go with the flow a new manifold modeling and learning framework for image ensembles richard g....

Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

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Page 1: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Go With The FlowA New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles

Richard G. BaraniukRice University

Page 2: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Aswin Sankaranarayanan Chinmay Hegde Sriram Nagaraj

Go With The FlowA New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles

Richard G. BaraniukRice University

Page 3: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Sensor Data Deluge

Page 4: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Sensor Data Deluge

Page 5: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Sensor Data Deluge

Page 6: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Concise Models

• Efficient processing / compression requires concise representation

• Sparsity of an individual image

pixels largewaveletcoefficients

(blue = 0)

Page 7: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Concise Models

• Efficient processing / compression requires concise representation

• Our interest in this talk: Collections of images

Page 8: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Concise Models

• Our interest in this talk:Collections of images parameterized by q 2 Q

– translations of an object q: x-offset and y-offset

– rotations of a 3D object: q pitch, roll, yaw

– wedgeletsq: orientation and offset

Page 9: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Concise Models

• Our interest in this talk:Collections of images parameterized by q 2 Q

– translations of an object q: x-offset and y-offset

– rotations of a 3D object: q pitch, roll, yaw

– wedgeletsq: orientation and offset

• Image articulation manifold

Page 10: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Image Articulation Manifold• In practice: N-pixel images:

• In theory:

• K-dimensional articulation space

• Thenis a K-dimensional manifoldin the ambient space

• Very concise model

articulation parameter space

Page 11: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Smooth IAMs• In practice: N-pixel images:

• In theory:

• If images are smooththen so is

• Local isometry: image distance parameter space distance

• Linear tangent spacesare close approximationlocally

articulation parameter space

Page 12: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Smooth IAMs• In practice: N-pixel images:

• In theory:

• If images are smooththen so is

• Local isometry: image distance parameter space distance

• Linear tangent spacesare close approximationlocally

articulation parameter space

Page 13: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Ex: Manifold Learning


• K=1rotation

Page 14: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Ex: Manifold Learning

• K=2rotation and scale

Page 15: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Theory/Practice Disconnect: Smoothness

• Practical image manifolds are not smooth!

• If images have sharp edges, then manifold is everywhere non-differentiable [Donoho, Grimes]

Local isometryLocal tangent approximations

Page 16: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Theory/Practice Disconnect: Smoothness

• Practical image manifolds are not smooth!

• If images have sharp edges, then manifold is everywhere non-differentiable [Donoho, Grimes]

Local isometryLocal tangent approximations

Page 17: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Failure of Local Isometry

• Ex: translation manifold

• Local isometry

all blue imagesare equidistantfrom the red image

0 20 40 60 80 1000








Translation in [px]



n di



Page 18: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Failure of Tangent Plane Approx.

• Ex: cross-fading when synthesizing / interpolating images that should lie on manifold

Input Image Input Image

Geodesic Linear path

Page 19: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Image Articulation Manifold

• Linear tangent space at is K-dimensional

– provides a mechanism to transport along manifold

– problem: since manifold is non-differentiable, tangent approximation is poor

• Our goal: replace tangent spacewith new transport operator that respects the nonlinearity of the imaging process

Tangent space at 0I



1 2



Page 20: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Optical Flow Transport• Brightness constancy: Given two images I1 and I2,

we seek a displacement vector field f(x, y) = [u(x, y), v(x, y)] such that


• Linearized brightness constancy (LBC)

)),(),,((),( 12 yxvyyxuxIyxI

),()(),()(),(),( 1112 yxvIyxuIyxIyxI YX

Page 21: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

History of Optical Flow

• Dark ages (<1985): special cases solved– LBC an under-determined set of linear equations

• Horn and Schunk (1985): – Regularization term: smoothness prior on the flow

• Brox et al (2005)– shows that linearization of brightness constancy is

a bad assumption– develops optimization framework to handle BC directly

• Brox et al (2010), Black et al (2010), Liu et al (2010)– practical systems with reliable code

Page 22: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Optical Flow Manifold


1 2


OFM at 0I




• Consider a reference imageand a K-dimensional articulation

• Collect optical flows fromto all images reachable by aK-dimensional articulation

• Provides a mechanism to transport along manifold

Page 23: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Optical Flow Manifold


1 2


OFM at 0I




• Consider a reference imageand a K-dimensional articulation

• Collect optical flows fromto all images reachable by aK-dimensional articulation

• Provides a mechanism to transport along manifold

• Theorem: Collection of OFs is a smooth, K-dimensional manifold(even if IAM is not smooth)[N,S,H,B,2010]

Page 24: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Flow Metric• Replace intensity-based image distance

– root cause of IAM non-differentiability

… with distance along the OF field from I1 to I2

• Enables differential geometric tools– ex: vector fields, curvature, parallel transport, …

curve c

IAMFlow Field Vt

Page 25: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

OFM is Smooth (Translation)

Euclidean distance between image intensities

Flow metric between images(globally linear)

Page 26: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

OFM is Smooth (Rotation)

00 30 60 30 60

-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 800





Articulation in [ ]



-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80-20





Articulation in [ ]




vx i

n pi


Articulation θ in [⁰]



ty I(θ


p. flow


)Euclidean distance between image intensities

Flow metric between images(nearly linear)

Page 27: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

The Story So Far…


1 2


OFM at 0I




flow metric

Euclidean metric

Tangent space at 0I



1 2



Page 28: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Input Image Input Image

Geodesic Linear pathIAM


Page 29: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

OFM Synthesis

Page 30: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

ISOMAP embedding error for OFM and IAM

2D rotations

Reference image

Manifold Learning

Page 31: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Manifold Learning

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6-5










5Two-dimensional Isomap embedding (with neighborhood graph).

Embedding of OFM

2D rotations

Reference image

Page 32: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Data196 images of two bears moving linearlyand independently


TaskFind low-dimensional embedding

OFM Manifold Learning

Page 33: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University


Data196 images of a cup moving on a plane

Task 1Find low-dimensional embedding

Task 2Parameter estimation for new images(tracing an “R”)

OFM ML + Parameter Estimation

Page 34: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

• Point on the manifold such that the sum of geodesic distances to every other point is minimized

• Important concept in nonlinear data modeling, compression, shape analysis [Srivastava et al]

Karcher Mean

10 images from an IAM

ground truth KM OFM KM linear KM

Page 35: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

• Goal: build a generative model for an entire IAM/OFM based on a small number of base images

• El CheapoTM algorithm:– choose a reference image randomly– find all images that can be generated from this image by OF– compute Karcher (geodesic) mean of these images– compute OF from Karcher mean image to other images– repeat on the remaining images until no images remain

• Exact representation when no occlusions

Manifold Charting

Page 36: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Manifold Charting


• Goal: build a generative model for an entire IAM/OFM based on a small number of base images

• Ex: cube rotating about axis

• All cube images can be representing using 4 reference images + OFMs

• Many applications– selection of target

templates for classification– “next-view” selection for

adaptive sensing applications

Page 37: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University


• IAMs a useful concise model for many image processing problems involving image collections and multiple sensors/viewpoints

• But practical IAMs are non-differentiable– IAM-based algorithms have not lived up to their promise

• Optical flow manifolds (OFMs)– smooth even when IAM is not– OFM ~ nonlinear tangent space– support accurate image synthesis, learning, charting, …

• Barely discussed here: OF enables the safe extension of differential geometry concepts– Log/Exp maps, Karcher mean, parallel transport, …

Page 38: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Related Work

• Analytic transport operators– transport operator has group structure [Xiao and Rao 07]

[Culpepper and Olshausen 09] [Miller and Younes 01] [Tuzel et al 08]

– non-linear analytics [Dollar et al 06]

– spatio-temporal manifolds [Li and Chellappa 10]

– shape manifolds [Klassen et al 04]

• Analytic approach limited to a small class of standard image transformations (ex: affine transformations, Lie groups)

• In contrast, OFM approach works reliably with real-world image samples (point clouds) and broader class of transformations

Page 39: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Open Questions

• Our treatment is specific to image manifolds

• What are the natural transport operators for other data manifolds?


Page 40: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University
Page 41: Go With The Flow A New Manifold Modeling and Learning Framework for Image Ensembles Richard G. Baraniuk Rice University

Open Questions

• Theorem: random measurements stably embed aK-dim manifoldwhp [B, Wakin, FOCM ’08]

• Q: Is there an analogousresult for OFMs?