gospe l mark 1:40-45 recently deceasedst-theresa-sacredheart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · olive...

Gospel Mark 1:40-45 A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees: “If you want to” he said “you can cure me.” Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. “Of course I want to!” he said. “Be cured!” And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured. Jesus immediately sent him away and sternly ordered him, “Mind you say nothing to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your healing prescribed by Moses as evidence of your recovery. “The man went away but then started talking about it freely and telling the story everywhere, so that Jesus could no longer go openly into any town, but had to stay outside in places where nobody lived. Even so, people from all around would come to him. This is the Gospel of the Lord. RECENTLY DECEASED: Valerie Rogers-Chamberlain, Anthony Wade, Michael Armstrong and Matthew Galvin. ANNIVERSARIES: ST THERESA’S: James Donleavy, Joe Moore, Wayne Parkin, Alexander McNeill, Ashwin Hindocha, John Pomfret, Teresa Banks, Tom Haywood, Peter Smith, Stefanio Krawczyna, Jane Moran, Darren Puljic, May Seddon, Olwyn Ward, Lol Fisher, Eugene O’Dowd, Cecil Pick, Elizabeth Harris, Olive Chawner, Eileen Shannon, Eamon Morton, Tina Jasper, Bob Tunnicliffe SACRED HEART: John Kennedy, Michael Murphy, Michael Mulligan, Frank Stanford. OUR SICK: ST THERESA’S: Anna Hardy, Pauline Jackson, Pat Murray, Margaret Warner, John Wilcock, Joyce Fern Hardington, Barbara Hill, Matty Hatton SACRED HEART: Marina Anandappa, John Ballard, Katie Basey, Jan Butlin, Carolyn Hanley, Matthew Hatton, Matthew Hewitson, Brian Healy, David Griffiths, Anna Ibanez, Clem Jansen, Norah Miller, Maria and Renato Miranda, Helen Pech, Christina Prioretti RECONCILIATION “Be courageous and go to confession! Jesus will receive you; he will receive you with so much love” (Pope Francis) Every Saturday 11.00 am Weekly Devotions Wednesdays after Mass until 10.00am at St. Theresa’s Friday 9.30am at Sacred Heart Newsletter: Requests for items to be included in the newsletter should reach the presbytery by Wednesday morning if possible please. Thought of the Week Unfortunately our mind, while we live in this world, fills itself up with a mass of false ideas, though they may appear to be pious; and our heart fills itself up with a mass of false and useless desires, though they seem to be religious! No, we must rid our minds of such encumbrances, our hearts of such vain rubbish. Instead we must put on the simplicity of thought and feeling that is to be found in the Gospel. Antonio Rosmini

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Page 1: Gospe l Mark 1:40-45 RECENTLY DECEASEDst-theresa-sacredheart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · Olive Chawner, Eileen Shannon, Eamon Morton, Tina Jasper, l Mark 1:40-45 A leper came

Gospel Mark 1:40-45 A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees: “If you want to” he said “you can cure me.” Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. “Of course I want to!” he said. “Be cured!” And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured. Jesus immediately sent him away and sternly ordered him, “Mind you say nothing to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your healing prescribed by Moses as evidence of your recovery. “The man went away but then started talking about it freely and telling the story everywhere, so that Jesus could no longer go openly into any town, but had to stay outside in places where nobody lived. Even so, people from all around would come to him. This is the Gospel of the Lord. RECENTLY DECEASED: Valerie Rogers-Chamberlain, Anthony Wade, Michael Armstrong and Matthew Galvin. ANNIVERSARIES: ST THERESA’S: James Donleavy, Joe Moore, Wayne Parkin, Alexander McNeill, Ashwin Hindocha, John Pomfret, Teresa Banks, Tom Haywood, Peter Smith, Stefanio Krawczyna, Jane Moran, Darren Puljic, May Seddon, Olwyn Ward, Lol Fisher, Eugene O’Dowd, Cecil Pick, Elizabeth Harris, Olive Chawner, Eileen Shannon, Eamon Morton, Tina Jasper, Bob Tunnicliffe SACRED HEART: John Kennedy, Michael Murphy, Michael Mulligan, Frank Stanford.

OUR SICK: ST THERESA’S: Anna Hardy, Pauline Jackson, Pat Murray, Margaret Warner, John Wilcock, Joyce Fern Hardington, Barbara Hill, Matty Hatton SACRED HEART: Marina Anandappa, John Ballard, Katie Basey, Jan Butlin, Carolyn Hanley, Matthew Hatton, Matthew Hewitson, Brian Healy, David Griffiths, Anna Ibanez, Clem Jansen, Norah Miller, Maria and Renato Miranda, Helen Pech, Christina Prioretti

RECONCILIATION “Be courageous and go to

confession! Jesus will receive you;

he will receive you with so much

love” (Pope Francis)

Every Saturday 11.00 am

Weekly Devotions Wednesdays after Mass until

10.00am at St. Theresa’s Friday 9.30am at Sacred Heart

Newsletter: Requests for items to be included in the newsletter should reach the presbytery by Wednesday

morning if possible please.

Thought of the Week

Unfortunately our mind, while we live in this world, fills itself up with a mass of false ideas, though they may appear to be pious; and our heart fills itself up with a mass of false and useless desires, though they seem to be religious! No, we must rid our minds of such encumbrances, our hearts of such vain rubbish. Instead we must put on the simplicity of thought and feeling that is to be found in the Gospel.

Antonio Rosmini

Page 2: Gospe l Mark 1:40-45 RECENTLY DECEASEDst-theresa-sacredheart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · Olive Chawner, Eileen Shannon, Eamon Morton, Tina Jasper, l Mark 1:40-45 A leper came

St. Theresa’s, Birstall & Sacred Heart, Rothley Fr. Saji Dominic

Deacon Peter Astill

The Presbytery,

53 Front Street, Birstall, Leicester. LE4 4DQ. Tel: 0116 2929 939

Email: [email protected]



Sunday in Ordinary


11th February


Divine Office


Mass book

Page 63

Mass Times and Intentions SATURDAY – St Scholastica, Virgin 6.30pm St Theresa’s Rev Fr Kennedy O’Brien SJ (RIP) SUNDAY – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.15am St. Theresa’s Angelus and Rosary 9.30am St Theresa’s Tina Jasper (RIP) 11.00am Sacred Heart Mass MONDAY – Feria 9.00 am St. Theresa’s Mass TUESDAY – Feria 9.15am Sacred Heart Melinda Peter (RIP) ASH WEDNESDAY 9.30am Sacred Heart Benediction 10.00am Sacred Heart Mass 6.30pm St. Theresa’s Benediction 7.00pm St. Theresa’s Anthony Wade (RIP)

THURSDAY – Lenten Feria

FRIDAY – Lenten Feria 9.30am Sacred Heart Adoration 10.00am Sacred Heart Mass 6.30pm Sacred Heart Stations of the Cross 6.30pm St. Theresa’s Stations of the Cross 7.00 pm St. Theresa’s Mass SATURDAY –Lenten Feria 6.30pm St Theresa’s Dympna Clifford (RIP) SUNDAY – 1

st Sunday of Lent

9.00am St. Theresa’s Adoration & Benediction 9.30am St Theresa’s Mass 10.30am sacred Heart Adoration & Benediction 11.00am Sacred Heart Mass


St Theresa’s Lucy Joyce

Sacred Heart

John Mumford

Page 3: Gospe l Mark 1:40-45 RECENTLY DECEASEDst-theresa-sacredheart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · Olive Chawner, Eileen Shannon, Eamon Morton, Tina Jasper, l Mark 1:40-45 A leper came

LENT Wednesday of this week is ASH WEDNESDAY, a day of fasting and abstinence when we begin the real preparation for the awesome mystery of Holy Week and Easter Sunday. On Wednesday there will be two Masses- at 10.00am at Sacred Heart and at 7.00pm at St Theresa’s. We will begin our Lent with half an hour adoration before Mass with Readings, adorations and ending with Benediction. Every Friday during Lent we shall pray Stations of the Cross at 6.30pm followed by Mass at St Theresa’s and 6.30pm Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart. During this Lent let us ask ourselves what God wants us to change and what He wants us to become in this Lenten season, not just to do it and then forget but to start a new way and to use positively the opportunity Jesus has won for us at such cost, the opportunity to make a fresh start in our lives and in our intimate relationship with Him.

Walk with me: A Lenten journey of Prayer for 2018 booklets are available at the back of the church and in the repository cost only £1.

Repairs & Renewals St Theresa’s social Hall work is nearing completion. Beautiful storage cupboards, new comfortable chairs and a re-surfaced floor. Sacred Heart has had to have a new boiler and we are extending its warranty to ten years. These monies have come out of our Parish funds. If anyone would like to contribute to either of these works please see Fr Saji.

A very big thank you to everyone who has helped with the cleaning up after all the renovation work both at St Theresa’s and at Sacred Heart.

A big thank you to Hughie Murphy for painting the gate and providing the

frame work on our dividing wall which will hopefully stop people sitting on and climbing over.

Church Cleaning We are in need of more Church Cleaners. If you can possibly help please call Jenny Keel or see her after mass on a Sunday. Thank you.

Retired Priests Fund. If you have an existing standing order or direct debit set up for the above, would you please let Father have your details. Thank you.

Page 4: Gospe l Mark 1:40-45 RECENTLY DECEASEDst-theresa-sacredheart.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · Olive Chawner, Eileen Shannon, Eamon Morton, Tina Jasper, l Mark 1:40-45 A leper came

Unwanted/Broken Jewellery Many thanks to all donors - £240 was raised towards the Retired Priest’ Fund. Rosemary welcomes any further donations of gold, silver or plated jewellery. Thank you.

Faith in Family boxes It is time again for the collection of the ‘Faith in Family’ boxes, and I would be grateful if these could be returned for counting.

Food Bank: A sincere thank you to all those who gave so generously to the food bank which is based at the Baptist church in Rothley. It was very busy on Monday so keep on giving!


Parish Lenten Retreat for Readers and Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and all Parishioners.

Parish Lenten Retreat for all Parishioners at the Rosmini centre on Saturday March 17th from 10am to 3pm. for the preparation of Easter led by Fr Ted Mullen. Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers please attend if possible it is part of your ministry. Please sign on the sheet in the Narthex if you can attend.

Passover Supper Passover Supper Wednesday 21st March in St Theresa’s Hall, from 6.30pm. £12.50 per person. Tickets now on sale at both churches.

Quiz Night in St Theresa’s Hall, 16th February. 7.45 Pay on the door.

Leicester St Peter’s Saturday Scripture Seminar is now under way. Places are strictly limited. There may be further opportunities to join at the beginning of the Summer or Autumn terms, on May 5

th or September 29

th. The seminar

meets on half the Saturday mornings of the year 9.30am – 11.00 am. Enquiries: [email protected]

Lent Retreat for Women There will be another Lent Retreat for Women at The Briars in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside from Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th March 2018 cost £70 (inclusive). This is the second weekend retreat as the first one, in 2017, was really enjoyed by all those who attended. For further information and to book in contact: [email protected] Women’s World Day of Prayer A Women’s World Day of Prayer Service will be held at St. Theresa’ Church on Friday 2

nd March. The theme is “All God’s Creating is Very Good” and has

been prepared by Christian women of Suriname. There will be a simple lunch (donations invited) in the Social Area at 12 noon followed by a presentation about the country of Suriname. The service will take place in the church at 2pm. There will be a collection. Everyone is most welcome.