god's not dead! - st. john lutheran church & …...st. john lutheran church and preschool...

St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle God's Not Dead! Such a simple, but yet controversial statement. We are living in a time when, whether we want to believe it or not, where the simple question can be asked, "Is God dead?" and the answers of yes and no will be 50/50. The question for us to consider is how would we answer the question if we were put on the spot? It is easy for us to express our belief in Jesus Christ at church and around our Christian friends, but how good are we at sharing our faith among a group of people where we know there are some who do not believe? In the month of October, a couple of things are taking place that will hopefully help us in sharing our faith and standing up for what we believe in the face of opposition. First is Mission U. This will be an evangelism training workshop held October 11, 2014 from 9:00am to 2:00pm in the Family Life Center. The focus of this workshop will be on every- day evangelism. Not only has God placed us in different fields of work, we also find our- selves in different phases in life. Whether we are in school, at work, retired, coaching a team, out with some friends or at home with our family, God wants to use us right where we are to be a witness of His great love for us. I highly encourage everyone that is available to signup for and attend this workshop. Second, for the month of October, there will be a sermon series based on the movie God's Not Dead. In this movie we see a young man in college who stands up for his belief in Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He risks his class grade and reputation with his peers and even loses his girlfriend to defend his faith. How far are we willing to go? This series along with the Mission U workshop will hopefully push us out of our comfort zones in order to be a witness of the life saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ where God has placed us in the world. May we continue to be used by God with A Heart for Hamilton County and the World!

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Page 1: God's Not Dead! - St. John Lutheran Church & …...St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle God's Not Dead! Such a simple, but yet controversial

St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle

God's Not Dead!

Such a simple, but yet controversial statement. We are living in a time

when, whether we want to believe it or not, where the simple question can be asked, "Is God dead?" and the answers of yes and no will be

50/50. The question for us to consider is how would we answer the question if we were put on the spot? It is easy for us to express our belief in Jesus Christ at church and around our Christian friends, but how

good are we at sharing our faith among a group of people where we know

there are some who do not believe?

In the month of October, a couple of things are taking place that will hopefully help us in sharing our faith and standing up for what we believe in the face of opposition. First is Mission U. This will be an evangelism training workshop held October 11, 2014 from

9:00am to 2:00pm in the Family Life Center. The focus of this workshop will be on every-day evangelism. Not only has God placed us in different fields of work, we also find our-

selves in different phases in life. Whether we are in school, at work, retired, coaching a team, out with some friends or at home with our family, God wants to use us right where we are to be a witness of His great love for us. I highly encourage everyone that is available

to signup for and attend this workshop.

Second, for the month of October, there will be a sermon series based on the movie

God's Not Dead. In this movie we see a young man in college who stands up for his belief in Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He risks his class grade and reputation with his peers and even loses his girlfriend to defend his faith. How far are we willing to go? This series along

with the Mission U workshop will hopefully push us out of our comfort zones in order to be a witness of the life saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ where God has placed us in the


May we continue to be used by God with A Heart for Hamilton County and the World!

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St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle



Sunday Morning

8:30 Breakfast/Opening

9:00 Sunday School

10:00 Worship


9:00 Quilting


6:30 Youth Group


Office Closed


1st Sunday– Nursing Home Devotions 1:30pm

2nd Wednesday– Preschool Board 5:30pm

2nd Tuesday—Board of Ed 6:00pm

2nd Week– Board Meetings

3rd Saturday--Men’s Club 7:15am


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St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle



1st Milton Bottlinger

Kathleen Payne

2nd Larry Eileers

Delores Stanford

Alan Watson

3rd Stanley Stanford

4th Bea Coble

5th Roger Bushee

Annie Deleon

Roy Seider

6th Charlie Bottlinger

Hunter Tyson

9th Josh Janisch

Mark Nolen

Darrell Wagner

10th Allen Reed

Jim Schrank

11th Alicia Hall

Juanita Seider

12th Klayton Kensing

Vicki Marwithz

14th Don Arnett

Ricky Brown

Tammy Wagner

Kay Zschiesche

15th Calvin Friedrich

Gunner McElroy

Reagan Reich

Connie White

Kaki Whitt

16th Alice Jeschke

Erica Massingill

17th Sheldon Coble

19th Maycon Stork

21st Jonathan Hurst

22nd Joel Sellers

Jody Tyson

23rd Blake Cathey

Lucy Lowery

Doug Wagner

25th John Polster

Lee Tyson

26th Harry Asquith

Andrew Chorenziak

Ruben Lippe

Tracy Wenzel

28th Bert Schrank

29th Cecil Kautzsch

31st Billie Lonney

Max Lowrey

3rd Micah Stork

5th Mason Code

6th Josh Cantara

8th Norma Marwitz

10th Odell Niemann

13th Cutter Tyson

16th Carolina DeLaGarza

19th Will Beber

20th larry Eilers

Roy Seider

24th Jason Lange

Kirsten Niemann

25th Ryder Zschiesche

26th Hailey Holden

Hanna Holden

Gertie Schrank

27th Susie Odom

28th Kathy Christensen

29th Blake Cathey

Ethan Cathey

Sara Cathey

31st Miltons Bottlinger

1st Johnny & Marliessa Clark 43yrs

Allen & Jane Dodson 48yrs

9th Doug & Tammy Wagner 21yrs

13th Jason & Kimberly Clark 7yrs

16th Mark & Sabrina Sellers 15yrs

17th Bob & Dorothy Hoermann 55yrs

John & Dorothy Schoedel 22yrs

24th Eugene & Alice Jeschke 50yrs

27th Ricky & Laverne Brown 30yrs

30th Clay & Danna Hurst 10yrs

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St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle



Hello Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that I am actually sitting here in my room, looking out at the Westfield House campus in Cambridge, England. I can’t believe that my life has actually changed as much as it has in the past couple of months. As you all know two months ago I was preparing the final sermons that I would preach while on the adventure called Vicarage. Then one month ago I packed all of my belongings up and drove down to Texas with my dad. We had a good trip, although it started off a little hairy as the final few items to be packed had to be hurriedly thrown into the back of my truck because a thunder storm was looming directly over my house in Elmhurst. But when we finally made it to dry ground in St. Louis we successfully unwrapped the tarp, which we had thrown over the valuable equip-ment, and not a single piece of furniture had been dam-aged. That was the first leg of a two part trip for us. Af-ter I had met with everyone that I needed and wanted to see in St. Louis, my dad and I hopped back into my truck and drove all the way back to Hamilton, Texas in one day. Let me tell you it felt good to finally say I was back in Texas.

I then spent a few days visiting with family members all around the state. I was able to see al-most everyone in one fail swoop, and I said my hel-los and goodbyes as I then was packing up to fly across the pond to my new home for one year, Cambridge, England. My month here in Cambridge has been pretty amazing so far. The experience that

I’m getting cannot be beat. I have been out punting with my new friends, and when I say we went out punting I mean we had to do the punting (and no this is not the type of punting one does while playing football). Punting in England, I quickly learned is taking a boat down a river. However, in-stead of using a motor or a paddle to travel on the water, one needs to employ the artful skill of great balance. In punting you have the boat and then the person who is driving the boat stands on a flat sur-face on the back of the boat and uses a long stick (similar to a pole vaulting stick) to push your way

down the river. It takes a great deal of skill to steer the boat straight and true. Not only do you have to have great balance in order to keep from falling off the boat while it is moving, but you have to think quickly as the stick sometimes gets stuck in the mud at the bottom of the river. Either one simply lets go or one might quickly find themselves tak-ing a nice cool bath. Anyways that is enough description of punting, but I could tell you many other things that I have learned and seen during my time in England. For instance I could tell you about the beautiful house

that I saw in Sandringham (the queens Christmas retreat) or the incredible castle I walked through in Castle Rising. I could tell you that I am planning on going to Scotland this weekend, London tomorrow to see the Broadway style play Les Mis in theatre, or even that I am planning on going to Belgium and the Netherlands over my one week break at the be-ginning of October. But If I do this letter may never find its end, so I will move on to more important top-ics like the class work that I am currently enrolled in.

(My friends and myself out punting!!)

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St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle



While here in Cambridge I will be receiving 15 hours to transfer back to St. Louis in a year. In-cluded in those 15 hours will be Early Church Histo-ry, Johannine Writings, Introduction to the Old Tes-tament: The Prophets, English and Catholic Reformations, and World Religions: Buddhism and Islam. Currently I am studying 2 of these, and in a couple of weeks I will start another at the Faculty of Divinity. Now studying in Cambridge, or in England in general is quite differ-ent from studying in the states. For instance when one studies in Eng-land it means they are doing a whole lot of reading, and nothing but reading. Studying here is very much based upon what you want to get out of the experience. There are no tests, no quizzes, and the professors are only there as supple-mentary information to what you find within the books that you immerse yourself within. Another thing that is quite different is the fact that Colleges are not places where you attend lectures. The best way to think of a College within England is to picture Harry Pot-ter. Harry is placed with the Gryffindor house, when he first arrives at Hogwarts. No while he is in that particular house he only eats, sleeps, studies, and socializes within the house. However, all of his classes are outside of the Gryffindor space. That paints a good picture of studying in England. One might go off to a college, for instance King’s College in Cambridge to study. How-ever, while you are at your particular college you only sleep, eat, study, and socialize within the college grounds. Your lectures during your time are held off of campus grounds at places called “Faculties.” I will be attending the Faculty of Divinity when my next class kicks off. I’m pretty interested in seeing how this system truly works. (Now if you are still confused and

didn’t truly understand my description of how Col-leges and Faculties relate don’t worry I’m still con-fused myself. But I’m sure as the year goes along I will begin to understand it better and I can answer

any questions that y’all want to ask me while I’m going through this ex-perience.)

For now I think it is enough to say that I am doing a whole lot of read-ing. I am listening in class, and trying to soak up every last ounce of wis-dom that my Tudors can provide, and I am loving the entire way of life here in England. Every aspect is just a little bit different than what I am ac-customed to thanks to life in the states. However, I can’t wait to see

where else this adventure takes me along the way. I need to wrap this up as I am supposed to wake up early to set up for chapel tomorrow morning, but I want to leave you with a word of thanks. I truly ap-preciate all that you have done for me. The prayers, the financial support, the encouragement and the

laughs that I share with y’all through your letters and en-counters. I truly pray that life is treating y’all well and that God is continuing to pour His blessings upon you. May we ever look to Him for strength and support!

In His Grip,

Erik Christensen

(The Castle in Castle Rising!)

(The queens house in Sandringham)

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Everyone is invited to come on October 11 from 9:00-2:00 to an exciting event where we learn more about sharing our love of

Jesus. St. John Lutheran is blessed to be a growing church, but is there anything we could do to be better equipped to tell about Jesus?

Of course. This is an opportunity to learn how to share that message of salvation. No, it’s not going knocking on doors and handing out

pamphlets. Come learn about evangelism in the 21st century.

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they

to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they

are sent? (Romans 10:13-15).

One in four American teens and young adults claim no religious connection whatsoever. How will they hear the message of salvation

through Jesus Christ if no one reaches them? As a follower of Jesus, you have been commissioned to make disciples of all nations. Be-

come equipped through MISSION U to help you fulfill your mission with boldness to the diverse mission field around you. You and

your church can gain a scripture-based understanding of how outreach works in a culture that doesn't care about God. MISSION U

features outreach training workshops tailored to your specific church led by Christian leaders in outreach, as well as free monthly

webinars from Christian leaders and speakers about contemporary topics in Christian outreach.

MISSION U is Lutheran Hour Ministries' new witnessing training program. It is designed to give you the tools and training to confi-

dently accept your mission: reaching people with the real news of Jesus Christ. MISSION U provides multiple course options address-

ing topics that meet your congregation's specific witnessing-training needs. By participating in MISSION U courses, your church will

gain tools that sharpen and enhance your witnessing efforts to reach people of all ages and backgrounds.

The style and format of MISSION U mirrors a 21st-century university classroom - sequential yet flexible that offers personal training

from speakers and additional online instruction.

At MISSION U the focus is equipping you, God's chosen ambassador, to carry His message of hope and salvation into a world urgently

in need of good news.

Making a difference in how people talk to others about Jesus.

Ruth Guild met the second Sunday in September. Cecilia Jensen presented a devo-tional program titled Back to School for the Christian focusing on how to prepare our-selves and children on the basic teachings of developing good habits for praying and learning about our Lord . Laurel Friedrich reported on the Lutheran Women's Mis-sionary League Fall Rally coming up on October 4th in Temple, Immanuel Lutheran Church. All women are invited to attend. For information about this contact Dixie Gromatzky. Pat Bottlinger reported that the Tuesday morning quilting group has completed over 100 quilts for World Relief Missions. (Great Job!) Other discussion focused on St. John's Ruth Guild upcoming projects, taking us into December . We are supporting, along with the rest of the members with the Nikki Warms the Cold . We

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Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 1907

By Gary Gromatzky

For I know the thoughts that I think

toward you, says the Lord, thoughts

of peace and not of evil, to give you a

future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Once, when recovering from a bout

of depression, I found this hymn very

therapeutic, “Melt the clouds of sin

and sadness, fill us (me) with the

light of day.” Notice how every

phrase of this prayer is bursting with

exuberance: the Lord is our

“wellspring of the joy of living,” our

“ocean depth of happy rest,” and we

ask Him to “lift us to the joy divine.”

The author of the hymn, Henry

Jackson van Dyke, was born in

Pennsylvania in 1852 and became

pastor of the Brick Presbyterian

Church in New York City. Henry later

became professor of English litera-

ture at Princeton and the author of a

number of books, including the still-

popular The Other Wise Man.

He went on to occupy a number of

eminent positions, including:

American ambassador to the

Netherlands and Luxembourg

(appointed by his friend, Wood-

row Wilson.)

Lieutenant commander in the

United States Navy Chaplains

Corps during World War 1

Moderator of the General Assem-

bly of the Presbyterian Church

Commander of the Legion of


President of the National Institute

of Arts and Letters

Chairman of the committee that

compiled the Presbyterian Book

of Common Worship

In 1907, Henry van Dyke was invit-

ed to preach at Williams College in

Massachusetts. At breakfast one

morning , he handed the college

president a piece of paper, saying,

“Here is a hymn for you. Your moun-

tains (the Berkshires) were my inspi-

ration,. It must be sung to the music

of Beethoven’s ‘Hymn of Joy.’”

When he was later asked about his

hymn, van Dyke replied, “These vers-

es are simple expressions of com-

mon Christian feelings and desires in

this present time- - hymns of today

that may be sung together by people

who know the thought of the age,

and are not afraid that any truth of

science will destroy religion, or any

revolution on earth overthrow the

kingdom of heaven. Therefore this is

a hymn of trust and joy and hope.”

Ref: “Then Sings My Soul” by Thomas

Nelson, Nashville

Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,

God of glory Lord of love;

Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee,

Opening to the sun above.

Melt the clouds of sin and sadness,

Drive the dark of doubt away;

Giver of immortal gladness,

Fill us with the light of day!

All Thy works with joy surround Thee,

Earth and heaven reflect Thy ray

Stars and angels sing around Thee

Center of unbroken praise

Field and forest, vale and mountain,

Flow ery meadow, flashing sea,

Chanting bird and flowing fountain,

Call us to rejoice in Thee.

Thou art giving and forgiving,

ever blessing, ever blest,

Well spring of the joy of living,

Ocean depth of happy rest!

Thou our Father, Christ our Brother,

All who live in love are Thine.

Teach us how to love each other,

Lift us to the joy divine.

Mortals join the mighty chorus,

Which the Morning Stars began.

Father love is reigning o’er us,

Brother love binds man to man.

Ever singing march we onward,

Victors in the midst of strife;

Joyful music lifts us sun-ward,

In the triumph song of life.

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Registration due by

November 5th Jr. Youth Wednesday 3:45-5:00

Sr. Youth Meetings

The Polster’s House

Sunday Evening





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The Board of Elders and Board of Outreach announce October will be observed as Pastor Apprecia-

tion Month. We are celebrating Pastor Keith Reich's 5th anniversary with us here at St. John. On

Sunday October 12th we will honor Pastor, Stacy and family by gathering for a traditional Pot

Blessing meal after service. We continue to thank God for sending Pastor Reich and his family

here to Hamilton to shepherd us at St. John and partner with us in our lives and community. We

are truly blessed.

The Board of Elders and Board of Outreach are encouraging each of us to make October extra-

special for Pastor Reich and family. Please consider participating in one or more of the following:

1) Mail for Pastor. We would like for each member (children too) to write a personal note of en-

couragement and appreciation to Pastor Reich. Whether it be note, letter, card, email, or text mes-

sage, please let Pastor hear from us all. (Please mail directly to Pastor or a Special Pastor Mailbox

will be located in the Narthex for the month)

2) Gift Cards. Please consider a special gift in the form of gift cards or gift certificates.

Ideas include: our local businesses and restaurants, Brookshire Bros., ALCO, Amazon, I Tunes,

Jos. A. Bank, and Barnes & Noble.

3) Tuesday Night Dinners. There are 4 Tuesdays in month of October. If you would like to provide

Pastor and his family with one of the Tuesday evening meals please contact Kathy Christensen

(386-8787) for scheduling. Dates are Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

4) Dessert Thursdays. There are 5 Thursdays in October and we are looking for 5 individuals inter-

ested in sharing a dessert (cake, pie, cookies, cinnamon rolls, and your own specialty) one of

those dates. Please contact Kathy Christensen (386-8787) to schedule. Dates are Oct. 2nd, 9th,

16th, 23rd, and 30th.

5) We also encourage any idea of your own for a special personal expression of thanks to Pastor


Let's show Pastor Reich and Stacy how much we care.

Board of Elders

Board of Outreach

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September 2014

The past few weeks at St. John Preschool have been amazing! We love seeing all of our friends

from last year and meeting new friends as well. We have a great group of kids and our teachers

are enjoying getting to know each of them.

We have 56 students registered at our Preschool and Kindergarten this year. We praise God for

blessings us so richly and pray for his continued blessing in serving His lambs.


In the Little Lambs and Mighty

Lions classes, we have been

working with the children on

routines and schedules and being

a good friend.

We have been reading and

discussing many wonderful

children’s books about manners,

feelings, and friendship.

We have been learning about our

classmates and their families,

and the letters that each of our

names begin with.

Our letters this

month are A,B, and C.


We are super excited about our new Bible Curriculum this year.

We have been learning about Creation, Adam and Eve, and

Noah’s Ark this month.

We will be sending the Bible story home each week, which has a

parent section designed to reinforce the Bible story at home.

We are so happy to have Pastor Reich lead our Children’s Chapel

each week. He is teaching to coincide with our Bible curriculum

this year. It has been fun to hear the kids tell him about the

stories and get excited when they answer his questions. They

have really enjoyed learning and singing songs while he plays his



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The Kinderoos have been reviewing letters and

letter sounds, learning to write in their

journals, and learning to read sight words.

They enjoyed their first fieldtrip to the

Hamilton Public Library to check out books.


The afternoon class is filled with hands-on

learning and fun! They enjoy playing outside,

doing crafts that coincide with our units of

study, spending time in play centers, and

playing games.


Thank you to all of the parents that brought Birthday snacks this month, as well as the ones that

donated snacks to our school.

A huge thank you to the Coalson Family and Coalson Excavation for donating the new pea gravel

for our playground and fixing our new play area around the playground equipment this summer.

The kids will enjoy it for many years to come.

We also want to thank Charles Jahns for moving our Reading Loft to the new Kindergarten room,

and Paul Christensen for fixing our tricycles for us. We appreciate our church family taking time

to help at our school.

We will be putting out the “giving tree” next week. You can pick a leave off of the tree to donate

that item. Thank you in advance!


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We will be bringing back our pumpkin patch

next month for the kids to explore during


If you see any pumpkins or gourds of any

size while you are out and about, please pick

one up for our patch.

We are also looking for someone to bring a

few square bales of hay to make our

pumpkin patch area. Please let me know if

you would be interested in helping with this.

October will be another exciting month here

at preschool. We will be learning all about

Community Helpers. The fire trucks from

Hamilton Volunteer Fire Department will be

coming to visit our school.


Picture Day:

Mighty Lions:

Wednesday, October 8th


Wednesday, October 8th

Little Lambs:

Thursday, October 9th


We are looking forward to a great year at St. John Preschool and Kindergarten with lots of fun and

exciting new experiences. We know that you are your child's best advocate. We look forward to part-

nering with you in creating your child's educational and spiritual foundation. If you have ever have any

questions or concerns, please call or e-mail me anytime!

God’s Blessings,

Sarah Bauman

St. John Lutheran Preschool Director


[email protected]

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1. Darrell Wagner

Vice President

1. Jim Schrank


1. Kay Zschiesche


1. Brad Tomlinson

Board of Outreach—Kathy Chris-tensen, Lynn Muxworthy, Tracy Cox, Misti Polster

1. Charles Johnson

2. Jason Bussey

Board Of Finance—Jon English, Paul Christensen, Bucky Pate, Mischelle Bottlinger

1. Cecelia Jenson

Endowment Fund—Bea Coble, Mary Ellen Burton


Preschool Board— Erica Bussey, Lindsey Hanson, Kym Jeschke, Boofy Mishnick

1. Christina Rudolph

2. Melanie Housden

Board of Trustees—Charles Jahns, John Schoedel, Mike Armstrong, Mark Sellers



Board of Education—Shawna McKandless, Rick Housden, Kara Chorenziak, Ima Jean Roberts



SS Superintendent


SS Assist Superintendent


Board of Youth—Sherri Tomlinson, Tammy Wagner, Kasey Kunkel



Social Welfare Representative


Board of Elders—Billy Lawson, Sonny DeLaGarza, Jerry Zschiesche, Lee Roy Tyson, Doug Wagner, Charlie Bottlinger

1. Johann Jeschke

2. Tom White

St. John Officers and Board Members Election Ballot

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October 25, 2014

College Park Center

@ UT Arlington


(with Mandisa and

Sidewalk Prophets)

Tickets: $20-$50 each

If you are interested in going to

this concert contact Erica Bussey

at (979) 324-0922. We are trying to

see if we have enough interest to

be able to take the church vans.



October 4, 2014


Immanuel Lutheran Church

Temple, Texas

Dear Societies:

Please plan to attend the Sunshine Zone LWML

Fall Rally at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Temple on Octo-

ber 4, 2014. There will be a registration fee of $5.00 to

help cover the cost of a light breakfast and lunch.

Ingathering items and monetary donations to benefit the

Food Pantry at ILM Temple. (canned vegetables, canned

fruits, peanut butter and jelly)

If you are interested in going please contact Dixie

Gromatzky (254) 386-4323

Hope to see you there!!

October Bible Classes

& Worship Services

This is a movie that was released in theatres in March 2014. A college student find’s him-self in a position where the professor is de-manding that students sign a paper in agree-ment with the following words written on that paper: God’s Dead! One student refuses to sign the paper and in turn has to prove, per the professor’s request, that God is not dead, The student faces many challenges and skepticism in defending his stance. In this series some of these challenges will be addressed. I pray that through this series we will be encouraged and strengthened to take a stand for our faith.

Oct 5th Where is God When Life Falls Apart?

Oct 12th Is Our Faith Blind?

Oct 19th Welcoming Skepticism!

Page 15: God's Not Dead! - St. John Lutheran Church & …...St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle God's Not Dead! Such a simple, but yet controversial

St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle



BIBLE PUZZLE There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them?

This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a Gentleman in an

airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping

him occupied for hours. He enjoyed It so much, he passed it on to

some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing

from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo.

Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned

It in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job Of

solving this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her

nerves. There will be some names that are really easy To spot. That’s a

fact. Some people, however, will soon find Themselves in a jam, espe-

cially since the book names are not Necessarily capitalized. Truthfully,

from answers we get, we are Forced to admit it usually takes a minister

or a scholar to see Some of them at the worst. Research has shown

that something in Our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in

seeing The books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising

event, Which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth

Set a new record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200

patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most Difficult they

had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, “The books are all

right here in plain view hidden from sight.” Those able to find all of

them will hear great lamentations from Those who have to be shown.

One revelation that may help is that Books like Timothy and Samuel

may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation

and spaces in the middle Are normal. A chipper attitude will help you

compete really well Against those who claim to know the answers. Re-

member, there is No need for a mad exodus; there really are 30 books

of the Bible Lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found.

God Bless You.

Page 16: God's Not Dead! - St. John Lutheran Church & …...St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle God's Not Dead! Such a simple, but yet controversial

St. John Lutheran Church and Preschool October Issue 2014 Volume 25, Issue 10 The eagle



St. John Lutheran Church & Preschool

122 Cheyenne Mesa

Hamilton, TX 76531

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Phone: (254) 386-3158

Fax: (254) 386-3159

Preschool: (254) 386-3332

E-mail: Pastor—[email protected]

Secretary—[email protected]

Preschool—[email protected]

Website: www.stjohnhamilton.org

May we continue to be used by God as we live by and share the Gospel

with A Heart for Hamilton County and the World!!