gmrc elver photo novel

8/8/2019 GMRC Elver Photo Novel 1/12 Resource Council Gespe’gewaq Mi’gmaq Oh my Ga’t!

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Resource Council

Gespe’gewaq Mi’gmaq

Oh my Ga’t!

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- Lawrence Vicaire Sr., Listuguj Elder 

This statement is the veryessence of our philosophythat we want to capture andshare with all our relations.

We hope that this photonoveldemonstrates the importance

of talking, sharing, and learningfrom one another. By doing so,we can bridge the gap betweengenerations, highlight theimportance of our language, andre-ignite the process of learningthrough our Mi’gmaq lens.

As an elder who was present

at our January elders gatheringstated:

“The Mi’gmaq are known for theirkindness and generosity, andthe community will once againbe strengthened by these valuesand the community will go backto their traditional practice of


The principle of sharing involvesthe sharing of your gifts; the giftof your insights, understandings,

history, culture and traditions.These gifts were once shared bytaking action, leading by example,and telling of stories.

While speaking with the youth, wequickly realized that they become

fueled with energy and enthusiasmwhen speaking of our traditionalways.

You, the youth, are our futuredecision-makers, and because ofthat, we feel privileged to haveworked with you over the summer.This photonovel is dedicated to


To our elders, we thank you forinsights, understandings, stories,and values. We are guided by yourwisdom.

Please enjoy and share this withothers!

Wela’liegGMRC staff

The forest and rivers alone, provided us with life.

“Nipugtug aq samuqwanigtug na pasigweji mimajultieg’p”

Gespe’gewaq Mi’gmaq Resource Council

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Hey Craig,

I heard you guys are doing

research in

the area.

Yea dude,

we’re doing research on

baby eels, which are called

elvers. They travel alongthe shoreline.

Cool I never

knew that!

What else do they do?

Well...another cool thing

is that they can travel as

ar as 1000 km inland.

Hey how’d I get on this truck?!

And where are we going?

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 To “Two Bridges”, we have traps

there because elvers travel up-

stream into reshwater.

Ohhhh I don’t


Watch your step,

it’s this way.

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So this is the trap?

Yea this is one o our

sheldon traps, these are

one o 4 dierent traps

used or catching elvers.

As they swim upstream,

they are guided into the

trap by the lead door, once

in there they are unable

to get out until we release


Every day, we check the

traps, count & measure the

elvers, and then release


We set these on both

sides o the stream

because elvers travel

upstream along the


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Do the adult eels go in

the traps?

No, only elvers (baby

eels) are small enough to

make it into the traps.

 Thanks or showing me some

o the research GMRC is doing

on elvers.

All in a days work my brotha!

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Oh skinny like this.

And you see these

cracks in the ice?

This is one o the rivers in the area that

your great-great-uncle John used to

fsh eels in.

Eels are long like the plamu

you and grandpa catch but

they are skinny.

Dad what are eels?

6 months later 

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We would sometimes

spear through the cracks

to get at the eels in the


 These ones here?

Him and his riends also fshed

eels just past the mill.

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He said they must

travel in groups because when

you catch one you usually get abunch o eels.

Our people used to use eel skin or

medicine. We would wrap the skin

around places that were sore.

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Your great-great-uncle said i you

shine a light on the water at the

whar at night you can see the


What does eel taste

like dad?I don’t know but i we’re

lucky we’ll get to try some this


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Resource Council

Gespe’gewaq Mi’gmaq

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