22February, and was attended by 127 players

from all over the Lowveld.Jacqueline Weideman and the Cansa team ensured

that the table was set for another season of greatcomrade golf and the awareness of cancer. R17 000was generated for the fight against cancer on this day.Braam Haasbroek from Kruger Park Lodge Country

Club who was the 2013 National Cansa Challengechampion at Sun City, also attended this year’slaunch.Some great golf was played. The eventual better

ball winners were Clayton Schmidt and ThinusNeethling. Casper Strydom and Jurie Grobler weresecond, with Ruan Dreyer and Dewald Stoltz in thirdplace.The Cansa club championships will be hosted by

Jacqueline and Dewaldt Beukes. The dates are:10 May – White River Country Club17 May – Lydenburg Country Club7 June – Sabie Country Club7 June – Chrome Country Club21 June – Kruger Park Lodge21 June – Nelspruit Golf Club28 June – Pilgrim’s Rest5 July – SkukuzaSome club dates are still outstanding.The finals will be held at White River Country Club

on 20 August.