god is closer than you think - part 2 - raewyn gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

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Page 1: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

Page 2: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

Is there’s a gap between what you’re actually experiencing in your relationship with God and

what is possible?

Page 3: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

Page 4: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

It’s Our Choice

Page 5: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and

then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Matthew 13:44 (NIV)

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God is Closer Than You Think

Page 7: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

How do you work with Jesus?

Page 8: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

How do you work with Jesus?

If tomorrow, Jesus were to show up while I’m working, looking just

like me, would things go any differently?

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God is Closer Than You Think

How do you work with Jesus?

Do you work to live or do you live to work?

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God is Closer Than You Think

How do you work with Jesus?

Page 11: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

How do you relax with Jesus

Page 12: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

How do you relax with Jesus

What are some of the activities that you do that God uses to

breathe life into you?

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God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your lifestyle choices?

Page 14: God is Closer Than You Think - Part 2 - Raewyn Gardner

God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your lifestyle choices?

“Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould.”

Romans 12:2

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God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your relationships?

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God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your relationships?

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

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God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your relationships?

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

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God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your relationships?

“Love your enemies – those who’re difficult for you to like. If you love only those who

love you back – where’s the goodness in that? Even the mafia does that much. And if you greet only your brothers, what’re you doing

more than others? Drug dealers do the same thing.”

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God is Closer Than You Think

Is Jesus in your relationships?

“Teach us to number our days a right, so that we may gain a heart

of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

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God is Closer Than You Think

To be with Jesus, To learn from Jesus,

How to become like Jesus. And treasure this day.”