gm foods

Genetically Modified Food By Shaimaa Alsadawi

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Page 1: Gm foods

Genetically Modified Food

By Shaimaa Alsadawi

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Overview What is

GM food?

When it start it?

The property

The processe

s of GM Why we

use it ?

Is there any

danger of GM?


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What is GM?

Genetically modified foods (GMs) are foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which have had their DNA changed through genetic engineering by Scientists who always want to produce some kinds of food that can make them more resistant, more nutritious ,larger or more space

efficient .

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When the GM food begun ?Genetically modified foods were first put on the market in 1994 with the tomato which could ripen without softening, this tomato called Flaveravr was created by Calgene. Although Flavrsavr was the first official GM food using the removal or input of genes.

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Properties-The GM food’s DNA has been changed, may

be added or deleted some gene segments.

-The GM food may contain some traits that the same species don’t have.

-It can exist not only in plants but also in animals.

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Why we use GM on food? -Faster growth

productivity increases provide enough food

-pests and insects resistance avoid usage of pesticides and insecticides environment


-Herbicide tolerance

-more nutritional value

-Longer shelf life shipped long distances

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GM Process The Process for GM has 8 steps and begins with:

1 .Isolation of the gene(s) of interest- A chromosome is used to identify the gene(s) responsible for the desired trait in the

organism .

2 .Insertion of the gene(s) into a transfer vector- The desired trait is put into the plasmid.

3 .Plant transformation-The plasmid contained inside tumefactions cells transfers the plasmids and new gene into the plants chromosomes.

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Is there any danger from GM? Yes there is some irreversible effect on us and environment such as:

-end food diversity

-Reduced effectiveness of pesticide-Superbugs

-cause an allergic reaction-Unknown effects on human health

-Play the role of ‘God

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Conclusion As GM foods are in their infancy, time and scientific tests in the future will probably reveal more good and bad points about GM foods.

So you have see why we use it , how it effect on environment and organisms effect, and the

processes of GM. But is for you to make up your own mind.

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