global studies review from the aztecs to zheng he (a to z) august 13 th, 2013 regents exam

GLOBAL STUDIES REVIEW From the Aztecs to Zheng He (A to Z) AUGUST 13 th , 2013 REGENTS EXAM

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Page 1: GLOBAL STUDIES REVIEW From the Aztecs to Zheng He (A to Z) AUGUST 13 th, 2013 REGENTS EXAM


REVIEWFrom the Aztecs to Zheng He

(A to Z)


Page 2: GLOBAL STUDIES REVIEW From the Aztecs to Zheng He (A to Z) AUGUST 13 th, 2013 REGENTS EXAM

When historians reconstruct a record of a society, they use multiple

perspectives (points of view):1. They use a variety of evidence2. Analyze primary documents3. Compare societies and regions

The Declaration of Independence is an

example of a “primary document”

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Geography is the study of the Earth and its

physical features (land, sea, and air) and how it affects life on the planet


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The Neolithic Revolution is when humans learned how to farm; farming

changed the way humans lived:People no longer had to

be roaming nomads Food surpluses led to population increases

Farming villages became established along river valleys; the rivers offered good soil, irrigation,

and sources of drinking water

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The world’s first four civilizations all began in river valleys

The first civilization began in an area known

as Mesopotamia

ChinaIndus Valley

Ancient Egypt

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Sumerians, Mayans, and

Egyptians all had writing systems

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Mountains covered about 75% of Greece; these barriers divided the Greek people into

separate mountain valleys and made

unifying Greece nearly impossible

Because of this division, the Greeks were divided into independent city-states

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Mountains covered about 75% of Greece; these barriers divided the Greek people into

separate mountain valleys and made

unifying Greece nearly impossible

Because of this division, the Greeks were divided into independent city-states

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At the height of its power, the Roman Empire

controlled every bit of the coastal region on the Mediterranean Sea

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There is no single Hindu text (like the

Christians’ Bible), but rather several written

works that explore Hindu philosophy

The most sacred of these texts are Vedas

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Beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, Islam

All three religions are monotheistic (worshipping

only ONE god); Jews, Christians, and Muslims all

worship the SAME God

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To Muslims, the holiest city is Mecca in Saudi Arabia

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The Byzantines controlled the trade routes between the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea

When the Roman Empire was divided, the eastern half

became the Byzantine Empire

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Roman Emperor Constantine made

Christianity the official religion of the Roman

Empire; this is an example of a leader

using religion to unify his empire

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During the Middle Ages, the manorial system was the way in which people of Europe survived

The people would work on the lord’s land (the manor) in exchange for protection and some money

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Some Facts About Japanese Feudalism

There was a rigid social structure, which led to limited social mobility

Samurai followed a code of conduct called “bushido” (the way of

the warrior)The shogun was the

supreme military leader

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The kingdoms of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai were the

three major gold-salt trading states of

West Africa

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King Mansa Musa of Mali was a devout Muslim who spread Islam and

Islamic culture throughout Africa

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With the Act of Supremacy, King Henry VIII cut all ties to the Catholic Church and became head of his own Church of England; this was a direct challenge to the religious and political authority of the Catholic Church

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The Black Death

The Bubonic Plague (aka the “Black Death”)

spread in the mid-1400s, mostly

devastating cities and crowded urban areas

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Christopher Columbus’ ship

Zheng He’s ship

Working for China’s Ming Dynasty, Chinese admiral Zheng He led several voyages that increased trade with Africa and Southeast Asia

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Spain sponsored Christopher Columbus’ first voyage because he was trying to find a more direct water route to Asia; instead, he accidentally sailed to what we now call the Americas (lands not previously known to Europeans)

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The Aztecs had an unusual method of farming, building “floating gardens” called chinampas in lakes; this is an

example of adapting to the environment

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Spain’s large cash crop farms were

called encomiendas, which required

forcing the Natives to work for the Spanish

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During the Middle Ages, English nobles revolted against a cruel king who

overtaxed them

In 1215, the nobles forced King John to sign a

document called the Magna Carta which limited

the king’s power and protected citizens’ rights

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English philosopher John Locke believed that people are born with natural rights,

including life, liberty, and property

Political Ideas of the Enlightenment Thinkers

John Locke opposed political Absolutism,

a type of government where

kings have unlimited power

The English Bill of Rights

(1689)•The king cannot tax or overturn Parliament’s laws

•Protected freedom of speech

•The army cannot be used as a police force

•No excessive bail

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The Mughal Empire’s Akbar the Great and the Ottoman Empire’s Suleyman the Magnificent

controlled large empires at the height of their power



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Great thinkers of the Scientific Revolution

(such as Gailileo, Copernicus, and Newton)

used logic and the scientific method to find

answers to questions; they all practiced observation and

experiments in their work

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The Russian Empire was difficult to unite because it was made up of many diverse ethnic groups

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The “Enlightened Despots” were

rulers who favored religious

tolerance, tax reform, and saw themselves as

servants of their nations

“Absolute Rulers” were

kings who abused their

power and their people; kings like

Louis XIV (the 14th) had

unlimited power in their nations

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In the “laissez faire” (hands off) capitalist economic system, the emphasis is on private property and profit incentives

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In 1884, fourteen European nations met at the Berlin Conference to “set the rules” for colonizing in Africa; basically, the Europeans divided Africa

up among themselves at the Berlin Conference

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Long-term results of the Berlin Conference:

by 1914, Europeans controlled 90% of


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Title Japan’s annexation of Korea and victories in the Russo-

Japanese War and Sino-Japanese War made Japan a rising imperialistic country in

the early 1900s

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As this poster illustrates, many

nations were concerned over the

threats of spying during World War I

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After WWI, Germany was forced to sign the “war guilt” clause, accepting all blame for the war and

paying $33 billion in reparations to the Allies “Reparations” are payments for war damages

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In 1922, Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal (a.k.a. Ataturk: “Father of the

Turks”) overthrew the last Ottoman sultan and created

the Republic of Turkey

Ataturk westernized Turkey and created a secular (non-religious) government

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Fascism was a type of government favored by

Germany’s Adolf Hitler and Italy’s Benito Mussolini

With fascism, there is extreme nationalism, use of force and terror, censorship

of information, and devotion to a single ruler

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From 1930 to 1949, Nationalists and Communists fought in a bloody civil war for control of China

During the “Long March”, Mao Zedong emerged as a revolutionary leader of the

Chinese Communists

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Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”

Mao began a massive program to increase agriculture and industry called the “Great Leap Forward”

With this program, Chinese peasants were forced to join

communes, working and living together

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The primary goal of the Indian

National Congress in India was to remove foreign

controlIndia had been under British

control for nearly a hundred years

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In 1960, the oil-producing nations of the world formed the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC’s purpose was to influence the price of oil and set production levels

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The Zionist Movement had the goal of creating a country for the world’s Jewish people

The country of Israel was the result of the

Zionist Movement

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The system of “apartheid” created strict racial segregation (total separation of races) between Blacks and Whites in South Africa;

apartheid laws were unfair to Blacks

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Censorship is the practice of examining books, TV programs, news stories, etc. and removing or changing things in them

one does not want people to see or know

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Deforestation is the act of cutting down or burning all trees in a certain area or region

Deforestation is the greatest threat to the biodiversity in the Amazon, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia

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Amnesty International and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights both are associated with protecting the dignity and rights of individuals

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CULTURAL DIFFUSIONCultural diffusion is the exchange of ideas, goods, and technology

between two societiesIt increased desires for luxury goods like silk,

cotton, sugar, and spices

It introduced technologies like compass, astrolabe,

ship designs, and gunpowder

It introduced ideas like Arabic numbers, chemistry,

algebra, and telescopes

Trade on the “Silk Road”

brought about much

cultural diffusion between

Europe and Asia

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Justinian Code and Napoleonic Code

French Emperor

Napoleon’s “Napoleonic Code” and Byzantine Emperor

Justinian’s “Justinian

Code” were similar in that

they gave their people a set of rules to follow

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The Renaissance began in Italy

because of the Italians’ great

wealth (they paid artists to create)

Italian city-states such as Florence

gained wealth through their

trade with Constantinople

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In 1949, the United States formed the North Atlantic

Treaty Organization (NATO): a bloc (military alliance)

among democratic countries in Western Europe and North


The countries of NATO would defend each other against

the Communist threat of the Soviet Union

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When the Soviet Union began to pressure Greece and Turkey to turn communist, the U.S. created the Truman Doctrine, promising economic and military

help to any nation threatened by communism

T =

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Celebrating East Germans and West Germans tore down the hated Berlin Wall; this was the symbolic collapse of

communism and the end of the Cold War

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Porfirio Diaz, Francisco “Pancho” Villa, and Emiliano

Zapata are associated with the Mexican Revolution (when

Mexico broke free from Spain)