google’s latest changes: a dealer’s guide to search success

Google’s Latest Changes: A Dealer’s Guide to Search Success JD Rucker Director of New Media

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Following a successful webinar, JD Rucker expands on how dealers can use the Penguin update to their advantage. This webinar will go over the basics quickly, but spend most of the time on advanced techniques that are being prescribed in order to use the update as a positive rather than get hit with the negative effects. Even if you have seen this presentation before, come back to get the advanced details you need to begin making changes at your dealership.


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Google’s Latest Changes: A

Dealer’s Guide to Search Success

JD Rucker

Director of New Media

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Becky Ross

Marketing Manager

Office: (303) 228-8753

[email protected]

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JD Rucker

Director of New Media

Office: (774) 538-9338

[email protected]

Twitter: @0boy

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If you have questions during

the presentation, please

submit them using the

“Questions” feature

Questions will be answered

at the end of the webinar


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TK Carsites Social Networks

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• Why This Guy Matters

• Understanding the

Recent Changes

• Preparing for Tomorrow

• Applying an Action Plan

• Esoteric Points of

Interest on Quality

What You’ll Learn Today

That’s a lot to cover!

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The Frienemy

• Who is Matt Cutts?

• Google Spam Czar

• Passionate

• Fair

• Smarter than me

• Does not hate SEO

• Loves quality

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The Recent Changes

Content Quality Update

Feb, 2011-Present

Webspam Link Quality

April, 2012-Present

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Preparing for Tomorrow

Content Quality Update

Feb, 2011-Present

Webspam Link Quality

April, 2012-Present

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Action Plan: Pages

• Build 2+ Quality Pages Per Month

• Unique content for the visitor

• Quality first, keywords second

• Stay compliant but be aggressive

• Focus on Cities and Models,


• Demonstrate humanity whenever

possible and appropriate

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Action Plan: Pages

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Action Plan: Pages

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Action Plan: Pages

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Action Plan: Links

• Mind the Penguin

• Do not get involved with linking

schemes (or purchased links)

• Blog posts, links from partner

companies, and business links

• Quality, relevance, diversity, (and

don’t forget quality)

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Action Plan: Links

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Action Plan: Social

• If You’re Getting Reviews, Get +1s

• Google +1

• Twitter

• Facebook

• Other social signals: Pinterest,

Tumblr, Social News Sites,


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Action Plan: Social

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Getting Esoteric
