good tuesday morning purpose come in quietly. have a seat. remain quiet until rotation

Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation.

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Page 1: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

Good Tuesday Morning


Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation.

Page 2: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Complete the analogy 1) CONCLUSION : ESSAY

A) theme : song B) meal : dessert C) parade : party D) scene : play

Page 3: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

Bridge Sentence:

A conclusion is part of an essay.

A __________ is part of a __________.

Page 4: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


• A) telephone : communication • B) wallet : cash • C) pencil : paper • D) lake : moisture

Page 5: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• A locker is used for storage.

• A __________ is used for __________.

Page 6: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


A) baffling : confusing B) upsetting : exciting C) improving : hopeful D) crippling : stressful

Page 7: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Something that is excruciating is very painful.

• Something that is __________ is very __________.

Page 8: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

Exit Ticket

Complete the analogy:


A) peace : harmony B) music : art C) knowledge : wisdom D) sorrow : joy

Page 9: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Fame is the opposite of obscurity.

• __________ is the opposite of __________.

Page 10: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


A) ship : wooden B) sermon : religious C) newspaper : popular D) coupon : valuable

Page 11: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• A characteristic of an heirloom is to be inherited.

• _____________________________________.

Page 12: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


A) hope : tornado B) vaccination : disease C) carelessness : accident D) dream : sleep

Page 13: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Sunscreen is used to prevent sunburn.

• _____________________________________.

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A) limerick : poetry B) mathematics : numbers C) rain : season D) water : thirst

Page 15: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Aluminum is a type of metal.

• _____________________________________.

Page 16: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


A) challenging : difficult B) dramatic : tragic C) brief : lengthy D) scholarly : studious

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• Bridge Sentence:

• _____________________________________.

• _____________________________________.

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A) unskilled : magic B) terrified : logic C) unqualified : credentials D) gullible : belief

Page 19: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• _____________________________________.

• _____________________________________.

Page 20: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


A) priest : evil B) cold : contagious C) car : broken D) vegetable : green

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• Bridge Sentence:

• _____________________________________.

• _____________________________________.

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A) artist : idealistic B) island : lonesome C) emergency : urgent D) intention : challenged

Page 23: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• A characteristic of an epidemic is to be widespread.

• A characteristic of an __________ is to be __________.

Page 24: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


A) bone : skeleton B) movie : film C) meal : restaurant D) career : job

Page 25: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• A note is part of a melody.

• A __________ is part of a __________.

Page 26: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation


• AA)) medicine : disease • BB)) seatbelt : plane • CC)) shield : sword • DD)) hat : helmet

Page 27: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• A lifejacket is used for safety on a boat.

• A __________ is used for safety on a __________.

Page 28: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: DDeeggrreeee • 44)) DEVOUT : RELIGIOUS

• AA)) hyper : energetic • BB)) depressed : angry • CC)) fit : strong • DD)) cruel : strange

Page 29: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Someone who is devout is very religious.

• Someone who is__________ is very __________.

Page 30: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: DDeeffiinniittiioonn ((AAnnttoonnyymmss))


• AA)) spicy : delicious • BB)) flimsy : sturdy • CC)) tasteful : classy • DD)) elevated : escalated

Page 31: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Something that is hidden is not visible.

• _____________________________________.

Page 32: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: OOtthheerr • 66)) COUGH : COLD

• AA)) fever : issue • BB)) problem : solution • CC)) disagreement : argument • DD)) room : hotel

Page 33: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• A cough is symptomatic of a cold.

• _____________________________________.

Page 34: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: FFuunnccttiioonn • 77)) VEINS : CIRCULATE

• AA)) calculators : think • BB)) boots : sprint • CC)) laws : enforce • DD)) ornaments : decorate

Page 35: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• Veins are used to circulate.

• _____________________________________.

Page 36: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: TTyyppee//KKiinndd • 88)) ASSASSINATION : MURDER

• AA)) document : certificate • BB)) beverage : drink • CC)) relay : race • DD)) technology : robot

Page 37: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• _____________________________________.

• _____________________________________.

Page 38: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: DDeeffiinniittiioonn ((AAnnttoonnyymmss))


• AA)) harvest : plant • BB)) rest : relax • CC)) investigate : trust • DD)) remove : confiscate

Page 39: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• _____________________________________.

• _____________________________________.

Page 40: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• BBrriiddggee TTyyppee:: LLaacckk • 1100)) ELDERLY : YOUTH

• AA)) famous : popularity • BB)) rational : proof • CC)) smug : satisfaction • DD)) well : illness

Page 41: Good Tuesday Morning Purpose Come in quietly. Have a seat. Remain quiet until rotation

• Bridge Sentence:

• _____________________________________.

• _____________________________________.