gps best practices -- field

GPS Best Practices -- Field Chris Wayne (CRLA) channeled through Tim Smith April 1, 2008

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GPS Best Practices -- Field. Chris Wayne (CRLA) channeled through Tim Smith April 1, 2008. Session Overview. Discuss best practices for field techniques when conducting GPS-based missions Field recon, antenna positioning, pre-field preparation and other important stuff - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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GPS Best Practices -- Field

Chris Wayne (CRLA) channeled through Tim Smith

April 1, 2008

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Session Overview

• Discuss best practices for field techniques when conducting GPS-based missions

• Field recon, antenna positioning, pre-field preparation and other important stuff

• techniques for maximizing accuracy and completeness of field-collected data

• “software generic” but examples use Garmin and Trimble workflows.

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Review of pre-planning session:

• “Now you’re ready… right?”

• Verify everything: GPS settings, batteries, personal gear, gas in the rig

• Test it all before you leave the lab, especially the GPS

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Field Recon – Know before you go

• Be realistic about what you can accomplish in 1 day

• Round trip? Go to your most distant point then map your way back

• If you don’t finish, you have less distance to cover when you return

• Pay attention to features that will become attributes

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Safety First!

• Water, food, communication• Plan left with responsible party: departure

time & place, return time & place• Map and compass and competency with


MISSION TO A GPS UNIT!– (Would you trust life or mission to a double-A


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Getting geared up

• “10 essentials” for hiking

• Camera• Rite-in-rain

Notebook• Other field forms

on R-in-R paper• GPS Quick Guide• FOOD!!!!!!

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Define and Review Mission Goals

• Positional Requirements: – Mapping into GIS: Points, lines, polygons– Relocation by GPS and/or map and compass

• Attribute requirements– Just a name and/or ID?– GIS-quality attributes?

• Project requirements– What must be done by when?– Fast, accurate, cheap: pick 2

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Attribute Collection

• Minimum: Unique ID (name or number) of a position or feature

• Ideal: Detailed, multi-field descriptions of positions or features that meet pre-defined standards

• Reality: A bit of both• Geodatabases and data dictionaries help us

reach the ideal• ALWAYS include an “Other as Encountered”

option in menus, AND a “Notes” field

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Ways to collect attributes

• Rec Grade (Garmins, Magellans): Waypoint metadata forms, available on NPS GIS Site – Requires careful manual notekeeping

• Data Dictionary: Built in Trimble Pathfinder Office, deployed with Terrasync– Will require conversion to use in ArcGIS

• Geodatabase: Built in ESRI ArcCatalog, deployed in field with ArcPad

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Workflow Examples

• Trimble: Mapping-grade units– More accurate, correctable, steep learning


• Garmin: recreational-grade units– Less accurate, not correctable, learn on the


• Table to compare and contrast

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Trimble - ArcPad Workflow Example

• Check out data (or data schema) from Geodatabase using ArcMap

• Upload data to Trimble unit• Collect field data with ArcPad

– GPSCorrect optional but required for post-processing• Download field data from Trimble unit• Post-process field data (either in Pathfinder

Office or ArcMap w/GPS Analyst extension) – Only possible if you used GPSCorrect while collecting

• Check corrected field data back into Geodatabase using ArcMap

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Trimble - Terrasync Workflow Example

• Build data dictionary in Pathfinder Office

• Upload data to Trimble unit

• Collect field data with Terrasync (.ssf files)

• Download field data from Trimble unit

• Post-process field data in Pathfinder Office

• Convert corrected field data back into Geodatabase using ArcMap

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Garmin – ArcMap Workflow Example

• Configure GPS unit: coordinate system, datum, etc. *• Upload background maps to Garmin unit using

MapSource *• Upload tracks and waypoints (if needed) using

DNRGarmin or ArcMap• Collect field data : tracks and/or waypoints• Turn off tracklog before turning off GPS! Why..? See

upcoming slide!• Download tracks and/or waypoints from Garmin using

DNRGarmin• Export field data (tracks and/or waypoints) to ArcMap

using DNRGarmin

• * These tasks normally have to be done only once, unless the Garmin runs out of power or the settings get changed. Always verify before you go into the field!

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Garmin vs. TrimbleGarmin Trimble

Hardware 70Csx, 60Csx, etc GeoGT, GeoXH (ProXRS)

Background Data Source Garmin MapSource GIS Data from ArcMap

Field Software Embedded menus and pages ArcPad -- Windows-based or Terrasync

Accuracy 2-30 meters 0.5 - 5 meters

GIS Conversion Software DNR Garmin to ArcMap ArcMap or Pathfinder Office

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Managing Garmin Tracklogs

• Turn off tracklog before turning off GPS!• Otherwise, your track will connect the last point

collected on your previous mission to the first point collected on your new mission

• Contrast to ArcPad or Terrasync, where you must explicitly save each feature before making a new one

• Mapping is a secondary design consideration for Garmins, navigation and re-location are primary

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Differential (“real time”) correction

• 3 options:– WAAS: Wide-Area Augmentation System

satellites– NDGPS: National Differential GPS Beacons– Onstar Satellite Subscription

• Each must be separately enabled on each unit

• Not all GPS units support all options

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WAAS and Real-time Correction

• Always turn on WAAS– Works with rec-grade and mapping grade units– Remember it is only line-of-sight

• NDGPS is active (for now…? Thanks Tim!)– Most units (e.g..: Trimble) will require additional

hardware to receive: Trimble BoB, Thales Mobile Mapper

– Won’t work with rec-grade units

• A supplement to, not a replacement for, Post-processing

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Quantity Over Quality?

• Better to get a bad position than no position?

• Trimble doesn’t think so: many units won’t allow a 2d position

• You may disagree– dumb down the minimum quality of positions to increase quantity (1 is better than 0)

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Quantity Over Quality?

• Settings are dynamic—adjust them according to conditions

• Few options on recreational grade e.g.: Garmins

• Many options on mapping grade e.g.: Trimbles

• Personal experience: Garmins are less accurate but get much better reception under canopy, in cars, even indoors

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How to get better reception in poor conditions

• You will sacrifice accuracy for productivity!• Bump up maximum allowable PDOP (lower =

better quality position)• Allow 2d (no elevation, x-y only)

– Trimble units won’t let you do take 2d

• Change minimum angle: lower angle above horizon higher PDOP but more satellites

• Use the pre-plan utility in GPS Analyst or PFO– Tells you estimated PDOP, available SVs for your

location at any given time

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Reading your constellation: where are the SVs?

• SV = “Space Vehicle” = Satellites

• Arrangement of SVs in sky = constellation

• Best constellation: many scattered across the sky

• Farther from “bullseye” = lower on horizon

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Canopy and canyon conditions

• Wood (trunks) is worse than leaves/needles• Rock and buildings worse than wood• Canopy + Canyons = Patience + flexibility• Any antenna helps, especially on a range pole.

Higher the better.• Even after adjusting PDOP, minimum angle,

raising the antenna…• Be prepared for walk, stop, wait, wait, walk, stop,

wait, walk… etc.

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Listen to your unit!

• Make sure that all warnings are audible, not just visual– 2D only! max PDOP exceeded! no SVs! etc.

• You can hear when you lose signal

• Allows you to look up so you don’t walk off a cliff

• Annoying? Of course.

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Antenna Use

• Use an external antenna whenever possible

• Different grades of antenna: multi-path rejection, receptivity

• Antenna is the GPS position, not the unit• Keep it still if collecting a point• Multiple antennae will interfere with each

other—maintain at least a foot of spacing• Tip: Duct tape is OK—tape it down

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Antennas with Trimbles

• Important to get antenna settings correct– Antenna type: Zephyr, Hurricane, etc.– Antenna Height (above ground)

• Set in TerraSync SetupAntenna

• Or if using ArcPad– GPSCorrect if available– PFController if not– ArcPad takes what you give it w/o question

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Serious mapping? Take two units!

• CRLA example on backcountry trails: • Mapping-grade unit: Trimble GeoXH

w/Hurricane Antenna running ArcPad, GPSCorrect

• Backup unit: Garmin GPSMap 76CSx w/Gilsson MCX Antenna and waypoint metadata forms

• Don’t waste a day in the woods w/nothing to show for it!

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Navigation Considerations

• To paraphrase Joel: “GPS just messed everything up.”

• Even a rec-grade unit will have better accuracy than any map, paper or digital

• Background maps on GPS vary widely in source and quality

• Even 2005 Orthos are generally based on 1:24k National Map Accuracy Stds = 40’ = 10m

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• Field work with GPS units is a dynamic undertaking…

• Not just a walk in the woods with the GPS• Never trust your life to a GPS unit• Look up– pay attention to conditions that affect

your GPS reception and your safety (cliff edges, snags, traffic!)

• Look down– don’t ignore your unit, it may be telling you something important

• Never trust your life to a GPS unit!