glut2, glucose sensing and glucose homeostasis · food and initiate nervous responses to control...

REVIEW GLUT2, glucose sensing and glucose homeostasis Bernard Thorens Received: 4 July 2014 /Accepted: 10 October 2014 /Published online: 25 November 2014 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 Abstract The glucose transporter isoform GLUT2 is expressed in liver, intestine, kidney and pancreatic islet beta cells, as well as in the central nervous system, in neurons, astrocytes and tanycytes. Physiological studies of genetically modified mice have revealed a role for GLUT2 in several regulatory mechanisms. In pancreatic beta cells, GLUT2 is required for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In hepato- cytes, suppression of GLUT2 expression revealed the exis- tence of an unsuspected glucose output pathway that may depend on a membrane traffic-dependent mechanism. GLUT2 expression is nevertheless required for the physiological con- trol of glucose-sensitive genes, and its inactivation in the liver leads to impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, reveal- ing a liver-beta cell axis, which is likely to be dependent on bile acids controlling beta cell secretion capacity. In the ner- vous system, GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing controls feeding, thermoregulation and pancreatic islet cell mass and function, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic activi- ties. Electrophysiological and optogenetic techniques established that Glut2 (also known as Slc2a2)-expressing neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius can be activated by hypoglycaemia to stimulate glucagon secretion. In humans, inactivating mutations in GLUT2 cause FanconiBickel syn- drome, which is characterised by hepatomegaly and kidney disease; defects in insulin secretion are rare in adult patients, but GLUT2 mutations cause transient neonatal diabetes. Genome-wide association studies have reported that GLUT2 variants increase the risks of fasting hyperglycaemia, transi- tion to type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovas- cular diseases. Individuals with a missense mutation in GLUT2 show preference for sugar-containing foods. We will discuss how studies in mice help interpret the role of GLUT2 in human physiology. Keywords Beta cells . Brainstem . Diabetes . Glucose sensing . Glucose transporter . Hypothalamus . Insulin . Liver . Neurons . Review Abbreviations 2-DG 2-Deoxy-D-glucose ChREBP Carbohydrate regulated element-binding protein DMNX Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus GE Glucose excited GI Glucose inhibited GSIS Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion i.c.v. Intracerebroventricular NPY Neuropeptide Y NTS Nucleus tractus solitarius POMC Pro-opiomelanocortin SGLT Sodiumglucose linked transporter Introduction Glucose is a major source of metabolic energy for most cells of the body and is of critical importance for the brain. Because of its role in cellular energetics and brain function the concen- tration of glucose in the blood is constantly monitored to adapt cellular and whole body physiology to maintain glycaemia at 5 mmol/l. Glucose detection mechanisms are multiple and the term glucose sensing, as used in this review, refers to any cellular or molecular mechanism whose activity is directly responsive to changes in physiological glucose concentra- tions. Examples of such glucose-sensing systems include the taste bud cells. These express the sweet taste receptors (T1R2/T1R3) [1], which detect the presence of sugar in the B. Thorens (*) Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Genopode Building, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] Diabetologia (2015) 58:221232 DOI 10.1007/s00125-014-3451-1

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GLUT2, glucose sensing and glucose homeostasis

Bernard Thorens

Received: 4 July 2014 /Accepted: 10 October 2014 /Published online: 25 November 2014# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract The glucose transporter isoform GLUT2 isexpressed in liver, intestine, kidney and pancreatic islet betacells, as well as in the central nervous system, in neurons,astrocytes and tanycytes. Physiological studies of geneticallymodified mice have revealed a role for GLUT2 in severalregulatory mechanisms. In pancreatic beta cells, GLUT2 isrequired for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In hepato-cytes, suppression of GLUT2 expression revealed the exis-tence of an unsuspected glucose output pathway that maydepend on amembrane traffic-dependent mechanism. GLUT2expression is nevertheless required for the physiological con-trol of glucose-sensitive genes, and its inactivation in the liverleads to impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, reveal-ing a liver-beta cell axis, which is likely to be dependent onbile acids controlling beta cell secretion capacity. In the ner-vous system, GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing controlsfeeding, thermoregulation and pancreatic islet cell mass andfunction, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic activi-ties. Electrophysiological and optogenetic techniquesestablished that Glut2 (also known as Slc2a2)-expressingneurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius can be activated byhypoglycaemia to stimulate glucagon secretion. In humans,inactivating mutations in GLUT2 cause Fanconi–Bickel syn-drome, which is characterised by hepatomegaly and kidneydisease; defects in insulin secretion are rare in adult patients,but GLUT2 mutations cause transient neonatal diabetes.Genome-wide association studies have reported that GLUT2variants increase the risks of fasting hyperglycaemia, transi-tion to type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovas-cular diseases. Individuals with a missense mutation inGLUT2 show preference for sugar-containing foods. We will

discuss how studies in mice help interpret the role of GLUT2in human physiology.

Keywords Beta cells . Brainstem . Diabetes . Glucosesensing . Glucose transporter . Hypothalamus . Insulin .

Liver . Neurons . Review

Abbreviations2-DG 2-Deoxy-D-glucoseChREBP Carbohydrate regulated element-binding proteinDMNX Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagusGE Glucose excitedGI Glucose inhibitedGSIS Glucose-stimulated insulin secretioni.c.v. IntracerebroventricularNPY Neuropeptide YNTS Nucleus tractus solitariusPOMC Pro-opiomelanocortinSGLT Sodium–glucose linked transporter


Glucose is a major source of metabolic energy for most cellsof the body and is of critical importance for the brain. Becauseof its role in cellular energetics and brain function the concen-tration of glucose in the blood is constantly monitored to adaptcellular and whole body physiology to maintain glycaemia at∼5 mmol/l. Glucose detection mechanisms are multiple andthe term ‘glucose sensing’, as used in this review, refers to anycellular or molecular mechanism whose activity is directlyresponsive to changes in physiological glucose concentra-tions. Examples of such glucose-sensing systems include thetaste bud cells. These express the sweet taste receptors(T1R2/T1R3) [1], which detect the presence of sugar in the

B. Thorens (*)Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, GenopodeBuilding, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerlande-mail: [email protected]

Diabetologia (2015) 58:221–232DOI 10.1007/s00125-014-3451-1

food and initiate nervous responses to control the cephalicphase of insulin secretion, as well as food preference [2, 3]. Inhepatocytes, high glucose concentrations activate the tran-scription factor known as carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP), a key inducer of glycolysis andlipogenesis [4]. ChREBP is also expressed in beta cells whereit regulates expression of glycolytic and lipogenic genes andcontributes to glucose-stimulated beta cell proliferation [5–7].Amajor function of pancreatic beta cells is to secrete insulin inresponse to a rise in circulating glucose concentrations, andthe signalling pathway involved depends on glucose metabo-lism [8]. In pancreatic alpha cells, an as yet incompletelydefined mechanism, which probably also involves glucosemetabolism, links hypoglycaemia to the release of glucagon[9]. Importantly, glucose-responsive neurons have been iden-tified in several brain regions involved in the homeostaticcontrol of feeding, energy expenditure and glucose homeosta-sis [10, 11]. However, glucose detection in the nervous systemis not restricted to neurons, but also involves astrocytes andtanycytes.

A large variety of glucose-sensing mechanisms have beendescribed in the nervous system [12, 13]. These include mem-brane depolarisation following glucose uptake by the electro-genic Na+-coupled glucose transporter (SGLT)1 [14]; thebinding of glucose to SGLT3, which does not transport glu-cose but can induce a depolarisation signal [15]; the use ofbeta cell-like glucose-sensing systems, or glucose bindingproteins linked to a signalling pathway that closes K+ leakchannels, as described in orexin neurons [16]. The glucosetransporter GLUT2 is also associated with various glucose-sensing cells, which are activated by either hypoglycaemia orhyperglycaemia, as further discussed below.

GLUT2 structure and function

The family of facilitated diffusion glucose transporters(GLUTs, encoded by the SLC2A genes) comprises 14 iso-forms. These have distinct amino acid sequences, substratespecificities, kinetic properties and tissue and cellularlocalisations [17]. GLUT2 has a uniquely low affinity forglucose (Km∼17 mmol/l), and can also use mannose, galac-tose and fructose as low affinity substrates; it has, however, ahigh affinity for glucosamine (Km∼0.8 mmol/l) [18]. GLUT2is present in the basolateral membrane of enterocytes and ofepithelial cells from the kidney proximal convoluted tubulewhere it functions in the second step of transepithelial glucosetransport, a process initiated by the apical sodium–glucose co-transporters SGLT1 or SGLT2. As discussed further below,knocking outGlut2 in the mouse revealed that it is dispensablefor glucose absorption in the intestine but required for glucosereabsorption in the kidney. GLUT2 is also the major glucosetransporter in the plasma membrane of hepatocytes, and

studies on Glut2-null mice indicated that it is required forglucose uptake but dispensable for glucose output. In rodentpancreatic beta cells, GLUT2 is the major glucose transporterand its genetic inactivation suppresses glucose uptake andglucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). GLUT2 is alsoexpressed in the central nervous system.

Thus, although the function of GLUT2 is merely to catal-yse the passive transport of glucose across plasma mem-branes, studies of knockout mice have revealed that thistransport activity is important for the control of cellular mech-anisms impinging on gene expression, regulation of intracel-lular metabolic pathways, and induction of hormonal andneuronal signals which together form the basis of an integrat-ed inter-organ communication system to control glucose ho-meostasis (Fig. 1, Table 1). It is important to note that themouse phenotypes described below are only observed whenboth Glut2 alleles are inactivated and that heterozygousknockout mice are indistinguishable from control mice. Thisis further evidence that glucose transport by GLUT2 is not arate-controlling step in any of the signalling pathways studied.

GLUT2 in pancreatic islet beta cells

The first indication that GLUT2 was associated withglucose sensing was the observation that it is the majorglucose transporter in rodent islet beta cells [19, 20].Because of its high Km for glucose and high transportcapacity, it allows for fast equilibration of extracellularglucose with that present inside the cell. This givesglucose unrestricted access to glucokinase, the enzymethat catalyses the rate-controlling step in GSIS [21]. Indiabetic mice and rats, impaired GSIS is associated withmarkedly reduced expression of GLUT2 [22, 23]. Theloss of GLUT2 expression is regulated at both themRNA and protein levels. Elevated NEFA suppressesGlut2 mRNA expression [24] and, in diabetes, the re-duced Glut2 expression is only observed in beta cellsand not in liver; this is due to a tissue-specific activityof the transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor-1α(HNF-1α) [25]. The rate of GLUT2 protein degradationcan be increased by elevated glucocorticoid levels [26]and, in mice fed a high-fat diet, a reduction in theexpression of N-acetylglucosamine transferase-4, a Golgiapparatus enzyme involved in N-linked glycosylation,leads to structural alterations in the transporter N-gly-can. This suppresses the interaction of GLUT2 withgalectin-9, a lectin that normally anchors the transporterat the cell surface, and reduces GSIS [27–29]. Trans-plantation of islets from diabetic mice in control animalsnormalised GLUT2 levels and restored GSIS [30, 31].Thus, the above data suggest that reduced glucose

222 Diabetologia (2015) 58:221–232

uptake may become limiting in the control of GSIS inthe diabetic state.

Whether GLUT2 has unique properties that are required forglucose sensing has been tested in genetic rescue experiments.Glut2−/− mice die at around the weaning period [32] andtransgenic expression of Glut1 or Glut2 in their beta cells(RIPGlut1;Glut2−/− or RIPGlut2;Glut2−/− mice) restores nor-mal GSIS and glucose-stimulated insulin biosynthesis [33]; aminimum of ∼20% of the normal GLUT2 expression levelwas found to be sufficient to normalise GSIS. Thus, the totaltransport capacity rather than the specific isoform of glucosetransporter expressed at the beta cell surface is necessary fornormal GSIS. This is consistent with the observation thathuman beta cells express several glucose transporters: thelow Km glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT3, andGLUT2, which is expressed at a relatively low level (see also

the discussion of Fanconi–Bickel patients in the ‘GLUT2 inhuman pathophysiology’ section).

A role for GLUT2 in glucose sensing, independentfrom its transport activity, has been proposed based onthe study of liver cells transfected with a cDNA con-struct encoding a green fluorescent protein fused to thelarge intracellular loop of GLUT2 (amino acids 237–301). These studies showed that the fusion protein istranslocated into the nucleus when the cells are exposedto high glucose concentrations, leading to impaired in-duction of glucose-regulated genes such as Glut2 andthat encoding L-pyruvate kinase [34]. In subsequentexperiments, transgenic mice were produced thatexpressed the same fusion protein under the control ofthe actin promoter to achieve ubiquitous expression ofthe transgene [35]. These mice showed a large diversity

Glucose uptake




Bile acids



MCR pathway


Brown fat





Portal vein





Fig. 1 Sites of GLUT2-dependent glucose transport and sensing in inter-organ communication. GLUT2 is present in the basolateral membrane ofintestinal epithelial cells, where it allows entry of glucose in the organism.GLUT2 is present in glucose-sensing cells of the hepatoportal veinregion. Activation of these glucose sensors induces a nervous signal thatstimulates first-phase insulin secretion, as well as other physiologicalresponses. In hepatocytes, GLUT2 is required for equilibration of cyto-plasmic glucose with the extracellular milieu in order to allow appropriateregulation of glucose-sensitive genes during the fed-to-fast transition.These glucose-regulated events modulate bile acid production, whichcan increase beta cell glucose competence through activation of farnesoidX receptor, a nuclear hormone receptor. GLUT2 is expressed in beta cells;in rodents this transporter is essential for normal glucose-stimulated

insulin secretion. GLUT2 is expressed in the brain, in the nucleus tractussolitarius (NTS), in few hypothalamic (Hyp) cells, and in neurons thatsend projections to neuropeptide Yand pro-opiomelanocortin neurons ofthe melanocortin (MCR) pathway. Nervous system GLUT2-dependentglucose-sensing cells control the regulation by glucose by both parasym-pathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Glucose-regulated parasym-pathetic activity controls beta cell proliferation during the weaning periodand glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in adult mice; it also controlsglucagon secretion in response to hypoglycaemia. GLUT2-dependentglucose-sensing cells control the sensitivity to leptin of the melanocortinpathway and sympathetic activity in brown fat to control uncouplingprotein 1 and deiodinase-2 expression and thermoregulation

Diabetologia (2015) 58:221–232 223

of phenotypes associated with deregulation of glucosemetabolism [35] and feeding behaviour [36]. However, eventhough the transgenic mice show a clear and intriguing phe-notype, this is induced by overexpression of a soluble fusionprotein that canmigrate to the nucleus. It is not clear how theseobservations can support a role for GLUT2, a membraneprotein that has so far never been reported to be present inthe nucleus, as a glucose sensor that directly controls biolog-ical processes in the nucleus. Nevertheless, a role for GLUT2in transducing an intracellular glucose-dependent signal, in-dependent from its glucose transport activity, cannot beexcluded.

GLUT2 and the hepatoportal glucose sensor

The finding that GLUT2 is required for glucose signalling inbeta cells prompted the assessment of an association of thetransporter with other glucose-sensing systems. A first indica-tion that this was the case came from studies assessing theregulation of glucagon secretion in response to hypo- orhyperglycaemia. Initial observations with Glut2 knockoutmice revealed strong hyperglucagonaemia [32]. UsingRIPGlut1;Glut2−/− mice it was observed that the stimulationof glucagon secretion by hypoglycaemia or its suppression byhyperglycaemia were lost [37]. As GLUT2 is not expressed inpancreatic alpha cells, this indicated that glucose sensing byextra-pancreatic GLUT2-expressing cells were involved ing l u c a g o n s e c r e t i o n . I n a d d i t i o n , s i n c e t h ehyperglucagonaemia of the knockout mice could be normal-ised by ganglionic blockade, this suggested that these

Table 1 GLUT2 involvement in cellular functions and integrated physiology

Organ / cell Related function Effect of KO Reference

Intestine Transepithelial glucose transport No impairment in intestinal glucoseabsorption


Beta cells (mice) GSIS Suppressed GSIS [32]

Hepatoportal veinglucose sensors

Detection of portal glucose Suppresses a signal that stimulatesglucose uptake by muscles and fat

[46, 47]

Liver Glucose uptakeGlucose output

Suppression of glucose uptakeNo impact on glucose output

[54, 55]

Regulation of glucose-sensitivegene expression

Gene expression maintained to the fedlevel; impaired expression ofcholesterol biosynthesis genes

[52, 53]

Brain (RIPGlut1;Glut2−/− mice)

Control feeding initiationand termination

Delayed initiation of feeding after a fast [66]

Control of glucagon secretion Elevated glucagonaemia and loss ofregulated glucagon secretion duringhypo- and hyperglycaemia

[37, 100]

Thermoregulation Impaired thermoregulation;fast-induced torpor; reducedUCP1 and deiodinase-2 expressionin brown adipose tissue


Control of the melanocortinpathway

Impaired regulation of NPYandPOMC during the fast-to-refedtransition; reduced sensitivityof NPY and POMC neuronsto leptin action

[63, 66]

Nervous system(NG2KO mice)

Control of autonomic nervousactivity

Impaired stimulation of parasympatheticactivity and inhibition of sympatheticactivity by glucose

Reduced beta cell mass and late-onsetglucose intolerance because ofreduced GSIS


Nervous system(NG2KO mice)

Taste preference Increased preference forsugar-containing foods

(G. Labouèbe, B.Thorens,unpublishedobservations)

NTS (Glut2Cre;Rosa26ChR2 mice)

Hypoglycaemia detection,activation of vagal activityand glucagon secretion


UCP1, uncoupling protein 1

GLUT2 is required for GSIS in rodent islets; GLUT2 isdispensable in human beta cells since they also expressGLUT1 and GLUT3.

224 Diabetologia (2015) 58:221–232

extrapancreatic GLUT2-dependent glucose sensors controlautonomic nervous activity.

The hepatoportal vein is richly innervated by vagal afferents[38, 39], which are activated following intestinal glucose ab-sorption [40, 41], leading to several physiological responses:suppression of glucagon secretion [42, 43], feeding termina-tion [44] and stimulation of glucose uptake by some musclesand brown fat [45]. Studies of RIPGlut1;Glut2−/−mice showedthat the signal generated by glucose infusion into the portalvein and that stimulates glucose utilisation by peripheral tis-sues required GLUT2 expression [45, 46]. Studies of micewith inactivation of GLUT4 or of the insulin receptor specif-ically in muscles indicated that the signal generated by thehepatoportal sensor was distinct from insulin, required GLUT4expression, and was suppressed by expression of a dominantnegative form of 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase in muscle[47]. Inactivation of this sensor also suppressed first-phaseinsulin secretion following i.p. glucose injection; however,insulin secretion from perifused islets isolated from the samemice displayed normal first-phase insulin secretion [48]. Thistherefore shows that in vivo, the control of first-phase insulinsecretion depends on an indirect signal activated by glucoseentering the hepatoportal vein area, and probably transmittedto beta cells by the nervous system.

Hepatic GLUT2, bile acids and beta cell glucosecompetence

GLUT2 is the major glucose transporter of hepatocytes inrodents and humans [19, 49]. The generally accepted role ofthis transporter is to take up glucose during the absorptivephase and to release it in the blood during fasting. In hepato-cytes, glucose can be stored as glycogen, degraded throughthe glycolytic pathway or converted to fatty acids by thelipogenic pathway. The release of glucose in the circulationfollows degradation of glycogen or gluconeogenesis.

Glucose also modifies cellular metabolism by allostericand transcriptional regulation. Glucose inhibits glycogenoly-sis by activating glycogen phosphorylase kinase, which inac-tivates glycogen phosphorylase, the rate-limiting enzyme inglycogen breakdown; glucose 6-phosphate, on the other hand,is an allosteric activator of glycogen synthase [50]. Thus,increased absorption and phosphorylation of glucose stimu-lates glycogen deposition by allosteric stimulation of glyco-gen synthesis and inhibition of its degradation. A fraction ofthe absorbed glucose is metabolised through the pentose shuntpathway, which produces xylulose 5-phosphate, an activatorof the protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates ChREBP [4,51]. This induces translocation of ChREBP into the nucleus,where it activates the transcription of the gene encoding L-pyruvate kinase, a key regulator of glycolysis, and lipogenicgenes such as those encoding acetyl-CoA carboxylase and

fatty acid synthase. These allosteric and transcriptional re-sponses are important in the absorptive phase to control glu-cose uptake, storage and conversion into fat.

Investigation of the impact of Glut2 inactivation in hepa-tocytes led to three surprising findings. First, Glut2 inactiva-tion in hepatocytes of adult mice using a tamoxifen-dependentrecombination system (LG2KOmice) [52] suppressed hepaticglucose uptake but did not modify glucose homeostasis in thefed, fasted, or fasted and refed states. Measurement of tissueglucose uptake in LG2KO mice showed increased uptake inthe tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus muscles.Thus, glucose fluxes were redirected to other tissues to pre-serve normal control of glycaemia in the absorptive state.

Second, hepatic glucose production was quantitatively nor-mal in fasted LG2KO mice. This was surprising because thelast steps in glucose release from hepatocytes are classicallydescribed as involving the transport of glucose 6-phosphateinto the endoplasmic reticulum where the active site of theglucose 6-phosphatase is located. Glucose 6-phosphate is hy-drolysed into glucose and phosphate, and glucose is transportedback into the cytosol to be exported from the cell by GLUT2.Our data indicated that absence of GLUT2 suppressed glucoseuptake but, unexpectedly, did not impair glucose output. Thisrevealed the existence of a second pathway for glucose outputthat does not require transport of glucose back into the cyto-plasm. Investigation of this export mechanism suggested thatglucose release was dependent on a membrane traffic-basedpathway originating in the endoplasmic reticulum [53–55].Although not yet fully characterised, this second pathway couldoffer amajor regulatory advantage. Indeed, compartmentalisingglucose away from the cytoplasm when hepatic glucose pro-duction is needed, i.e. in the fasted state, would prevent theredirection of glucose to glycogen storage, glycolysis andlipogenesis. In the fasted state, GLUT2 expression in the plas-ma membrane is nevertheless required for normal hepatic glu-cose metabolism. Indeed, since part of the glucose generatedfrom glucose 6-phosphate in the endoplasmic reticulum can betransported back into the cytoplasm, it needs to be equilibratedwith the extracellular glucose. Preventing this equilibration inLG2KO hepatocytes leads to the accumulation of glucose andglucose 6-phosphate in the cytoplasm, which causes a perma-nent increase in nuclear ChREBP and a paradoxical upregula-tion of the gene encoding L-pyruvate kinase and the lipogenicgenes in the fasted state [52, 53]. The presence of GLUT2 inhepatocytes is therefore required for the normal control byglucose of gene expression under physiological conditions.

The third surprise was that, even though Glut2 gene inacti-vation in adult mouse liver had no immediate impact on wholebody glucose homeostasis, LG2KO mice progressively devel-oped glucose intolerance as a result of a defect in GSIS [52].Thus, altered glucose metabolism in hepatocytes induced pro-gressive beta cell dysfunction. However, beta cell mass andinsulin content were normal. To identify possible signals from

Diabetologia (2015) 58:221–232 225

the liver that control beta cell function, we performed geneexpression analysis of livers of fasted and fed control andLG2KO mice. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed that,besides modifications of glycolytic and lipogenic gene expres-sion, most cholesterol biosynthesis genes were downregulated.However, this was not associated with changes in plasmacholesterol in either the fed or fasted stated. As cholesterol isalso the precursor of bile acids, we measured their concentra-tions in faeces and plasma. Faecal bile acids were reduced by30% in LG2KO mice as compared with control mice, and theplasma bile acid concentration was also lower in the mutantmice. When islets from control mice were incubated for 24 h inthe presence of bile acids, GSIS measured in subsequent incu-bations was strongly increased, and this effect was not seen inislets frommice with genetic inactivation ofFxr, which encodesa nuclear receptor for bile acids. An acute role of bile acids onGSIS, through Fxr-dependent effects on KATP channels has alsobeen reported [56]. Thus, bile acids may form a functional linkbetween hepatic glucose metabolism and beta cell function.

In hepatocytes, GLUT2 is required for glucose uptake butis dispensable for glucose output, which takes placethrough a separate, probably membrane traffic-based re-lease pathway. GLUT2 is nevertheless required to equili-brate intracellular and extracellular glucose concentrationsto ensure proper control of glucose-sensitive gene expres-sion in the liver. Failure of this process, as seen in LG2KOmice, reveals a new role of hepatocytes in linking glucosesensing to the long-term preservation of beta cell glucosecompetence by a mechanism likely involving bile acids.

GLUT2 in the nervous system

GLUT2 is expressed in the central nervous system of humans[57, 58], rodents and zebrafish [59]. In rats, a careful immu-nohistochemical mapping of GLUT2 expression at the lightand electron microscopy levels revealed its presence in mostbrain structures, and expression was found in neurons, astro-cytes, endothelial cells and tanycytes, which are specialisedastrocytes lining the lower part of the third ventricle [60–62].In mice, using a genetic reporter system in which a fluorescentprotein is expressed under the control of the Glut2 promoter(Glut2-Cre transgenic mice crossed with Rosa26tdTomatomice), the distribution of GLUT2 expressing cells in the brainwas found to be very similar to that of the rat [63].

Glucose sensing, feeding and thermogenesis

Initial investigations of the role of rat brain GLUT2 in glucosehomeostasis and feeding control used intracarotid [64] or

intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) [65] injections of specific anti-sense oligonucleotides to silence Glut2 expression. In the firststudy this led to reduced body weight with no change infeeding and a reduced insulin response to intracarotid glucoseadministration. In the second one, Glut2 silencing reducedfeeding and body weight gain. Using RIPGlut1;Glut2−/−micethe feeding response to i.c.v. (as well as to i.p.) glucose or 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) injections was lost and this wasassociated with impaired regulation of the orexinergic (neuro-peptide Y [NPY], agouti-related peptide [AGRP]) and anorex-igenic (pro-opiomelanocortin [POMC], cocaine and amphet-amine regulated transcript [CART]) neuropeptides of themelanocortin pathway during the fast-to-refed transition orfollowing i.c.v. glucose injection [66]. These data indicatedthat central GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing regulatesfeeding through control of the melanocortin pathway.

Thermoregulation in RIPGlut1;Glut2−/− mice is abnormaldue to a defect in central glucose sensing. This was shown bythe much lower hypothermic response induced by i.c.v. 2-DGinjections in RIPGlut1;Glut2−/− as compared with controlmice [63]. This was secondary to reduced activation of brownfat uncoupling protein 1 and deiodinase-2 expression by thesympathetic nervous system and was associated with fasting-induced torpor in the Glut2-null mice. Abnormal sympathetictone was caused, at least in part, by the reduced sensitivity toleptin of arcuate nucleus neurons, further supporting a role forcentral GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing in the control ofthe melanocortin pathway. Analysis of mice that express thered fluorescent protein tdTomato in Glut2-expressing cellsrevealed that NPY and POMC neurons do not express thistransporter. However, they are in contact with nerve terminalsfrom Glut2-expressing neurons, which probably have theirsoma outside the arcuate nucleus, suggesting an indirect con-trol by glucose of the melanocortin pathway.

GLUT2 is required for glucose sensing by cells of thecentral nervous system. Absence of central GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing impairs the normal sensitivityof the melanocortin pathway to leptin and is associatedwith impaired control of feeding and thermoregulation.

Nervous glucose sensing and the regulation of islet cellmass and function

Analysis of mice with genetic inactivation of Glut2 inthe nervous system (NG2KO mice), generated by crossingGlut2flox mice with a strain of nestin-Cre mice that do notshow any metabolic or growth abnormalities [67], provided anew view of the role of nervous glucose sensing in autonomicregulation of the endocrine pancreas [68]. Direct recording of

226 Diabetologia (2015) 58:221–232

nerve activity showed that the firing rate of the parasympa-thetic nerve was lower in NG2KO mice than in control miceand was not increased by i.p. glucose injections. Sympatheticnerve activity was similar in the basal state in NG2KO andcontrol mice but was not suppressed by glucose in NG2KOmice. Thus,Glut2 is required for normal control by glucose ofboth branches of the autonomic nervous system.

Absence of parasympathetic nerve regulation by glucosehad two consequences. First, the proliferation rate of beta cellsduring the weaning period was reduced by half in NG2KOmice vs control mice and this lower rate of proliferation led toa 30% reduction in adult beta cell mass. However, the differ-ence in proliferation rates was not seen when the mice wereweaned on a high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet. Thus, during theweaning period, when there is a high rate of beta cell prolif-eration [69] and when the diet changes from a lipid-rich milkto a carbohydrate-rich chow [70], GLUT2-dependent nervousglucose sensing and parasympathetic activity play a criticalrole in stimulating beta cell proliferation to achieve normaladult beta cell mass.

The second consequence of the lack of glucose regulationof the autonomic nervous system was a loss of first-phaseinsulin secretion. In vivo, this early secretion response de-pends on nervous glucose sensing, in particular activation ofthe hepatoportal glucose sensor. This response was lost inNG2KO mice, whereas first-phase insulin secretion fromisolated and perifused islets from young mice was normal.Thus, the defect in achieving normal adult beta cell masstogether with the loss of first-phase insulin secretion led tothe progressive development of glucose intolerance. Thisbecame evident at around 24 weeks of age and was causedby a defect in GSIS observed in vivo as well as in isolatedislets. These physiological defects were accelerated by high-fat-diet feeding and were also associated with the develop-ment of hyperglucagonaemia.

Nervous GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing is requiredfor the normal control by glucose of the sympathetic andparasympathetic nervous activity. Absence of this sensingmechanism prevents normal beta cell expansion in thepostnatal period and achievement of normal adult beta cellmass. Over time this leads to development of glucoseintolerance due to a defect in GSIS.

Optogenetic control of Glut2-expressing neuronsto stimulate glucagon secretion

In order to better define the role of Glut2-expressing neuronsin glucose regulation, we studied a small group of such cellspresent in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). This brainstem

structure is at the crossroad of afferent signals coming fromdifferent segments of the absorptive track, it can directly sensechanges in nutrient and hormone concentrations, and theneurons forming this structure send projections not only toneighbouring nuclei such as the area postrema (AP) and thedorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (also referred to as theDMNX or DMV) but also to various forebrain regions[71–73]. The DMNX is of particular interest since it is formedby the somas of the vagus nerve neurons and NTS neuronssend numerous projections to the DMNX to control vagalactivity [74].

Mice expressing a fluorescent protein in Glut2-expressingneurons (Glut2Cre;Rosa26tdTomato) were used to prepareacute brainstem slices for patch-clamp analysis. NTS Glut2-expressing neurons were shown to be activated byhypoglycaemia by a signalling pathway that involves glucosemetabolism, stimulation of AMP kinase and the control of K+

leak channels [75]. TheGlut2-Cremice were then crossed withRosa26ChR2 [76] mice to express channelrhodopsin-2, a light-sensitive cation channel [77], in Glut2-expressing neurons.Patch-clamp analysis demonstrated that pulses of blue lightcould induce firing of the NTS Glut2-expressing neurons.Stimulation by light in living mice with simultaneous record-ing of vagal activity showed that activation of the NTS Glut2-expressing neurons increased vagal nerve firing and this led toa strong stimulation of glucagon secretion [75]. Thus, Glut2-expressing neurons from the NTS are part of a neuronal circuitthat links hypoglycaemia detection to the counter-regulatoryresponse. These observations are also in agreement with thefact that when hypoglycaemia develops, vagal activity is in-creased first and sympathetic activity increases only at deeperhypoglycaemic levels [78]. They are also relevant in the con-text of the insulin treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.Indeed, insulin-treated patients are at risk of developinghypoglycaemia, a risk that increases following antecedenthypoglycaemic episodes [79]. This condition, referred to ashypoglycaemia-associated autonomic failure, is due to im-paired hypoglycaemia detection. The identification of anNTS glucose-sensing system involved in glucagon secretionprovides a new pathway to investigate the molecular mecha-nisms of counter-regulation control and defects in these.

Glut2-expressing neurons of the NTS are glucose-inhibited (GI) neurons that are activated by hypoglycaemiaand control vagal nerve activity and glucagon secretion.

GLUT2 in human pathophysiology

GLUT2 mutations The role of GLUT2 in human physiologyand pathogenic processes can be inferred from genetic studies.First, inactivating mutations in the GLUT2 gene cause

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Fanconi–Bickel syndrome, a condition associated with hepa-tomegaly, growth retardation and renal Fanconi syndrome[80, 81]. The liver and kidney phenotypes of the Fanconi–Bickel patients are very similar to those of Glut2 knockoutmice [82]. There is a similar increase in liver weight andincreased glycogen accumulation, but a preservedhyperglycaemic response to glucagon injection, indicatingthat glycogen degradation can be followed by hepatic glucoserelease in the absence of GLUT2, both in humans and mice.Patients with Fanconi–Bickel syndrome have aminoaciduria,hyperphosphaturia and hypercalciuria, which are also ob-served in the Glut2-null mice [83]. In the mouse, exaggeratedsecretion of phosphate is linked to the suppressed expressionin the proximal tubule of the type 2 sodium–phosphate co-transporter (NPT2C). Thus, defects in glucose reabsorption inthe proximal tubule leads to secondary changes in other trans-porters expression, which may explain the observed renalsyndrome.

Impaired GSIS in adult Fanconi–Bickel patients have onlybeen reported in a few cases [84–86], but inactivating muta-tions in GLUT2 have been found to cause transient neonataldiabetes mellitus [87]. As this condition disappears after ap-proximately 18 months, this indicates that there is a transientrequirement for GLUT2 for the control of insulin secretion inthe first months of life. However, transient neonatal diabeteswas not reported in all Fanconi–Bickel patients. This may bebecause such cases went undiagnosed. Alternatively, defectscaused by GLUT2 mutations may be compensated for by theexpression of other genes. For instance, human beta cellsexpress the low Km glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT3in addition to GLUT2, thereby providing multiple means ofefficiently taking up glucose to ensure that glucokinase re-mains the rate-controlling step in GSIS.

Another, attractive possible explanation for the impact ofthe mutation is that GLUT2 expression in the nervous systemhas similar functions in humans as in mice. If this were thecase, impaired GLUT2 expression in glucose-sensing cells ofthe nervous system would prevent the normal expansion ofbeta cell mass in the postnatal period and prevent first-phaseinsulin secretion, leading to hyperglycaemia. Glycaemia is,however, normalised at a later stage of development, whenother signals, independent from autonomic nervous activity,are activated to increase beta cell mass, leading to a sufficientinsulin secretion capacity.

Interestingly, a role for GLUT2 expression in thecontrol of food preference has been suggested by stud-ies of two cohorts of individuals with the commonThr110Ile variant of GLUT2 [88]; these individualsshow a significant preference for high-sugar-containingfood. A similar preference for glucose solutions hasbeen observed in cohorts of NG2KO mice (G.Labouèbe, B. Thorens, unpublished observations). How-ever, when expressed in Xenopus oocytes the GLUT2

Thr110Ile variant is normally transported to the cellsurface and its glucose transport activity is normal[89]. Thus, in humans, the genetic mutation that codesfor the Thr110Ile variant may also be involved inmechanisms regulating GLUT2 expression at a pre-translational level; alternatively, it may suppress a puta-tive signalling mechanism that is distinct from GLUT2sugar transport activity and is dependent on Thr110.

Inactivating mutations in GLUT2 in humans causeFanconi–Bickel syndrome, characterised by hepatomega-ly, growth retardation and renal syndrome. Patients withFanconi–Bickel syndrome have been observed to havetransient neonatal diabetes mellitus, indicating a link be-tween GLUT2 and insulin secretion in human neonates.

Genome-wide association studies

Genome-wide association studies have found that variants inGLUT2 (including the Thr110Ile variant encoded by thers5400 single nucleotide polymorphism) are associated withimpaired fasting glucose [90, 91], type 2 diabetes and anincreased risk of transition from impaired fasting glycaemiato diabetes [90, 92–94]. When GLUT2 SNPs are investigatedin association with other phenotypes, such as intensity ofexercise, the presence of the major allele predicts that lowphysical activity increases the risk of developing type 2 dia-betes by about threefold as compared with high physicalactivity; the presence of the minor allele has no predictivevalue [93]. A search for genetic regions associated with plas-ma lipid profiles and adjusted for diet and physical activityfound that the GLUT2 locus has a major influence on serumcholesterol levels [95]. Another study found that out of 46genetic variants examined, only the minor risk allele ofGLUT2 was significantly associated with a risk of cardiovas-cular diseases [96].

These genetic studies therefore indicate that GLUT2 isinvolved in regulatory mechanisms that control impairedfasting glucose, the risk to transition to type 2 diabetes, pref-erence for sugar-containing foods, as well as cholesterol levelsand risk of cardiovascular disease. Because GLUT2 is onlyone of the glucose transporters present in beta cells, it isunlikely that slight changes in expression could have animpact on insulin secretion. Studies in mice showed thatGlut2 expression in the nervous system controls glucose-regulated autonomic nervous activity, which could impactliver, adipocytes and heart function. It is tempting to speculatethat GLUT2 has a dominant role in glucose sensing in thenervous system in humans and that its deregulation precedesthe development of type 2 diabetes.

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Genome-wide association studies have reported thatGLUT2 variants are associated with fastinghyperglycaemia and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Summary and perspectives

Studies of the facilitated diffusion glucose transporters haverevealed a multitude of novel regulatory systems controllingglucose homeostasis [17, 97]. The investigations of GLUT2function reported here shed light on some unique regulatorymechanisms, in particular related to blood glucose monitoringand the control of pancreatic hormone secretion, activity of theautonomic nervous system, and feeding and thermoregulation.The results of mouse physiological studies and humangenetic-physiological studies to date suggest that, in humans,the association of GLUT2 mutations with transient neonataldiabetes, fasting hyperglycaemia, and risk of type 2 diabetesmay be best explained by defects in neuronal glucose sensing,which induce loss of first-phase insulin secretion, deregulatedfeeding behaviour, hyperglucagonaemia, and progressive de-velopment of glucose intolerance and impaired GSIS. Thissuggests that loss of nervous glucose sensing may actuallyprecede the establishment of the alpha and beta cell defectsthat are characteristic of overt type 2 diabetes. Thus, it wouldbe highly interesting to test the loss of nervous glucose sens-ing in humans. The investigations could include assessment ofthe cephalic phase of insulin secretion, which relies on ner-vous glucose sensing. If this response shows a conservedpattern in healthy individuals, a decreased response may indi-cate a prediabetic state. Designing specific clinical investiga-tions to test this hypothesis could be an important goal offuture research.

A still unresolved question is why is a high Km glucosetransporter required in glucose-sensing cells in the brain whenthe parenchymal glucose concentration is approximately one-third of that in the blood [11], i.e. much lower than the Km ofGLUT2 for glucose? Andwhy is GLUT2 associated with bothGI and glucose-excited (GE) neurons? Related to the firstquestion, it is still unknown whether the high Km for glucoserepresents an advantage for glucose sensing in the brain orwhether GLUT2 has signalling properties that are indepen-dent of its transport capacity. Concerning the role of GLUT2in both GI and GE neurons, we previously proposed amodel toexplain the observation that plasma glucagon levels in Glut2-null mice are elevated in the basal state and no longer increasedby hypoglycaemia or suppressed by hyperglycaemia [37]. Thismodel proposes that during hypoglycaemia, GI neurons gen-erate a positive signal to stimulate autonomic nervous activityand glucagon secretion; in the absence of GLUT2 this positivesignal can no longer be suppressed when euglycaemia is

restored. On the other hand, when glycaemia increases GE,neurons generate an inhibitory signal that suppresses auto-nomic activation of alpha cells; in the absence of GLUT2, thissignal cannot be generated. Thus, Glut2 knockout leads topermanently elevated stimulation of glucagon secretion [98].Our studies on NTS Glut2-expressing neurons have shownthat these are indeed activated by hypoglycaemia to controlparasympathetic activity and glucagon secretion [75]. On theother hand, Glut2-expressing neurons of the basolateral me-dulla are activated by glucose injections as revealed by c-fosimmunostaining [63]. Whether they are GE neurons that neg-atively control glucagon secretion will, however, require directanalysis using electrophysiological and optogenetic tech-niques. These studies will be important to further validate ourhypothesis that GE and GIGlut2-expressing neurons function-ally interact to fine-tune autonomic nervous activity and glu-cagon secretion. The identification of these neurons will alsopave the way to a new understanding of the mechanismsleading to hypoglycaemia-associated autonomic failure.

Finally, because knocking out Glut2 in the nervous systemleads to suppressed regulation of parasympathetic activity byglucose and impaired control of beta cell mass and function[68], it will be important to identify the glucose-sensingneurons that control this autonomic activity. Identification ofthese glucose sensing cells may lead to alternative ways ofimproving insulin secretion capacity in diabetic patients.

Acknowledgements I would like to thank all the members of mylaboratory who have worked over the years on the different studiesmentioned in this review. I thank G. Labouèbe for comments on themanuscript.

Funding The work in my laboratory has been supported by grants fromthe Swiss National Science Foundation, an advanced research grant(INSIGHT) from the European Research Council and the EU 7th Frame-work programme BetaBat.

Duality of interest The author declares that there is no duality ofinterest associated with this manuscript.

Contribution statement The author was the sole contributor to thispaper.


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