gmo, conventionally grown, and organic food

GMO, Conventionally Grown and Organic Food By: Shounak Ray Chaudhuri AS 031017 18

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GMO, Conventionally Grown and Organic Food

By: Shounak Ray ChaudhuriAS 031017 18

IntroThis is a brief introduction to my presentation about Food.

For the next 10-15 minutes I’ll be talking about

● Different categories of food○ Organic food○ GMO food○ Conventionally grown food

● How to identify which is what● Can meats and dairies be conventional or GMO?● Quiz | Glossary

Why I Chose This Topic

I chose this topic because my dad watched a PG-13 movie in which a boy ate GMO food and had skin disease, loss of appetite and an episode of vomiting.

When my dad told me about the movie, I was confused about conventional, GMO and organic foods.

So, I decided to learn about those foods and show you my findings. ???!



Let's start digging into my academic sharing

Organic FoodsOrganic fruits and vegetables are produced without using

● Chemical pesticides● Synthetic fertilizers ● Genetically modified organisms

Organic meats and dairy products are produced from animals without using

● Antibiotics and growth hormones● GMO animal food

Organic Foods - Benefits and Disadvantages

Benefits● No side effects with chemicals● Healthy● Better for the environment● Fresher as no preservatives are used

Disadvantages● Extra Cost● Long-term preservation is hard● More Bacteria and Virus Attacks


Organic LogosThese are organic logos

GMO FoodGenetically Modified Organism (GMO) foods are produced by

● Changing genes of original foods● Using genetic engineering in labs● New DNA structure created scientifically

Common GMO foods are

● Soy● Corn● Dairy

GMO foods - Benefits and Disadvantages

Benefits● Uses 4x less water● Resistant to bacterias● Add nutritional values

Disadvantages● Not natural● Unknown side effects on the human body● Impact to mother nature could be harmful


Conventionally Grown FoodConventionally grown foods are produced by

● Using conventional and natural seeds

● Using synthetic fertilizer while growing

● Using chemical pesticides to avoid loss of production

Conventionally bred meats and dairy products include

● Antibiotics given to the animals

● Growth hormones used to increase production4302

Conventionally Grown Food - Benefits and Disadvantages

Benefits● Lower price● Preservation for longer duration● Not genetically modified

Disadvantages● Use of chemical impacts human body● Pesticides and chemicals Impact mother nature● Loss of natural vitamins and proteins due to long-term preservation

How to Identify Foods

As You can see here on my fellow chart

As you can see here on my fellow chart, a

shortcut to see if food is organic,

conventionally-grown, or if it is GMO or

genetically modified.

Meats and Dairy ProductsLike fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products can also be organic, GMO or conventionally produced

They can be genetically modified if humans genetically modify an animal or the animal that produces the dairy.

They are organic if fed only organic food

They are conventionally bred if given antibiotics or growth hormones

To conclude this slide, I will say that almost any food can be genetically modified or conventionally-grown.

Refreshing your mindWhat you learned:

Today you learned what objects or chemicals are inside organic, conventionally-grown and genetically modified food.

You also learned that meat and dairy products can also be genetically modified and conventionally-grown or domesticated.

You also learned how to identify food at the grocery store if it's GMO, conventionally-grown or organic.

After this slide will be a glossary and the ending slide.

The 5 question quiz

1. Can meat and dairy products be genetically modified or conventionally domesticated?

2. What was the title of my presentation?3. How do you identify if a food is genetically

modified, organic or conventionally grown?4. What 3 foods was I talking about today?5. In the video what did the men do differently?


1. YES2. GMO, Conventionally Grown and Organic Food3. You look at the numbers4. GMO, Conventionally Grown and Organic Food5. One put chemicals and one crossbred them

GlossaryGMO: A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism that has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

Conventionally-grown: It produces using synthetic chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones).

Organic: relating to or derived from living matter.

Chemical, Pesticides: a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.

Synthetic, Fertilizer: a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility.

DNA: DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.


Ho-ho! I didn’t get to hack you , buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I’ll feed you GMO and Conventional Food instead�!!!!!!!!!