gm 599_unit 6_ applied research project_jwilliamson

1 Applied Research Project Organizations Need a Detailed Employee Development Plan James Williamson GM599-01N Applied Research Project November 15, 2016 Dr. Craig McCoy

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1 Applied Research Project

Organizations Need a Detailed Employee Development Plan

James Williamson


Applied Research Project

November 15, 2016

Dr. Craig McCoy

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The purpose of this research project is to evaluate a real world business problem and

identify the actual cause or causes. Most organizations misunderstand the root of the problem

and only treat the symptoms, which is often unproductive and possibly damaging. Using well-

established research findings to investigate and analyze the problem and recommend solutions

for resolving it will be the order of the day. Ng & Coakes (2014), states that a research project

needs a method; no personal bias; a good understanding of what is true and what is purported to

be true; and the capacity to take applicable input and knowledge and come up with a workable

thesis. It is important that the researcher have a good understanding of the problem, and the

ability to recognize bias in the literature and in their own writing.

This applied research project will serve as a capstone for all knowledge during this course

of study and will help to display it in a written document. It will be made up of multiple

components that will build upon each other and will advance the understanding of the problem.

It is vitally important to separate the symptoms from the actual problem itself, so that it can be

dealt with appropriately. By concentrating on the problem itself, the solutions will be specific to

resolving the real item that the organization is having issues with. Holton (1999), observed that

applied research does in fact solve problems.

The contents of this paper will include the statement of the problem, which identifies the

true nature of the problem. It will also designate who the intended audience is and the value to

this particular audience. It will include a discussion of the meta-analysis methodology, a brief

review of the literature researched, a discussion of findings, conclusions, and ethical

implications, as well as alternate solutions, and conclude with a summary section where key

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points of the paper will be reiterated. Since this research project has various segments to it, the

next component in the project will be introduced, so as to keep the reader informed.

Statement of the Problem

Many organizations do not have a detailed employee development plan in place to

identify, develop, and retain the best talent. Employees that are developed personally and

professionally will certainly add value to the organization. Employees that are highly valued and

supported by the organization will be more engaged and productive. In turn, employees that are

equipped and motivated have the potential to significantly increase an organization’s bottom

line. “There are sufficient proofs for underscoring the value of organizational learning culture in

affecting employees’ behavior” (Rahman, Rahman, Ali & Khan, 2016, p. 23). Organizations

need to encourage continuous improvement and facilitate a work environment where this is


Organizations that have employees with these attributes are recipients of great benefits in

terms of quality of service and product. It is in the organization’s best interests to continually

improve employee skills in order to meet changing organizational goals. Having a talented and

motivated employee pool should be the desire of any viable business organization. The

contention is that having employees that are developed and supported through organizational

programs will result in an employee pool that is highly satisfied and content with their job. This

in turn should lead to a more productive and engaged work force.

The symptoms of this problem usually manifest themselves in predictable ways, such as

low morale, poor job performance, increased absenteeism and turnover. These are but shadows

of what is really going on in the organization. These symptoms are from a deeper organizational

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problem that will require the attention of organizational leaders and decision makers. The

Human Resources Department (HRD) is and should be a strategic partner in identifying areas of

concern, with regard to employee development and training. “HRD interventions hence are

aimed at building a development culture in an organization through improvement of human

quality” (Saini, 2016, p.69). Workers will invest more of their time and energy when they realize

that an organization is concerned about them and their careers.

If employees are not sufficiently developed and supported by the organization, they will

not stay and this will adversely affect the operations of the organization. Management should be

mindful of how this problem impacts stakeholders. Employees, customers, and shareholders

would all benefit from an employee development plan. As stated earlier, workers that are highly

valued will be more engaged and productive and this will ensure that the organization is vibrant

and profitable.

By investing in the work force, the organization is maintaining the life blood of the

organization, without whom none of the vital work of the organization would be possible. This

research project will achieve that goal by thoroughly investigating the problem of: not having a

detailed employee development plan in place. In the words of Rahman (2016), “To grow and

protect the investment made in staff members a learning organization pays careful attention to

developing and retaining its people” (p. 25). An organization’s most valuable asset is arguably

found in its people.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this paper is upper management and the Human Resources

Department of the organization. Any organization that wants to be solvent and in demand should

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also want to have an exceptionally skilled and empowered employee pool. As the old saying,

‘you get what you pay for’ indicates, investments need to be made to ensure that the organization

stays competitive and employee development and retention should be a top priority in the

organization’s investment plans. This can be a hard sell, especially if the organization is


Leadership in an organization must embrace the concept of developing and empowering

its employees. This may be seen as a risky venture but it is certainly a risk worth taking.

Employees that are trusted and appreciated will return those attributes by way of their stellar job

performance and increased acceptance of added responsibilities. This should lead to increased

production, improved morale and a better bottom line for the organization.

Value to the Audience

The cost of implementing a detailed employee development program is significantly less

when compared to the cost of hiring new employees and the turnaround time to get these

employees up to speed. With the volatility of today’s business environment, it is far better to

retain top talent than to see them move on to the competition or suffer any lag in meeting

customer expectations in product or service. “A healthy and supportive environment should

prevail in an organization with managers/supervisors providing continuous motivation to the

subordinates for further development and skill enhancement” (Saini, 2016, p.69). The cost

differential is substantial but hard to quantify. “Many companies have difficulty measuring the

cost of turnover because the information is hard to get and the true costs hit many different

budgets.” (Kochanski & Ledford, 2001, p.32).

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“Organization leaders must be committed to helping their organization and its employees

succeed.” (Hughes, 2015, p.54). If organizational leadership is willing to make investments in

its employees and their vocational development, it will be of significant value for the respected

organization. Having a commitment to supporting and developing employees will ensure that an

organization is ready to meet any and all future challenges. This stance is critical in the

constantly changing business environment. This research project will assist in providing a way

for upper management and the Human Resources Department to pass along opportunities to their

employees surrounding their development. There is great value associated with employee

development for all employees of the organization, their shareholders, customers, and the


Meta-Analysis Methodology

Swanson & Holton (2005), state that the advantage of using meta-analysis is in its ability

to assist researchers in coming up with authentic and valid outcomes that other methodologies

simply cannot do. By pooling previous data with new data, this method extracts the best of the

best. Time is also a big factor in selecting meta-analysis as the chosen methodology. With only a

few short weeks with which to put a project together, this methodology is ideal.

An advantage of using meta-analysis is the ability to integrate and synthesize data from

current empirical studies on a given subject. By its nature meta-analysis analyzes analysis from

multiple sources, which allows the researcher to compare and differentiate data findings.

Swanson & Holton (2005), also found that meta-analysis surveys factual evidence and

consequently lays out a comprehensive and detailed comparison of theory and hard findings. It

is key that the researcher know how to separate fact from fiction in their quest for furthering

understanding of the problem.

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Qualitative researchers are more immersed in the process and more accepting of bias.

Qualitative analysis by design delves more into relationships as expressed by the common use of

language. Qualitative analysis seeks to better understand human nature with regards to certain

events or life experiences or to understand the development of new theories. No matter what

project methodology chosen, it will require definition of the scope of the project. Project scope

can be defined by identifying goals, objectives, and tasks. The scope must make clear to those

involved exactly what is being proposed.

Brief Review of the Literature

The literature review is important because there will likely be a wealth of data to read

concerning the problem being researched but due to time constraints, the field will need to be

narrowed. The literature review will provide some crucial information to start the research and

to make sure it is focused correctly. "Quite clearly, the literature review is the pivotal element of

a research project." (Adams, 2007, p.53). With this in mind it is obvious that the literature review

is extremely important in laying the foundation for the applied research project.


In today’s work environment, many employees do not know where they stand in regards

to their competencies and abilities to do their assigned job. Some organizations have adopted the

use of a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for each employee. According to Beausaert, Segers,

Fouarge, & Gijselaers (2013), factual research on the strength of using PDP’s is limited. PDP’s

attempt to ascertain three things; what the employee’s current state of job readiness is, where

they need to be, and what the next step should be. Beausaert, et al, 2013, make the distinction

that employers will have to decide if the PDP should be voluntary or compulsory.

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A distinction needs to be discussed about the affiliation that training has with

development. McDowall & Saunders (2010), stated that participants in a study found that

development was more extensive than training and that it was geared more toward the individual,

not the assigned duties. In general, the participants saw training as a part of development. They

also viewed employee development as being long-term and encompassing more than training

relevant to the job. McDowall & Saunders (2010), discussed that development was less likely to

be viewed as warranted when viewed through the lens of return on investment but management

recognizes that when the two are linked they are in fact, effectual.

As stated earlier, organizations need to recognize the need to recruit, develop, and retain

quality employees and how investing in people will pay big dividends for the organization.

Rahman & Nas (2013), found that writings on the subject affirm that companies in the advanced

countries recognize the link between employee attitudes concerning development and employee

turnover. Employees want to know that organizations care about them and will match that level

with their engagement and productivity. Rahman & Nas (2013), stated that the implication here

is if organizations want to maintain a high level of employee engagement and productivity, then

they must design a culture of learning where development is supported and encouraged.


This section contains analysis that the researcher came up with after collecting the data.

It should be viewed as an attempt at connecting the data with their own thought process. It is

important that researchers understand the problem and the information discovered that can

contribute to its resolution. It is only with the aid of understanding that a problem can truly be

solved with maximum efficiency.

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PDB’s may be a good solution for some organizations that have limits on both the

number of employees and job duties. PDB’s by their very nature require efforts to match

individuals and would not be effective in all circumstances. PDB’s are usually employed as a

means of diagnosis. Management would have to determine if they were a good fit for their

respective organizations based upon their benefits and limitations.

The separation of training from development is purely semantics. Both are necessary for

the long-term health of the organization. Often training is seen as having the quickest return on

investment but becomes reactive when the business evolves and has to be changed. Employee

development is a way for organizations to continuously improve the skills and abilities of its

employees and is most deserving of consideration by management.

The connection between employee development and employee turnover is worthy of

further investigation. Retaining quality talent is superior to the associated costs of replacing that

same pool of employees. Employees recognize when they are supported and appreciated.

Having a detailed employee development plan is an organization’s best insurance policy against

loss of production, high employee turnover rates, and an inability to adapt to future

environmental changes in the business.


By conducting a literature review of the material we are considering for our research

project, we are becoming more aware of not only the problem but also what subject matter

experts know about it. Ernst, Berends, & Bij (2007), found that examination of writings helps to

flag and tag a problem, which in turn assists in defining objectives in a literature search. Clarity

of intent is key in producing something that can advance the project. Possessing a rudimentary

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understanding of the problem will be conducive for finding and using literature that will help

advance the study of the problem and ultimately lead to suggestions for its solution.

Findings and Conclusion, and Ethical Implications

There are several benefits to using a logic diagram. For starters, it is a great problem

solving tool. It also gives the researcher a feel for where they are in the data gathering process

and it provides a way to easily show someone how the researcher came up with their thought

process. “The logic diagram can be shared with people who know little or nothing about your

project.” (Vandenbosch, 2003, p. 118). It is an easy-to-use and very useful tool.

Findings Conclusions Solutions

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Based on the research conducted it was found that many employees do not have any idea

where they stand with regards to meeting organizational goals for their performance. This serves

to handicap the employee and does not maximize employee performance. In turn management is

left wondering why the numbers they look at are down. It was found that training is thought to

have a more immediate return on investment and that employee development is long-term and

often viewed as unnecessary.

There exists some debate on whether training and development are the same thing.

Training is viewed by some managers as for the job while development is for the individual.

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McDowall & Saunders (2010), found that training is adjusted and time-critical, with an

organizational focus, while development was more personal and future oriented. Training is

more universal and is easily compartmentalized but development is specialized and self-paced,

which is why they are technically not the same and should be treated as separate.

Organizational leadership do not adequately understand the value that an employee

development plan affords them in regards to increased productivity and lower employee turnover

rates. “A development culture places a premium on employee growth and rewards people for

success as measured by their contributions.” (Montebello, 1999, p. 238). To obtain such an

environment requires a great deal of high-level persuasion and influence in order to sell the idea

as being good for business. This effort is a worthy endeavor and should be pursued.


Many organizations do not have a detailed employee development plan in place. This is

generally because day-to-day operations are driving the bus with regards to employee time and

efforts, as well as those of management. Due to the demands of delivering product and or

service, there is no priority placed on developing employees and ensuring that succession

planning is set. This is a recipe for disaster because organizations need to be mindful that

employees that are not properly developed will not be able to meet future challenges.

Many employees feel disenfranchised because there is little to no emphasis on their

personal and professional development. This can result in disgruntled employees and employee

turnover. Park (2015) found that when organizations gave employees a voice, this was

interpreted that the organization cared about their well-being. When organizational mission,

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goals, and strategies are linked to employee career planning and development, it benefits all

parties involved.

Ethical Implications

Since meta-analysis is the methodology of choice for this research project, there are no

ethical implications other than that the researcher needs to do everything possible to eliminate

personal bias in the selection of literature and its data. The goal is to be as objective as possible

in the initial selection of materials and in their analysis. Time does not allow the researcher to

assemble researcher participants and seek their informed consent, let alone, interview and survey

those participants in order to gather data. The data gathering process for this applied research

project is much more expedient by using a meta-analysis methodology.

Implement Alternative Solutions

Vandenbosch (2003), found that implementing alternative solutions is part of a time

honored process used for many years by people trying to solve organizational problems. It

seems rather obvious that the more options that are on the table, the more likely it is to find the

best solution. Each solution must be evaluated on the basis of what it would take to incorporate

them, their expected results, the determination and ability of the people involved to move them

forward. Once that is completed, the best solution can be selected and implemented.

Findings Conclusions Solutions

Alternative Solutions

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Alternate Solutions

One such alternative is the Personal Development Plan (PDB). According to Beausaert,

et al (2013) PDB’s can be used to improve employee competencies by using them as a reflective

tool. While digital PDB’s were shown to increase user reflection, there was no conclusive

evidence of its positive effects in practice. It is doubtful that practitioners will find this solution

useful. The intended consequence is that it will increase employee confidence by giving them a

definition of their current job skills state. The unintended consequence is that it might not be

valuable in practice.

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Another alternative solution is partner with a firm that specializes in online, self-paced

development plans that are job specific. This solution would lift a burden of staff involvement

and would only require routine monitoring. The intended consequence would be that this would

give management a feel for where each employee was in regards to their competence. The

unintended consequence would be that the cost might outweigh the benefits. The cost will likely

make this solution a non-starter for many organizations struggling with the concept of needing

employee development.

The last alternate solution to consider is actually make career development an integral

part of the organization’s annual mandatory training. This would be handled in-house and would

require HRD or other organizational entity to come up with the curriculum. The intended

consequence would be that this would be viewed positively by participants and would be low

cost because it would be ran by the organization. The unintended consequence would be that it

will be seen as too generic and not specific enough to the individual employee.

Best Solution

After further review, it would appear that the best choice of solutions to the problem of

organizations not having a detailed employee development plan would be to make it an integral

part of the organization’s existing training program. This choice would allow the organization

itself to have the most influence in its actual creation, implementation, periodic review, and

maintenance. An added benefit would be its low cost and once it is established, it would require

relatively little manipulation. As to its plausibility, it meets all the criteria in its design; logical,

possible, and practical. This solution would offer the most appeal to leadership because of the

control it offers. To combat its unintended consequence of being too generic, it could be made

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job level and job skill specific. The organization could make any adjustments or improvements

it deemed necessary, as dictated by changes in the industry.

Post Script

During this journey to receive my Master’s Degree in Management, I have learned about

many different leadership styles and how to best apply them based upon the circumstances. I

have also discovered how to successfully manage people in an increasingly diverse and

globalized business environment. The 21st Century leader must be a change agent and be able to

get the best effort from their subordinates in support of organizational goals.

I have discovered that leaders must be great communicators both verbally and in written

form. Leaders need to be able to use strategy in business operations and in dealing with

organizational issues. Employees want a leader that they can trust and one that leads by example.

I have discovered that the true leader tries to give their leadership away. They want to empower

people and prepare them to be leaders themselves. I know that it takes a leader to make a leader.

Leaders should desire to see their people become the best that they can be. Today’s top

leaders are transparent, transformational, and eager to mentor and coach their employees. I want

to be a leader that is approachable and supportive. I have learned that a leader must be in the

business of developing their employees. Real leaders foster a climate for learning and take every

opportunity to help people improve their personal and professional abilities. This is the best way

for organizations to safeguard their most valuable asset, the employee.

This applied research project helped me take a subject that is near and dear to my heart

and do a full investigation. I know that many organizations do not have a detailed employee

development plan in place. I have discovered that experts in the field of business management

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recognize this problem. Through the use of some newly learned techniques and ones that I have

used before, I have come up with viable solutions to this problem.

By conducting a brief review of the literature related to this problem, I have come up

with a wealth of information to support my investigation of the organizational problem. Due to

the limited time for completion of this applied research project, I have employed the use of the

meta-analysis method. This research methodology has helped me to compile and synthesize

valuable information into findings. I have been exposed to this research methodology but not to

the extent that was needed for this project.

With the help of the logic diagram, I have taken those findings and supported

conclusions, which in turn led to thinking up solutions and alternate solutions to the problem.

This logic diagram has served to be an excellent problem solving tool and has given me the

ability to track my work and easily display it for all to see. Of course checking the plausibility of

each solution is paramount. The solution has to be one that is logical, practical, and one that the

organization must be both willing and able to do. Also, it is wise to consider the intended and

unintended consequences of all solutions, so that organizational leaders are aware and can make

the best choice for their respective organization. Consequences can make or break a solution and

should be considered in as much detail as possible.

A career path that I am interested in pursuing is in business consulting. I would like to

specialize in performance consulting because I believe it would be the best area to showcase my

leadership and management skills. I have learned how to work with people from various

backgrounds and to investigate organizational problems. I believe that I would be an asset to any

firm or organization wanting to diagnose issues or improve employee productivity.

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This is a field where professionals give advice on how to improve the productivity of the

employees of an organization so that they contribute better towards a company, thereby helping

it to post better results. The employees and the workforce of the organization are the backbone of

that place and there must be periodic training and brushing up of their skills so that they can be

up to date with the latest developments in the sector, be aware of the rules and regulations in the

sector and maybe even learn some new abilities.


The problem of a lack of a detailed employee development plan has been identified.

Designing a detailed employee development plan is needed to identify, develop, and retain top

quality employee talent. This is a necessary part of operating in the business world, if the

organization wants to be successful. If employees are adequately developed and supported, they

will be more invested in ensuring organizational goals are met. Happy workers are productive

workers and they will exceed organizational expectations if they have organizational backing.

The benefits of having an engaged and motivated employee pool far outweigh the cost.

In order to be competitive, organizations need to ensure that their employees are adequately

prepared for any future modifications to organizational goals. HRD is a strategic partner in the

organization in fostering a culture of development. Solving the problem will take a team effort

and also a willingness to acknowledge the problem.

Upper management, and the Human Resources Department are the intended audience for

this paper. The value that this paper provides is a wake-up call to the need to invest in the

employees of the organization. Without a solid plan to assess and correct any deficiencies in

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employee skills will be met with a less than attractive bottom line for the organization. This is

easily avoided with a detailed employee development plan in place.

The basis for this research has been the use of meta-analysis methodology. This particular

methodology is ideal for a project of this short duration. It allows the researcher the ability to

review, analyze, and select data previously uncovered in other research activities. Recent

discoveries can then be compared to previous findings and the best data can be synthesized and

incorporated into the current research project.

A literature review has been conducted with the aim of pinpointing the research and

ensuring that the process of furthering the investigation into the problem continues. With the

wealth of information available, it is crucial that the body of literature considered is gleaned,

while at the same time attempting to be as comprehensive as possible. The literature review is a

pivot point in the whole research project and its importance to the success of the project should

be duly noted. The literature review is the very foundation of this applied research project.

A logic diagram has been used to better illustrate our data, findings, conclusions, and

solutions. The logic diagram represents a logical way to argue a point and it can be useful as a

problem solving mechanism. By using it a researcher can gauge their progression and identify

any shortcomings in the research. "By providing a framework to help you connect data,

findings, conclusions, and solutions, it allows you to test quickly whether the argument you hope

to use to convince your client to act is both complete and consistent." (Vandenbosch, 2003, p.

118). In addition, the paper now includes themes that have arisen while conducting the research,

along with conclusions drawn from the initial findings, and any ethical implications to be

considered as this research has gone forward.

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The last piece to this applied research project was discussing the implementation of

alternative solutions. It is believed that the more solutions available, the better the chance for

success. Of course these solutions have intended and unintended consequences and they should

be evaluated for the plausibility of implementation. After all this is done a best choice solution

can be properly identified that will solve the organizational problem.

The last section of this applied research project is a section titled post script. This is a

lessons learned that not only includes the applied research project but also a summation of

everything learned during the Masters in Management journey. This is a great exercise that

leaders and managers can perform that will give great perspective and may lead to discovering

ways to adjust and improve. The post script reviews what leadership and management abilities

have been acquired and how these skills will be utilized in any future endeavors.


Adams, J. (2007). Research Methods for Graduate Business and Social Science Students. New

Delhi: SAGE Publications.

Beausaert, S., Segers, M., Fouarge, D., & Gijselaers, W. (2013). Effect of using a personal

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Hughes, C. (2015). Valuing Diversity through a Career Development Paradigm Shift: A

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Kochanski, J., & Ledford, G. (2001). "How to keep me"--retaining technical professionals.

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Montebello, A. R. (1999). Promoting a development culture in your organization: Using career

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Rahman, W., & Nas, Z. (2013). Employee development and turnover intention: Theory

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Rahman, H., Rahman, W., Ali, N., & Khan, F. (2016). Organizational Learning Culture and

Employees' Career Development: Empirical Evidence from Colleges of Malakand

Division of Pakistan. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 10(1), 15-29.

Saini, R. (2016). An Analysis of Performance Appraisal Systems and Career Development

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