god makes a covenant with abram (genesis 15:1-8) kinder.pdf · 11/1/2020  · god makes a covenant...

KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT November 1, 2020 Hanna Cho (408-318-0078 / [email protected]) Youngran Kim (408-892-8914 / [email protected]) Sangwon Han (669-281-9565 / [email protected]) Jongsuk Leem (408-747-9255 / [email protected]) God Makes a Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15:1-8) Abram trusted God and went to a new land called Canaan to call home. God said, “I will give you all this land and it will belong to your children.” Many years passed, 25 years. Abram and Sarai were getting old. Abram and Sarai still didn’t have children. But Abram waited patiently. God spoke to Abram. “Don’t be afraid, I’m your shield, your great reward.” Abram said, “Oh God, but I don’t have a child to pass it on to.” God said, “Look up at the sky, you’ll have children as many as the stars.” Abram trusted the Lord and knew God is righteous, keeping His promises. Abram was thankful to God for His promise and built an alter to give offerings to God. Abram fell into a deep sleep. God appeared to Abram. God said to Abram, “For 400 years, your children will be enslaved and mistreated. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves.” Abram trusted God throughout his whole life. He obeyed everything God asked him to do. God promised Abram many descendants and all the land in Canaan. In spite of hardships, as long as we trust God, He will take care of us. Let’s remember to trust in God’s plan for us. “Your children will inherit all this land, as far as you can see, and acquire great possessions. They will receive many blessings,” God said. God made a covenant, meaning a promise, with Abram. God changed their names, Sarai to Sarah and Abram to Abraham, which means father of many nations.

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    Hanna Cho (408-318-0078 / [email protected]) Youngran Kim (408-892-8914 / [email protected])

    Sangwon Han (669-281-9565 / [email protected]) Jongsuk Leem (408-747-9255 / [email protected])

    God Makes a Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15:1-8)

    Abram trusted God and went to a new land called Canaan to call home. God said, “I will give you all this land and it will belong to your children.”

    Many years passed, 25 years. Abram and Sarai were getting old. Abram and Sarai still didn’t have children. But Abram waited patiently.

    God spoke to Abram. “Don’t be afraid, I’m your shield, your great reward.” Abram said, “Oh God, but I don’t have a child to pass it on to.”

    God said, “Look up at the sky, you’ll have children as many as the stars.” Abram trusted the Lord and knew God is righteous, keeping His promises.

    Abram was thankful to God for His promise and built an alter to give offerings to God. Abram fell into a deep sleep. God appeared to Abram.

    God said to Abram, “For 400 years, your children will be enslaved and mistreated. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves.”

    Abram trusted God throughout his whole life. He obeyed everything God asked him to do. God promised Abram many descendants and all the land in Canaan.

    In spite of hardships, as long as we trust God, He will take care of us. Let’s remember to trust in God’s plan for us.

    “Your children will inherit all this land, as far as you can see, and acquire great possessions. They will receive many blessings,” God said.

    God made a covenant, meaning a promise, with Abram. God changed their names, Sarai to Sarah and Abram to Abraham, which means father of many nations.

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  • 1. What did Abram want the most? Circle the correct answer.

    a. A lot of land b. A family c. A lot of riches

    2. God said Abram would have children as many as what? Circle the correct answer.

    a. Tress in the forest b. Fish in the sea c. Stars in the sky

    3. What did Abram do to receive the covenant with God? Abram put all his…

  • Abram’s Starry Sky

    Can you count the starts in your craft? Then, can you count the stars in the sky? No one can count the starts in the sky because they are too many. God made a covenant with Abram and promised to give him descendants as many as the stars in the sky.

    God always keeps the promises He makes. Let’s always trust in God’s plan for us even though we may be worried or scared. The reason we can do this is because God’s plan for us is the best plan. Let’s put Abram’s Starry Sky in our room, and look at nightly and thank God and trust in His plan for us.

    1. Attach stars according to the size of the sticker and color along the lines with highlighter.

    Supplies: Dark stars paper, star stickers, glue, highlighter, two pieces of colored paper (origami paper)

    2. Rip the colored paper into tiny pieces and glue the pieces to Abram’s clothing.

    3. Turn off the lights to see Abram’s glowing stars in the sky.