government of kerala · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special...

GOV E R N ME NT OF K ERA L A Abs t r a c t A D HOC BON US AND SPE C IA L F E S T I VA L A L LOWANC E 2 010- 2011 T O S T AT E GOV E RN ME NT E MP L OYE E S A ND P E NSI ON E R S - SANC T I ONE D - OR DE R S F I N ANC E ( LOA NS) DE P A RT ME N T G. O. ( P) No.37 0/2011/F i n. Da t ed, T h i r u v a na n t hap u r a m, 27 < A u gu s t 2011 R ea d: - G.O. ( P ) No. 438/2010/F i n. d a t ed 07. 08. 2010. ' O R D E R Go v e r n me n t ar e p l ea s e d t o s an c t i o n Ad h oc Bo n us/S pe c i a l F es ti v a l A l l o wa n c e t o t h e St a t e Go v e r n me n t E m p l o y ee s , E m p l o y ees o f Ai d e d Edu cat i o n al I n s t i t u t i o n s, F u l l - t i me Co n ti n g e n t E m p l o y ee s an d oth e r c at eg o r i e s o f St a f f s u b jec t t o t h e c o n d i ti o n s s pe c i f i ed i n th i s o r d e r . Ad h oc Bon u s 2. A l l St at e Go v e r n me n t e m pl o y ee s ( i n c ludi n g Pe r so n al St a f f o f Mi n i s t e r s, S pe ak e r , De p u t y Speak e r , L ea d e r o f t h e Op pos it i o n an d C h i e f Wh ip ), A l l I n d i a Se r vi c e Of f i c e r s wo r ki n g i n c o n n ec ti o n wi th t h e af fai r s o f th e St at e, E m p l o y ee s o f t h e Ai d e d Ed uc ati o n a l I n s ti t u t i o n s , St af f o f t h e L oca l Bod i e s an d e m p l o y e e s o f Pa n c h a y a t Ra j I n s t i tu ti o n s e t c. dr a wi n g t o t al e mo l u me n t s u p t o an d i n c lud i n g R s. 10, 750/- i n th e p r e - r e v i s e d s cale a n d R s.13, 000/- in th e r e v i s e d s cal e o f pay a s o n 31. 03. 2011 w il l be pai d ad h oc bo n us fo r t h e y ea r 2010- 201 1 at t h e r a t e o f o n e mo n th' s e mo l u me n t s fo r Ma r c h 2 011 be fo r e t h e e n s u i n g On a m F es t i v al s ubje c t t o t h e fo l l o wi n g c o n d i ti o n s. ( i ) Th e t ot a l e mo l u me n t s o f t h e e m p l o y e es s h o u l d n o t e x cee d R s. 10, 750/- i n t h e p r e r ev i s ed s c a l e a s o n 31. 03.2010 an d R s.13, 000/- i n t he r e v i s ed s c a l e pe r mo n t h a s o n 31- 3- 2011. ( i i ) F o r th os e dr awi n g e mo lu me n t s o f mo r e th an R s. 2, 900/- pe r mo n th an d n o t e x cee di n g R s. 13, 000/- pe r mo n t h , th e Ad h oc bo n us w il l be ca l c u l a t ed a s if t h e e mo l u me n t s we r e R s. 2, 900/- pe r mo n t h. I n t h e ca s e o f th os e wh o hav e o p t e d t o c o me o v e r t o th e r ev i s e d s c a l es o f pa y o n o r be fo r e 31. 03. 2011, th e t e r m "e mo lu me n t s " w i l l mean a n d i n c lu d e Ba s i c Pay , Pe r so n al Pay , S pec i al Pay , S pec i al A l l o wan c e, P e r so n a l Al l o wan ce, an d Dea mes s Al l o wa n c e a t 24 % o f th e ba s i c pa y i n t h e r e v i s e d s cal e, b u t w i l l n o t in c l u d e Ho u s e R e n t Al l o wa n c e a n d o th e r Co mpe n s at o ry A l l o wan ce s. I n t h e c a s e o f th os e w h o r e mai n s in t h e p r e r ev i s e d s c al e th e t e r m "e mo l u me n t s " w il l mean an d i n cl ud e Ba s i c Pa y , P e r s o n al P ay , S pec i a l Pa y , S pe c i al Al l o wan c e, P e r so n a l A l l o wan ce, a n d De ar n es s All o wan c e a t 106% o f t h e ba s i c pa y in th e p r e r e v i s ed s c al e, b u t wi l l n o t in c l ud e Ho u s e R e n t Al l o w an c e and o t h e r Co m pe n s a t o ry Al l o wan ce s. The r a t e o f Dea r n e s s A ll o wan c e fo r t h e p u rpos e o f t h i s o r d e r w il l be tha t s an c t i o n e d v i d e GO( P ) N o. l8 0/2 011/ Fin dat e d 11. 0 4 . 2 011. T h e p e rs o n a l a l l owa n c e s a n ct i o n e d t o p r o t ec t d r o p i n De arn ess A ll o wa n c e i n S pec i a l P a y w il l a l s o be r ec k o n e d a s e mo l u me n t s fo r c o mp u t i n g Ad h oc bonus. I n t h e ca s e of e mp l o y ee s w h o we r e o n l ea v e wit h o u t a l l o wan ce, ha l f pay l ea v e, s t u d y l eav e o r l e av e n o t du e d u r i n g t h e mo nth o f Ma r c h 2011, t h e i r Ad h oc bo n us w i ll be c al c u l a t e d ba s ed o n t h e e mo l u me n t s l a s t d r awn b y t h e m be fo r e p r oc ee d i n g o n l eav e.

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Page 1: GOVERNMENT OF KERALA · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special festival allowance 2010-2011 to state government employees and pensioners - sanctioned




G.O. (P) No.370/2011/Fin. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 27< August 2011Read: - G.O. (P) No.438/2010/Fin. dated 07.08.2010. '


Government are pleased to sanction Ad hoc Bonus/Special Festival Allowanceto the State Government Employees, Employees of Aided Educational Institutions,Full-time Contingent Employees and other categories of Staff subject to the conditionsspecified in this order.

Ad hoc Bonus

2. All State Government employees (including Personal Staff of Ministers, Speaker,Deputy Speaker, Leader of the Opposition and Chief Whip), All India Service Officersworking in connection with the affairs of the State, Employees of the AidedEducational Institutions, Staff of the Local Bodies and employees of Panchayat RajInstitutions etc. drawing total emoluments up to and including Rs. 10,750/- in thepre- revised scale and Rs.13,000/- in the revised scale of pay as on 31.03.2011 willbe paid ad hoc bonus for the year 2010-2011 at the rate of one month's emolumentsfor March 2011 before the ensuing Onam Festival subject to the following conditions.

(i) The total emoluments of the employees should not exceed Rs.10,750/- in thepre revised scale as on 31.03.2010 and Rs.13,000/- in the revised scale permonth as on 31-3-2011.

(ii) For those drawing emoluments of more than Rs.2,900/- per month and notexceeding Rs. 13,000/- per month, the Adhoc bonus will be calculated as if theemoluments were Rs.2,900/- per month. In the case of those who have opted tocome over to the revised scales of pay on or before 31.03.2011, the term

"emoluments" will mean and include Basic Pay, Personal Pay, Special Pay,Special Allowance, Personal Allowance, and Deamess Allowance at 24% of thebasic pay in the revised scale, but will not include House Rent Allowance andother Compensatory Allowances. In the case of those who remains in the prerevised scale the term "emoluments" will mean and include Basic Pay, Personal

Pay, Special Pay, Special Allowance, Personal Allowance, and Dearness

Allowance at 106% of the basic pay in the pre revised scale, but will not includeHouse Rent Allowance and other Compensatory Allowances. The rate ofDearness Allowance for the purpose of this order will be that sanctioned videGO(P)No.l80/2011/Fin dated 11.04.2011. The personal allowance sanctionedto protect drop in Dearness Allowance in Special Pay will also be reckoned asemoluments for computing Ad hoc bonus. In the case of employees who were

on leave without allowance, half pay leave, study leave or leave not due duringthe month of March 2011, their Ad hoc bonus will be calculated based on theemoluments last drawn by them before proceeding on leave.

Page 2: GOVERNMENT OF KERALA · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special festival allowance 2010-2011 to state government employees and pensioners - sanctioned

23. In the case of those who have opted to remain in the Pre-revised scale even on

31.03.2011, the term "emoluments" shall mean and include Basic Pay, Personal Pay,Special Pay, Personal Allowance and Dearness Allowance at 106 % of the basic pay inthe pre revised scale vide GO(P)No. 180/2011/Fin dated 11.04.2011.

4. The Ad hoc bonus will be admissible to such employees who were in service on31-3-2011 and have at least 6 months continuous service during the financial year2010-2011. Those who have retired or even relieved from service on or before31-3-2011 and had put in 6 months continuous service during the financial year2010-2011 will also be eligible for Ad hoc Bonus/Special Festival Allowance as thecase may be.

5.The following categories will also be eligible to receive Ad hoc bonus:

(a) The NMR and permanent workers/labourers and seasonal workers of alldepartments including those working in Agricultural farms, Seed farms,Regional Workshop etc. (for calculation of Ad hoc bonus variable dearnessallowance will also be taken into account in the case of employees drawingvariable dearness allowance).

(b) The employees of Government Presses will be given option either to draw bonusas admissible to other Government employees as per these orders or theperformance allowance (including ex-gratia allowance if any) payable toindustrial workers as usual. No revision of options will be allowed if theemployee exercises any one of the above options.

(c) The provisional employees who got regular appointments through the P.S.C.without break, provided they were in service on 31-3-2011 and have at least 6months continuous sendee during the financial year 2010-2011.

(d) Teachers who were in aided school service and got regular appointments inGovernment Schools through the P.S.C without break, provided they were inservice on 31-3-2011 and have at least 6 months continuous service during the

financial year 2010-11.(e) Part-time Teachers of Education Department who are drawing pay in a scale of

pay.(f) Regular employees who were under suspension during the whole, or part of the

year 2010-2011 will be eligible for Ad hoc Bonus/ Special Festival Allowanceprovided they have been reinstated in service on or before the date of issue ofthis order and the period of suspension is treated as duty or eligible leave andhave drawn full salary for that period.

(g) Government employees who @ are working in Corporations/Public SectorUndertakings or Boards on deputation basis provided they are otherwiseeligible for Ad hoc bonus. Ad hoc bonus will be paid to them at the rateadmissible to them had they continued in the parent Department.

Special Festival Allowance

6. The following categories of employees who are not eligible to draw bonus will bepaid Special Festival Allowance @ Rs. 1,750/-

(i) Those employees drawing total emoluments above Rs. 10,750/- in the prerevised and Rs.13,000/- in the revised scale per month as on 31-3-2011 and

who are not eligible to draw Ad hoc bonus in terms of Para 2 to 5 above,li) All regular/temporary employees including personal staff of Ministers,

Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Leader of the Opposition and Chief Whip andwho joined service after 1-10-2010 and who are in service on the date ofissue of this order and all regular P.S.C. hands who joined duty beforefourth Onam of 2011.

Page 3: GOVERNMENT OF KERALA · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special festival allowance 2010-2011 to state government employees and pensioners - sanctioned

3(iii) Teachers deputed for training from Aided/ Government Schools who are

eligible for Onam Advance tinder Article 250 of the Kerala Financial CodeVolume. I

(iv) Re-employed pensioners(v) Employees on contract appointments.(vi) Provisional hands recruited through Employment Exchange who are in

service on the day before the First Onam (08.09.2011) but whose servicesare not terminated before the Fourth Onam (11.09.2011) irrespective oftheir length of service,

(vii) All the teaching and non-teaching staff of Aided Anglo-Indian Schoolswhich have not been brought under the direct payment system.

(viii) Staff of the Shri Chitra Home.(ix) Honorary Physicians of Government Ayurveda Colleges,(x) Honorary Sisters in Government Hospitals.(xi) Chainmen of the Revenue Department on daily wages,(xii) Permanent labourers in Government Departments.(xiii) Full-time contingent employees in Government Department, Local Bodies

and the contract employees of Kerala House, New Delhi. Those who

have put in 6 months continuous service on 31-3-2011 will have option toclaim either Ad hoc Bonus or Special Festival Allowance,

(xiv) Editor and Reporters of Indian Law Reports (Kerala Series)(xv) Government Pleaders and Additional Government Pleaders.

7. The following categories of staff will be paid Special Festival Allowance @ Rs.750/-

(i) Pollination workers who are in the list of Agriculture Department and theworkers under the scheme of spraying to control leaf rot disease ofcoconut palms implemented through Panchayat/Municipalities/Corporationswho are on the rolls of Agriculture Department and are now employed by LocalBodies under instructions from the Agriculture Department.

(ii) Cattle improvement assistants in the Dairy Development Department.(iii) Public Counsel(iv) Life Guards of Tourism Department who are on daily wages.(v) Family Planning Voluntary Workers who have worked at least 30 days during

the period from the last Onam holidays to the ensuing Onam holidays andPart- time contingent employees on daily wages recruited from the category ofFamily Planning Voluntary Promoters of Trained Dais.

(vi) 'Scheduled Tribes Promoters' (ST Promoters) working in the Scheduled TribesDevelopment Department and Scheduled Caste Promoters (SC Promoters)working in the Scheduled Caste Development Department.

(vii) Employees on daily wages who are in service before the first Onam(ie.8.09.2011) and whose sendees are not terminated before the fourth Onam(ie 11.09.2011).

(viii) Home Guards of the Home Department on daily wage basis.(ix) Persons acting as substitutes in the place of regular employees in

Government Departments, Farms and Local Bodies and the CasualLabourers/C.L.R. Workers including those in Irrigation Department/H.R.

Workers of Irrigation Department provided they have put in 30 dayswork during the last one year beginning from the last Onam holidays to theensuing Onam holidays. However, those who have put in a minimum of

200 days work during the period will be eligible for 30 days wages as Ad hocBonus and those who have put in less than 200 days work but more than30 days work shall be eligible for Adhoc bonus proportionate to'the daysworked by them subject to a minimum of Rs.750/- In the case of CasualWorkers, CLR Workers and H R Workers who have been regularized inservices, the period of eligibility as indicated above will also include the period

Page 4: GOVERNMENT OF KERALA · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special festival allowance 2010-2011 to state government employees and pensioners - sanctioned

4-of their service before regularization. However the maximum admissible

Adhoc Bonus is Rs. 2,900/-. . r(x) Non regularized CLR and HR workers who have put in a minimum of 30 days

works in between the last Onam holiday and ensuing Onam holiday,(xi) The Volunteers of Attappady Hill Area Development Society,(xii) Part-time contingent employees including those working in Aided Educational

Institutions will be eligible for Special Festival Allowance(xiii) Guest Lecturers in Educational Institutions who have @worked at least 200

hours during the financial year 2010-11.(xiv) The patient employees of the Leprosy Hospitals.8.The following categories of employees will be paid Special Festival Allowance at the

rates noted against each:

Category Amount (Rs.)

(i) School Counsellors 700(ii) ASHA workers 650(iii) The Anganwadi/Balawadi teachers, workers under the

Social Welfare Department, Rural Development DepartmentScheduled caste Development Department and Scheduled TribeDevelopment Department 650

(iv) Anganawadi/Balawadi/Helpers and Ayahs 650(v) The Conveners of Balawadi/Anganwadi and

Feeding Conveners of the upgraded regular feedingcenters of the Rural Development Department 550

(vi) Sweepers on consolidated remuneration 550(vii) The Kashaya Servants of Ayurveda Dispensaries 450


9. (i) Service pensioners who are not eligible for Bonus or Festival Allowanceas indicated in Para 4 and 6 above will be paid a Special FestivalAllowance of Rs.550/-.

(ii) Pro-rata pensioners will be paid Special Festival Allowance of Rs.500/-(iii) Family Pensioners will be paid Special Festival Allowance of Rs.450/-(iv) Ex-gratia Pensioners will be paid Special Festival Allowance of Rs.450/-

(v) Personal Staff Pensioners will be paid Special Festival Allowance of Rs.450/-(vi) Retired Leprosy Patient employees and Part time Contingent Pensioners will be

paid Special Festival Allowance of Rs.450/-

Note: - The Special Festival Allowance under any one of the above schemes alone willbe paid, if a pensioner comes within the purview of Paras (i) to (vi) above. Similarly, aserving employee who is in receipt of Ad hoc bonus or Special Festival Allowance willnot be eligible for Special Festival Allowance under item 9 (ii) above.

10.The Categories of employees mentioned below will not be eligible to receive Ad hoc

bonus/Special Festival Allowance:

(i) Those who are eligible for bonus, ex-gratia or such other payments in lieu of

ad hoc bonus,(ii) Those who were on leave without allowance, as on 31st March 2011 to take

up employment abroad or within India or to join their spouses in India or


11.The Ad hoc bonus/special festival allowance will be drawn before 31-3-2012. Thee.xnenditure will be debited to the head of account from which the pay and

Page 5: GOVERNMENT OF KERALA · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special festival allowance 2010-2011 to state government employees and pensioners - sanctioned

5allowances/wages/pension of the individual concerned is drawn. In the

case of employees of Local Bodies, the expenditure on account of the payment of Ad

hoc bonus/Special Festival Allowance will be met from the funds of the respective

Local Bodies.

12. In the case of employees who are on deputation/foreign service as on 31-3-2011

and if their service in the parent department was more than six months during theyear 2010-2011 the bonus admissible will be drawn and disbursed by the parent


13. Self drawing officers may draw the Ad hoc bonus/Special Festival Allowance

without authorization from the Accountant General provided for in Note 2 under Rule

165(d) of the Kerala Treasury Code Volume I.

14. Payment of Ad hoc bonus/Special Festival Allowance for 2010-11 in the case of

Pensioners will be made with effect from 31.08.2011.

15. Payment of Ad hoc bonus/Special Festival Allowance for 2010-11 in the case of

other employees in service will be made with effect from 02.09.2011.



Additional Secretary (Finance).

ToThe Principal Accountant General (Audit) Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.

The Accountant General (A&E) Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.

All Heads of Departments and Officers.

All Departments (All Sections) of the Secretariat.The Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission (with C.L.)

The Registrar, University of Kerala/Cochin/Calicut/Kannur (with C.L)The Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam (with C.L.)The Registrar, Kerala Agriculture University, Thrissur. (with C.L.)

The Registrar, Sanskrit University, Kalady, Ernakulam. (with C.L.)

The Secretary, Kerala State Electricity Board (with C.L.)The Managing Director, Kerala State Road Transport Corporation.(with C.L.)The Registrar. High Court of Kerala, Ernakulam. (With C.L.)

All Principal Secretaries/Secretaries/Special Secretaries/AdditionalSecretaries/Joint Secretaries/Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries

to Government.

The Secretary to GovernorThe Private Secretaries, Chief Minister and Other Ministers.

The Private Secretaries to Speaker, Deputy Speaker.The Private Secretary to Leader of Opposition and Government Chief Whip.

v^ -̂-"The Director of Public Relations, Thiruvananthapuram

The Additional Secretary to the Chief Secretary.The Reserve Bank of India, Government and Bank Accounts (NB

Section), Bandra (E), Bombay (250 copies)Head Offices of all Nationalized Banks (250 copies)The Chief Manager, Finance and Accounts, State Bank of

Travancore, ThiruvananthapuramThe Regional Manager, Union Bank of India,


Page 6: GOVERNMENT OF KERALA · 2011. 8. 28. · government of kerala abstract ad hoc bonus and special festival allowance 2010-2011 to state government employees and pensioners - sanctioned

The Regional Manager, Union Bank of India, Ernakulam.

The Assistant Divisional Manager, Central Bank of India, TVPM.Senior Manager, Canara Bank, Thiruvananthapuram " '

The Senior Manager, Circle Office (Annex), Canara Bank,

ThiruvananthapuramThe Chief Regional Manager, State Bank of India,

ThiruvananthapuramThe Divisional Manager, Syndicate Bank, Thiruvananthapuram

The Regional Manager Indian Bank, Thiruvananthapuram.

The Regional Manager, Indian Overseas Bank,

Thiruvananthapuram.The Regional Manager, Vijaya Bank, Thiruvananthapuram.The Director of Treasuries, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.

The District Treasuries/Sub Treasuries,The Accountant General (A&E), Tamil Nadu, Chennai.The Accountant General (A&E), Andra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

The Accountant General (A&E), Karnataka, BangaloreThe Accountant General (A&E), Maharashtra, Mumbai.

The Accountant General (A&E), Rajastan, Japipur.The Accountant General (A&E), Missoram, Iswal.The Accountant General (A&E), Gujarat, Ahammadabad.

The Accountant General (A&E), Hariyana, Chandigarh.The Accountant General (A&E), Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar.

The Accountant General (A&E), Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.

The Accountant General (A&E), Goa. Panaji.The Accountant General (A&E), Himachal Pradesh., Simla.

The Accountant General (A&E), Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior.

The Accountant General (A&E), Orissa, Bhuvanaswar.The Accountant General (A&E), Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad.

The Accountant General (A&E), Bihar, PatnaThe Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Calcutta.The Accountant General (A&E), Utharanchal, Dehradun.The Accountant General (A&E), Assam, Dispur, Guaghati

The Accountant General (A&E), Manipur, ImphalThe Accountant General (A&E), Tripura, Agarthala.

The Accountant General (A&E), Chattisgarh, Raipur.

The Accountant General (A&E), Nagaland, Kohima.

The Accountant General (A&E), Sikkim, GangtokThe Accountant General (A&E), Meghalaya, Shillong.The Accountant General (A&E), Jharkhand, Ranchi.

The Principal Accounts Officer, Pondichery.The Principal Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, Vikas Bhavan,

New Delhi.,̂ /Nodal Officer, Finance.

The Stock file/Office copy Forwarded/By Order

Section Officer
