good lord

Upload: cody-miller

Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 Good Lord


    Good Lord

    Good Lord,Spare me some kind of feelin’ To shake them hard-tossed debts

    Of thisash-stained, blood-bought season.

     Two Suns whipped themthrough deserts rough.

    Good Lord,Didn’t Ya mend their broken cup?

    But why not mine,this time?

    Good Lord, Would you let me see It?‘fore themseven seals tear up And Jane’s white wine oods my dry kiss.

    Has Your glass sea doneshattered up?

    Can the Pottermend this broken cupI’ll hold out out to You?

     Who do you choose?

    Good Lord,Bucked the rails to a dusty blurred line.Cranked up my guitar’s roar,My nger’s hailed in cut time.

    But, don’t time always tame her taste?Good Lord,‘cause I’ve never felt so late

     As whenI reached to kiss youIn the upper room.