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ELECTIONS 2014-2015  

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ELECTIONS 2014-2015


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ELECTIONS 2014-2015 

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ELECTIONS 2014-2015


1. Explain briefly (in 250 words or less) the reason behind your intention for running,your accomplishments that make you eligible, and the key elements of yourplatform.


I may be a freshman, but during my first year of participation in ACTM, I have seen the

strengths and the weaknesses of this organization, not only in the Human ResourcesDepartment, but in ACTM as a whole. As a freshman, I was given the opportunity tobecome an HR Deputy. Having the experience of being one has given me ampleknowledge to make the changes that will bring ACTM to greater horizons. Thisknowledge did not only motivate me, but it also inspired me to step up in order to runfor this position. That knowledge has rooted from the strengths and weaknesses I haveseen in this organization. I have identified the specific problems this organization has,which are the lack of membership involvement and development. These problemswould be solved through my long term plans and diverse proposals which are all in linewith the 3 Rs: Rebuild, Restructure, and Retain.


2. If there is one word to sum up your experience with the organization, what is it andwhy? Rate the dedication you have given to ACTM from 1 to 5, with 1 being thehighest, and give your reason behind the rating.


If there is one word to sum up my experience in ACTM it would be the word infinite.ACTM gave me infinite opportunities to learn more in terms of leadership and growth.These learning experiences did not only motivate me to give more, but it alsoinfluenced me to step up. I would rate my dedication in ACTM a 1 because I do believethat I have been a constant presence in ACTM. I always go the extra mile just to helpand share my experiences and knowledge in this wonderful organization. I always trymy best to help and lead in the various projects that ACTM embarked on. Having thismindset is what pushes me to do more and to give more for the betterment of the

whole organization. 

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3. If you were a brand, what brand would you be? Why? 

If I were a brand, I would be Coca-Cola. Its advertising slogan is “Open Happiness.” Ilove to share my happy attitude to the people around me so that they will be able toenjoy the things that they do. Sharing my happiness to the people around would not

only influence other people to share their happiness, but it would also create a happyenvironment.


4. What is your clear, consistent, and compelling message to the ACTM Assembly? 

My message to the ACTM Assembly is that we should think long term—think long termbecause we should not only prepare the organization for the incoming year, but itshould be prepared for all the years to come. Thinking long term would not only affectthe current members of the organization, but it also has a huge impact for futuremembers as well. It is something that the future members could build upon, to maketheir time in the organization more meaningful and sustainable.

1. Overall Plan for the Organization: What direction do you think the organization, asa whole, should go?


I believe that ACTM as a whole should focus on its membership base—theirinvolvement and continued development.

I want to rebuild ACTM’s membership base. We need to rebuild the trust of the ACTMmembers that this organization is not just any other regular organization out there, but

this is a home organization. Some people feel that they do not belong in theorganization. I want to bring these people home, to bring them back to where they aresupposed to be. ACTM needs to foster the family aspect more, and reach out to all ofits members that it could offer something new and great for them.


ACTM needs to open more opportunities to its members so that they will have morechances to become active and they will be able to help organize the events that ACTMoffers, rather than just giving them clerical jobs during events. These opportunities willnot only hone their skills and capabilities, but it would also be an avenue for ACTMmembers to bond and get to know each other a lot better.


ACTM should help develop its members in terms of their leadership potentials andinform them on what ACTM has to offer. Membership training would be very muchfeasible for ACTM because it would definitely enhance the members’ knowledge andskill in terms of their department and the whole of ACTM as well.


2. Plan for the Department: What is your plan for the department you are running for?How will your department be aligned with your overall plan for the organization?


(For aspiring Presidents and Executive Vice Presidents, explain how you believeeach department can be aligned with your overall plan for the organization.)


Basically, my main plan for the Human Resources Department is to help increase

membership involvement and strengthen membership development. I want thedepartment to be able to entice more ACTM members to be active and encouragemore CTM Majors to join ACTM through the different programs that I will propose. This

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department would not only mobilize the freshmen, but also create a cascading effecton all of the ACTM members, including the upperclassmen to be more active in theorganization.

Through the various programs I have proposed for the Human Resources

Department , the membership base of the organization would increase, thus providingthe other departments within the organization more manpower and participation.Having more manpower would definitely help the organization as a whole becausethere will be more people who will be working and there will more creative minds thatwill join together in the projects that will help members and enthusiasts alike.


I also believe that this plan is very much aligned with the plan of the wholeorganization because this department is basically in charge of increasing themembership base, as well as handle the wellness of the members through the variousprograms that I propose, which will be elaborated in the next question. Knowing thatthis is the nature of the job in the Human Resources Department, I bravely take on thechallenge of increasing the membership base of ACTM and ensuring that the welfare

of current members are also being looked after. These project proposals are outlinedin the next question.


3. Specific Strategies:  What specific strategies do you propose to implement youroverall plan?


First, I would like to change the structure of the Human Resources department intothis:


Why did I change it to this structure? 

Two of current AVP positions, which are the AVP for Technical Management and theAVP for Deputy Management could honestly be combined. Being an HR Deputy Inoticed that the current AVP for Deputy Management is also doing the job of the AVPfor Technial Management and vice versa. Merging these two positions in to one woulddefinitely be more feasible because it would avoid miscommunication andmisunderstanding between the two AVPs.


One of the two new AVP positions which is the AVP for Logistics Management isbasically the the merged version of the AVP for Technical Management and AVP for

Deputy Management. This new AVP will be handling the logistical concerns of the





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whole organization, there will be HR Deputies under him. He/ She will train, deploy,and assist the deputies before, during and after the project.


HR Deputies Training and HR Deputies Starter Kit 

As an HR Deputy, I really see the importance of the department trainings. Thesedepartment trainings are there to ensure that the deputies are knowledgable about thethings that they ought to do in their assigned projects. These trainings do not onlyserve as an event wherein the deputies would listen to talks about the HR work, but itwould also serve as an event wherein the deputies get bond and know more abouteach other.

Being an HR Deputy that has been deployed in a lot of projects, I do notice that thereare still a lot of HR Deputies that are clueless with things that they need to do. I believethat there should be a program where in the deputies would gain more knowledgeabout their job.

I propose that their should be at least 2 training session per semester, so that thedeputies would be able grasp more about the things that they need to do. Thesetraining sessions would be composed of reservation trainings and logisticsmanagement.

The starter kit is basically folder composed of the different documents that the HRDeputies need to familiarize themselves with. These documents would be the HRDeputy Manual, Long Form, Short Form, Letter Format, and the FSQA Forms. I dohave my own soft copy of these documents, having these soft copies would definitelyboost the reservation process and at the same time it will make the work moreefficient.


Talent Pool 

As an ACTeaM member, I see the relevance of the talent pool. The talent poolrepresents the organization in various events and competitions. I have seen that mostof the talent pool members were utilized properly, however there were still talent poolmembers that did not do much. There are so much talent in the singing pool and I feelthat we need to push them to join in various competitions also, just like what the dancepool did when they joined RIB.


I propose that there should be a music video production of the different talent pools inorder to show the ACTM community what they have. This is also to entice newmembers to join the talent pool. I remember that the talent pool last year had a shortclip of what the talent pool is composed of, that really appealed to lot of members to join the talent pool, what more if it was a music video composed of the different talentsthat the organization has.

Freshman Block Representatives 

As a Freshman Block Representative, I was under the Information ManagementDepartment. We were used as an avenue for ACTM to disseminate information to ourfellow freshmen. I think that our job as a freshman block representative was somewhatlimited in just spreading and sharing promo materials to our batch mates.


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I think that the Freshman Block Representatives would be more utilized if they will bemoved from the IM Department to the Human Resources Department. Rather thanusing them as information disseminators, they could also be an avenue for ACTM toreach out to its freshmen members.


Why is there a need to have an AVP for Membership development? 

There are currently 303 members in the organization and only about 30% of thatactive. Some of the members are inactive because they only had 1 opportunity to signup, some of them are inactive because they do not feel at home in this organization,some of them are inactive because they were not accepted in the department thatinterests them. Whatever the reason maybe, ACTM is still a home organization for theCommunications Technology Majors.

I noticed that the membership development aspect in the organization is currently notevident. We need to entice these people to go back to ACTM, we need to bring themback to where they are supposed to be, we need to bring them home.


The AVP for Membership development is there not only to remind ACTM members thatthis is a home organization, but it is there to give more opportunities, to open moredoors to the whole of ACTM.


One of the projects the I propose that will be spearheaded by the AVP for Membershipdevelopment is ACTM 101.


What is ACTM 101? 

This year, ACTM only had one opportunity for its members to sign up and to be part of

the core committee of the different projects that are laid out this school year, which isthe 1st GA.


I do not understand why there is a need to cramp up all of the projects in one GA. I dothink it would be more feasible if this would be split in to different programs that willhappen in the different parts of the school year.


ACTM 101 is composed of 4 GAs. These GAs will happen during the 4 quarters of theyear, 1 GA per quarter. It will be an avenue for the the ACTM core to discuss thefollowing projects that will occur in that specific quarter. They will be given ample timeto discuss these projects so that as much as possible the members will be enticed tovolunteer in these projects.


A GA is composed of project discussions, GDs, and talks that will be relevant to thenature of ACTM. This will serve as an avenue for members to get to know each otherand an opportunity for the members to sign up in the projects that they want to partakein.


The first out of the four GAs will be somewhat different with the other three because inthis GA will still have the opportunity to introduce all of the projects that will take placein the school year, but this GA will of course be more focussed on discussing theprojects that will happen during that quarter.


The other 3 GAs will have the recap part and the membership recognition part. Therecap session is basically a part where we recap the projects that happened during the

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last quarter and we get to talk about it concretely. The membership recognition part isthere to recognize the different ACTM members that worked hard in the projects thathappened during the past quarter. I believe that the membership recognition part isthere to motivate the members more to work hard and at the same time to appreciatethe members that worked hard during the past quarter.


Why should we as much as possible accept all of the aspiring managers to be part of acertain department?


as much as possible we should accept everyone who will apply for a departmentduring the start of the school year it is because we are a home organization and weshould not hinder them from being active in the organization. We could possibly givethem 3 choices at first then we interview them, then we assign them to the departmentthat would most like fit them.

All of the VPs would keep track of the progress of their managers, then on the end ofthe first semester we evaluate them to see if they progressed or if they actually did

their job as a manager, then that’s when we decide if we should move them to anotherdepartment that would best suit their skills or to actually remove them from thedepartment that they are currently in based on their circumstances.


What is the Enhanced Mentorship Program? 

The mentorship program is an avenue for new members to get to know ACTM more atwhat it has to offer. The mentors will guide their mentees in their ACTM journey and atthey CTM journey as well. This is also a way to entice new members to be active in theorganiation with the help of the mentors.


This school year, I have been a mentee to a great mentor which lead me to be activein the organization, however there are a lot of mentors that were not competent in their job. There were a lot of mentors that did not meet their mentees and vice versa. Ibelieve that this concern should be fixed quickly.


I propose that the mentorship program would start at the mid of the first semester, sothat we will be able to see who will be the capable and active members of ACTM.These active members would still go through an interview so that we will be able toknow their capabilities if they become a mentor. With this, it will lessen the incompetentmentors and at the same time it will help increase the number of active members in theorganization.


Regarding the concern of mentors not meeting their mentees, there should be anacquaintance party for that wherein the mentors will meet their mentees and at thesame time will have the chance to bond right away, to foster the “home” vibe in theorganization.

There will be also a mentorship culminating activity where in there will be a recap ofthe things that happened between the mentors and the mentees. This will also serveas an event where in the mentors and mentees would bond again and say their lastgoodbyes to each other.


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The Prepcourse 

The prepcourse is basically an avenue for ACTM to entice the freshmen to join and beactive in the organization. This school year I have attended the prepcourse as aparticipant, I learned a lot of things about ACTM. This event made me realize that

there are a lot of people that are willing to help me to go through my college life,however I still did not feel that “home” vibes because there were still a lot of peoplewho were shy.


I propose that the Prepcourse be a 2 day event. With this, we will be able to infuse amore relevant program flow that would let the freshman feel at home in thisorganization. The prepcourse will be composed of different GDs and talks that wouldmake the freshmen feel the love of the ACTM community. It will be more interactive, ina sense that the members will be somewhat forced to talk to their fellow ACTMmembers which will enhance the relationship between all of the ACTM members.



As a participant, I learned that this project is really relevant to the ACTM community.The discernment process of each individual heightened through the different talks andGDs that happened during the event. I must say that is this one of the most successfulevents that happened this school year for ACTM. This program should be retained as itis, hopefully next school year there would more participants to join this wonderfulevent. Since the school calendar will be shifted, I think that it would be only ideal thatLEAP would take the place of the EVSEM during the semestral break. After the 2 dayLEAP, the EC would still have another day for the EC EVSEM.


1. In 5 sentences or less, describe your idea of leadership in the context of theorganization.


Leadership with regards to this organization is a skill where in someone with this skill isable to do his best in order to achieve his duties for the betterment of ACTM. A leaderis someone who should be able to guide his/her members to fulfil the different goalsthat they ought to accomplish. A leader should not only be the one creating decisionsby himself for the group, but a leader should also take note of the ideas of others. Aleader should also set an example for its members to be an inspiration to them so thatthey would be able to accomplish their job properly.


2. What motivates you? 

My co-ACTM members motivate me. I believe that because we all work together forthe betterment of the organization. Knowing that we all work together to achieve acertain goals, I push myself to work harder because I do not want to let ACTM and myco-ACTM members down. Having this motivation is what pushes to do more and togive more to this organization.


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3. Define your leadership style. Give a concrete example on how your leadership stylehad significantly influenced the outcome of a situation.


I am an open-minded leader. I don’t make decisions by myself, I make sure that themembers would also have a say in everything. I make sure to consider the ideas of

other people. I am also loud, loud in a way that I would really say what I think is bestand what I think would help. I make sure that things run properly and at the same Imake sure that it would not be just a complacent output. I would also make sure thatthe members would always have something to do so that they would remain active.


I was a committee head back in 4th year high school. I was the Tatak Committee head(merchandise). It really helped me because I was able to control my members properlyand I made sure that their ideas and suggestions wouldn’t go to waste. All of themembers enjoyed this committee because everyone had a say in all of our projects.My committee was very well organized and all of our projects were quite successful.


4. List as least 3 of your strengths and 3 weaknesses as a leader. Provide ways onhow you plan to leverage on and overcome them. What can your colleagues do toaddress your weaknesses?







-Did not become an AVP 

-Being a freshman 

-This is my first year in ACTM 

My strength very much outweighs my weaknesses. Basically my weaknesses arecomposed of reasons related to being young in general. I believe that age equates toneither experience nor skill, but that there is an inherent value in being active in theorganization, which I have been for the past year. My eagerness to learn is what helpsme to be more knowledgable in the world around me.

My colleagues could possibly educate me about the flaws that happened before I waspart of ACTM so I could not repeat it in my administration. As much as possible, I donot want to repeat the same mistakes because I do not want to let down ACTM. These

knowledge that I would receive from them would definitely retain in my mind so thatinstead of creating these mistakes again, I will be able to create something that wouldhelp ACTM instead.


5. How will you manage your personal resources (i.e. time and money) in relation tothe organization if you are elected?


If I were elected, I would definitely manage my resources wisely without taking myacademics for granted. As a student, I do take my academics seriously, and this mynumber one priority. I do my academics first before I tend to my organization.

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6. Recount a time where you had to make an important decision within a limitedamount of time. Provide the situation, your action, and the results.


I remember the time when I was choosing which organization should I support forSOM Week. It was really hard for me because I was very active in both organizations

and I had a lot of friends from the two organization, I ended up choosing ACTM.Because of this, I met a lot of diverse people that I did not know before, and now I amcurrently running for a position in this organization becuase my passion andcommitment to this organization is already immeasurable.


7. Give a concrete situation where you spotted an opportunity and acted upon it.Provide the situation, your action, and the results.


A concrete situation that I spotted an opportunity was when the project heads of ACTMweek were having a hard time in terms of their logistical needs. At first, ACTM Weekwas not my project, but I went the extra mile so I offered my help to them, then thecurrent AVPs of human resources department deployed me to that project. I noticedthat the human resources deputies in the said project were not knowledgable in theprocesses in school. So I took their job instead, the next day after my deployment, Iwent to school early just to reserve the different facilities and equipments that ACTMwould need for ACTM Week. Currently the reservations are already under processing.


1. Use one word to sum up ACTM this academic year. Explanations are not needed. 


2. What significant issues did ACTM encounter this academic year? What do youpropose to resolve these issues?


A very significant problem that ACTM encountered was the lack of membershipinvolvement and development. ACTM is composed of 303 members and only 30% ofthat is active in the organization. I propose that we should open more opportunities forthe members to be active. This school year, we only had one avenue for people to signup to be part of the core team that will make a certain project, which is the first GA.After this ACTM opened sign ups during the week before the event but it’s for clerical jobs only. A solution for this is that we should split the project sign ups in to 4 parts, 1

GA per quarter. This would be very much feasible because people get to choseproperly which projects they want to join since the projects are not anymore crampedup into 1 session. Another solution for this is that as much as possible we shouldaccept everyone who will apply for a department during the start of the school year it isbecause we are a home organization and we should not hinder them from being activein the organization. We could possibly give them 3 choices at first then we interviewthem, then we assign them to the department that would most like fit them. All of theVPs would keep track of the progress of their managers, then on the end of the firstsemester we evaluate them to see if they progressed or if they actually did their job asa manager, then that’s when we decide if we should move them to another departmentor to actually remove them from the department that they are currently in based ontheir circumstances.


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ELECTIONS 2014-2015 

3. Comprehensively discuss the performance of the department and incumbent officerof the position you are aspiring for.


(For aspiring President and Executive Vice Presidents, discuss all of the departmentsand their respective Vice Presidents.)


The current officers in the Human Resources department are really knowledgable intheir craft. They really guided and thought us in the things that we need to know in thesaid department. There were a lot of Human Resources GA where in we could learnthe different processes in school and bond as a department. The only downside in thedepartment is that some of the members are really clueless in the things that theyneed to do. I have experienced working with HR deputies that do not know how toprocesses in school like filling up long forms and FSQA forms. Some of the deputiesthat the Human Resources department accepted were not that competent in doingtheir job.


4. If elected, what legacy will you aim for your department to leave? How does thislegacy connect to the status of the department the previous year, the plan you have

for it if in the next academic year, and the vision you have for it in the future? 

If elected, the legacy that I aim for my department to leave is that the HumanResources department will be recognized as a department that is composed of well-trained and knowledgable individuals that are familiar with the different processes inschool. I want to leave this legacy because I want the people in the human resourcesdepartment to be competent in their job, I want them to familiarize themselves in theprocesses in school so that they would not be clueless anymore when they aredeployed to their projects. With this, the whole human resources department would bemore capable of handling logistical needs swiftly and at the same time be morecompetent in their job.


5. Evaluate ACTM as a home organization for Communications TechnologyManagement majors.


Generally ACTM is relatively a good organization for the Communications TechnologyManagement majors. ACTM provides opportunities for its members to grow in terms oftheir leadership while incorporating the core competency of ACTM which is integratedmarketing communications. But these opportunities do lack, people tend to be inactiveif most of the opportunities that the organization give them are just clerical jobs (SOMWeek and Christmas Fair). I just think that ACTM should open more doors to itsmembers so that its members could be more involved in the different projects thatACTM has to offer. With these opportunities, there should be an increase in theinvolvement of members in the organization.

6. How was the core competency, Integrated Marketing Communications, manifested inthe organization? If elected, how will you improve on this in the next academic year?


The core competency of ACTM was very much manifested through its projects.Projects like Numina and Camp IMC really incorporated the IMC aspect in theorganization. I would like to strengthen the IMC aspect in the organization throughmembership training. ACTM should educate all of its members about IMC throughmembership training so that each and everyone of us could possibly think and createdifferent proposals that would benefit the organization. Because everyone of us think

differently, so if all us would be knowledgable about IMC then we could possible createprojects that would really defy the norm.


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7. As a home organization for Communications Technology Management withIntegrated Marketing Communications as its core competency, discuss yourproposed branding for ACTM in the next academic year. If you were to create a newtagline for ACTM, what would it be?


The current tagline of ACTM is actually appealing already, but I think that we could stillmake a tagline that would emphasize more on its members and its core competency.The tagline that I would like to propose is somewhat a tagline that basically showswhat ACTM has to offer as a whole. The tagline that I would like to propose is“Innovation in Action.”


8. With your proposed brand for ACTM, how will you market the organization within andoutside the Ateneo community? What are the key projects and efforts for itsdevelopment? How will each department come into play?


I would like to market the organization as a very innovative organization, that thepeople inside the organization are capable of creating and making artistic outputs thatwould appeal to the public. The key projects that would highlight my proposed brandwould be Mad Concepts and Numina. Basically, these projects are somewhat veryinnovational that people get interested to create and make different masterpieces thatare extraordinary. The Human Resources would definitely will be the one to acquirepeople that would help logistically in these projects. The IM department would be theone to blasts these projects through different means. The CorRel department would beassigned to get sponsors for these events. The Strat Department will be the assignedto create the concept behind the project. The ExRel Department would be the onecoordinating with the different people that would avail of our services. The finance

department would be the department to assign the perfect amount that would helpcreate the projects and to keep track of the financial flow. The CC department wouldbe the one to create the innovative promotions that would appeal the public.

9. What is the value of ACTM to Communications Technology Management major? Doyou believe it should be this way? Why or why not?


ACTM is an avenue for the Communication Technology Management Majors to bondand work together as a family. I believe that it should be this way because we are allinterested in the same course with the same core competency which is integratedmarketing communication. We work together to know more about what our course hasto offer and at the same time to learn more about each other. Being a member of thisorganization, I learned that these values could motivate someone to go the extra mileto enhance and strengthen the organization as a whole.


10. What is the value of ACTM to the Ateneo community? Do you believe it should bethis way? Why or why not?


Honestly, ACTM has been an underdog in the Ateneo Community. People do think thatACTM is just any other organization out there with normal projects that do not interestthe public. I do believe that it should not be this way because ACTM really has a lot tooffer. Projects like Numina and Camp I.M.C. are just some of the few projects thatinterest people. I just think that ACTM should really reach out more to the public so

that people would know what we do in the organization. With this, people would nowdefinitely understand and see what ACTM could offer to its members and to the public.


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11. If elected, what ways can your new administration move beyond ideas? Be specific. 

The Human Resources department would definitely train their deputies harder throughdifferent training sessions so that they would be more knowledgable in general. I know

that this idea is fairly simple, but this would make a great impact in ACTM as a whole.Knowledgable deputies would definitely know more about their craft and the same timewould know more about the different opportunities that ACTM could give them.

The Human Resources department would not only be recognized as the departmentfor handling the logistical needs but rather a department that is capable of enticing allACTM members to be active and involved in the different projects that ACTM has tooffer. Not only moving beyond ideas in the aspect of membership involvement, but alsomoving beyond ideas through the new branding that the human resources has. Thepeople under this department would not only work for the betterment of thisdepartment, but they will work for the whole of ACTM, to work hand in hand, so thatnot only the human resources department would move beyond ideas, but the whole

ACTM as well. 

The following questions will only be answered by aspiring Top 4 officers: President,Executive Vice President, Vice President for Information Management, and VicePresident for Finance: 


12. What was the most and least valuable project this academic year for you? Why? 

13. If you have the option to remove 2 projects, what are those projects? What is yourbasis for choosing? What projects will you propose in their place?