gm&u creative brief

7 Subject Notebook COLLEGE EDITION Creativity Drives The Mind 20 SHEETS Made In U.S.A. East Lansing, MI 48825

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Page 1: GM&U Creative Brief

7 Sub jec t No tebook


Cr ea t i v i t y D r i ves T he M ind


M a d e I n U . S . A .E a s t L a n s i n g , M I 4 8 8 2 5

Page 2: GM&U Creative Brief
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Table Of Contents

• Situation Analysis

• Strategic Research

• S.W.O.T Analysis

• Creative Brief

• Creative Work

• Media Overview


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We at Rampant advertising thank you for

the opportunity to compete for the GM&U col-

lege discount program. We are very happy to

able to show new and innovative ways in which

we believe will help catapult this program to

the front.

With the research we conducted over the

past couple weeks we learned that the GM&U

program is not well known to the target

audience therefore helping to drive sales of the

GM brand overall. With our proposal we believe

that the work created will relate to the college

market and put GM back on top of the

automotive market.

Thank you again for giving us the

opportunity to open our minds and help you

with this program.

~The Rampant Crew



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Situation Analysis

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Situation Analysis

Client History

• General Motors started in 1902 as a holding

company for Buick. Later in the same year it

acquired Oldsmobile and grew from there.

• Collecting Cadillac, Oakland, and various other

car companies were acquired to become part of

the GM family in 1908.

• In 2009 General Motors went into Bankruptcy

and is now controlled by the US Government.

• GM is slowly coming back from financial

problems and is creating better cars for the


Situation Analysis


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Situation Analysis

Product Description•GM&U is a college discount program that is

offered to any college student currently

enrolled or has recently graduated within two


•The program started within the past year.

•GM&U offers approximately 1-2% any new car

from General Motors.

•GM&U college discount program has few other

programs that is competing with it. Any dis-

count program or cars offered at a lower price

are competition.

•GM has many competitors with all automotive,

motorcycle, transit, and any other type of

transportation foreign or domestic offered to

the public.



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Situation Analysis

Target Audience• The target audience of the GM&U College discount

program is anyone who is currently enrolled or has

graduated college within the past two years.

• The age we are targeting are between 18-25

focusing mostly on 21-24 year olds.

• The reason we believe that 21-24 year olds are

more important are because these are the ages most

people are living off campus and are in the market

for a new car.


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Strategic Research

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Strategic Research

Primary Research:We conducted interviews with local dealers asking

them about the program and found that very few

could actually tell us much about it or any local

advertising they are doing on college campuses.

We also conducted a survey consisting of college

students and people who are qualified for the


Secondary Research:Our secondary research consisted of articles found

throughout newspapers and the internet such as

the Wall street Journal, Detroit Free Press, and


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Consumer Behavior

Percentages Taken from a self conducted survey:

* A majority of people are looking for

attractive, durable, and dependable.


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* A majority of people are looking for

attractive, durable, and dependable.

Survey Results

Who Is Most Influential When Purchasing A Car?


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Who Is Most Influential When Making A Purchase?


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Who Is Most Influential When Making A Decision?


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Are You Currently Looking For A Car?


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When Shopping It Is Important that A Car Is?


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When Did You Last Go Car Shopping?


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Will You Be In The Market For A Car In The Next 6



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Have You Heard Of GM & U?


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S.W.O.T Analysis

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S.W.O.T Analysis: GM & U


Size of market share - GM has the highest U.S.

market share following Toyota and Ford.

Brand Equity - GM is a well known brand that is

well recognized.

Globally Known - GM has a presence in 32

countries around the world.

New Management – New people at the top like

Frederick Henderson C.E.O.

Research & Development – GM is the only

manufacturer with On star and have Flex Fuel


Improved Model Acceptance – Consumers seem to

have a better acceptance of newer models like the



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S.W.O.T Continued


Knowledge of GM&U – Most dealerships and

employees don’t know about the program to be

able to offer it to customers.

Awareness of GM&U – College students don’t

know the program exists because it is not

promoted on campus and minimally elsewhere.

Worth of Discount – Discount isn’t enough to

drive someone into the showroom.

Discount Size – Discount is only a percentage


Brand Identity – GM Brand image has been tar-

nished and consumer perception of product

quality is weak.


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S.W.O.T Continued S.W.O.T Continued


First College Discount Program – GM is the only

manufacturer with a discount program solely for

college students.

Smaller Product Line – Fewer products give

simpler management.

Build on New Consumers Confidence – Increase

market share by focusing more resources on fuel

efficient cars and changing consumers demands

on new models and styles.

Change Company Culture – Look at a new way

of thinking instead of the old “stale” business

model. Get fresh young ideas.


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S.W.O.T Continued


Domestic and Foreign Competition –

Competing against Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, Hon-

da, Chrysler, etc…

Federal Regulation – Government has

overwhelming say in the company.

UAW – Can hurt company if workers are happy

and GM has to comply with their terms.

Profit – Not able to pay off existing debt or

cover all expenses from year to year.

Incentives by Other Manufacturers – Other

companies’ incentives could be more enticing

than GM&U.

Company Downsizing – Closing plants and

cutbacks could cause internal Problems.


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S.W.O.T Continued


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Creative Brief

Brand PersonalityGeneral Motors current reputation is that of a car

company recently going through financial

turmoil to the extent that it was bailed out by the

government. Despite that fact the brand itself

still has many loyal customers who believe the

company can make a comeback. The GM&U brand

currently has very poor recognition due to the

fact that there has been very little effort put into

promoting the brand up to this point.

Customer ProfileWith the results we compiled from our own

online survey and in addition to the information

from the VALS study we concluded that our

target market of college aged kids are

“Impulsive”. People that age generally spend a lot

of money on socializing, entertainment and

fashion. The VALS system shows this age

demographic as “Experiencers”.


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Creative Brief

Desired Response The number one priority of this campaign is

for there to be a dramatic increase in

awareness of the GM&U brand. By the time this

campaign is over, there should be a much

stronger brand recognition with consumers.

How Are We Getting There?Strategy: We want the advertising to make

college graduates and students aware that the

GM&U discount acknowledges the hard work

and dedication they’ve shown in

completing their collegiate education by

rewarding them with a unique savings program

they have earned.

Key Discovery While visiting different dealerships it was

discovered that even the dealerships

themselves had very little or no knowledge of

the promotion.


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Revised Logo

A graduation cap has been added to the

logo. This further associates the image

with the collegiate/university feel 23

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Headline and body copy

remain consistent on print pieces24

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Headline and body copy

remain consistent on print pieces

Web Address & Logo

Consistently Placed

Logo Reinforced

Within Image



within copy

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Simplistic Layout &




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Copy Section



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Facebook Application

Rather than making a simple

fan page, a full

application complete

with flash game

would best attract

Facebook viewers.

Before each

race, a fun

fact can be



either GM&U or

the GM brand.

A simple slot car flash game is very cheap and easy to

produce, yet will still entertain the viewer while ads

are shown to them.


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Rather than making a simple

fan page, a full

application complete

with flash game

would best attract

Facebook viewers.


Facebook Page What is the portal to the competition?

• Set up for easy view of competition rules.

• Areas to view submissions and user-rate, however we will have final say in winners.

• Custom page dedication to competition

Submissions What exactly we will be asking for from students and getting in return?

• Video or Photo submissions of creative uses of the GM&U logo.

• We have the ability to remove anything we see unfit or destructive.

• Along with submissions we will require them to provide us with certain information not only to contact them if they win, but crucial information for future marketing.

Logic Why is this a good idea?

• Cash prize will ensure participants.

• Increased participation = Increased awareness by anyone involved and exposed.





Creative viral brandingof GM&U Logo for cash prizeUniversity Students NationwidePosted to Facebook PageStart and stop dates corresponding

Prize: 1st: $1000 (possibly in addition to cash prize

there could be branded gear given away)

2nd: $500

3rd: $250

Criteria: Not very rigid, good quality photo or video

that displays the GM&U logo in a creative way.

Qualifying Participants: Anyone who qualifies for the savings

qualifies for the Campus Challenge competition.


to general semester datesHOW:Video and photo submission

We will run a competition for college students that will invoke creative viral branding and awareness of GM&U through Facebook.


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Eye catching

simplicity is key here.

Keeping the


presented simple

allows the viewer to

take in the entire ad.

Average view time

of a billboard is re-

stricted to around

three seconds when

traveling at highway



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Rampant Advertising

GM&U Radio Spot

“Diploma Reward”


Anncr: Four years of college and they reward you with

a diploma. That’s it. A piece of paper with a

couple signatures. Well now that diploma is

going to reward You.

Student:Really? how about a job offer?

Anncr: Not quite. GM is offering a unique discount on

it’s vehicles just for college students and recent

grads. The GM&U college discount program

gives students and grads big bucks off new rides

so you can get those interviews on time and in


Anncr: Didn’t know your diploma could do that, Did ya?

Visit any GM dealer or

for more info.


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Web Banners

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

A simplistic banner that displays the logo

early and often is vital for web advertising.

Ads will be placed on sites that are

frequented by college students.

ex. (Facebook, College Humor, ESPN)


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Point of Purchase

Graduation cap design will draw

attention and inform the viewer

who this ad is for.

Someone who fits

the demographic

will then be able to

inquire for more


If they’re already in

the dealership, then

only the college

aspect needs to be



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Video Gaming• Advertising in video games is an extremely

fast growing media.

• Research shows that at least 70% of college

students play video games “once in a while”

• Ad would show up with logo and web address.

• When placed correctly the ad is non-intrusive yet still

very noticeable.

• Ads can be placed in a large variety of games.34

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Media Overview

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Media Overview

Media Scheduling

We believe that a Pulsing Strategy works best for

the GM&U campaign. The reason for this is that you

are able to keep a continuity from month to month

while also being able to focus more concentration on

select months.

The main amount would be focused during the

fall, winter, and spring while most schools are in

session and student bodies are at their maximum.

During this time we would put more money in

December and May/June which are around graduation.

The summer months would have a significant

drop off since very few people are on campus but

there would still be ads running to keep it on the

minds of those who are.


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Media Overview

Over the year we are planning on dividing

the $1.5 million through these 6 different

mediums. 20% of the budget will go to Radio.

39% Will go to print. 10% will go to flash

banners. 1% will go towards the GM&U contest.

10% will go towards billboards. 20% will go

towards video games.


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Media Overview

Media Scheduling: Pulsing

Black: Heavy advertising for peak periodsGrey: Normal advertising for moderate periodsCream: Light advertising for low periods



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D. McGreal | M. Robertson | J. Castle

R. Anderson | J. Burke


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