government security review

The value of advertising is in reaching the right people – much of your money can be wasted if you spend too much on too little. After this recession advertising to government departments has got to become far more cost effective than it is. We are all looking for cost effective ways to promote our products and while digital media is the future and (increasingly) the present, there is still a lot that ‘old media’ has to offer, specifically in our own familiarity with printed publications and in the form of display advertising which is still proven to be far more effective than that of banner adverts or search engine promotions. Especially when it is going to a targeted area. Government Security Review is a ‘new media’ monthly products review magazine for the Purchasing Officers of Central and Local Government departments but designed on the basis of an ‘old media’ publication to give that well known feel and familiarity that only comes from printed publications and one that allows you the ability to continue with full display advertising to attract people’s attention to your products. Government Security Review is the first niche style fully integrated ‘new/old media’ publication that is always within easy reach, in fact it’s just a click away from having it spread right across that screen that sits in front of every buyer. REVIEW GOVERNMENT SECURITY GOVERNMENT SECURITY CENTRAL & LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT THE ONLY SECURITY PUBLICATION FOR COMPANIES WHO WANT TO TARGET MARKET THEIR PRODUCTS DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR MEDIA PACK AND DUMMY MAGAZINE INTRODUCTORY PRICES OCTOBER 2009

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Page 1: Government Security Review

The value of advertising is in reaching theright people – much of your money canbe wasted if you spend too much on toolittle. After this recession advertising togovernment departments has got tobecome far more cost effective than it is.

We are all looking for cost effective waysto promote our products and while digitalmedia is the future and (increasingly) thepresent, there is still a lot that ‘old media’has to offer, specifically in our ownfamiliarity with printed publications andin the form of display advertising which isstill proven to be far more effective thanthat of banner adverts or search enginepromotions. Especially when it is going toa targeted area.

Government Security Review is a ‘newmedia’ monthly products review magazinefor the Purchasing Officers of Central andLocal Government departments butdesigned on the basis of an ‘old media’publication to give that well known feeland familiarity that only comes fromprinted publications and one that allowsyou the ability to continue with fulldisplay advertising to attract people’sattention to your products.

Government Security Review is the firstniche style fully integrated ‘new/oldmedia’ publication that is always withineasy reach, in fact it’s just a click awayfrom having it spread right across thatscreen that sits in front of every buyer.










Page 2: Government Security Review

Our distribution is to;

472 County, District and Borough Councils

241 Central Government Services,Agencies and Directorates, Including;

157 Prisons and Purchasing offices

UK Border Agency

MI5 (Security Service)

Over 200 Ministry of Defence (MoD) Establishments

Government CommunicationsHeadquarters (GCHQ)

Over 400 local and regional buyers in NHS Authorities

60 Geographic and Non-Geographic Police Authorities

4ps multidisciplinary team

Central Buying Consortium

Local and Regional Purchasing Organisations

London Contracts and Supplies Group

OGC buying solutions

University Purchasing Consortiums



Now is the time to target it directlyat the people who make thepurchasing decisions for securityproducts in the public sector

Government Security Review is distributedDIRECT to the desks of the DECISIONMAKERS, purchasing officers specialising inSecurity Products and Services throughoutthe entire Central and Local governmentAuthorities, Agencies and ProcurementOrganisations. Every month over 5000people receive Government Security Reviewdirect to their mail box and that’s just oneclick away from your company and yourproducts being open on their screen.

Page 3: Government Security Review


There are three prison services with157 prisons, over 91,000 inmatesand in the region of 50,000 staff

England & Wales 139 prisons Inmates 82,000+

Scotland 15 prisons Inmates 7,600+

Northern Ireland 3 prisons Inmates 1,500+

HM Prison Service England andWales, The Northern Ireland PrisonService and the Scottish PrisonService are separate organisationsand undertake their ownprocurement activities. For instance,the buyers in Scottish prisons canpurchase direct from companies upto £20,000 where as the NorthernIreland Prisons can only purchasegoods and services for up to£10,000 before they are put outfor tender.

So as you can see it is important toknow each system in every area ofCentral and Local Government andhow it works if you want to dobusiness with them. Even if youhave already secured tenders foryour products there is a goodchance that purchasing officersfrom one area of government haveno idea about you or your product.



Page 4: Government Security Review

Unlike magazines we do not have to worry about printing bills or distribution costs soour advertising rates are very favorableespecially when compared to printedpublications.

We only take advertisements by the page ormultiples thereof so we will make this veryeasy. For every page we charge just £695with a 50% discount for every subsequentpage you add and that’s it.

1 page £ 695.00

2 page spread £ 1042.50

3 page feature £ 1390.00

4 page feature £ 1737.50

For further information email: [email protected]


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Artwork can be received in the following formats:

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Any additional artwork that is required, orreceived in an unsuitable format, may incur a minimum design/artwork charge of £80+depending on copy.

Additional design charges can only be calculated on receipt of your advertisement copy.

Page 5: Government Security Review

All payments are required at least 7 days before production date.

As a security measure for our advertisers,you pay direct to a holding account at ourbank and that money is not released intoour operational account until our bank seesthe issue online.


Bank Transfer (BACS):Natwest account: 65655702Sort code: 60-23-40

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Full terms & conditions supplied on request


If you don’t showanyone what you offer

– how can they decideif what you offer iswhat they want?

Page 6: Government Security Review

Sample issue of Government Security Reviewon the following pages

Page 7: Government Security Review



The search for staticsecurity is misguided.The fact is security canonly be achievedthrough constantchange, adapting oldideas that have outlivedtheir usefulness tocurrent facts.



Security in any system shouldbe commensurate with its risks.However, the process todetermine which securitycontrols are appropriate andcost effective, is quite often acomplex and sometimes asubjective matter. One of theprime functions of security riskanalysis is to put this processonto a more objective basis.

There are a number of distinctapproaches to risk analysis.However, these essentiallybreak down into two types:quantitative and qualitative.


This approach employs twofundamental elements; theprobability of an eventoccurring and the likely lossshould it occur.

Quantitative risk analysis makesuse of a single figure producedfrom these elements. This iscalled the 'Annual LossExpectancy (ALE)' or the'Estimated Annual Cost (EAC)'.This is calculated for an event bysimply multiplying the potentialloss by the probability.

It is thus theoretically possible torank events in order of risk (ALE)and to make decisions basedupon this.

The problems with this type ofrisk analysis are usuallyassociated with the unreliabilityand inaccuracy of the data.Probability can rarely be preciseand can, in some cases,promote complacency. Inaddition, controls andcountermeasures often tackle anumber of potential events andthe events themselves arefrequently interrelated.

Introduction to risk analysis‘

This dummy magazine is for visualisation purposes only. No advertisements used are paid for. Copyright ownership is recognized of all trademarks, logos, images and brands







Page 8: Government Security Review

Commercial security


MedecoService at Medeco begins with our dedication toproviding long-term security on each installation.Our staff of trained engineers and locksmiths isavailable to answer your questions with expertise,providing quick solutions. Service at Medeco alsoincludes ongoing system support.

Medeco is dedicated to providing customers withthe tools and resources to help them keep theirsystems dynamic and secure. Backed by anational network of service providers, customers'of Medeco systems have virtually unlimitedprofessional resources available.

Commercial Locksets

Medeco Embassy locksets are available in Grade1 heavy duty or Grade 2. Embassy levers andknobs accept Medeco high security cylinders,KeyMark solid brass replacement cylinders, as wellas other popular Key-In-Knob cylinders and smallformat interchangeable core cylinders.

Contact MedecoPO Box 3075, 3625 Allegheny Drive Salem, Virginia 24153-0330

Tel: [email protected]

Page 9: Government Security Review

Government Security Review is distributed DIRECTto the desks of the DECISION MAKERS, purchasingofficers specialising in Security Products andServices throughout the entire Central and Localgovernment Authorities, Agencies andProcurement Organisations. Every month over5000 people receive Government Security Reviewdirect to their mail box and that’s just one clickaway from your company and your products beingopen on their screen.



For sales information email: [email protected]

Medeco 2

Kantech 6-7

Axis Communications 8-9

Gunnebo AB 12-13

SD Fire Alarms 14-17

Hill & Smith Limited 18-19

Counter Threat InstituteInternational LLC 20-21

Stanley Security Solutions 22-23

Kingdom Security Limited 24-25

Chubb Insurance 26



Our distribution is to;

472 County, District and Borough Councils

241 Central Government Services, Agenciesand Directorates, Including;

157 Prisons and Purchasing offices

UK Border Agency

MI5 (Security Service)

Over 200 Ministry of Defence (MoD) Establishments

Government Communications Headquarters(GCHQ)

Over 400 local and regional buyers in NHS Authorities

60 Geographic and Non-Geographic Police Authorities

4ps multidisciplinary team

Central Buying Consortium

Local and Regional Purchasing Organisations

London Contracts and Supplies Group

OGC buying solutions

University Purchasing Consortiums

Page 10: Government Security Review

New thinking and policies about security areurgently required. Despite the fact that security ison the top of the agenda of many countries andorganizations, little scrutiny of the concept istaking place.

The concept of security means many things todifferent people. In fact, there is no broadconsensus on the meaning of security. The fightagainst terrorism; the diffusion of weapons ofmass destruction; the Iraqi war; the spread ofinfectious diseases; the loss of employment andthe decline in economic growth have all an impactupon security in different ways. As aconsequence, people and countries feel moreinsecure and apprehensive today than at the startof the 21st Century.

Nevertheless, the opportunities for workingtowards removing these threats are better thanever. The rapid movement of people, capital,goods and ideas within and across borders deeplyaffects the capacity of states to manage security

Human security nowSadako Ogata

issues in an interdependent world. Globalization,despite its challenges, creates new opportunitiesfor economic expansion and, if properly managed,can reach people and countries previouslyexcluded. Democratic principles and practices aregaining ground and support. Civil society plays anunprecedented role in setting the security agendaand policies.

It is within this complex and changing contextthat the independent Commission on HumanSecurity has sought to develop a new securityconcept and policies that focus on people, ratherthan on states. Assisted by ten distinguishedCommissioners, Amartya Sen and I co-chairedthe Commission. On 1 May, the Commission'sreport was presented to the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan.*

Human security is concerned with safeguardingand expanding people's vital freedoms. Itrequires both protecting people from critical andpervasive threats and empowering people to

Page 11: Government Security Review

take charge of their own lives. Protection refersto the norms, policies and institutions essentialto shield people and implies a ‘top-downapproach,’ such as the rule of law anddemocratic governance. Empowermentunderscores the role of people as actors andparticipants and implies a ‘bottom-up’ approach.

Human security does not seek to supplant statesecurity, but rather to complement it. States havethe fundamental responsibility of providingsecurity. Yet they often fail to fulfil theirobligations—many times they are even the sourceof the threat to people. As the multitude of violentconflicts and extreme poverty demonstrates,states cannot be secure if people's security is atstake. But neither can people be secure in theabsence of strong, democratic and responsiblestates, as the multitude of collapsed states in theworld illustrates. These are the challenges inAfghanistan, Iraq and Palestine today.

Human security also adds an important dimensionto development thinking. As Amartya Sen argues ‘development can be seen as a process ofexpanding the real freedoms that people enjoy.’By focusing on downside risks, human securityemphasizes that people must be protected whenfacing sudden and profound reversals ineconomic and social life. In addition to ‘growthwith equity,’ human security is equally concernedwith ‘downturns with security.’ In the absence ofsafety nets, people face critical and pervasiveinsecurities in sudden downturns which, in turn,may be exacerbated, increasing conflict andviolence, as recent examples in Asia and LatinAmerica illustrate.

If security is to be protected, conflict prevented,human rights respected and poverty eradicated,we require urgently a new consensus onsecurity. This is a shared responsibility. Humansecurity provides an impetus for all countries,whether developed or developing, to reviewexisting security, economic, development andsocial policies.

Equally important is to overcome the existingcompartmentalization of policies and programmesalong institutional divisions of work—alongsecurity, development and assistance lines. Thisrequires a fundamental rethinking of currentinstitutional arrangements and policies. Integrationrather than separation should be the catch phrase.

At a time when the exercise of hard militarypower seems to leave little scope for soft power,of promoting democratic principles or respectingfreedom and human rights, this call for a newsecurity consensus may appear ill timed. Buthard power alone does not win the minds andconfidence of people. Not only does our securityunderstanding need to respond to changingthreats, but also to the emerging configuration ofjoint efforts by civil society groups andcommunity leaders. States no longer hold themonopoly over security issues. Peoplethemselves are expected to shoulder increasingresponsibilities in determining their own interests,aspirations and security.

*Commission on Human Security, Human SecurityNow: Protecting and Empowering People (NewYork: Commission on Human Security, 2003).

Mrs. Sadako Ogata is Co-chair of the Commissionon Human Security and former United NationsHigh Commissioner for Refugees.

New thinking and policies about security are urgently required‘ ’


Page 12: Government Security Review


Security has never been so


Contact KantechTel: +44 (0) 208 750 5672E-mail: [email protected]


The KT-200 Door Controller is the cornerstone ofyour access control system. The KT-200 iscapable of controlling two separate doors or asingle door (with readers on each side of thedoor). To form the system, each KT-200 is linkedto other KT-200s using an ‘RS-485’communication bus. A smaller initial system cangrow to secure hundreds of doors just by addingmore controllers and the appropriate software.

■ 2 doors / 2 readers panel

■ Built-in power supply for door locks (24 VDC)

■ 16 supervised inputs

■ 2 form C relays

■ RS-485 / RS-232 communication ports

■ Optional REB-8 relay modules (2 per KT-200)

■ Lithium batteries for memory backup

■ Status LED on board

■ ABA - Wiegand - BCD data input

Page 13: Government Security Review



With five ioProx readers to choose from, you will find one that’s right for your application. Their attractive, compact, weatherized and vandal-resistant design makes them suitable for installation in various indoor and outdoorenvironments.

■ Choose from Kantech XSF (eXtended Secure Format) or 26-bit Wiegand formats

■ Works up to 300 m (1000 ft) from thecontroller, unshielded cable significantlyreduces installation costs

■ Quick connect terminal block (P225 & P325 series)

■ Digital signal processing (DSP) for enhanced security

■ Weatherproof design for indoor and outdoor applications

■ Integrated piezo & bi-color LED

■ Integrated tamper switch on P600 (optional on other models)

■ The use of snap-and-lock terminal blocks(P225 and P325 series) allows for easy wiringand saves you time and money

■ Integrated keypad models are ADA-compliantand based on the 8-bit burst industry standard

■ Use the keypad’s * and # buttons inconjunction with the EntraPass software to armand disarm external alarm panels

■ Kantech XSF readers are compatible only withKantech software, with access to over 4 billionunique codes that provide increased securityand an absolute guarantee against cardduplication

■ Extended range makes the P600 long rangereader ideal for parking lots and accessapplications where special consideration isneeded to facilitate access

■ Up to 73 cm (29 in) read range (P600)


TCS-100 Telephone Entry System hasbeen designed to offer more flexibility,performance, and value than ever before!

The system easily provides tenants withinstant audio communications andbuilding access control. This advancedelectronic directory telephone accesssystem is also visitor friendly.


The large, 32-character backlit LCDprovides easy to understand userprompts that allow visitors to scrollthrough names in alphanumeric order.The electronic directory can beprogrammed to display occupants’names, apartment numbers, or a numberknown only to the occupant's visitor.


A vandal resistant metal keypad features raisedBraille lettering and ADA user features includingboth audible and visual confirmation of user actions.TCS-100 is also a keyless entry system, whichenables tenants or authorized visitors to enter afour-digit access code to unlock the entrance door.

Remote Service PC

Easily connect to the system and update thedirectory remotely using a PC with modem. Youcan program the system through the built-inkeypad, or simply enter the information using aPC-compatible keyboard.

Master Building Access Switch

The unit has provisions for a postal lock oremergency key to allow instant access to thebuilding without the need to contact an occupant.

Features that make a difference:

■ Large front panel LCD provides easy-to-understand user prompts

■ Braille lettering

■ Built-in postal lock access

■ Compatible with most telephone sets

■ Convenient remote programming with built-in modem

■ Easy local programming with keypad or PC-compatible keyboard

■ Connects to a printer for hard copy reports of activities

Page 14: Government Security Review


The world’s leading expert


Contact AxisTel: +46 31 83 68 00E-mail: [email protected]

Axis CommunicationsAxis video encoders integrate easily into yourexisting analog CCTV (closed circuit television)system. You can acquire all the benefits that digitaltechnology offers without scrapping yourinvestment in an analog system.

What is a video encoder?

A video encoder (also referred to as video server)digitizes analog video signals and sends digitalimages directly over an IP network, such as aLAN, intranet or Internet. It essentially turns ananalog video system into a network video systemand enables users to view live images using aWeb browser or a video management software onany local or remote computer on a network.

It allows authorized viewers from differentlocations to simultaneously access images fromthe same analog camera, as well as networkcameras if they are added to the system.

Remote accessibility

By utilizing the serial ports of a video server, youcan remotely control existing equipment such aspan/tilt/zoom devices or time-lapse taperecorders. A video server can be connected to awide variety of specialized cameras such as aminiature or microscope camera. More benefitswith digital video surveillance.

Page 15: Government Security Review


in network video

Axis offers IP-Surveillance software solutions as acomplement to the company's network camerasand video encoders.

You can create the surveillance system that meetsyour specific needs:

■ Medium-sized system solutions

■ Specialized solutions for any system size

■ Internet-hosted systems

■ Small and medium-sized system solution

■ General surveillance and recording for systems up to 50 cameras

AXIS Camera Station is an IP-Surveillancesoftware that works with Axis network camerasand video encoders to provide video monitoring,recording and event management functions.Users can record video continuously, onschedule, on alarm and/or on motion detection.The software has multiple search functions forrecorded events. Remote viewing and playbackare also possible with the use of the AXIS CameraStation Windows client.

Specialized solutions for any system size

Video surveillance and recording for small, largeand enterprise systems

Axis' Application Development Partners (ADP).Axis network video products are supported by theindustry’s broadest range of video surveillancesoftware. Together with more than 600 applicationdevelopment partners worldwide, Axis can deliveropen and scalable solutions to meet demandingend user needs for most application areas andindustry segments.

Internet-hosted systems

Monitoring and recording service for a largenumber of customers with few cameras installedon each site

AXIS Video Hosting System (AVHS) is a serversoftware especially designed for service providerssuch as security companies and Internet serviceproviders. By installing the software to their ownserver or by using an assigned hosting partner,service providers can offer a true plug-and-playcamera monitoring service over the Internet.

Page 16: Government Security Review

Wireless encryption and

Carmi Levy

Deploying wireless networks can free employeesfrom the creativity-crushing sameness of a hard-wired desktop computer in a hard-wired cubicle.But cutting the cord opens up a range ofsecurity issues that network administrators can’tafford to ignore.

‘Attackers love wireless networks,’ says ForresterResearch Senior Analyst John Kindervag.‘They’re easier to break into, and they tend tohave fewer controls.’


Kindervag says the TJX data breach in 2007,widely viewed as one of the most significantsecurity violations ever, was executed via wirelessinfrastructure.

‘In that case, people weren’t looking. Generally,people don’t understand how flawed wireless canbe,’ he says. ‘It is clearly one of the greatest hackvectors, but for whatever reason, there’s a lot ofcomplacency around it.’ This complacency cancreate significant risk for organizations.

Security is especially important in Wi-Fi networksbecause they can extend outside the physicalboundaries of a secure building and can potentiallyopen a window into your business systems.

Understanding that risk is essential in today’snetworked economy. Tiller Beauchamp, principalsecurity consultant with IOActive(, says small enterprises areespecially vulnerable.

‘Running an unsecured wireless network is likeleaving your car unlocked and running while yougo to the movies—you are inviting abuse,’ saysBeauchamp. ‘Using WEP is equivalent to putting afence around your yard. It will discourage somepeople, but anyone with enough curiosity willsimply hop the fence.’


Wireless security planning often centers aroundthe importance of encryption, or the manner inwhich traffic is protected from eavesdropping as itmoves between wireless components. A numberof encryption standards have evolved sincewireless networking was first popularized:

■ WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) was the firstwidely available encryption standard and isalso the weakest. It contains a number ofinherent weaknesses, all of which have beenthoroughly exploited by hackers, prompting itto fall into relative disfavor.

■ WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) replaced WEPand pointed the industry toward the eventualIEEE wireless security standard, 802.11i. WPA, however, still contains a number of weaknesses and is not fully compliant with 802.11i.

■ WPA2 added AES (Advanced EncryptionStandard, also known as Rijndael) encryptionand includes all of the 802.11i mandatoryrequirements.


cutting the cord opens up a range of security issues that

network administratorscan’t afford to ignore


Page 17: Government Security Review



Deitcher says organizations must get seriousabout protecting wireless infrastructure to reducevulnerability to three primary attack methods:

Data theft: ‘If you don’t protect your wirelessnetwork, other parties may gain access tosensitive corporate data,’ Deitcher says, addingorganizations covered by privacy regulations suchas HIPAA for health records or PCI DSS for creditcard data may face fines or other sanctions if theyfail to act.

Denial of service: Deitcher says even if hackersdon’t succeed in stealing data, they cancompromise an organization’s ability to operate by denying access to its own networks.

Hijacking: Attackers use your WLAN as a so-called staging area to launch malicious assaultsagainst other networks. These assaults may betraced back to you, and you may be found liable.

Protection begins at the planning stage. Aruba’sLogan recommends taking a system-level view ofthe issue. ‘Interdependencies between featurescan affect security and performance and need tobe taken into account during system design,’ hesays. ‘For example, authentication affects keygeneration and management, which, if not handledcorrectly, could enable the type of security breachthat authentication is intended to prevent.’

Although many organizations have outright bannedwireless implementations as a means of protectingthemselves, Logan says this is insufficient. ‘Simplydeclaring a ‘no-wireless’ policy is insufficient toprotect a company unless an active scanning andenforcement regime is in place,’ Logan says. ‘The low cost of commodity Wi-Fi devices makesit simple for an employee to plug an unsecurewireless router into a wired network, bypassing all of the wired network security and creating anunauthorized entrée into the network.’

Human factors often trump technological ones inensuring secure wireless infrastructure.

‘The strongest encryption in the world is useless ifit’s not configured correctly or if the secret keys (orpasswords) are stolen,’ says Joe Levy, CTO ofSolera Networks (‘Presuming the presence of effective antimalwarecontrols such as a unified threat-managementsolution, the focus shifts to human rather thantechnology issues. The systems and their controls must be easy enough for people to use or they will be misused or disused.’

Forrester’s Kindervag says companies deploying wireless networks need to change their thinking. ‘Many companies don’t understand that wireless is not Ethernet,’ he says. ‘They treat it like Ethernet, but it’s a different protocol. This creates problems because it ends up being poorly deployed in many instances.’

Page 18: Government Security Review

Contact GunneboTel: +46 31 83 68 00E-mail: [email protected]

Gunnebo ABGunnebo has years of experience deliveringsecurity solutions and has unrivalled expertise insecure storage, site protection, entrance controland cash handling. Our solutions protect people,buildings and property, providing security for you,your employees and your customers.

Gunnebo is a specialist in many areas of videoapplication domain and supplies a large range ofCCTV solutions and services :

■ Recording systems and matrix

■ Transmissions & management applications

■ Variety of cameras

Gunnebo’s CCTV systems are based on an openarchitecture and are available in stand-aloneversion or fully integrated into the Gunnebo’ssupervision systems.

Gunnebo offers various types of analog and IPcameras and selects the top-of-the-rangeproducts, from simple to complex issues,depending on the level of risk and environment:

■ Black & white cameras

■ Colour cameras

■ Day/night cameras

■ Fixed dome cameras

■ Discreet and miniature cameras


For a safer world


Page 19: Government Security Review


Office securityWithin every organisation and authority, irrespective of size and remit, there is a need to protect important documents, valuables and data media against theft and fire. Invaluable information can be stolen or destroyed by fire, endangering the very existence of a business.

Gunnebo has a wide range of secure storage products. The choice of safe depends on what needs to be stored and what level of protection it requires. Document safes provide effective fire protection for important documents. Since data media is so heat-sensitive and tolerates no more than 55 °C before being destroyed, it needs to be stored in a datamedia safe. Items at a company which run ahigh risk of being stolen can be protected in asafe to prevent unauthorised access. All safescan be fitted with our own key locks or high-security electronic locks.

To guarantee that a safe maintains thehighest quality necessary, both safe and lockundergo stringent fire and burglary tests andare certified in accordance with the world’spremier standards.

Gunnebo’s solutions for secure storage withinoffice environments are primarily marketedand sold under the brand names Chubbsafes,Fichet-Bauche, Rosengrens and SecureLine.

■ Improved security in the office

■ Burglary protection for valuables

■ Fire protection for documents and data media

■ More efficient storage

■ Easier and more convenient management

Safe deposit lockers(SDLs) which can beinstalled inside a vault,safe or as a free-standingunit in a bank lobby.

Safe deposit lockers can be unlocked manually or remotely usingGunnebo’s lockermanagement software.

Page 20: Government Security Review


Wired and wireless systems


Contact SD Fire AlarmsTel: 0800 9751 911E-mail: [email protected]


We offer a wide range of Wired and WirelessIntruder Alarms and Burglar Alarms systems aswell as standalone intruder alarm units.

Our wired intruder alarm range includes theHoneywell range of Panels and Detectors. Our range of Honeywell includes the Accenta andOptima 8 zone Panels.

Our wireless burglar alarm range includes the ESPInfinite, Yale and PowerMax+ ranges of alarma, wecurrently stock the Standard Infinite and InfinitePrime burglar alarms.

Why install an Intruder Alarm?

Intruder alarms and Burglar alarms are the numberone way of preventing break in's into yourproperty, not only to protect your possessions butthe occupants as well.

It is a proven fact that the risk of burglary issignificantly reduced after a burglar alarm isinstalled.

Our Range of Intruder equipment now includewireless CCTV equipment

Page 21: Government Security Review


ADE Accenta LCD Remote Keypad

■ LCD English text display

■ Up to four keypads per control panel

■ Full LCD status indication

■ On-board PA facility

■ Programmable user strings

■ Backwards compatible with all Accenta control panels

■ Can be mixed with Accenta LED keypads

■ Illuminated keys

■ Entry / Exit tones

■ Programmable zone descriptions


■ Operating Voltage: 11 to 15V

■ Current Consumption: 40mA

■ Temperature Range: 0 to 50ºC

■ Construction: White 3mm polycarbonate

■ Dimensions: 135mm x 105mm x 25.5mm

ADE Accenta Mini Gen4 Intruder Panel with LCD keypad

■ RKP Indication supplied

■ 8 Zones, fully programmable

■ PA

■ Bell output (1 to 99 minutes)

■ Strobe output

■ Extension speaker

■ Entry/exit timers (10 to 990 seconds)

■ Zone Input delay (300 or 800ms)

■ Communicator outputs

■ Dimensions : 200x253x55mm

■ Battery type : 12V / 2.1Ah (not included)


■ 8 zone programmable for security, 2 zones for fire

■ PA input

■ Tamper input

■ Output for External Siren and Strobe

■ 4 access level codes: User 1, User 2, Engineerand Duress (all programmable)

■ 3 fully selectable part set programs

■ Chime on any security zone

■ 250 event memory

■ Programmable timers including bell cut-off

■ Walk test facilities

■ Quick Set feature

■ Support up to 4 remote keypads with on-boardPA and illuminated keys positioned up to 100mfrom the panel

■ Keypads can be wired in a star or daisy chainconfiguration from the panel

■ 5 digital outputs for a wire-in digitalcommunicator or dialler

ADE Accenta Mini

ADE Accenta LCD

Page 22: Government Security Review





The latest range of wirefree stand alone alarmsfrom Yale.

No matter how well your property is secured withlocks, fitting an alarm will add peace of mind andan additional level of protection to your home.

Suitable for your House, Shed, Caravan orGarage.


■ 100% Wirefree - easy to install with no damageto décor

■ Quick and convenient to install – ‘touch andlink’ technology to easily add further products

■ Maintenance free

■ Portable - you can even take the unit with youon holiday for use in hotel rooms or caravans

■ Contemporary design supplied in a gloss whitefinish, the components are a subtle addition tothe home

Suitable for flats and houses, sheds and caravans,the new stand alone alarm system offers theultimate in flexible security.

The range includes two types of self-containedalarm units – PIR motion sensors and doorcontacts, each with built-in sirens and keypads.

Mix and match motion detectors and doorcontacts with the option of additional sirens andremote key fobs to create a stand alone alarmsystem to suit your individual requirements.

The new Yale stand alone alarms will not interferewith existing systems, making them an efficient,cost effective security choice if you’re extendingyour house. You can arm an extension withoutdisrupting your current alarm system. TOUCH AND LINK TECHNOLOGY

Using ‘touch and link’ technology, your system isquickly and easily expandable. Once one of yourunits is set up, further units can be added bysimply touching together the contacts on the frontand back of each unit.


Single Push Personal Attack Button

■ Plastic

■ Red Push Button

■ Reset

■ Single Push

Page 23: Government Security Review
Page 24: Government Security Review

Hill & Smith, part of the HS ROADS group of Hill &Smith Holdings PLC., has vast experience in themanufacturing of highway barrier systems. With apolicy to supply quality of service, a high level ofsafety and tested and proved products, thecompany has developed a strong reputation in thefield of road safety.


FLEXBEAM is developed around the familiar ‘Z’shaped post and ‘W’ beam profile with a series ofpost mounting slots along the centre line of thebeam, enabling the installation of posts at differentpitch centres.

By increasing the strength of the post, FLEXBEAMoffers an increased performance with fewercomponent parts.

The posts are available for setting in concrete;driving into the ground; or surface mounted.


The most efficient method of installation is ondriven posts which are driven into the ground bymeans of a hydraulic driving rig.

Driven posts are the quickest method but whetherthey can be used depends upon the groundconditions and must be subjected to push / pulltests. If standard posts fail then extra long onescan be used. The posts no longer have pressureplates on them, making them easier to handle andthe same post can now be used for verge ormedian applications.

Concreted-in posts take longer to initially install,but have one major advantage over driven posts:they can be used with sockets cast into theconcrete footings (into which the posts slide oncethe concrete has set). This makes futurereplacement after accident damage faster andeasier, saving in both time and expense.

Contact Hill & SmithSpringvale Business & Industrial ParkBilston Wolverhampton WV14 0QL UK

Tel +44 (0) 1902 499400 E-mail. [email protected]

Hill & Smith Ltd

Driving safety forward



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TRANZFLEX is again a further development ofFLEXBEAM. It has been successfully tested as atransition between Hill & Smith FLEXBEAM safetybarrier and sister company Varley & Gulliver'sbridge parapets to EN1317.

The system offers this transition solution fromroad-way to bridge-way, and has been designedwith gradually closing post spacing. The transitionstrengthens as it approaches the parapet, guidingthe vehicle in a safe and controlled manner. Theoverall length is 16 m.

HA engineered barrier solutions are providing thisservice, however TRANZFLEX was the firsttransition barrier of its type to be EN1317approved for use, and has additional benefitscompared to its traditional competitors.

Similar to FLEXBEAM and developed around thefamiliar ‘Z’ shaped post and ‘W’ beam profile,TRANZFLEX is easy to install with fewercomponent parts compared to the HA designedtransitions and it can be installed with drivenposts, eliminating the need for a concretefoundation (unless otherwise required).

bristorm barrierBristorm barrier has been developed to meetthe exacting specifications needed to repelterrorist attacks, as well as performing as aroadside barrier. The system has been fullyaccredited to BSI PAS 68 in conjunction withthe Transport Research Laboratory. Thesystem has been tested to BSI PAS 68 at theTransport Research Laboratory.

Applications include airport drop-off and pick-up points, shopping centres and sportstadiums, offering protection to pedestrians aswell as an anti-vehicle security system.

Foundation requirements are minimal, makingthis product easy to install as well as offeringtemporary protection options. Being fully hotdipped galvanised achieves maximum durability,whilst being fully enclosed presenting a smoothface to the exterior.

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Knowledge is power



The Counter Threat Institute International (CTI) isa multifaceted company founded and run byaccomplished professionals from within theintelligence, counterintelligence, military, publicsafety, and Federal law enforcement fields. Weare dedicated to providing state of the arttraining, consulting, and operational counterthreat and counterterrorism services tailored tothe specific needs of the agencies we serve. Ourservices are available to the intelligence, military,and law enforcement communities as well as tothe private sector.


■ Our team is knowledgeable, professional, andhas in depth ‘field exerience.’

■ A broad base of proven performance &knowledge makes CTI the choice for training fullmission effectiveness.

■ CTI is a sole-source provider of comprehensivecultural, strategic, tactical and multi-technicalinformation.


■ Whatever geographical area, specific mission, orcommunities being served, CTI is a committedpartner.

■ Our team ensures your people are equipped withthe knowledge & tools to shepard the publictrust, protect the national interest, and upholdthe Constitution of the United States.

Counter Threat Institute International LLC

Contact CTI871 Industrial Road, Unit ASan Carlos, CA 94070 USA

Tel: 650.595.0911Toll Free: [email protected]

Page 27: Government Security Review


■ Research & Technology Protection

■ Anti-Terrorism & Facility Protection

■ Active Shooter & Campus Security Solutions

■ Introduction to Extremist Doctrine for theIntelligence or Counter-Threat Executive

■ Introduction to Extremist Doctrine for theIntelligence or Counter-Threat Operator

■ Introduction to Counterterrorism Collections:Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Course

■ Advanced Counterterrorism Collections:Intermediate Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO)Course

■ Counterterrorism Management: AdvancedTerrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Course

■ Interview & Interrogation for Counter-TerrorismOfficers

■ Source Development & Management forCounterterrorism Officers

■ Personal Security Operations – DignitaryProtection


■ Contact us for more information:[email protected]


Page 28: Government Security Review



We have a solution that fit

Stanley Security Solutions offers one of theworld’s most comprehensive lines of services,industry-leading products and cutting-edgetechnologies. With a powerful portfolio of topsecurity brands and services specialized to meetcustomer needs, we deliver complete,customized solutions for any size facility. Ourintegrated team of 7,500+ employees, over 225divisional offices and more than 1,000 mobiletechnicians, provide an outstanding level ofsystem support and customer service. Ourexperts stand ready to respond to your needs 24hours a day, 7 days a week.

Stanley Security Solutions

Contact CTI309 Legget Drive, OttawaOntario, K2K 3A3, Canada

Tel: (613) 592-6997Toll Free: 1-866-55 Xmark (96275)[email protected]

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Easy-attach tag with automatic enrollment

The Hugs tag attaches in seconds and isautomatically enrolled in the software. Protectioncan start right in the delivery room.

No manual tests

The Hugs system requires no manual checks ofinfant tags or other devices to make sure they’reworking. The Hugs system software ?continuallymonitors the status of all devices, and willgenerate an alarm if something goes wrong.

Automatic mother/infant matching

With the Kisses® option, the Hugs systemautomatically confirms that the right baby is withthe right mother. There are no buttons to push,no numbers to match and no wall-mountedlamps to check..

Support now, and in the future

The By Your Side™ program for the Hugs systemensures that every customer will be successfulwith infant protection. Xmark is with you everystep of the way as you implement and use yoursystem, wtih a wide range of materials andservices.

User friendly

The Hugs system offers a wide range of viewingoptions. Users only see the menus andcommands they need, all in a standard Windows-based PC environment. The integrated CCTVoption enables you to see what is happening atan exit during a door alarm, right from within theHugs user interface—you have the essentialinformation you need to respond appropriately.

Full supervision

The Hugs system ensures full supervision of allcomponents, including the tag, with each tagsending a Heartbeat® status message every 10seconds. If the system doesn’t receive thesemessages for a specified time period, an alarm isautomatically generated.

Simple and reliable

Each baby is fully protected the instant atamper-proof Hugs tag is attached. the Hugssystem offers full supervision, with all activehugs tags reporting every 10 seconds toshow they are present and functioning.

Easy to use

As soon as a tag is attached to an infant, it isautomatically activated and enrolled in thesoftware. The system software interfacelooks like other Windows programs andfunctions intuitively.

Supports staff and patients

Effective infant protection requires successfulintegration into the clinical environment, andthe participation of nurses, security staff andparents. Xmark works with you to makeimplementation smooth and trouble-free.

Effective security

In the event of an alarm, the Hugs systemcan automatically activate magnetic doorlocks or hold an elevator. It can also integratewith and activate other security and accesscontrol system, such as alpha-numeric pagesand cameras.

Hugs so simple and reliable that staffconfidence is now very high. Our nursesknow all they have to do is attach the Hugsand from that moment on the baby isprotected from abduction. Parents reallyappreciate Hugs too. The find it veryreassuring that their new baby is beingchecked on so regularly. No other system welooked at offered the same level of security.

Patricia Phillip - Patient Care AdministrativeCoordinator, Bayfront Medical CenterSt. Petersburg, Florida

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Security as it should be


Kingdom Security Ltd was formed in 1993 toinfluence and inspire the security marketplace byproviding thoroughly professional andaccountable security services.

We offer something different, combiningenterprise, creativity and fantastic service.

Quality is built into everything we do, so wetarget a market of security users who appreciatea quality service.

We hold a diverse portfolio of clients that readslike a ‘Who’s Who’ across all industries

and our service is personal and transparent withinformation sharing at our clients’ fingertips.

Our focus on ethical working practices, coupledwith inventive recruitment and investment in ourstaff has culminated in strong tradingperformance and market recognition.

Our client retention rate is incredibly high and wehave a proven track record of real expertise, ofmeeting our commitments and for providingexceptional value for money. We feel absolutelycertain you will find our business methodsrefreshing and confirm Kingdom Security has adistinct competitive edge over our competitors.

We provide security as it should be!

If you are new to Kingdom, I hope we get theopportunity to meet and serve you and if youneed any questions answered please don’thesitate to contact us.

Kingdom Security Limited

Contact Kingdom SecurityMill Brow, Eccleston, St Helens, WA10 4QGTel: 0845 051 [email protected]


We operate fully insured, UK wide Key HoldingServices for commercial and domestic customersin accordance with BS7984 requirements.

To improve alarm response times we utilise aunique key control holding system. Instead ofcollecting keys from a central point or key bank,we secure your keys on your site using a highsecurity, intelligent storage vault that holdsmultiple keys. Our Incident Response Officerplaces a valid key into the vault interface andenters a secure PIN code to access the key/s.

Any keys we hold at our National Control Centreor UK wide key holding banks are coded and allmovements are security cleared and recorded.

If our attendance is required our keyholdingservice can link directly with our IncidentResponse Team, thereby removing the need forand risk of having your own staff attend.

Our Key Holder Escorted Access Service canmeet a dedicated member of your staff at anagreed location in the event of alarm activation.The security officer will accompany the staffmember to check the premises and carry out anyfurther action as required.

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Kingdom were recently ranked as the 10thfastest-growing entrepreneurial company in theUK today (only security company featured) and isone of the largest independent UK wide mannedguarding specialists. We provide fully licensed,quality guards on single or multiple sites fororganisations from a diverse range of marketsectors.

Our people drive our success, so we thereforepay particular attention to securing, deployingand retaining the right people. Our uniquetraining programmes (including web basedtraining modules), our management supportsystems and our staff commitment charter haveresulted in our having one of the most loyal, welltrained and thoroughly professional workforces inthe industry.

The Kingdom approach to guarding is radicallydifferent - we use the latest technology availableand for example have all our Guards linked to ourlone worker system.

We undertake permanent or temporary contractsand our full range of guarding services include:

■ Ambassador Guards

■ Car Park Management Guards

■ CCTV Operators

■ Event Guards

■ Gatehouse Guards

■ Patrol Guards

■ Retail & Profit Protection Guards

■ Security Receptionists / Help Desk Guards

■ Stop and Search Guards

■ Store Detectives

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