glyncoch health and well-being advocate brochure


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Post on 29-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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An excellent resource form the health and well-being advocate volunteering project in Glyncoch.... everything from exercise tips to learning opportunities......


Page 1: Glyncoch Health and Well-being advocate brochure
Page 2: Glyncoch Health and Well-being advocate brochure

Who are Glyncoch Health& Wellbeing Advocates?

They are several volunteers giving up their time to promote health and wellbeing throughout the

community of Glyncoch.

Basically they will be spending their time setting up groups and activities promoting physical

health, healthy eating, offering support on mental health and risky behaviour.


Because they want to, there’s a need for it and they volunteered to support others from the

community in which they live.

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Physical Activity

Regular exercise can be very effective at treating and preventing a wide range of health conditions. Physical activity is activity that requires you to use more energy than when you are resting. It can include activities such as walking or gardening. The aim is to reach a stage where you are slightly out of breath.

The benefits of increasing physical activity

Exercise has been shown to either prevent or improve a number of different health conditions for adults, including high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease

Better mobility; joints, tendons and ligaments will be more flexible

Helps maintain a healthy weight by increasing your metabolism (the rate we burn calories)

Improved general mental wellbeing

Increased energy and endurance levels.

Other Support

Glyncoch Support

New community activitiesstarting soon!!

Health Walks

Exercise & Biking Sessions

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Other Support

Glyncoch Support

WeighbustersWednesday 11.30am-1.30pm

Community Centre

Healthy Eating

Ensuring that you have a healthy balanced diet is an important step towards good health. Good health is essential in leading a full and active life. A balanced diet means eating the right amount of foods from all the food groups. There are five main food groups and each one contains essential nutrients. Nutrients are vitamins and minerals that help the body function correctly. Eating nutrients from the right food groups helps keep your body fit and healthy.

The benefits of eating healthily

Eating a nutritious, balanced diet will help you improve your overall health. In particular, a balanced diet can help:

Reduce your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure

Reduce your chances of getting cancer

You have more energy

Keep you well

You lose weight

Improve your bowel health

Your skin, nails and hair look healthier

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Other Support

Listening line 0800 132 737

Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

Glyncoch Support

New BeginningsFriday 10.30am-12.30pm

Community Centre

Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional health is about how we think, feel and behave. Having good emotional health is important as it affects all aspects of our daily lives. Good emotional health is about feeling positive about daily life and work and having good relationships with family and friends. Looking after our emotional health is just as important as looking after our physical health.

Here are some tips on maintaining good emotional health:

Keep active

Eat a healthy balanced diet

Drink alcohol sensibly

Learn to relax

Maintain support networks like your family, friends and colleagues

Talk about your feelings

However, sometimes unexpected events occur that affect our physical and emotional health. Some things that can affect emotional health are work stress and anxiety, the death of a relative or friend, relationship problems and money worries.

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Other Support

Glyncoch Support

Parent & Toddler Monday 9.30am-12pm

Community Centre

Risky Behaviour


Drinking alcohol in moderation can be enjoyable for many people, but drinking excessively or 'binge drinking' can have a harmful effect and can lead to serious health problems.


If you smoke, giving up is probably the greatest single step you can take to improve your health. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK.

Teenage Pregnancy Support

If you are a young mum or teenager who is pregnant, there is a wide range of services to support you during pregnancy and after you have had your baby.

Your midwife or health visitor can give you detailsof local services.

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Out & About Your Community

Credit Union – Wednesday, Office, 9.30am-11am

Job Club – Friday, Community Centre, 10am-3pm

Credit Union – Friday, Community Centre, 12.30-2pm

Current training:

Tuesday Maths and English 9am - 1pm

Tuesday Child Development 1pm - 2.30pm

Tuesday Evening Introduction to Psychology 6pm - 8pm

Wednesday Maths and English 9am - 1pm

Thursday Computers for beginners 1pm - 3pm

For more information please contact

Katie Gillett, Learning Co-ordinator, People & Work Unit07792547001 - [email protected]


Glyncoch Communities First Office - 01443 486496

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Would you like to get involved?

If yes, then there are several opportunities to attend community training programmes or just come along to

our next Health & Advocate meeting on:

6th March 1.30pm-3pm @ Community Centre

Details of other community activities and events can be found on our Website or Facebook page.

Useful Number for Glyncoch Residents:

Glyncoch Communities First Office - 01443 486496

Craig Yr Hesg Primary School - 01443 486830

Cefn Primary School - 01443 486826

Pontypridd High School - 01443 486133

Glyncoch GP Surgery – 01443 401163

Citizens Advice Bureau - 01443 409284

Trading Standards - 01443 406441

Gas (Transco) - 0800 111999

Water (Welsh Water) - 0800 0520130

Electricity (Swalec) - 0800 00525252