gold and silver power positions of the decade for 2011


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The Gold Bullion Making Money Success System gives you the power to earn and generate substantial income in the Gold Bullion and Precious Metals Industry in as little as 120 to 90 days or less


Page 2: Gold and silver power positions of the decade for 2011

Gold Bullion and Precious Metals Income and Revenue Strategies for 2011 Two days away from the start of 2011 and less than 5% of the population of North America is aware of the forty or more new laws beginning in the New Year which will directly affect them, this fact makes more difficult for any economist or trends forecaster to accurately present plausible information based indicators which might provide some probable possibilities as to where the society is headed. We do know that the QE2 process will further undermine the value of the US dollar and all economies attached to it worldwide, so the US government proposed idea that a devalued dollar will somehow enable more US exports is by all reason questionable, considering that the problem with this premise is the fact that the US manufacturing capacity is almost none existent except for its agricultural and military hardware industries, which combined employ less than 00.3 percent of the total number of those employed in the US. Everywhere we turn in the society we often encounter some sort of fiscal or economic crisis of a current nature or one that is in the making, so as the disinformation campaigns which promote stock market gambling ramps up, remember, smart money navigates towards precious metals and real assets of enduring value. If each of us were to look at our current lives as a three dimensional chest board subject to today’s world of enhanced rules and regulations, would present to us an expressed road map illustrating the following endeavors and pre-conditions which we all are encumbered with in one way or another. Here is where we all essentially have fifteen economic and or financial moves available to us all with twenty-two or more flags to avoid or counteract, these financial and or economic moves are:

Employment Self Employed Entrepreneur or Business Owner Savings Credit Cards and or Loans of some kind Investments Inheritance Family Collective Living and Support Friends and Community Support International Living and Business Retirement, State Welfare, Government help or Unemployment benefits Incarceration Illegal Activities to generate income

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Homelessness Natural living in Nature

Are the not so obvious moves which many US citizens currently have available to them in some form or another, however unlike the chest board ruled by linear movement calculations, half of the options are linear and limited while half are not linear and limited with regard to how much one or a collective could prosper and thrive under any adversity, from this list you must determine where you are and ultimately where you would like to be. This set of differentials simply allows the reader to visualize the full spectrum of what constitutes financial and or economic livelihood, and from these categories it is possible to redraw a map of none linear limited options, now onto the flags, this is where the path gets quite rocky, therefore it is necessary to eliminate any bias you may harbor while reviewing these flags Capital Controls of some form or another Bank withdrawal limits Possible Limited Bank Holidays Highly Plausible Attacks Aimed at Precious Metals Acquisition in some form or another Highly discouraging measures taken to limit international travel Substantial Limitations on internet content Progressive Government Poverty Assimilative Measures Assets taxed disproportionately Aggressive new tax laws that bite hard Reduced Government Support Government Imposed Austerity Massive Unemployment Cycles Stock Market Crisis Unprecedented Crime Spikes Unseen Before Substantial Cost Increases for basic essentials Aggressive Military Recruiting Massive Government Surveillance Programs Geopolitical Instability and Possible Confrontations Further Contraction of Money in the Real Economy Currency and Trade Wars between Nations Trading Blocks Covert and Overt acts of violence nationally and geopolitically Extraterrestrial Propaganda Clean Food and Water Crisis of some kind And finally viral outbreaks of some kind upon the horizon If you could but reduce your exposure to the flags, and increase your none linear limited moves, you could win the game of success and prosperity, however by carefully cross referencing the flags and the moves with broad swaths of divers information relating to the flags and moves; will without question enable you uncommon insight and abilities

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which to some may appear to be unfathomable in comprehension, and always make room for the unknowns. The world is still a big place and no matter where you go in it, there is always a landlord, and sometimes to be free and prosperous may mean that you may have to move around to find the right place to settle down and prosper in, this is the reality today, even if you are willing to adjust to the pains ahead, prepare yourself for a rough ride into the future, but by all means keep your precious metals and business endeavors in top shape as certain options presented may become more attractive as the storm intensifies.

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This illustration presents an accurate formation of income obtained through

the Gold Bullion Money Making Success System, and unlike any other income

source which might be a job or an MLM, Gold Bullion Enterprising is neither a

job nor is it a MLM, Gold Bullion Enterprising provides a highly viable service

to refineries by selling to them Au79 Alluvial Placer Gold supplies of high

purity and quality.

All you have to do to become a Gold Bullion Enterpriser is to complete your

online training, then begin contacting refineries in your state to sell Gold

Bullion Supplies to them, its that simple, once the sell has been completed

With the support of Apex Epic Resources you will receive a check, the bigger

the order made by the refineries, the bigger your check.

And the great part about it is, you never have to leave the comfort of your

home or office.

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When ever the world of finance enters into a state of crisis, immediately and

quietly the focus is shifted towards the oldest store house of value with over

three thousand years of history, Gold Bullion.

Precious Metals Enterprising will produce millionaires by the thousands,

fundamental difference between the pass decade of how millionaires created

their wealth and how todays entrepreneurs will create wealth presents to us a

chasm of characteristics quite apart from yesterdays economic environment.

Gold Bullion Enterprising Wealth is




Global Demand

And its also

Inflation Proof

Bubble Proof

Deflation Proof

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The answer in short is, for the average person or business,

there aren't many opportunities with a guarantee, as precious

metals can make such a claim.

Holding a light to truth is not easy nor is it simple in a world of

massive deceit, if Gold Bullion made the Billionaires of

yesteryear, why can’t it do the same today?

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Now that Gold and Silver Bullion has displaced many of the worlds

currencies ( Through The Gold Bullion Money Making Success

System Methodology) You can produce highly profitable and

sustainable income and revenue for many years forward to create

inter-generational wealth.

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The New Millionaires – Gold Bullion Enterprisers

When Gold Bullion hit its record high of $1420, the wake up call to world

economies that debt is taking over the real economy was made,

governments globally responded by printing more money and lowering

interest rates.

This act alone ushered into the worlds economies a precedence unseen

before, and would challenge the very function of currencies world wide as

to its viability in the medium and long term.

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Gold Bullion and other precious metals assets storage and global shipping methods for safe


Today now more than ever, the need to move or ship precious metals out of various countries to safer

and more stable locations has become urgent to many clear thinking individuals whom have

accurately evaluated the conditions of their respective countries concluding that, relocating various

assets is now very important.

This article will shed luminous light upon the topic {Precious Metals Safe Shipment to desired

destinations} as a premise of action requiring immediate attention.

For US and UK residents and citizens there is no secret as to what these societies are becoming, I need

not go into the subject, I will say however that if we as citizens of these nations are not prepared to

defend and protect what is ours, you can be certain that certain nations will eventually get around to

acquiring what is yours through any number of bureaucratic bills to achieve such ends.

This is the chronological pathology often used by tyrants, and it is best to create distance early, as the

cycle of systematic theft ensues engulfing every asset or resource of value insight.

Moving Precious Metals:

Before I begin presenting sound solutions to the concerned readers, a word of caution must be offered,

and that is, whenever something is written and presented into the public domain, it is quickly picked

up and evaluated by anonymous sources as to the usable value it could have to counteract the efficacy

of that information.

Lesson, be extremely careful with what you release into the public domain, because once you release

it, you can never retract it, and, it can easily be destroyed thus making it irrelevant and useless.

Step one: You have Gold Bullion 1 oz. American Eagle Coins and you would like to ship them to a

second country for storage and safety

Step one solution: Exchange the gold eagles for Perth mint coins or Krugerrand coins, and then ship

them to a specific place using a private reputable currier service that will fully insure the full value of

the items being shipped.

Why should you convert to another mint? Anything associated with the government in question has

by default strings attached, and more strings unseen, so it is best to relinquish any national minted

coins if you hope to minimize potential snags.

Step two: You have a certain amount of capital and you would like to purchase a substantial volume

of precious metals and then ship them to a specific location

Step two solution: Because you are prepared to purchase a substantial amount of precious metals, it is

best that you first establish a reputably reliable source with which to purchase from, then travel to the

location you wish to receive the precious metals and then make the order, and if possible through a

legal entity in that country such as a trust, foundation or business entity.

Why go through all of these procedures? In a world of massive deceit requires that one is

thoroughly prepared if success is what is desired, this is all that I can say at this juncture for more

information you may contact us through the resource box listed

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Financial sense starts with embracing non-traditional thought and resource acquisition and allocation, now, start constructing a different none linear blueprint which may encompass all of the tools rejected by modern day schools of thought, for it is such schools of thought obsessed with obsolete ideologies which have failed us all and need not be considered in your primary objectives to create real wealth today.