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  • 7/30/2019 go 123


    Don't throw an egg at a wall


    Keywords: Proverb

    I could've sworn I've seen a similarproverb somewhere else, but I can't seem to find it.

    This is a translation of a Korean proverb that I've seen often used. It's both amusing and

    useful so I figured that I'll throw it in :)

    Basically the idea is that placing (throwing) lone stones (eggs) in areas that your

    opponent is strong in is just begging for them to be captured (cracked).

    Nice analogy, no? ;)

    -- exswoo

    AndreasTeckentrup: Probably just the Korean version of "Don't play close to thickness".

    Nico: Somehow related to Play away from thickness.

    Karl Knechtel: I've heard the phrase "throwing eggs to (sic) a stone wall". I like the

    imagery invoked by "to" rather than "at", actually; it is as though you are vainly

    expecting the wall to catch them for you. :)

    Example of this:

    If you don't like ko, don't play go.


    Difficulty: Beginner Keywords:Ko

  • 7/30/2019 go 123


    If you feel that ko is bothersome and a pain to play, you shouldn't play go. This is

    because ko is one of the most important aspects of the game and you must always be

    ready to deal with any ko situation.




    Assume we are in the endgame, playing the first line at the border of territories. White

    must decide whether to connect at a. Let's also assume there are no life and deathimplications.

    We will show that White must not necessarily connect and can play the ko. The point of

    the proverb is that one must at least ponder the thought.


    If White connects, a small ko remains. Black will likely play elsewhere.


    If White does not connect, starts a big ko for the White territory. takes the ko and

    off they go.


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    After - elsewhere, as a ko threat and the reply, takes back the ko and can play

    alocal ko threat. Later, a and b are also such local threats.

    White fills the ko

    If White does not respond to (a threat elsewhere) but fills the ko at , next she can

    destroy Black territory herself at c. Maybe the exchange of Black's unanswered threat

    for this threat c is better for White. Compared to the diagram "connect" up above,

    White has gained. If Black has many large threats, however, White will have taken the

    risk of losing a large corner.



    The main idea is to not automatically connect if the possibility of a ko is available.

    Instead, one should not fear the ko but calculate the possibilities. If you always submit

    out of fear for the ko, your Go will not develop.

    The one-point jump is never bad


    Difficulty: Beginner Keywords:Shape, Tactics,Go term, Proverb

    Good advice seldom comes any simpler than this.[1] Aone-point jump like in the

    diagram below, is very often a good move. There are two obvious arguments in favor of

    this move: it is not easy to cut this shape successfully (see cutting the one-point jump),and it is a relatively fast way to jump out towards the center. Experiment with it in your

    games: play one if you really have no idea what else to play.

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    One-point jump


    taiji : What is the record for ikken tobi plays in professional games? I can't find that

    information anywhere. Thanks.

    [1] It is sometimes translated as "A one-space jump is never wrong." This is whatBill

    Spight says about that translation: "... an overstatement and a mistranslation. ...:A one-

    space jump is never bad. While still an overstatement, it is more accurate, since a even a

    good play can be wrong, and a not bad play will be wrong more often than that."


  • 7/30/2019 go 123


    Sakata on Shinogi

    The one-point jump is wrong here

    Dave: Sakata no Go is a 6-volume series published in the sixties. Volume 2 is on

    Shinogi. The first diagram in chapter one is shown here. Sakata writes that regardless of

    all the proverbs we have to think beyond them in order to get the most out of the

    specific position. In this case blindly accepting the proverb on this page and jumping to

    is exactly what Black is hoping for. It allows Black to build territory in the upper

    corner while continuing the attack with .

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    White plays to the utmost

    White 11 is at a.

    Sakata gives this alternative way of replying to the marked stone. This is only one of

    many possible continuations after the probe at but his point is for us to constantly

    look for advantage in the most ordinary positions and to put all our imagination to work.

    You need half the points + 1


    Keywords: Strategy, Proverb

    For those players (like me) that are susceptible to greed, this mantra is to be used in all

    strategical consideratons.

    You want a larger part of that Moyo? You jump too far, eager to cover moreTerritory?

    Think again! To win, you only need half the points plus one. Remember this when you

    decide whether to attack or defend.

    RobAnybody This proverb comes from aburry?, while he reviewed a game he used

    those words to comment on my greed (or is it gluttony?). The idea struck me so hard!

    Why did I run for more points and risk the game? I don't need them, I only need half

    plus one!

  • 7/30/2019 go 123


    This is not only about attack and defense, nor about choosing your strategy. It is

    something valid for the meta-game. Finding the balance in one's play, one learns to

    control his character.

    If go is a game of balance, then winning by one point must be the perfect victory!

    unkx80: Not enough for black ifkomi is included in the game.

    Bob McGuigan: Izumitani Masanori 7p gave a lecture at the third U.S. Go Congress

    (1987) in which he discussed these issues. He pointed out that in a typical go game there

    might be around 240 moves, about 120 stones of each color. 240 from 361 leaves 121.

    Thus each side only needs a little more than 60 points to win (with adjustment for

    komi). Many amateurs play greedily. They don't want their opponents to have any

    territory. But by the above analysis each side is entitled to a substantial amount of

    territory. If you try to take that away you are being greedy and are vulnerable to losing a

    lot yourself.

    The empty triangle is bad


    Difficulty: Beginner Keywords:Shape, Proverb

    Table of contents

    Abstract form

    Empty triangles in actual play

    Empty triangles in professional play

    See also

    Table of diagrams

    Empty triangle

    Empty triangle vs straight lineEfficiency (1)

    Efficiency (2)

    The full triangle

    How does an E.T. arise?

    How does an E.T. arise?

    Park Junghwan (B) - Qiu Jun (W), Fujitsu 2011

    Moves 72 to 81

    Not so good, either


    Abstract form

    Empty triangle

    The black group to the left is an empty triangle as there is no stone at a. The white

    group is not an empty triangle (it is afull triangle), as there's a single black stone next to


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    Why is an empty triangle so bad?

    Empty triangle vs straight line

    First of all, the empty triangle doesn't maximize itsliberties. It has 7 liberties inisolation, wheras the straight three have 8 liberties. Both make a strong connection. The

    loss of a liberty without any kind of gain is unacceptable. There are many, frequently

    occurring positions in real games, where this one liberty is vital. [1]

    Efficiency (1)

    Secondly, two stones in adiagonal are connected, in the sense that they cannot be

    separated in one move, but they can be sacrificed if desired. Now the empty triangle is

    connected too, strongly, has a little bit moreinfluencebut must be sacrificed as a whole

    if needed. The one extra stone adds close to no value. It is a wasted stone.

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    Efficiency (2)

    Also, if Black wants todevelop to the right, then play the marked stone instead.

    White cannot cut this formation without help from surrounding stones. Black's stones

    are securely connected. Closer to the side, farther extensions are virtually connected.

    This development is much more efficient than the empty triangle.

    The full triangle

    In contrast, the full triangle is verystrong and efficient. In the upper position, Black can

    be cut. So, below fulfills a very important function: it connects two stones. By doingso, the white stone becomes very weak. The investment is 3-1, whereas in the empty

    triangle it is 3-0. Black's moves all have purpose.


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    Empty triangles in actual play

    How does an E.T. arise?

    In this opposing jump position, White can lull herself into thinking thepeepserves the

    double purpose of connecting and threatening to cut. Then, jumps out.

    How does an E.T. arise?

    However, she puts herself in a bad position. Black's straight three are strong, while

    White's zigzag three are weak. Black threatens to cut at , and White has to connect.

    Now she has connected, but forms two empty triangles and serves no purpose

    whatsoever, while Black's peep is on the outside and provides support to the

    attacking stone .

    Instead of exchanging - White should just jump out to . If black later playsthen is needed. But right away is way too slow. The one point jump is hard to cut

    anyway. See don't try to cut the one point jump.


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    Empty triangles in professional play

    Park Junghwan (B) - Qiu Jun (W), Fujitsu 2011

    is the only way to save the all important cutting stones. According to An Younggil in

    his commentary ongogameguru,pros don't care as much about good shape these

    days. However, a few moves earlier he also commented that was an overplay .

  • 7/30/2019 go 123


    Moves 72 to 81

    Probably White had it all planned out until Black came up with this , which was abrilliant move according to the commentary, so that indeed White willingly anticipated

    the empty triangle in the previous diagram. Nevertheless, the shortage of liberties of the

    empty triangle created this opportunity for Black.


    See also

    Good Empty Triangle.


    Not so good, either

    This comparison does not mean that this shape is good. In fact, you will not find this

    shape, with no opposing stone on any of these neighboring empty points, in aprofessional game. So any shape discussion is most relevant with actual game positions.

  • 7/30/2019 go 123


    An interview with Anders Kierulf of

    SmartGo Inc.

    By ruben

    on December 18, 2012

    Welcome to our brand new section! Have you always wondered what your fellow developers think about development? Do you wonder who is behindthat neat game? Do you want to know what are the tools of the trade? We are here to help!

    Our first interview is withAnders Kierulf, sole developer atSmartGo Inc. We have reviewed his awesomeSmartGo Kifu, one of the leading go apps

    for iPad and iPhone.

    Who!?Anders Kierulfhas been working on Go software for over 20 years, with an interlude as a development lead on PowerPoint. He won theUS Othello Championship in 1992, and happened to invent SGF, the file format commonly used to store Go (and some other board games) gamerecords.

    Whats on iPhone: When did you start to develop iOS apps? What was the main drive you had back then?

    Anders Kierulf: I was working on the Mac version ofSmartGoin March 2008 when Apple announced the iOS SDK. I started work on a version ofSmartGo for the iPhone that day, as I knew I wanted a collection of problems and pro games in my pocket, and figured other Go players would too.

    W: What is your software product that makes you proudest?

    A: Id saySmartGo Books. To get the maximum benefit from most Go books, youd like to have a Go board next to you and play throughthe sequences; in practice, you rarely do. Being able to play through the moves in the figures really helps. And getting the interactive feedback inproblem books is a game changer.

    Im happy to have gotten all the main publishers of English-language Go books onboard, and the current selection of 48 books is way more than Iexpected to offer at this time. And more good books are in the works.

    W:W: How come you jumped into iOS development before getting a Mac OS version of SmartGo?

    A: I thought the iOS version would just be a quick detour before going back to the Mac version. Thanks to the success of the iOS version, I took moretime to push that one forward. Then shortly after I got started on the Mac version again Apple released the iPad, again preempting Mac work. And all

    the while I keep learing more about iOS and OS X, so my plans for the Mac version keep evolving too.

    W: Are you a solo developer or do you have a team? What is your development methodology?

    A: Solo. Im licensing the game and problem collections, and I have help converting the books to SmartGo Books format, but Im responsible for allthe development.

    No formal development methodology. All the foundation code is written in C++, which is shared among the different platforms; the user interface code

    is in Objective-C.

    W: If you met your younger self for 5 minutes what iOS development tip would you share?

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    A: Make the iPad version universal from the beginning. I expected the iPad and iPhone versions to diverge over time, but Ive managed to keep them

    very close, and SmartGo Kifu is now universal.

    W: And following the previous question, what learning resource would you give your past self?

    A: Go to WWDC. I didnt go until last year, and will definitely try to go again this year.

    W: Do you have a day job aside from iOS development?

    A: No, SmartGo is what I do.

    W: And what are your hobbies? Weve heard some odd rumours about running and juggling Care to elaborate?

    A: Joggling = juggling while running. The rhythm of juggling three balls matches the rhythm of moving your arms while running, so its much easierthan it looks. Its better exercise, but most importantly, it makes running a lot more fun.

    I also play Ultimate Frisbee, another way to make running more fun. Getting enough exercise is crucial in this kind of job.

    W: Anything else youd like to share with fellow developers and whatsoniphone.comreaders?

    A: If you enjoy strategy games, learn to play Go. The rules are simple, the strategy is complex theres a reason this game has been played forthousands of years.

    Are you a developer? Are you interested in being featured here? Drop us an email [email protected] andwell see what we can do!

    Approach on the open side


    Difficulty: Beginner Keywords:Opening

    When in doubt from which side to approach a corner, it is usually better to take the

    open (or wider) side, i.e. the side where there is more space to make abase and/or more

    potential territory to be destroyed. This is conventional wisdom and hence often defied

    these days, as can be seen in database search.

    Table of contents

    Invading a framework

    Approaching on the open sideDiscussion

    Table of diagrams

    Wider side

    Narrower sideApproach from outside first

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    See also


    Invading a framework

    Wider side

    Here, the upper side is wider than the left. Although White's position is said to be

    slightly overconcentrated, still he can extend to with satisfaction. He has possible

    follow-ups at a and b.

    Narrower side

    If he enters on this side however, his position gets really cramped. Here, he can easily

    be attacked.

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    So, invade a frameworkwhere it is easiest to invade. The logic that says invade first in

    a narrow space, so that later you can invade the broader space goes wrong if the

    opponent defends against the invasion in such a way as to consolidate the broad side.


    Approaching on the open side

    Approach from outside first

    This idea applies also for dealing with the opponent's framework from outside (whenthere is afree boundary).

    As a general principle an approach like here, on the completely open side, is better

    than at a: in the latter case White will definitely get a weak groupto defend, while with

    the open side White will possibly get a strong groupon the outside.

    Note that White cannot constrain Black's strategy here: Black may choose to pincer at b,

    in which case White will not be able to get a strong group. Instead White will take the

    corner or set up arunning fight on the outside, the former being orthodox. Therefore theidea of the open side approach is related to flexibility. Black has played three times on

    this side before White plays a single stone. It is reasonable for White to allow Black

    some control of the direction of play. If White invaded at c Black would definitely play

    at d. White would be dictating the direction of play all right, but at a cost to her strategy.

    Don't push your opponent into good moves.


  • 7/30/2019 go 123



    Hyperpape: This page uses 4-4 point examples (and presumably the same thing applies

    to the 3-3 point) but I just had the realization that you might categorize several plays

    against the Chinese Fuseki as falling under the same principle.

    MrTenuki: Are you thinking about the various approaches to the 3-4 point "from the

    wrong direction"?

    Hyperpape Them are the ones.

    THE SAINT OF GO: Shusaku was the leading player of the golden age of go in the

    mid-19th century. He has become known to later generations as the Saint of Go (Kisei

    or Gosei) and is recognized by modern players as one of the greatest geniuses in the

    history of the game. His victories over his contemporaries in a number of matches

    contributed to his reputation, but its main foundation is his perfect record, not even

    approached by any other player, of nineteen successive wins in the annual castle games

    played in the presence of the shogun.

    INVINCIBLE: Shusaku's record in the castle games

    1. (1849) Shusaku (black) defeated Yasui Sanchi 7-dan by 11 points.

    2. (1849) Shusaku (black) defeated Sakaguchi Sentoku 7-dan (resigned after 131


    3. (1850) Shusaku (black) defeated Sakaguchi Sentoku 7-dan by 8 points.

    4. (1850) Shusaku (black) defeated Ito Showa 7-dan by 3 points.

    5. (1851) Shusaku (black) defeated Hayashi Monnyu 7-dan by 7 points.

    6. (1851) Shusaku (black) defeated Yasui Sanchi 7-dan (resigned after 151 moves).7. (1852) Shusaku (white) defeated Inoue Matsumoto Inseki 5-dan by 2 points.

    8. (1852) Shusaku (black) defeated Ito Showa 7-dan by 6 points.

    9. (1853) Shusaku (black) defeated Sakaguchi Sentoku 7-dan (resigned after 121


    10. (1853) Shusaku (white) defeated Yasui Shanchi 7-dan by 1 point.

    11. (1854) Shusaku (white) defeated Inoue Matsumoto Inseki 5-dan (resigned after 130


    12. (1856) Shusaku (white) defeated Ito Showa7-dan (resigned after 154 moves).

    13. (1857) Shusaku (black) defeated Yasui Sanchi 7-dan (resigned after 141 moves).

    14. (1858) Shusaku (white) defeated Sakaguchi Sentoku 7-dan by 3 points.

    15. (1859) Shusaku (black) defeated Ito Showa 7-dan by 9 points.16. (1859) Shusaku (black) defeated Hattoru Seitetsu 7-dan by 13 points.

    17. (1860) Shusaku (white) defeated Hayashi Yubi 6-dan by 4 points.

    18. (1861) Shusaku (white) defeated Hayashi Monnyu 7-dan by 14 points.

    19. (1861) Shusaku (white) defeated Hayashi Yubi 6-dan (resigned after 142 moves).

    SHUSAKU'S REPUTATION: Shusaku is considered the best model for aspiring

    professional players to study, especially his games with black. He was unexcelled in his

    complete mastery of the strategic principles and the practical techniques of go. His

    games are a treasure house of all the varied elements of the game, from the fuseki to the

    endgame, but in particular they provide amateur players with ideal material for studying

    the art of fighting in the middle game.

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    Here are some 20th century views of Shusaku:

    "Shusaku simplified the complexity of go, concealing his great strength and profound

    analysis beneath the smooth surface of his game... It is not an exaggeration to say that

    all the principles and all the techniques of go are embodied in concentrated form inShusaku's go."

    Segoe Kensaku 9-dan

    "The speed and forcefulness of Shusaku's play with black are like lightning striking the

    go board; his skill at finishing off his opponent once he took the lead is unrivalled."

    Hayashi Yutaka, go historian

    "Shusaku would read out all the possible variations, then play straightforwardly, making

    the simplest move, if he thought it ensured a win. This way of playing is only possible if

    one has a clear understanding of the principles of go and is blessed with superb

    positional judgement, and it also requires considerable self-confidence. On those rare

    occasions when he got into a bad position, he would display tremendous strength in

    fighting his way back into the lead. The castle game with Ito Showa in 1850 is a good

    example of a game in which he reveals his latent strength... Another feature of his go is

    his flexibility and willingness to experiment. Modern go is still far from surpassing


    Ishida Yoshio, former Meijin, Honinbo.

    Classic Go Games: Xu Xingyou vs

    Huang Longshi The Games of Blood

    and Tears

    An Younggil 8p15 Comments

    This is a game from ancient China, between Huang Longshi and Xu Xingyou. It wasplayed in the 17th century during the Qing dynasty.

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    Huang Longshi

    Xu Xingyou vs Huang Longshi The Games of Blood and Tears.

    Huang Longshi is a famous Chinese Go master from those times and Ive heard that Go

    Seigen said he was on par with Dosaku.

    They didnt have dan ranks in China at that time, but Huang had the title Guoshuo,

    which meant he was one of the strongest players (probably the strongest player) in

    China in those days.

    In Korean, the word Kuksu means the same thing as Guoshuo, and thats where the

    name for the modern Kuksu title match comes from.

    Contributions to Go theory

    Its said that Huang made significant contributions to Go theory at the time, particularly

    in terms of using the strategies of over-concentration and amarigatachi (exhaustion of

    resources) against his opponents, and attacking on a large scale.

    He was also very strong at reading and fighting, as youll see in this game.

    Xu Xingyou

    Xu Xingyou was Huangs student. He also became Guoshuo later in his life, but at the

    time of this game he still hadnt reached his full potential, whereas Huang was already

    nearing the end of his life.

    Xu is also an important figure in the history of Go because he worked on a number of

    historical Go books and made sure that game records, commentaries and other

    important Go knowledge was passed on to future generations.

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    The Games of Blood and Tears

    One day Huang told Xu that he could give him three stones, and this resulted in a series

    of famous games that became known as the Games of Blood and Tears.

    This is one of those games.

    Ancient Chinese Go

    This is such an old game, and the explanations of the moves are from my (An Younggil

    8ps) point of view, based on modern Go theory.

    Though I dont want to underestimate their strength, some of their moves were very

    difficult for me to understand from a modern perspective.

    Group tax and old Chinese rules

    At the time when this game was played, they used the ancient Chinese rules, which

    required players to pay a group tax of one point for every eye.

    Because of that the players from this time placed more emphasis on cutting their

    opponents stones and connecting their own.

    This might explain some of the differences in their style of play.

    Anyway, I hope youll enjoy this game, along with the commentary.
