govt. degree college kuppam est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

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  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    1/516S Tank P No 1


    Sl.No Description of work No. Measurements Qty Unit Rate Per  

    L B D


    Septic Tank 1 X 1 10.20 3.0 2.20 !".#2 Cum

    for Soak pit 1 X 1 3.00 3.00 1.20 10.!0


    100.00 Cum 122.45 1Cum2

    1 X 1 10.20 3.0 0.10 3.!

    Say $.00 Cum 3388.15 1Cum


    1 X 1 !.0 2."0 0.0! 1.2

    Say 2.00 Cum 6509.35 1Cum


     %lroun& 1 X 1 2#.00 0.'0 1.20 1!.00

    1 X 1 2#.00 0.$# 1.3# 1#.1

    (otal 33.1

    Say 34.00 Cum 2680.45 Cum


    )or *affle walls 1 X 2 3.00 + 0.' 3.'0 Sqmt 286.15 1Sqmt


    1 X $ 3.00 0.12 1.#0 2.1' Cum

    !"# $% T '$R( )* C$STRUCT+$ $% P!R!"!#T ,$-T. P$/T#C&+C C$#,# %$R$,+P#T - !$# " + "#!( +ST

    Contruction of Septic Tank of ie 8.90 7 2.0 7 2.10"t Cear Sie an: oak pit of 3.00 7 3.00 "t. ie +S1985

    ,art- work eca/ation an& &epositin on *ank Manual means wit- initial lea& of 10m an& initial lift of 3m in

    Loamy 4layey Soils like B4 Soils5 6e& ,art- 7r&inary 8ra/elly Soils SS 20+B inclu&in all operationalinci&ental la*our c-ares suc- as s-orin5 struttin5 s-eetin5 plankin an& &ewaterin inclu&in cost of -irec-ares of ( 95 la*our c-ares etc.5 complete for finis-e& item of work eclu&in seinerae c-ares an&&ewaterin c-ares etc.5 complete for Septic tank soak pit an& sump.%9SS No. 30!

    9lain 4ement 4oncrete correspon&in to M# ra&e as per :S $#' e;ui/alent to 1

    No. '01 '1#

    4onstruction of #0.!mm t-ick 64M Baffle wall wit- 2.2'" ? steel an& ra*it wire mes- in 4M 1

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    2/516S Tank P No 2

    76 Say 2.25 Cum 39.4 Cum


    Lon walls 1 X 2 !.0 2.20 3.1'

    S-ort walls 1 X $ 2."0 2.20 23."'

    1 X 1 !.0 2."0 + 2$.03


    Say 8.00 Sqmt 328.5 1Sqmt


    12#mm t-ick sla* 1 X 1 .0 3.'0 + 3#.'$

    Say 36.00 Sqmt 1066.20 1Sqmt

    1 X 1 0.# 0.#0 "T 5851.30 1 "T


    1 X 1 1 o. 2561.60 #ac;


    1 X 2 2 o. 803.0 #ac;


    1 X # 5 o. 0.0 #ac;


    #REF! Dy. Executive Engineer Asst. Executive Engineer


    9ro/i&in imper/ious coat o/er 644 roof sla* to re;uire& slopes wit- 4M 1i- Fiel& Strent- Deforme& >FSD steel *ars )e $1# ra&e as per :S 1"!'+1!# of !mm to$0mm &iameters5 cuttin5 *en&in5 to re;uire& si=es an& s-apes placin in position wit- co/er *locks ofappro/e& si=e an& *in&in wire of 20S85 formin rills for reinforcement work as per appro/e& &esinsan& &rawins inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of *ars from appro/e& sources to site of work5 inclu&in costan& con/eyance of *in&in wire5 co/er *locks5 c-airs5 o/erlaps5 spacers5 &owels5 wastae etc.5 an& alloperational5 inci&ental5 an& la*our c-ares suc- as cuttin5 *en&in5 placin in position5 tyin etc.5 an& sales ot-er taes5on cost of all materials complete for finis-e& item of work %9SS No.12'

    3'G0.12#G110 H$# ?s

    Supply an& fiin of 100 mm &ia 4: Cent pipe of 3 mts lent- &ou*le socket fitte& wit- %4 cowl an& mos;uitoproof wire mes- inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials to site an& la*our c-ares for placin an&fiin in position etc.5 complete for finis-e& item of work.

    Supply )iin of 22I &ia 644 4o/er for man-ole wit- nominal reinforecement 3I t-ick wit- -ooks for lfiftininclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials5 la*our c-ares etc.5 complete for finis-e& tiem of work

    Supply an& )iin of 4: Steps for Septic (ank Man-ole complete for finis-e& item of work inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of all materials to site5 all la*our c-ares5 sales an& ot-er taes on all materials etc.5 completefor finis-e& item of work.

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    3/516S Tank P No 3

    u erinten"in En ineerAPEWIDC, KADAPA

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    4/516S Tank P No 4









    $"# !T

    40 *

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    5/516S Tank P No 5









  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    6/516S Tank P No 6

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx



    1 Name of the work

    3 Section Asst. Engineer (APEWIDC)

    Section : !PPA"

    # S$% & Di'ision D. Eec$ti'e Engineer (APEWIDC)

    S$%&Di'ision : C*I++,,-

    Di'ision Eec$ti'e Engineer (APEWIDC)Di'ision : C*I++,,-

    / Circ0e S$erinten2ing Engineer (APEWIDC)

    Circ0e : ADAPA

    Constr$ction of o't. Degree Co00ege at !PPA"(4) of !PPA" (")C*I++,,- District

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    8/516GF-AHDC Page 8 of 517

    '$R(+, #ST+"!T#

    SU< #ST+"!T#) $ $R"+T!R/

    SNo Description of work No L B D Qty 6ate


    MB. No.326/A/MD, Pg. No.1 to 4

    %or %oun:ation pit

    A/56 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.98 .3;

    A56# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1.; .#;

    A956# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1.;/ .1

    A1156# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1.; ./1

    A1/56# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1.97 9.79

    A156# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1./ .13

    A1956# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1. .9

    A7156 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.; ;.;1

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    9/516GF-AHDC Page 9 of 517

     >56/ 1 1 1.9 1.9 1.7 /.97

     >7756/ 1 1 1.9 1.9 1.97 ;.38

     >7356; 1 1 1.; 1.; 1. .//

     >7#563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1./ 18.7;

     >7/567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1. 11.7

    /56-1 1 1 1.8 7. 1.3 9.3

    563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.9/ 18.7

    9563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.97 18./8

    11561 1 1 7./8 7./8 1. 17.8

    1/561 1 1 7./8 7./8 1.; 17./#1563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.9 18.#3

    19563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1. 18.71

    7156-1 1 1 1.8 7. 1./ 9.#

    ?156 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.; .7#

    ?3567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1.9 11.3#

    ?#56/ 1 1 1.9 1.9 1./ ;.8;

    ?7356/ 1 1 1.9 1.9 1. ;.1#

    ?7#567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1. 11.18

    ?7/56 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.;9 ;.9

    "756 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.7 .87

    "#56 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.; ;.#

    "/56-7 1 1 7.18 3. 1.;9 13.3#"567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1.8 18.8

    "18563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.# 18.1/

    "13567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1.1 18./

    "1567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1./ 11.1/

    "1;563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.8 9.9#

    "78567 1 1 7.# 7.# 1.;9 18.;#

    "7756-7 1 1 7.18 3. 1.;/ 13.17

    "7356 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.8 ;.93

    "756 1 1 7.18 7.18 1. .1

    N756; 1 1 1.; 1.; 1.7 .;

    N#56; 1 1 1.; 1.; 1.;9 .#

    N7356; 1 1 1.; 1.; 1.8 .1

    N756; 1 1 1.; 1.; 1. .//

    P/56 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.3 .8;

    P;563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.7 18.8

    P18563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.;9 9.

    P1356# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1.8 .;1

    P1#56# 1 1 7.78 7.78 1.# .98

    P1;563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1./ 18.7;

    P78563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.7 18.8

    P7156 1 1 7.18 7.18 1.# .11


    MB. No.326/A/MD, Pg. No.6 to 91561 1 1 1.9 1.9 1.8 .;8

    61561 1 1 1.9 1.9 1./8 /.8/

    E1561 1 1 1.9 1.9 1./ .91

    D1561 1 1 1.9 1.9 1.// /.79

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    10/516GF-AHDC Page 10 of 517

    63567 1 1 7.1 7.1 1.## /./3

    E#567 1 1 7.1 7.1 1. .//

    D#567 1 1 7.1 7.1 1. .7

    /563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.31 ;.78

    */563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1./; 9.19

    /5-61 1 1 7.7 7.9 1.;; 11.;1

    6/563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1./ 18.7# >;567 1 1 7.1 7.1 1.;9 .7

    I;5-61 1 1 7.7 7.9 1./ 11.11

    ;5-61 1 1 7.7 7.9 1.3 17.11

    6;563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.9 18.98

    E;563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.9 18.98

    C;563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.81 11.8;

    567 1 1 7.1 7.1 1./ ;.;#

    *56# 1 1 7. 7. 1./3 18./

    56 1 1 7.; 7.; 1.;8 17.

    E56# 1 1 7. 7. 1.; 11.#

    C567 1 1 7.1 7.1 1.9 9.17

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    11/516GF-AHDC Page 11 of 517

    618563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.8# 11.73

    E1856/ 1 1 7.9 7.9 1.93 1/.;9

    1#567 1 1 7.1 7.1 7.8 9.#;

    I1#5-61 1 1 7.7 7.9 1.98 17./1

    1#5-61 1 1 7.7 7.9 1.9 17.9#

    61#563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.18 11.9

    E1#563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.38 17.;8

    C1#563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7./ 1#./3

    1563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.88 11.8#

    *1563 1 1 7.3 7.3 1.97 18./8

    15-61 1 1 7.7 7.9 7.8 13./8

    61563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.78 17.1#E1/567 1 1 7.1 7.1 7.#8 11.89

    C1/567 1 1 7.1 7.1 7. 11.;

    E1;567 1 1 7.1 7.1 7.#8 11.89

    D1;567 1 1 7.1 7.1 7.8 11.

    1561 1 1 1.9 1.9 7.38 .;#

    *156# 1 1 7. 7. 7.3 1.7

    1563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.#8 13.7

    61567 1 1 7.1 7.1 7.# 11.37

    I19561 1 1 1.9 1.9 1.;9 /.;

    19561 1 1 1.9 1.9 1.93 ;.31

    619563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.87 11.17

    E19563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.73 17.79

    D19563 1 1 7.3 7.3 7.78 17.17

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    12/516GF-AHDC Page 12 of 517

    B"+B! 1 1 3.1! 0.'0 0."# 1.#3

    B+B10 1 1 2.! 0.'0 0."# 1.3#

    B10+B11 1 1 2.$! 0.'0 0."# 1.11

    B11+B12 1 1 2.! 0.'0 0."# 1.3#

    B13+B1$ 1 1 3.1! 0.'0 0."# 1.#3

    B1"+B1 1 1 3.1! 0.'0 0."# 1.#3

    B1+B20 1 1 3.1! 0.'0 0."# 1.#3

    4'+4" 1 1 0.01 0.'0 0."# 8.88

    41$+41' 1 1 0.01 0.'0 0."# 8.88

    ,1+,1J 0 1 +0.02 0.'0 0."# 8.88,$+,# 1 1 0.0! 0.'0 0."# 8.83

    ,!+, 1 1 0.!! 0.'0 0."# 8.39

    ,12+,13 1 1 0.!! 0.'0 0."# 8.39

    ,1'+,1" 1 1 0.0! 0.'0 0."# 8.83

    ,20J+,20 0 1 +0.02 0.'0 0."# 8.88

    )1+)1J 0 1 +0.02 0.'0 0."# 8.88

    )2+)3 1 1 0. 0.'0 0."# 8.##

    )1!+)1 1 1 0. 0.'0 0."# 8.##

    8'+8" 1 1 0.01 0.'0 0."# 8.88

    8!+8 1 1 0."! 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    812+813 1 1 0."! 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    81$+81# 1 1 0.01 0.'0 0."# 8.88:1+:2 1 1 3.2! 0.'0 0."# 1.#;

    :+:10 1 X 1 2.!! 0.'0 0."# 1.79

    :10+:11 1 1 2.$! 0.'0 0."# 1.11

    :11+:12 1 1 2.!! 0.'0 0."# 1.79

    :1+:20 1 1 3.2! 0.'0 0."# 1.#;

    K3+K' 1 1 3.11 0.'0 0."# 1.39

    K"+K! 1 1 3.0! 0.'0 0."# 1.3

    K13+K1$ 1 1 3.0! 0.'0 0."# 1.3

    K1#+K1! 1 1 3.11 0.'0 0."# 1.39

    B1+D1 1 1 2.#' 0.'0 0."# 1.1#

    D1+,1 1 1 1."# 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    )1+81 1 1 1.#' 0.'0 0."# 8./9

    81+:1 1 1 2."# 0.'0 0."# 1.73

    ,1J+)1J 1 1 0."! 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    )2+82 1 1 1.'' 0.'0 0."# 8.;#

    82+:2 1 1 2."# 0.'0 0."# 1.73

    )3+83 1 1 1.#' 0.'0 0."# 8./9

    83+>3 1 1 1.# 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    >3+K3 1 1 1.'' 0.'0 0."# 8.;#

    B$+D$ 1 1 2.$' 0.'0 0."# 1.18

    D$+,$ 1 1 1.!# 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    4#+,# 1 1 3.12 0.'0 0."# 1.#8

    8'+>' 1 1 2.0# 0.'0 0."# 8.97>'+K' 1 1 1.#' 0.'0 0."# 8.;8

    B"+4" 1 1 2.2' 0.'0 0."# 1.81

    4"+," 1 1 2.32 0.'0 0."# 1.8#

    8"+>" 1 1 1.3# 0.'0 0."# 8./8

    >"+K" 1 1 1."' 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    B!+D! 1 1 2.$' 0.'0 0."# 1.18

    D!+,! 1 1 1.'$ 0.'0 0."# 8.;3

    8!+>! 1 1 1.'# 0.'0 0."# 8.;#

    >!+K! 1 1 1.' 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    B+D 1 1 2.$' 0.'0 0."# 1.18

    D+, 1 1 1.!# 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    8+: 1 1 2.'# 0.'0 0."# 1.19B12+D12 1 1 2.$' 0.'0 0."# 1.18

    D12+,12 1 1 1.!# 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    812+:12 1 1 2.'# 0.'0 0."# 1.19

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    13/516GF-AHDC Page 13 of 517

    B13+D13 1 1 2.$' 0.'0 0."# 1.18

    D13+,13 1 1 1.'$ 0.'0 0."# 8.;3

    813+>13 1 1 1.'# 0.'0 0."# 8.;#

    >13+K13 1 1 1.' 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    B1$+41$ 1 1 2.2' 0.'0 0."# 1.81

    41$+,1$ 1 1 2.32 0.'0 0."# 1.8#

    81$+>1$ 1 1 1.3# 0.'0 0."# 8./8

    >1$+K1$ 1 1 1."' 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    81#+>1# 1 1 2.0# 0.'0 0."# 8.97

    >1#+K1# 1 1 1.#' 0.'0 0."# 8.;841'+,1' 1 1 3.12 0.'0 0."# 1.#8

    B1"+D1" 1 1 2.$' 0.'0 0."# 1.18

    D1"+,1" 1 1 1.!# 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    )1!+81! 1 1 1.#' 0.'0 0."# 8./9

    81!+>1! 1 1 1.# 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    >1!+K1! 1 1 1.'' 0.'0 0."# 8.;#

    )1+81 1 1 1.'' 0.'0 0."# 8.;#

    81+:1 1 1 2."# 0.'0 0."# 1.73

    B20+D20 1 1 2.#' 0.'0 0."# 1.1#

    D20+,20 1 1 1."# 0.'0 0."# 8.;

    ,20J+)20J 1 1 0."! 0.'0 0."# 8.3

    )20+820 1 1 1.#' 0.'0 0."# 8./9820+:20 1 X 1 2."# 0.'0 0."# 1.73


    1939.9 4um 6,)


    MB. No.326/A/MD, Pg. No.1+

    :n )1+)ootins 1 23 1.# 1.# 0.1# 13.17

    :n )2+)ootins 1 23 2.1# 2.1# 0.1# 1.9

    :n )3+)ootins 1 22 2.3# 2.3# 0.1# 1.77

    :n )$+)ootins 1 # 2.## 2.## 0.1# #.

    :n )#+)ootins 1 " 2."# 2."# 0.1# ;.9#

    :n )'+)ootins 1 2 2.# 2.# 0.1# 7./1

    :n 6)1+)ootins 1 ' 2.2# 2.# 0.1# .9;


    To be doe

    :n )1+)ootins 1 2 1.# 1.# 0.1# 1.1#

    :n )2+)ootins 1 # 2.1# 2.1# 0.1# 3.#/

    :n )$+)ootins 1 1 2.## 2.## 0.1# 8.9;

    :n )#+)ootins 1 1 2."# 2."# 0.1# 1.13

    :n )"+)ootins 1 2 1.$0 1.$ 0.1# 8.


    5.9 4um 6,)

    9lain 4ement 4oncrete correspon&in to M".# ra&e as per :S $#' e;ui/alent to1

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    14/516GF-AHDC Page 14 of 517


    !o" E'te"$( M$*o"- o#te" g"%d be$*0To be doe

    B1+B2 1 1 $.0 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    B2+B$ 1 1 $.0 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    B"+B! 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    B+B10 1 1 $.#' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$1

    B10+B11 1 1 #.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.$#

    B11+B12 1 1 $.'3 0.'0 0.1# 0.$2

    B13+B1$ 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    B1"+B1 1 1 $.3 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    B1+B20 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    4#+4" 1 1 3.0" 0.'0 0.1# 0.2!

    41$+41' 1 1 3.0" 0.'0 0.1# 0.2!

    ,1+,1J 1 1 0."3 0.'0 0.1# 0.0"

    ,$+,# 1 1 1.3 0.'0 0.1# 0.1"

    ,!+, 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    ,12+,13 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    ,1'+,1" 1 1 1.3 0.'0 0.1# 0.1"

    ,20J+,20 1 1 0."3 0.'0 0.1# 0.0"

    )1+)1J 1 1 0."3 0.'0 0.1# 0.0"

    )2+)3 1 1 3.01 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    )1!+)1 1 1 3.01 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    )20J+)20 1 1 0."3 0.'0 0.1# 0.0"

    8'+8" 1 1 2.03 0.'0 0.1# 0.1!8!+8 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    812+813 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    81$+81# 1 1 2.03 0.'0 0.1# 0.1!

    :1+:2 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    :+:10 1 X 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    :10+:11 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    :11+:12 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    :1+:20 1 1 $.!' 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    K3+K' 1 1 $.! 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    K"+K! 1 1 $.3 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    K13+K1$ 1 1 $.3 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$

    K1#+K1! 1 1 $.! 0.'0 0.1# 0.$$B1+D1 1 1 3.!" 0.'0 0.1# 0.3#

    D1+,1 1 1 3.2 0.'0 0.1# 0.30

    )1+81 1 1 3.0' 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    81+:1 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    ,1J+)1J 1 1 2.#0 0.'0 0.1# 0.23

    )2+82 1 1 2.1 0.'0 0.1# 0.2'

    82+:2 1 1 $.10 0.'0 0.1# 0.3"

    )3+83 1 1 3.21 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

    83+>3 1 1 3.3" 0.'0 0.1# 0.30

    >3+K3 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.32

    B$+D$ 1 1 3.!" 0.'0 0.1# 0.3#

    D$+,$ 1 1 3.1$ 0.'0 0.1# 0.2!

    4#+,# 1 1 $.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    8'+>' 1 1 3.22 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

    >'+K' 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.32

    9lain 4ement 4oncrete correspon&in to M# ra&e as per :S $#' e;ui/alent to1

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    15/516GF-AHDC Page 15 of 517

    B"+4" 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    4"+," 1 1 $.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    8"+>" 1 1 3.22 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

    >"+K" 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.32

    B!+D! 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    4!+,! 1 1 $.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    8!+>! 1 1 3.22 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

    >!+K! 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.32

    B+D 1 1 3.!" 0.'0 0.1# 0.3#

    D+, 1 1 3.1$ 0.'0 0.1# 0.2!8+: 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    B12+D12 1 1 3.!" 0.'0 0.1# 0.3#

    D12+,12 1 1 3.1$ 0.'0 0.1# 0.2!

    812+:12 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    B13+413 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.32

    413+,13 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    813+>13 1 1 $.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    >13+K13 1 1 3.22 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

    B1$+41$ 1 1 3.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.2"

    41$+,1$ 1 1 $.00 0.'0 0.1# 0.3'

    81$+>1$ 1 1 3.22 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

    >1$+K1$ 1 1 3.# 0.'0 0.1# 0.3281#+>1# 1 1 3.22 0.'0 0.1# 0.2

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    7/er 8rill win&ows+81 2 2 3."0 0.23 0.1# 0.#1

    7/er 8rill win&ows+82 2 2 2."2 0.23 0.1# 0.3!

    7/er 8rill win&ows+83 1 2 3.#1 0.23 0.1# 0.2$

    7/er Centilator+C 2 2 2.!0 0.23 0.1# 0.3

    7/er Centilator+C1 1 #0 1.20 0.23 0.1# 2.0".3$

    or say 10.00 cum 6,)


    7/er Main Door+MD 0 1 #.00 0.23 0.1# 0.00

    7/er Door+D1 1 11 1.#0 0.23 0.1# 0.#"

    7/er Door+D2 0 3 1.3# 0.11# 0.1# 0.00

    7/er Door+D' 1 $! 1.0# 0.11# 0.1# 0.!"

    7/er win&ows+3 1 #! 1.!0 0.23 0.1# 3.'0

    7/er 8rill win&ows+8 2 2 3.1 0.23 0.1# 0.$$

    7/er 8rill win&ows+81 2 2 3."0 0.23 0.1# 0.#1

    7/er 8rill win&ows+82 2 2 2."2 0.23 0.1# 0.3!

    7/er 8rill win&ows+83 1 2 3.#1 0.23 0.1# 0.2$

    7/er Centilator+C 2 2 2.!0 0.23 0.1# 0.3

    7/er Centilator+C1 1 $! 1.20 0.23 0.1# 1.

    !.! cum 6,)

    6einforce& cement concrete M20 8ra&e Desin mi *y wei- *atc-in usin 20mm si=e SS# -ar& ranite mac-ine crus-e& ra&e& metal coarse areatefrom appro/e& ;uarry usin miminum ;uantity of 3#0 ?s of cement per 1 cum ofconcrete inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials like cement5 fine areateSan&5 coarse areate5 water etc. to site inclu&in seiniorae c-ares5 sales ot-er taes on all materials5 all operational5 inci&ental5 an& la*or c-ares suc- as9ro/i&in 4entrin s-utterin an& scaffol&in wit- ro s an& steel late as er t-e

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    S% !.! cum 6,)



    7/er win&ows+3 1 #! 1.!0 0.' '2.'$

    7/er 8rill win&ows+81 2 2 3."0 0.' !.!!

    7/er 8rill win&ows+82 2 2 2."2 0.' '.#3

    7/er 8rill win&ows+83 1 2 3.#1 0.' $.21

    7/er Centilator+C 0 2 2.!0 0.' 0.00

    7/er Centilator+C1 0 #0 1.20 0.' 0.00

    !2.2'or say !3.00 s;m 6,)

    %%S% !3.00 s;m

    !3.00 s;m

    13 50mm t;ick Patform for ;an: @a; in Toiet >ock


    1 $ ."! 0.' 23.$"

    1 $ ".01 0.' 1'.!2

    $0.30 s;m 6,)

    %% $0.30 s;m 6,)

    S% $0.30 s;m


    Main Door+MD 1 ' 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.0#

    D1 11 ' 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.#2

    D2 3 ' 0.12 0.11# 0.1# 0.0$

    D' #0 ' 0.12 0.11# 0.1# 0.'08rill win&ows+8 $ $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.13

    8rill win&ows+81 $ $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.13

    8rill win&ows+82 $ $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.13

    8rill win&ows+83 2 $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.0'

    Centilator+C $ $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.13

    Centilator+C1 $! $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 1.#2

    2 $ 0.23 0.23 0.1# 0.0'


    or say 3.50 cum 6,)

    %% 3.40 cum

    S% 3.40 cum

    6einforce& cement concrete wit- M 2# ra&e Desin mi *y wei- *atc-in asper usin 20mm si=e SS # mac-ine crus-e& -ar& ranite ra&e& metal coarseareate from appro/e& ;uarry usin a minimum ;uantity of 3#0 ? of cementper 1 4um of concrete inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials like cement5fine areate san& 5coarse areate5 water etc. to site an& cost ofseiniorae c-ares on all materials inclu&in centerin? uin? Ca;e@rina

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    (ype+1 staircase steps 0.# $2 1.#0 0.3 0.1# 1.$2

    (ype+2 Staircase steps 0.# 22 2.00 0.3 0.1# 0.Steps at entrances 0.# ! 1.00 0.# 0.1# 0.30

    0.# ' 1.00 0.3 0.1# 0.1$

    0.# 3 #.23 0.3 0.1# 0.3#

    3.20MB. No.326/A/MD, Pg. No.12

    I1 )1 1 1 1.# 1.# 0.0# 0.1

     %/. :rreular &ept- 1 1 1.# 1.# 0.30 1.1$


    or aF 4.53 cum R#%D

    %% 2.41 cum

    S% 2.41 cum


    ormitorF Room

    Lon walls 1 1! ".3! 0.23 3.1! ".01

    4ross walls 2 10 #.00 0.23 3.1! "3.03

    4linic >allLon walls 1 2 ".3! 0.23 3.1! 10."!

    4ross walls 1 2 #.00 0.23 3.1! ".30

    ar&ens room cum Loune

    Lon walls 1 2 ".3! 0.23 3.1! !.0!

    4ross walls 1 2 #.00 0.23 3.1! ".30

    ,ntrance Lo**y 1 1 #.00 0.23 3.1! 3.'#

    (ype+1 Staircase

    Lon walls 1 2 $.11 0.23 3.1! '.00

    4ross walls 1 2 3.0# 0.23 3.1! $.$#

    (ype+2 Staircase 1 1 #.00 0.23 3.1! 3.'#

    Besi&e (ype+1 Staircase 1 2 2.03 0.23 3.1! 2.'

    Besi&e 4linic -all 2 2 3.00 0.23 3.1! !."'

    Besi&e (oilets 1 2 3.01 0.23 3.1! $.$0

    (oilet Block

    4ross walls 1 2 3.2! 0.23 3.1! $."!

    Lon walls $ 2 ".$ 0.23 3.1# $3.3!

    4ross walls 2 $ #.00 0.23 3.1# 2!.!

    4orri&or si&e walls 1 2 1#.#3 0.23 3.1! 22.'!

    4orri&or en& walls 1 2 2.#0 0.23 3.1! 3.'#

    inte e:uction

    7/er Main Door+MD 1 1 #.00 0.23 0.1# +0.1"

    7/er Door+D1 1 11 1.#0 0.23 0.1# +0.#"

    7/er Door+D2 0 3 1.3# 0.11# 0.1# 0.007/er Door+D' 0 #0 1.0# 0.11# 0.1# 0.00

    7/er win&ows+3 1 #! 1.!0 0.23 0.1# +3.'0

    7/er 8rill win&ows+8 2 2 3.1 0.23 0.1# +0.$$

    7/er 8rill win&ows+81 2 2 3."0 0.23 0.1# +0.#1

    9lain 4ement 4oncrete M20 Desin Mi *y wei- *atc-in usin 20mm si=eSS# -ar& *laste& ranite mac-ine crus-e& ra&e& metal 4oarse areate fromappro/e& ;uarry5 usin a minimum ;uantity of 3#0 ks. of cement per 1 cum ofconcrete inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials like cement5 fineareate San&5 coarse areate5 water etc.5 to site an& cost of seinioraec-ares on all materials inclu&in steel centerin5 s-utterin5 mac-ine miin5 layinconcrete5 lift c-ares5 curin etc.5 complete for finis-e& item of work for steps %9SSNo. $02

    Brick Masonry in superstructure wit- 4M 1

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    7/er 8rill win&ows+82 2 2 2."2 0.23 0.1# +0.3!

    7/er 8rill win&ows+83 1 2 3.#1 0.23 0.1# +0.2$

    7/er Centilator+C 2 2 2.!0 0.23 0.1# +0.3

    7/er Centilator+C1 1 #0 1.20 0.23 0.1# +2.0"


    Main Door+MD 1 1 $.00 0.23 2.13 +1.'

    Door+D1 1 11 1.20 0.23 2.13 +'.$"

    Door+D2 0 3 1.0# 0.23 2.13 0.00

    Door+D' 0 12 0."# 0.23 2.13 0.00

    win&ows+3 1 #! 1.#0 0.23 1.3# +2".018rill win&ows+8 2 2 2."3 0.23 1.3# +3.3

    8rill win&ows+81 2 2 3.2$ 0.23 1.3# +$.02

    8rill win&ows+82 2 2 2.2' 0.23 1.3# +2.!1

    8rill win&ows+83 1 2 3.0# 0.23 1.3# +1.!

    Centilator+C 2 2 2.#0 0.23 0.$# +1.0$

    Centilator+C1 $ 12 0.0 0.23 0.$# +$.$"

    for Coumn e:uction

    41 1 10 0.$# 0.23 3.1! +3.2

    42 1 1# 0.$# 0.23 3.1! +$.3

    43 1 1# 0.$# 0.23 3.1! +$.3


    or say 26.00 cum 6,)%% 2'".00



    1 1 1$." 0.23 3.1! 10.!0


    2$'.2 cum 6,)

    S% 2'".00



    1 1 1$." 0.23 3.1! 10.!0


    2$'.2 cum 6,)


    &ea: room 1 $ $.'" 0.23 2.!0 12.03

    1 $ 3.0" 0.23 2.!0 ".1

    1 2 #.00 0.23 2.!0 '.$$

    1 2 ".'" 0.23 2.!0 .!!

    Parapet @a 1 2 '$.!2 0.23 1.00 2.!2

    1 2 1.20 0.23 1.00 !.!3

    1 2 11.#1 0.23 1.00 #.2

    1 2 ".0 0.23 1.00 3.'3

    1 2 $.$0 0.23 1.00 2.02

    1 ' !.01 0.23 1.00 11.0#1 ' ".0 0.23 1.00 10.0

    1 2 $.'" 0.23 1.00 2.1#

    $Aer oor 1 1 3 1.50 0.23 0.15 +0.1'

    1 3 1.20 0.23 2.13 +1."'

    108.03 cum 6,)

    1" 6einforce& )lyas- Brick Masonry for partition @a in 4M 1

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    (oilet Block

    Lon walls $ 10 1.#0 2.!# 1"1.00

    4ross walls 2 $ "."! 2.!# 1"".2"

    :n clinic ar&en room 1 2 2.00 2.!! 11.#0

    1 2 1.'2 2.!! .2

    1 2 #.00 3.1! 31."#

    1 1 3.00 3.$! 10.$3

    Lintels 7/er Door+D2 1 3 1.3# 0.1# +0.'1

    7/er Door+D' 1 #0 1.0# 0.1# +".!!

    D2 1 3 1.0# 2.13 +'."1

    D' 1 #0 0."# 2.13 +".!!


    or say 31.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 2#$.0$

    Lintels 7/er Door+D2 1 3 1.3# 0.1# 0.'1

    D2 1 3 1.0# 2.13 '."1

    6 1 2 0."# 2.13 3.20

    264.55 s;m 6,)

    S% 2#$.0$

    Lintels 7/er Door+D2 1 0 3 1.3# 0.1# 0.'1D2 1 3 1.0# 2.13 '."1

    6 1 2 0."# 2.13 3.20

    264.56 s;m 6,)


    ,roun: %oor  2200 Mt 6,)

    %irt %oor  2".00 MtSecon: %oor  2".00 Mt

    T;ir: %oor  $.2$ Mt


    ,roun: %oor  1.00 Mt 6,)%irt %oor  1.00 Mt

    Secon: %oor  1.00 Mt


    Dormitory 6ooms

    Lon walls 2 10 ".'" 3.$! #33.0"

    9ro/i&in >i- Fiel& Strent- Deforme& steel *ars )e $1#ra&e as per :S 1"!'+1" of &ifferent &iameters5 inclu&in la*our c-ares for cuttin5 *en&in tore;uire& si=es an& s-apes placin in position wit- co/er *locks of appro/e&materials an& si=e an& tyin wit- *in&in wire of 20S85 fo6Min rills forreinforcement work as per appro/e& &esins an& &rawins5 inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of steel *ars5 inclu&in all wastaes suc- as o/erlaps5 couplins5wel&e& @oints5 c-airs5 spacer *ars inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of *in&in wire5

    9ro/i&in Mil& steel *ars )e 2#0 ra&e as per :S $32 of &ifferent &iameters5inclu&in la*our c-ares for cuttin5 *en&in to re;uire& si=es an& s-apes placin inposition wit- co/er *locks of appro/e& materials an& si=e an& tyin wit- *in&in wireof 20S85 fo6Min rills for reinforcement work as per appro/e& &esins an&&rawins5 inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of steel *ars5 inclu&in all wastaes suc-as o/erlaps5 couplins5 wel&e& @oints5 c-airs5 spacer *ars inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of *in&in wire5 co/er *locks an& all inci&ental5 operational5 la*our

    9lasterin 12mm t-ick in two coats wit- *ase coat of !mm t-ick in 4M 1

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    4ross walls 2 10 #.00 3.$! 3$".#0

    4linic >all

    Lon walls 1 2 ".'" 3.$! #3.31

    4ross walls 2 2 #.00 3.$! '.#0

    ar&ens room cum Loune

    Lon walls 1 1.# ".'" 3.$! 3.!

    4ross walls 1 2 #.00 3.$! 3$."#

    ,ntrance Lo**y 1 1 #.00 3.$! 1".3!

    (ype+1 Staircase

    Lon walls 2 2 $.11 3.$! #".134ross walls 1 2 3.0# 3.$! 21.20

    (ype+2 Staircase 1 1 #.00 3.$! 1".3!

    1 2 ".'" 3.$! #3.31

    (oilet Block

    4ross walls 2 2 3.2! 3.$! $#.#2

    4ross walls 2 $ #.00 3.$! 13.00

    4orri&or si&e walls 2 2 1#.#3 3.$! 21#.!"

    4orri&or en& walls 1 2 2.#0 3.$! 1".3!


    Main Door+MD 0.# 1 $.00 2.13 +$.2'

    Door+D1 0.# 11 1.20 2.13 +1$.0'

    Door+D2 0.# 3 1.0# 2.13 +3.3#Door+D' 0.# #0 0."# 2.13 +3.$

    win&ows+3 0.# #! 1.#0 1.3# +#!."3

    8rill win&ows+8 0.# $ 2."3 1.3# +".3"

    8rill win&ows+81 0.# $ 3.2$ 1.3# +!."#

    8rill win&ows+82 0.# $ 2.2' 1.3# +'.10

    8rill win&ows+83 0.# 2 3.0# 1.3# +$.12

    Centilator+C 0.# $ 2.#0 0.$# +2.2#

    Centilator+C1 0.# $! 0.0 0.$# +."2

    (oilet Block

    Lon walls 2 $0 1.#0 3.1! 3!1.00

    4ross walls 2 $ "."! 3.1! 1".$

    :n clinic ar&en room 2 2 2.00 3.1! 2#.$0

    2 2 1.'2 3.1! 20.#1

    2 2 #.00 3.$! '.#0

    1 2 3.00 3.$! 20.!#


    or say 2219.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 2521.00


    1 2 1$." 3.$! 102."



    0.# 2 0."# 2.13 1.'02194.4 s;m 6,)


    2194.4 s;m 6,)


    >ea& room 2 $ $.'" 3.10 11#.!2

    2 $ 3.0" 3.10 "'.1$

    2 2 #.00 3.10 '2.00

    2 2 ".'" 3.10 #.11

    9arapet wall 2 2 '$.!2 1.00 2#.2!

    2 2 1.20 1.00 "'.!0

    2 2 11.#1 1.00 $'.0$

    2 2 ".0 1.00 31.'02 2 $.$0 1.00 1".#!

    2 ' !.01 1.00 '.0'

    2 ' ".0 1.00 $.!0

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    2 2 $.'" 1.00 1!.'!

    7/er Door D1 1 3 1.#0 0.1# +0.'!

    1 3 1.20 2.13 +".'"

    981.56 s;m 6,)

    $ut Si:e Paterin?

    %or Un* eAeni:e

    Lon walls 1 2 '$.!2 3.'0 $''."0

    S-ort walls 1 2 1.20 3.'0 13!.2$

    Dormitory 6ooms out si&e 1 ! !.12 3.'0 233.!'

    (ype+1 Staircase out si&e 1 2 $.'" 3.'0 33.'21 2 $."3 3.'0 3$.0'

    (oilet Block out si&e 1 2 11.!# 3.'0 !#.2!

    1 ' !.'1 3.'0 1!#.!"

    4orri&or walls 1 2 '$.3' 3.$! $$".30


    Main Door+MD 0.# 1 $.00 2.13 +$.2'

    Door+D1 0.# 11 1.20 2.13 +1$.0'

    Door+D2 0.# 3 1.0# 2.13 +3.3#

    Door+D' 0.# #0 0."# 2.13 +3.$

    win&ows+3 0.# #! 1.#0 1.3# +#!."3

    8rill win&ows+8 0.# $ 2."3 1.3# +".3"

    8rill win&ows+81 0.# $ 3.2$ 1.3# +!."#8rill win&ows+82 0.# $ 2.2' 1.3# +'.10

    8rill win&ows+83 0.# 2 3.0# 1.3# +$.12

    Centilator+C 0.# $ 2.#0 0.$# +2.2#

    Centilator+C1 0.# $! 0.0 0.$# +."2

    4olumn pro@ections 2 2' 0.3$ 3.'0 '2."1

    2 2 0."' 3.'0 10.$


    or say 1540.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 15#$0.00



    Door+D' 0.# 2 0."# 2.13 1.'0

    1549.21 s;m 6,)

    S% 1549.21 s;m 6,)


    Dormitory >alls 1 10 ".'" # 3!3.#0

    Beam si&es 2 10 #.00 0.30 100.00

    4linic >all 1 1 ".'" # 3!.3#

    Beam si&es 2 1 #.00 0.30 10.00

    ar&ens room cum Loune 1 1 ".'" # 3!.3#

    Beam si&es 2 1 #.00 0.30 10.00

    ,ntrance Lo**y 1 1 ".'" # 3!.3#

    Beam si&es 2 3 #.00 0.30 30.00

    (oilet *locks 1 $ !.00 # 1'0.00

    Beam si&es 2 ! #.00 0.33 !0.00

    as- area 1 2 1#."# 3.2"# 103.1'

    Beam si&es 2 ! 3.2! 0.30 #2.$04orri&or 1 1 '$.3' 2.# 1'0.0

    Beam si&es 2 10 2.#0 0.30 #0.00

    9ortico 1 1 ".#3 #.$' $1.11

    7rnamental 9lasterin 12mm t-ick in two coats wit- *ase coat of !mm t-ick in 4M1

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    Beam si&es 2 2 #.$' 0.30 21.!$

    Beam si&es 2 2 ".#3 0.$! 30.12

    Bottom (ype+1 Staircase waist sla* 2 2 3.$1 1.# 20.$'

    Bottom Mi& lan&in 1 2 3.0" 1.'" 10.2#

    Bottom (ype+2 Staircase waist sla* 1 1 3.$1 2 '.!2

    Bottom Mi& lan&in 1 1 #.00 2.23 11.1#

    Si&es to steps 0.# $2.0 0.3 0.1# '.30

    0.# 22.0 0.3 0.1# 3.30

    0.# !.0 0.# 0.1# 2.00

    0.# '.0 0.3 0.1# 0.00.# 3.0 0.3 0.1# 0.$#

    Suns-a&es top Bottom

    win&ows+3 2 #! 1.!0 0.' 12#.2!

    8rill win&ows+81 2 $ 3."0 0.' 1"."'

    8rill win&ows+82 2 $ 2."2 0.' 13.0'

    8rill win&ows+83 2 2 3.#1 0.' !.$2

    Centilator+C 0 $ 2.!0 0.' 0.00

    Centilator+C1 2 $! 1.20 0.' '.12


    or say 1644.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 15'$$.00+$1.11


    1581.05 s;m 6,)

    S% 1581.05 s;m 6,)


    Sla* 62.52

    *eam si&e 2 2 3.0 0.30 1#.'0

    2 2 $.'" 0.30 1!.'!

    1 2 #.$' 0.30 10.2

    1 2 #.12 0.30 10.23

    11.95 s;m 6,)


    oAer portico in ,% 3!.$1

    or say 3.00 s;m 6,)

    S% 1503'.# s;m

    T% '2.#2 s;m



    Dormitory >alls 1 10 ".'" #.00 3!3.#0

    4linic >all 1 1 ".'" #.00 3!.3#

    ar&ens room cum Loune 1 1 ".'" #.00 3!.3#

    ,ntrance Lo**y 1 1 ".'" #.00 3!.3#(oilet *locks 1 $ !.00 1."" #'.'$

    as- area 1 2 1#."# 3.2! 103.1'

    4orri&or 1 1 '$.3' 2.#0 1'0.0

    Sinle staircase room 1 2 $.'" 3.0# 2!.$

    9ro/i&in imper/ious coat to epose& 644 roof sla* surfaces to re;uire& slopeswit- 4M 1

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    7n mi&lan&in 1 2 3.0" 1.'" 10.2#

    Dou*le staircase area 1 1 ".'" #.00 3!.3#

    7n mi&lan&in 1 1 #.00 2.23 11.1#

     %t entrance area 1 1 ".00 1.00 ".00

    (oilets 1 2 2.00 1.#0 +'.00


    or say 0.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 0.00 s;m 6,)

    S% 0.00 s;m 6,)


    (oilet Block

    $ 12 1.#0 1.2 !'.$0

    on -an& was- platforms 1 2 11.02 0.' 13.22

    1 2 2.'! 0.' 3.21

    (oilets in 4linic room war&ens room 1 2 2.00 1.# '.00


    or say 109.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 10.00


    103.00 s;m 6,)

    S% 103.00 s;m 6,)



    Dormitory >alls 1 10 2#.3$ 0.13 31.'!4linic >all 1 1 2#.3$ 0.13 3.1"

    ar&ens room cum Loune 1 1 2#.3$ 0.13 3.1"

    ,ntrance Lo**y 1 1 2#.3$ 0.13 3.1"

    (oilet *locks 1 $ 1.#$ 0.13 .""

    as- area 1 2 3!.0# 0.13 .#1

    4orri&or 1 1 133."2 0.13 1'."2

    Sinle staircase room 1 2 1#.$$ 0.13 3.!'

    7n mi&lan&in 1 2 .$! 0.13 2.3"

    Dou*le staircase area 1 1 2#.3$ 0.13 3.1"

    7n mi&lan&in 1 1 1$.$' 0.13 1.!1

     %t entrance area 1 1 1'.00 0.13 2.00

    0.3!or say 1.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 1.00 s;m 6,)

    )loorin wit- ceramic non+ski& tiles of first ;uality as appro/e& *y ,nineer+in+c-are ".3mm t-ick manufacture& *y :S7 appro/e& firm of si=e 300mm 7300mm of colour an& si=e as appro/e& *y t-e ,nineer+in+c-are set o/er a *ase coat of4M 1

    *y t-e ,nineer+in+c-are curin etc.5 in toilets for finis-e& item of work for allfloors%9SS No."01 "0". 8roun& )loor 

    9ro/i&in skirtin to internal walls 12.#cm -i- wit- polis-e& Betamc-erla pure w-itestone minimum of 2# mm t-ick .2#$M.2#$M set o/er a *ase coat of 4M1

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    S% 1.00 s;m 6,)


    (oilet Blocks $ 12 #.$0 1.!0 $''.#'

    9assae $ 2 !.00 1.!0 11#.20

    De&uct &oors $ 12 0."# 1.!0 +'$.!0

    as- *asin area 1 2 3!.0# 1.!0 13'.!

    De&uct 7penins 1 1 3.00 1.!0 +#.$0

    4linic >allar&en room toilets 1 2 ".00 1.!0 2#.20

    De&uct &oors 1 2 0."# 1.!0 +2."0


    or say 62.00 s;m 6,)

    %% '"2.00


    652.20 s;m 6,)

    S% 652.20 s;m 6,)


    %or Trea:

     %t entrance area 2 $ 1.00 0.# $.00

    2 3 1.00 0.3 1.!0

    Staircase 1 3 ".!0 0.3 ".02

    2 23 1.#0 0.3 20."0

    1 23 2.00 0.3 13.!0


    or say 48.00 s;m 6,)

    %% $!.00


    42.20 s;m 6,)

    S% 42.20 s;m 6,)


     %t entrance area 2 $ 1.00 0.1# 1.20

    2 3 1.00 0.1# 0.0

    Staircase 1 3 ".!0 0.1# 3.#1

    2 23 1.#0 0.1# 10.3#

    1 23 2.00 0.1# '.0


    or say 23.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 23.00+2.10

    20.90 s;m 6,)

    S% 20.90 s;m 6,)

    Da&ooin to walls wit- w-ite la=e& tiles 1st. ;uality of any si=e of *ran& asappro/e& *y ,nineer + in + c-are an& set o/er a *ase coat of 4M 1

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    37/516GF-AHDC Page 37 of 517


    Between &ormitory -alls 1 $ ".0 3.23 102.0"

    Between (oilet *locks 1 2 !.01 2.2' 3'.1!

    Between (oilet *locks &ormitory -alls 1 2 $.$0 3.23 2!.3

    1 2 $.'" 2.23 20.!3

    18.4 s;m 6,)


     %t entrance area 1 2 #.20 0.0 .3'Staircase 2 2 3.#0 0.0 12.'0

    1 2 $.#0 0.0 !.10


    or say 31.00 s;m 6,)

    %% 31.00


    21.64 s;m 6,)

    S% 21.64 s;m 6,)

    ,ranoit;ic concrete foorin? 20mm t;ick wit- 4.4. 1

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    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 2521.00

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 15'$$.00

    35!'3.00 s;m

    %%Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 251$."$

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 15#!1.0#

    35""#." s;m


    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. "'.1$

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 1#.'0

    35""#." s;m


    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. $0."!

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 11".#


    ! foor 12023.31 s;m 6,)


    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 2521.00

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 15'$$.00



    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 251$."$

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 15#!1.0#



    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 251$."$

    Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 15#!1.0#



    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. $0."!Same as ornamental 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. 11".#


    ! foor 12023.31 s;m 6,)


    1 1 '$.!2 11."0 58.39 s;m 6,)

    9ro/i&in %pplyin Synt-etic 9laster 9utty or 9laster of 9aris 9utty or Limepunnin of a/erae 1 to 2mm t-ick o/er plastere& surface to prepare t-e surfacee/en an& smoot- after t-orou-ly *rus-in t-e surface to remo/e all &irt an&remains of loose pow&ere& materials5 applyin emery paper5 san& t-e surface5 clean wipe off loose &ust5 applyin knifin paste filler *y putty knifemuslin pa&5 air &ryfor 2+3 -ours san& wit- 1!0 an& 320 No emer a er for t-e surface re aration

    9aintin to new walls wit- 2 coats of %crylic *ase& 7il *oun& as-a*le Distemper-a/in C74 content less t-an #0 ramslitre o/er promer coat usin w-ite cemnt asappro/e& *y ,nineer+:n+4-are5 makin 3 coats in all to i/e an e/en s-a&e aftert-ouru-ly *rus-in t-e surface to remo/e all &irt an& remains of loose pow&ere&materials5 inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials to work site an& allo erational inci&ental la*our c-ar es etc. an& o/er-ea&s contractors rofit

    9ro/i&in an& applyin %ltek 9M44 Deco orient *ase or ,;ui/alent eterior(eture of a/erae 2 to 3 mm t-ickness o/er plastere& surface to prepare t-esurface e/en an& smoot- after t-orou-ly *rus-in t-e surface to remo/e all &irt an&remains of loose pow&ere& materials5 applyin emery paper5 San& t-e surface5clean wipe off loose &ust5 applyin putty teture paint filler *y putty knife muslinpa&5 air &ry for 2 + 3 -rs for t-e surface preparation inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of all materials to work site an& all operational5 inci&ental5 la*our

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    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. for eternal walls 15'$$.00


    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. for eternal walls 15#$.21

    S% 15#$.21


    Same as 12 mm t-ick plasterin Qty. for eternal walls $0."!

    ! foor 5233.20 s;m 6,)



    1 1 11 11.00


    1 2 11 22.00


    1 1 3 3.00

    36.00 Nos 6,)


    1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 No 6,)


    2 1 3 3.00

    %%S% 2 3 '.00.00 Nos 6,)


    ,%6 1 #0 #.00 2#0.00


    6 2 $! #.00 $!0.00

    9aintin wit- weat-er proof plastic emulson ra&e +1 paint to eterior faces of newwalls wit- 3 coats of appro/e& make s-a&e an& colour inclu&in self prime coatinclu&in cc of all materials like plastic emulsinn paint of 8ra&e+1 to sitee inclu&incost of *rus-es scaffol&in c-ares5 lifitin c-ares an& la*our c-ares suc- aspreparin t-e wall applyin t-ree coats of plastik emlsion etc.5 complete for finis-e&item of work %9SS No 10511 " 1201 in all floors

    Supply an& )iin of Door wit- Dou*le leaf s-utter5 Door Si=e 1.222.13 Mt. wit-Me&ium (eak woo& )rame of sections si=e "#mm 100mm wit- )lus- Door S-utterSoli& Bon& oo& *lack *oar& type wit- commercial ply on *ot- faces of 3#mm t-ickinclu&in cost of fitures suc- as M.S.9ow&er 4oate& (ower Bolts 2#0mm lon 2Nos5 %lluminimum >an&les 1#0mm lon 2 Nos5 300mm lon M.S.9ow&er 4oate&

    Supplyin fiin of Me&ium (eak oo& 9annele& Main Door of Si=e $.00 Mts X2."0 Mts ma&e wit- outer frame of section $I#I10012#mm two -ori=ontal an&four /erticals fie& frame5Bot- si&es fie& wit- :ron rill si=eori=ontal *ars of 10mm S;uare wel&e& toMS )lat 20#mm alroun& formin 10012#mm ri& an& wit- #mm t-ick pin

    Supply an& )iin of Door wit- Dou*le leaf s-utter5 Door Si=e1.0#2.13 Mt. wit-Me&ium (eak woo& )rame of sections si=e "#mm 100mm wit- )lus- Door S-utterSoli& Bon& oo& *lack *oar& type wit- commercial ply on *ot- faces of 3#mm t-ickinclu&in cost of fitures suc- as M.S.9ow&er 4oate& (ower Bolts 2#0mm lon 2Nos5 %lluminimum >an&les 1#0mm lon 2 Nos5 300mm lon M.S.9ow&er 4oate& %l&rops 1No5 12#mm lon M.S.9ow&er 4oate& *utt -ines 'Nos5 300 mm lon

    9ro/i&in an& fiin factory ma&e 9oly/inyl c-lori&e 9C4 Door )rame of t-e si=e#0 $"mm wit- a wall t-ickness of #mm5 ma&e out of etru&e& #mm rii& 9C4foam s-eet5 mitre cut at two corners an& @oine& wit- 2nos. of 1#0mm lon *racketsof 1#1#mm M.S. s;uare tu*e. (-e two /ertical &oor profiles are to *e reinforce&wit- 11mm M.S. S;uare tu*e of 1 aue. (-e &oor frame s-all *e fie& to t-ewall usin '#100mm lon M.S. Screws t-rou- t-e frame *y usin 9C4 fasteners. % minimum of $nos. of screws to *e pro/i&e& for eac- /ertical mem*er minimum2nos. for -ori=ontal mem*er etc. complete as per manufacturers specification an&&irection of ,nineer+in+4-are for finis-e& item of work

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    40/516GF-AHDC Page 40 of 517

    30.00 6mt 6,)



    6 1 #0 0."# 2.13 ".!!


    6 2 $! 0."# 2.13 1#3.3'

    233.24 s;m 6,)



    3 3 #! 1.#0 1.3# 3#2.3# s;m 6,)

    $0 6,)


    C 2 2 2.#0 0.$# $.#0

    C1 1 #0 0.0 0.$# 20.2#



    C 2 2 2.#0 0.$# $.#0

    C1 1 $! 0.0 0.$# 1.$$


    2.63 s;m 6,)


    1 2.25 7 11 1.20 2.13 '3.2'

    2 2.25 7 3 1.05 2.13 1#.10



    1 2.25 7 22 1.20 2.13 12'.#2


    1 2.25 7 3 1.20 2.13 1".2#"ain oor*" 2.2# 1 $.00 2."0 2$.30

    s;m 6,)

    9ro/i&in an& fiin 30mm t-ick Soli& panel 9C4 &oor s-utter consistin of framema&e out of M.S. tu*es of 1 aue t-ickness an& si=e of 1mm 1mm for stiles5 1#mm 1#mm for top *ottom rails. M.S. frame s-all -a/e a coat of steelprimers of appro/e& make an& manufacture. M.S. frame s-all *e co/ere& wit- #mmt-ick -eat moul&e& 9C4 O4E c-annel of si=e 30 #0mm formin stiles5 an& #mmt-ick5 "#mm wi&e 9C4 s-eets for top rail5 lock rail *ottom rail on eit-er si&e5 an&

    9ro/i&in )iin of 7pena*le in&ows wit- )ly+mes- ma&e of pre+painte& steelBase Steel as per :S #13 of 0.'mm t-ick al/ani=e& as per :S 2"" wit- =inc of 1#08SM primer coate& wit- epoy primer of #+" microns t-ick5 finis- painte& wit- apolyester paint of 12+1' microns t-ick an& *ack coate& wit- #+" microns t-ick alky&*acker an& t-e section for outer frame of "2 ##mm5 centre mullion of "2 #0mm5

    section for fie& lass *ea&in section of 12 12 mm an& section for s-utters of $" 20 mm an& outer frame mullion sections wit- re*ate for la=e& s-utters5 fly

    9aintin to woo& work5 flus- s-utters wit- luppam finis- inclu&in applyin luppam

    coat o/er a primary coat an& two coats of synt-etic enamel paint of 1st ra&e an&appro/e& *ran& an& s-a&e o/er a primary coat (otal 3 coats inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of all materials to site5 cost of primer coat5 *rus-es5 an& all la*ourc-ares etc.5 complete. %9SS No. 12015 120" 1212 for all floors.

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    41/516GF-AHDC Page 41 of 517


    ,' 2 7 2 2.3 1.35 1$."$

    ,'1 2 7 2 3.24 1.35 1".#0

    ,'2 2 7 2 2.26 1.35 12.20

    ,'3 1 7 2 3.05 1.35 !.2$

    52.68 s;m 6,)


    248.++ -mt @-E6


    35.++ SBm @-E6


    192.++ SBm @-E6


    31.++ SBm @-E6


    . -mt @-E6


    $. -mt @-E6


    2 2 '$.!2 0.'0 1##.#"

    2 2 1.20 0.'0 $'.0!

    2 2 11.#1 0.'0 2".'2

    2 2 ".0 0.'0 1!.'

    2 2 $.$0 0.'0 10.##

    2 ' !.01 0.'0 #".'$

    2 ' ".0 0.'0 #'.!!2 2 $.'" 0.'0 11.21

    384.50 SBm @-E6

    9aintin two coats wit- synt-etic enamel paint 1st ra&e to new iron work inclu&incost an& con/eyance of all materials to site an& all la*our c-ares inclu&in liftc-ares etc.5 complete for finis-e& item of work. SS N7. 12015 1212 120" forall floors.

    Pro'i2ing 118mm Dia P.4.C. 2own water take ies thick  an& of $ k S;.cm pressure of :S: marke& inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of necessary 9.C.4.Ben&s5 s-oes5 iron5 clamps an& all ot-er accessories an& fiin in positioninclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materials to site inclu&in all la*our c-ares forfiin at site etc.5 complete or finis-e& item of work.%9SS No.132!

    Pro'i2ing an2 6iing of eansion oin 00er %oar2 for

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    42/516GF-AHDC Page 42 of 517


    $.00 Nos 6,)


    Dormitory >alls 1 X 10 ".'" # 1.0 "2!.'#

    (oilets 1 X $ !.00 # 1.0 30$.00

    as- area 1 X 2 1#."# 3.2"# 1.0 1'.01

    ar&ens room cum Loune 1 X 1 ".'" # 1.0 "2.!"

    4linic -all 1 X 1 ".'" # 1.0 "2.!"

    (ype+1 Stair case 1 X 2 $.#' 3.0" 1.0 #3.1$

    (ype+2 Stair case 1 X 1 ".'" # 1.0 "2.!"

    ,ntrance Lo**y 1 X 1 ".'" # 1.0 "2.!"

    4orri&or 1 X 1 '3.32 2.# 1.0 300.""

    n&er entrance steps 1 X 1 ".00 1 1.0 13.30


    or say 15!!!.00 cum 6,)#2

    2 $ !.00 # 0.1# $!.00 cum 6,)


    MB. No.326/A/MD, Pg. No.1+

    1 2$ 0.!0 1.20 -mt @-E6


    MB. No.326/A/MD, Pg. No.11

    1 2$ 0.!0 1.20 -mt @-E6

    9%6( B

    9%6( %PB

     %sst. ,nineer>N? Dy. ,.,5 >N? ,ecuti/e ,nineer Superinte

     %9,:D45 %6%N8%L %9,:D45 8L  %9,:D45 %6%N8%L %9,:

    4onstruction of 6ain water -ar/estin structure as per t-e appro/e& &rawin an&&esin of si=e 2 1.# m 2.0 mm inclu&in eart- work eca/ation of fillin of $0 mm

    )illin wit- 8ra/el in trenc-es5 si&es of foun&ations an& *asement wit- initial lea& inlayers not ecee&in 1#cm t-ick5 consoli&atin eac- &eposite& layer *y waterin an&rammin inclu&in cost an& con/eyence of water to t-e work site an& all operational5inci&ental5 la*our c-ares5 seinorae c-ares5 -ire c-ares of ( 9 etc.5 completefor finis-e& item of work. %9SS N7. 30 310

    )illin wit- li-t wei-t ci&er material in sunken sla*s inclu&in cost an& con/eyanceof all materials an& la*our c-ares etc. complete for finis-e& item of work

    Drillin 2#mm &ia -oles in S-eet 6ock wit- 9neumatic 4ompessor inclu&in -irec-res of (9 an& la*our c-ares etc.5 complete for finis-e& item of work.

    8routin 2#mm &ia -oles in S-eet 6ock wit- neat cement slurry inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of all materials an& la*our c-ares etc.5 complete5 *ut eclu&in cost ofsteel an& its fa*rication c-ares for finis-e& item of work.

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    9er %mount

    "($!" +

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    47/516GF-AHDC Page 47 of 517

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    48/516GF-AHDC Page 48 of 517

    1 4um 6,)

    1 4um 6,)

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    49/516GF-AHDC Page 49 of 517

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    50/516GF-AHDC Page 50 of 517

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    51/516GF-AHDC Page 51 of 517

    1 cum 6,)

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    52/516GF-AHDC Page 52 of 517

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    53/516GF-AHDC Page 53 of 517

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    54/516GF-AHDC Page 54 of 517

    1 cum 6,)

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    55/516GF-AHDC Page 55 of 517

    1 4um 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

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    56/516GF-AHDC Page 56 of 517

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    57/516GF-AHDC Page 57 of 517

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    58/516GF-AHDC Page 58 of 517

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

    1 "+ 6,)

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    59/516GF-AHDC Page 59 of 517

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    60/516GF-AHDC Page 60 of 517

    1 S;m 6,)


    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum

    1 cum

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    61/516GF-AHDC Page 61 of 517

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum1 cum

    1 cum 6,)

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    62/516GF-AHDC Page 62 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m

    1 s;m

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)1 s;m

    1 s;m

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    63/516GF-AHDC Page 63 of 517

    1 cum 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m

    1 s;m

    s;m 6,)



    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum

    1 cum

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    64/516GF-AHDC Page 64 of 517

    1 cum R#%D

    1 cum

    1 cum

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    65/516GF-AHDC Page 65 of 517

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

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    66/516GF-AHDC Page 66 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 Mt 6,)

    1 Mt1 Mt

    1 Mt

    1 Mt 6,)1 Mt

    1 Mt

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    67/516GF-AHDC Page 67 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

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    68/516GF-AHDC Page 68 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

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    69/516GF-AHDC Page 69 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m

    1 s;m

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    70/516GF-AHDC Page 70 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

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    71/516GF-AHDC Page 71 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

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    72/516GF-AHDC Page 72 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

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  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx

    74/516GF-AHDC Page 74 of 517

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 Nos 6,)

    1 No 6,)

    1 Nos 6,)

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    75/516GF-AHDC Page 75 of 517

    1 6mt 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

    1 s;m 6,)

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    76/516GF-AHDC Page 76 of 517


    1 -mt@-E6

    1 SBm @-E6

    1 SBm @-E6

    1 SBm @-E6

    1 -mt @-E6

    1 -mt @-E6

    1 SBm @-E6

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    77/516GF-AHDC Page 77 of 517


    1 cum 6,)

    1 cum 6,)

    1 -mt @-E6

    1 -mt @-E6



    &in ,nineer 

    45 >FD,6%B%D

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    Name of the Work :- Construction of Govt !e"ree Co##e"e at K$%%AM&'( of K$%%AM &M( C)ITTOOR !istrict

    Genera# A*stract Com+arative Statement 

    S0. No Descrition Ecess ?ess -emarks

    1 Schoo00

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    3 Interna0 E0ectrication #;393.88

    S$% +ota0: 7659866.++ E! @-E6 @-E6

    / Setic +ank for 788 $sers (1No) 7139377.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    ; Setic +ank for 188 $sers /#/89.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    6or Constr$ction of S$m /;#;.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    9 Pro'ision for /8=888 0iters caacit ,*S- 1/7183.88 @4A?!E 8.88

    18 6or Eterna0 E0ectrication as er s$% estimate ;;;89.88 @4A?!E 8.88



  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    11 6or Constr$ction of Como$n2 Wa00 31#1.88 @4A?!E 8.88

    17 for Eterna0 Drainage /79/;.88 @4A?!E 8.88

    67396+6.++ E!

    13 S$% +ota0: 111+97418.++ E!

    De2$ct +en2er Premi$m L ( & ) 7.;8M ?ess 8.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    111+97418.++ E!

    1# 1#8.88 1#8.88 8.88 8.88

    1 Pro'ision for site 2e'e0oment 188888.88 188888.88 8.88 8.88

    1/ Pro'ision for +ransformer 88888.88 88888.88 8.88 8.88

    1; Pro'ision for Interna0 roa2s 1888888.88 1888888.88 8.88 8.88

    1 Pro'ision for f$rnit$re an2 eB$iment 7888888.88 7888888.88 8.88 8.88

    19 1888888.88 1888888.88 8.88 8.88

    78 Pro'ision for 4A+ L M #;1.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    71 Pro'ision for S$er'ision Charges L M #;1.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    77 Pro'ision for Seignorage Charges L 1M 11189;#.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    73 Pro'ision for Cess L 1M 11189;#.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    7# Pro'ision for J.C Charges L 8.M #;.88 @-E6 @-E6 @-E6

    7 @-E6 311933.88 @-E6 @-E6

    "$d Tot$( *. E! E! E! E!

    As er Sanction Estimate @-E6 Ecess @-E6

    As er Working Estimate @-E6 ?ess @-E6

    DiKerence @-E6 DiKerence @-E6

    Asst. Engineer(*N) D. Eec$ti'e Engineer(*N) Eec$ti'e Engineer

    APEWIDC= Waranga0 APEWIDC= Waranga0 APEWIDC= Waranga0

    Pro'i2ing #

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    S$erinten2ing Engineer Chief Engineer

    APEWIDC= *2era%a2 APEWIDC= *2era%a2

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 1

    Unit 0


  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 2

    ecription of 'ork GuantitF Unit Unit Rate RS.o


    0 4M 1 7N, 4M #03'.'#


    0 4M 1 7N, 4M 6,)


    a 150 mm t;ick Sa> 0 SQM 1 7N, SQM 120'."#

    * 0 SQM 1 7N, SQM .1#

    c 150mm E 200mm T;ick Si:e @a 0.00 4um 1 7N, 4um $"".10

    Brick Masonry for foun&ation an& *asement wit-4M 1

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 3

    ecription of 'ork GuantitF Unit Unit Rate RS.o


    0 M( 1 7N, M( 6,)


    0 SQM 1 7N, SQM 33".2#

    0 Nos 1 7N, ,%4> 22#.0#


    0 Nos 1 7N, Nos 2##2.#

    9ro/i&in >i- Fiel& Strent- Deforme& steel *ars)e $1#ra&e as per :S 1"!'+1" of &ifferent&iameters5 inclu&in la*our c-ares for cuttin5*en&in to re;uire& si=es an& s-apes placin inposition wit- co/er *locks of appro/e& materials

    an& si=e an& tyin wit- *in&in wire of 20S85fo6Min rills for reinforcement work as perappro/e& &esins an& &rawins5 inclu&in cost an&con/eyance of steel *ars5 inclu&in all wastaessuc- as o/erlaps5 couplins5 wel&e& @oints5 c-airs5spacer *ars inclu&in cost an& con/eyance of*in&in wire5 co/er *locks an& all inci&ental5operational5 la*our c-ares suc- as cuttin5*en&in5 placin in position5 tyin inclu&in salesan& ot-er taes an& all materials etc.5 complete forfinis-e& item of work in all f loors.%9SS No.12'

    9ro/i&in imper/ious coat to e7poe: RCC roofa> urface of ump ump i:e @a ump>ottom a> in i:e of eptic tank in unkena> etc.5 to re;uire& slopes wit- 4M 1

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 4

    ecription of 'ork GuantitF Unit Unit Rate RS.o


    0 SQM 1 7N, SQM 2!.0#

    Su> Tota * CiAiR

    A''" PPA& S.-Dii'ion > CH=TT??@  

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 5





    !" "


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    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 6






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    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 7






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    Se"i$ Tank 200 'e!' Cii A'"!a$"

    Page 8




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    Est.cost:Rs.1030.00 Lak


    Groun F!oorPricipal room : 1 No

    Ante room : 1 No

    Office room : 1 No

    Staff room : 1 No

    Labs : 6 Nos

    NSS coordinator room : 1 No

    Open auditorium : 1 No

    Toilet blocks : 2 units

    Stair case : 2 Nos

    Portico : 1 No

    First F!oor

    Class rooms : 7 Nos

    Lunc rooms : 2 Nos

    Librar! cum recreation all : 1 No

    P"T room : 1 No

    Toilet blocks : 2 unitsStair case : 2 Nos

    Lobb! : 1 No

    S"con F!oor

    Computer lab : 1 No

    Audio # $ideo room : 1 No

    Stair case : 2 Nos

    %ead rooms : 2 Nos

    &CC 'ater tank : 1 No


    Te (etailed "stimates are prepared 'it follo'in) common pro*isions

    Na$" o% th" &ork :' Construction o% Go#t. (")r"" Co!!")" at *+PPA,

    -,/ CITTOOR (istrict

    Te 'ork const+ of ,o*t+ (e)ree Colle)e at -uppam in Cittoor dist '

    sanctioned for &s+ 1./.+.. laks *ide ,+O+&t+No+ 207/ inance 34 "ducati

    122.18 + Te Secretar! to ,o*t+ 9 # 5 A+P+ %!derabad as accorded adm

    for &s+ 1./.+.. laks+

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    1+ "art 'ork e;ca*ation in all t!pes of soils for open foundations


    /+ P+C+C 1:

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx





    10+ Paintin) to 'ood 'ork flus sutters 'it luppam finis+

    2.+ Paintin) t'o coats 'it s!ntetic enamel paint 1st )rade to ne' iron '

    21+ Suppl! and i;in) of Collapseble ,ate of Sie 2+.B2+1. mtrs




  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    O#"rh"a Char)"s 4 Contractor6s Pro%it:

    Te estimate is submitted for accordin) tecnical sanction+

    E7"cuti#" En)in""r (y. E7"cuti#" En)in""r Asst. E


    Su"rint"nin) En)in""r

    APE&I(C8 *A(APA


  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx




    -/ o% *+PPA,

    as administrati*el!

    n5 (ept+ dt: 20

      inistrati*e sanction

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    # &CC 'ork+


      d as bed concrete

    macine crused

    plint le*el+

      undations and for

    macine crused

    )raded metal for

    macine crusedick at free end of

    macine crused


    s traditional bricks

    and top coat

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx



    ss tan / ;

    a*alent ?ualit! for

    alls 'it / coats of

    2;2+1/ mtrs 'it

    .;2+1/ mtrs 'it

    (oor Sutter Solid

    prepainted steel

    inc of 18. ,S35

    X 2#mm X 3mm an&

    ents as per te

    irements based on

    ased on appro*ed

    dard (ata PartSS& 2.1

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


      "cuti#" En)in""r

    I(C8 *+PPA,

      been proposed in

    uildin)s5 ordered

    ( P&"O&3S5

    ) @Public orks

    te Abstracts of

    9uildin)s5 and te

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx



    Name of Component Amount in Rs.

    1 Ground Floor 17085825

    2 First Floor 10850537

    3 Second Floor 3516470

    4 238294

    5 692246

    6 Internal Electrification (as per sub estimate) 1700465

    7 3586912

    8 1391625

    9 2043828

    Sub Total >>> 41106202

    10 Provision for VAT @ 5% 2055310

    11 Provision for PS Charges @ 7% 2877434

    12 Provision for Q.C charges @ 0. 5% 205531

    13 Provision for Labour Cess @ 1 % 411062

    14 Provision for Seinarage Charges @ 1% 411062

    15 Provision for NAC charges @ 0.1% 41106

    16 400000

    17 50000

    18 250000

    19 Provision for Tender Publication chargesL.S. 50000

     ame of t;e @ork ) C$STRUCT+$ $% ,$-T.U+$R C$#,# !T,U+P!+- ,U+P!+" + C&+T$$R +ST.



    Construction of Septic Tank (as per sub


    Providing Water Supply & Sanitary

     Arrangements (as per sub estimate)

    Const. of Compound wall of 650mts length (as

    per sub estimate)

    Laying of internal CC roads of 340mtrs length

    (as per sub estimate)

    Play ground levelling & filling low level area

     with gravel (as per sub estimate)

     Towards Drilling of bore wells & fixing of

    submersible pumpset L.S.

    Provision for laying of foundation stone &

    Inaguration L.S.

    Provision for DPR including surveying &

    preparation of layouts & SBC structural

    architectural drawings etc. (30910 Sft x 8.00)


  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    20 300000

    21 200000

    22 Provision for RO plant L.S. 300000

    23 Provision for unforeseen items L.S. 54342293

    Grand Total of Civil Works >>> 103000000

    24 4000000

    Grand Total of Civil Works >>> 107000000

    Or say 1070.00

    Executive Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer  Asst. Executive Engineer


    Superintending Engineer  


     Towards Price Escalation for Steel & Cement

    L.S.External Electrification ( Poles, Transformer

    etc.) L.S

     Add L.S towards furniture & Lab equipement


  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    GF 11 of 517

    ecription of item


    GT/ Unit Rateo. <

    1 2 3 4 5 6 8

    ,R$U %$$R


    )or *uil&in area 1 1 !0.00 10.00 0.0 "20.00"20.00

    7r say "20.00 4um !.0 1


    )1 1 11 2.'0 2.'0 1.!0 133.!#

    )2 1 20 2.#0 2.#0 1.!0 22#.00

    )3 1 20 2.30 2.30 1.!0 10.$$

    )$ 1 " 2.1# 2.1# 1.!0 #!.2$

    )# 1 1 2.00 2.00 1.!0 13'.!0

    )' 1 1$ 1.!0 1.!0 1.!0 !1.'#

    )" 1 1! 1.'# 1.'# 1.!0 !!.21

    )! 1 2 1.$0 1.$0 1.!0 ".0'

    4)1 1 $ 1.!0 1.#0 1.!0 1.$$

    4)2 1 ' 2.# 2.## 1.!0 !1.2$

     )or atc- men room

    )1 1 $ 1.0# 1.0# 1.!0 ".$

    %or e7terna @a

    LwJs 1 1 $'.1" 0."# 0.'0 20."!

    1 1 '$.'3 0."# 0.'0 2.0!

    1 2 ."# 0."# 0.'0 !."!

    Near open to sky 1 $ 21.$! 0."# 0.'0 3!.''

    SJs 1 2 2$.$0 0."# 0.'0 21.'

    Near open to sky 1 $ '.0! 0."# 0.'0 10.$

    ,ntrance steps 1 1 ".00 1.'0 0.2# 2.!0

     )or atc- men room

    1 2 $.1! 0."# 0.'0 3."'

    ame of t;e 'ork )* Contruction of ,oAt. e?ree Coe?e at (UPP!"- of (UPP!" "itrict


    4uttin of ra/el le/elin of roun& *y5,art- work eca/ation for foun&ationsMec-anical Means for *uil&ins in or&inary soils an& &epositin on *ank for alllifts an& wit- an initial lea& of 10m an& up to 3m &ept- inclu&in alloperational5inci&ental5 la*our c-ares suc- as s-orin5 s-eetin5 plankin5struttin etc.5 an& o/er-ea&s contractors profit complete for finis-e& item ofwork eclu&in &ewaterin c-ares etc.5 as per SS 20 B%9SS 30!

    ,art- work eca/ation an& &epositin on *ank manual means wit- initial lea&of 10m an& initial lift of 3m in Loamy 4layey Soils like B4 Soils5 6e& ,art- 7r&inary 8ra/elly Soils SS 20+B inclu&in all operational inci&ental la*ourc-ares suc- as s-orin5 struttin5 s-eetin5 plankin an& &ewaterin inclu&incost of -ire c-ares of ( 95 la*our c-ares etc.5 complete for finis-e& item ofwork eclu&in seinerae c-ares an& &ewaterin c-ares etc.5 complete for)oun&ation of Buil&in.%9SS No. 30!

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    GF 12 of 517

    ecription of item


    GT/ Unit Rateo. <

    1 2 3 4 5 6 8


    1 2 3.0! 0."# 0.'0 2.""


    )1 1 $ 1.0# 0."# 0.'0 +1.!)1 1 ' 2.' 0."# 0.'0 +".02

    )2 1 1# 2.# 0."# 0.'0 +1'.!!

    )3 1 10 2.3 0."# 0.'0 +10.3#

    )$ 1 " 2.1# 0."# 0.'0 +'.""

    )# 1 12 2 0."# 0.'0 +10.!0

    )' 1 10 1.! 0."# 0.'0 +!.10

    )" 1 1! 1.'# 0."# 0.'0 +13.3"

    )! 1 2 1.$ 0."# 0.'0 +1.2'

    4)1 1 $ 1.! 0."# 0.'0 +3.2$

    4)2 1 ' 2.# 0."# 0.'0 +"."De&uct *lastin ;ty +2'0.00


    7r say !2#.00 4um 231.'0 1


    2# of , Quantity 2##.$!1021.3 0.2# H 2##.$! 7r say 2'0.00 4um #".0 1


    )1 1 11 2.'0 2.'0 0.10 ".$$

    )2 1 20 2.#0 2.#0 0.10 12.#0

    )3 1 20 2.30 2.30 0.10 10.#!

    )$ 1 " 2.1# 2.1# 0.10 3.2$

    )# 1 1 2.00 2.00 0.10 ".'0

    )' 1 1$ 1.!0 1.!0 0.10 $.#$

    )" 1 1! 1.'# 1.'# 0.10 $.0

    )! 1 2 1.$0 1.$0 0.10 0.3

    4)1 1 $ 1.!0 1.#0 0.10 1.0!4)2 1 ' 2.# 2.## 0.10 $.#1

     )or atc- men room

    ,art- work eca/ation for foun&ations for *uil&ins in -ar& rock re;uirin*lastin an& &epositin on *ank for all lifts an& wit- an initial lea& of 10m an&up to 3m &ept- inclu&in all operational5inci&ental5 la*our c-ares suc- ass-orin5 s-eetin5 plankin5 struttin etc.5 an& o/er-ea&s contractors profitcomplete for finis-e& item of work eclu&in &ewaterin c-ares etc.5 as per SS20 B%9SS 30!

    9lain 4ement 4oncrete correspon&in to M".# ra&e as per :S $#' e;ui/alent to1

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    GF 13 of 517

    ecription of item


    GT/ Unit Rateo. <

    1 2 3 4 5 6 8


    )1 1 $ 1.0# 1.0# 0.10 0.$$

    #".21 4um

    7r say #".#0 4um 3'2".## 1


     % %$R %$$T+,S

    )1 1 11 2.$0 2.$0 0.# 31.'!

    )2 1 20 2.30 2.30 0.$"# #0.2'

    )3 1 20 2.10 2.10 0.$# 3.'

    )$ 1 " 1.# 1.# 0.$# 11.!

    )# 1 1 1.!0 1.!0 0.$ 2$.'2

    )' 1 1$ 1.'0 1.'0 0.$ 1$.3$

    )" 1 1! 1.$# 1.$# 0.3 11.3#

    )! 1 2 1.20 1.20 0.3 0.!'4)1 1 $ 1.'0 1.30 0.2# 2.0!

    4)2 1 ' 2."# 2.3# 0.# 1.3

     )or atc- men room

    )1 1 $ 0. 0. 0.2# 0.!1


    7r say 20".#0 4um !211."0 1B %$R P##ST!S

    91 1 11 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 1."!

    92 1 32 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 #.1!

    93 1 ' 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 0."

    9$ 1 10 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 1.'2

    9# 1 2# 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 $.0#

    9' 1 2 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 0.32

    9" 1 1 0.' 0.$# 0.'0 3.0!

    9! 1 2 0.$# 0.$# 0.'0 0.2$

    9 1 2$ 0.$# 0.$# 0.'0 2.2

     )or atc- men room

    9e&estal 1 $ 0.3! 0.$# 0.'0 0.$1


    7r say 21.00 4um !#"3.00 1

    4 %$R C$U"S upto >ottom of t;e pint; >eam

    41 1 11 0.$# 0.3 1.#0 2.23

    42 1 32 0.$# 0.3 1.#3 '.#

    Ci*rate& 6einforce& 4ement 4oncrete M 20 Desin Mi *y wei- *atc-in usin 20mm si=e SS# -ar& *laste& ranite mac-ine crus-e& ra&e& metal4oarse areate from appro/e& ;uarry5 usin a minimum ;uantity of 3#0 ks.of cement per 1 cum of concreteinclu&in cost an& con/eyance of all materialslike cement5 fine areate San&5 coarse areate5 water etc.5 to site an&cost of all materials inclu&in centerin usin 4as-ewrina Ballies an& oo&enrunners stain inclu&in all *racins5 cross mem*ers etc.5 s-utterin 5mac-ine miin5 layin concrete5 /i*ratin5lift c-ares5 curin etc.5 complete *uteclu&in cost of steel an& itEs fa*rication c-ares for finis-e& item of work *uteclu&in seiniorae c-ares %9SS No. $02 $03

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    GF 14 of 517

    ecription of item


    GT/ Unit Rateo. <

    1 2 3 4 5 6 8


    43 1 ' 0.$# 0.3 1.## 1.2'

    4$ 1 10 0.$# 0.3 1.## 2.0

    4# 1 2# 0.$# 0.3 1.'0 #.$04' 1 2 0.$# 0.3 1.'0 0.$3

    4" 1 1 0.$# 0.3 1."0 $.3'

    4! 1 2 0.3 0.3 1."0 0.31

    4 0."! 2$ 0.3 0.3 1."# 2.#

     )or atc- men room

    41 1 $ 0.23 0.3 1.#0 0.$1

    2'.027r say 2'.#0 4um $"".10 1


    )or eternal walls

    LwJs 1 1 $'.1" 0."# 0.10 3.$'

    1 1 '$.'3 0."# 0.10 $.!#

    1 2 ."# 0."# 0.10 1.$'

    Near open to sky 1 $ 21.$! 0."# 0.10 '.$$

    SJs 1 2 2$.$ 0."# 0.10 3.''

    Near open to sky 1 $ '.0! 0."# 0.10 1.!2

    ,ntrance steps 1 1 " 1.' 0.10 1.12

     )or atc- men room

    1 2 $.1! 0."# 0.10 0.'3

    1 2 3.0! 0."# 0.10 0.$'

    e:uction91 1 ! 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.3'

    92 1 1# 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.'!

    93 1 ' 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.2"

    9$ 1 10 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.$#

    9# 1 10 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.$#

    9' 1 2 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.0

    9" 1 1$ 0.' 0."# 0.10 +0.'3

    9! 1 2 0.$# 0."# 0.10 +0.0"

    9 1 2$ 0.$# 0."# 0.10 +0.!1

    un:er foorin?

    La*+1 1 1 .' '.'0 0.0! #.2'

    9lain 4ement 4oncrete correspon&in to M# ra&e as per :S $#' e;ui/alent to1

  • 8/18/2019 Govt. Degree College Kuppam Est.1030.00 lakhs.xlsx


    GF 15 of 517

    ecription of item


    GT/ Unit Rateo. <

    1 2 3 4 5 6 8


    La*+2 1 1 !.# '.'0 0.0! $."3

    La*+35' 1 2 .0" '.'0 0.0! .#!

    La*+$5# 1 2 .00 '.'0 0.0! .#0Staff room 1 1 '.'0 #.!0 0.0! 3.0'

    Ncc room 1 1 '.'0 #.!# 0.0! 3.0

    Ncc coor&inator room 1 1 '.'0 #.!! 0.0! 3.10

    ,ntry -all 1 1 '.00 $.2 0.0! 2.3'

    7ffice room 1 1 13.2" '.'0 0.0! ".01

    9rincipal room 1 1 '.'0 $.11 0.0! 2.1"

    6ecor& room 1 1 2.3' 2.10 0.0! 0.$0

     %nti room 1 1 2.3' 2.1" 0.0! 0.$1

     %ttac-e& wc 1 1 2.3' 2.10 0.0! 0.$07pen au&itorium 1 1 12.$1 '.!3 0.0! '."!

    (oilet *locks 1 2 $.!' $.00 0.0! 3.11

    >an& was- 1 2 $.00 1."0 0.0! 1.0

    4 1 2 2.#! 1."0 0.0! 0."0

    passae 1 2 $#.1 2.1" 0.0! 1#.'

    1 2 1!.30 2.1" 0.0! '.3#

    9assae 1 1 ".'0 '.00 0.0! 3.'#

    Staircase room 1 2 #.'3 3.#! 0.0! 3.22

    9ortico 1 1 '.#" '.$' 0.0! 3.$0

    atc- room 1 1 3.' 3.