goal setting surabhi computers, wai. life-goal= 0

Goal Setting Surabhi Computers, Wai

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Goal Setting

Surabhi Computers, Wai

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•Where I am going?•Why I am going?•How I am going?

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Page 5: Goal Setting Surabhi Computers, Wai. Life-Goal= 0

Benefits of Goal SettingHigher levels of :

Achievement Self confidence Performance Personal motivation Personal satisfaction with work Happiness throughout life

Creates a can do attitudeMore fulfilling life

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Goal Setting

•Make a list of the goals you would like to accomplish▫____________▫____________▫____________▫____________▫____________▫____________▫____________

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Five Principles of Goal Setting1. Clear

▫ Measurable, ▫ Unambiguous, ▫ Behavioral

2. Challenging ▫ Motivation to achieve▫ Increasing rewards

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Five Principles of Goal Setting

3. Commitment.▫ Buy In

4. Feedback. ▫ Clarify expectations, ▫ Adjust goal difficulty,▫ Benchmark targets▫ Intermediate milestones

5. Task complexity▫ Provide enough time for

practice▫ Sufficient time to meet the

goal▫ Make sure conditions don’t


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Goal Setting Model S



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Goal Setting Model




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Goal Setting Model




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Goal Setting Model




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Goal Setting Model




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Goal Setting Model




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Goal Setting Model



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Time Limits to Goal SettingThis leads us to understand that there are several categories of goals and time limits on

each category. They are:

• An Immediate, or right now, Goal is one that can be achieved in a very short period of time. Examples of immediate goals are what to have for lunch today, what to wear for work, do I stop to get gas on the way to work, etc.

• A Short Term Goal has a life span of 3-6 months. They are such things as: I am going to buy a new cell phone, I am going to get a new gaming console or I am going get an “A” in this class.

• An Intermediate Goal may last from 6-12 months. For example, you need to purchase a new car or are working toward your next promotion.

• A Long Term Goal may last from 1-5 years, and consists of things like saving for the purchase of your first home, getting a college degree, etc.

• A Life Time Goal may begin at an early age and carry a person through their entire adult life, becoming a Doctor, Supreme Court Judge, or President for example.

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Covey’s Time (Task) Management Matrix©

Urgent Not UrgentImportant I

CrisesPressing ProblemsDeadline-DrivenProjects

IIPreventionPlanningRelationship BuildingResearch


IIIInterruptionsEmailPhone CallsMeetings

IVTrivia, Busy WorkTime WastersPleasant Activities

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The Zen of Time Usage

“When You Wash The Dishes, Wash the Dishes.”

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Goal setting is a mental training technique that can be used to increase an individual's commitment towards achieving a personal goal. Having a short or long term goal can encourage an individual to work harder, to be more focused on the task and to overcome setbacks more easily.

Goal setting is a technique pioneered by Dr. Edwin Locke, not in sport but industrial psychology. According to Locke, setting goals effect performance in four ways:

• focuses attention • mobilises effort in proportion to the demands of the task

• enhances persistence • encourages the individual to develop strategies for achieving their goals