gojoven presentation at central america donors forum

A Critical Mass to Address SRHR & Gender

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A Critical Mass to Address SRHR & Gender

Page 2: GOJoven Presentation at Central America Donors Forum

Adolescent Pregnancy in Honduras

Of the 938,301 adolescent girls in Honduras aged 15 to 19, 24% have been pregnant at least once.

Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud ENDESA 2011-2012 - Honduras

ENDESA 2005 ENDESA 2011-201222% 24%

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Honduras has a youth population of 5,231,588

INE. 2010.

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% of adolescents pregnant or with children, by department

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Pregnancy rate by age, 2005-2007

Age 2005 2007 + O -15 5.4 6.3 +16 11.7 16.7 +17 23.5 24.9 +18 31.6 34.0 +19 40.2 40.1 -

ENDESA 2005 VRS. 2011-2012

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Education 2005 2011-2012 Total

No education 46.3 45.8 +

Elementary 1-3 42.1 47.2 +

Elementary 4-6 29.3 36.0 +

High school 10.8 19.9 +

College 2.2 0.9 -

Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Pregnancy

ENDESA 2005 VRS. 2011-2012

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Adolescent Pregnancy by Residential Area

Residential Area 2005 2011-2012 +/-Urban 17.7 19.2 +Rural 26.0 29.3 +

ENDESA 2005 VRS. 2011-2012

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Where are we?

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La Coalición Hondureña de Abogacía por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de Adolescentes.