glossary of terms

Glossary of terms Media Text A media text is anything that is used to give a message to an audience. This could be any form of media including newspapers, TV programs, an advertisement, a game or even a radio program. In the case of “Just Dance” and “The Last of Us” the media text is a game. for-other-award-winners-and-nominees/1100-6418275/ Semiotics This refers to how a person will interpretive a piece of media text, for example, one person may really enjoy a horror film, while another person may hate them completely. Horror or action fans would usually be attracted to a game like “The Last of Us” because it is very dark and violent, whereas as a person who likes to socialise a lot may be more attracted to a game like “Just Dance” due to its upbeat and

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Glossary of terms

Media Text

A media text is anything that is used to give a message to an audience. This could be any form of media including newspapers, TV programs, an advertisement, a game or even a radio program.

In the case of “Just Dance” and “The Last of Us” the media text is a game.


This refers to how a person will interpretive a piece of media text, for example, one person may really enjoy a horror film, while another person may hate them completely.

Horror or action fans would usually be attracted to a game like “The Last of Us” because it is very dark and violent, whereas as a person who likes to socialise a lot may be more attracted to a game like “Just Dance” due to its upbeat and

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happy theme.


A genre typically refers to the general feeling that they media conveys through visual and audio. This can give an idea of what the media contains and what can be expected by the audience.

For example an advertisement for a horror film would use dark colours such as black and grey as well as a tense ambiance and quiet voices to convey a sinister mood to the film.

In the case of “Just Dance”, you can tell that this is a very happy, cheerful and bright theme to it simply by looking at the game’s case (right) due to the bright

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colour scheme and happy characters. In contrast, you can tell that “The Last of Us” is a much unhappier, gloomier game because of is use of deeper, darker colours and focused expressions on the characters faces, and the fact that they are holding weapons(left).


This is everything that is featured in a media product including audio, animation, text etc.

“The Last of Us” and “Just Dance”, despite both being the same kind of media (games) have very different content that appeal to very different audiences. The content in the “The Last of Us” will appeal to action and

horror fans due to its dark theme and tense atmosphere, but the content of “Just Dance” is much brighter, happier and eye catching.


Games are mostly controlled using a keyboard, handheld controller or D-pad. “The last of Us” is an example of a game that uses a handheld controller, as opposed to “Just Dance” which is controlled by a players movement in front of the Xbox Kinect or other motion capture


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Codes and Conventions

The codes and conventions are what you would expect to see from a game simply by looking at it and what kind of story it contains.

In the case of the “last of us” you would expect a sad, dark story but with “Just Dance” you wouldn’t expect to see a story, or you wouldn’t play it for the story.

Both use the audio differently however; “Just Dance” creates a game heavily based around the music whereas “The Last of Us” uses the audio to create a powerful, dark ambience.

Modes of Address

This is how the game speaks to the player, this could be in one or more of 3 methods: 1St person, 3Rd person and the “voice of god”. 1st person is where you make your own story, 3rd person is where you are told the story and the “Voice of god” is where you have little or no control of the story or are a god like presence to the character.

This is demonstrated in a formal way in “the last of us” where you are following a set story (3rd person) but are also in control of everything the player does, making you their complete controller.

“Just dance” on the other hand is very informal as it commands the player to do as it says in order to play the game.

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Target Demographics

This is who the game or media would appeal to, a game like “The last of us” would appeal more to men around the age of 20 and people who like horror or action games. A game like “Just Dance” would appeal to more social people who enjoy having parties with lots of friends as well as people who like to dance.