go ld w ing ro ad maryland/delaware newsletter r i...

GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION MARYLAND/DELAWARE DISTRICT STAFF DIRECTORS BRUCE HILL & REGINA SMITH (MD-B) EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] ASST DISTRICT DIRECTORS Kenneth&Deidre Trass(MD-B) [email protected] Danny&Paulette Horton (MD-L) candyorange18@gmail,com EDUCATORS Al General & Jackie Bond (MD-J) Email: [email protected] ASSISTANT EDUCATOR Jeff McCarter [email protected] TREASURER Terry Gardner (MD-J) [email protected] COUPLE OF YEAR COORDINATOR LOGISTICS COORDINATOR Lillian Cruz (MD-B) [email protected] UNIVERSITY COORDINATORS Bob & Julie A’Hearn (MD-I) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORD. Keith & Wanda Johnson (MD-I ) [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Cathy Kelley (MD-H) [email protected] MOTORIST AWARENESS COORD. Bill Little (MD-I) [email protected] VISITATION COORDINATOR Sue Miller (MD-H) l[email protected] WEBMASTER Terry Gardner (MD-J) [email protected] EVENTS COORDINATOR Allen & Gwen Willingham (MD-J) [email protected] AMBASSADORS Hampton & Sharon Conway (MD-B) [email protected] TRAVEL COORDINATOR Steve Kelley (MD-H) [email protected] BIKE & AUTO TAG COORDINATOR WINTERTHING COORDINATOR Ray Hartman (MD-I) [email protected] District Directors, Bruce Hill & Regina Smith Hopefully everyone had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday. This is a very special time of the year for the young kids and us older kids alike. They have predicted some pretty heavy snow fall this winter, (so sayeth the weather folk) so stay mindful of your elderly friends and family and also the sick and shut-in so that you will regularly check in on them. We also ask that you keep in your thoughts and prayers with those who may be experiencing difficult times or just less fortunate than you, for whatever reason. Also include our service members and their families who will be in some far away land, absent from their families and loved ones during this holiday season. Don’t forget how truly blessed we are regardless of our situations. We also ask that you keep in your thoughts and prayers with those who may be experiencing difficult times or just less fortunate than you, for whatever reason. Also include our service members and their families who will be in some far away land, absent from their families and loved ones during this holiday season. Don’t forget how truly blessed we are regardless of our situations. It’s getting cold now, the leaves have finally turned and started falling and some of you are looking for the moth balls, blocks and battery tenders, as you put your child down for a long winter’s nap. Another riding season starts to whine down for some and even come to a close for others. As your Chapter complete your Ride/Social Schedules for 2019 think about some of the wonderful rides we went on and the fun we had doing it. The places we visited and the things we did while we were there and the new friends we made. Where has this year gone? I have heard that as you get older time flies, but good grief, things need to slow down, I need to clip times wings. How about you? Have you already finalized all your Christmas plans and completed your shopping list? When you think about it there really isn’t much time left for planning. WINTERTHING 2019 It’s not too late to join us in Ocean City, MD. I hope you will be able to participate in WinterThing, January 3, 4, and 5. The theme is Star Trek Meets Star Wars. Come join us as we boldly go where no fun, safety or knowledge has ever gone before. As I have pointed out before this is a good opportunity to recertify your rider education “KNOWLEDGE” and “SAFETY” requirements for the 2019 riding season (Co-Rider Seminar, CPR/1 st Aid, etc.). Remember Chapters have responsibilities for the Hospitality Room and others. Check with your Chapter Directors and find out what those responsibilities are. Gold Wing Road Riders Association Maryland/Delaware Newsletter December 2018

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Page 1: GO LD W ING RO AD Maryland/Delaware Newsletter R I ...gwrra-md-de.org/news/2018/Dec18News.pdf(cont’d) That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable




V V O L U M E 3 7 , I S S U E 1 4



B R U C E H I L L & R E G I N A S M I T H

( M D - B ) E M A I L :

B R U C E . H I L L 8@ V E R I Z O N .N E T

R E G G I E S M I TH 0@ GM A I L . C O M


K e n n e t h & D e i d r e T r a s s ( MD - B )

t r a s s 5 g w @ c o m c a s t . n e t

D a n n y & P a u l e t t e H o r t o n ( M D - L )

c a n d y o r a n g e 1 8@ g m a i l , c o m


Al General & Jackie Bond (MD-J)

Email: [email protected]


Jeff McCarter

[email protected]


Terry Gardner (MD-J)


Bob & Julie A’Hearn (MD-I)


Keith & Wanda Johnson (MD-I )

[email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR

Cathy Kelley (MD-H)


Bill Little (MD-I)

[email protected]


Sue Miller (MD-H)

[email protected]


Terry Gardner (MD-J)

[email protected]

EVENTS COORDINATOR Allen & Gwen Willingham (MD-J) [email protected] AMBASSADORS Hampton & Sharon Conway (MD-B) [email protected]


Steve Kelley (MD-H)

[email protected]



Ray Hartman (MD-I)

[email protected]

District Directors, Bruce Hill & Regina Smith

Hopefully everyone had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving Holiday. This is a very special time of the year for the young kids and us older kids alike. They have predicted some pretty heavy snow fall this winter, (so sayeth the weather folk) so stay mindful of your elderly friends and family and also the sick and shut-in so that you will regularly check in on them.

We also ask that you keep in your thoughts and prayers with those who may be experiencing difficult times or just less fortunate than you, for whatever reason. Also include our service members and their families who will be in some far away land, absent from their families and loved ones during this holiday season. Don’t forget how truly blessed we are regardless of our situations. We also ask that you keep in your thoughts and prayers with those who may be experiencing difficult times or just less fortunate than you, for whatever reason. Also include our service members and their families who will be in some far away land, absent from their families and loved ones during this holiday season. Don’t forget how truly blessed we are regardless of our situations.

It’s getting cold now, the leaves have finally turned and started falling and some of you are looking for the moth balls, blocks and battery tenders, as you put your child down for a long winter’s nap. Another riding season starts to whine down for some and even come to a close for others. As your Chapter complete your Ride/Social Schedules for 2019 think about some of the wonderful rides we went on and the fun we had doing it. The places we visited and the things we did while we were there and the new friends we made.

Where has this year gone? I have heard that as you get older time flies, but good grief, things need to slow down, I need to clip times wings. How about you? Have you already finalized all your Christmas plans and completed your shopping list? When you think about it there really isn’t much time left for planning.


It’s not too late to join us in Ocean City, MD. I hope you will be able to participate in WinterThing, January 3, 4, and 5. The theme is Star Trek Meets Star Wars. Come join us as we boldly go where no fun, safety or knowledge has ever gone before. As I have pointed out before this is a good opportunity to recertify your rider education “KNOWLEDGE” and “SAFETY” requirements for the 2019 riding season (Co-Rider Seminar, CPR/1st Aid, etc.). Remember Chapters have responsibilities for the Hospitality Room and others. Check with your

Chapter Directors and find out what those responsibilities are.

Gold Wing Road Riders Association

Maryland/Delaware Newsletter December 2018

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That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable food items and dry goods to support our food bank effects at WinterThing 2019, as we do each year. The Food Bank is very appreciative of our donations because this time of year can be very hard on many families. If you can’t stay for the whole time, hopefully you can come for a day or two and take in some recertification classes and join in on the “FUN.” —> Some members have decided to go to Ocean City to celebrate the New Year a couple days before WinterThing. The hotel is offering special rates if you are interested.

Listed below are dates of importance that are coming up rather quickly that you need to keep in mind and react to:

December 21 – Discounted Hotel prices for WinterThing ends. December 15 – Deadline for mailing WinterThing registration. (After Dec 15, you must bring it with you to WinterThing.)

January 3-5 - WinterThing 2019 Ocean City, MD January 6 - First District Meeting for 2019, Sunday morning, 8:30am after WinterThing.

As your Chapter completes your Ride/Social Schedules for 2019 please send either a copy of your schedule or a link to your 2019 schedule to Terry Gardner for posting on the district web site. Also, please ensure you send Terry a clean crisp copy of your flyers and registration forms (or electronic copy) for your events so they can be posted to the District Website as well. And please do so as soon as they are available.

Some of us ride all year and even though some of us consider this to be off season. I just wanted remind you that motorcycle safety is the responsibility of all of us. So let’s not drop our guard and when the others come out of moth balls and hibernation, we’ll be able to ride and welcome them.

The first District Meeting for 2019 will be held in Ocean City at 8:30am Sunday, January 11, following WinterThing. Again, please mark your calendar. One final note. If you are stepping down from you current staff position at the District level or Chapter level and you haven’t already done so, please let the respective Directors know as soon as possible. There is paperwork to be done. We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope the holiday season brings you great happiness, good health, and safety.

And putting his finger along side of his nose, he clicked the mouse and off this article goes!

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The Most Wonderful Time

of the Year……

YES!, I can only hope all of you have had the most enjoyable and memorable

Thanksgiving ever. As many of you know I had my left knee replaced the 29th of

October (no I did not dress as a ” one-legged wounded nightmare” for Halloween.)

Surgery went well and recovery is sore but good. Veterans Day was my yearly treat to

free food and it was an honor to share it with Ken Groves and John Graham, both

Marine Corps vets. Thanksgiving was spent with our family and friends at our son’s

home in Belair Md. Spanky gave his thanks to our chapter by giving us a free

Thanksgiving dinner at the Federalsburg Fire Dept. Paulette and I plan to visit MD-I

and MD-H Christmas parties and expect to have a great time.

Now we move towards Christmas and the challenges of what to get for each

individual to make them happy. Our family has expanded to Great Grand Children and

with that expansion comes the added expense of new spouses also. With a family of

five we have grown to a family of twenty-one. Just think of all the new experiences

we could have if our chapters grew like that.

A new year starts with Winterthing and it is shaping up to be a great one. Some

new classes such as SIG (special interest group) will explain the advantages of Ham

radios, RV lifestyle, A penny for your thoughts, distracted driving, just add spice to

socials and the SMART Simulator will return for added learning and fun. CPR/First

Aid Certification to keep up your levels program keeping you current which is always a

much-needed class and fills quickly.

Paulette and I will become your new District Directors, Kenneth & Deidre Trass

will be our Assistant Directors and we are so looking forward to working with them to

bring new excitement and fun to our district. Wishing all of our families the Greatest

of all Holidays, be kind to each other, spread the word of our Motorcycle passion and

above all please do not forget the reason for the season. Happy Birthday Jesus.

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Kenneth & Deidre Trass

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and a Rip Roaring Riding Away New Year!! In the season of giving don’t forget to give to those less fortunate. I

know it’s something we should do all year round but let us make a special effort to bring cheer to another person.

I would like to share with you the basic concept of our Chapter Riding Award Program. I have for you a general concept with some detail but I have

not worked out all of the administrative requirements. The basic concept is that we want those chapters who have taken on the idea of the “Ride”

and not the “Gathering” as our basic theme. If the chapter executes a ride they should receive points. Looking through my notes from the Oct

district Meeting, I gleamed the following areas of that should be emphasized in formulating the program:

A ride was held: This is the most important fact, the question I am dealing with here is what will constitute a ride and how should it be

documented. I am proposing to use something similar to what was done for the Chapter of the Year process. The ride must be posted on

the chapter ride schedule. The definition should include the number of bikes and some minimum distance rode.

Number of motorcycles participating: Please note it is the number of bikes not people. There will be a minimum numbers of motorcycles to be a

group ride.

Miles traveled on the ride: There will be some minimum distance required to be considered a group ride.

The draft concept of the MD/DE District Ride for Fun Award Program.

A “ride” will be defined as a group of 3 of more motorcycles gathering at a designated starting point and riding to a designated end point. The ride

must be listed on the chapter ride schedule. The ride may be added during the year.

The ride will be a minimum of 35 miles in length. This distance is not by how the crow flies but the route used by the ride leader. For example:

riding directly from Bowie, MD to downtown Philadelphia is 125 miles but the ride was scenic route which was 180 miles. You would record 180 miles.

(This is where I am depending on the honor of members to report truthfully)


Base points: Executing and properly document a ride – 100 points

Bonus points:

1. Up to 50 points for the number of bikes versus miles driven, scored by the following table:

2. Article about the ride published in the district newsletter – 20 points

This is my basic concept for the program. There are several details to fill in which I plan to have to you by the 15th of Dec so look for the

update. Please feel free to ask me any questions or feedback of this concept at [email protected] or give me a call.

If you are still riding and would like to participate in a Polar Bear Ride, I invite you to join MD-B for our annual ride 1 January. Details will be posted

to our website as soon as the route is finalized. We usually plan to leave mid-morning for a lunch destination.

We wish all of you a wonderful & safe Holiday Season, See you at WinterThing

Kenneth & Deidre

Miles Driven





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Rider Education

By Jeff McCarter, Assistant District Rider Educator


Gloves are perhaps the second most important piece of protective gear we can wear after our helmet. If we injure our hands, many simple daily tasks become difficult or impossible.

Falls are unpredictable, even stopped you can suddenly find yourself going down when you least expect it, and the reaction to place your hands out to protect yourself when a fall occurs can’t be stopped. So protect your hands. Gloves have a second function, they increase your ability to grip the controls with less effort, so you can control your ride easier. A third purpose for gloves is comfort. This function is important, poor gloves can cause muscle strain, contributing to rider fatigue.

Gloves don’t come with safety ratings like a helmet, so you must evaluate them yourself. Here are some items to look for when purchasing a pair of gloves:

Material: Leather is preferred for the palms year-round by most people, and the entire glove in cooler seasons. Leather provides excellent protection, absorbs moisture and good friction on the controls. Deerskin leather is different than cowhide, try it, many people love it. In the summer a tough vented top of the hand material is a must, to cool your hands. Some people prefer a hard material over the knuckles in case of a spill. Some extra protection material is nice in the base of the palm, in case of a fall, but if this material is added wrong or in too much quantity it become difficult to bend the fingers around the grips.

Stitching: Examine the stitching for quality. The best riding gloves are sewn together so the fingers and palm have no bunching when the fingers and palm are bent around the grip. When you try them on, look for comfort with your hand curled like gripping your hand grips. You don’t want gloves that will cause you to use more hand muscles to ride, especially on a long trip.

Wrist fastener: A fastener around the smallest part of the wrist, there are Velcro buckles or snaps used to do this. If you are going for a slide on the asphalt you want that glove to stay on, even if the asphalt wants to pull it off.

Water resistance: There are three ways to handle wet weather. Put a waterproof glove over your regular gloves (dish washing glove for instance), let your hands get wet, or choose something with a material like Gore-Tex, a breathable and waterproof material. Remember in wet weather risk go up, when choosing you wet weather solution try to maintain or increase protection and visibility.

Extra: For the high-tech rider, touchscreen fingertip(s). This allows you to keep your gloves on while you work your cell phone or GPS (not while riding of course).

Sizing: I don’t recommend buying gloves online unless you can return them easily, because sizes vary. I have fit different gloves from an XL to a Medium. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find a large selection to choose from in a brick and mortar store. I like to look at gloves almost any time I see them for sale, because getting everything just right is rare. Leather gloves that fit very snug when purchased, will stretch with time so purchase a snug pair. Get the finger length right, and curl your hand. You may love the gloves when trying them on then hate them when you have to wrap your fingers around your hand grips, keep this in mind.

Color: High Visibility gloves are available and add safety. If you can find a pair with reflective material all the better.

Heated gloves are great if you can afford a pair. Cramping cold fingers don’t work well to control your ride and just are not fun. My first pair were so thick in the palms I couldn’t work the controls well, I was back to get a pair of gloves I could bend the fingers easier and just turn the heat up higher. I must admit, below 32 degrees, I max out the thinner electric gloves’ capability and the older thick pair come out so still no single solution for me.

One trick is if leather gloves are getting loose, soak them in hot water (rubbing alcohol added helps) and let them dry, they will shrink. Repeat if necessary. Treat them with leather protectant afterwards.

I have heard from riders telling their stories about their slides resulting in hand road rash. Your fingertips are covered in nerves giving you the sense of touch. These riders went for a slide, losing the skin on their inner fingertips. The result was they lost the dexterity to perform tasks with their hands, dulled or no sense of touch. Something as simple as holding onto a cup can be difficult, dropping things all the time can result. Get good gloves!

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District University Coordinators

Bob & Julie A’Hearn

Merry Christmas!!

This month the riding days are limited, and the daylight hours are shorter. The mesh air through gear is put away and the warmer jackets with the heated gear makes an appearance.

It’s time to spend some quality time with family and friends during this holiday period, with thoughts of warmer weather and making plans for the next riding season.

Enjoy your Christmas and plan to join us for the MD-DE District Rally “WinterThing” in Ocean City January 3

rd to the 5


If you have no plans for New Year’s, come join us at the Clarion for the celebrations. Looks like the hotel will have two bands playing to usher in 2019.

MD-DE District University Coordinator Updates:

We’ve been busy working the schedule for Winter Thing. The “Proposed” WinterThing Schedule will be included in this month’s newsletter. It’s also subject to change as we get closer to the event.

All University Instructors (UI’s) and University Trainers (UT’s) have been sent class

confirmation e-mails. The Modules and Seminars will be sent out soon for their use during WinterThing.

The classrooms will be set up with Projectors, Screens for Instructor / Trainers, and GWRRA University Class/Seminar Rosters (U.3 Forms). All you need to bring with you will be your Laptops, and whatever class materials you need to teach / facilitate the class.

After the class, the GWRRA University Class/Seminar Rosters (U.3 forms) will be turned into

Julie or myself for electronic entry and forwarded to National for database update.

Julie and I will be available in case any issues arise. Most issues usually involve connections to the projectors and are easily solved.

If we’re not teaching or monitoring a class, we can usually be found in the registration area,

or just call our cellphones, or text us. More details to follow next month.

Robert & Julie A’Hearn

MD-DE District University Coordinators

MD-I Assistant Chapter Directors

MD-I Membership Enhancement Coordinators

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2019 Proposed MD-DE WinterThing Schedule

Time Activity Responsible Chapter / Instructor Room

Thursday - January 3, 2019

11:00 Set Up District Staff Lobby

3:00 - 5:00 Early Registration District Staff Lobby

7:00 - 9:00 Rider Insurance Ice Cream Social Chapter L / Chapter B Room 311, 317

Friday - January 4, 2019

All Day 50/50 Sales Lobby / Theme Dance

8:00 - 4:00 Registration Chapter I Lobby

8:00 - 4:00 Crofton Power Sports Hospitality Room District Staff and CD's Hospitality Room 318

8:00 - 4:00 Rider Ed Booth District Educators Lobby

8:00 - 4:00 SMART Simulator MVA Phil Sause Conference Room 4

8:00 - 9:00 Co-Rider Seminar (Ride 101-02) Robert & Julie A'Hearn Conference Room 1

9:00 - 10:30 Couple of the Year Meet & Greet - All COYs Lilllian Cruz Conference Room 2,3

9:30 - 10:30 Riding Mountains, Hills, and Curves (Ride 104-02) Al General Room 311

10:30 - 12:00 Recruitment, More Members (Live 301-02) Darryl Fielder Conference Room 1

11:00 - 12:00 Ham Radios & RVs Danny Horton Conference Room 2 & 3

1:00 - 2:30 Sakura Steak House Chapter H Crystal Ballroom

1:00 - 2:30

Distracted Drivers,Dangerous Epidemic (Ride 103-01) Ken Trass Room 311

1:00 - 2:30 Managing Change, Cha-Cha-Change (Lead 201- Robert & Julie A'Hearn Conference Room 1

1:00 - 2:30 A Penny for Your Thoughts (Live 301-03) Jeff McCarter Conference Room 2 & 3

3:00 - 4:00 Line Dancing Instruction Ken & Lois Ingram Crystal Ballroom

3:00 - 4:00 Motorcycle Crash Scene Response (Ride 101-05) Ray Hartman Room 311

3:00 - 4:30

We're Doing What? Plan Chapter Event (Lead 204-02) Sidney Spunt Conference Room 1

3:00 - 4:30

Just Add Spice - adding FUN to Socials (Live 303-01) Danny Horton Conference Room 2 & 3

7:00 - 10:30 Atlantic Cycle & Power Theme Dance Crystal Ballroom

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Saturday - January 5, 2019

All Day 50/50 Sales Lobby / Awards Banquet

8:00 - 3:30 Registration Chapter J Lobby

8:00 - 4:00 Crofton Power Sports Hospitality Room District Staff and CD's Hospitality Room 318

8:00 - 4:00 Rider Ed Booth District Educators Lobby

8:00 - 4:00 SMART Simulator MVA Phil Sause Conference Room 4

8:00 - 12:00 CPR / First Aid Certification Ken Trass / Julie A'Hearn Conference Room 2, 3

9:00 - 10:30 Burr, it's Cold, Riding in the Cold (Ride 104-01) Darryl Fielder Room 311

9:00 - 10:30 Newsletters (Lead 201-06) Sidney Spunt Conference Room 1

10:00 - 1400 Swap Meet - $10 a table Staff Conference Room 4

11:00 - 12:00 Trailering Seminar (Ride 104-03) Ray Hartman Room 311

11:00 - 12:30 Take a Peek, Horizon Overview (Live 302-04) Robert A'Hearn Conference Room 1

12:30 - 1:30 Level 4 Luncheon - all level 4 Riders Al General / Jeff McCarter Crystal Ballroom

1:30 - 2:00 Luncheon Cleanup Crystal Ballroom

2:00 - 3:00 Co-Rider Seminar (Ride 101-02) Robert & Julie A'Hearn Conference Room 1

2:00 - 3:30 Journaling Using Photos to Tell a Story Al General / Jackie Bond Room 311

2:00 - 4:00 Goldwing Maintenance Paul Zublionis Conference Room 2 & 3

2:00 - 3:30 Board Games (available) Chapter F Conference Room 4

2:30 - 4:00 Sakura Steak House Bingo Chapter H Crystal Ballroom

4:00 - 5:00 Twigg Cycles Matchbox Raceway Chapter I Conference Room 4

6:00 - 8:30 Chrome World Awards Banquet Crystal Ballroom

9:00 - 12:00 After Banquet Party Hospitality Room 318

Sunday - January 6, 2019

8:30 - 10:00 District Staff Meeting District Staff and Chapter Directors Conference Rooms 2,3

Lead: Lead Like You Ride - Leadership Ride: Rider Education Revision 11/27/2018

Live: Live Like You Ride - Membership Enhancement Train: Train Like You Ride Schedule Subject to Change

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Notes from Anita & JR Alkire President of GWRRA

623-445-2380 [email protected]

I want to start this issue with a huge THANK YOU! It is the month of Thanksgiving and a time that we can focus on saying thank you to our

Officers and volunteers in GWRRA. A time to appreciate our Members. As you plan for the activities through the end of the year, take some

time to say thanks.

I want to especially say THANK YOU to the Districts and all your volunteers that made Wing Ding 40 a huge success. This was the first Wing

Ding that we went directly to the Districts for help and you didn’t let us down. A HUGE THANK YOU to Tom and Renee Wasluck for putting

the schedule together and then delivering the volunteer pins to each volunteer. You two are amazing!

We are in the last quarter of the year and for many of you bikes/trikes are being put away. I urge you to think of some fun and create ways to

still recruit and reach out to those Members on the ARL to keep them engaged with GWRRA. This is a tough time of year and I know many of

you have some amazingly inventive ideas that should be shared. Please go to the GW District Directors FaceBook page and post your ideas. If

you have not yet joined, go to it and ask for an add and we’ll include you.

New GWRRA Officer Handbook is out. It is a non-formatted version at this point, but we wanted you to have the information. The

final edits and formatting are being done and will be published in a similar format to past Handbooks. Thanks all for your patience!

New Events Page on www.gwrra.org. Did you get your login and password District Directors? This is a fantastic resource for

Members looking for rallies, training, or rides in your area. Please put your events up. You may designate someone to do this and share

the login and password with them.

More answers from the Director Forums at Wing Ding 40

Can a Non-Gold Wing owner be a Chapter or District Director? Fir st and foremost we are looking for good leaders. We are founded as

a Gold Wing Association and would love for our Officers to ride the motorcycle that we were formed around, but leaders ride many rides and

we must be mindful of that. No Member should be overlooked if they have the passion and desire to be a leader of the Chapter or District. It

will always be at the discretion of the Appointing Officer and Team as to who that next leader is, but it must be a decision that is best for the

Membership they represent.

How do you change the atmosphere when a Chapter Director or District Director leaves a bad feeling among its Members and the

Members no longer trust GWRRA? Fir st, call upon your Appointing Officer for help. Identify what you believe the issues are, but

don’t take ownership yet. They may not be the real issues. Then the Members should be called by the leadership, either the new leadership or

leadership a level up, to listen to issues that each Member has. When a group is asked, you will only hear from the outspoken and often will not

hear all or possibly the real issues. In Lead Like You Ride there are three fantastic ways to get to the bottom of the issues, but remember that

any issue is like an onion. There are many layers and the truth is at the core. Ask lots of questions and then listen carefully. Ask for their help

to resolve the issue. Come up with a plan and then work it. Remember that you have support all around you and you just have to ask for

guidance and then engage those who are ready to help.

Should there be a Treasurer’s report at District or Chapter level and if so when and where? So we are talking about the same thing, an

annual Financial Statement happens at the end of the calendar year and is usually completed in January of each year. As for a Treasurer’s

report, this can be included monthly at the Chapter Business Meeting, sometimes called Staff Meeting. It should NEVER be done at a Chapter

Gathering. A Chapter should have enough funds to operate on and the guide for finances is in the Officer Handbook.

A District Treasurer’s report would be done at the District Officer Business Meeting with the District Team. Again, the District should have

enough funds to operate on.

In both cases, if a Member requests to see the financials of the Chapter or District they may make an appointment with the Treasurer and

Director, at their convenience, to answer the questions of the Member.

Chapter has a Chapter Patch done but it was not approved. Should anything be done about it? Fir st, make cer tain that a previous

District Director did not approve the patch. Refer to the new handbook for the criteria of a Chapter Patch. The key is it can never be larger than

4” and is usually worn on the front chest. It must have GWRRA, or full wording, included and the Chapter identification. If it was not done,

then a District Director should be proactive and approve the patch. If it requires change to comply with GWRRA Guidelines, the Chapter

should immediately comply and stop using the incorrect patch.

We’re holding events, rally, training, rides, and attendance has decreased. How do we get Members to participate? This is an ongoing

concern from all levels of GWRRA. There are many reasons that can have nothing to do with the Association or the events. Life outside of

GWRRA continually shifts and can take away from the time Members used to devote to GWRRA activities.

Reaching out to the Members to find out what they want from the Chapter or District is always a good way to get them engaged in helping to

resolve the issue. Many times we do things we hear from a smaller group and it’s what they might want, but it doesn’t reflect the majority.

Phone calls are the best way to start working on this issue. Surveys can also work but know that a 2% - 8% return is about usual for surveys and

that may not get you enough input to create a solution path. Put a task force together of Members who have a good phone presence and are

good listeners. Create a script of questions and remember you want open ended questions to encourage discussion. Then have them make the

calls and put together their findings. Get the Task Force together, a video call would be great for this, and listen carefully to the findings. From

that, create your activities. In most cases, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results won’t work for you, so don’t be

afraid to experiment and try something new and crazy and then monitor your results. At each of these events, put out a short questionnaire and

ask their thoughts about the event, what would they change, would they come back again, and then revamp to find that winning event.

Remember as well, location, location, location. This can be a major factor in the success of an event. Members want to go somewhere they

haven’t been before, where they can ride and see the area, can shop in new places, eat at new restaurants, and create new and fun adventures and

memories with their fellow Members.

Page 10: GO LD W ING RO AD Maryland/Delaware Newsletter R I ...gwrra-md-de.org/news/2018/Dec18News.pdf(cont’d) That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable

Complete information can be found at MD/DE District website http://www.gwrra-md-district.org/

Page 11: GO LD W ING RO AD Maryland/Delaware Newsletter R I ...gwrra-md-de.org/news/2018/Dec18News.pdf(cont’d) That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable

Complete information can be found at MD/DE District website http://www.gwrra-md-district.org/

Page 12: GO LD W ING RO AD Maryland/Delaware Newsletter R I ...gwrra-md-de.org/news/2018/Dec18News.pdf(cont’d) That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable
Page 13: GO LD W ING RO AD Maryland/Delaware Newsletter R I ...gwrra-md-de.org/news/2018/Dec18News.pdf(cont’d) That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable


2003 Ford Thunderbird

Maryland State Inspected and Ready to Roll VIN: 1FAHP60A23Y100879 Mileage: 81700 Warranty: Does NOT have an existing warranty

Vehicle Title: Maryland—Clear Engine: 3.9L V8 Gasoline 282 H.P. Transmission: Automatic with Manual Shift Option

Interior Color: Black w/Red Inserts/Trim Exterior Color: Torch Red Body Type: Power Convertible w/

OPT. Red Hardtop

Sub Model: Two Door - Premium For Sale by: Owner Present Location: Bel Air, MD—Delivery available

OPTIONS: 17” 7 Spoke Chrome Wheels— Anti-Spin Brakes— AM/FM Stereo w/6-CD Changer— Audiophile 9 Speaker Sound System— Heated Seats—Engine Oil Cooler—Thunderbird Branded Floor Mats— Perimeter Anti-Theft—Supplemental Fog Lights—Daytime Running Lights - About 8000 miles on tires.

I’m the second owner and I have always kept it in the garage. It has seen no snow and very little rain. It is clean inside and out.

—> Price Reduced—$12,900


Steve Kelley



Page 14: GO LD W ING RO AD Maryland/Delaware Newsletter R I ...gwrra-md-de.org/news/2018/Dec18News.pdf(cont’d) That being said, here is an important reminder: We ask that you bring non-perishable