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Global Specialties Catalog Industrial Electronics


Page 1: Global Specialties Catalog
Page 2: Global Specialties Catalog

Microprocessor Trainers


88––BBIITT MMIICCRROOPPRROOCCEESSSSOORR TTRRAAIINNEERR WWIITTHH EEXXPPEERRIIMMEENNTTSS Memory contents modification and dump function Program download and disassemble Single step function Register contents display Various command function ROM writer function (2764-272512) STEP motor interface circuit D.C. motor control Dot Matrix (3 color) experiment Audio experiment Robust keyboard functions 16 x 2 line LCD (Liquid crystal display) +5 V, 12 V, -12 V S.M.P.S. (Free voltage) power (110 V/220 V) Wood case


1166––BBIITT MMIICCRROOPPRROOCCEESSSSOORR TTRRAAIINNEERR WWIITTHH EEXXPPEERRIIMMEENNTTSS Program debugging function by PC Program download and trace function Display to register contents Memory contents modification and dump function Various command function Include with step motor interface circuit Dot matrix experiment LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 16 x 2 line experiment D/A and A/D converter experiment Sound experiment by speaker Interrupt experiment A/D converter experiment by thermistor D/A converter experiment by level meter Keyboard experiment External interface connector LED display of current system bus status +5 V, +12 V, -12 V S.M.P.S. (Free Voltage) Power (110 V/220 V) Wood case


Global’s new microprocessor trainers offer excellent instruction on 8 and 16 bit systems. Each model comes with courseware andcomputer interface and housed in a durable wood carrying case.


Page 3: Global Specialties Catalog

Proto-Boards® 3

PB-83E 840 7in 4 in 1.4 in 8 3

PB-70E 1260 8.5 in 5 in 1.4 in 12 3

PB-103E 2250 9 in 6.9 in 1.4 in 24 4

PB-104E 3060 9 in 8.25 in 1.4 in 32 4


EXP-300E 6.5 in 1.75 in 550 110 5

EXP-350E 3.25 in 1.75 in 270 54 3

GS-060 4 in .375 in 60 12 n/a

GS-080 5.25 in .375 in 80 16 n/a

GS-090 6.5 in .375 in 90 18 n/a

GS-100 6.5 in .375 in 100 20 n/a

GS-351 4 in 1.375 in 350 70 4

GS-400 3.3 in 1.4 in 400 80 3

GS-470 5.25 in 1.375 in 470 94 5

GS-590 6.5 in 1.375 in 590 118 7

GS-630 6.5 in 1.375 in 630 20 n/a

GS-830 6.5 in 2.125 in 830 168 7

Global Specialties now offers even more prototyping options by introducing its new line of economically-priced Proto-Boards® and solderless breadboard systems.



Model Tie points Length Width Height IC Capacity Binding Posts

Solderless breadboardsModel Strip length Strip width Tie Points Term Clips IC Capacity

PPBB--8833EE PPBB--7700EE PPBB--110033EE PPBB--110044EE

EEXXPP--330000EE EEXXPP--335500EE GGSS--6600 GGSS--8800 GGSS--9900 GGSS--110000

GGSS--335511 GGSS--440000 GGSS--447700 GGSS--559900 GGSS--663300 GGSS--883300

Global’s New Economy Line

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Prototyping & DesignProducts


Proto-Board® Design Workstation Series An exceptional combination of advanced functions, flexibility and features, built with Global Specialties® dedication and commitmentto quality and workmanship, make our Circuit Design workstation a valuable cost-effective product for research & development and educational applications.

PPBB--550055 AAddvvaanncceedd CCiirrccuuii tt DDeessiiggnn TTrraaiinneerr Large removable breadboard area 4040 Tie points Two digital pulsers Built-in multi-waveform 100 kHz function generator Quad voltage power supply:three DC & one low voltage AC Coursewave options available Built-in logic probe with pulse capture BCD to 7 segment decoder/display 8 channel logic indicators Audio experimentation speaker

Large removable Breadboard plateModel PB-4

Triple outputpower supply

100 kHz functiongenerator


PB-4 3360 Tie Points

12.6 V ct.AC output

8 channellogic monitor

High speedlogic probe

CCoouurrsseewwaarree oopptt iioonnss aavvaaii ll aabbllee

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Prototyping & Design Products 5

MMooddeell PPBB--550033CC PPoorrttaabb llee DDeess iiggnnWWoorrkkssttaatt iioonnMMooddeell PPBB--550033 BBeenncchh--ttoopp WWoorrkkssttaatt iioonn 3 year warranty on sockets and all parts and workmanship Multiple features in one complete test instrumentsaves hundreds of dollars necessary for individual units

Ideal for analog, digital and micro processor circuits High & low buffered logic indicators 2820 Tie points (PB-503) Removable breadboard area 8 channel logic monitor 8 selectable logic switches Function Generator with continuouslyvariable sine, square and trianglewaveforms, plus TTL pulse

Triple output DC power supply Two digital pulsers Audio experimentation speaker PB-503C comes in carrying case


RReemmoovvaabbllee bbrreeaaddbbooaarrdd PB-3 for use with PB-503 & PB-503C 2520 Tie pointsPB-503


(Meter not included)

CCoouurrsseewwaarree ooppttiioonnss aavvaa ii ll aabbllee

The PB-503 offers a workbench full of circuit design tools in one rugged compact unit. Removable breadboard platessecured by Velcro (which can be ordered separately), add convenience and time-savings. Built to provide years oftrouble free service and backed by a 3 year warranty.

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Prototyping & DesignProducts


Powered Proto-Board® Perfect for Educational Applications

AANNAALLOOGG CCIIRRCCUUIITT TTRRAAIINNEERR Light weight, only 1 lb. 12 oz & durablecase

950 Tie points Power pack included - UL approved 2 Slide pots, 10K & 100K 2 SPDT slide switches 2 BNC Connectors Speaker, 2”, 8 Ω


CCoouurr sseewwaarree oopptt iioonnss aavvaa ii ll aabbllee

LLOOGGIICC DDEESSIIGGNN TTRRAAIINNEERR 8 LED Logic indicators, dual function Output ports also supplied 950 Tie point breadboarding area Battery operated Featuring clock output & logic pulsers (2 debounced switches)


AADDVVAANNCCEEDD LLOOGGIICC DDEESSIIGGNNTTRRAAIINNEERR Two fully debounced push buttonswith true logic outputs

936 Tie points TTL/CM OS operation 8 SPST logic switches & buffered LED logic indicators

7-Segment LCD display Power pack included - UL approved


Separate +12/-12 VDC power supplies, each capable of 250 mA

Now with AC power input Rugged metal enclosure 3360 Tie points


Separate +5.5 VDC / -5.5 –18 VDC power supply capable of 500 mA @ 15 VDC

Factory pre-set power to ±15 VDC Voltages adjustable internally AC power input 2520 Tie points


Includes Model PB-10 Proto-Board®

840 Tie points DC power pack included - UL approved Power connector 25 pre-cut jumper wires Perfect for students & small experiments



Breadboard and power supplycombined in one convenient package

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Proto-Boards® 7

UUBBSS--110000 0.3 in --- 6.5 in 2.2 in 840 168 8(14-pin)

EEXXPP--330000 0.3 in --- 6.0 in 2.1 in 550 110 6(14 pin)

EEXXPP--335500 0.3 in --- 3.6 in 2.1 in 270 54 3(14 pin)

QQTT--9955SS --- 6.2 in 6.5 in 1.32 in 590 118 8

QQTT--5599BB --- 6.2 in 6.5 in 0.36 in 100 20 N/A

QQTT--4477SS --- 1.0 in 5.3 in 1.32 in 470 94 6

QQTT--4477BB --- 5.0 in 5.3 in 0.36 in 80 16 N/A

QQTT--3355SS --- 3.8 in 4.1 in 1.32 in 350 70 N/A

QQTT--3355BB --- 3.8 in 4.1 in 0.36 in 60 12 N/A

IC Capacity 8 16 24 32 48

Terminals 450 612 912

Tie Points 840 1680 2250 3060 4560

Binding Posts 3 4 4 4 5

Length 7.0 in 6 in. 9 in. 9.8 in. 9.2 in.

Width 4.0 in 6.5 in. 6 in. 8 in. 11.4 in.

Height 1.4 in 1.4 in. 1.4 in 1.4 in 1.4 in

P/N 104-1000 104-6000 104-1030 104-10401 04-1050

Assembly Required N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Nickel silver alloy pins are pre-stressed, spring loadedand non-corrosive for long term reliability

Proto-Board Systems


PB-10 PB-60 PB-103 PB-104 PB-105

Models Center Mount Dimen. Strip Length Strip Width Tie Points Term Clips IC Qty


PPBB--1100 PPBB--6600 PPBB--110033 PPBB--110044 PPBB--110055

UUBBSS--110000 EEXXPP--330000 EEXXPP--335500 QQTT9955SS QQTT--5599BB QQTT--4477SS QQTT--4477BB QQTT--3355SS QQTT--3355BB

Molded in a rugged thermoplastic for durability and high temperature application

Heavy mylar backing eliminates possibility of short circuits

TThhee OOnnllyy BBrreeaaddbbooaarrdd YYoouu’’ll ll EEvveerr NNeeeedd

Global’s premium brand

Genuine Proto-Board® solderless breadboard assemblies combine Global’s high quality American-made sockets with sturdy anodized aluminum and rugged plastic backplates. Non skid rubber feet and color-coded binding posts are included for the ultimate in utility.

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Prototyping Accessories


WK-1335500 ppcc JJUUMMPPEERR WWIIRREE KKIITT Contains pre-cut/pre-stripped/pre-formed AWG#22 insulated solid hookup wire

25 pieces each of 14 color-coded lengths - 0.1 through 5.0 inches for a total of 350 wires

Compartmental plastic case Each group of wires are individually wrapped to prevent mix-up

WK-37700 ppcc JJUUMMPPEERR WWIIRREE KKIITT Contains pre-cut/pre-stripped/pre-formed AWG#22 insulated solid hookup wire

5 pieces each of 14 color-coded lengths - 0.1 through 5.0 inches for a total of 140 wires

Compartmental plastic case Each group of wires are individually wrapped to prevent mix-up

WK-2114400 ppcc JJUUMMPPEERR WWIIRREE KKIITT Contains pre-cut/pre-stripped/pre-formed AWG#22 insulated solid hookup wire

10 pieces each of 14 color-coded lengths - 0.1 through 5.0 inches for a total of 140 wires

Compartmental plastic case Each group of wires are individually wrapped to prevent mix-up

ProtoLab 4.0PPRROOTTOOLLAABB®® 44..00 CCIIRRCCUUIITT DDEESSIIGGNNAANNDD SSIIMMUULLAATTIIOONN SSOOFFTTWWAARREE Easy-to-use interface: Generate AC & DC circuits moment safterinstallation with ProtoLab®’s easy “click & drag” component placement

Choose from a list of active and passive analog components

Five virtual instruments allow for istant, accurate circuit analysis

Pre-designed circuit library included Low cost For Windows® XP

RC10RREESSIISSTTAANNCCEE // CCAAPPAACCIITTAANNCCEE SSUUBBSSTTIITTUUTTIIOONN BBOOXX Convenient selection of standard resistors and capacitor values separately or in series & parallel RC combinations

36 resistor ranges 18 capacitor ranges Perfect for educational experiments and circuit designs,

Compact design Test leads with alligator clip connectors included



Cutting and stripping wire takes away valuable time when designing and testing circuits. Global offers variouscombinations of pre-stripped wire kits to help save time & money.

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Laboratory Power Supplies 9

1305HHIIGGHH PPEERRFFOORRMMAANNCCEE DDUUAALL OOUUTTPPUUTT DDCC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY Constant voltage (CV) or constant current (CC) operation with LED indicators Automatic transition from CV to CC mode at any voltage or current with in the range

Separate front panel 3 digit green LEDs to monitor voltage and current of each output

Each output is isolated which enable series or parallel operation that extends the output capabilities to either 0-64 VDC @ 5 A or 0-32 VDC @ 10 A

Remote sensing available on each output Automatic overload and short circuit protection

1302BTTrriippllee OOUUTTPPUUTT RREEGGUULLAATTEEDD DDCC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY Three outputs:(1) +5 VDC (variable from 4.5V DC to 5.5 VDC) @ 5 A (2) 0-32 VDC @ 2A

Isolated, independent supplies Series and parallel operation Short circuit protected Two digital readouts - monitor current or voltage Constant voltage or constant current mode with green & red LED indicators

1310TTRRIIPPLLEE OOUUTTPPUUTT DDCC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY Triple outputs:(1) +5 VDC @ 1.0 A and (2) Two variable 1.3-20 VDC @ 0.25 A

Isolated, independent supplies Series and parallel operation Short circuit protected


(1) +5 VDC @ 1.0 A and (2) variable 1.5-18 VDC @ 0.25 A

Isolated, independent supplies Series and parallel operation Short circuit protected

1332ASSIINNGGLLEE OOUUTTPPUUTT DDCC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY Output variable from 0-32 VDC up to 5 A Continuously variable with coarse and fine controls Short circuit protected Two digital readouts - monitors current and voltagesimultaneously

Constant voltage or constant current mode with LED indicators

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AC Power


1504VVAARRIIAABBLLEE AACC LLIINNEE SSUUPPPPLLYY Single range 0-150 VAC @ 4A Triple isolated continuous variable AC Output Power line leakage current measurement function 3 digit digital display for high accuracy Capacitive coupling less than 0.0005 pF Galvanic leakage less than10 µA120 dB attenuation for common mode noise

1506VVAARRIIAABBLLEE LLIINNEE SSUUPPPPLLYY WWIITTHH 222200 VV IINNPPUUTT Dual range output, same as model 1505 220 V input @ 50 Hz Triple isolated continuous variable AC output Power line leakage current measurement function 3 digit display for high accuracy Capacitive coupling less than 0.0005pF Galvanic leakage less than 10uA 120dB attenuation for common mode noise

1505DDUUAALL RRAANNGGEE VVAARRIIAABBLLEE AACC LLIINNEE SSUUPPPPLLYY Dual range 0-130 VAC @ 4 A & 0-260 VAC @ 2 A Triple isolated continuous variable AC Output Power line leakage current measurement function 3 digit digital display for high accuracy Capacitive coupling less than 0.0005 pF Galvanic leakage less than 10 µA 120 dB attenuation for common mode noise

1507PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY Variable isolated AC output from 0 to 150VAC Continuous 10 Amp output current to a maximum of 1300VAC Variable current adjust Two parallel, three prong AC outlets allow the unit to be used for more than one load

Two 3.5 inch high analog meters: one monitors AC line or output voltage and the other displays output current or leakage

Leakage indicator and reset switch Audible alarm to warn of “hot” chassis or shorts Output overload protected AC input fuse protected AC output adjustable current Relay with manual reset


Global Specialties is proud to offer the widest range of economically-priced AC power products on the market today. From triple-isolatedAC sources with inputs and outputs of 110V and 220V, to digital watt meters with data logging capabilities, Global’s products suit a widevariety of applications. All AC power products are backed by a 3-year warranty.

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AC Power 11

1510 & 1515VVAARRIIAABBLLEE AACC SSOOUURRCCEESS Wide operating frequency range 47-450 Hz (output frequency follows input frequency)

High Continuous current outputs:1510: 0-10 A1515: 0-15 A

Continuously variable outputs of 0 to 130V AC on both models Built-in analog voltmeter and ammeter with 2% full scale accuracy Power on/off switch and special output on/off voltage load switch Separate input and output fuses for double protection

1315AACC AANNDD DDCC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY 0-25 V @ 5A variable AC or DC output AC or DC selection switch Input surge suppressor, input fuse protected and output overload trip Power on/off switch with power on LED indicators Heavy duty transformer Rugged metal case Regulated AC ±10% DC Ripple <1 V Perfect for educational experiments in electrical and electronic laboratories

1522DDIIGGIITTAALL WWAATTTTMMEETTEERR Measures true RMS voltage Measures true RMS current to 20 A Measures true power to 1999 W Touch-activated switches Large 3.5 digit green LED digital display Front and rear outlets Powered over range indication

1523DDIIGGIITTAALL WWAATTTTMMEETTEERR WWIITTHH CCOOMMPPUUTTEERR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE Measures true RMS voltage Measures true RMS current to 20 A Measures true power to 2600 W Special measurement range for frequency and volt amps

Autoscan feature Touch-activated switches Backlit LCD display Front and rear outlets Powered over range indication




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Generators and Oscilloscope



203033MMHHZZ FFUUNNCCTTIIOONN GGEENNEERRAATTOORR Wide frequency range 3 Hz to 3 MHz in 7 ranges Sine, square, triangle and ramp low distortion wave forms

Variable DC offset duty control Internal/external frequency counter with gate control l6-digit LED display Amplitude adjust min-max-20dB Separate TTL/CMOS output 110-120 VAC @ 60 Hz or 210-220 VAC @ 50 Hz operation

40101100MMHHZZ PPUULLSSEE GGEENNEERRAATTOORR Frequency range 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz 8 crystal-derived accurate spot frequencies Low rise and fall time <10 ns Variable pulse width Adjustable pulse delay Manual/external triggering Normal and inverted output Heavy duty metal case

2001A220000KKHHZZ FFUUNNCCTTIIOONN GGEENNEERRAATTOORR Sine, square, triangle plus TTL output Less than 1% Sinewave Distortion Variable DC Offset Sweepable 100:1 with ±10 volts input 1mV-10V Level Output Two separate outputs- one variable, one fixed TTL level 600 ohm impedance and shortcircuit protection Continuously variable frequency from 0.2Hz to 200 kHz, with 10:1calibrated vernier & six decade ranges

400155MMHHZZ PPUULLSSEE GGEENNEERRAATTOORR Independent settings of pulse width & spacing

Frequency range 0.5 Hz to 5 M Hz

Four modes: run, triggered, gated, one-shot

Symmetrical square wave outputs Complement output - inverts waveforms Variable output for CMOS circuits



2200 MMHHZZ AANNAALLOOGG OOSSCCIILLLLOOSSCCOOPPEEModel 2022 is a 20 MHz, dual-channel oscilloscope with a sweep time range of 0.2 µs/DIV to 0.5s/DIV. The maximum sensitivity is 1mV/DIV (when using x5 magnification). The 2022oscilloscope is a durable, reliable and easy to operate test instrument.

Automatic triggering: This instrument uses a trigger level lock

function which makes manual triggering adjustments unnecessary

AUTO/NORM triggered sweep operation with AC, TV-H, TV-V,

TV and line coupling

The model 2022 is adual-channel 20 MHzanalog oscilloscope

that is priced right forschools, home hobbyists, and cost-conscious

business applications.

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Logic Analyzer & Test Station 13

36003322 CCHHAANNNNEELL LLOOGGIICC AANNAALLYYZZEERR WWIITTHH UUSSBB IINNTTEERRFFAACCEEAccurately analyze, validate and debug digital signals using Global’s new 32-channellogic analyzer. This value-priced instrument performs like those of its higher pricedcompetitors. Operate as a stand-alone unit or connect to the computer via USB interface. The Model 3600 also includes current limit and over voltage protection.Unit comes complete with software, data pods and logic grabbers.

32 General Input Channels in 4 groups with 8 channels for each group 4 Groups can be combined in three different Logical configurations Current Limit Protection and over voltage protection function Name can be defined for each Channel Programmable Threshold Voltage for each Channel Internal/External Clock Selection to sample Data Convenient Data Search function Zoom in and Zoom out feature Cursor Feature Simulation Feature Keyboard operation and sequence adjusting with knob

9004FFoouurr-- IInn--OOnnee TTeesstt SSttaatt iioonnReduce your overall cost with this unique 4 in 1 instrument.Global’s Model 9004 Test Station includes four laboratory-gradetest instruments in one convenient, space-saving package. Instruments housed in the rugged steel enclosure include high-output RF & Function Generators, Frequency counter and afully independent DC power Supply.

100 kHz to 110 MHz RF generator with AM and FM capability 100 MHz, high sensitivity counter with 5 digit display 1 Hz to 1 MHz function generator Variable 32 V, 2 A DC power supply Adjustable voltage and current limit Digital readout for voltage and current 32 VDC @ 2 A

Function Generator Section

Internal/ ExternalFrequency Counter Section

RF Generator SectionIndependent DC PowerSupply Section


Page 14: Global Specialties Catalog

Digital Multimeters


Pro-808800000000 CCoouunntt SSiiggnnaa ll AAnnaa llyyzziinngg DDMMMM wwii tthhRRSS--223322 IInntteerr ffaaccee 80000 count dual LCD backlit display with 21-segment

high speed bar graph Built-in 10-digit frequencies counter measuring range

from 0.01Hz to 1299.99999 MHz, basic accuracy 0.002%.

Built-in function generator with 1800 waveform outputs, duty cycle adjustable form 1% to 99%.

Versatility meter offers 50 functions including AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, resistor, temperature, capacitance, pulse width, pulse duty, dBm, etc.

Simultaneously measures (AC + DC), (AC + Hz), (DC + dBm), (dBm + Hz), (Hz + duty), (C + (F), dual display of both values.

Pro-70AAUUTTOO--RRAANNGGIINNGG DDMMMMSS WWIITTHHCCOOMMPPUUTTEERR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE 3 3/4 digit display with 40 segment bar graph Creative design of elegance RS-232C interface Auto/manual ranging LCD backlighting Full protection on all ranges Now with temperature measuring range

Pro-51VVEERRSSAATTIILLEE DDMMMM WWIITTHH LLAARRGGEE DDIISSPPLLAAYY 3 Digit LCD Display Transistor and Diode Tester Data Hold Audible Continuity Test Overload Protection Low Battery Indicator

Pro-50VVEERRSSAATTIILLEE DDMMMM WWIITTHH LLAARRGGEE DDIISSPPLLAAYY 3 3/4 digits LCD, max. reading 3999 Frequency (up to 30 MHz)/ Capacitance (up to 200(F) & Temperature/ Duty cycle; relative measurement

Full Range overload protection Data hold, auto-power off Auto-Ranging Low cost


RS-232C data interface with software and cable include Measures frequency and temperature Data hold, delay hold, Min/Max hold function Memory store Relative measuring mode Audible continuity and diode test Sleep function Auto power-off and preserves the last measured data

Opto-isolation RS-232C series data interface with software and cable

Auto/manual ranging, up to 1000M‡ input impedance of mV range

True RMS Auto data-hold, peak hold, 36-hour recording

of MAX/MIN/AVG/MAX-MIN values Built-in timer. Audible continuity check and diode test. Overload protection and pre-settable

auto-power off

Page 15: Global Specialties Catalog

Accessories and Kits 15

AAddvvaanncceedd FFuunnccttiioonn GGeenneerraattoorr KKiitt -- EEnnggiinneeeerrGSA-3736 GSA-3743

The Kit consists of:1 Black lead, 1 Brown lead, 1 Red lead, 1 Orange lead, 1 Yellow lead, 1 Greenlead, 1 Blue lead 1 Violet lead, 1 Grey lead and 1 White lead. Lead wires 50 cmor approximately 20” long.

Convenient and High Quality Test LeadKit Featuring Cal Test’s MiniPRO Series of Test Clips:

GSA-3185MMiinniiPPRROO™™ TTeesstt CClliipp LLeeaadd KKii tt,, 1100 ppccss..

EEnnhhaanncceedd OOsscc iill lloossccooppee KK iitt -- SSeenniioorr TTeecchhnniicc iiaann

The kit includes 1 each of, 1-meter BNC and 1-meterBNC to IC clips cable assemblies, 1 in-series BNC coaxial adapter, 1 BNCto banana plug adapter, 1 BNC 50Ω terminator, and 1 100 MHz1x/10x/REF passive voltage probe.

Enhanced Interconnection Kit for RF Measurementswith Oscilloscopes:

The kit includes 2, 1-meter BNC cables assemblies, 1, 1-meter BNC toIC clips cable assembly, 2 between- and in-series BNC, N-Type coaxialadapters, 2 BNC to banana plug adapters, 1 BNC 50Ω feed-thru terminator, and 1 BNC 50 Ω attenuator.

Advanced Interconnection Kit for RF Testingwith Function Generators:

The kit includes 1 black, red and green set of 1-meter high-capacity 4mmStacking Banana Plug leads with retractable safety sheaths, 2 sets of 4/6 mmSpade Lugs, 1 set of Extra Large Insulated Alligator Clips, 1, 1-meter BNCcable assembly, and 2 BNC to Banana Plug and Binding Post adapters.

Advanced Interconnection Kit for Testing with PowerSupplies:

AAddvvaanncceedd PPoowweerr SSuuppppllyy KKii tt -- EEnnggiinneeeerrGSA-3376A GSA-2702A

GGeenneerraa ll PPuurrppoossee BBNNCC && NN TTyyppee AAddaapptteerr KK iittEconomical Adapter Accessory Kit for Basic RF Interconnection Needs:

The 12 piece kit, packaged in a convenient foam-lined storage case for easy selectionand use. The kit contains the most com-monly used BNC and N Type adaptersfor everyday testing. All components feature 50 Ω imped-ance, gold plated center contacts, and low VSWRto ensure accurate repeatable measurements.

GSA-3233-100LLeeaadd,, 44mmmm SSttaacckkiinngg PPlluugg SSeett,, 66 CCoolloorrssConvenient Stacking Banana Plug Lead Setfor All Test Bench Hookups:

Model GSA-3233-100 features 6 colored test leads with 4 mm Stacking Banana Plugs on both ends. There is one each of Black, Red, Yellow, Green,Blue and White test lead with flexible PVC lead wire 100 cm (40”) in length.

• Convenient Interconnection Kit• High Quality Components• Works with All Popular Instruments• Gold Plated Contacts• Storage Pouch

• Unique Interconnection Kit• High Quality Components• Frequency up to 1 GHz• Works with All Popular

Instruments• Gold Plated Contacts• Storage Pouch

• High Quality Retractable Sheath Leads

• Large Spade Lug Adapters• 36A Lead Current Capacity• Silicon Jacketed Lead Wires• Coaxial Calibration Cables & Adapters• Storage Case

• BNC & N Type 50Ω Connectors• Gold plated center contacts• Storage case

• High Quality Test Clip Leads• Custom BeCu Contacts, Gold Plated• Highly Stranded Flexible Wire• 10 Leads in 10 Colors• IEC Rating - 33 Vac / 70 Vdc • Voltage - 150 V (non-handheld)• Current - 6 A • CE Mark & RoHS Compliant


• Six Convenient Banana Plug Leads• Standard 4 mm banana plug

contact• Flexible PVC Leads• IEC Rating - 33 Vac / 70 Vdc• Voltage - 1200 V (non-handheld)• Current - 12 A • CE Mark & RoHS Compliant

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For over 35 years, Global Specialties® prototyping & design productshave been the industry’s benchmark for reliability, durability and long life. Because its products are designed to withstand the most demanding environments, you can trust that the genuine Proto-Board® that you purchase from Global Specialties® will last year after year. Global Specialties® backs its commitment to quality by offering the best productwarrantees in the business.

Global Specialties® is proud to offer a complete line of electronic trainingproducts designed to meet a wide range of circuit design applications andcourse instruction. Today, Global is continuing to set the value-standardby offering new products, such as a line of economically-priced solderlessbreadboards, microprocessor trainers and accessories. From its premiumbrand of solderless breadboarding systems, to its line of test & measurement instruments, Global’s innovative products have become astaple for electronic labs worldwide. Please visit Global Specialties® onthe web at for all the latest product information.

About Global Specialties

GGlloobbaa ll SSppeecciiaa lltt iieess®®

CCaallii ffoorrnniiaa22820 Savi Ranch ParkwayYorba Linda, CA 92887

CCoonnnneecctt iiccuutt994 North Colony Road, Unit 305Wallingford, CT 06492

(800) 572-1028(203) 265-9700FAX: (203) 265-9706