god save teh children

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 God Save Teh Children


    God Save the Children

    Undoubtedly, you have heard of the evils of abortion. Everyone has heard stories about how thedoctors kill these small children, just to make a few people's lives easier. These crimes against the

    almighty one should not be taken lightly, for they stain his holy house with blood, and stain our souls

    with blood as well. There is no reason to ever accept abortion as righteous in any way, and all forms of itshould be rejected for three reasons: 1. Abortion takes the power of death out of Gods hands and into

    mans, 2. All life is sacred, and 3. Even a fetus can feel pain. It is for these three reasons that I urge you to

    take a stance against the heartless abortion of infants.

    The first reason to reject the abortion of infants is because through abortion we assume the power

    to decide life and death. This power specifically can only belong to God, after all, ask any fetus if theywant to die or not. They probably won't respond, but that isn't a silent consent. That is a scream that is so

    loud that you cannot even hear it, for it bursts through your eardrums with the word of God. When we

    allow the simple creations known as humans to be the decider of who lives and who dies, we get things

    such as Justin Beiber, as punishment for our gross ignorance of his lord's holy ways. Do you want anotherJustin Beiber? Then keep aborting children. Another unfortunate consequence is that we don't allow God

    to control all of our lives. God knows what is best, when we intervene with his plans by trying to cure

    cancer or abort children, we basically give him a giant middle finger. This pisses God off, and damns usall to hell. Therefore, we should not attempt to abort these children, because doing so leads to the hottest

    vacation you will ever go on. But even that aside, God once said Thou Shall not Kill, in fact, it was one

    of the ten commandments. For the love of God, there are only 10 commandments, it's not that hard toavoid breaking them. Why just yesterday, I was having sex with my neighbors wife while stealing his

    priceless painting of his dead child, and wishing I had his house, when I thought about how important it

    is to keep those commandments holy. After all, those are the only commandments that can lead us to the

    promise land, which I bet will look something like a giant Disney Land, but without all the childrenrunning around, because I think I heard once that all children go to hell. Which makes sense, because

    they are children, and everyone knows that God hates children, they've always been the victims of his

    curses. Hell would probably be the same place, but with really long lines, and tons of children, becausethey all go there. Which sounds better to you? That's right, we all know long lines suck. Now a lot of

    people will probably say, How do we know God exists?. That's a really stupid question, who else could

    have made the ten commandments? And then what about Jesus, he existed, and he was the son of God.Plus, if God didn't create the universe, who created God? As I have clearly proven, God does exist, and

    he would be peeved if we allowed people to abort, so we should not do it.

    The second reason to reject abortion is because all life, as long as that life is not homosexual or

    black, is sacred, and should be treated as such. We cannot allow ourselves to be caught up in such

    thinking as This group of people aren't valuable, because, unless they are homosexual, they ARE

    valuable, and babies deserve that respect also, the heterosexual ones of course. The reasoning behind thispoint is that trying to devalue these babies as not living and unable to feel pain simply doesn't matter,

    after all, how could anything that is heterosexual possibly not matter? You're probably asking yourself

    right now, How can such a handsome and knowledgeable writer possibly know that all heterosexual lifeis worth something? Well, it's because god created all Heterosexual human life in his image, and God is

    perfect. Therefore, all heterosexual life is also perfect, and because they are perfect, they have

    inextricable value, that should never be forgotten. Even in the tornado of despair, the rays ofheterosexuality always shine through, so why should we ever forsake them?